Mechanism of Titanium Sponge Formation in The Kroll Reduction Reactor

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Mechanism of Titanium Sponge Formation in the Kroll Reduction Reactor

Article  in  Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B · February 2004

DOI: 10.1007/s11663-004-0097-2


28 463

4 authors, including:

Ch. R. V. S. Nagesh N. B. Ballal

Defence Research and Development Organisation Indian Institute of Technology Bombay


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Mechanism of Titanium Sponge Formation in the Kroll

Reduction Reactor

The Kroll process of magnesium reduction of titanium tetrachloride is used the world over the production
of titanium metal in the form of sponge. Although the process has been in practice for the last five
decades, there is no clear understanding of the reaction mechanism and sponge formation. The present
study involved reduction experiments in a 2000 kg titanium sponge–capacity prototype reactor to
develop a better understanding of TiCl4 reduction of magnesium with respect to the process parameters.
Experiments were also conducted in two smaller experimental reactors to study the temperature evolution
during the process as a function of the TiCl4 feed rate. Based on the results of all these experiments,
a model has been proposed for the mechanism of sponge formation in the Kroll process.

I. INTRODUCTION were also carried out in two smaller experimental crucibles

to know the variation of temperatures at different locations
IN the Kroll process, titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) is in the bath during the magnesiothermic reduction of TiCl4.
reduced with magnesium at high temperature in a closed
reactor under an inert gas atmosphere.[1] The process has
A. Experiments in the 2000 kg Prototype Reactor
been widely used over the last 50 years for the commercial
production of titanium metal. Many variations of the mag- The reactor consisted of a carbon steel crucible, 1210 mm
nesiothermic reduction have been attempted, as reported in in internal diameter and 3050 mm in height, placed inside
the literature.[2–6] With increasing usage of titanium in non- a stainless steel retort, measuring 1360 mm in internal
aerospace applications, there have been continuing efforts diameter and 3500 mm in height (Figure 1). The crucible
to decrease the energy consumption in the process and the had a detachable, perforated bottom plate with a number
cost of the metal. of holes, 40 to 50 mm in diameter. The lid of the retort
The Kroll reduction reaction had nozzles for feeding TiCl4, admitting argon, and for
pressure control. A drain pipe with a valve at the bottom
TiCl4 (g)  2 Mg (l)  Ti (s)  2MgCl2 (l) of the retort was used for periodic draining of molten MgCl2
H1000K  412 kJ/mole during the course of the reduction experiment. The retort
was placed inside a seven-zone, vertical, pit-type electrical
is a complex heterogeneous exothermic reaction with the pos- resistance furnace. A network of radial nozzles was pro-
sibility of the formation of lower-valence titanium chlorides vided in the furnace, through which cooling air could be
(TiCl2 and TiCl3) as reaction intermediates. The smooth blown onto the outer surface of the retort wall. The retort-
running of the reduction process, titanium yield, quality of wall temperature was controlled by controlling the
the sponge, and magnesium utilization are all highly dependent temperature of each zone of the furnace independently and
on the control of the temperature, the reaction rate, and the by blowing cooling air as required. The retort-wall tem-
formation of lower chlorides. In spite of the many studies perature was measured at five locations along its height
reported on the process,[7–12] there is no consensus on the using chromel-alumel thermocouples.
mechanism of sponge formation and the reaction model. In Production of 2000 kg of titanium sponge requires reduc-
the present work, Kroll reduction experiments were conducted tion of about 8000 kg of TiCl4. Based on preliminary
in a prototype reactor and in small experimental crucibles to experiments, it was established that 40 to 45 pct excess
develop a better understanding of the reduction process. magnesium is necessary over the stoichiometric require-
ment, for maximum yield of titanium. After loading the
required quantity of pickled solid magnesium into the cru-
cible, the lid of the retort was closed. After evacuating the
Reduction experiments were carried out in a prototype retort and backfilling with argon, an argon flow rate of
Kroll reactor with a capacity to produce 2000 kg of titanium 0.2 L/min into the retort was maintained. The magnesium
sponge per batch, at three different TiCl4 feed rates. Studies was heated to 800 °C under a slight positive pressure of
argon, and the TiCl4 feed was started at a low rate of 40 to
60 kg/h. After about 5 to 10 minutes, the TiCl4 feed rate
CH.R.V.S. NAGESH, Scientist “E,” is with the Defence Metallurgical was increased to the predetermined value. Because of the
Research Laboratory, Kanchanbagh, Hyderabad, A.P. India 500058. Contact perforated bottom of the crucible, liquid magnesium also
e-mail: CH. SRIDHAR RAO, formerly filled the annular space between the crucible and the retort.
Scientist “F,” Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory, is retired. The liquid MgCl2 produced as a result of the reduction
N.B. BALLAL and P. KRISHNA RAO, Professors, are with the Department
of Metal Engineering and Materials Science, Indian Institute of Technology,
reaction, which is denser than liquid magnesium, was tapped
Bombay, Powai, Mumbai, India 400076. from the retort several times during the experiment as per
Manuscript submitted January 30, 2001. a predetermined schedule. The first tapping was done after


