Task №1
In some diseases, the patient's body temperature rises, which is
considered as a protective reaction of the body. However, high
temperatures are destructive to the body's proteins. Explain why
when the temperature is above +40° C, the function of proteins is
disturbed and there is a threat to human life.
Task №2
In the patient's urine with phenylketonuria, phenylalanine is found -
6 mM / l (normal 0,01 mm / l) and its metabolite - phenylpyruvic
acid - 4.9 mm / l (normally absent). Why does the level of
phenylalalin in the patient’s body increase and its metabolites
appear in the urine?
Algorithm of the decision:
1. In the absence of which enzyme, phenylalanine stops turning
into tyrosine? Write this reaction
2. Write the enzyme, the above reaction and its coenzyme,
vitamins necessary for the work of this enzyme.
3. Which recommendations should a doctor give when
identifying a newborn with phenylketonuria and how
dangerous is late diagnosis of this disease?
As a result of the mutation of the gene controlling the
synthesis of phenylalanine hydroxylase, a metabolic block
develops at the stage of conversion of phenylalanine to
tyrosine, as a result of which deamination and synthesis of
toxic derivatives, phenylpyruvic acid, become the main way
of converting phenylalanine. Inadequate synthesis of
tyrosine, which is a precursor of catecholamines and
melanin, plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of the
2) Hydroxylase (phenylalanine)
Coenzyme: tetrahydrobiopterin (like all hydroxylases).
Vitamin B6
In the body, phenylalanine is used only in the synthesis of
proteins, the entire unused supply of amino acid is converted
to tyrosine. The enzyme phenylalanine-4-monooxygenase is
directly involved in this. The coenzyme tetrahydrobiopterin in
the reaction is oxidized to dihydrofomy.
3) The main way to treat phenylketonuria is (completely excluding
foods rich in protein and phenylalanine: meat, fish, cheese, cottage
cheese, eggs, legumes, etc. Considering the duration and
complete elimination of phenylalanine from food, the splitting of its
own proteins becomes possible, which leads to the depletion of the
patient's body. For this reason, the need for protein is offset by
amino acid mixtures and protein hydrolysates. After 6 months of
age, the symptoms of phenylketonuria become more pronounced:
mental retardation; slow growth; reducing the size of the skull; the
child later begins to sit and walk; late teething; a peculiar gait:
small steps, wiggle, lowered neck and head, legs wide apart and
bent at the hip joints; a kind of posture while sitting: legs all the
time tense, due to muscle tone; possible epileptic seizures;
dermophragism and pronounced cyanosis of the extremities;
intolerance to sunlight; high sensitivity to injury; excessive
sweating and a characteristic "mouse" smell; dermatitis, severe
eczema; constipation.
Task №3
A 35-year-old patient came to the clinic with complaints of
inflammatory processes oral mucosa, muscular fatigue,
conjunctivitis. The patient ate for a long time monotonously,
eliminating from her diet products such as liver, rye, milk, yeast.
The doctor diagnosed hypovitaminosis B2. Explain the causes of
the observed symptoms.
Algorithm of the decision:
1) Name the coenzymes that include this vitamin and their
structure, show
2) Give examples of enzymes with these coenzymes.
3) Indicate in which reactions these enzymes are involved (write
one of them).
Riboflavin is a component of FMN and FAD. There are 2 types of
chemical reactions: 1) the enzyme performs direct oxidation with
the participation of oxygen, i.e. dehydrogenation of the original
substrate or intermediate metabolite, 2) transfer of electrons and
protons from reduced pyridine coenzymes. Enzymes of this group
play a major role in biological oxidation. In the catalytic cycle, the
isoalloxazine residue of FAD or FMN undergoes a reversible
reduction with the addition of electrons and hydrogen atoms to N1
and N10. FMN and FAD bind strongly to the protein component.
There is a direct link between the degree of riboflavin deficiency in
animals and the accumulation of lipid peroxidation products (LPO)
in the blood, the development of atherosclerosis and cataracts.
These disorders indicate the important role of flavoproteins in the
molecular mechanisms of the synthesis and decomposition of LPO
The use of this vitamin protects the eyes from overwork,
neutralizes the adverse effects of ultraviolet rays on the retina, and
also prevents the occurrence of cataracts and other problems.
Vitamin B2 is able to provide ATP synthesis and the correct course
of important redox processes, the organs of the cardiovascular
system can receive the necessary energy.
Vitamin B2 is able to effectively transform all fats and
carbohydrates into energy. Riboflavin helps to evenly distribute
protein throughout muscle tissue, as a result of which muscles
begin to grow faster and more efficiently.
1) In the intestinal mucosa after the absorption of vitamin occurs
coenzymes FMN (flavin mononucleotide) and FAD (flavin adenine
2) FAD and FMN coenzymes are part of the flavin enzymes that
participation in redox reactions.
The main sources of riboflavin are liver, kidney, chicken yolk
eggs, cottage cheese: Vitamin contains more vitamin in sour milk
than fresh.
Task №4
After long-term treatment with anti-TB drugs (tubazid, ftivazid), the
patient developed increased irritability, sometimes convulsions,
dermatitis, and frequent stomatitis. Biochemical analysis of blood
showed the presence of hypochromic anemia,
hyperaminoacidemia, in the urine a lot of oxalates and amino
acids, especially homocysteine and cystathione. Explain the
mechanism of the listed symptoms.
Algorithm of the decision:
1) Specify the chemical and biological name of the necessary
vitamin in this case and its letter designation.
2) Name the vitamers of this vitamin.
3) Give examples of reactions accelerated by the enzymes that
make up this vitamin.
With a lack of vitamin B6, there are numerous disorders in
metabolism, especially in the metabolism of amino acids -
hyperaminoacidimia and aminoaciduria develop. Oxalouria is
noted, caused by a disturbance of glyoxalic acid metabolism and a
negative nitrogenous balance. In addition, homocystienuria and
cystathioninuria are observed, as well as a violation of tryptophan
metabolism. Synthesis of vitamin PP from tryptophan, heme
synthesis (hypochromic anemia), and protein are impaired.
Violation of protein synthesis is accompanied by anemia and
leukopenia. Stomatitis, glossitis develops, central nervous system
excitability increases up to convulsions, polyneuritis. The
development of seizures is associated with the involvement of the
vitamin in the formation of GABA - the inhibitory mediator. With a
vitamin deficiency, glutamate is not decarboxylated and GABA is
not formed. The lesion of the skin and mucous membranes is
associated with a deficiency of vitamin PP, which is the case with
vitamin B6 hypovitaminosis.
In adults, hypovitaminosis B6 is observed with long-term treatment
of tuberculosis with isoniazid.
1. Water-soluble, Vitamin B6, pyridoxine, antidermatitic , daily
need 2-4 mg.
