Shoreland Guide For St. Louis County, MN

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The guide provides information on purchasing shoreland property, identifying different shoreland areas, protection methods for shorelands, zoning requirements, and permits needed for development.

The guide mentions shoreland areas, bluffs, setbacks, impact zones and impact sensitive areas.

Some of the protection methods mentioned include vegetation removal standards, governmental enforcement programs and maintaining a vegetative buffer.

shoreland guide

F O R S T. LO U I S C O U N T Y, M N

A comprehensive property owner’s Guide

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s h or e l a n d g ui d e
a comprehensive property owner’s guide

Planning and Development Department

St. Louis County

This guide is intended to provide general guidance for developing shoreland property.
Each project may have special circumstances that require additional planning. Contact the
St. Louis County Planning and Development Department for more information.

Obtaining the Guide:

Copies of this guide are available at no cost to all residents. Requests for large numbers of
guides should be directed to St. Louis County Planning and Development. Large requests
may be charged a minimal fee to cover printing and reproduction.

This project was funded in part by:

Coastal Zone Management Act

NOAA’s Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, in cooperation with

Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program.

Produced by:
St. Louis County Planning and Development Department
100 Missabe Building
227 West First Street
Duluth, MN 55802
(218) 725 - 5000
Toll Free Minnesota 1 - 800 - 450 - 9777
Revised 2 - 2010

St. Louis County, MN 2 Shoreland Guide

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table of contents

Overview of Shoreland Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4 General Setbacks and Standards. . . . . . . . . . . . page 17
Tips for using this Guide General Setbacks
Zoning Ordinance Road Setbacks
Comprehensive Land Use Plan Dimensional Standards

Successful parcel Development District Zoning

Purchasing Shoreland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5 Land Use Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 18
Things to Consider Lakeshore Commercial Overlay (LCO)
Checklist for Purchasing Shoreland Property Residential (RES)
Shoreland Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6 Land Use Terms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 19
Sustainable Ecosystems Land Use Standards
Limited Industrial Use (LIU)
Shoreland Protection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 7 Forest Agricultural Management (FAM)
Protection Methods
Vegetative Removal Standards Sensitive (SENS)
Governmental Enforcement Programs Lake Superior Overlay (LSO)
Shoreland Mixed Use (SMU)
Identifying the Shoreland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 8
Shoreland Areas
Bluffs wetlands
Setbacks and Impact Zones Characteristics and Impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 21

Impact Sensitive Areas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 9 Sequencing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 22

Bluff Characteristics and Standards
Vegetative Buffer Classify and Identify . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 23
Floodplain Forests
Obtaining Further Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 10 Seasonally Saturated Basins
Legal Information Open Waters
Splitting and Consolidating Parcels Open Coniferous Bog
Nonconforming Lots of Record
Other Shoreland Contacts Classify and Identify . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 24
Shrub Carr
Hardwood-Coniferous Swamp
Zoning Wetland Plants
Jurisdiction and Zoning Districts. . . . . . . . . . . . page 11

Lot Design and Landscaping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12 Structure standards

Principal & Accessory Structures. . . . . . . . . . . . page 25
Building or Remodeling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 13 Structure Standards
Homes & Cabins
Roads & Land Alterations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 14 Decks & Platforms
Driveway access
Parking Accessory Structures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 26
Shoreland Alterations Garages & Pole Buildings
Obtaining Permits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 15 Boat Houses
Contact Information Gazebos and Screen Houses
Permits Saunas
Land Use Permits Storage & Fish Cleaning Buildings
Conditional Use Permits
Sewage Treatment Systems Septics, Wells & Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 27
Utilities Sewage Treatment Systems
Wells and Safe Water
Permit Sketches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 16 Other Utilities
Drawing Your Sketch
Sketch Examples

de Shoreland Guide 3 St. Louis County, MN

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about the shoreland guide

Keys to successful
shoreland devel-

• Follow the directions in

this guide and keep it for a
• Keep good records of your
property, including extended
plans and ideas and refer
to them when you make
improvements or changes
• Know your property’s
boundaries and make sure to
maintain its markers
• Check to see if permits are
required before you start a Guide overview
project This guide provides easy to understand informa- The governing principles and docu-
• Know who administers your tion about sustainable shoreland practices which ments
zoning improve management of St. Louis County’s lakes The St. Louis County Zoning Ordinance is a legal
• Know the zoning restrictions of and rivers. document adopted by the county within the regu-
the property, if they have been lations and standards set by the State of Minne-
updated, and if there are added Who it is designed for sota. The zoning ordinance divides the land into
restrictions to your lakeshore, This shoreland guide is designed to be used by St. land use zones and applies regulations for permit-
rivers, wetlands, or bluffs Louis County property owners, contractors and ted use of the land and the placement of all struc-
• Know your watershed and be professional associates as a reference to develop tures. The ordinance is intended to encourage the
aware of storm water runoff and maintain shoreland property. The Shoreland most appropriate use of land and to recognize and
on your property Guide offers an effective, low cost means to reach preserve the economic and environmental values
• Take an active part in your people who make the everyday decisions that im- of all lands within the county.
community’s comprehensive pact our lakes and rivers.
land development and This guide is also directed toward shoreland stew- The St. Louis County Comprehensive Land Use
planning ards who have an interest in county lakes and riv- Plan pertains to the policies and interrelated plans
ers, including resource managers, educators, and for private and public land use, transportation,
volunteers. and community facilities.
The standards in this guide are in accordance with
the regulations in the St. Louis County Zoning Or-
dinance and Comprehensive Land Use Plan. These
regulations have been developed and revised by
government bodies to reduce negative impacts
on the environment while allowing for develop-
ment and economic growth.

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successful parcel development
purchasing shoreland

Check list for purchasing

Undeveloped land:
ˆˆ Is your intended use permitted
in the land use district?
(land use descriptions can be
found on pages 18 - 20)
ˆˆ Do you know where the
property lines are? (See page
10 for further information)
ˆˆ Is the site compatible with
your intended use?
(Remember to check the avail-
ability of utilities, legal road
access, soil type, setbacks and
Purchasing shoreland zoning standards.)
The purchase and development of property is of- Land surfaces and elevations: Be aware of ˆˆ Are there activities present or
ten one of the biggest investments in a person’s flood plains, high water levels, bedrock and bluffs. allowed in the area that may
life, and there are many considerations. Know the required setbacks for these features and be undesirable to you?
Desired use of the property: The first and if they will impact a planned building site, a base- (gravel pits, dog kennels,
most important consideration is the desired use of ment, or a sewage treatment system. dusty roads)
the shoreland property. Will it be a wilderness re- Soil conditions: The soils should be suitable ˆˆ Is the road owned and
treat to get away, or a friendly rural neighborhood for the desired use. Wet soils, shallow bedrock or maintained by a government
to enjoy nature and water related activities? Think- clay soils are generally unsuitable for the water agency?
ing this through will save many frustrations. It is a absorption required in sewage treatment systems,
good idea to spend time in the area and to gather and can make building construction difficult. Fill
information about the water body and surround- that is added to wetlands is regulated by the DNR,
ing resources. Various government agencies, in- County, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The cost
cluding state, county, and local government can and questionable outcome of trying to develop in
provide such information. these areas may not be worth the effort.
Property Zoning: Before shoreland property Vegetation: Plants are part of the aesthetic and check list For purchasing
is purchased, a prospective owner should confirm ecological value of shoreland property. Local zon- developed land:
it is zoned for the desired use, whether that is a ing ordinances regulate the amount of vegetation
seasonal cabin, year round home, resort or ma- that can be removed along the shoreline. Tilling is ˆˆ Are the improvements you
rina. not allowed unless it is under an approved con- have planned within the
Lot size: The lot should be large enough to ac- servation plan. If a sandy swimming beach is a standards set in the zoning
commodate the desired use and that use should desired feature, you should look for a parcel that ordinance?
comply with the local zoning requirements. Lots already has one. ˆˆ Has there been a sewage
that have been created before the standards Wetlands: There are many types of wetlands treatment system inspection
took effect are legal to buy and sell, but may be that perform different, valuable functions. They and water quality test?
too small to accommodate a building or sewage also have different standards of protection from ˆˆ Do you know the utility and
treatment system. alteration and use. Contact the Planning and De- property tax costs for the prior
Lot shape: Although the size of the parcel may velopment Department to identify these areas. two years?
meet zoning requirements, the shape can re- Utilities: Find out what utilities are available at ˆˆ Have you met the new
strict the use and location of the structures. Some the property and building site. neighbors?
shapes may make it impossible to meet require- Hidden and “Other” costs: Consider some
ments such as setbacks and sewage treatment of the sometimes “hidden” costs, such as building
systems. and maintaining (including snow removal) a road
Setbacks: When choosing property, be aware of to the site, drilling a well, bussing and distance to
the standard setbacks and plan accordingly. school districts, and closest conveniences.