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feeding 2000 kg of TiCl4 into the reactor. Thereafter, tapping Three experiments were carried out at three different TiCl4
was done after feeding of every additional 500 kg of TiCl4. feed rates, namely, 120, 200, and 300 kg/hm2 of crucible
After each tapping, the level of the liquid-magnesium surface cross-sectional area. The highest feed rate of 300 kg/hm2
fell by 125 to 185 mm. In spite of this, the mean level of of crucible area, however, could not be maintained beyond
liquid magnesium gradually rose during the experimental 12 hours, after which the experiment was continued at a
run, due to the accumulation of titanium sponge inside the reduced TiCl4 feed rate of 120 kg/h·m2.
crucible. In a separate experiment, temperatures inside the crucible
Due to the high exothermicity of the reaction of the reduc- were measured at three different points along the axis, viz.,
tion of TiCl4 by magnesium, the temperature of the retort near the initial liquid-magnesium surface and at 200 and
wall increased. The retort-wall temperature was maintained 400 mm above this level. During this experiment, TiCl4 was
within the range of 830 °C to 880 °C by blowing air onto fed at a rate of 120 and 200 kg/hm2 of crucible area.
the retort wall wherever its temperature reached 880 °C. The
pressure inside the retort was maintained within the range
of 1.1 to 1.25, throughout the experiment, with the help of B. Studies in Experimental Reactors
a bleeder valve on the retort lid. During the course of the The experimental crucible 1 was 1100 mm in internal
experiment, periodic bleed-off was observed. The process diameter, 25 mm in thickness, and 1000 mm high. Crucible
was terminated when the frequency of bleed-offs suddenly 2 was 1305 mm in internal diameter, 12 mm in thickness,
increased from once every few hours to once every and 625 mm high. These crucibles were placed inside the
30 to 40 minutes. At the end of the experiment, final tap- retort of the Kroll reactor on supports, so that they were
ping of the MgCl2 along with the unreacted liquid magnesium located in the middle of the retort. The gap between the
was carried out, and the furnace was switched off and the retort and the crucible was 105 mm in the case of crucible
reactor cooled to room temperature. 1 and 15 mm in the case of crucible 2. Both crucibles had
a closed bottom. Consequently, the liquid magnesium and
MgCl2 were contained entirely within the crucible, and the
annular space between the crucible and the retort was filled
with argon and not liquid magnesium, unlike in the proto-
type reactor.
Four thermowells were inserted through the lid of the retort
at different locations along the radius. Four chromel-alumel
thermocouples were inserted into each of the thermowells,
so that their ends were at different heights (Figure 2). This
enabled continuous measurement of temperatures at four
different levels at each of the four radial locations. In
crucible 2, all the four radial locations were within the
crucible, whereas in crucible 1, which was of a smaller
diameter, only three of the radial locations were inside the
crucible and the outermost location was in the annular space
between the crucible and the retort.

Fig. 1—Schematic diagram of prototype reactor (capacity: 2000-kg Ti per Fig. 2—Schematic diagram showing temperature measurement points in
batch). the experimental crucibles (crucible 2 shown dotted).