2. Vitamin B6 has 3 vitameres: pyridoxine or pyridoxol,
pyridoxal, pyridoxamine.
Task №5
Residents of South America, where maize predominates in the
diet, often suffer from a disease for which the main symptoms are
damage to the nervous system (dementia), damage to the
digestive system (diarrhea), and symmetrical lesion of exposed
skin (dermatitis). Explain the mechanism of the listed symptoms.
Algorithm of the decision:
1) Indicate the chemical and biological name of the necessary
vitamin in this case and its letter designation
2) What is the name of this vitamin antivitamin; what products does
it contain and what is its mechanism of action
3) From which amino acid in the body this vitamin can be formed,
write its formula. Why, in spite of the fact that this vitamin can be
formed in the body from one of the amino acids (to name it), does
avitaminosis develop when stopping the ingestion of the vitamin in
the body with food?
1) Water-soluble vitamin PP, nicotinamide, antipellagric, daily
requirement of 15-25 mg (vitamin deficiency).
Avitaminosis. Vitamin PP deficiency leads to a disease of
pellagra which is characterized by three main features:
dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia. When pellagra first develops
inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth
(stomatitis), tongue (glossitis), esophagitis, erosion and ulcers of
the gastric mucosa, enteritis and colitis, which is accompanied
by diarrhea. Diarrhea is caused by atrophy of the gastric and
intestinal mucosa.
Then, symmetrical skin lesions appear in open areas - neck,
cheeks, hands. Initially, redness, then swelling, darkening with
further desquamation. Dermatitis is developing. The damage of
mucous membranes and skin is based on the violation of DNA
ligase activity, this explains that the damaged cells are not
restored. Dementia is the result of chronic recurrent CNS
damage. weakening of memory is observed, then deeper
disturbances of the central and peripheral nervous systems
occur - memory loss, hallucinations, delusions, mental changes,
and severe headaches.
2) Pyridine sulfonic acid, found in corn. Compounds that in some
way specifically inactivate a vitamin, for example, by modifying it,
or limiting biological activity.
Task №6
В A child living in the North, where insolation is reduced, received
fish oil for the prevention of rickets. On examination, the early
ossification of the skull and the deformation of the skeleton due to
the slow growth of bones in length were found. Mother's
complaints of constipation in a child, weight loss, poor appetite.
Explain the cause of the child’s condition.
Hypervitaminosis D or excessive intake of vitamin D, which leads
to intoxication. There may be constipation, hypertension, muscle
rigidity. In children, happens early
ossification of the fontanelles, (роднички ) which adversely affects
on mental development.
Algorithm of the decision:
Task №7
A patient suffering from cirrhosis of the liver after prolonged
alcohol abuse, with an unbalanced diet dominated by
carbohydrates, complains of heart pain, numbness of the fingers,
pain in the calf muscles, poor memory. A blood test showed the
presence of acidosis by increasing the concentration of pyruvate
and lactate. Explain the mechanism of these signs.
Patient has lack of vitamin B1, and due to this, his disease is
All the symptoms mentioned above, because of the several stages
of Polyneuritis.
Numbness of the fingers :polyneuritis is characterized by
degenerative nerve modification. (изменения в нервах)
First of all pain in nerve trunk(ствол нервов ) increases, then
losing of skin sensitivity. Those changes connected with the
violation of synthesis of enzymes, containing B1.
Pain in muscles : In polyneuritis Pyruvate accumulates,
(накапливается )
which in anaerobic conditions is restored to lactic acid (lactate).
Lactate causes
low pH and muscle pain.
Poor memory : The second most important symptom of the
the occurrence of Wernicke-Korsakov's (название
энцефалопатии ) encephalopathy,
which is characterized by memory loss, a decrease
intelligence, mental disorder
(hallucinations, fears, irritability).
Heart pain : In severe form of deficiency of thiamine (B1) , it
destruction of the cardiac activity, which characterized by violation
of the heart rhythm and in appearance of pain in the heart. WHY?
BECAUSE : It turned out that a-ketoglutarate turns into y-
oxykeglutaric acid, which has a cardiotoxic effect.
Task №8
At the doctor’s office, the patient, in whose diet thermally
processed foods predominate, does not have fresh fruits and
vegetables in the diet. The patient complains of general weakness,
bleeding gums, loosening of the teeth, pain in the joints, poor
memory, frequent colds. On examination, numerous petechiae,
pale skin were found. A blood test showed hypochromic anemia.
Explain the mechanism of these signs.
Algorithm of decision:
1. Specify the chemical and biological name of the necessary
vitamin in this case and its letter designation
2. What foods contain this vitamin? In which enzymes does this
vitamin contain?
3. Write a reaction that is disturbed in the vitamin deficiency of
this vitamin and underlying the increased capillary fragility and
other signs of vitamin deficiency associated with connective tissue
failure; specify the enzyme.
The diagnosis of this patient is Scurvy caused by the deficiency of
Vitamin C.
Bleeding gums, loosening of the teeth, pain in the joints,
petechiae and pale skin are quite late manifestations of
hypovitaminosis C, these symptoms are present due to the
profound deficiency of vitamin C, which causes the impaired
capillary permeability due to the lack of hydroxylation of proline
and lysine in collagen, and impaired synthesis of chondroitin
General weakness and frequent colds are explained with the fact
that high doses of vitamin C stimulate bactericidal activity and
neutrophil migration, as well as the increase in production of
antibodies, especially Ig A and Ig M, and increase in the synthesis
of interferon, the component of the complement binding system.
This functions increases the body's need for ascorbic acid in colds
and infectious diseases.
Hypochromic anemia is present because one of the functions of
Vitamin C is the reduction of Fe3+ ion to Fe2+ ion, and promotion
of the splitting of iron from ferritin and the release of iron from the
connection with transferrin, which facilitates the absorption of iron
in the intestine, and there is an impairment of these processes
accompanied with a decrease in the synthesis of heme and
1. Biological name: Antiscorbutic or Anti-Scurvy Vitamin
Chemical name: Ascorbic Acid
Letter designation: Vitamin C
Daily need: 50-100 mg
2. The source of vitamin C is vegetable food. They are
especially rich in pepper and black currant (смородина), in
the next place are dill (укроп), parsley (петрушка), cabbage,
sorrel (щавель), citruses, wild strawberries (земляника) and
rosehips (шиповник).
Vitamin C has a well-documented participation in redox reactions
as a coenzyme of oxidoreductases in following reactions:
hydroxylation of prolyl and lysyl residues of collagen;
in the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and bile acids;
in the synthesis of carnitine, necessary for the oxidation of
fatty acids;
hydroxylation of steroids in the biosynthesis of adrenal
hormones from cholesterol;
hydroxylation of tryptophan to 5-hydroxy-tryptophan during
serotonin biosynthesis;
Reduction of iron ion Fe3+ to ion Fe2+ in the intestine to
improve absorption and in the blood (release from
connection with transferrin).