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successful parcel development
shoreland benefits

Unsustainable shoreland ecosystem Sustainable shoreland ecosystem

does not promote a healthy community, promotes a healthy community,
environment, and economy. environment, and economy.

sewage system
Sewage system
• Sewage
standards • No erosion • Dwelling
• House too control • Fertilizer on is screened
close to bluff • Runoff waste shoreline from lake
causing • Impervious • Artificial • Polluted • Dock and • Filter strip • Runoff and
• Ground water plants leach • Aquatic pollutants • Standard
erosion and pollutants surface stairway help keeps
into lake, beach water life and shoreline filtered and setbacks
lack of water contributing stimulating allows no destroys • No healthy avoid impact,
filtration of stable, absorbed by respected
filtration to the lake, excess natural aquatic water enjoyed by filter strip
water swimmers healthy • Sufficient
contaminating algae habitat life
• Vegetation not and boaters and scenic sewage
water • Excess except
Animals maintained algae system

Guides are available on Understanding shoreland

BMP’s, including the following benefits Best Management Practices (BMPs):
Over time, the waterfront environment has devel-
subjects. Contact the Minnesota
oped a natural, delicate balance between water, BMPs have been established for nearly
Extension Service. (See p. 10 for
contact information.) land, vegetation, and wildlife. This balance can all activities that have potential impact
• Beaches, Boating and Fishing, easily be disrupted by humans who rearrange,
Camping, Off-road Vehicles, pollute or destroy any component of this equi- to the shoreland. Voluntary compliance
Preventing Introduction of Exotic librium. Shoreland property owners have the
privilege and the responsibility to preserve and
with BMP’s, in addition to the setbacks, lot
• Building near the shore, Docks, develop their land in harmony with the natural sizes, and other requirements mandated
environment. Owners can maintain a high quality
Decks and Accesses, Landscaping
and sustainable relationship with their environ- by local zoning, will help achieve a healthy
• Trees, Vegetation, Filter Strips, ment. shoreland area.
Wetlands, Timber Harvesting,
Wood Lots, Lawns and Gardens, benefits of a protected Shoreland
Yard Waste Protecting your shoreland includes the following •  Development that follows established best man-
• Animals, Farming and Crops, features and benefits: agement practices and land use standards mini-
Pesticides and Fertilizers, •  Undisturbed vegetative strips along all the mizes negative effects on the natural environ-
Encouraging Wildlife shoreline reduces and slows runoff and filters the ment.
• Septic Systems, Safe Water remaining runoff. •  Sustainable outdoor recreational pursuits allow
Supplies, Hazardous Household •  Healthy wetland complexes contribute to good people to enjoy the outdoors without damaging
Products water quality. the environment.
• Preventing Erosion, Minimizing •  Floodplains absorb storm water runoff, maintain •  An untouched or “natural” look to landscaping
Runoff, Construction Activities, water quality, secure vegetative diversity, pro- sustains scenic value and visual quality.
Developing Landscapes, vide wildlife habitat, and contribute aesthetic
Alterations and Roads qualities.
•  Diverse plant communities and healthy aquatic
and upland habitats result from sensitive devel-
opmental plans.

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successful parcel development
shoreland protection

protecting the shoreland

Activities that focus on the waterfront are pri-
mary reasons people choose to live by a lake or
river. Sustainable shoreland ecosystems promote
a healthy community, environment, and econo-
my by protecting the water quality, the natural
resources, and the shoreline quality.
Water quality protection
Water quality is protected by implementing these
Best Management Practices:
•  Follow land use standards impacting the water-
•  Plant and maintain healthy vegetative buffer Original Allowed: Not Allowed:
along the shoreline. vegetation 25% of vegetation 25% of vegetation
•  Maintain wetlands. removed evenly removed as a clearcut
Natural resource protection and bal- across impact zone opening, and all in front
anced land use of house
m Creation of healthy communities where people
work and live together balanced by protected
natural resources includes:
•  Preservation of natural vegetation and habitats.
•  Implementation of established best manage-
ment practices. Vegetative removal standards State standards
•  Integration of commercial developments into The removal of natural vegetation within the The Department of Natural
the environment in ways that minimize negative shore and bluff impact zones should be limited Resources prepares minimum
effects on the natural environment. to the following: statewide development standards
shoreline protection A. The removal of dead, diseased, dangerous, for shoreland, floodplain, and wild
Shorelines are vulnerable to impact and are vital and storm or fire damaged trees, shrubs, and scenic river areas.
to water quality. The entire shoreland benefits by and plants. The Shoreland Management
protecting the shoreline in the following ways: B. The trimming and pruning of trees, shrubs Program provides orderly de-
and plants. velopment of the shoreland and
Vegetative Screening: See standards on the protects lakes and rivers from pol-
right. C. The removal of 25% of trees (greater than
two inches in diameter at breast height), lution by individual sewage treat-
Structures: Design structures to be eco-sensitive, shrubs and plants. ment systems and other non-point
since buildings often make the most dramatic D. Authorized removal of trees, shrubs and sources.
change to the appearance of the shore. plants should not be done with heavy The Floodplain Management
Size: Minimize the overall size of any structure and equipment. Program is intended to mini-
the profile facing the water. mize the threat to life and prop-
Exemption to Vegetative Removal erty resulting from flooding. This
Building Materials: Select materials that are nat- Standards program restricts development in
ural or have a natural appearance. Removal in excess of 25% of existing vegetation floodplains by preventing struc-
Color: Select earth tones for your structure color is allowed, with approval, under the following tures from being built at too low
to blend in with the surroundings. Flowers and conditions: an elevation in areas that have a
vegetation hues provide good accent colors. A. The vegetation removed is replaced with high risk of flooding. It also con-
other plants that have similar or more ben- trols encroachment so that the
Accessory Structures: If an accessory structure is eficial shoreland values (ecological, erosion
needed, build only one. floodplain’s capacity to hold flood
preventive, and screening) than previously water will not be reduced, causing
Docks and Boat Storage: If these structures are existed. flooding to properly located areas.
necessary, limit their impact by keeping the size to B. The vegetation removed is part of a forest The Wild and Scenic Rivers
minimum standards and designing them to blend management activity or timber producing Program is a program intended
in with the shoreline. area and will not to be converted to other to preserve and protect rivers with
Shoreline Alteration: Any shoreline alteration more intensive use. outstanding scenic, recreational,
should be carefully considered, well designed, natural, historical, and scientific
and approved by the Planning and Development values.

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successful parcel development
identifying the shoreland

glossary: Shoreland is identified as
Shoreland Area: The land locat- the land located within a
ed within a set distance of public distance of public waters
waters as follows: 1,000 feet from as follows: 1,000 feet from
lake or flowage; 300 feet from river Shoreland Area
a lake, pond, or flowage;
or stream. 300 feet from a river or Shoreline
OHWL: Ordinary High Water Level. Setback River Corridor
Typically the level where the wa-
ter is highest during an average
spring thaw. Ordinary High
Shoreline Setback: A set dis- Water Level
tance from the shoreline that (OHWL)
restricts development between it Identifying Shore- River/Stream

and the shoreline, or OHWL. land Areas: Identifica- Lake

Shore Impact Zone: Measured tion of shoreland areas Shore
standard distance landward from includes the Ordinary Impact
the Ordinary High Water Level of High Water Level (OHWL), Zone
general development and recre- the shore impact zone,
ational development lakes. the shoreline setback, house

Bluff Impact Zone: Typically in- and the river corridor.

cludes the bluff, or steeply sloped
area, plus 20 feet out from it.
River Corridor: Measured stan- Shoreland
dard distance landward from the video
available on this subject
ordinary high water level of rivers.

Q. I have a land use question I’d

like to ask the Planning & Develop-
ment Department. What informa-
tion might the county ask me for? River Corridor Width shoreland setback & impact zone
A. Your parcel ID number and your Vermilion River 500’
property address. River, Lake or stream SHORE shore
St. Louis, Cloquet, 1/4 mile: Remote, Rural Agriculture, Rec- SETBACK impact
Whiteface reational River Classes zone
1/2 mile: Primitive Class
Natural Environmental Lakes 150’ 75’
All Other River Class- 300’
es Recreational Development Lakes 100’ 50’
In some areas, concerned citizens
and/or lake associations have in- General Development Lakes* 75’ 50’
formally established restrictions river DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS:
for recreational use of surface (Includes dimensions for land immediately adjacent to 300’ Mine Pit Lakes 150’ 75’
water. Some of these, such as “no shoreland river districts) Trout Streams 150’ 75’
wake “ zones, are intended to help River Dimensional district*
protect water quality. Others are DNR Remote Rivers 200’ 100’
more social and are designed to Vermilion River Remote 4a Forest Rivers 150’ 75’
enhance community enjoyment, Vermilion River Forested 5
such as noise reductions, curfews, SLC Primitive 300’ 150’
etc. Check with your lake or prop- St. Louis County Primitive 1a SLC Remote Rivers 200’ 150’
erty owners’ association for infor- Primitive
Remote 2 SLC Urban 100’ 75’
mation on such regulations.
Rural Agri- 3a Rural Agricultural Rivers 200’ 150’
Recreation 150’ 75’
Recreation 4
All other Protected Lakes and Rivers 100’ 75’
* See Dimensional Standards graph on page 17 for correlating
dimensional standards for your district. *May be reduced to 37.5’ with performance standards

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successful parcel development
impact sensitive areas

20’ 60’ 15’ 15’ 60’ 20

cropland runoff managed undisturbed stream bottom undisturbed managed forest runoff pasture
control forest forest forest control
Sediment, Concen- Plants filter, Maturing trees Debris stabilizes creek bottom, Tree removal is Periodic harvesting is Controlled Watering
fertilizer and trated flows enrich, use stabilize bank, releases nutrients and provide generally not necessary to remove grazing or facilities
pesticides are converted and modify the provide detritus shelter and cool shade for permitted in this nutrients sequestered haying can and live-
are carefully to dispersed sediments and to stream and aquatic dwellers. zone. in them and to main- be permit- stock are
managed. flows. chemicals in lower its water tain nutrient uptake ted under kept out of
runoff water. temp. through vigorous tree certain the Ripar-
growth. conditions. ian Zone.
Vegetative buffers next to water bodies are impact sensitive areas.

