Dr335@medschl - Cam.ac - Uk: I Want To Ask For The Questionnaire Document
Dr335@medschl - Cam.ac - Uk: I Want To Ask For The Questionnaire Document
Dr335@medschl - Cam.ac - Uk: I Want To Ask For The Questionnaire Document
Date: 2018-03-23 11:23 GMT+07:00
Subject: Application for Use of Research Instruments (Theory of Planned Behavior-Based
To: dr335@medschl.cam.ac.uk
Dear Sir
2. I will use the surveys only for my research study and will not sell or use it with any
compensated or curriculum development activities
4. I will send a copy of my completed research study to your attention upon completion of the
If these are acceptable terms and conditions, please indicate so by replying to me through e-
mail: senjaputrisia@gmail.com
Undergraduate Student
Senja Putrisia Fajar Eldiningtyas
Validation of a Theory of Planned Behavior-Based Questionnaire to Examine Factors Associated
With Milk Expression
Use of the Theory of Planned Behaviour to assess factors influencing the identification of
students at clinical high-risk for psychosis in 16+ Education