Biochemistry Final Review Outlines
Biochemistry Final Review Outlines
Biochemistry Final Review Outlines
Adipose Tissue
B-oxidation + Primarily reg by serum free fa levels Odd Chain FA
Mitochondrial Matrix
Insulin (Phosphatase) TAG Free Fatty Acids Propionyl CoA
- Dephosphorylation Binding
16C fatty acid
- TCA Propionyl CoA
Oxidation Cycle carboxylase
Hormone Sensitive Albumin FADH2 -> 2 ATP
Acyl CoA dehydrogenase
Lipase MCAD 4 Methylmalonyl CoA
+ Phosphorylation Transport
Methylmalonyl CoA Vitamin B12
Epinephrine (Active protein Addition of Enoyl CoA hydratase Oxaloacetate mutase
kinase) Free fatty acids water
Succinyl CoA
Glycerol 1 Liver
Skeletal and
Cardiac Muscle Oxidation NADH+H2 -> 3ATP + NAD+
3-hydroxy acyl CoA dehydrogenase
1 Glycerol cannot be reused -oxidation -oxidation TCA Cycle
- adipose lacks glycerokinase 4 Cleavage Thiolase
- Enters glycolysis, gluconeogensis
or triacylglycerol synthesis Acetyl CoA Gluconeogensis
dicarboxylic Acetyl CoA 14C fatty acid + Acetyl CoA Ketogensis
ketogensis Ketogensis (liver Mitochondria)
Minor pathway for oxidation (in ER) acids
-MCAD Deficincy
-> decarb acids found in circulation and urine
CO2+H2O + Kreb’s cycle
2 Acetyl CoA
Pyruvate Thiolase CoA
Acetoacetyl CoA
Fatty acyl CoA synthetase 2 4 MCAD deficiency
(thiokinase) - Most common autosomal recessive enzyme def HMG CoA synthase
Fatty acid + CoASH Fatty acyl CoA - Decreased ability to oxidize 6-10C FA
- Hypoglycemia during fasting (liver and muscle not utilize FA)
due to high glycolysis HMG CoA lyase
ATP AMP + PPi B-oxidation - Medium chain (8-10C) acyl carnitines excreted in urine
-Dicarboxylic acids found in urine (high omega oxid) spontanous
3 - CK-MM and myglobin CO2 dehydrogenase
Fatty NAD+
Fatty Acyl CoA JAMAICAN VOMITING SICKNESS - unripe ackee fruit Acetone
Acyl CoA - hypoglycin A inhibits MCAD (beta oxidation) 3-hydroxy butyrate
Acyl CoA ( -hydroxy butyrate)
Carnatine 1 - vomiting after ingest, drowsiness (hypoglyc), coma and death Peripheral tissues:
- Carnitine - Skeletal and cardiac muscle
CPT-II - Brain
CPT-I 2 2 CPT-I deficiency Ketoacidosis in uncontrolled diabetes
- hypoglycemia and hypoketonemia Utilization of Ketone Bodies
mellitus (Cardiac and Skeletal muscle and Brain)
- Systemic form: Predominantly affects liver
Acyl Carnatine Acyl Carnitine - Very low insulin
Malonyl CoA isoform 3-hydroxy butyrate
- Super active lipoysis in adipose
- serum carnitine levels usually elevated NAD+
- Ketone bodies = weak acids
Translocase 3 hydroxybutyrate
- HCO3- buffer thus acidosis
3 CPT-II Deficiency
- Ketone bodies in urine
dehydrogenase NADH
Fatty Acid Synthesis - cardiomyopathy and myopathic Acetoacetate
Carnitine Carnitine - Resipiration increased (resp comp) Succionyl CoA
- Lipid deposits in skeletal muscle Succinyl CoA:acetoacetate
- prolonged exercise -> myoglobinuria CoA transferase (Thiophorase) Succinate
Outer Mit Inner Mit
and CK-MM levels in serum Acetoacetyl CoA
Thiophorase not present CoA
Present in outer mitochondrial membrane 1 Primary Carnitine deficiency in liver
2 (cytosol side) Increased Ketogensis during Starvation Thiolase
- carnitine uptake into tissues impared
Fatty acid chains shorter than shorter than - transport of long chain FA into Mit impaired 2 Acetyl CoA
3 - B oxidation decreased
1) decreased insulin glucagon ratio,
12 C atoms can cross without carnitine activation of hormone sensitive lipase
or CPT - Hypoglycemia and hypoketonemia 2) Inc FFA = Inc B-oxid due to absence
-> impaired gluconeogensis (pyruvate carboxy) inhibit CPT-I by malonyl CoA
- Systemic car def - ketogensis decreased if liver 3) Inc B-ox = inc NADH/nAD+ and inc ATP Krebs cycle
carnitine deficient. Presents at early age 4) Acetyl CoA stimulates Pyruvate Carbox and pyruvate
- Reduced serum carnitine shunted to glyconeogensis and Inc NADH/NAD+ = malate
*Secondary-> liver disease/chronic renal failure 5) Acetyl Coa shunted towards ketogensis rather than TCA
Synthesis of Cholesterol
- Requires Acetyl CoA, NADPH and ATP
- occurs in cytoplasm with enzymes in cytosol and ER
- Cholesterol levels carefully regulated Cholesterol
Liver plays central role in cholesterol homeostasis
-Atherosclerosis -> too much plasma cholesterol - Most abundant sterol in body
Sources of liver cholesterol
- gall stones -> too much cholesterol secretion - Synthesis most important in liver,
1) De novo synthesis in liver
- Pyrophosphate helps with solubility intestine, adrenal cortex,
2) Cholesterol synthesized in extrahepatic itssues (HDL)
3) Dietary cholesterol (Chylomicron remnants) reproductive organs
(AH! AH! Her Man Penis Is Disgusting! Go Find Scissors! Let’s Chop!)