Impact Sensitive Areas

These areas have more restrictive standards due The bluff impact zone: This area includes the
to their sensitivity to impact and their value to the bluff plus the land located within 20 feet from
ecosystem. the top of the bluff (away from the shore).
Vegetative buffers: Consideration is given Shallow soil bluff standards: Apply to bluffs
to the vegetative buffer strip along rivers, streams where the soil depth over the ledge rock aver-
and lakes because their presence shelters, or buf- ages 24 inches or less. 150% of structure setback
fers these areas and the waters from the surround- requirements with following conditions:
ing impact.
•  Suitable area for sewage available.
•  Erosion control standards followed.
Bluffs: Consideration is given •  Shore impact zone shall be 1/2 the new struc-
to the bluff area because of their Shoreland
ture setback.
vulnerability to erosion through video •  Structures may be placed within standards if all
runoff. available on this subject the following conditions are met:
Characteristics of a bluff are: a. Approved sewage treatment and expansion
•  Land slopes toward water. area exists.
•  Elevation rises a minimum of 25 feet above b. Sufficient screening and vegetative filter strip
OHWL. exists.
•  Land has a slope of 30% but does not include a c. Erosion control standards consistent with Soil
break in slope, where the slope is less than 18% and Water Conservation District guidelines.
over a 50 ft. run. Break in Slope
A break in slope is determined as a slope of 18%
or less over 50 feet. Bluff impact zone does not
apply to these areas.

ide Shoreland Guide 9 St. Louis County, MN

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successful parcel development
obtaining further information
Lot of Record: A lot which is re- Type of Information Department & location WEB SITE & PHONE
corded in the office of the county
recorder or registrar of titles. Parcel and Tax Information St. Louis County Auditor
Nonconforming Lot of Record: Phone: 218-726-2380
A lot that has been lawfully created County Plat Book St. Louis County Auditor
and recorded that no longer meets Extension Office
the acreage and width requirements Phone:(218)725-5134
of current lots. Extension Office (218)733-2870
County Plat Book: A map book Surveyors See Yellow Pages “Surveyors or Engineers” for
that shows each township and par- private businesses
cel ownership.
Corner Monument: A property Corner Monuments (Public) St. Louis County Public Works
corner mark placed by a licensed Surveyor.htm
surveyor. A public corner monument Phone: Duluth: 218-625-3878
is a section or quarter corner land Virginia: 218-742-9800
marker that is maintained by the
Land Survey Division of the Public Subdivision Plats Recorder’s Office
Works Department. Phone: 218-726-2677
Ordinance Standards, Land use plan- St. Louis County Planning & Development
obtaining legal ning, permits and guides Department Phone: 218-725-5000
information 100 Missabe Bldg. Northland Office Cntr. 1-800-450-9777 (MN only)
Knowing the property boundaries 227 W. 1st St. 307 1st St. S. Phone: 218-749-7103
and its dimensions is important for Duluth MN 55802 Virginia, MN 55792
all land owners. It is best to keep
them marked and maintain the Site reviews for wetlands, Ordinance St. Louis County Planning and Development
marks at all times. A “County Plat Standards, Land use planning, permits Northland Office Center Phone: 218-749-7103
Book” (resource information on the and guides 307 1st St. S. 1-800-450-9777(MN only)
right) can assist in general prop- Virginia, MN 55792 Fax: 218-749-7194
erty layout, but a private, licensed
surveyor must determine official Wetland regulations on all lands on the Fond du Lac Reservation Phone: 218-878-8022
boundaries. The Land Survey Divi- Fond du Lac Reservation and informa- Office of Water Protection Fax: 218-879-4854
sion of the County Public Works De- tion and support on water quality and 1720 Big Lake Rd.
partment maintains all section and other natural resources Cloquet, MN 55720
quarter landmarks and associated Regulates deposition of fill or dredge U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
survey records throughout St. Louis material in waters of the U.S. or adjacent 1554 Hwy 2. Ste 2 Phone: 218-834-6630
County. Most parcel information is wetlands Two Harbors, MN 55616
available online or from the county (Work with local contact first)
auditor’s office.
Splitting or consolidating par- State administration of the Mn Wetlands State of Minnesota Board of Water & Soil Re-
cels must meet current zoning stan- Conservation Act sources (BWSR) Phone: 218-723-4923
dards; check with the Planning and (Work with local contact first) 394 S. Lake Ave., Ste 403 Fax: 218-723-4794
Development Department or the Duluth, MN 55802
appropriate township clerk. Named
subdivision plats are available online Regulations and permits on public DNR Waters
in PDF format or through the St. Lou- waters and some wetland types Duluth Area: Phone: 218-834-6612
is County Recorder’s Office. Scanned (Work with local contact first) 1568 Hwy. 2 Fax 218-834-6639
plats include all originals and any Two Harbors, MN 55616
rearrangements or modifications. Remainder of St. Louis County: Phone: 218-744-7450
Subdivision regulation guides are 7979 Hwy 37 Fax: 218-744-7451
also available. Eveleth, MN 55734
Restrictions on a nonconforming Educational info in protecting water and Minnesota Extension Service
lot of record: Lots of Record may be natural resources 111 GSC Phone: 218-726-7512
permitted as a buildable lot if all of 320 W. 2nd
the following criteria can be met: Duluth, MN 55802
• The lot has a minimum of 1/2
acre suitable for development and Technical, educational, and financial North St. Louis SWCD
sewage treatment system, unless resources to land occupiers in order to Northland Office Center Phone: 218-742-9505
connection to a municipal sewer implement practices and projects that 307 1st St. S. Ste 114 Fax: 218-742-9515
system is available. preserve, protect and enhance water Virginia, MN 55792
• It is a lot of record. quality and other natural resources
• The lot created complied with South St. Louis County SWCD
regulations in effect at the time. 25 N. 1st Ave. E., Rm 301 Phone: 218-723-4867
• Sewage treatment and building Duluth, MN 55802 Fax: 218-723-4731
setbacks are met.

St. Louis County, MN 10 Shoreland Guide

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jurisdiction and districts

Zoning Administrator • ZONING •

Contact Information

Township zoning administered by St.


St. Louis County Planning

and Development
Louis County

Duluth: (218) 725-5000 69-20

69-19 City and township zoning administered Phone:
Virginia: (218) 749-7103 Kabetogama 69-18
69-17 by own zoning department
68-21 68-20 68-19 Second
rv/ Canosia Town Hall 68-18


4896 Midway Rd. 53


67-21 67-19 Crane Lake

67-20 67-18 67-15 67-14

(218) 721-4944 67-13

66-21 66-20 Camp Five 66-16 66-15 66-14 66-13

Duluth City Zoning 66-12

Best time
411 W. 1st St., Ste. 210
Leiding Portage
65-16 65-15 65-14 65-13 65-12
to reach:
(218) 730-5240 ORR

64-21 64-17 64-16 64-15 64-14 64-13 64-12

Duluth Township Town Hall Beatty

6092 Homestead Rd 63-21 Willow Valley

63-14 Note:
(218) 525-5705 Field 63-15
1691 Morse

COOK 62-17

Town of Gnesen
Breitung Eagles Nest
Linden Grove 53 Owens

4355 Evan Rd. Morcom

Sturgeon Alango
61-17 Vermilion Lake
61-14 61-13

(218) 721-5433 73

60-18 169
Sandy Pike BABBITT

City of Hermantown

5255 Maple Grove Rd.

Wuori HOYT
59-21 Great Scott White LAKES

(218) 729-3600
Balkan MT. IRON

Town of Lakewood

1932 E. 1st.St. HIBBING Cherry

Clinton Fayal 57-16 57-14

(218) 728-1015
169 37

Administered by
56-17 Colvin 56-14 Fairbanks

Town of Midway
3467 Lindahl Rd. 55-21

Ellsburg 55-15 55-14

Ault County, City, or
(218) 624-1626 Township

Toivola Kelsey Cotton 54-15 54-14 54-13 Pequaywan (from OHWL to landward) Ordinary High Water
Town of Rice Lake Cedar Valley
Level (OHWL)
4107 W. Beyer Rd. Elmer MEADOWLANDS
53-16 53-15 North Star Alden

(218) 721-5101
52-21 New Independence Gnesen
Normanna Duluth
Van Buren Ness Alborn Fredenberg

Proctor City Hall FLOODWOOD

Grand Lake

100 Pionk Dr.

Industrial Lakewood

Floodwood Culver 33
Rice Lake
Halden Canosia
(218) 624-3641

by the State:
2 53
Prairie Lake Fine Lakes Stoney Brook
Town of Greenwood
DNR (from OHWL


4227 Nelson Rd. Note: These zoning maps are an integral Midway
to waterward)
part of Ordinance 46, the Zoning
Tower, MN 55790 Ordinance of St. Louis County, MN and
Phone: (218) 290-1132 may not be used independently.

There are two types of jurisdictions for zoning in additional dimensional numbers added to sig-
St. Louis County: one is administered by St. Louis nify the dimensional standards or parcel size
County and the other is administered by its own of that district. Thus, every zoning district is la-
city or township zoning department. If your city or beled with an abbreviated name (e.g. Residen-
township is designated on this map as having its tial: RES, Shoreline Mixed Use: SMU) and fol-
own zoning ordinance, you should contact them lowed by a dimensional district (e.g. 1,1a, 2,3,4).
for your zoning and permit information. Township Identify your land use and dimensional district
zoning is required to be at least as restrictive as as a first step of your project. Be aware that there
the county zoning, and may be more restrictive. may be circumstances that alter the standards for
Townships are divided into zoning districts, with your property.

Shoreland Guide 11 St. Louis County, MN

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lot design

Start a Landscape plan Lot design

Two important steps in getting The first step to good lot design is to map your General Guidelines for landscaping
started on your plan are to draw a property. A guide is available on page 16. A topo-
detailed map of your property (see graphical map may also be very helpful. •  Any disturbance of ground cover (grass or
page 16) and to check with your shrubs) will expose soil. This often leads to
When working on lot layout and design, con- erosion and slope failure. Use hay or straw as
planning and development de- sider water runoff and practice stormwater man-
partment for local requirements. mulch to cover disturbed areas after reseed-
agement. If you have the option to arrange your ing. Consider working only in a small area and
Accurately chart on your map: buildings and grounds, you can reduce water and
• Sloping areas and drainage stabilizing that site before disturbing another.
runoff. Runoff can be a major source of pollution
patterns and erosion for lakes and shoreland and can back
• Location of roads and driveways •  Store topsoil or black dirt in a separate
up and pool in undesirable places. Natural land- pile to redistribute back to the top layer
• Potential building site scapes, distribution of runoff, reduced impervious
• Existing vegetation and wildlife when you are finished with your proj-
surfaces and Best Management Practices (BMPs) ect. Cover the pile to minimize erosion.
habitat are common ways to manage stormwater.
• Land features such as shoreline,
wetlands and rock outcrops •  Minimize disturbance to plants and trees. Se-
• Well, septic, future septic areas lect and save trees to gain time in landscap-
• Outbuildings and other accessory Do not wait to fix erosion problems. ing later. Protect trees from heavy equipment
by encasing them with heavy planks tied
They will become more difficult and vertically around the trunks. Large trees, es-
pecially birch, can be killed by heavy traffic
costly as time passes. that compacts the soil. Putting fill material
too deeply over the roots can also kill trees.

