Crameretal 2017 Recoveryrehab Issues
Crameretal 2017 Recoveryrehab Issues
Crameretal 2017 Recoveryrehab Issues
Although numerous therapies have been developed over the from human subjects has emerged regarding mechanisms of
past 10 years to treat acute ischemic stroke, the stark reality recovery from stroke. Together, these efforts inform transla-
remains that only 5% of these patients are so treated in the tion into clinical studies for several classes of therapy, includ-
United States,1 in part, because of treatment window times <3 ing small molecules, growth factors, stem cells, monoclonal
to 6 hours post-onset, and many of these 5% nonetheless have antibodies, brain stimulation, robotics and other devices, cog-
significant long-term disability. Acute treatment options after nitive strategies, intensive training, and telerehabilitation.5,6
hemorrhagic stroke remain limited.2 The majority of patients with stroke survive the initial event
In parallel with efforts to further develop acute stroke but go on to live with significant disability for many years.
interventions, researchers are studying recovery and rehabili- Indeed, there are >7 million stroke survivors in the United
tation treatments, which can have a treatment time window States alone. Thus, research on therapies that improve the
measured in days, weeks, or months poststroke. To achieve quality of life of patients in the chronic phase of stroke is
this goal, therapies aim to maximize function in brain areas critical. Several studies have reported significantly favorable
that survive the stroke or provide compensatory approaches results in this regard, such as with constraint-induced therapy,7
to improve overall function. Strategies targeting recovery locomotor training,8 fluoxetine,9 and L-DOPA (levodopa).10
and rehabilitation must be seen as distinct from acute stroke However, wide-scale adoption remains largely elusive,11 and
therapies, such as reperfusion or neuroprotection, where the recent negative trials12,13 emphasize the need to better under-
strategy is to limit the severity of ischemic injury, including stand recovery/rehabilitation and its treatment.
preserving penumbral tissue and reducing infarct size. Given the burden of stroke on patients in the United
Preclinical and translational research have successfully States, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and
identified numerous molecular and physiological events spon- Stroke (NINDS) formed National Institutes of Health (NIH)
taneously arising in the nervous system during the days-to- StrokeNet,14 recognizing that it is important to maintain a stra-
weeks after an infarct, and, subsequently, potential restorative tegic balance of coordinated studies across research areas in
Received September 30, 2016; final revision received December 14, 2016; accepted January 5, 2017.
From the Departments of Neurology, Anatomy and Neurobiology (S.C.C.), and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (S.C.C.), and the Sue and Bill
Gross Stem Cell Research Center (S.C.C.), University of California, Irvine; Division of Physical Therapy, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Emory
University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA (S.L.W.); Atlanta VA Center for Visual and Neurocognitive Rehabilitation, GA (S.L.W.); Department of
Neurology, University of Iowa, Iowa City (H.P.A.); Extramural Research Program, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda,
MD (D.C.); Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital, Georgetown University, Washington, DC (A.W.D.);
Washington DC VA Medical Center (A.W.D.); Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Cincinnati, OH (K.D.); Data Coordination Unit,
Department of Public Health Sciences, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston (C.E., Y.Y.P.); Department of Neurosurgery, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis (A.G.); Office of Clinical Research, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda, MD (S.J.); Department
of Neurology and Neurological Sciences, Stanford Stroke Center, Stanford University School of Medicine, CA (M.G.L.); Stroke Division, Department of
Neurology, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY (R.M.L.); Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Utah,
Salt Lake City (L.R.); Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL (E.R.); Department
of Neurology, University of Texas, Houston (S.I.S.); Department of Neurology, University of Pittsburgh Medical School, PA (L.R.W.); Neuroradiology
Section, Department of Radiology, Stanford Healthcare and School of Medicine, CA (M.W.); University of Cincinnati Gardner Neuroscience Institute
(J.P.B.) and Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine (J.P.B.), University of Cincinnati, OH.
Guest Editor for this article was Louis Caplan, MD.
Correspondence to Steven C. Cramer, MD, University of California Irvine Medical Center, 200 S Manchester Ave, Suite 206, Orange, CA 92868. E-mail
(Stroke. 2017;48:813-819. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.116.015501.)
© 2017 American Heart Association, Inc.