3. The biochemical reason for these signs is that without
vitamin C, procollagen cannot be converted to collagen,
which is the part of extracellular matrix in bones and
cartilages, as well as in the capillary walls. Collagen is
normally synthesized at the endoplasmic reticulum of a cell,
where proline and lysine residues must by hydroxylated. The
enzymes that catalyze the hydroxylation require ascorbic
acid as a coenzyme to perform their function.
Hydroxylation of proline is carried out by prolinhydroxidase with the
participation of vitamin C, Fe2+, α -ketoglutaric acid and molecular
Task №9
After prolonged treatment with antibiotics, the patient appears
frequent nosebleeds, heavy bleeding after minor cuts, retinal
hemorrhage. Reception askorutin not gave a positive effect.
Explain the mechanism of these signs.
Algorithm of the decision:
1) Specify the chemical and biological name of the necessary
vitamin in this case and its letter designation.
2) What are the anti-vitamins and the synthetic analogue of this
vitamin called? what foods contain this vitamin.
3) Describe the biological effects of this vitamin.
The patient has low blood clotting because of this he has frequent
nose bleeds, heavy bleeding after minor cuts, retinal hemorrhage.
Reception of ascorutin did not give a positive effect as it contains
vitamin C and P. And the patient needs vitamin K
1. Vitamin K
The daily need for 1.0-2.0 mg is found in green leaves of lettuce,
cabbage, spinach, nettle, as well as in some herbs (alfalfa-alfalfa,
2. Synthetic analog-vikasol (water soluble)
Antivitamin - Dikumarol, warfarin, tromeksan.
It is found in rural clover.
Task №10
In the clinic, enzyme preparations are often prescribed for
insufficient gland
function of gastrointestinal tract and as inhibitors. What is the basis
of the
application enzymes in these cases?
Algorithm of the decision:
1. In case of violation of the processes of digestion in the
gastrointestinal tract prescribe replacement therapy with enzyme
preparations. What enzymes are included in these drugs (indicate
the class, subclass and sub-subclass of these, enzymes, the place
of formation).
2. Show the action of enzymes involved in digestion
3. In acute pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) prescribe
or other peptide trypsin inhibitors. What is the basis for the use of
trypsin for acute pancreatitis? (specify the type of inhibition).
2. Fat digestion
TAG → β-MAG + 2CFA - pancreatic lipase
β-MAG → glycerin + СFA
Phospholipase A1 A2:
Phosphoglyceride → glycerin + 2CFA + H3PO4 +
nitrogenous bases
Protein digestion
Pepsin, Trypsin, Chymotripsin:
Proteins → polypeptides in the stomach and intestines
Carboxypeptidases A and B, aminopeptidases:
Polypeptides → amino acids
Carbohydrate digestion
Starch and glycogen → maltose
maltose → 2glucose
sucrose → glucose + fructose
lactose → glucose + galactose
glycogen → glucose
Most of the enzymes are formed in the pancreas as inactive
zymogens and only in the intestine they are converted by trypsin
into active hydrolases, premature activation is controlled by its
inhibitor, which forms a very strong complex with the enzyme.
Task №11
A patient admitted to the emergency room of the hospital
of pain behind the sternum, burning sensation in the chest area
and poor
health. The doctor of the receiving department conducted a
study and found: an increase in the activity of aspartate
(AST). The defeat of which organ can be assumed in the patient.
The defeat of heart can be assumed in the patient.
1. Write the reaction that AST accelerates and indicate which
vitamin is
part of this enzyme
AST; coenzyme - pyridoxal phosphate B6; accelerates
What does barbiturates do with it? !
! The work of the respiratory chain can be disturbed (and it
should not) by certain substances called specific inhibitors.
Barbiturates have properties inherent (присущим) to the
described inhibitors of the respiratory chain, (которые
спесифик) which can affect the energy reproduction during
barbiturate coma.
2) In the diagram, indicate the stage of the process that is
initially inhibited by barbiturates.
This is 1 stage of biological oxidation. Organic substances
that are intermediate products of various types of
metabolism, mainly organic acids of Citric acid cycle (CAC),
serve as the substance to be oxidized. BARBITURATES
MAY inhibit NADH2-dehydrogenase.
3) Describe the effects of their actions on the body.
Poisoning causes - narcotic intoxication, then a superficial or
deep coma, complicated by acute cardiovascular or
respiratory failure. In severe
poisoning in deep coma: breathing is rare, superficial, weak
pulse, cyanosis, narrow pupils, do not react to light, but can
expand in the terminal stage, corneal, tendon (сухожильный
) and pharyngeal reflexes are weakened or absent, diuresis
is reduced.
Task №13
A child was admitted to the clinic with diarrhea, which was
observed after feeding with milk. To make the diagnosis, a lactose
tolerance test was performed. A fasting patient was given 50 g of
lactose dissolved in water. After 30, 60 and 90 minutes the
concentration of glucose in the blood was determined. The results
showed that the concentration of glucose in the blood did not
increase. Give the possible reasons for the results, explain them.
Algorithm of the decision:
1. Write a lactose digestion reaction scheme in the intestine,
specify the enzyme.
2. Explain why the concentration of glucose in the blood did not
3. Indicate whether this patient will experience intolerance to
fermented milk products. Explain the answer.
There are two possible options. Firstly, there may be a hereditary
deficiency of the β-glycoside complex of the enzyme lactase (a
violation of digestion), and secondly, a violation of the absorption
of monosaccharides into the enterocytes, therefore, the
concentration of glucose in the blood does not increase.
Diarrhea develops as a result of malabsorption, sugar reaching the
distal intestine alters the osmotic pressure, also after eating foods
containing milk sugar, lactose in the absence of lactase enters the
colon, where the microflora of the colon cleaves it, forming gases
(hydrogen, methane and carbon monoxide) and acids, due to this,
patients have flatulence, pain and rumbling in the abdomen,
diarrhea, feeling of fullness and bloating. The feces is liquid, light
yellow color, with a sour smell.
1. Lactose is digested by the enzyme lactase, which is located
in the enterocytes of the mucosa of small intestine.
Task №14
Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by chronic
hyperglycemia (an increase in blood glucose above 6.1 mM / L on
an empty stomach), which is a consequence of insufficient
synthesis or the action of insulin. One approach to lowering blood
glucose levels is to use the drug Glucobay. Its active substance -
acarbose has the structure of tetrasaccharide and is an inhibitor of
the activity of alpha-glucosidase - enzymes of the small intestine,
involved in the digestion of carbohydrates. Explain how the
formation of glucose in the intestine and its content in the blood
during treatment with a preparation containing acarbose will
Acarbose - is a hypoglycemic drug, an alpha glucosidase inhibitor
that inhibits the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates in the
small intestine and, as a result, reduces the increase in glucose
concentration in the blood after consuming carbon-containing food.