•  Maintain a filter strip of natural vegeta-

Other helpful hints: PreservE Natural Areas tion along the banks of lakes and streams.
Economical screening: Bulk Natural landscapes, including forests, wetlands, The best filter strip is mature woodland
supplies of native and/or hearty and grasslands trap rainwater and snowmelt. This with undisturbed grass and shrub layers.
seedlings of evergreens, leaf trees, allows the water to slowly filter into the underly-
fruit trees, shrubs, flowers and ing soil. (See General Guidelines for Landscaping •  After your grounds have been graded to mini-
vines are available each spring in the left edge of the page.) mize and control runoff, plant a permanent
through St. Louis County Soil Minimize impervious Cover in your lot cover on all areas that have been disturbed.
and Water Conservation District layout Along with grass, trees and shrubs are excellent
(SWCD). See page 10 for contact When too much of the natural surface of a site is and practical erosion-control measures. Use
information. covered by nonabsorbent (impervious) surfaces native species of trees and shrubs wherever
Lawn or native vegetation: A such as roads, parking lots, and buildings, runoff possible. They are well adapted to our region.
large lawn may seem attractive, does not soak into the soil properly. This can lead
but natural vegetation will have to flooding, erosion and the transport of pollut- •  Combine plants of diverse types, height, color,
lower maintenance, be of greater ants into lakes and streams. flowers and fruits. They will provide windbreaks,
value to the environment and wildlife habitat, privacy screens and shade.
wildlife, and can be just as visually Distribute Runoff
appealing. The best design directs yard drainage toward the •  Use Best Management Practices. BMP guide
landward side of the rise, or where water does not sources are at the bottom left of this page.
run directly downhill into the lake. This practice
limits the influence of water runoff.
Building on the waterside of the drainage divide
directs runoff directly to the lake. These sites are
prone to increased erosion and sedimentation, Use Best Management Practices
The following bmp guides BMPs are proven erosion and sediment control
are available from the Minnesota and will not maintain value as well as a site which
drains away from the lake. measures, and should be an important compo-
Extension Service. See Page 15 for nent of construction plans. BMPs include seeding
contact information. Locate driveways, walks, rails, yard and garden and mulching disturbed areas, installing silt fences
• Developing Shoreland edges to follow level contours and gentle slopes. to trap eroded soil, and using rock check dams to
Landscapes and Construction Do not direct water directly downhill. This gives it slow water flow in ditches. Proper maintenance of
Activities maximum speed and cutting power for erosion. these practices is critical to their effectiveness.
• Stabilizing your Shoreline to Long, steep slopes have the greatest erosion po-
Prevent Erosion tential. Redirect concentrated runoff into rain gar-
• Minimizing Runoff from dens or natural swales to filter surface water.
Shoreland Property Use pervious (absorbent) areas such as grass
• Valuing your Shoreland Trees swales or terraces to help redirect and filter runoff
• Preserving Wetlands from roads and buildings.
Place structures and roads away from steep slopes
which may escalate erosion problems.

St. Louis County, MN 12 Shoreland Guide

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building or remodeling

Land use guides with complete standards for

most types of structures and land use are very
helpful and informative: they are available at Glossary
the Planning and Development Department’s Principal Structure: A structure
with the primary focus of activity
office or website. as full or part-time residency

Topographical Map: A land map

Building or remodeling your specifically desiged with lines to
principal structure signify the changing of elevation.
Setbacks and standards must be considered when
building or remodeling your property’s structure Additions Conforming: Meets the ordi-
or deck. An addition is a structure that alters the original nance standards
Choosing a location for a home home or cabin and increases the original build-
Nonconforming: Does not meet
Whether you are landscaping your property, build- ing’s dimensions in any direction. the standards
ing a cabin, or designing a resort, each parcel of Additions to Conforming Structures: On the
land has limitations for development. These may side of the lot facing the water, the maximum Platform: A horizontal surface,
include the type of soil, steep slopes, wetlands, width of the existing structure including the addi- without rails, seats, or other el-
native vegetation, and other natural features. Fur- tion can not exceed 40 percent of the lot width. If evated features, that is no greater
ther information can be found on page 5 when your home or cabin conforms to the standards in than 18 inches in height.
purchasing shoreland. An important first step is to the zoning ordinance and the addition also meets
draw a detailed map of your property. Site sketch all of these standards, there are no other size re-
information can be found on page 16. strictions.
building Additions to Nonconforming Structures: Addi-
Land use standards for principal and accessory tions to nonconforming structures may require a
structures can be found beginning on page 25. variance from the zoning ordinance as there are
Remodeling many standards that apply. A guide titled “Home
Certain types of alterations to the interior or exte- and Cabin Additions” is available online and/or
rior of an existing structure, or remodeling, may through the county Planning and Development No land use permit is re-
or may not require a land use permit. office. quired for the following:
Remodeling Alterations Include: Decks and platforms
• Work performed on the interior of a structure You must obtain a land use permit prior to con- • Remodeling of existing
• Replacement of siding, windows, doors, soffit, structing a deck, but not a platform (see the glos- structures
facia, and ornamentation sary), considering certain conditions are met.
• Replacement of roofing, provided there is no • Accessory structures (used solely
Attached Decks: An attached deck is defined as for storage) of 100 square feet or
change in roof pitch or projection a horizontal, unenclosed platform that is attached
• Adding windows or doors less that meet all setbacks and
to or functionally related to a home, cabin or other standards
Alteration is NOT Remodeling when: structure. An attached deck may not have a roof,
• It increases the number of bedrooms extended soffit or walls, but may have railings, • Sanitary privies (although they
• It increases water usage seats, or other related features. need a sanitary permit, must not
• It replaces or changes the main structural Screened or Enclosed Decks: A screened or en- be used for storage, and must
frame or exterior walls closed deck is considered an addition and must meet standards and setbacks)
• It changes the roof pitch or projection meet the performance standards for additions.
• It changes the exterior dimensions of the They are not allowed within the setback.
If you are building a new home or cabin and would
This type of work is considered beyond remodel- like an enclosed deck on the lake side, consider
ing, or new construction. As a result, a land use placing your home further back than the mini-
permit is required, the structure must meet all of mum setback. Contact the Planning and Develop-
the applicable performance standards of the zon- ment Department for more information.
ing ordinance and loses its grandfathered rights Additional Standards for a Deck Attached to a
as a nonconforming structure. Nonconforming Home/ Cabin: You may construct
Remodeling Nonconforming Structure: Non- an attached deck addition for a nonconforming
conforming structures are located on the lot in home or cabin, as long as all of the performance
such a manner that the minimum requirements standards are met. Contact the Planning and De-
for setbacks and other standards for the dimen- velopment Department for more information.
sional district are not met.
You may remodel nonconforming structures,
such as homes, cabins, other principal structures
or decks.

Shoreland Guide 13 St. Louis County, MN

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road and land alterations

Some Commonly Asked


Q. Do I need to “tell” anyone I am

building a structure?
A. Yes. You must obtain a land Top soil is conserved and erosion plans are in use before, during and Rain gardens are an excellent way of protecting shoreland that is
use permit from the St. Louis after a land alteration. impacted by alterations.
County Planning & Development
Department. Shoreland Roads, Driveways Shoreland alterations
and parking Standards have been set for shoreland alterations
Q. How do I know if my land is Standards have been designed for roads, drive- to reduce erosion and other impact.
buildable? ways and parking to reduce their impact on the Minimum standards for all alterations,
A. This is determined by a number shoreland benefits. with or without permit:
of factors, including how wet the •  Smallest amount of bare ground exposed for as
Driveway Access: short a time as possible.
site is, if the site is on rock, if the Driveway access to any parcel or lot from any pub-
land can support a structure and •  Use mulches or similar materials for temporary
lic roadway is limited to one single driveway en- exposure and establish permanent vegetation as
sewage treatment system, and trance per parcel, may not be located within 100
the minimum lot size. Structures soon as possible.
feet of the right-of-way line of any intersecting •  Avoid creation of a slope or bluff.
and roads must also meet required road, and needs to meet the recommendations of
setbacks. •  Erosion and sediment control methods shall be
the road authority. Check with your local county employed.
garage or Public Works Department.
Erosion and sediment control plans
Q. Do I need a land use permit to Parking space standards: are required for the following
change the size and shape of my •  An off-street parking space shall comprise an excavations:
house, including a deck? area with dimensions of 9 feet by 18 feet plus •  Greater than 1000 sq. ft or 100 cubic yards
A. Yes. necessary maneuvering space. •  1000 cubic yards of fill
•  Total area for parking and maneuvering shall not •  10 cubic yards within the shore impact zone
encroach upon any public right-of-way. •  Within 300 feet of the shore or in the bluff impact
Q. Do I need a land use permit to zone
re-side or re-roof my house? Additional road, Driveways and
Parking standards: Alteration not permitted within
A. No, unless you are changing the •  Must be designed to be screened from public shoreland and wetland areas:
size or shape of the building. If you waters. •  Alterations that cause unnecessary potential for
live in the city, you should check •  Must meet structure, bluff, and shore impact soil erosion.
with your local zoning authority. zone setbacks. Design criteria and grading and •  Alterations that cause water backup on adjacent
filling provisions of the ordinance must be met. properties.
•  Intensive vegetation clearing in shore and bluff
impact zone and steep slopes.
Road Setbacks: •  Wetland area alterations according to govern-
Road setbacks are determined by Zoning Ordi- ment regulations.
nance #46 of St. Louis County. To determine your
road classification, review the zoning map. Ques-
tions about your right-of-way can be addressed
by contacting St. Louis County Public Works at
(218) 625-3830.