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The experimental procedure using these crucibles was evidence of sponge sticking on the crucible wall either below
similar to that used in the 2000 kg prototype reactor. After the initial liquid-magnesium surface level or above the final
loading the required weight of pickled magnesium into the liquid-magnesium surface level. These observations indicate
crucible (500 kg in crucible 1 and 300 kg in crucible 2), that titanium sponge formation occurs mainly on the cru-
the lid of the retort was closed, the retort was evacuated and cible wall, close to the liquid-magnesium surface. Another
backfilled with argon, and argon flow into the retort was notable feature was the absence of any particles of titanium
started. The magnesium was heated to 800 °C, and the TiCl4 sponge in the retort below the perforated bottom plate of the
feed was started. crucible or in the nozzle at the bottom of the retort, used for
Two experiments were carried out in each crucible. In tapping the molten MgCl2. The tapped MgCl2 also did not
each experiment, three different TiCl4 feed rates were used. contain any particles of titanium.
The TiCl4 feed rates used in crucible 1 were 60, 120, and A summary of the material balance for the reduction experi-
200 kg/hm2 of cross-sectional area of the crucible, and in ments at the three TiCl4 feed rates is presented in Table I.
crucible 2, the feed rates were 120, 200, and 300 kg/hm2. The degrees of utilization of TiCl4 and magnesium were
Reduction at each feed rate was carried out for 45 to 60 determined from the weight of the titanium sponge produced.
minutes. Between any two feed rates, the TiCl4 feed was The reduction process was terminated when the bleed-off
stopped and the reaction mass was soaked at 800 °C for valve in the retort lid started releasing pressure at frequent
1 hour before starting the TiCl4 feed at the next-higher rate, intervals, indicating rapid pressure buildup. A typical pressure
to avoid interference between temperature evolutions dur- profile during a reduction experiment is shown in Figure 3.
ing the two stages. The total TiCl4 feed was approximately The periodic pressure buildup is primarily due to the acc-
450 kg in crucible 1 and 750 kg in crucible 2. During umulation of unutilized TiCl4 vapor. Since the maximum
the entire experiment, the temperature of the retort was possible increase in pressure inside the retort due to the argon
maintained in the range of 800 °C to 830 °C by blowing air input (0.2 L/min) can only be around 0.02 atm/h, assuming
whenever the temperature exceeded 830 °C. the average bulk gas temperature inside the retort to be
600 °C, this cannot be the cause of frequent bleed-offs toward
the end of the experiment. A rapid rise in reactor pressure
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION may be caused either by the accumulation of unutilized TiCl4
vapor due to a decrease in the rate of the reduction reaction,
A. Reduction Experiments in the 2000 kg Prototype
or due to the occurrence of reactions leading to the formation
of a gaseous product such as TiCl3. During each bleed, a
After the reduction experiment, when the retort was cooled maximum of about 0.90 kg of TiCl4 was bled. Therefore, its
to room temperature and its lid was opened, copious fumes effect on the material balance is negligible. In experiment 1
evolved due to the reaction of residual titanium chlorides (TiCl4 feed rate of 120 kg/hm2 of crucible area), the bleed-
with atmospheric air. The crucible was filled with titanium off started only after about 32 hours of reduction, at a freq-
sponge up to a height of about 150 to 200 mm below the uency of about once every 4 to 6 hours. After about 52 hours
estimated final liquid-magnesium surface level (Figure 1). of reduction, the bleed-off frequency suddenly increased to
Adherent to the crucible wall was a 150- to 200-mm-thick once every 30 to 40 minutes, after which the process was
layer of sponge up to the height of the final liquid-magnesium terminated. In experiment 2 (TiCl4 feed rate of 200 kg/hm2
surface. A thin deposit of titanium and magnesium powders of crucible area) bleed-off started right from the beginning
was found on the crucible wall just above the sponge mass. at a low frequency (once every 4 to 5 hours) and acceler-
Deposits of lower chlorides of titanium could be seen on the ated to once every 30 to 40 minutes after 34 hours of
top part of the crucible wall and on the retort lid. After reduction. In experiment 3, the high TiCl4 feed rate of
ejection of the Ti sponge cake from the crucible, using a 300 kg/hm2 could be sustained only for about 12 hours,
hydraulic press, a 10- to 20-mm-thick deposit of sponge because of the occurrence of frequent bleed-offs. The process
could be seen still adhering to the wall, between the initial was subsequently continued at a lower TiCl4 feed rate of
and final liquid-magnesium surface levels. There was no 120 kg/hm2 for the next 24 hours. The process was finally

Table I. Summary of Material Balance for Reduction Experiments in 2000 kg/Batch Prototype Reactor

Parameter 1 2 3
345  10 (for 12 h)
TiCl4 feed rate: actual, kg/h 138  10 230  10 138 (for the remaining 24 h)
specific, kg/hm2 120 200 300 and 120
Magnesium charge, kg pct excess 2880 2950 2986
(based on 8000-kg TiCl4) 43 46 48
Total TiCl4 fed, kg 8040 7900 7650
Reaction time, h 53 33 36
Titanium sponge obtained, kg 1990 1890 1770
TiCl4 utilization, pct 98 95 92
Mg utilization, pct
(for sponge formation) 72 68 65


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Fig. 3—Pressure inside the prototype reactor (experiment 2, TiCl4 feed rate 200 kg/hm2).