Major routes cholesterol leaves liver Functions:
2 Acetyl CoA
1) Secretion of HDL and VLDL 1) component of all cell membranes
Insulin Phosphoprotein Thiolase
2) Free Cholesterol secreted in bile 2) precursor of bile acids
Phosphatase 3) precursor of all steroid hormones
Acetoacetyl CoA 3) Conversion to bile acids/salts
and Vitamin D
HMG CoA (6C)
Activator (+) Inhibitors (-)
Statins leading to rhabdomyolysis
- Statin cause long-term regulation 3-hydroxy-5-methyl glutaryl CoA - glucagon
through upregulation - cholesterol - interferes with synthesis of IPP and FPP
HMG-CoA 2NADPH HMG-CoA - Statin drugs: e.g. Zocor, Lipitor (competitive inhibition)
- reduced protein (iso)prenylation, dolichol
reductase 2NADP+ reductase - High cholesterol -> downregulation
and ubiquinone
isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP) (5C)
Sterol Regulating Element ubiquinone High intracellular
(SRE) on HMG CoA reductase gene
Deoxycorticosterone 11-deoxycortisol LH
+ Testosterone Estrone
- when dietary cholesterols reduced, LDL- apo B-100 - recognize apo B-100 - LDL receptor recycled -
receptor synthesis returns and LDL blood HMG CoA reductase
levels decrease -SREBP (from ER) binds to SRE (nucleus)
- synthesis of LDL receptors
Lipoprotein (a) or Lp(a) Hyperlipidemias
- similar to LDL but with additional apo(a) Risk factors for Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
- structure of “kringles” Total cholesterol : HDL ratio >5 - High levels of lipoproteins in serum
- apo(a) - glycoprotein covalently linked to apo B-100 - high LDL : HDL ratio - Hereditary or acquired
via disulfide bond and structural analog to plasminogen - TAG : HDL ratio > 4
- Frederickson Classification (Type 1-5)
- Apo(a) may compete with plasminogen binding to
fibrin thus decreased removal (increase of blood clots
- formed from LDL by oxidation of phospholipids Hypertriacylglycerolemia Hypercholesterolemia
or apoB-100 - Lipoproteins with high TAGS - HIgh lipoproteins with high cholesterol
- (+) Superoxide, nitric oxide, H2O2
- (-) Vit E, Ascorbic acid, B-carotine
(chylomicrons and VLDLs) and cholesteryl esters
- attach macrophage via SR-A (back door) - related to reduced LPL (LDL and lipoprotein remnants)
- converts to foam cell - defective apo C-II - Defective LDL receptors
- fibrofatty atheroma and fatty streaks
- oxLDL accumulate in blood b/c not recognized by
- increase release of VLDL - apo E deficiency
LDL receptor, thus plaque formation Acquired onset associations: Acquired onset associations
- Hypertension - Hypothyroidism
LDL -A and B (bad)
- A large and less dense - Untreated diabetes mellitus - Nephrotic syndrome
- B (bad) small and dense, penetrate endothelium easily - Alcohol abuse - Obstructive liver disease
- B retained by ECM and proteoglycans - Usage of oral contraceptives - Treatment with specific medical drugs
B- can be oxidzed to ox-LDL
-B risk factor for CHD - Hyperuricemia
Proteosome Deg
Pathway (intracellular) Diff Proteins have Dif T1/2
Tissue protein catabolism
Protein in need Dietary protein
of degred damaged (amino acids) Synthesis of non-
oxidative damage Amino acid Amino group comes
protein essential amino acids Transamination
of protein off, or given to another
Poly ubiquitinated or deamination
alpha keto acid
ATP dependant Hydrophobic core -Keto Acid
Tissue Proteins Amino acid pool
denaturation of proteins gets exposed, (Carbon skeleton)
destroy old protein Catabolism/Synthesis (nitrogen pool)
(danger of agglutination) synth new (turnover 400g/day) - no storage form of nitrogen
Proteosome (lysosome and proteosome)
recognize UB UB-chain added to
Pyruvate/TCA Acetyl CoA/
- protein degraded ubiquitination protein, tagging for cycle intermediate Ketone body
to peptide destruction by proteosome Amino acid catabolism Ketogenic amino acid
- ATP dependant
Synthesis of nitrogen - Yields acetoacetate, acetyl CoA
PEST sequence Proteins rich in Pro, Glu, Ser & Thr or acetoacetyl CoA
have shorter t1/2. preferentia UB Carbon skeleton containing compounds: (not gluconeogensis substrate)
UB not recognized Ammonia (toxic) Heme, creatine, Glucose
and destruction
thus recycled neurotransmitters,
Purines, Pyrimidines, Glucogenic amino acid
Glucose/lipid synthesis many others
- catabolism yields pyruvate or TCA intermediate
Urea cycle (gluconeogensis substrate)
Lysosomal protein degredation