It is prescribed for ingestion in patients with insulin-dependent
diabetes mellitus in cases where a change in diet or other
hypoglycemic agents do not provide effective control over their
Glucose is normal: 3.4-6.1 mmol / l
1) Give the scheme of digestion of carbohydrates in the intestine
2) List the enzymes that are inhibited by this compound.
3) What is the type of inhibition of the activity of these enzymes
1) Digestion of carbohydrates
Starch and glycogen → maltose
Maltese A:
maltose →2 glucose
sucrose → glucose + fructose
lactose → glucose + galactose
glycogen → glucose
Task №17
A person performs urgent physical work (for example, runs away
from danger) 30 minutes after lunch, consisting mainly of
carbohydrates. Explain why the synthesis of glycogen stops in
skeletal muscles in this situation and stimulates its breakdown?
Because: adrenaline is a contra-insular hormone and acting on the
β2 adrenoreceptors of tissues and the liver, adrenaline brakes
glycogen synthesis in the liver and skeletal muscles.
Algorithm of the decision:
1) Write a scheme for the synthesis of glycogen. Specify the
reactions associated with the energy spending when one glucose
molecule is included in the "seed"(затравка ) of glycogen.
1. Glycogen synthesis
1 Mol of ATP and 1 Mol of UTP are used to incorporate one glucose
residue into the polysaccharide chain.
2. Glycogenolysis
Task №18
Catabolism of glucose with the formation of pyruvate can occur
both in aerobic anaerobic conditions. How many ATP molecules
will be synthesized during the breakdown of glucose up to two
pyruvate molecules under aerobic and anaerobic conditions?
Algorithm of the decision:
1. Provide a glycolysis scheme and write the reactions
associated with and ATP synthesis.
2. Write, using formulas, the oxidative glycolysis reaction.
3. Describe how NADH2 is used in aerobic and anaerobic
Forms 37-38 ATP (aerobic pathway) and 3 ATP (anaerobic
oxidation pathway)
3) NADH2 under anaerobic conditions goes for the addition of
hydrogen to acetaldehyde or pyruvate, under aerobic conditions in
the chain of electron transfer.
Task №19
Sprinter and stayer compete at two distances - 100 m and 10 km.
Sprinter finishes one hundred meters long, the stayer runs the
tenth kilometer. Point out the differences in energy ensuring the
work of the muscles of these runners.
Algorithm of the decision:
1) Provide a glucose catabolism scheme that is an energy source
for work muscle of Stayer.
2) Write out the substrates involved in the dehydrogenation
reaction, specify the path hydrogen from one of the substrates to
oxygen in the BO chain (biological oxidation).
3) What are the differences in the process, in the composition of
the final products and energy effect of the specific pathway of
glucose catabolism in the Sprinter and Stayer.
Stayer: Mostly aerobic glycolysis.; the reserve of oxygen is
provided at the expense of the myoglobin connecting it; glycogen
is not very much, because 36 ATP has developed, but there are
many lipid inclusions and the activity of SDH(succinate
dehydrogenase) is high (Krebs cycle); low rate of ATP decay (due
to the activity of myosin heads).
Sprinter: An anaerobic glycolysis occurs , since it is impossible so
quickly to provide the muscles with the necessary amount of
oxygen. a lot of glycogen - a reserve of energy substrate; low
SDH activity; high rate of ATP decay, because high-intensity work.
1)Aerobic glucose oxidation involves glycolysis reactions and the
subsequent oxidation of pyruvate in the Krebs cycle and the
respiratory chain to CO2 and H2O.
2)Hydrogen atoms (protons and electrons) from an oxidizable
substrate are attached to NAD +. The reduced form of NAD +
(NADH) transfers hydrogen to flavoproteins. The fate of hydrogen
may be different. Hydrogen from flavoproteins can be transferred
directly to oxygen to form hydrogen peroxide.
3)The differences are anaerobic (2 lactate and 2 ATP) in the
Sprinter and aerobic (6 CO2, 6H2O and 36-38 ATP) in the Stayer
C 6 H 12 O 6 + 2АДФ + 2 H 3 PO 4 →
→ 2 CH 3 CHOHCOOH + 2АТФ + H 2 O
Aerobic: C 6 H 12 O 6 + 2АДФ + 2 H 3 PO 4 + НАД+ →
→ 2 CH 3 CHOCOOH + 2АТФ + H 2 O + НАДН∙Н+
Task №20
Two students came to donate blood for “sugar” to the clinic. When
the test results were ready, it turned out that the first student had a
blood glucose concentration of 5.6 mm / l, and the second - 7 mm /
l. When discussing the obtained indicators, it turned out that the
second student in the morning half an hour before the examination
drank sweet tea.
Make a conclusion about the test results.
Algorithm of the decision:
1) What caused the recommendation that the quantitative
determination of glucose in biochemical laboratories is carried out
strictly on an empty stomach?
2) What is the normal blood glucose concentration and how much
does the elevated glucose level after eating?
3) What process increases in the liver with an increase in blood
glucose after eating?
1. The first student's blood sugar is normal. The second has
physiological hyperglycemia, which is connected with the study of
blood taken in the absorptive period. Hyperglycemia is explained in
this case by the fact that sugar entered the gastrointestinal tract,
absorbed, absorbed into the blood but has not yet passed into the
cells of the body and has not undergone phosphorylation. This
analysis is recommended to do strictly on an empty stomach, since
in the case of ignorance that the patient had consumed the sweet
before, you can take the physiological norm as a pathology and
apply treatment that can harm a healthy person. Normal blood
sugar levels can be observed only in the post-adsorption period.
2. Concentration of glucose in norm - 3.4-.6.1 mmol/l
An hour or two after a meal, the rate of glucose is from 3.6 to 8
mmol / l, and then the indicator drops. If, after a few hours, the
changes did not occur, and the glycemia rates are around 7-8
mmol / l, this indicates prediabetes
3. The insulin concentration in the blood increases after a meal in
response to hyperglycemia. Normally, insulin in the liver stimulates
the formation of glycogen and inhibits glucose synthesis and
glycogen breakdown.
Task №21
Clinical manifestations of Scurvy - hemorrhages under the skin
and mucous membranes, bleeding gums, tooth loss, anemia. What
vitamin deficiency is associated with this disease and to which
process disturbance it leads?
Algorithm of the decision:
1. Name this vitamin, write its formula.
2. Remember, in the synthesis of which protein this vitamin is
involved, describe the structure of this protein.
3. Write the reaction in which this vitamin is involved, explain its
function, name the enzyme; specify the substances necessary for
the reaction to proceed.
Scurvy is a disease caused by an acute lack of vitamin C (ascorbic
acid), which leads to impaired collagen synthesis, and the
connective tissue loses its strength.