terminated when even this feed rate could not be sustained. bottom of the crucible. Thermocouple TR1 was at the top
In this case, a total of only 7650 kg of TiCl4 could be fed of the uppermost zone of the furnace and about 450 mm
into the reactor. below the top of the crucible.
It can be seen from Table I that the overall TiCl4 utilization The retort-wall temperature was always maintained
decreased from 98 pct at a feed rate of 120 kg/hm2 of cru- between 830 °C and 880 °C. When the temperature in any
cible area to 95 pct at a feed rate of 200 kg/hm2. In the third zone went up above 880 °C, air cooling was started in that
experiment, in which the TiCl4 feed rate was 300 kg/hm2 particular zone. When the temperature dropped below 830 °C,
during the first 12 hours, the overall TiCl4 utilization was even the air cooling was stopped in that zone.
lower at 92 pct, although the feed rate was decreased to just The estimated level of the initial liquid-magnesium sur-
120 kg/hm2 during the remaining 24 hours of operation. face was between the thermocouples TR3 and TR4. The
mean level of the liquid-magnesium surface progressively
Retort-Wall Temperature Profiles rose, although the actual level dropped by about 125 to
Titanium forms three stable chlorides: TiCl4, TiCl3, and 185 mm after each MgCl2 tap and then rose again due
TiCl2. The reduction of TiCl4 by magnesium can be repre- to the accumulation of the reaction products. At the end of
sented as a stepwise reaction: the experiment, the estimated level of the liquid-magnesium
TiCl4 → TiCl3 → TiCl2 → Ti surface was close to the level of thermocouple TR2. (Liquid
levels could be estimated by considering entrapment of
Since all the three reactions are highly exothermic, meas- liquids by 35 pct of sponge volume.)
urement of the retort-wall temperature was considered helpful The start of the reaction was characterized by a sharp
in determining the location of intense reduction reactions rise in the temperatures indicated by thermocouples TR3 and
taking place within the reactor. Five thermocouples, TR1 TR4. As the reaction progressed, the high-temperature zone
through TR5, were used to measure the temperatures of the progressively moved up. Gradually, the temperature measured
outer surface of the retort wall at intervals of above 690 mm by thermocouple TR2 increased and went above the tempera-
along its height (Figure 1). The lowest thermocouple, TR5, ture of TR3 during later stages of the experiments. At this
was near the bottom of the retort, and was about 380 mm stage, there was some increase in the temperature indicated
below the perforated bottom plate of the crucible. The by thermocouple TR1 as well. The highest temperature was
thermocouple TR4 was about 310 mm above the perforated always close to the estimated liquid-magnesium surface level,