- normal degredation of some cell componants
- Digest from phagocytosisLi
- Digest receptor mediated endocytosis (LDL receptor)
- Autophagy
- Extracellular (sperm to fertilize egg, inappropriate
white blood cell lysosome component release and
Liver Hartnup’s disease
- Site where most aa release amino groups as ammonia
joint tissue damage - BAD) Cystinuria (COAL - dibasic) - Defect in transport of neutral amino acid (Tryptophan)
- lysosomal enzymes stain dark red (work in low pH) - Tubuluar reabsorption of Cystine decreased - Decreased tryptophan dietary absorption
Amino acid NH3 (Toxic) (along with ornithin, arginine, lysine) - increased tryptophan excretion
carbon skeletons - inherited deficiency of cystine transporter - Most patients normal
- cystine excreted in urine - May lead to NAD+ deficiency (pellagra) - niacin
- cystein precipitates in renal tubules not synthesized from tryptophan
Urea (major end product - renal stones in children (typically with low protein diet lacking niacin - rare)
Gluconeogensis TCA
of N metabolism) 4 D’s (diarrhea, dermititis, dementia, death)
- excrete ammonia as ammonium ions NH4+
(regulation of acid base balance)
(Ammonia source -> glutamine, Brush border absprbs AA via secondary
glutaminase enzyme) active transport (kidney)
-Other non-protein nitrogen secreted: -Na+/K+ ATPase
1) uric acid (purine deg) (electrochemical gradient)
2) creatinine - Na+ gradient harnessed by some
3) other amino acid transport systems
(Mostly Urea - 86%)
PKU Decreased melanin Alkaptonuria
- Autosomal Recessive and relatively common synthesis; tyrosine - relatively benign inborn error
- Developmental delay, seizures, spasticity, autistic behaviors PKU I becomes an - Deficiency in enzyme
hypopigmentation, skin rashes (Classic PKU) essential amino acid - Manifestations:
- Dietary treatment - low protein, no eggs, milk, meat, aspartame 1) Darkening of urine on standing
- tested by tandem mass spec (high Phenylalanine levels) Phenylalanine 2) Discoloration of cartilage and CT
- test infants twice (first may be false negative) Phenylalanine hydroxylase (Ochronotic pigments (ochronosis)
Tyrosine 3) Leads to severe arthritis
PKU I (Classic PKU) (due to oxidation of excess homogentisic acid)
- CNS: low IQ, seizures if blood Phe high (most severe Tetrahydrobiopterin Discoloration: Bluish-black ear, Sclera darkens
development seen early in development) (BH4) (BH2)
- Phe to phenylacetate and phenyllactate (mousey urine) Sapropterin
- Phe levels elevated PKU I
Phenylalanine Tyrosine
- Decreased Pig. Blonder Blue eyes Pale skin Dihydrobiopterin reductase
- Treatment: diet or Sapropterin (synthetic form of BH4 Phenylpyruvic acid Dihydrobiopterin
PKU II Synthesis Homogentisic acid
(mild form of disease, may have low affinitity mutant enzyme) Homogentisic acid
(malignant PKU) deposits in cartilage &
Phenylpyruvic acid
connective tissue Homogentisic
Maternal PKU syndrome excreted in urine Alkaptonuria
(ochronosis) acid oxidase
- High maternal blood Phe leads to fetal defects (mousey odor of urine)
(microcephaly, mental retard, congen heart def )
- High Phe leads to teratogenic properties Maleylacetoacetate
- Mom’s fault, typically child is heterozygous Homogentisic acid is several
Sulfer of homocysteine may be transferred excreted in urine (brown steps
to serine to form Cysteine (B6; PLP), and carbon discoloratino of urine)
PKU II (malgnant PKU) skeleton eventually forms Succinyl-CoA (B-12)
- deficiant of one of two enzymes for BH2/BH4 for entry into TCA cycle Fumaryl acetoacetate Tyrosinemia
- more severe CNS (decreased neurotransmitters: seratonin, hydrolase Type I
dopamine, catecholamines) Methionine
- Treatment is diet restriction, biopterin diet and neurotransmitter Homocystein may be recycled Fumerate +
precursors (difficult because BBB) High levels of back to methionine Acetoacetate
(THF & B12)
in plasma & Homocysteine Tyrosinemia Type I
Cystathionine - Buildup of fumaryl acetoacetate
PLP Homocystinuria - INborn error of enzyme deficiency
Disrupts beta-synthase
- Manifestations severe and fatal
tissue 1) Liver Failure
Cystathionine 2) Renal Failure
3) Cabbage like odor of urine
- Dietary restriction of Phe and Tyr may be tried
Branched chain Cystine (Difficult because 2 essential aa must be avoided)
Branched chain
amino acids keto acids - Tyrosine required for NT synthesis (epi, norepi)