Listed symptoms are present due to a profound deficiency of
vitamin C, which causes impaired capillary permeability due to the
lack of proline and lysine hydroxylation in collagen and impaired
chondroitin sulfate synthesis.
With this disease, hypochromic anemia is observed, since one of
the functions of vitamin C is the reduction of the Fe3+ ion to the
Fe2+ ion and stimulating the breakdown of iron from ferritin and
release iron from the connection with transferrin, which facilitates
the absorption of iron in the intestine; with a lack of vitamin C,
there is a violation of these processes, accompanied by a
decrease in the synthesis of heme and hemoglobin.
1. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
2. Vitamin C is involved in the process of collagen synthesis.
Collagen is a fibrillar protein with a unique structure that
forms the basis of the intercellular substance of the
connective tissue of the tendons, bone, cartilage, skin, but it
is, of course, also in other tissues.
The collagen molecule is a left-handed helix of three α-chains. This
formation is known as tropocollagen. One turn of the α-chain helix
contains three amino acid residues. In the amino acid triads, the
third amino acid is always glycine, the second is proline or lysine,
the first is any other amino acid other than the three listed.
In the matrix, collagen molecules form fibrils with tremendous
strength and practically non-stretchable. The extraordinary
properties of collagen are associated with its primary and spatial
3. In the synthesis of collagen, hydroxylation of lysine and
proline, included in the primary chain, is of paramount
importance, which proceeds with the participation of vitamin
Collagen is normally synthesized at the endoplasmic reticulum of a
cell, where proline and lysine residues must by hydroxylated. The
enzymes that catalyze the hydroxylation require ascorbic acid as a
coenzyme to perform their function.
Hydroxylation of proline is carried out by prolinhydroxidase with the
participation of vitamin C, Fe2+, α -ketoglutaric acid and molecular
OH group of hydroxyproline, forming H-O bonds between the
chains of the triplet helix of collagen, stabilizes the structure of
mature collagen;
Task №22
After a meal containing fats and carbohydrates, the appearance of
the blood serum changes, it becomes opaque ("milk serum"), and
after 2-3 hours it looks again transparent. Explain these changes.
Algorithm of the decision:
1) Explain why the state of the blood after ingestion of fatty foods
is described as "Alimentary hyperlipidemia".
2) Indicate which lipoproteins will prevail in serum after 1 hour after
taking a high-fat meal.
3) Specify the composition of the main components of these
1) The increase in total serum lipids is called hyperlipidemia. It is
observed after a meal - this is a physiological phenomenon
(alimentary hyperlipidemia). Lipoproteins formed in enterocytes are
immature chylomicrons. Immature chylomicrons first enter the
lymph, then the bloodstream. In the blood, immature chylomicrons
are obtained from HDL formed in the liver, apoproteins - C-II, E
and turn into mature chylomicrons. The appearance of
chylomicrons in the blood during the absorptive period makes the
blood serum opalescent. In the blood, mature chylomicrons are
exposed to the enzyme lipoprotein lipase. Lipoprotein lipase
hydrolyzes fats from chylomicrons to glycerol and free fatty acids.
ApoS-II is transferred back to HDL after removal of the TAG from
XM. Residual chylomicrons in liver cells undergo the hydrolytic
action of lysosome enzymes. Within 1-3 hours, the chylomicrons
disappear from the blood and the human serum becomes more
transparent in the post-adsorption period.
2) In the serum after 1 hour after ingestion of food saturated with
fat, XM, VLDL, LDL, HDL will prevail.
Chylomicrons (CM) are formed in intestinal cells, their function: the
transfer of exogenous fat from the intestine to the tissues (mainly
in adipose tissue), as well as the transport of exogenous
cholesterol from the intestines to the liver.
Very low density lipoproteins (VLDLs) are formed in the liver, their
role: the transport of endogenous fat synthesized in the liver from
carbohydrates to the adipose tissue.
Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) are formed in the bloodstream
from VLDL through the stage of formation of Lipoproteins of
Intermediate Density (BOP). Their role: transport of endogenous
cholesterol to the tissue.
High-density lipoproteins (HDL) are formed in the liver, the main
role is the transport of cholesterol from the tissues to the liver, that
is, the removal of cholesterol from the tissues, and then cholesterol
is excreted with bile.
Functions of chylomicrons. Delivery of dietary (exogenous) fat from
the intestines to other tissues (mainly to adipose tissue). Transport
of exogenous cholesterol from the intestines to the liver. Therefore,
chylomicrons are a transport form of exogenous fat and
exogenous cholesterol.
Task №23
A 40-year-old woman found gallstones that periodically blocked
the bile duct and disrupted the flow of bile into the intestine. List all
possible effects of bile secretion.
Algorithm of the decision:
1) Write the formulas of bile acids and explain the role of these
molecules in the digestion of fats.
2) Indicate the function of bile acids in the absorption of lipid
digestion products and draw the appropriate scheme.
3) Indicate the deficiency of which substances may occur in such
patients, and what the consequences and symptoms may be.
The sphincter shrinks arbitrarily, bile accumulates in the stomach,
and under the influence of negative factors is thrown into the
intestine and esophagus, enters the oral cavity, injuring the
delicate mucous membrane.
Such a cast causes serious complications:
• reflux gastritis - the gastric mucosa becomes inflamed, after
eating a meal, the stomach contents are re-cast into the
• if treatment does not begin in time, the condition is aggravated,
gastroesophageal reflux disease begins - erosive and ulcerative
lesions of the stomach and duodenum occur, the esophagus
becomes inflamed
• in the future, the functional epithelium is replaced by a cylindrical
analogue, and can make a diagnosis of Baret's esophagus. This is
the stage of the precancerous condition of the digestive organ.
Gallstone disease is the presence of stones in the
gallbladder and bile ducts. Stones are solid formations of
various sizes from cholesterol or bilirubin. This occurs when
cholesterol (a fat-like substance) or bilirubin (a breakdown
product of hemoglobin) is present in the bile at an elevated
concentration. In this case, the other components of bile
cannot dissolve these substances. From bile, supersaturated
with them, a precipitate can form - microscopic crystals
deposited on the mucous membrane of the gallbladder. Over
time, the crystals grow and merge, gradually forming small
1. The role of bile acids:
Task №27
Two men, 60 years old, determined the level of total cholesterol
and LDL / HDL index. In both patients, total cholesterol was 6.0
mM / L, but the LDL / HDL index in the first patient was 4, and the
second was 3.1. Evaluate the data.
Algorithm of the decision:
1) Determine which patient has a higher risk of atherosclerosis and
its complications.
2) Make a diagram showing the role of HDL in cholesterol
3) Explain why LDL is called atherogenic lipoproteins, and HDL is
1) LDL / HDL (coefficient of atherogenicity) with its value> 3 there
is a risk of atherosclerosis, and because in the first patient it is
equal to 4, therefore, he has a higher risk.