Stroke is available at DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.116.015501
814 Stroke March 2017
prevention, acute treatment, and recovery/rehabilitation. This organization of care. Patients are first seen in an emergency
article represents the collective thoughts of the NIH StrokeNet room then admitted to an acute care hospital for an average of
Recovery and Rehabilitation Working Group, with the aim to 4 to 5 days; this is followed by admission to an inpatient reha-
elucidate the unique challenges and potential solutions stroke bilitation facility, long-term acute care hospital, skilled nursing
recovery and rehabilitation trials face. The NIH StrokeNet facility, home healthcare, outpatient clinic care, or a combina-
is an open network; trial concepts can be initiated by inves- tion of these sites. The window for many restorative interven-
tigators outside of NIH StrokeNet, and by NIH StrokeNet tions occurs during the subacute (days-to-weeks) and in some
investigators, along with international and private-public cases chronic (months-to-years) phase of stroke, and conse-
partnerships facilitated through this program. Available grant quently these shifts in care delivery can greatly affect essential
targets are listed elsewhere15; phase 2 and 3 trials are encour- recovery/rehabilitation clinical trial operations, such as recruit-
aged. Investigative sites may participate in NIH StrokeNet tri- ment, treatment delivery, and subject retention. Any therapy
als even if not part of NIH StrokeNet. The NIH StrokeNet provided in these settings will be delivered in variable doses by
Recovery and Rehabilitation Working Group is available to various personnel using varying approaches, and so may also
assist investigators in applying to NIH StrokeNet with many confound the effect of an intervention tested in a given trial.
aspects of trial design, as described below, before formal grant A key issue in this context is that the amount of rehabilita-
submission to study section. Engaging this approach enables tion care is often driven by payer rather than clinical needs.
the community of stroke recovery/rehabilitation investigators This critical issue in stroke recovery/rehabilitation research,
to pursue a new and larger opportunity to drive the science and particularly in the United States, is not easily addressed.
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clinical application of recovery after stroke. However, the size of the StrokeNet network might allow inves-
Stroke recovery and rehabilitation trials are not simply acute tigators to select sites in a manner that, in part, addresses this
stroke studies that are initiated at late time points. Instead, the challenge. In acute stroke and prevention trials, differences in
design of recovery and rehabilitation trials must address sev- care delivery may be treated as nuisance variables or simply
eral issues that are not shared with other domains of stroke ignored under the assumption that differences will be equally
research.16,17 For example, recovery and rehabilitation trials distributed across study arms, but in recovery/rehabilitation
may be affected by changes in the primary provider, treatment trials, any such differences may be important and integrally
setting, concomitant therapies, or insurance coverage; the related to the biological mechanism underlying treatment
time required to effect change in the CNS is significantly lon- effects. For example, one repair-based stroke clinical trial
ger than with acute trials; and different end points are needed compared ropinirole+physical therapy with placebo+physical
to capture treatment effects.18 Issues related to clinical trials therapy. The study found that the 2 treatment arms did not
targeting stroke recovery and rehabilitation are considered differ in the behavioral end point (gait velocity), but also
below (Table), along with discussion of how NIH StrokeNet that the amount of outside physiotherapy (ie, physiotherapy
may address these concerns. occurring in parallel with trial participation, but prescribed by
private physicians, outside of trial jurisdiction) differed sig-
Specific Issues for Moving Stroke Recovery nificantly between arms, with placebo receiving nearly double
the amount of outside physiotherapy compared with the active
and Rehabilitation Research Forward
treatment arms.19 As was done in this study, such measures
Variable Patterns of Postacute Stroke Care Delivery can be treated as planned covariates of interest in statistical
In the United States, patients transition through numerous analyses. Substantial data will be needed to potentially change
different care settings during the weeks-to-months after a patterns of postacute stroke care delivery. NIH StrokeNet pro-
stroke. Each new setting brings a change in personnel and in vides stroke recovery and rehabilitation investigators with
Table. Eight Specific Issues to Address to Move Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation Research Forward
Patterns of postacute stroke care delivery are highly variable, and payer rather than clinical needs often drives the amount of rehabilitation care
Acute stroke trials have a time window measured in hours and so recruit patients who have been transported to the research team’s medical center; however,
recovery and rehabilitation trials often have a time window measured in days to months and so need to develop new recruitment strategies
Social and personal factors can have a high impact on stroke recovery in humans, affect pragmatic aspects of subject retention in trials, and are not well modeled
in preclinical research
Behavioral status of potential enrollees changes rapidly for weeks after a stroke, complicating trial design, end point selection, and data analysis
In contrast with acute stroke therapies, such as tissue-type plasminogen activator, where the target is clots and patients need not perform a particular behavior
to derive benefit, many stroke recovery therapies target the brain and so benefit from concomitant behavioral training—the brain circuits galvanized for rewiring
need the right experience to shape them
Recovery and rehabilitation research directly competes with healthcare business practices
Stroke recovery/rehabilitation research must better characterize the most important intersubject differences with respect to treatment responsiveness, and clinical
trials need to incorporate such measures
Well-powered, multisite studies examining psychometric characteristics of recovery biomarkers are needed
National Institutes of Health StrokeNet aims to help address these issues. Stroke recovery and rehabilitation investigators have a major new opportunity to move this
area of clinical science forward.