MSUD Homocystinuria
Branched chain alpha-keto
- Defect in homocystein metabolism thus
TPP high in plasmaand urine
acid dehydrogenase
Neurological - Deficiency of cystathionine beta-synthase
manifestations Ketosis &
(transulfuration pathway)
maple syrup Coresponding - Homocysteine binds to CT and disrupts structure
odor of urine acyl CoA - Characterized by
1) Dislocatino of lens
(ectopia lentis)
2) Skeletal abnormalties
Maple Syrup Urine disease (MSUD) 3) Mental retardation
- Relatively rare inborn error of metabolism Valine and Isoleucine
4) premature arterial disease (Also Methionine, Threonine,
- Symptoms develop 4-7 days - Some patients respond to oral Vitamin B6 and Odd chain fatty acids)
-detected by neonatal screening
-Presents with poor feeding, vomiting, poor weight gain Homocystinuria interferes with collagen and:
and increased lethargy 1) Lens dislocation after age 3
- Neuro signs develop rapidly: (other ocular abnormalities Propionyl CoA
1) Alternating muscular hypotonia and hypertonia 2) Osteoporosis develops during childhood Methylmalonic aciduria
2) seizures Propionyl CoA - Deficient enzyme resulting in elevated levels of
3) Lipid deposits form atheromas Biotin
carboxylase methylmalonic acid in circ
3) encephalopathy 4) Other effects (lipid oxidation
- Ketosis and characteristic odor present when first and platelet aggregation -> - Metabolic acidosis
symptoms develop leading to fibrosis and Methylmalonyl CoA - Neuro manifestations
- Coma and death of child in early infancy if not recog and treat calcification of Methylmalonic 1) seizures
Treatment by restricting branched chain aa. atherosclerotic plaques acidemia / CoA mutase
Vit B12 2) encephalopathy
(difficult and all 3 BCAA essential and 25% aa are VIL) aciduria - In some children, milder form may manifest
- Dietary Supplementation with TPP (B1) maybe - treatment with B12 (cobalamin)
useful when enzyme has low coenzyme affinity Succinyl CoA (this form has mutant enzyme with
-Tissue catabolism mobilize aa to metabolism reduced affinity for B12 coenzyme)
-Similar to Enzyme similar to Alpha ketoglutarate DH and TCA Cycle
Urea Cycle Disorders (UCD) Pyruvate Glutamate
- Urea formation decreased (hyperammonemia) Amino Acids
- symptoms appear during first few days of life
1) Lethargy Gluconeogenesis Glucose
2) Irritability Alanine Alpha-Ketogluterate NH3
NH3 Formation in liver Pyruvate Glutamate
3) Feeding difficulties - From alanine and other amino acids
- Results in Neurological manifestations, seizures and - requires PLP Muscle Tissue
mental retardation Alpha-Ketogluterate NH3
Management of Hyperammonemia
1) Dialysis Systemic Circ
2) Benzoic acid (conbines with glycine to form (15%)
Hippuric acid - excreted in urine) Mitochondria
3) Phenylbutyrate - Converted to phenylacetate Activated
- condenses with glutamine Portal circ. by arginine Oxaloacetate
HCO3- + NH4+ + 2 ATP Glutamate
- form phenylacetylglutamine 85%
- excreted in urine Acetyl AST
- Removes 2 N per molec. CoA
limiting CPS I NAG
3) Low protein high carb diet L-Aspartate
4) Prevention of stresses inducing catabolic state
Step + Citrulline
5) Long term: Liver transplant Carbamoyl
Phosphate OTC Orotic acid ATP
CPS 1 Deficiency (Type I Hyperammoniemia)**
excreted in
- Sometimes responds to Arginine intervention urine
(Arg stimulates formation of NAG) NH4+ NH3 AMP
- High levels of NAG might stimulate ASS
deficient CPS1
NH3 from gut L-Ornithine
Ureases or Argininosuccinate
OTC deficiency (X-linked) - (Type II Hyperammoniemia)** - Bacterial ureases in colon
- Most common UCD - Then goes to gut
- more common and severe in males - With liver disease, ammonia
- Mitochondrial ornithine transcarbamoylase not detoxified
- Diagnosed by: (Ammonia Toxicity)
1) Elevated serum ammonia UREA
2) Elevated serum & urine orotic acid Argnine
(orotic aciduria - b/c high carbamoyl phosphate) Fumerate
ASS - Argininosuccinate synthetase deficiency Renal Excretion Urea Cycle
(Feed Forward)
(Classic Citrullinemia) (75%) -Urea contains 2 nitrogen atoms
- Hyperammonemia with very high levels of serum - In liver
citrulline, and citrulline in urine - Partly mitochondrial (2) and Cytosolic (3) TCA or oxidized
Blood Urea Nitrogen - Kidney Failure back to OAA
- Treatment may include arginine - All disorders of UC result hyperammonemia
Elevated Blood Ammonia - Urea Cycle Disorder