2) HDL cholesterol is transported in the form of cholesterol esters
from the tissues to the liver. In the formation of cholesterol esters
of cholesterol in HDL plays an important role enzyme LCAT
(lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase), which catalyzes the reaction:
Cholesterol + Lecithin = Cholesteride + Lysolecithin
This reaction takes place in the hydrophilic layer of HDL, and the
resulting klesterida pass into the hydrophobic core.
HDL plays an important role in the transport of cholesterol from
peripheral tissues to the liver and in the regulation of normal
metabolism of CM and VLDL. PAPs are formed in several ways.
Immature HDL is synthesized in hepatocytes and enterocytes.
They are disk-shaped. The transformation of “disks” into spherical
particles occurs with the participation of the enzyme lecithin-
cholesterol-acyl transferase (LCAT). Under the action of LCAT, the
lecithin radical is transferred to the hydroxyl group of cholesterol,
resulting in the formation of cholesterol ester and lysolecytin.
Cholesterol esters are moved to the inner area of the bilayer disc.
During the LCAT reaction, the lipoprotein particle loses non-
esterified cholesterol and lecithin. Isolecithin, combining with
albumin, is carried away by the flow of blood. The LPAPP particle
depleted with surface lipids becomes a strong acceptor of free
cholesterol and lecithin and is constantly replenished with them. As
they become saturated with HDL cholesterol, they turn into HDL2.
Cholesterol from HDL-2 can be transferred to VLDL, which is taken
up by the liver, via the protein-cholesterol ester transfer carrier
(cholesteryl ester transferring protein, CETP). HDL cholesterol has
been shown to be the preferred substrate for bile acid formation. It
was also established that HDL is involved in the transfer of
cholesterol not only to the liver cells, but also to the cells of
steroidogenic tissues, kidneys, small intestinal epithelium, and
3) HDL cholesterol transports cholesterol esters from tissues to the
liver, thereby reducing the risk of atherosclerosis. LDL transports
cholesterol from the liver to other tissues, thereby increasing the
risk of atherosclerosis.
Task №28
A high level of lactate and bile pigments are found in the patient’s
gastric juice.
Specify what diseases of the stomach are possible in this case.
Algorithm of the decision:
1) Name the process whose product is lactate, why lactate
accumulates in
stomach and with the help of a qualitative reaction can determine
its presence?
2) Indicate the role of hydrochloric acid, the types and the normal
value of gastric acidity
3) Why bile pigments appear in the stomach, a qualitative reaction
to them.
1. Lactate is formed during anaerobic glycolysis.
Lactate is found in gastric juice in gastric cancer, accompanied by
achlorhydria and delayed food evacuation. In such patients, the
gastric contents are stagnant, there is a fermentation of
carbohydrates with the formation of lactic acid.
Reaction Upelman! The method is based on the ability of lactic
acids in the presence of iron (III) phenolate to form a low-
associating iron-green lactate salt.
Task №29
A patient with a gastric ulcer had an operation to remove a part of
the stomach. But the postoperative examination showed that the
process of protein digestion in the patient did not change
significantly. Explain the results of the survey.
Algorithm of the decision:
1) Name peptidase, which is synthesized in the stomach, the
mechanism of its activation and activators.
2) List the pancreatic peptidases and enterocyte enzymes
(intestinal cells).
3) Name which group of peptidases these enzymes belong to.
The process of protein digestion in the patient did not change
significantly because even after surgery, the remaining part of the
gastric mucosa remained unscathed and digestion processes were
not disrupted.
1)Pepsin is an endopeptidase, that is, it cleaves the internal
peptide bonds in the molecules of proteins and peptides. It is
synthesized in the main cells of the stomach in the form of an
inactive pepsinogen proenzyme, in which the active center is
"covered" with an N-terminal fragment. In the presence of
hydrochloric acid, the conformation of pepsinogen is changed in
such a way that the active center of the enzyme is “opened”, which
cleaves the residual peptide (N-terminal fragment), i.e.
autocatalysis occurs. The result is an active pepsin that activates
other pepsinogen molecules.During the day, about 2 grams of
pepsin is synthesized.
2)Chymotrypsin is synthesized in the pancreas in the form of an
inactive precursor, chymotrypsinogen. Chymotrypsin is activated
by active trypsin and by autocatalysis. Destroys the bonds formed
by the carboxyl group of tyrosine, phenylalanine or tryptophan, or
by the large hydrophobic radicals of leucine, isoleucine, and valine.
Trypsin is synthesized in the pancreas in the form of an inactive
precursor - trypsinogen. It is activated in the intestinal cavity by the
enzyme enteropeptidase with the participation of calcium ions, and
is also capable of autocatalysis. Hydrolyzes the bonds formed by
arginine and lysine.
Elastase is synthesized in the pancreas as an inactive precursor,
proelastase. Activated in the intestinal cavity with trypsin.
Hydrolyzes peptide bosnds formed by glycine, alanine and serine.
Carboxypeptidases synthesized in the pancreas. Activated by
trypsin in the intestine. They are metalloproteins. Peptide bonds
are hydrolyzed at the C-terminus of the protein molecule. There
are 2 types: carboxypeptidase A and carboxypeptidase B.
Carboxypeptidase A cleaves amino acids with aromatic (cyclic)
radicals, and carboxypeptidase B cleaves lysine and arginine.
Aminopeptidases synthesized in the intestinal mucosa. Peptide
bonds are hydrolyzed at the N-terminus of the protein molecule.
There are 2 such enzymes: alanine amino peptidase and leucine
amino peptidase. Alanine aminopeptidase cleaves only alanine,
and leucine amino peptidase removes any N-terminal amino acids.
3)These enzymes belong to exopeptidases (aminopeptidases and
carboxypeptidase) and endopeptidases.
Task №30
A patient with suspected myocardial infarction determined the
activity of ALT (alanine aminotransferase) and AST (aspartate
aminotransferase) in the blood. Which activity of
aminotransferases will increase to a greater extent with such
pathology and why? Name other enzymes whose activity is
determined in the blood to confirm this pathology.
AST (aspartate aminotransferase) is an organotropic myocardial
enzyme. AST is an indicator of damage to the cells of the heart
muscle and liver cells.
LDH1LDH2. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is one of the main
glycolysis enzymes that catalyzes the oxidation of L-lactate to
pyruvate. It is an intracellular enzyme that is present in the cells of
almost all large organs. LDH is found in the brain, kidneys, liver,
lungs, lymph nodes, myocardium, skeletal muscles, spleen, as well
as in erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets. In myocardial
infarction, the following picture is observed: the activity of LDH-1
increases dramatically, while the activity of LDH-2 remains stable
or increases slightly - a phenomenon called the "crossing" of LDH
isoenzymes. The intersection of LDH isoenzymes is a
characteristic symptom of myocardial infarction, and the normal
ratio of LDH-1 and LDH-2 indicates against this diagnosis.