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indicating that the exothermic heat is largely liberated close which corresponded to the initial liquid-magnesium level, rose
to the gas/liquid interface. Temperatures much below the sharply, indicating that reactions occur mainly at the liquid-
liquid-magnesium surface level (at TR5 and, in the later magnesium surface. The temperatures at level 1 were the high-
stages, also at TR4) remained low, indicating that no import- est near the wall and near the center of the crucible (930 °C
ant exothermic reactions occurred below the liquid-magnesium to 940 °C), with a dip in the midradius position (900 °C).
surface. There was a progressive increase in temperatures with time
The general trend of variation of temperatures at all the at the other levels, which were all above the level of the liquid-
three TiCl4 feed rates was similar. However, at higher TiCl4 magnesium surface. At levels 2 through 4, the temperature
feed rates, there was a faster increase in temperature of the was always highest near the crucible wall and lowest near the
retort wall, needing more frequent air blowing, indicative of center. Figure 4(a) shows the temperature distribution at
an increased rate of heat generation inside the reactor. With various locations at the end of this stage of the experiment.
increasing TiCl4 feed rates, there was a faster increase in Before the start of the second stage of reaction with a feed
temperature of the retort wall, needing more frequent air rate of 120 kg/hm2, the temperatures at all 16 locations were
blowing, indicative of an increased rate of heat generation in the range of 817 °C to 835 °C. As soon as the TiCl4 feed
inside the reactor. With increasing TiCl4 feed rate, there was was started, the temperatures at level 1 started increasing
also a more rapid increase in the temperatures at the higher rapidly, especially near the crucible wall and the center, and
levels (thermocouples TR2 and TR1), leading to a narrowing reached values of over 1050 °C. In the midradius position,
of the difference between these temperatures and the tem- the temperature was much lower at 900 °C to 925 °C. In this
perature of thermocouple TR3, when the estimated level of stage also, the temperatures at the other levels gradually
the liquid-magnesium surface was still well below the level increased with time. At the end of this stage, the temperatures
of TR3. This was especially noticeable at the highest feed at levels 1 and 2 were comparable (Figure 4(b)), and the liquid-
rate of 300 kg/hm2 of crucible area. This may be an indi- magnesium surface was estimated to be close to level 2.
cation of the increased occurrence of gas-phase reactions at In the third stage, again, on starting the TiCl4 feed at
higher TiCl4 feed rates. 200 kg/hm2 of crucible area, the temperature at all levels
Another feature was the higher temperatures recorded started increasing. But in this case, the temperatures were the
by the thermocouples TR4 and TR5 in the experiments highest at level 2, particularly near the center and midradius
with higher TiCl4 feed rates as compared to the values positions of the crucible (1100 °C to 1150 °C). The temper-
at a TiCl 4 feed rate of 120 kg/hm2 of crucible area. ature distribution at the end of this stage is given in Figure
(Thermocouple TR5 and, at later stages, even TR4 were 4(c). The absence of high temperatures near the crucible wall
below the level of the liquid-magnesium surface.) This at level 2 may possibly be due to the growth of titanium
indicates either the occurrence of some reactions inside the sponge on the wall at the liquid-magnesium surface, with
bath (such as the reduction of TiCl2 dissolved in MgCl2 consequent shifting of the reaction zone inward. During this
droplets settling down) or the presence of a more energetic stage, the temperatures at level 1 were relatively low. By this
flow of the liquid-magnesium bath leading to the down- time, the liquid-magnesium surface was well above level 1.
ward flow of hot magnesium liquid from the surface along An attempt to continue the experiment with an increased
the crucible wall. feed rate of 250 kg/hm2 resulted in increased crucible-wall
In a separate experiment in the 2000 kg prototype reactor, temperatures and frequent pressure buildup inside the reactor.
temperatures were measured on the liquid-magnesium surface After the end of the experiment, titanium sponge could be
at the center of the crucible. The temperature on the surface seen deposited on the crucible wall and on the thermowell
of the liquid magnesium was substantially higher than the pipes. Fluffy deposits seen on the crucible rim and retort
retort-wall temperature, indicative of the release of exother- wall were found to be of the lower chlorides of titanium.
mic heat of the reduction reaction here. The temperature
of the liquid-magnesium surface was higher at higher TiCl4
D. Crucible 2
feed rates. For example, the temperatures were around
1020 °C and 1100 °C, respectively, at TiCl4 feed rates of As mentioned earlier, crucible 2 was of a larger diameter
120 and 200 kg/hm2. than crucible 1 and, consequently, the thermocouples at the
radial location D were also inside the crucible, unlike in
crucible 1. Experiments were conducted at TiCl4 feed rates
B. Temperature evolution in the experimental crucibles of 120, 200, and 300 kg/hm2 of crucible area. Before the
Temperature evolution was studied at three different TiCl4 start of each stage of the experiment, the temperature inside
feed rates in the two experimental crucibles. The experiments the crucible was around 820 °C near the crucible wall and
were repeated under identical conditions, and it was found 730 °C to 750 °C at the center.
that the evolution of the temperature profile was reproducible. On starting the experiment with a feed rate of 120 kg/hm2,
Before the start of the introduction of TiCl4, all 16 thermo- the temperature rise was most rapid at level 1, corresponding
couples indicated temperatures of 780 °C to 810 °C, and to the initial liquid-magnesium surface level, indicating that
the thermocouple at level 1 (Figure 2) corresponded to the the reactions occur mainly on the surface of liquid magnesium.
initial level of the liquid-magnesium surface. The temperatures at this level were higher near the crucible
wall (locations D and C) and in the center (location A), with a
dip at an intermediate location (B), reaching values of 1000 °C
C. Crucible 1 1040 °C, 970 °C to 980 °C, and 930 °C to 940 °C, respectively
The experiment started with a TiCl4 feed rate of 60 kg/hm2 (Figure 5(a)). The temperatures at level 2 rose gradually to
of crucible area. Immediately, the temperatures at level 1, 950 °C to 970 °C near the wall (location D) and 930 °C to


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Fig. 5—(a) Measured temperature profiles in crucible 2, stage 1, 56 min
after the start (feed rate 120 kg/hm2). (b) Measured temperature profiles
in crucible 2, stage 2, 48 min after the start (feed rate 200 kg/hm2).

toward the end of this stage, the temperatures at levels 2 and

3 were comparable and level 1 had the lowest temperatures
(Figure 5(b)), indicating that the liquid-magnesium surface
was by then well above level 1 and was probably even slightly
above level 2.
In the third stage of the experiment (TiCl4 feed rate of
300 kg/hm2), the temperature at level 2 (except near the
crucible wall) and at level 3 rapidly rose to high values. At
the start of the third stage, the liquid-magnesium surface
Fig. 4—(a) Measured temperature profiles in crucible 1, stage 1, 55 min was estimated to be between levels 2 and 3. The temper-
after the start (feed rate 60 kg/hm2). (b) Measured temperature profiles in atures at level 2, position C and at level 3, position D reached
crucible 1, stage 2, 55 min after the start (feed rate 200 kg/hm2). (c) Mea- values as high as 1200 °C. Temperatures at other locations
sured temperature profiles in crucible 1, stage 3, 48 min after the start (feed
rate 200 kg/hm2). at level 3 and at all locations at level 4 also increased. Subse-
quently, all the temperatures decreased gradually, with
continuous buildup of pressure in the reactor and frequent
940 °C at the center (location A), with a dip at the intermediate bleeding, which is indicative of a rapid decrease in the
location (B). Temperatures at level 3 rose more slowly and reaction rate. All through this stage, the temperatures at level
did not show a dip at the intermediate location. Temperatures 1 remained low, indicating that this was well below the level
at level 4 remained almost unchanged throughout. at which reactions occurred.
During the second stage of the experiment (TiCl4 feed rate At the end of the experiment, when the crucible was taken
of 200 kg/hm2), the temperatures were higher at location C out, a wide but thin annular layer of titanium sponge was
than near the wall and decreased gradually toward the center. seen adhering to the crucible wall at the level corresponding
The temperatures were, in general, higher than in the first to the final liquid-magnesium surface level (Figure 6). Sponge
stage. The highest temperatures were initially at level 2 and, deposit was also seen on the thermowell pipes and the steel