Cramer et al Recovery and Rehabilitation and the NIH StrokeNet 815
new avenues for addressing such issues, with the potential to stroke, and whose support is often critical to subject reten-
answer questions with greater speed, depth, and efficiency, tion in a trial focused on recovery/rehabilitation. Importantly,
aided by a large network of teams that are organized linearly these societal and personal factors are not easily addressed
across sequential treatment settings. in preclinical laboratory research, although their impact on
human recovery is often substantial.
Subject Recruitment Challenges After These issues are exacerbated by the fact that stroke recovery
Discharge From the Acute Care Setting and rehabilitation trials often involve multiple treatment ses-
Although some studies of stroke recovery therapeutics enroll sions, each requiring a visit to the enrollment site. This issue
patients during the initial days of the acute hospitalization, is encountered much less often in acute stroke studies, which
most studies to date have had a time window of weeks or generally have only a one-time intervention. Consequently,
months poststroke. A time window this broad means that one fundamental issue that affects recovery trials is patient
patients are recruited after hospital discharge, and so such transportation. For example, if there are 2-dozen treatment
trials must devise specific strategies for identifying potential sessions, then there are 2-dozen round trip transportations to
study enrollees. The demands for finding potential enrollees be arranged. The routine of getting ready to leave the home,
in subacute settings, such as skilled nursing facilities, and driving/parking or taking public transportation, and walking/
in chronic settings, such as in the community, are very dif- wheeling to the clinic can last several times longer than the
ferent from those encountered in an acute setting, where the research visit itself. Such issues may seem banal, but the sci-
patients are brought directly to the investigator’s Emergency entific method of research hypothesis testing is, thus, easily
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Department. Furthermore, acute care often takes place at a threatened in stroke recovery/rehabilitation trials by the added
stroke center and is provided by a specific team specializing in requirement that a second person, such as a spouse or child,
cerebrovascular disease. In contrast, after hospital discharge, must be simultaneously available, or that public transporta-
care is provided by a range of clinicians who often are not tion services are functioning normally and that the patient
focused on stroke or stroke research. Also, centers enroll- can reliably use them. Transportation costs are sometimes a
ing in clinical trials may be distant from a patient’s home, leading budget line item in stroke recovery/rehabilitation tri-
limiting interest in participation because of travel time and als. Creative solutions are needed to address problems aris-
inconvenience. Stroke survivors may withdraw from social ing from social/pragmatic factors to enhance enrollment and
participation for numerous reasons and may also be limited participation in recovery clinical trials. NIH StrokeNet has
by stroke-related disabilities. All of these factors reduce the wide-ranging expertise to address such issues; for example, in
likelihood that a person who has returned to the community an ongoing NIH StrokeNet trial,21 satellite treatment sites are
can and will seek out a clinical trial focused on stroke recov- being set up to shorten transportation times.