St. Louis County, MN 14 Shoreland Guide

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obtaining permits

Do you know if you need the

Resource Department/agency Contact following permits?
• Land Use Permit
Land Use Permits, Conditional Use Per- St. Louis County Planning & Development Duluth: (218)725-5000 • Variance
mits, Variances, Subdivisions Plats, Bor- Department Virginia: (218) 749-7103 • Wetland Permit
row Pits, Nonconforming Lot of Record • Land Alteration
• Property Address Application
Sewage Treatment System Permit St. Louis County Environmental Services • Water Permit
Department 218-725-5200 in Duluth area • Storm Water Permit from MPCA
307 First St. S., Ste. 115 1-800-450-9278 for regional contact info.
Virginia, Minnesota 55792
All recorded documents, including St. Louis County Recorder 100 N. 5th Ave. W., Room 101 Duluth MN Shoreland: Land located within
easements that currently exist or were the following distances from pub-
vacated Recorder.html lic waters: 1000 feet from ordinary
high water level of a lake; and 300
Access Across Private Land You must work with the existing owners to feet from a river.
gain access if you need to access your prop- Nonconforming use: Legal use
erty by way of privately owned
page land.
15 recorded prior to the adoption of
Access Across State Lands MN Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR) Phone: (218) 999-7890 www.dnr.state. the ordinance which would not have been permitted had the ordi-
nance been in effect.
Access Across County Tax-Forfeit Land St. Louis County Land Department Phone: (218)726-2606 Conditional use: A land use with
restrictions in relation to the rest
Access Across County Fee Lands St. Louis County Property Management Phone: (218)733-2781 of the neighborhood and county plans.
Performance standard per-
Driveway Entrance and Culvert Permits County Roads: St. Louis County Public Works: If unknown call (218)625-3830 mit: Authorization given for a use
Please Contact your local county garage which must meet a minimum set
City/Township Roads: Contact City/Town- wk_faq.htm of predefined standards or criteria.
Variance: Any modification from
a county land ordinance deter-
Obtaining Permits mined by the Board of Adjustment
The St. Louis County Planning and Development Conditional Use Permits are required for uses, that the enforcement or ordinance
Department oversees many different types of including, but not limited to, a home-based busi- would cause unnecessary hard-
permits for land use. These include the land use ness, resort, campground, B & B, repair shop, rural ship.
permit, conditional use permit, performance stan- industry, mini storage, convenience store and/or Storm water: Surface water run
dard permit, borrow pit permits, communication gas station. Permits are also required for non con- off from rain or snow melt.
tower permits, home occupation/business permit, forming lots of record, variances, subdivision plats,
subdivision and variance permits. borrow pits, communication towers, driveways
and septic systems. Applications are available
Land Use Permits are required if you alter a parcel from the county land office or website. Things to Consider:
in any way including, but not limited to, erecting, • A construction permit will
constructing, reconstructing, moving, or altering a Sewage Treatment Systems must have approval become void after 12 months.
structure. Land use permit applications and their from St. Louis County’s Environmental Services De- Permit extensions may be
guides are available from the St. Louis County partment for each new residence or addition with granted if the proposal meets
Planning and Development Department and/or a bedroom, bathroom, laundry or kitchen facilities. ordinance requirements.
their website. The applications and the guides are See the chart above for contact information. • Restrictions apply limiting the
designed to work together to assist property own- Individual Utilities are not regulated by the percentage of lot that may be
ers and contractors to successfully complete land county. Wells must be registered with the state, covered with impervious material,
use permit applications. The most difficult and which is usually handled by the well driller. Elec- including roofs, gravel and paved
time consuming part of the land use permit pro- trical and plumbing standards are set by the state. driveways, turnarounds and
cess is adequate research of a parcel of land and to It is the responsibility of the utility to obtain utility sidewalks.
describe your intentions on the application. easements. Electrical inspections are required by • Standards for a principal structure
inspectors assigned by the state to specific areas. can be found on page 25.

Shoreland Guide 15 St. Louis County, MN

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permit sketches
glossary Lake
Side yard near: The closest dis- Wetland
tance from your side property line Features to Trees
to your proposed project. include and label
Side yard far: The longer dis- on your property

88’ Shoreline

125’ Shoreline
tance from your side property line sketch:

to your proposed project. • Property boundaries

Rear yard: The distance from your and dimensions Trees
proposed project to the property • Existing structures
line opposite the road. with dimensions and Well
Lot width: The measurement of • Proposed structures
the property between the side

292” Property Depth

with dimensions and 24’
property lines at the principal setbacks 50’ Side- Proposed Deck 6’ 126’ Side-
structure site. • Roads and driveways yard Near yard Far
Road center line: The distance Existing
with road names and 24’
from the center of the road to a House
specified structure. • Septic system with 24’
Maximum lot coverage: shall future expansion and Septic
include all structures, driving sur- required setbacks System
faces including graveled surfaces, • Well with setbacks
and all other altered surfaces. • Underground cables 40’
Bluff area: Land that rises at least and pipes, overhead Proposed 60’ Side-
wires 100’ Side- yard Near
25 feet above the OHWL and has a yard Far Garage
slope of 30% or more over a 50 ft • Wetland and set 20’
distance. Stricter standards may backs
apply on some rivers. • Hills, bluffs, sloping Septic
River corridor: Area of mea- areas and drainage Expansion Trees
surement from the ordinary high patterns Area
162’ Rearyard

• Areas of vegetation
174’ Road
water level of a river landward
188’ Rearyard

removal and grading

200’ Road
for the distance that is set in the

ordinance. • Symbol depicting

North as the top of
the page N
• Scale (actual feet/per Trees Dr
inch on paper)
• Signature of owner

A sketch of your property SCALE:

200’ Property
is required when you /
submit an application
for a land use permit. A feet/inch
permit will not be issued
without a sketch.
Road Centerline
This example of a permit sketch can be a useful reference when preparing your own property sketch.
Permit sketches:
Your sketch is an important part of the permit ap- permit. Additional information may be attached
plication. It identifies the location and distances to your sketch to address specific zoning criteria.
and dates of possible hearings are of your project in relation to other features of the After submitting your application to the St. Louis
available by contacting the Plan- surrounding property. A permit will not be issued County Planning and Development Department,
ning and Development Dept. of- without a sketch. A complete guide for the permit it will be reviewed using the criteria for approval
fice or website. application is available from the St. Louis County found in the corresponding zoning ordinance. The
Planning and Development office or website. three criteria that must be met are:
AN APPLICATION GUIDE and Before you begin your sketch, it is best to review •  The proposed use conforms to the land use
Land Use permit application are an example and make sure your research is com- plan.
available in an easy downloadable plete. Completeness, accuracy, good lot design, •  The proposed use is compatible with the existing
PDF format on the county website and communication with the County (especially neighborhood.
or office. on wetland impact) prior to the permit applica- •  The location and character of the proposed use
tion will influence review time and issuance of a is consistent with the desirable pattern of devel-
opment for the area.

St. Louis County, MN 16 Shoreland Guide

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general setbacks and standards

general setbacks:
Dwelling All parcels have road and structure setbacks, or
requirements, for their zoning district.
Dimensional setbacks for your zone can be ob-
Buildable Area tained from the dimensional standards chart be-
side yard set back low. Lake, river and stream shore and road setbacks
Propery Line

will apply if you are near one of these areas. Addi-

tional standards for these setbacks may also apply glossary
in certain circumstances, such as: nonconforming Zoned Land Use: Land use under
Minimum Structure the jurisdiction of the Zoning Ordi-
Minimum lots of record, size of proposed structure, location
Setback from Right-of- nance.
Structure Setback near bluffs, rock out cropping, or protected impact
Way zones. Information on your regulations can be ob-
from Road Zone District: A type or area of
tained from the Planning & Development Depart-
Right-of-Way ment (See page 10). land that falls under the jurisdic-
from Road tion of the Zoning Ordinance.

Dimensional Standard: Regula-
tions set by the Zoning Ordinance
ROAD road standards on the size of property.
road center right-of-way
road classification Setback Standard: Regulations
set by the Zoning Ordinance on the
Principal & Major Arterials 110’ 35’ distance away from structure.
Major Collectors 85’ 35’ Structure Standards: Regula-
Accessory Structures* 48’ 15’ tions set by the Zoning Ordinance
An example of identifying road setbacks. on structures.
Minor Collectors & Local 68’ 35’
Roads Performance Standards: Regu-
* Accessory structures on local roads (privately maintained), or on publicly lations set by the Zoning Ordinance
maintained roads that serve ten principal uses or less. on what can be done to your land.

DIMENSIONAL 1 1a 2 3 3a 4 4a 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Minimum Lot area (acres) 35 35 17 9 9 4.5 4.5 2.5 2 1 1 1 2 0.5 0.33* .25** 2
Minimum Lot Width (ft) 600 1,200 600 300 600 300 400 200 200 150 200 150 200 100 100 75 200
% Max Lot Coverage 2 2 2 10 2 10 10 25 25 25 30 25 25 25 35 35 30
Side Yard Principal 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 20 20 20 20 15 15 15 10 10 25
Accessory 100 100 100 25 25 25 25 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 25
Rear Yard Principal 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 45 45 45 45 40 40 40 40 40 50
Accessory 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 50
Maximum 35’
Structure Height
Minimum Same as “ Minimum lot width”
Shoreline Frontage
*with public sewer **with pubic water and sewer Special standards apply for Plat of Soudan, Town of Breitung

Shoreland Guide 17 St. Louis County, MN

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district zoning
land use standards

Land Use Standards

All land in St. Louis County is within a zoned land use district. All permitted uses, permitted uses with performance standards, and
land use districts have a title and a dimensional standard based conditional uses. Compliance with these standards is reviewed by
on State Shoreland Regulations, the County Ordinance, and the county officials when any land use permit application is submitted.
adopted Comprehensive Land Use Plan. These are not the only standards. Wetlands, bluffs, or other charac-
teristics or structures may have standards that also apply.
The zone district is labeled and identified by an abbreviation sig-
nifying the type of zone, followed by a number designating the di- Land Use Guides for each land use district are available at the Plan-
mensional district. Each land use district has a purpose statement, ning & Development Department’s office or website. They have
more information for your land use requirements.