(Enhances urinary Citrulline excretion)
(Activate urea cycle b/c excess substrate)
- Also other listed treatments
Postprandial (2-3 hrs post meal) Postabsorptive (5-7 hours)
High insulin/glucagon Low insulin/glucagon
Substrate availability Covalent Modivication by insulin (prevent further drop of blood glucose)
- Glycolysis - Activates protein phosphatases Substrate availability Covalent Modivication by Glucagon
- Glycogen synthesis - dephosphorylation - B-oxidation and Epinephrine
- FA Synthesis - Ketone Body Synth - Protein Kinase A (cAMP)
Enzyme induction by insulin
- Cholesterol synthesis
- Glycolysis (glucokinase, PFK-1,
pyruvate kinase) Enzyme induction by Glucagon
- PPP (glucose 6-P dehydrogenase) - PEP carboxykinase
- FA synthesis (acetyl CoA carboxylase) - fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase
- Cholesterol (HMG CoA reductase) - glucose 6-phosphatase
Heart muscle
Muscle Postabsorptive - Continuous active
- Glucagon, Epinephrine and Cortisol - Completely aerobic Ca2+ and AMP glycolysis and glycogen degredation
- Protein degredation - negligible glycogen and lipid
- AA release (alanine-glucose cycle) - may use any fuel
- Usage of ketone bodies (Energy) - Always dependent on vascular’ ‘
-> stimulates PFK-1
- Usage of FA (Energy) supply (interruption = infarc)
-> Stimulates glycogen phosphoylase b (only in muscle)
- Ca2+
Type I slow Type IIA Fast Type II B Fast
-> stimulates glycogen phosphorylase kinase
Property twitch Oxida ve glycoly c -> full activation of glycogen phosphorylase
ATP Hydrolysis Slow Fast Fast - Epinephrine
Contrac on Speed Slow Fast Fast -> stimulates cAMP cascade in muscle
Glycoly c capacity Low Moderate HIgh -> leads to phosphylation and activation of glycogen
Oxida ve capacity High Moderate Low phosphorylation
Glycogen storage + ++ +++
Appearance Red Red White
-> Epinephrine slower than AMP and Ca2+
Capillary supply Good Moderate Poor
Adipocytes Abdominal White Adipose Tissue Brown Adipose tissue
- 83% total energy - antilypolytic effect of insulin is low - Large # mitochondria
- lipolysis vs. Estereification - Very responsive to epinephrine - Multiple fat droplets (increased SA
-> determines level of FA in blood -> releases more FA and regular cytoplasmic dispersion)
- influences metabolism in other tissue - Extra FA released goes to liver - Thermogenin (UCP-1)
-> i.e. liver, skeletal muscle, heart -> leads to increased VLD -> mitochondrial uncoupler
- Have all enzymes for FA Synth -> 2,4 DNP - “Death Diet Drug”
-> Only minor amount in humans White Adipose - High activity of ETC -> heat production
- distributed throughout ody
- Tissue reclaims mobilized FA
Posprandial -> Limited amount of FA in blood
- Insulin mobilize GLUT-4 - Regulated E storage
- Activate lipoprotein lipase
in capillaries
- Lipogenesis (esterification)
VLDLs Chylomicrons
(Liver De novo) (Diet)
CII + Remnants - Stimulates synthesis
LDL lipoprotein lipase and secretion of LPL
(anchored to capillary) by adipocytes
Glut-4 +
- Increase
Glycolysis postprandial
FA - Facilitated transport
TAG Synthesis
To liver for
- TAG synthesis
- Gluconeogensis
- Glycolysis
Postabsoprtive Albumin
- Epinephrine and Cortisol
- Phosphorylation of HSL (active)
FFA Glycerol
- Importantly Low insulin **
TAG mobilization
- Sympathetic nerv sys
- Muscle activity
TAG Degradation
-> leads to increase circulation
-> increased E demand
- Type I Diabetes
-> Ketone bodies GLUT-4
-> tissues think body starving - Stored in endosomes
- Elevated cAMP
- Activated PKA
- Receptors in hypothalamus AMPK
-> aptetite suppression - Response to low E states
Adipose endocrine gland: - Product of Ob gene - many substrates
- excess adipose -> insulin resistance - Satiation + -> regulates lots of stuff
-> altered adipokine leads to insulin -> obesity not b/c low leptin - Catabolic and Anabolic
leads to insulin resistance
-> hyperinsulemia -> pancrease wears down
-> metabolic syndrome
- Absence of adipose tissue -> severe insulin
- Sweaty restaurant effect
- Energy dissipation
-> Loss of hormonal signals
- Futile cycle
-> Dysregulation of TAG and FA levels
Odd Chain FA Cobalamin (B12)
Resynthesis of methionine requires B12 Clinical correlations of B12:
Degredation of: and THF - Deficiency causes accumulation of fatty
1) Methionine - From meat Methionine acids - > neurological effects (CNS)
