Society Memberships
4/94 - 6/97 President, 1997 Class of Medicine, SUNY Health Science Center, Brooklyn
6/96 - 6/97 President, Student Center Governing Board
6/96 - 6/97 Chairperson, Liaison Committee on Medical Education Student Council
6/97 Jennifer Timbrook Memorial Award for Student Service
6/98 “Intern of the Year”, Maimonides Medical Center
9/03 Recipient of National Science Foundation trainee conference scholarship
for IX Oxford Conference
Grand Rounds
Invited Lectures
Meetings Attended
Postgraduate Assembly, New York City, December 1997
Cleveland Clinic Symposium on Pain Management, Key West, February 1999
Midwest Anesthesia Residents Conference, Milwaukee, March 2001
Society of Obstetrical Anesthesia and Perinatalogy, San Diego April 2001
ASA, New Orleans October 2001
ASA, Orlando October 2002
AUA, Milwaukee May 2003
IX Oxford Conference, Paris September 2003
ASA, San Francisco October 2003
ASA, Las Vegas October 2004
Sleep, Annual Meeting of AASM, June 2006
ASA, Chicago October 2006
ACG, Philadelphia 2007
WCA, Cape Town 2008
SEA, Miami 2008
2007 - 2009
Year 2 Case Seminars – Facilitator for this 2 hour/week small group discussion that is
spread over seven weeks. This seminar is meant “to take basic science materials from
the first two years and place them in a clinical decision-making format.”
2008 - 2009
Clinical Practice Essays in Year 2 Case Seminars – Faculty advisor for this seminar that
is modeled after the Clinical Practice feature in the New England Journal of Medicine, this
seminar gives the students an opportunity to combine the basic science they have
learned, accessing the literature and creating a logical clinical discussion. The student
develops an understanding of the disease and its management through researching and
writing the essay – which is graded by the faculty mentor.
2007 – 2008
Comprehensive Assessments, second year medical students – Oral examiner and video
reviewer for this exercise which involves medical students engaging in history and
physical examination skill assessment with standardized patients.
Resident Lectures
2004 – present Pulmonary function tests (30 minute didactic)
2004 – present Pregnancy-induced hypertension and pre-eclampsia (30 minute didactic)
2004 – 2007 Post-dural puncture headache(30 minute didactic)
2005 – present Sleep Apnea and Anesthesia(30 minute didactic)
2008 – present Anesthetic Implications of Renal and Hepatic Disease (one hour didactic)
2009 – present Inhaled Anesthetics (one hour didactic)
2009 - Epidural Complications – the question of minimum platelet count (Team-
Based Learning, 1.5 hour workshop)
2009 – present Peri-Op Guidelines for OSA patients – Let’s Play MadLibs (Team Based
Learning, 1.5 hour workshop)
Student Mentorship
Scott Van Valkenburg (Undergraduate UR, 2004)
Anahat Dhillon (UR Med, 2002)
Cheri Camacho (UR Med, 2006)
Emmett Whitaker (UR Med, 2006)
Eric Robbins (Undergraduate, SUNY Albany 2004)
Owen Halloran (UR Med 2005)
Ori Rackovsky (YU 2006)
Jennifer Karnes (Honeoye Falls-Lima High School, Rochester, 2005)
William Sauer (UR med 2010)
Honeoye Falls
Emily Redman
Elia Rackovsky (T.I.U.N.Y. 2006 – High School Graduation through 2009)
06/08 – 12/09 Upper Airway Muscle Physical Therapy Funded by the CTSI Grant for
Collaborative Research
Principal Investigator: Suzanne Karan, MD
03/06 – 03/08 Sedation in patients at risk for sleep-induced upper airway collapse.
Funded by Clinical Research Feasibility Funds (CReFF) Award ($20,000
for one year)
Principal Investigator: Suzanne Karan, M.D.
01/01 – 10/02 Control of ventilation during hypoxia: dopamine to suppress the carotid
bodies and midazolam to potentiate central depression
Principal Investigator: Denham Ward, M.D., and Ph.D.
7/89 – 1/90 Research Assistant for Arnold Strashun, M.D., Nuclear Medicine
State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn
Studied regional blood flow in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients using a
SPECT scan.
Medical Community Activities
Guest Editorships
Karan SB, Perlis M, Ward D. Anesthesia and Sleep Medicine: An Opportunity to be Mutually
Informative? Seminars in Anesthesia, Perioperative Medicine and Pain (2007) 26; 42-48
Ward DS, Voter WA, Karan S. The Effects of Hypo- and Hyperglycaemia on the Hypoxic
Ventilatory Response in Humans. The Journal of Physiology 582 (2), 859–869.