. Land Use District:

lakeshore commercial overlay (LCO)
Purpose Statement: Intention of overlay is to allow limited expansion of certain
waterfront commercial activities, while protecting residential lifestyles and property
Permitted uses: Remodeling, water oriented accessory structures, home business
and occupation, expansion of existing resorts for guest purposes.
Permitted use with performance standards: Alterations of cabins,
redevelopment of resort cabins within standards, signs, recycling centers, single family
dwellings, public project borrow pits.

Uses authorized by Conditional Use Permit: New commercial operations,

Planned Developments, utility facilities, general purpose borrow pits, mineral explora-
tion, airports.

Land Use District: Residential (RES)

Purpose Statement: This district shall be used to promote a high quality residen-
tial living environment where non-residential uses are restricted and used where there
is extensive residential development. This district may be used in shoreland and non-
shoreland areas that are typically platted, or if not platted, have a development density of
dwellings of more than one dwelling per 300 lineal feet of road or shore frontage.
Permitted uses: Single-family dwellings, home-occupations.

Permitted use with performance standards: Two-family dwellings, signs,

accessory structures larger than1,000 square feet, residential density controls and
density transfer.

Uses authorized by Conditional Use Permit: Multiple and three and four
family dwellings, residential planned unit developments, home business, group home,
public/semi-public uses, mineral exploration and evaluation, utility facilities, mobile
home park, neighborhood commercial.

St. Louis County, MN 18 Shoreland Guide

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district zoning
land use standards

LAND USE TERMS Permitted with Performance Standards: Uses that are permitted
A land use guide for each zoning district is available from the St.
Louis County Planning and Development Department. To best un- if the standards are met. If the standards cannot be met, the use
derstand zoning standards and their purpose, land owners should may be allowed with a variance or conditional use permit, depend-
be familiar with the following terms: ing on the conditions.
Purpose Statement: Provides guidance for the zone district. The Uses Authorized by Conditional Use Permit: Uses that require
district can not be used contrary to the purpose statement of the approval by the planning commission in accordance with the cri-
district. teria set forth in the ordinance. Uses other than those stated in the
ordinance may be permitted though the conditional use process if
Permitted Uses: Uses that are allowed with a permit from the they are similar to the uses listed under the performance standard
county, provided all standards are met. or conditional use standard of that zone district, and they are con-
sistent with the purpose of that district.

Land Use District: Limited Industrial Use (LIU)

Purpose Statement: This district is designed to accommodate those industrial and
manufacturing uses that foster orderly economic growth, without adversely affecting the
residential and recreational character of the surrounding area. This district may be used in
a shoreland area if permitted by an adopted land use plan.
Permitted uses: Manufacturing and light industrial uses consistent with the pur-
pose of this district, warehousing, storage, and wholesaling, borrow pits-public works,
single site contaminated soils facility.
Permitted use with performance standards: Manufacturing and light
industrial uses consistent with the purpose of this district, warehousing, storage, and
wholesaling, borrow pits-public works, single site contaminated soils facility.
Uses authorized by Conditional Use Permit: Planned unit development
(PUD), transportation terminal, borrow pits, mineral extraction, but not processing,
recreational facilities, public/semi-public, multiple site contaminated soils disposal
facility including incineration.

Land Use District: Forest Agricultural Manage-

ment (FAM)
Purpose Statement: This district is intended to recognize and promote the develop-
ment of the county’s forestry and agricultural industry and to encourage recreational use
of such areas. This district is typically used in areas with land developed at very low densi-
ties and often there is considerable government and corporate ownership.
Permitted uses: Temporary wood processing activities, home-occupation, public rec-
reational facilities, hunting shacks/other primitive dwellings, accessory uses, livestock,
seasonal residences.
Permitted use with performance standard: Single-family dwellings, recy-
cling centers (public), signs, on-site and off-site, borrow pits-public works, mineral ex-
ploration and evaluation, community center facilities, residential density controls and
density transfer, single-site contaminated soil disposal, home business.
Uses authorized by Conditional Use Permit: Aquaculture operations, feedlots,
rural industry, utility facilities, electric generation facility, sanitary landfills and recycling,
slaughterhouse, junk or salvage facilities, peat extraction and processing, airport, com-
mercial or private recreational uses which by their nature require large land areas,highway
commercial, neighborhood commercial, permanent forest processing, borrow pits, and
similar operations.

ide Shoreland Guide 19 St. Louis County, MN

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district zoning
land use standards

Land Use District: Sensitive Areas (sens)

Purpose Statement: This district is intended for areas that are unsuitable for inten-
sive development due to wetlands, steep slopes, flooding, inadequate drainage, hazardous
waste sites, high susceptibility to groundwater contamination, significant wildlife habitat
areas, severe erosion potential, or features likely harmful to the community if development
is not properly managed.
Permitted uses: Forestry management, permanent open space, wild rice farming and
related aquaculture.

Permitted use with performance standards: Temporary forest processing,

home occupation, recreation trails, accessory uses and structures.

Uses authorized by Conditional Use Permit: Public/semi-public uses, public

facility renovation, livestock, aquaculture, peat harvesting and processing.

Land Use District: Lake Superior Overlay (LSO)

Purpose Statement: This district is intended to allow limited expansion of certain
waterfront commercial activities, while safeguarding residential lifestyles and property
values. This overlay applies only to those areas near Lake Superior where it has been
determined that nodes of residential and commercial land uses coexist, with neither being
the predominant use.
Permitted uses: Single family residence, home occupation, accessory uses and
structures, public, non-commercial recreational uses.

Permitted use with performance standards: Home business, neighborhood

commercial, highway commercial, signs.

Uses authorized by Conditional Use Permit: Multiple family dwelling: water-

front commercial, planned unit development (PUD), other uses similar to above.

Land Use District: Shoreland Mixed-Use (SMU)

Purpose Statement: This district is intended to provide a balance between lake and
river use and the water resources by allowing a wide range of uses that are consistent with
adjacent land uses and the recreational and natural attributes of the water body.

Permitted uses: Single-family dwellings, seasonal dwellings, public/semi-public

uses, non-commercial uses, including trails, parks, beaches, waysides, etc., accessory uses,

Permitted use with performance standards: Signs, accessory structures

larger than 800 square feet, water-oriented accessory uses, two-family dwellings, resi-
dential density control and density transfer, single site contaminated soils disposal, home
Uses authorized by Conditional Use Permit: Planned unit developments,
multiple, two and three family dwellings, mobile home park, waterfront commercial,
neighborhood commercial, public/semi-public uses, utility facilities, borrow pits, min-
eral exploration and evaluation, livestock, public facility renovation, group home, airports,
temporary wood processing, off-site signs, aquaculture, multiple site contaminated soils
disposal facility, including incineration.

St. Louis County, MN 20 Shoreland Guide

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characteristics and impact

Wetland describes a wide variety of wet environ- Wetland Impact
ments varying from a slight depression, which Wetland impact is a term used to describe actions
holds water only after spring run- that effect the environment of a wetland. Since glossary:
off, to open water wetlands most wetlands are in prime condition in their un-
that never draw disturbed state, any change is usually referred to Hydrology: The study of
down. By as a negative impact. water and its effects in a
most stan- given area.
dards, a
wetland’s soil Obligate plants: A plant
is saturated with Typical activities that cause that has adapted to a cer-
water either above Impact: tain condition and lives
or just below the sur- Filling: Adding any material to change the primarily in these condi-
face, and is covered bottom level of a wetland. tions.
with plants that have
adapted to the wet con- Draining: Removing the water from a wet- Sequencing: A step - by -
ditions characteristic to land by ditching, tilling, pumping, or other step review process used
their wetland environ- such techniques. to determine possibility
ment. Since there are Excavating: Dredging and removing soil and of wetland development.
many laws protect- vegetation from a wetland.
ing wetlands, it is Organic soils: Soil con-
Diverting water: Preventing the flow of water taining decomposed
important to iden- into a wetland by removing water upstream,
tify wetlands and plants; typically, peat or
Minnesota Wetlands lowering lake levels, or lowering groundwa- composted vegetation.
their boundaries. ter tables.
Clearing: Removing vegetation by digging Mineral soils: Clay, sand,
Identifying wetland characteristics: or scraping. or silt with little organic
Water influences the vegeta- Flooding: Raising water levels, either behind (or composted) material.
Shoreland tion and soil found on any site. dams or by pumping or otherwise channel-
Therefore, the vegetation, soil, ing water into a wetland so that water levels Hydric soils: Soils that
available on this subject and hydrologic factors must all are too high for wetland vegetation and ani- do not drain well, or that be addressed in identification mals to survive (i.e., converting a wetland to a have a layer of soil that
of a jurisdictional wetland. lake or pond). slows drainage.
Wetland Plants: In undisturbed sites, vegetation Diverting or withholding sediment: Trap-
is the most visible criterion and can be useful in ping sediment through the construction of
wetland observations. Some common wetland dams, channelization or other such projects
plants are willow, alder, black ash, black spruce, that inhibit the regeneration of wetlands in
balsam fir, aspen, cattails, sphagnum moss, red natural areas of deposition, such as deltas.
osier dogwood, and sedges. Shading: Placing pile supported platforms or
Wetland Soils: Two common types of soil are bridges over wetlands, causing vegetation to
found in wet conditions. One is organic soils, or die.
peat. The second is mineral soils that do not drain Conducting activities in adjacent areas:
well because of high water table, low land, ground Disrupting the interactions between wet-
water seepage, or a slowly permeable soil layer, lands and adjacent land areas, or indirectly
such as clay. These are called hydric soils. impacting wetlands through activities at ad-
Mineral soils that are saturated much of the time joining sites.
become dull colored or gleyed. Gleyed soils are
neutral gray and occasionally greenish or bluish.
Mineral soils that are saturated for short periods
develop spots or blotches of different colors.
These spots can be an indication of hydric or wet-
land soils.
Wetland Hydrology: Hydrology refers to the
presence or flow of water through a site. Some
wetlands are relatively dry during drier times of
the year. Often, aerial photographs, personal in-
terviews with residents, and visual evidence are
used to determine wetland hydrology.