ery/rehabilitation. Increased coordination across community-
based organizations, such as stroke support groups, might be Behavioral Status Is Changing Every Day
useful to address these issues in chronic settings. At earlier A person’s behavioral state evolves rapidly during the initial
stages poststroke, a focus on patients admitted to an inpatient days and weeks after stroke onset. Thus, for stroke recovery/
rehabilitation facility may help address recruitment issues, rehabilitation trials recruiting during this time period, behav-
and note that many such units participate in NIH StrokeNet. ioral status of subjects at baseline is often evolving and not
Overall, however, a paradigm shift is needed to improve stable. This complicates many aspects of study design, clini-
recruitment into postacute stroke trials.20 The NIH StrokeNet, cal end points, and data analysis. For example, the minimal
being organized across a wide range of acute and chronic set- clinically important difference, the anticipated slope of spon-
tings, is positioned to support new approaches for recruiting taneous behavioral change, and ideal choice of biomarkers all
patients into stroke recovery and rehabilitation trials, includ- change in relation to time poststroke. Recovery/rehabilitation
ing contact and recruitment of potential subjects while they trials might at times consider using longitudinal and latent
are still in the acute hospital and inpatient rehabilitation facil- class modeling to examine the stability of the intervention
ity settings. Another potential future goal for StrokeNet is to over time and impact of incomplete treatment compliance on
strengthen recruitment practices in long-term acute care hos- outcome. Substantial gaps exist in knowledge of how behav-
pitals and skilled nursing facilities that are affiliated with hos- ior, anatomy, and physiology evolve during the days–weeks
pital systems involved with StrokeNet. after stroke in human subjects, yet such information may be
key to optimal design and analysis of stroke recovery/reha-
Subject Retention Challenges and bilitation trials during this critical period. The NIH StrokeNet
Social/Pragmatic Factors network and its studies provide a platform to generate this
A patient’s life can be turned upside down by a stroke. The knowledge and in parallel to pursue new trial designs and sta-
patient trying to understand and reorder his/her life after a tistical approaches that are useful for addressing issues arising
stroke must often deal with a host of social, marital, spiritual, from a nonconstant baseline among study enrollees.6,22
occupational, legal, and fiscal issues, any of which can greatly
affect recruitment and retention in a clinical trial. Similar Importance of Concomitant Activity and Therapy
issues often arise for family members who become caregiv- Reperfusion with intravenous tissue-type plasminogen activa-
ers, whose livelihood influences the patient’s recovery, whose tor is passive because patients need not perform a particular
health is commonly adversely affected by their loved one’s behavior once the drug is infused to insure treatment efficacy.
816 Stroke March 2017
Evidence suggests, however, that many stroke recovery thera- such designs and insure that studies are appropriately pow-
pies do benefit from concomitant behavioral training23—the ered to enable coenrollment given the facility of collaboration
brain circuits galvanized for rewiring need the right experi- between its Recovery/Rehabilitation Working Group, Acute
ence to shape them, akin to normal development. What the Working Group, and Prevention Working Group.
patient does or does not do, and how they are engaged during
the black box between hospital discharge and study follow-up Need to Target Appropriate Patient Subgroups
at day 90 poststroke, may be particularly important for under- Considerable preclinical and clinical evidence indicate that
standing the effects of interventions targeting stroke recovery. recovery/rehabilitation therapies after stroke are generally
New methods for measuring patient activity24 stand to sharpen not a “one size fits all” scenario,29 with large intersubject
the interpretation of clinical trial results. variability present in response to treatment. This variability
Similarly, many patients in recovery/rehabilitation trials stems from three main issues. First, stroke encompasses a
receive concomitant rehabilitation therapy as part of standard broad range of clinical entities, with high variability in fac-
care. Such therapy might directly affect outcome measure tors such as neural injury (eg, stroke mechanism, location,
scores in stroke recovery/rehabilitation trials. The amount and volume, each superimposed on differing degrees of pre-
and the type of standard of care rehabilitation therapy after stroke vascular brain pathology) and clinical factors (eg, age,
stroke are variable,13 and so controlling concomitant therapy sex, depression, and vascular risk factors, such as diabetes
in a clinical trial context is daunting if not unrealistic. As a mellitus). Second, stroke leaves some brains too devastated
result, key strategies revolve around anticipating and mea- to respond to a restorative therapy, and so there is variability
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suring such therapies. A further complication in the United in capacity to respond to treatment. A brain that responds to
States is that the amount and type of rehabilitation care vary a restorative therapy does so by promoting plasticity within
substantially by region and by insurance reimbursement poli- surviving neural elements,23 and so sufficient neural resource
cies. Variability in patient participation also contributes to the must remain in an appropriate functional state for the treat-
lack of uniformity. A data-driven and systematic optimization ment to help.30–34 Third, for studies enrolling participants
of rehabilitation therapy is needed where timing, dosing, and during the initial days–weeks after stroke onset, the effect of
content of rehabilitation treatment are standardized appropri- time is substantial. During this interval, numerous restorative
ately for the billions of dollars spent on stroke rehabilitation.25 events spontaneously occur in the brain, and these evolve day-
In addition to optimizing clinical rehabilitation for patients to-day.3,4 This dynamic affects behavioral recovery and, for
with stroke, such a pathway would facilitate clinical trials of several types of restorative therapy, has also been shown to
restorative treatments and provide a reproducible baseline. affect responsiveness to treatment.35–38 The fact that the same
NIH StrokeNet members with experience integrating issues patient falls within the target subgroup 1 day but might not
related to concomitant therapy into clinical trial design will be thereafter makes design of effective clinical interventions a
able to help investigators address this issue. challenge; this familiar theme in acute stroke medicine is no
less true for many forms of restorative therapy.