Norton JR, Ward DS, Karan S, Voter WA, Palmer L, Varlese A, Rachovsky O, Bailey P.
Differences between Midazolam and Propofol Sedation on Upper Airway Collapsibility Using
Dynamic Negative Airway Pressure. Anesthesiology. 104(6):1155-64, 2006 Jun
Kaplan MB, Hagberg CA, Ward DS, Brambrink A, Chhibber A, Heidegger T, Lozada L,
Ovassapian A, Parsons D, RamsayJ, Wilhelm W, Zwissler B, Gerig HJ, Hofstetter C, Karan S,
Kreisler N, Pousman RM, Thierbach A, Wrobel M and Berci G. Comparison of direct and video-
assisted views of the larynx during routine intubation. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 18(5):357-6,
Karan S, Voter W, Palmer L, Ward DS. Effects of pain and audiovisual stimulation on the opioid-
induced depression of the hypoxic ventilatory response. Anesthesiology. 103(2):384-90, 2005
Karan SB. Norton JR. Voter W. Palmer L. Ward DS. Effects of pain and audiovisual stimulation
on the hypoxic ventilatory response. Advances in Experimental Medicine & Biology. 551:275-9,
Karan SB, Norton JR, Voter W, Palmer L, Ward DS. Effects of Pain and Audiovisual Stimulation
on the Hypoxic Ventilatory Response, in: Post-Genomic Perspectives in Modeling and Control of
Breathing (Volume 551, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology), Champagnat J,
Denavit-Saubie M, Fortin G, Foutz AS, Thoby-Brisson M, Eds., Kluwer Academic/Plenum
Publishers, New York, 2004.
Karan S, Ward DS. Carcinoid Syndrome, in: Decision Making in Anesthesiology: An Algorithmic
Approach. (in press)
Karan S, Bailey PL: Update and review of moderate and deep sedation. GastroIntestinal
Endoscopy Clinics of North America 14(2004) 289-312.
Karan SB, Bailey PL: Practical Aspects of Sedation and Analgesia: The Anesthesiologist’s
Perspective. Techniques in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 6(2) 46-54, April 2004.
Bailey P, Norton JR, Karan SB. The FDA droperidol warning: Is it justified? Anesthesiology
97(1): 288-9, 2002.
Ward DS, Karan S. Effects of pain and arousal on the control of breathing. J Anesth 16:216-221, 2002.
Karan S, Norton R, Chhibber A, Kaplan M, Ward D. Improved laryngoscopic view with the video-
Macintosh laryngoscope. ASA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Equipment, Monitoring, and
Engineering Technology. 97(3A): A564, 2002
Karan SB, Ward DS, Bailey P, Norton R, Voter W. Effects of pain and audiovisual stimulation on
the hypoxic ventilatory response. ASA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Respiration. 99(3A):A1532,
Norton R, Karan S, Ward D, Palmer L, Bailey P. The effects of gender and hypoxia on upper
airway obstruction under propofol or midazolam sedation using dynamic negative airway
pressure. ASA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Respiration. 99(3A):A1536, 2003
Karan SB, Ward DS, Voter W, Palmer LS. The effect of pain and audiovisual stimulation on the
opioid-induced depression of the acute hypoxic ventilatory response. ASA Annual Meeting
Abstracts. Clinical Neurosciences. 101(3A):A359, 2004
Semien GA, Palmer L, Voter W, Karan S, Ward D. The effect of a 4-hour dopamine infusion on
the hypoxic ventilatory response. ASA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Respiration. 101(3A):A1545,
Karan SB, Perlis ML, Voter W, Palmer LS, Ward DS. Validation of a method to produce sedation
induced upper airway obstruction. ASA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Respiration. A1556, 2006
Karan SB, Voter W, Shah A, Sauer W, Ward DS. Predicting Sedation Induced Respiratory
Compromise During Colonoscopy. The American College of Gastroenterology Annual Scientific
Meeting Abstract. Endoscopy 2007.
Karan SB, Perlis ML, Voter W, Sauer W, Howard E, Cutter A, Donahue S, Ward DS. Sedation
Related Respiratory Events In Patients With OSA. SLEEP 2008 22 Annual Meeting of the
Associated Professional Sleep Societies, LLC, June 7-12, Baltimore, Maryland.