Shoreland Guide 21 St. Louis County, MN

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Sequencing: the wetland impact

review process
Prior to any draining, filling or excavating
in a wetland, proposed impacts to nonex- Wetlands
empt wetlands undergo a process known
available on this subject
as sequencing. Sequencing is a step-by-
Wetland Impacted step process used to assess the efforts

made by the applicant to avoid, minimize,
reduce or eliminate impact over time, and
replace lost wetland at the location. Wetland permits are ap- Wetland
Route B
proved using the following principles in this order: Wetland
1. Avoid Impacts: If a project can be redesigned or relocated
to eliminate any wetland impact, you must select this option.
Route A
2. Minimize Impact: If St. Louis County determines that wet-
land impacts are unavoidable, you must demonstrate that the
project minimizes wetland impacts to the greatest extent pos-
sible. The county will consider: Route A: Recommended
• The purpose of the project (Wetlands avoided: Wetlands not Impacted)
• Size requirements of the project
• Location Route B: Not Recommended
• Sensitivity of the site design to the natural features of (Wetlands not avoided: Wetlands Impacted)
the site, including topography, hydrology, and existing
• The function and value of the wetlands on the site
• Applicant’s efforts to show alternatives to modify the size
and scope of project
3. Rectify Impact: There may be times that a wetland impact
is impossible to avoid, but the impact either is temporary or
results in no net loss of wetlands. Temporary impacts may be Driveway
approved by the county if the activity is completed and the Route B
physical characteristics of the wetland are restored within six
months from the start of the activity. For example, a temporary Wetland
road through a wetland that is needed for a short term proj-
ect, and after the project is completed, the road is removed. Wetlands Driveway
A performance bond must be provided to the county for an Impacted Route A
amount sufficient to cover the cost of restoring the wetland to
pre-project conditions.
4. Reduce or Eliminate Impact Over Time: Further impact
from draining or filling must be reduced or eliminated by man-
aging the project in a manner that preserves remaining wet-
land functions and values. The county requires the applicant
to implement best management practices (e.g. silt fences) to Route A: Recommended
(Wetland impact minimized)
protect wetland functions and values. May require permits and further sequencing.
5. Replace: Wetland replacement must restore the functions
and values that are lost from a wetland that is drained or filled. Route B: Not Recommended
This can be accomplished through either restoring a previ- May Require Permits, and further sequencing.
ously drained or filled wetland, creating a new wetland in an
upland area, or purchasing credits from an approved wetland Avoidance and minimization are two important steps in reducing impact to wetlands.
bank. Contact the Planning and Development Department for
more information.

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classify & identify

Floodplain forest: Wetland type 1 seasonally saturated basins: Wetland type 1 & 2
Characteristics: Floodplain forest wetlands are poorly drained, shallow depres- Characteristics The primary difference between the two seasonally saturated ba-
sions located in the floodplain of a watercourse with no well defined inlets or outlets. sin wetlands is in the seasonal length of standing water and duration of the soil satura-
These wetlands may have standing water for a few weeks each year, but are dry for tion. Seasonally flooded basins may have alternating periods of flood and drought; high
much of the growing season. They are frequently cultivated. When they are not, wet- water table found in wet meadows may allow the soil to remain saturated.
land vegetation can become established. Alternating periods of flood and drought
can eliminate perennial plants so annual plants typically dominate the community.
Function & Values: These nutrient rich temporary water holding basins frequently
Function & Values: Floodplain forest wetlands are important for reducing shore- have an abundance of plant seeds and invertebrates, making them ideal habitats for rare
line erosion by pooling and absorbing flood waters, stabilizing the shoreline, and plants and migrating waterfowl and shorebirds, especially in spring. During periods of
providing a filter for surface runoff. Especially in the spring, these temporary water high rainfall, seasonally saturated basin wetlands collect runoff which reduces the likeli-
holding basins frequently have an abundance of plant seeds and invertebrates, which hood of seasonal flooding to downstream low-lying areas and acting as a natural filter.
makes them ideal nesting, feeding and resting areas for migrating waterfowl and
Vegetation: Floodplain forest wetlands are dominated by mature, deciduous Vegetation: Seasonally saturated basin wetlands are dominated by non forested veg-
hardwood trees growing on soils associated with riverine systems. The shrub layer, etation that can tolerate their roots and lower stem submerged in water over a period
although usually lacking, is sparse. Floodplain forest wetlands are vegetatively pro- of time. Seasonally saturated basin wetlands are generally dominated by aquatic and
ductive because nutrients are periodically added to the system by flooding. submergent vegetation, and are not populated by shrubs or trees.

open water: wetlands type 3, 4 & 5 open–coniferous bog: wetlands type 8

Characteristics: The primary difference between these three open water wet- Characteristics: Bogs are one of the most distinctive kinds of wetlands, and are
lands is in the depth of standing water and duration of the soil saturation. Shallow characterized by a growth of evergreen trees and shrubs and a floor covered by a thick
marshes are in 6 inches of water during the growing season while deep marshes are carpet of sphagnum moss. Bogs form in very wet places. Some have considerable
in 6 inches to 3 or more feet of water during the growing season. Shallow open water amounts of open water surrounded by floating boggy vegetation; in others, vegeta-
wetlands have up to 6.6 feet of water and are rarely, if ever, drawn down preventing tion may have completely filled a lake. Bog wetlands soil is usually waterlogged and
emergent aquatic vegetation to become established. supports a spongy covering of mosses. Bogs occur mostly in shallow basins, on flat
Function & Values: Open water wetlands are included as some of the most uplands, and along sluggish streams.
desirable of all wetlands for water birds and fur bearers, and they can also provide Function & Values: Open-coniferous bog wetlands provide important habitat
spawning and nursery habitat for some fish species. Submergent plants and aquatic for wildlife, including migratory birds which use bogs on their flight paths to breed,
invertebrates provide food for waterfowl. Excellent winter habitat can be provided nest and feed. Bog wetlands are often valuable as reservoirs for streams (especially
for upland wildlife, including deer, muskrat and mink. Other functions include flood- trout streams) and habitat for many unique plants.
water retention, protection of shorelines from erosion, aesthetics, and water quality
functions involving the trapping of sediments and absorption of excess nutrients. Vegetation: Open bog vegetation is woody or herbaceous or both. Typical plants
Vegetation: Open water wetlands are dominated by non forested vegetation that are shrubs, sphagnum moss, and sedges. Although scattered, black spruce and tama-
can tolerate their roots and lower stem submerged in water over a period of time. rack also occur in open bog wetlands, but their growth is stunted. In coniferous bog
Open water wetlands are generally dominated by aquatic and submergent vegeta- wetlands, the plant communities are similar except with mature trees of black spruce
tion, and are not populated by shrubs or trees. and tamarack dominating the area.

ide Shoreland Guide 23 St. Louis County, MN

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classify & identify

Shrub carr: Wetland type 6 Hardwood-coniferous swamp: wetlands type 7

Characteristics: Shrub Carr wetlands occur on organic soils (peat/muck) as well Characteristics: Hardwood-coniferous swamp wetlands are forested wetlands
as on the mineral soils of a floodplain. These wetlands are waterlogged much of the dominated by mature conifers and/or lowland hardwood trees. They are usually as-
growing season and often covered with as much as six inches of water. The Shrub Carr sociated with ancient lake basins and former riverine oxbows. These swamps are dis-
soil is typically saturated to the surface and may have as much as six inches of stand- tinguished by whether the dominant trees are deciduous, hardwood or coniferous. The
ing water after spring snowmelt and heavy rainfall events. soil in these wetlands is waterlogged at least to within a few inches of the surface
during the growing season and is often covered with as much as one foot of water.
Function & Values : Shrub Carr wetlands are important because of the biological Function & Values: Hardwood-coniferous swamp wetlands support diverse
and chemical processes that occur within. These wetlands also perform the function plant and animal species assimilation. Pools within the forest may provide habitat for
of flood control reduction, water table maintenance, and reducing stream sedimen- amphibians and invertebrates. Adjoining areas of open sand may provide habitat for
tation. Important breeding habitat for birds are provided by Shrub Carr wetlands. reptiles. During high water periods, they provide habitat for fish and are important for
White-tailed deer often choose Shrub Carr wetlands to graze on the abundant ground storm and floodwater storage. Diking of wooded swamps can increase both upstream
cover. and downstream flooding.
Vegetation: Hardwood-coniferous swamp wetland vegetation includes tamarack,
Vegetation: Floodplain forest wetlands are dominated by mature, deciduous white cedar, black spruce, balsam fir, red maple, and black ash. Northern evergreen
hardwood trees growing on soils associated with riverine systems. The shrub layer, swamps usually have a thick ground covering of mosses. Deciduous swamps frequent-
although usually lacking, is sparse. Floodplain forest wetlands are vegetatively ly support beds of duckweeds, smartweeds, and other herbs. Hardwood-coniferous
productive because nutrients are periodically added to the system by flooding. swamp wetlands are vegetatively productive because nutrients are periodically added
to the system by flooding.