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guide strip, indicating that the steel wall can act as a substrate locations. The temperatures on the liquid-magnesium
on which titanium sponge can grow preferentially. surface increased with increasing TiCl4 feed rate. The tem-
perature was as high as 1080 °C at a TiCl4 feed rate of
120 kg/hm2. At an intermediate location between the wall
E. Reaction Mechanism and Sponge Formation
and the center, the temperature remained relatively low
The experiments carried out in the 2000 kg prototype and constant (900 °C to 930 °C) through the experiment.
reactor and in the experimental crucibles have led to the fol- 7. The temperature below the liquid-magnesium surface
lowing observations. decreased rapidly with increasing distance from the sur-
face. Similarly, the temperature in the gas phase above
1. When the lid of the prototype reactor was opened after the liquid-magnesium surface was low.
the completion of the experiment, the titanium sponge 8. Frequent bleeds were seen toward the end of the process,
was found in the form of an aggregate builtup on the per- indicating rapid pressure buildup. At high TiCl4 feed rates,
forated bottom of the crucible and filled the crucible the retort-wall temperature above the liquid-magnesium
almost up to the final liquid-magnesium surface level. In surface and the gas temperatures were found to increase.
addition, an annular deposit of titanium sponge growing This was also accompanied by rapid pressure buildup
from the crucible wall toward the center was seen at the inside the reactor leading to frequent bleeds.
final liquid-magnesium level. Sponge growth was also
seen on the lower ends of the thermowells, which were In the magnesiothermic reduction of titanium tetrachloride,
below the final liquid-magnesium surface. various reactions are possible between the compounds of
2. Although the bottom plate of the crucible had 40 to 50-mm titanium and magnesium, as listed in Table II. Under the
diameter holes in it, no sponge mass or particles were found conditions prevailing in the reactor, magnesium can be
below the bottom plate, in the MgCl2 drained from the present in both the liquid and the gas phases (boiling point
bottom of the retort, or in the drain pipe used for this purpose. of 1110 °C), titanium can be present in the solid phase,
3. There was no sponge growth on the wall of the crucible MgCl2 can be present as the liquid, TiCl3 can be present in
above the final level of liquid magnesium or on the lid. the gas phase and TiCl2 can be present as the solid or the
4. Small amounts of fluffy deposits of titanium and magnes- liquid (melting point 1030 °C). Magnesium monochloride
ium powders and of lower chlorides of titanium could gas (MgCl) can be present only at very high temperatures.
be seen on the crucible wall above the final liquid- MgCl2 dissolves TiCl2 and magnesium. The solubility of
magnesium level. These deposits were more noticeable in magnesium in molten magnesium chloride is 0.25 to 0.4 pct
high-TiCl4-feed-rate experiments. in the temperature range of 800 °C to 1200 °C.[13] TiCl2
5. After extraction of the sponge cake from the crucible by has a large solubility in liquid MgCl2. For example, at
pushing it out in a press, the surface of the crucible below 900 °C, about 40 pct TiCl2 is soluble in MgCl2.
the initial liquid-magnesium level was seen to be smooth The reaction TiCl4 (g)  2Mg (l)  Ti (s)  2 MgCl2 (l)
and clean, with no sign of any sponge-deposit formation. (reaction 1 in Table II) is highly improbable kinetically,
On the other hand, a thin irregular (discontinuous) layer of since it is a four-phase reaction and the four phases meet at
sponge adherent to the crucible surface was seen between a point. If magnesium is dissolved in MgCl2, the reaction
the initial and final levels of the liquid-magnesium surface. becomes a three-phase reaction. Even then, it can only take
6. During the reduction process in the experimental crucibles, place along the line of three-phase contact and, therefore, it
the temperatures was high on the liquid-magnesium is not kinetically probable. The reduction of TiCl4 with mag-
surface. The temperature on the magnesium surface was nesium in the gas phase to form titanium (reaction 7) is also
highest near the crucible wall (or just next to the sponge not possible, since it is a three-phase reaction. Therefore,
deposit on the crucible wall at later periods of the experi- the reduction to titanium has to take place in stages through
ment) and at the center, with a dip at intermediate radial two or more than two phase reactions.
The equilibrium compositions of the species in the Ti-Mg-
Cl system in the temperature range of 723 °C to 1223 °C
(1000 to 1500 K) were computed using high-temperature
phase-simulation software.[14] The computations were done
at different initial concentrations of TiCl4 and Mg and at
atmospheric pressure without involving solubilities of the
species. At the stoichiometric weight ratio (TiCl4/Mg) of 4:1,
it is found that the system contains four moles of Ti (s) and
8.2 moles of MgCl2 (l). However, at the conditions of mag-
nesium depletion represented by the ratio 8:1, the system
possesses significant concentrations of TiCl2 (g) and TiCl3 (g),
the proportions of which vary depending on the tempera-
ture. This indicates that when the magnesium surface is
heated to high temperature during the reduction, magnesium
vaporizes and makes the gas phase richer in Mg (g). If
the magnesium concentration in the gas phase increases to
the stoichiometric ratio, the reactions may end up in titanium
powder formation; otherwise, the system posses stable titan-
Fig. 6—Reaction mass in crucible 2 at the end of experiment. ium lower chlorides as the reaction products.