Recovery and Rehabilitation Research To be successful, stroke recovery/rehabilitation research
Competes With Healthcare Business must better characterize the most important intersubject dif-
Practices and With Other Stroke Trials ferences with respect to treatment responsiveness, and clini-
Interventions, assessments, and study visits that are part of a cal trials need to incorporate appropriate measures in study
stroke recovery/rehabilitation trial can affect the process of design and data analysis. One strategy is to enroll a carefully
healthcare delivery, depending on the study and its timing targeted select subgroup of patients,30–34 among whom a larger
poststroke. This consideration differs from acute stroke trials, effect size is expected and so ability to detect a true treatment
in which an experimental therapy, delivered during the initial effect is improved; later trials can explore the degree to which
hours after stroke onset, rarely affects the flow of care in a results generalize and the effects of widening the target popu-
substantial way. Thus, recovery/rehabilitation trial processes lation. Furthermore, improved tools are needed to distinguish
can involve patients in ways that affect or even threaten the between spontaneous recovery and effects of an experimental
delivery of standard of care. Furthermore, some rehabilitation treatment, a strategy that would be facilitated by an improved
clinicians might be reluctant to participate in a trial if doing means to accurately predict an individual patient’s outcome
so is perceived as potentially competing with critical clinical in the specific behaviors that comprise end points in recov-
revenue. ery/rehabilitation trials. Additional studies are needed in this
A parallel issue is that at times a patient may be simulta- area, possibly via longitudinal measurements with fine granu-
neously eligible for more than one type of stroke trial, for larity. Biomarkers might be useful for target group selection
example, both an acute and a recovery trial, and so 2 stud- and could be incorporated into trial design, although few
ies might compete for enrolling the same patient. Rather than biomarker validation studies exist in this context. Therefore,
characterizing acute trials as diverting patients from the recov- studies with appropriate size and statistical power are needed
ery pipeline, however, patients may be eligible to coenroll in to validate biomarkers, including with respect to key points
both if this is built into the study design. Practically, this can of variability, such as neural injury and time poststroke (see
be characterized as a factorial-type design,26 and several solu- below). NIH StrokeNet has hundreds of potential research
tions have been proposed in this regard.27,28 NIH StrokeNet participation sites and so provides an unprecedented oppor-
may have advantages for helping investigators to incorporate tunity to perform trials with investigations that address issues
Cramer et al Recovery and Rehabilitation and the NIH StrokeNet 817
related to patient subgroups. Furthermore, investigators within been fostered by NIH.50 In contrast with dichotomization and
the NIH StrokeNet network possess expertise spanning many shift analyses often used in acute stroke study outcome mea-
potentially relevant fields, including genetics, proteomics, sures, many of the more popular choices of outcome measures
bioengineering, and biomechanics; for example, the Imaging are treated as continuous variables, which introduce additional
Group can advise about many forms of neuroimaging.39 Such challenges in design, such as the need to define the minimum
expertise may be incorporated into scientific aims to develop clinically important improvement and the variability of the
and validate best methods for understanding and defining treatment effect. A parallel and equally critical issue is the need
those patient subgroups that are most likely to respond to a to standardize the methods by which outcome measures are
putative restorative/rehabilitation therapy. scored.51,52 One study found that standardized training for the
arm motor Fugl–Meyer scale improved accuracy and reduced
Need to Implement Biomarkers the variance of scoring by 20%, which would decrease sample
A biomarker is an indicator of tissue state, which reflects size requirements from 137 to 88 in a standard clinical trial.53
underlying molecular and cellular events.40–42 Biomarkers
might serve several roles, such as patient selection (eg, by Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation Research
providing a measure of brain function or injury) or treatment Opportunities and the NIH StrokeNet
monitoring (eg, by measuring biological effects of the therapy People disabled by stroke represent a huge opportunity for
being studied). NIH StrokeNet provides an opportunity to NIH and stroke researchers to improve health of patients with
develop, evaluate, and validate biomarkers in the context of stroke globally. There are many promising leads for recov-
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stroke recovery/rehabilitation trials, much as infarct volume ery and rehabilitation treatments that could improve patient
and perfusion measures have been advanced in acute stroke outcomes after stroke. NIH StrokeNet provides a platform to
trials. pursue new trial designs that better reflect the complex inter-
The most favorable approaches to noninvasively captur- ventions studied in many stroke recovery and rehabilitation
ing events underlying stroke recovery in human participants trials.54 The study of several scientific issues, summarized
remain to be determined. As a result, the investigative tools above, stands to improve the ability of clinical trials to test
that are needed to set the stage for optimal therapeutic dis- candidate restorative interventions. Many of these issues are
covery are themselves yet to be determined. There are several not shared by acute stroke or stroke prevention trials and place
promising candidate techniques, such as magnetic resonance emphasis on the need to develop improved infrastructure and
imaging measures of neural injury, including diffusion tensor methods for performing stroke recovery/rehabilitation trials.