2) Valine - Needed by: THF Required for methylation - Pernicious anemia - (autoimmune
3) Isoleucine 1) Methionine synthase (H4Folate) (CH3) reactions: destruction of parietal cells)
4) Throenine 2) Isomerization of methyl
malonyl CoA (mutase)
or S-Adenosylmethionine 1) Norepi -> Epi - Treatment - lifetime B12 injection
go through this same pathways N,N-dimethylglycine 2) PE -> PC - Can produce megaloblastic anemia
- Require B12 (SAM) - Anemia is reversible
Deficiency of B12 Methionine
3) mRNA methylation
(AA that form Succinyl CoA - Results in accumulation of homocysteine (methyl-G-cap) - CNS effects are not
produce propionyl-CoA first) Vitamin B12 Synthase - Causes of B12 deficiency:
and trapping of THF in methyl-THF form
- Decreases formation of other THF derivatives S- Adenosyl homocysteine 1) Pure vegan diet
Propionyl CoA - Impairs DNA, RNA and nucleotide synthesis N5-methyl 2) chronic pancreatitis (can’t cleave off
H4folate R-factor)
or betaine Vitamin defieicncies associated with 3) terminal ileal disease (Chron’s disease)
Propionyl CoA Biotin
carboxylase Homocystinuria
Homocysteine - Folate + Vitamin B12 - required for homocysteine
N10-Formyl-THF Purines N-methyltransferase (methionine synthase)
D-Methylmalonyl-CoA Cystathionine - Vitamin B6 - required for cysthionine synthetase Hyperhomocysteinemia
Folic acid in Nucleotide and Synthase and cysthionine lyase - deficiency of cystathione synthase
- Vitamin Deficiency resulting in Increase plasma
L-Methylmalonyl CoA Thymidine
Amino Acid Metabolism homocysteine, will damage blood vessels and
- lens dislocation after age 3 (other ocular abnormalities
- Requires 2 NADPH - Osteoporosis during childhood
Cysteine poses a risk for thrombosis - Mental retardation
Methylmalonyl CoA THF
Vitamin B12 - lipid deposits form atheromas
mutase - Lipid oxidation and platelet aggregation -> leads to
Methionine fibrosis and calcification of atherosclerotic plaques
-Produce taurine (bile salt)
Succinyl CoA by cysteine dioxygenase
- Produce PAPS (GAG Synthesis
through prod of Sulfate
PLP, B6 Histamine
Amino Acid
Folic Acid: Folate Deficiency Causes: Decarboxylase
- THF is active form 1) Diet lacking fruit and vegetable Histidine
- Synthesized in bacteria and plants 2) Drugs: Methotrexate (chemotherapeutic)
- essential vitamin in humans trimethoprim (kills blast cells and causes Histidinase
- Important in 1C transfer reactions macrocytic anemia) Histidinemia Amino acid
1) DNA and RNA synthesis 3) Alcohol (block reabsorption of Humans and synthesis
Urocanic Degredation of Microorganisms Glutamate
(purines and thymidine) monoglutamate in jejunum microorganisms
2) Some amino acid metabolism 4) Rapidly-growing cancers (malignant cells acid Histidine requires THF
(glycine <-> serine) use more folic acid) - Deficiency in folic acid PABA
3) Met from homocystine 5) Celiac disease results in high FIGIu in urine + Dihydropteroate Dihydrofolate Purine
6) Sulfa drugs N-Formimino- Folic Acid THF
- Used to diagnose low folic acid Pteridine synthetase reductase Synthesis
glutamate (FIGIu) - Histidinemia due to histidinase
Serine THF THF deficiency - -
Folic acid Deficiency:
Serine - Most common vitamin deficiency in U.S. Glutamate Thymidine
- Common in pregnant women and alcoholics
Sulfonamides Methotrexate
hydroxymethyl- monophosphate
transferase - reduces risk of neural tube defects - Competatively inhibit folic acid - Comp inhibit synthesis
- Results in homocystinuria and megaloblastic in microorganisms - Folic acid analogue
anemia - treat cancer
Glycine tetrahydrofolate
Normal uptake and Increased conjugated - serum bilirubin >2mg/dL
Decreased uptake and Increased conjugated
Increased uptake and conjugation of bilirubin by liver bilirubin in circulation
conjugation of bilirubin by bilirubin in circulation due to regurgitation
-> Normal <1mg/dL (most unconjugated)
conjugation of bilirubin by liver liver & decreased secretion - Test via Van den Bergh reaction
due to regurgitation
of conjugated bilirubin Obstruction due to -> Diazo reagent (diazotized sulfanilic acid)
gall stones or cancer
-- bilirubin reacts with reagent forming red
Increased excretion of colored complex
conjugated bilirubin into Loss of Decreased/absent excretion of
Decreased excretion of conjugated
bilirubin in
- Total Bilirubin = direct (conjugated) +
bile and intestine bilirubin into bile and intestine conjugated bilirubin into bile and
