Shah Waliullah was an 18th century Islamic scholar born in Delhi who sought to improve the social, political, and economic conditions of Indian Muslims during a time of instability and decline of the Mughal Empire. He emphasized a return to the original teachings of the Quran to help unite Muslims and reduce sectarianism. Some of his reforms included translating the Quran to Persian to make it more accessible, writing works to explain Islamic principles, and trying to encourage Muslim rulers to protect Muslims from threats like the Marathas. When his letters to rulers proved ineffective, he invited the ruler of Kabul, Ahmed Shah Abdali, to attack India in order to defeat the Marathas, which occurred at the Third Battle of
Shah Waliullah was an 18th century Islamic scholar born in Delhi who sought to improve the social, political, and economic conditions of Indian Muslims during a time of instability and decline of the Mughal Empire. He emphasized a return to the original teachings of the Quran to help unite Muslims and reduce sectarianism. Some of his reforms included translating the Quran to Persian to make it more accessible, writing works to explain Islamic principles, and trying to encourage Muslim rulers to protect Muslims from threats like the Marathas. When his letters to rulers proved ineffective, he invited the ruler of Kabul, Ahmed Shah Abdali, to attack India in order to defeat the Marathas, which occurred at the Third Battle of
Shah Waliullah was an 18th century Islamic scholar born in Delhi who sought to improve the social, political, and economic conditions of Indian Muslims during a time of instability and decline of the Mughal Empire. He emphasized a return to the original teachings of the Quran to help unite Muslims and reduce sectarianism. Some of his reforms included translating the Quran to Persian to make it more accessible, writing works to explain Islamic principles, and trying to encourage Muslim rulers to protect Muslims from threats like the Marathas. When his letters to rulers proved ineffective, he invited the ruler of Kabul, Ahmed Shah Abdali, to attack India in order to defeat the Marathas, which occurred at the Third Battle of
Shah Waliullah was an 18th century Islamic scholar born in Delhi who sought to improve the social, political, and economic conditions of Indian Muslims during a time of instability and decline of the Mughal Empire. He emphasized a return to the original teachings of the Quran to help unite Muslims and reduce sectarianism. Some of his reforms included translating the Quran to Persian to make it more accessible, writing works to explain Islamic principles, and trying to encourage Muslim rulers to protect Muslims from threats like the Marathas. When his letters to rulers proved ineffective, he invited the ruler of Kabul, Ahmed Shah Abdali, to attack India in order to defeat the Marathas, which occurred at the Third Battle of
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Birth & Education: -
Qutub-ud-Din popularly known as Shah Wail Ulla was born in Delhi in 1703. He belonged to arespected family. His father Shah Abdul Rahim founded Madrassa Rahimya and also helped to compiledFatawa-I-Alamgiri a book of Islamic legal text under the direct supervision of Emperor Auragzeb Alamgir. ShahWalliullah received his education from Madrassa Rahimya and also taught there for twelve years. In 1724 hewent to Arabia, he was greatlyinfluenced by the teaching of Abu Tahir bin Ibrahim a well-known scholar of histime. He returned to Delhi in 1732. Political & Social Conditions of India during Shah Waliullahs Time: - The social & political condition of India during Shah Waliullah’s time was extremely bad there waspolitical instability & insecurity of life, property & hanor were not secure as there were a number of disruptiveforces at work in the muslim society. Disintegration of the Mughal empire had set in & the Muslims were splitup among themselves. Taking advantage of this situation of the division of the Indian muslims the neighboringnon-Muslimcommunities like the Marathas, jats & skins were now threatening to overwhelm Dehli & finish theonce mightymughal Empire. Ignorance about quran and sunnah. B/C Hindusand muslim live togetter. Social Conditions: - As far as the social condition of the Indian Muslims was concerned, theywere divided among differentreligious groups & there was a constant trouble between the Shia & Sunni sects, which was a serious threat toMuslim society. More over after the death of Aurangzeb the Mughal Empire began to crack and crumblebecause of the incapable successors.In 1793 Nadir Shah attacked Delhi. The result of this plunder was that the Muslims suffered the most, the infidels gained strength & as the attack has weakened the power to Delhi the neighboring non -Muslim attacked one by one. After Nadir Shah’s attack, Delhi was attacked, by Jats, who not only plundered Delhi but took away whatever they