imaging, connectivity, and function; electroencephalography The NIH StrokeNet represents a major avenue in this regard.
measures of connectivity; and transcranial magnetic stimula-
tion measures of motor system function.42–46 Well-powered, Sources of Funding
multi-site studies examining psychometric characteristics of The National Institutes of Health (NIH) StrokeNet National Clinical
recovery biomarkers are sorely needed, including those that Coordinating Center is supported by NIH U01NS086872, and
consider critical covariates, such as extent, location, and tim- National Data Management Center is supported by U01NS087748.
ing after stroke. Computed tomographic perfusion imaging Dr Cramer is supported by NIH K24 HD074722.
was virtually unknown when the first intravenous tissue-type
plasminogen activator trial was performed but now is sup- Disclosures
ported by virtually all commercial computed tomographic Dr Cramer has consulted for Dart Neuroscience, MicroTransponder,
scanners, and indeed was central to patient selection in some Roche, and Toyama. Dr Wolf has consulted for MicroTransponder
and currently consults for Enspire. Dr Lansberg has consulted for
recent positive acute reperfusion trials.47 Similarly, if evidence Roche. Dr Richards has received royalties from Medbridge. Dr Savitz
continues to mount that magnetic resonance imaging, electro- is an employee of UT-HEALTH, serves as a site investigator in clini-
encephalography, or transcranial magnetic stimulation adds cal trials run by industry companies (Aldagen, Athersys, Genentech,
value to stroke recovery/rehabilitation trials, support will be Pfizer, and Dart Neuroscience) for which UT-HEALTH receives
payments on the basis of clinical trial contracts; serves as an inves-
needed to insure these techniques are accessible in a standard-
tigator on clinical trials supported by National Institutes of Health
ized fashion at investigative sites across the United States The (NIH) grants, Let’s Cure CP, the TIRR Foundation, and the Cord
NIH StrokeNet is well positioned to achieve this vision and Blood Registry Systems; served as a PI on an NIH-funded grant in
to help standardize biomarkers measurement so that they can basic science research; serves as a consultant to Neuralstem, SanBio,
aid in multi-site clinical trial research and become clinically Mesoblast, ReNeuron, Lumosa, Celgene, Dart Neuroscience, and
Aldagen in which all funding goes to UTHealth; and is the PI of an
imaging analysis center for two clinical trials sponsored by SanBio.
Dr Wechsler has received grant funding and has served as a consultant
Standardize Outcome Measures for SanBio and Athersys. The views expressed herein are solely of the
In stroke recovery and rehabilitation research, there is a lack authors and do not represent the viewpoint of any entity, including the
US government.
of consensus on the best measurements of improvement to use
as definitive outcomes in trials. For example, a recent review
of 477 studies found that 48 different outcome measures were References
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Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation Research: Issues, Opportunities, and the National
Institutes of Health StrokeNet
Steven C. Cramer, Steven L. Wolf, Harold P. Adams Jr, Daofen Chen, Alexander W.
Dromerick, Kari Dunning, Caitlyn Ellerbe, Andrew Grande, Scott Janis, Maarten G. Lansberg,
Ronald M. Lazar, Yuko Y. Palesch, Lorie Richards, Elliot Roth, Sean I. Savitz, Lawrence R.
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