Wetland plants
Being able to identify wetland plants can help identify wetlands.

photo by Elaine Haug @USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database courtesy of Smithsnian Institute

If you see the
following obligate
wetland plants, you
may be looking at
Pink weed Wild Calla Lily Waterlilies Cattails
• bog rosemary
• bog birch
• cotton-grass
• black willow
• labrador tea
• cattail
• swamp milkweed
• sand bar willow
• skunk-cabbage
• sphagnum moss
• wild rice
Black Spruce White Cedar Black Ash Alder

St. Louis County, MN 24 Shoreland Guide

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structure standards
principal & accessory structures

Structure standards
In an effort to maintain a healthy ecosystem and quality commu- fish cleaning houses, screen houses, gazebos, detached decks,
nity for all, standards have been set for all structures. Other stan- and satellite dishes. These structures may be located within the
dards, such as setbacks and zoning standards, will still apply. shore impact zone or at the principal structure setback or beyond.
The maximum slope allowed for the construction site is 20%, and
principal structures must meet setbacks for slopes. Only one accessory structure, in-
Single-family homes and cabins are principal structures, and all cluding satellite dishes, is allowed within the normal shoreland
other buildings are accessory structures. setback. Bathroom and sleeping quarters (except bunkhouses)
are not allowed at this setback. The standard also requires that
Accessory structures the structure be stained or painted an unobtrusive color, and
Specific water-orientated accessory structures are allowed at a re- screened from the shore by natural means. These structures are
duced shoreline setback in certain zone districts with performance not allowed in Voyageurs National Park, on trout streams, or on
standards. These include saunas, boathouses, storage buildings, Natural Environmental Lakes.

principal structures: homes and cabins

Single-family homes and cabins are called “principal structures,” and the primary focus
of the activity is full or part-time residential use. The maximum allowable width of the
water facing side of the structure cannot exceed 40% of the lot width. One principal
structure is allowed per standard lot. A land use permit must be obtained prior to
See dimensional standards on page 16 and land use regulations on following pages,
depending on zone district.
A permit to construct a Subsurface Sewage Treatment System (SSTS), a certificate of
compliance of SSTS, or an SSTS exemption must accompany the land use permit applica-
tion. Driveways with direct access to a public road are required to obtain an entrance
permit. Driveways without direct access to a public road are regulated depending how
much the structure is occupied. For more information see page 27 or contact the Plan-
ning and Development Department.

decks & Platforms

Attached decks: An attached deck is defined as a horizontal, unenclosed platform that is
attached to or functionally related to a home, cabin or other structure. It may not have
a roof, extended soffit or walls, but may have railings, seats, or other related features.
A screened or enclosed deck is considered an addition and must meet the performance
standards for additions, which are not allowed within the shoreland setback. More
information is available through the Planning and Development Department.
Decks on nonconforming Homes/Cabins are allowed if all of the following performance
standards are met: Stairs and landings are considered part of the deck; maximum depth
is 12 feet; the distance between the deck and the OHWL is less than 50% of the required
setback for the zone district.
Deck additions on the side and no closer to the shoreline: Stairs and landings are consid-
ered part of the attached deck, maximum depth of 12 feet within the impact zone or 16
feet outside of the impact zone, distance between the deck and the OHWL is less than
50% of the required setback for the zone district. Deck additions to the rear are allowed
if the maximum depth is no more than 16 feet.
Detached decks: A detached deck is defined as a horizontal, uneven platform that
is freestanding and greater than 18 inches in height at any point. It has no roof or
extended walls, but may have railings, seats, or other related features and must meet
the following performance standards if the deck is within the shore or bluff impact
zone: Maximum size of 150 sq. feet, max. height from ground to top of railing - 12 feet,
painted/stained an unobtrusive color, screened from lake by natural vegetation, no
other accessory structures or satellite dishes located within the shore impact zone.
Platforms: A platform is a freestanding, horizontal surface that is no more than 18
inches high at any point and does not have rails, seats, or other elevated features. No
land use permit is required if the following standards are met: no larger than 120 sq. ft.,
no higher than 18 in., setback at least 10 ft from shoreline, not within a bluff zone.

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Structure standards
Accessory structures
detached garages & pole buildings
Garages and pole buildings are accessory structures primarily used for storage.
Use: May include a loft which is used only for storage purposes.
Nonconforming lot of record: Maximum total building footprint allowed is 15% of lot area.
Setback and Standards: If over 800 square feet, must meet the normal setback requirements, and the following
minimum setbacks: Side-yard lot line setback is 20 feet; General Development Lakes setback of 125 feet; Recreational
Development Lakes setback 150 feet; Natural Environment Lakes and all River Classes setback of 200 feet.
Design standards: If over 800 square feet, a standard unobtrusive color is recommended.

Bunkhouses shall be reviewed as added living and bedroom space, and the septic treatment system of the principal
structure shall be sized to take into account the added water use. A septic review will be required.
Bunkhouses on shoreland lots shall not exceed 260 square feet, and 14 feet height, unless they are located on lots that
have twice the minimum width and lot area requirements, in which case the mentioned standards do not apply.

Boat houses
A boat house is a structure designed and used solely for the storage of boats or boating equipment. A permit is required
prior to construction. They are allowed on all general and recreational development lakes.
Use: May not include the following: deck or roof used as a deck, storage or garage for items unrelated to water sports.
Size: On lakes under 5,000 acres: The maximum size is 400 sq. ft. with maximum width 20 feet on side most parallel
to shoreline, and a maximum depth of 26 ft.
On lakes over 5,000 acres: The maximum size is raised to 520 sq. ft. Other standards remain the same.
Setback and Standards: Setback is minimum 10 feet and maximum 25 feet from shore line, maximum width 20 feet
on side most parallel to shoreline, and a maximum depth of 26 ft. The maximum height is 14 feet from ground to roof
peak, and limited to one story.
Design standards: Boathouse must have a garage type door that faces the water.*

Gazebos and screen houses

Gazebos and screen houses are accessory structures used for shelter purposes, and a permit is required before construc-
tion. It may not have pressurized water, kitchen, bathroom, or sleeping facilities.

Setbacks and Standards: Limited to 150 sq. feet in size, one story and 12 ft. high, minimum setback of 30 ft., no decks.*

A sauna is an accessory structure used for the sole purpose of a steam bath and changing room, and storage of related
items. You must obtain a land use permit prior to construction and must be served by a grey water septic system, ap-
proved by the St. Louis County Environmental Services Department.
Setbacks and Site Design: 50 ft. from the shoreline on General Development; 75 ft, on Recreational Development lakes.
Performance Standards: 200 square ft. maximum size, and 12 ft. high; may include changing room but no bathroom,
and may not be used for storage of combustible petroleum products; shall not be attached to a structure where com-
bustible products are stored; deck is allowed but must be included as part of floor plan.*

Storage & Fish Cleaning Buildings

A storage building is an accessory building used to store miscellaneous items. A fish cleaning building is an accessory
building used to clean fish. Permits are required before construction.*

Use: May not have an attached deck; waste from fish cleaning house must conform to county regulations and policies
regarding waste disposal.

*Unobtrusive colors are a required standard for exterior building materials used.

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structure standards
sewage systems, wells & utilities

septic septic system

lake or river
Contaminants move toward water
groundwater movement

Groundwater moving toward the lake can carry contaminants in saturated soil. If your system is
improperly designed or located too close to the water, contaminants may reach your lake.

Sewage treatment systems: In shoreland areas, it

is important to install a septic system correctly because soil and
water conditions near shore may make the system less efficient
in treating wastewater. Location and construction are especially
critical in shoreland areas to ensure that the system is effective.
Incomplete treatment can result in health risks for humans and
reduce water quality. For more information on how septic systems
work and on proper maintenance, contact the St. Louis County wells and safe water:
Environmental Services Department. Their contact information is Ensuring a Safe Drinking Water Supply: Most people
available on page 15. take a safe water supply for granted and assume their water is safe
to drink as it comes from the faucet. Most shoreland properties
before you begin: Before purchasing undeveloped property, have a private water supply that needs to be tested regularly to
evaluate whether it has a suitable area for construction of a sep- confirm safe water.
tic system and consider the following: depth to the ground wa- Most wells are drilled, dug, or driven. It is important to know what
ter table or bedrock, soil types and conditions, slope of land, and type of well you have and, if you are putting in a new well, what is
setback requirements from well, waterfront, buildings, property best suited for your parcel.
It is also important to ensure that the well driller you choose oper-
ates in conformance with local requirements.
Individual Sewage Treatment System Permits:
St. Louis County, in conjunction with the state, regulates sewage Seasonal or vacation homes that are used infrequently often have
treatment system installation and setbacks for areas that do not wells that go untested for years. It is important to test water annu-
have public treatment systems. Contact the St. Louis County Envi- ally if the well is not used continuously.
ronmental Services Department for permits or more information.

Public Sewage Treatment Requirements (Hook-ups): Other Utilities:

Parcel owners receiving sewage treatment from a local provider
need to contact that provider to begin service. Electrical, plumbing and HVAC must meet standards set by the
State of Minnesota. The Building Codes and Standards Division
d can be reached at their web site at or 1-800-
Sanitary privy: 627-3529. Natural gas, propane, telephone, electrical, plumbing,
The sanitary privy, or outhouse, has the following set backs: HVAC, are available through private providers. Easements across
es. Any water supply, well, or unprotected water suction pipe*......50ft. tax-forfeit managed lands can only be granted to the utility.
Occupied buildings...................................................................................20ft.
Property lines..............................................................................................10ft.
*If well is cased less than 50 feet in depth or does not encounter
at least 10 feet of impervious material, this distance must be in-
creased to 100 feet.

Grey water treatment system: A grey water treatment

system treats water draining from laundry, dishes, and showers,
but not toilets or sewage. They are usable only with seasonal use
building using non-pressurized water systems, and the sewage
tank must be 10 feet from structure and 50 feet from a well, and
the trench system must be 100 ft away from the well. The bottom
of the trench must be 3 feet above bedrock or seasonal high wa-
ter table, and requires sandy soil to a depth of 4 feet or more.

ide Shoreland Guide 27 St. Louis County, MN

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propert y records
parcel quick reference

PROPERTY Property standard COUNTY My property

& reference page standard record
(Contact information P. 15) Property dimensions:

Address: Road Center line ( p.16)

Shoreline (p. 8)
Building &
structure Side yard near
Parcel ID#: ( page 17)
Side yard far

Rear yard

Road setback (p.17)

Description: From any part of septic 100 ft
Well Setback From house 3 ft
(p. 27)
From river, lake or OHWL

From house 20 ft (10 ft to tank)

Septic setback From well 100 ft.
(p. 27)
From river, lake or OHWL

Bluff setback (p. 9)

Date of
Shore line setback (p. 8)
Shore impact zone (p. 8)
Number Vegetation restrictions (p. 7)
of Acres:
Do I need to include erosion control?
Is my use compatible with existing neighborhood?

Wetland area

Wetland area

Wetland area

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