could lay their hands on. After sometime the Marathas & Sikhs also attacked Delhi &thus the conditions of Muslims in Delhi became worse Loss of power also caused economic suppression, sectarian differences and social degradation among the Muslims. Shah Wail Ulla appeared in his crucial period & exerted to make the Islamic regime independent of all these props. His services in the religious, political & economic fields for the above cause are discussed below: - Educational Services: - Shah Waliullah believed that many of the problems Muslims faced was due to their ignorance about slam & the Holy Quran. He felt that an emphasis on Quran teachings would not only improve their knowledge, but it would also reduce the sectarian differences & create a feeling of unity. Shah Wail Ulla worked hard to ensure that he was a role model for other Muslims His deep understanding of the Holy Quran,Hadith, Fiqah and Tasawuf made him highly knowledgeablescholar at an earlyage.As Arabic was not widely understood by the Indian Muslims, thus the average Muslims derived hisknowledge fromthe teaching of MuslimJurists.A. Translation of Holy Quran Shah Wail Ulla recognized that the principles of Islam could not befollowed properly unless the Holy Quran itself was understood. As the Indian Muslims did not understand the Holy Quran in Arabic since it was not their language thus Shah Waliullah translated theHoly Quran into Persian, which was the main language of the Indian Muslims of that time. The Ulemacriticized Shah Wail Ulla, but his work proved very popular Later his two sons, Shah Abdul Qadirand Shah Rafi translated the Holy Quran into Urdu, which meant that manymore people could studyit.B. Hijatul-Balighah in this book, Shah Waliullah discussed at length the principle & fundamentals of Islam. In this he explained the methods of changing the muslim society into a real Muslim society. Headvises the Indian Muslims to act upon the teachings of Holy Quran & asked them to forget their differences & unite. Izalat-al-Akhfa is another renowned book of Shah Waliullah in which he has written the explanationof the Holy Quran. Shah Waliullah wrote extensively on hadis & Fiqah. He altogether wrote 51 books,out of which 23 are in Arabic & 28 are in Persian.D. End of the Shia-Sunni Rivalry: - Shah Waliullah very firmly rejected the belief of some Sunnis that theShias were not Muslims. He tried to bridge this difference opionion by writing an account of the firstfour Khalifas of Islamin a waythat should acceptable to both the sects. His Political Services: - The political conditions of the Mughal Empire were in a bad state. The Mughal rulers had become lazy& ease loving & the officers had become totallycorrupt.A. His Letters to the Kings & Nawabs For the Protection Of Indian Muslims: The Marhatas were a permanent threat for the Mughals. They had killed many Muslims & had destroyedtheir lands & fields. The Muslim Kings, Nawabs & Knights were leading lives of ease & did not care fortheir people. The Mughal rule was shaking & was on the verge of decline. Shah Waliullah wanted to savethe Muslims from these loot & plunder. He wanted that the Muslims should lead peaceful lives & for thispurpose he wrote letters to the kings & Nawabs but in vain.B. His invitation to Ahmed Shah Abduli to Attack Indian: when his efforts of writing to the Muslimkings & Nawab resulted in nothing their finally. Shah Waliullah invited Ahmed Shah Abdali to attack India. In his letter Shah Waliullah encouraged Ahmed Shah & pleased him to launch an attack, as it was theonlywayleft to save the Muslims of India.In his letter to Ahmed Shah, he explained the geographical situation of India & the economic condition of the people & also the militarystrength of the enemies.Due to his effort, Ahmed Shah Abdali the ruler of Kabul combined his forces with Najib-ud-Dullah theleader of Rohillas & attacked India in 1761. This battle, which was also known as 3rd Battle of Panipat.Ahmed Shah Abdali defeated the Marhatas & crushed their power. But due to the lazy & ease -lovingattitude of the Mughal rulers, the Muslims could not avail this golden opportunity of the conditions createdbyShah Waliullah. However he was able to arouse the consciousnessof the Muslims of India. His Economic Services: - Shah Waliullah was very concerned about the economic co nditions of the Indian Muslims. Herequested the workers to work for more hours & spend less. He laid great stress on Adi & Tawazen that isJustice & Equilibrium. He stressed labour; peasants & craftsmen should be justly rewarded. He also urged thetraders & businessmen to adopt a fair system of trading & making money. His Death: - Shah Waliullah was laid to rest in 1762, happy to saw the defeats of the Marhatas by Ahmed ShahAbdali but disappointed that Ahmed Shah did not stay back in India. His sons & followers ably continued hiswork. Under his successors the Madrassa-I-Rahimyaalso continued to flourish.