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Table II. Possible Reactions in Magnesio-Thermic Reduction of TiCl4

Number of Phases in the Reaction

In the Case of When Magnesium
Individual Pure and TiCl2 Dissolve
Reaction Reaction Species in MgCl2
1 TiCl4 (g)  Mg (l)  Ti (s)  MgCl2 (l) 4 3
2 TiCl4 (g)  Mg (l)  TiCl3 (g)  MgCl2 (l) 3 2
3 TiCl4 (g)  Mg (l)  TiCl2 (l)  MgCl2 (l) 4 2
4 TiCl3 (g)  Mg (l)  Ti (s)  MgCl2 (l) 4 3
5 TiCl3 (g)  Mg (l)  TiCl2 (l)  MgCl2 (l) 4 2
6 TiCl2 (l)  Mg (l)  Ti (s)  MgCl2 (l) 4 2
7 TiCl4 (g)  Mg (g)  Ti (s)  MgCl2 (l) 3 3
8 TiCl4 (g)  Mg (g)  TiCl3 (g)  MgCl2 (l) 2 2
9 TiCl4 (g)  Mg (g)  TiCl2 (l)  MgCl2 (l) 3 2
10 TiCl3 (g)  Mg (g)  TiCl2 (l)  MgCl2 (l) 3 2
11 TiCl3 (g)  Mg (g)  Ti (s)  MgCl2 (l) 3 3
12 TiCl2 (l)  Mg (g)  Ti (s)  MgCl2 (l) 4 3
13 TiCl4 (g)  TiCl2 (l)  TiCl3(g) 2 2
14 TiCl4 (g)  Ti (s)  TiCl3 (g) 2 2
15 TiCl3 (g)  Ti (s)  TiCl2 (l) 3 3
16 TiCl4 (g)  Ti (s)  TiCl2 (l) 3 3

When the solubility of TiCl2 and Mg in MgCl2 is considered,

the reactions giving TiCl3 (reactions 2, 8, and 13) and the
reactions giving TiCl2 (reactions 3, 5, 9, and 10) become
probable from the kinetic point of view, as they involve only
two phases. Therefore, the major paths for titanium reduction
could be the following:
2 TiCl4 (g)  Mg (in MgCl2) (a)
 2 TiCl3 (g)  MgCl2 (l)
TiCl4/TiCl3 (in gas phase)  Mg (in MgCl2) or Mg (g)
 TiCl2 (in MgCl2)  MgCl2 (l)
TiCl2 (in MgCl2)  Mg (in MgCl2)
 Ti (s)  MgCl2 (l)
The sponge formation can then be explained as follows. (b)
As TiCl4 is fed into the reactor containing molten magnes-
ium, it vaporizes and is transported to the liquid-magnesium
surface. Reaction of TiCl4 (g) with magnesium liquid gives
rise to the formation of tiny droplets consisting of MgCl2
(reaction 2) or a solution of MgCl2/TiCl2 (reaction 3). Further
significant reduction of TiCl4 can only take place by the
dissolution of magnesium in the salt droplets and its trans-
port to the salt/gas interface and by reduction reaction 18
(Figure 7(a)). The reaction along the line of contact of the three
phases should be much less significant. The formation of titan- (c)
ium from TiCl2/MgCl2 salt does not need the presence of the
gas phase and can take place at any location where the supply Fig. 7—(a) through (c) Proposed reaction mechanism for sponge forma-
of magnesium can be ensured. At the liquid-magnesium/salt tion in Kroll reactor.
interface, the formation of titanium sponge again involves three
phase reactions. Kinetically, therefore, titanium forms when magnesium chloride/reactor wall, as proposed by Okabe
the MgCl2 droplet reaches a surface where the nucleation and Waseda,[15] according to which the physical contact of
and growth of titanium sponge is favored. Sponge formation magnesium and TiCl2 is not necessary.
proceeds by the dissolution of magnesium in the salt, its Since it was observed in the experiments that there were
diffusion through the salt, and the chemical reaction 19 at no sponge pieces below the perforated bottom plate of the
the crucible wall or the titanium surface (Figures 7(b) and reactor, which has holes of about 40 to 50 mm in size, it
(c)). This sponge-formation reaction can also take place by appears that the sponge grows to large lumps before it breaks
an electrochemical mechanism of charge transfer through off and settles on the perforated bottom plate. Since sponge