urine intestine Indirect (unconjugated)
Loss of - Unconjugated bilirubin is water insoluble
(Orange Yellow)
bilirubin in
Increased excretion Increased excretion Decreased formation of Decreased formation of (Dark Orange
of urobilin in urine of stercobilin in feces urobilinogen in intestine Serum Serum Serum
urobilinogen in intestine Urine) Total conjugated unconjugated
Urine Urine
(yellow) bilirubin urobilinogen
Bilirubin bilirubin bilirubin
Prehepa c
Decreased Decreased Absent Decreased jaundice
Very High N Very High (acholuric High
globulins Albumin
IgM: - smalles most abundant serum proteins
- in blood and lymph - anionic at pH 7.4 (negative charge) Kernicterus
- first antibody responder Different causes of hypoalbuminemia
- 70-80% osmotic pressure - infants with displaced bilirubin
IgG: - Decreased albumin synthesis
- synthesized by liver @ 14g/day - because albumin tranportsbilirubin
- in all body fluids -> low protein diet (malnutrition)
- t1/2 20 days and drugs
- smallest but most common -> Chronic liver disease (cirhosis)
- glycosylated in blood - diabetes test?) - thus aspirin will displace bilirubin for
- produced on repeated exposure to same - Increased albumin loss
- single polypetide chain with 585 aa and drugs
antigen (often bacterial and viral infec. -> severe burns (loss from burnt skin)
stabilizerd by internal disulfide bonds -> Loss of albumin in urine (nephrotic
- crosses placenta and confers immunity - indicator of nutritional statis and liver synthetic function Edema syndrome)
to fetus and newborn - low albumin indicates severe liver damage/inflammation - low serum albumin
IgE: - Albumin in urine hypoalbuminemia
- in lung, skin, mucous membranes -> damage to kidney - low colloid osmotic pressure
- secreted in allergic reactions - binds cations in blood (Ca2+) - Congenital analbuminemia appear normal
IgA: PH AND BOUND CA2+ and only show some edema or hypocalcemia
- Found in body secretions - High pH = High bound Ca2+ Albumin
- protects body surfaces - Low pH = Low bound Ca2+ Albumin
- role uncertain
Serum proteins
- separated by electrophoresis
- Separation by charge (albumin -)
Acute phase proteins
Multiple myeloma - serum proteins increased (Positive) or decreased (Negative)
- tumor of plasma cells (activated B cells) in response to inflammatory disorders
- increase of monoclonal band - found in response to infection, extreme stress, burns, major
crush injury allergy or other albumin
- specic immunoglobulin produced
by malignant clone Reactants
- typically high amounts of monoclonal - Cytokines
Ig -> stimulate synthesis of positive acute phase reactants
- important in diagnosing and monitoring -> serum proteins serve immun functions
patients with multiple myeloma - Ceruloplasmin and haptoglobin
-> inhibit iron uptake by microbes
- Leads to increase 2 -globin fraction
Liver Cirrhosis - Increase of -1 AT leads to increase in -1 Globulin fraction
- increase in many immunoglobulins - NOT in serum
- of all closses, often includes IgA -> C-reactive protein not found, but released over 30,000 times
-> need specific test and is used to monitor inflammation
+ -
2) Platelet plug formation: Primary hemostasis
- Greatly limits blood loss by forming plugs Post platelet adheions: B) Platelet aggregation
Step 1: Vascular spasm/
- mediated by Fibrinogen
vasoconsytriction - 2 steps: platelet adhesion followed by aggregation
Platelet activation: Shape change -> binds to GPIIb/IIIa on adjacent - Aspirin and COX1 inhibitors
- Trauma to vessel wall results
in contraction Role of Von Willebrand factor A) Platelet adhesion
plates -> prevent formatino of thromboxane
- Thrombasthenia of Glanzman and Naegeli
- factors released from injured - vWf - bridge between specific GPs - Facilitated by endothelial injury -> GpIIb/IIIa defect
in platelets
vessel wall ADP, CA2+ released Synthesis and release
- FAciliatates platelet adhesion and (normally inhibted by negative charges
of thromboxane A2 - Formation of platelet plug/primary hemostasis - Heparin
- Nervous reflexes platelet aggregation of wall and platelets)
- Transient and not long term - complexes with VIII, carries it, stabilizes - mediated by receptors glycoproteins Other platelets activated -> activates antithrombin III
cessation of bleeding it and prevents its degradation (GPlb and Gpla) (Promote aggregation) -> inactivates thrombin
