Kinetics of Titanium (LV) Chloride Oxidation: Sotiris Pratsinis, Hebi Bai, and Pratim Biswast
Kinetics of Titanium (LV) Chloride Oxidation: Sotiris Pratsinis, Hebi Bai, and Pratim Biswast
Kinetics of Titanium (LV) Chloride Oxidation: Sotiris Pratsinis, Hebi Bai, and Pratim Biswast
Michael Frenklach
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, Pennsylvania 16802
Sebastian V, R. Mastrangelo
Chemicals and Pigments Department, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company,
Edgemoor, Delaware 19809
The oxidation rate of TiCI4 vapor was measured by FTIR reaction rate of TiC14 in their measurements. Taking this
spectroscopy between 700” and 1000°C in a furnace aerosol effect into account, they proposed a first-order reaction rate
reactor. The reaction rate was found to be first order with with respect to TiC14with activation energy 42 kJ/mol. These
respect to TiC14 and to follow the Arrhenius form. The ap- studies were confined to specific reactant ratios or did not
parent activation energy for the reaction was 88.8 f measure the complete reaction rate of TiC14 oxidation.
3.2 kJ/mol and the preexponential factor 8.26 X lo4 s-’. A This paper reports systematic measurements of the TiC14
kinetic mechanism for the oxidation of TiCI4 was proposed oxidation rate at various reactant ratios, reactor residence
that was consistent with the observed dependence of oxygen times, and temperatures in a furnace flow reactor. These data
concentration on the apparent rate constant. [Key words: ki- are used to propose a global rate expression for oxidation of
netics, titanium, chlorides, oxidation, titania.] TiC14 at various process conditions.
vapors in excess 0 2 in horizontal and vertical furnace flow
reactors. They estimated the activation energy of the oxida-
tion of TiCI4 as 71 kJ/mol. Mahawili and Weinberg’ studied
the oxidation of TiC14 in a rotating plasma jet reactor and
found the reassociation of C1 radicals to affect the global
Of I
G. Messing-contributing editor
Manuscript No. 197902. Received December 14, 1989; approved April 6,
Supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CTS-
8908197 and by E. I. du Pont de Nemours. Support for M. F. provided h the Treatment
Center for Particle Science and Engineering at The Pennsylvania &ate and
University. Exhaust
*To whom correspondence should be addressed.
‘Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Fig. 1. Schematic of the experimental apparatus.
July 1990 Communications of the American Ceramic Society 2159
”w 0.35 -
T ’
El 0.10-
3 d __--
Lr -0.15 -
0 o 720 “C
s 740 “C
A 760 OC
-1I I I I I t I I I I , I I I I , 1
-4.70 -4.20
0.86 0.91 0.96 1.01 LOG. OXYGEN CONCENTRATION
T ( OK ) Fig. 5. Reaction rate constant of Tic14 oxidation as a function of
O2 concentration.
Fig. 4. Arrhenius plot of the oxidation rate of TiC14.
IV. Discussion
difference can be attributed to the high degree of ionization The oxidation of Tic14 and the formation of titania powder
that characterizes plasmas. in the present system can be understood in terms of the fol-
Interestingly enough Eq. (1) fits the experimental data even lowing sequence of chemical reactions. The process is ini-
at the equimolar reactant ratio, though the apparent activa- tiated by the temperature- and pressure-dependent thermal
tion energy is 19% lower than the average of the value ob- decomposition of TiCI4
tained in excess oxygen. The dependence of the rate of
reaction on the oxygen concentration at three temperatures TiCI4 + M + TiCI3 + C1 + M (2)
was further investigated by examining the effect of the latter followed by the low-activation-energy abstraction reaction
on the global reaction rate constant, k = A exp(-E/RT).
Specifically, the initial TiCI4concentration was maintained at TiCI4 + C1 -+ TiC13 + C12 (3)
2.5 x lo-’ mol/L while the oxygen concentration varied from
2.5 x to 1.1 x mol/L corresponding to variation of The TiC13 radicals undergo similar decomposition and ab-
O2 excess from 1 to 40. Figure 5 shows a log-log plot of k vs straction reactions
O2 concentration at 720”, 740”, and 760°C. The slopes of the TiC13 + M + C1 + M
+ TiCI2 (4)
curves are the apparent order of the reaction with respect to
02.These curves are qualitatively similar for all tempera- TiC13 + C1 + Tic]? + C12 (5)
tures. At the lower oxygen concentrations (log [Oz] < -3.7), forming Ti&, and so on. The radicals TiCI, produced in this
the slope is nearly zero, indicating that the reaction rate manner, havingx equal to 2, 1, and 0, can abstract a C1 atom
shows little or no O2 concentration dependence until it
from TiC14:
reaches a 10-fold excess. At higher oxygen concentrations, the
slope increases to about 0.5, indicating that the reaction rate TiCI4 + TiCI, -+ TiCI3 + TiCI,,, (6)
becomes half order with respect to oxygen. This may also ex-
plain the lower coefficient of determination obtained for the thus providing additional channels for the “activation” of
1:20 ratio in Table I. These data can be used to propose a TiCI4, or undergo radical disproportionation reactions
global rate for Tic14 oxidation in the form TiCI, + TiCI, -+ TiCl,-, + TiCI,,, (7)
-d[TiCl,]/dt = (k + k ’ [ 0 2’”)] [TiCI4] wherey = 3,2,1.
The radicals TICI, ( x = 3,2, 1,O) formed in reactions (2)to
where (7) are then oxidized by O2via
k = 8.26 x lo4 exp(-E/RT) s-l TiCI, +0 2 -+ TiO2Cl,-, + nC1 (8)
k‘ = 1.4 x 10’ exp( -E/RT) (L/mol)’”. s-l 01
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