Task №31
On examination of the patient, it turned out that the concentration
of creatinine in the blood is 200 µM / L (at a rate of 88-176 µM / L).
The defeat of which body can be assumed?
Algorithm of the decision:
1) List amino acids - precursors of creatine.
Arginine, Glycine
2) Write a scheme for the formation of creatine and indicate the
organs that are involved in this process.
Kidney stage
Liver stage
Once in muscle, creatine is phosphorylated by ATP and forms
creatine phosphate, the enzyme creatine kinase, or creatine
phosphokinase (CFC).
Task №32
A patient with suspected myocardial infarction determined the
activity of ALT (alanine aminotransferase) and AST (aspartate
aminotransferase) in the blood. Which activity of
aminotransferases will increase to a greater extent with such
pathology and why? Name other enzymes whose activity is
determined in the blood to confirm this pathology.
AST (aspartate aminotransferase) is an organotropic
myocardial enzyme. AST is an indicator of damage to the
cells of the heart muscle and liver cells.
LDH1; LDH2. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is one of the
main glycolysis enzymes that catalyzes the oxidation of L-
lactate to pyruvate. It is an intracellular enzyme that is
present in the cells of almost all large organs. LDH is found
in the brain, kidneys, liver, lungs, lymph nodes, myocardium,
skeletal muscles, spleen, as well as in erythrocytes,
leukocytes and platelets. In myocardial infarction, the
following picture is observed: the activity of LDH-1 increases
dramatically, while the activity of LDH-2 remains stable or
increases slightly - a phenomenon called the "crossing" of
LDH isoenzymes. The intersection of LDH isoenzymes is a
characteristic symptom of myocardial infarction, and the
normal ratio of LDH-1 and LDH-2 indicates against this
Task №33
An 18-year-old girl living in a mountain village came to an
endocrinologist with complaints of general weakness, a decrease
in body temperature, mood disorders. The patient was sent for a
blood test for TSH (Thyroid-stimulating hormone) and
iodothyronines. The results of the analysis showed an increase in
the concentration of TSH and thyroxine. What disease can be
assumed in a patient?
Algorithm of the decision:
1. What can be the cause of such pathology and is there a link
between the place of residence and the occurrence of this
2. Scheme of regulation of the synthesis of iodothyronines.
3. What diet should be followed in order to prevent this
In this case hypothyroidism is assumed in patient
1. The reason of such pathology is the lack of iodine intake due
to insufficient iodine content in this region.
The general weakness is explained by the fact that as a result of
insufficient formation of thyroid hormones, the synthesis of
oxidoreductases is impaired, oxidation in the tissues decreases,
and the formation of ATP decreases due to this.
During hypofunction of the thyroid gland, due to a decrease in the
number of oxidoreductases, there is not enough energy for ATP
synthesis, little energy is released as heat, which explains the
decrease in body temperature.
Mood disorders are due to the mental effect of the thyroid
hormones. Rapid changes in thyroid hormone levels, in particular,
can unsettle emotions.
2. Iodothyronines are synthesized in thyroid gland follicles, in
composition of the protein – thyroglobulin. For the synthesis
iodine is needed, daily need of which is equal to 150 mKg
1 - thyroliberin stimulates the release of TSH;
2 - TSH stimulates the synthesis and secretion of iodothyronines;
T and T - iodothyronines inhibit the synthesis and secretion of
3 4
2 step
Alternative way
Task №34
The man lost consciousness. At the same time he was pale, cold
to the touch. When I tried to bring him to his senses, his
glucometer (a device for determining glucose) and a syringe fell
out of his pocket.
1) What pathological condition can be assumed and under what
disease is it observed?
-Possible after insulin administration, due to an overdose of
glucose-lowering drugs, unusual exercise, malnutrition, the level of
glucose in the blood dropped sharply due to which hypoglycemia
developed — a decrease in the blood glucose level below the
normal value (below 3.3 mmol / l), she explains pallor of
kozh.pokrov, as well as a cold man (because sweating increases).
- observed in diabetes
2) Why is there a loss of consciousness in this condition and what
is the reason for the presence of the meter and syringe in the
patient’s pocket?
- reaction of the central nervous system to decrease ur-glucose in
the blood and inhibit the exchange of matter in the brain; first
reacts - the cortex, then the cerebellum (coordination); medulla -
- insulin overdose → hyperinsulinemia → hypoglycemia → energy
starvation (substrate hypoxia) → disturbed pattern. ATP →
damage to neurons → coma
- so that the glucometer is a device for measuring the level of
glucose in organic liquids (blood, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.), is used
to diagnose the state of carbohydrate metabolism in people
suffering from diabetes. The syringe is used for insulin injections in
diabetic patients.
3) What first aid is needed and why?
- first aid - to give the patient a solution of sugar, any sweet drink
inside, food rich in carbohydrates (sugar, honey can be under the
- if possible, enter glucagon intramuscularly, 40% solution of
glucose in / in with the preliminary introduction of subcutaneous vit
vit B1 - prevention of local muscle spasm.
Task №35
A patient with severe jaundice and complaints of weakness, fever
(+ 38.5C) was admitted to the infectious diseases department of
the hospital. Concentration of direct and indirect bilirubin
increased. In the urine, direct bilirubin and urobilin. What type of
jaundice is it?
Algorithm of the decision:
1) Provide a scheme for the formation of direct and indirect
2) Write the conjugation reaction of indirect bilirubin and list the
properties of direct and indirect bilirubin.
3) Indicate the activity of which liver enzymes are determined in
the blood for the diagnosis of liver pathology and describe the
basic principles underlying enzymodiagnosis.
The patient has parenchymal jaundice
Indirect Bilirubin
Gives a reaction with Ehrlich diazoreactive in the presence of
Normally, the serum content does not exceed 3-16 µmol / l
Does not appear in the urine
Fat soluble
Not linked to glucuronic acid
"Direct" bilirubin
Non toxic
Gives a direct reaction with Ehrlich diazoreactive
It is only in the bile
Appears in urine
Soluble in water
Coupled with glucuronic acid
3) With the defeat of the liver, the enzymes from the cells are
washed into the blood, and their activity increases. The greatest
diagnostic value is the determination of the activity of ALT and
AST. The activity of transaminases in serum: AsAT - 5 - 40 U / l,
AlAT - 5 - 43 U / l. In acute parenchymal hepatitis, AlAT increases
by 20–30, and sometimes 100 times or more. AcAAT activity
increases slightly less.
Enzymodiagnostics is a study of the activity of enzymes of blood
plasma, urine, and saliva in order to diagnose certain diseases.