Primary hemostasis - formatin of platelet plug
- Deficiency associated with defect in - Steps:
COX - Formation of platelet plug requries
- Warfarin
formation of platelet plug (primary 1) Platelet GPla binds to collagen
hemostasis) and defect in coagulation and structural changes ADP binding facilitates Ca2+ 1)von Willebrand factor -> blocks epoxide redutase in liver
(due to low VIII) 2) Von Willebrand factor binds to platelet release Aspirin 2) adequate number of platelets -> thus preventing regen of active
3) GpIb platelet receptors
receptor GPlb Phospholipase A2 activated 4) GpIIb/IIIa platelet receptors
form of Vit K
Platelet- 3) binding exposes GPllb/llla for binding (by Ca2+)
of fibrinogen Decreases cAMP - Defects in platelet plug formation -> also inhibits clottin factors (against
Platelet defects: Increased Bleeding time endothelium
(due to defective platelet plug formation) interaction (facilitate aggregation) -> because of missing any of above action of Vit K
No ADP stim = no platelet aggregation -> increased bleeding time
- GpIb defect: Bernard-Soulier syndrome GPlb GPllb GPlIla GPla Platelet-
- Streptokinase
- Normal platelet count and increased endothelium -> thrombolytic agent; plasminogen
bleeding time Platelet-Platelet
interaction activator
- Qualitative platelet defects interaction Control of hemostasis: Anti-coagulant factors
-> converts plasminogen to plasmin
GpIIb/IIIa defect: Thrombasthenia of vWF - Normal endothelia are anti-thrombic - Antithrombin III
enabiling dissoltion of clots
Glanzman and Naegeli
- Normal platelet count and increased BT
- chemical mediators -> inhibits factors Xa and thrombin (IIa)
- Also qualitative platelet defect Subendothelial Collagen ->PGI2 and nitric oxide -> Heparin works by activating this factor
Thrombocytopoenia (low platelet count -> released by healthy endothelium - Protein C and S (also require vit K)
- low platelet count and increased BT -> PGI2 increases cAMP levels, inhibing -> inactivate cofactors Va and VIIIa
- Quantitative platelet defect
platelet activation -> Protein S is cofactor for protein C
Role of vitamin K & -Carboxylation
- Vit K required for hepatic synthesis of -> Protein C activated by binding
3) Blood coagulation (Secondary hemostasis) Prothrombin (II), VII, IX, X, Proteins C and S thrombomodulin to thrombin
- Conversion of blood from liquid state to solid gel state - glutamic acid residues of above proteins are
- Ultimate goal: soluble fibrinogen to insoluble fibrin and carboxylated in reaction involving vitamin K
stabilize (via cross linking) Step 4: Dissolution of the fibrin clot/ tertiary hemostasis
- allows Ca2+ binding b/c of negative charge - Fibrin degredation products and D-dimer levels raised
-> requires thrombin
- 2 pathways
-> forms complex with Ca2+ allowing it to with deep vein thrombosis Tests of hemostatic functions
bind to phospholipids on platelet membrane - estimated to clinical practice to estimate extent
1) Extrinsic Pathway
- activated on injury of patients with thrombosis Bleeding time Clotting time
2) Intrinsic pathway - time from initial injury - time formatin of stable fibrin
Precursors for + Proteins Inactive Plasminogen gets
- important pathological processes e.g. atherosclerosis
II, VII, IX, X C and S incorporated in developing clot to platelet plug formation - Prolonged clotting time
- Both systems involve cascade 1) Tissue plasminogen
- Product formed at each step catalyzes next step - + - indicator of platlet plug indicates defect in coagulation
Plasminogen Activator activator
Glutamyl residue formation pathway
Inhibitor 1 & 2 2) urokinase
Rough endothelial surface 3. Streptokinase - Prolonged bleeding time
- exposure of collagen - Antiplasmin Active plasma (proteolytic indicator of Prothrombin time (PT) or
Warfarin - International normilized ratio (INR)
1) Low platelet count
12 Vitamin K 2) vWf deficiency - Tests extrinsic and common
vWF Def Hemophilia B Fibrin degredation
+ Fibrin 3) Platelet receptor defects coagulation pathway
Hemophilia A products (FDP)
INR is very sensitive
Partial thromboplastin time
Mature factors
9 Tissue Injury
II, VII, IX, X indicator of Vit K (APTT)
Thrombin deficiency
(2) 8 - Tests intrinsic and common
- -carboxyl-
Thromboplastin glutamyl
Proteins Ca2+ (3)
C and S
(Gla) residue Overview:
Alcohol Dehydrogenase