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lumps of 50 mm in size are not likely to form and stay on 19) can cause increased heat release near the wall/sponge
the liquid-magnesium surface, sponge formation should be deposit. This can explain the observed high temperatures on
taking place at the crucible inner wall. the magnesium surface near the crucible wall/sponge deposit.
Initially, TiCl4 is reduced to TiCl2 and MgCl2 at the liquid- The observed low magnesium surface temperatures at higher
magnesium surface, forming tiny droplets, as explained earlier. feed rates can be explained by the fact that the reaction rates
These droplets may be continuously swept toward the crucible are lowered (as discussed in the latter part of this discussion)
wall due to convection currents set up by the buoyancy and due to the reduced magnesium cross-sectional area caused by
surface-tension forces. These droplets can then be further sintering of sponge mass at the crucible wall/sponge deposit.
reduced to titanium at the crucible wall where sponge has As the sponge layer at the crucible wall widens, the surface
already formed. The reduction of TiCl4 to TiCl2 can also area available for TiCl4 reduction progressively decreases.
continue to take place on the liquid-magnesium surface near This can result in decreased consumption of TiCl4 and pres-
the wall/sponge deposit at the gas-droplet interface, which also sure buildup. On the other hand, pieces of sponge periodi-
involves the release of exothermic heat. Thus, it is possible cally break off and settle down, exposing a fresh surface of
that the occurrence of both the reactions (viz., reactions 18 and magnesium (Figure 8). During the initial period of reaction,

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 8—Schematic diagram of proposed titanium sponge block formation: (a) initial, (b) 25 pct reduction, (c) 75 pct reduction, and (d) final.


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the break-off of pieces is delayed, leading to noticeable pres- a mechanism for the formation of titanium sponge by the
sure buildup and frequent bleed-offs. This may be followed magnesiothermic reduction of TiCl4 has been proposed.
by a large piece becoming loose and settling down, which TiCl4 vapor becomes reduced to titanium in two import-
could be caused by a lowering of the liquid level due to a ant stages. At the liquid-magnesium surface, TiCl4 becomes
MgCl2 tap. The reaction rate may then remain high for some reduced to give TiCl2 (l) and MgCl2 (l), which are miscible
time, before another buildup. This may explain the erratic in each other. The solubility of Mg in the chloride solution
behavior observed in the reactors, where periods of relatively permits this reaction to proceed at a reasonable rate. TiCl2
constant pressure are interspersed with periods of frequent in the solution is reduced by dissolved magnesium in the
bleed-offs. region where the liquid-magnesium surface meets the cru-
Toward the end of the process, the level of accumulated cible wall. Thin sheets of titanium sponge so formed can
sponge fills the crucible up to the level of the liquid- grow into lumps and periodically break off and settle down
magnesium surface. The availability of liquid magnesium in the liquid magnesium. The reactions being exothermic,
for TiCl4 reduction, therefore, becomes seriously limited, excessive rates of TiCl4 feed rate can result in high tempera-
leading to frequent bleed-offs and forcing the termination tures and magnesium evaporation leading to gas-phase
of the experiment. Since the titanium sponge is porous, reduction, giving titanium powder deposits on the crucible
part of the magnesium is trapped in the pores and is not walls and frequent bleed-offs.
available for reaction. This leads to the lower utilization of
magnesium, as generally observed.
It should be noted that at temperatures of 1100 °C to ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
1200 °C, as observed in the experiments at high feed rates,
the titanium sponge layer formed at the magnesium surface The authors are thankful to the Defense Research and
may sinter, increasing its strength. Therefore, small pieces Development Organization (DRDO), Department of Atomic
which are left on the wall where layers of sponge break can Energy (DAE), and Department of Science & Technology
continue to sinter, becoming stronger. Slowly, therefore, a (DST) for the financial support for this work.
strong layer of sponge can build up behind the advancing layer
of freshly formed sponge. Eventually, this strong layer, which
does not break, can cover a sufficient area to permanently REFERENCES
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