Changes in specific enzymatic processes can be the cause or
effect of various pathological conditions. Most enzymatic
processes are localized inside the cells, but determining the
activity of enzymes outside the cellular environment (serum,
plasma, saliva, urine) may have diagnostic value.
Task №36
The patient complains of breaking pain in the lower third of the leg.
Recently, losing weight and a sharp weakness. The doctor assumes
that the patient has a bone damage. What is this assumption based
Algorithm of the decision:
1. What specific enzymes need to be determined in a patient to
confirm the localization of bone damage?
2. What macroelements should be determined in the blood in
this case?
3. What hormones can be determined in a patient to clarify the
diagnosis and prescription of therapy, indicate their physiological
1) Acid phosphatase - concentrated in osteoclasts, participating in bone
resorption, catalyzed the reaction of the splitting of organic phosphate
esters with the release of phosphate ions.
Lysosomal - participate in resorption of bone tissue (9 hydrolases:
aminopeptidase, beta-glucuronidase, galactosidase, collagenase,
phosphoamidase, nucleotidase, KF)
In general, bone mineralization is characterized by the interaction of
three factors:
1. Local increase in the concentration of phosphate ions;
2. Ca2+ adsorption of ions;
3. Shift of PH
1. Alkaline phosphatase plays a large role in the process of ossification.
It is found in both osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Alkaline phosphatase is
involved in the formation of the main organic matter of bone and
mineralization. One of the mechanisms of its action is a local increase
in the concentration of phosphorus ions to the point of saturation,
followed by the fixation of calcium-phosphorus salts on the organic
matrix of bone.
During the reduction of bone tissue after fractures, the
content of alkaline phosphatase in the callus increases sharply.
In violation of bone formation, a decrease in the content and
activity of alkaline phosphatase in bones, plasma and other tissues
is observed.
During rickets, which is characterized by an increase in the
number of osteoblasts with insufficient calcification of the main
substance, the content and activity of alkaline phosphatase in the
blood plasma increase
Inclusion of Ca2+ in bones is an active process. This is
clearly proved by the fact that living bones perceive Ca2 + more
intensely than strontium. After the death of such selectivity is no
longer observed. The selective ability of bone in relation to calcium
depends on temperature and is manifested only at 37 ° C.
PH value plays an important role in the mineralization
process. With an increase in pH, calcium phosphate is deposited
more quickly in bone tissue. There is relatively much citrate in the
bone (about 1%), which affects the maintenance of pH.
Calcitonin is a hormone of peptide origin, produced
predominantly by parafollicular C-cells of the thyroid gland, as well
as other organs in small quantities, especially the development in
the lungs.
Calcitonin receptors are detected on osteoclasts, monocytes, in the
kidneys, brain, pituitary, placenta, gonads, lungs and liver. Calcitonin
exhibits a hypocalcemic effect due to a decrease in osteoclast activity
and a decrease in the rate of osteolysis of bone tissue, a decrease in
the absorption of calcium in the kidneys, and a decrease in calcium
absorption in the intestine. It reduces renal osteolysis of phosphates,
causing a moderate decrease in blood phosphorus. According to its
functional characteristics, calcitonin is an antagonist of parathyroid
hormone, however, its role in the regulation of calcium-phosphorus
metabolism compared to parathyroid hormone in the human body is
Parathyroid hormone (parathyroid hormone, parathyrin, PTH)
is a parathyroid hormone that regulates the level of calcium and
phosphorus in the blood. Function of parathyroid hormone is the
deposition of calcium in the bones with its excess in the blood.
Violation of the release of parathyroid hormone, has a negative effect
on the phosphorus-calcium metabolism of the body, due to the loss of
calcium by the kidneys, violations of its absorption by the intestines and
leaching from the bones.
Excess parathyroid hormone is characterized by slowing the formation
of bone tissue, while the old bone beams actively dissolve, leading to
bone maceration - osteoporosis. The density of bones and their
strength is reduced, which threatens with frequent fractures, but the
level of calcium in the blood will be elevated, as calcium under the
action of the hormone is washed into the plasma.
Task №37
In the emergency room of the hospital entered the patient with
acute inflammatory phenomena in the joints and the heart. What
spectrum of biochemical analyzes should be assigned to a patient
in this case?
Algorithm of the decision:
1) What changes in serum protein fractions can we expect in acute
2) How do protein fractions change when chronization of
3) Name the proteins of the acute phase and give them a brief
1. In serum protein fractions increase in α1- and α2-globulin
fraction that is associated with acute and subacute
inflammatory processes and some malignant tumors,
injuries, because This includes most of the proteins of the
acute phase (C-reactive protein, α2-macroglobulin, α1-
glycoprotein, α1-antitrypsin, ceruloplasmin, haptoglobin).
Alpha-1-globulins in the blood from 2 to 5% (2.1-3.5 g / l)
C-reactive protein (CRP) is the most sensitive and quickest
indicator of tissue damage during inflammation, necrosis,
trauma; reacts precipitation with pneumococcal C-
polysaccharide. Stimulates immune responses,
phagocytosis, activation of the classical systemic
complement.In a healthy person, it is absent, it is
synthesized in hepatocytes.
SAA protein - amyloid protein A - is the N-terminal part of its
serum precursor mol. mass 90000. This precursor belongs to
the proteins of the acute phase, its concentration in serum
increases sharply in response to tissue damage or
inflammation. The level of the precursor of amyloid protein A
increases with age and, when it reaches high values,
amyloidosis can develop.Synthesized in the liver; fast and
strong marker of "acute phase", amyloidosis, stroke
Fibrinogen is a valuable indicator of hemostasis
(coagulogram). Fibrinogen - a protein produced in the liver
and turning into insoluble fibrin - the basis of a clot during
blood coagulation. The content of fibrinogen in the blood
increases with the onset of acute inflammatory diseases and
tissue death. Fibrinogen affects the erythrocyte
sedimentation rate
2)In protein fraction increase content of gamma globulins
The gamma fraction contains immunoglobulins G, A, M, D,
E. Therefore, an increase in the content of gamma globulins
is observed in the reaction of the immune system when
antibodies and autoantibodies are produced: in viral and
bacterial infections, inflammation, collagenosis, tissue
destruction and burns. Significant hypergammaglobulinemia,
reflecting the activity of the inflammatory process, is
characteristic of chronic active hepatitis and liver cirrhosis.
3)The acute phase proteins are a large group of serum
proteins (mainly α-globulins) with various functions combined
according to a common feature — a rapid and significant
increase in the concentration during bacterial, viral, parasitic
infection, physical or chemical injury, toxic or autoimmune
reaction, malignant neoplasms. The meaning of this increase
is to increase the body's resistance to free-radical reactions,
to limit tissue damage, to suppress the rate of reproduction
of bacteria.
Alpha1 globulins include:
- α1-antitrypsin
- α1-glycoprotein
Alpha2 globulins include:
- ceruloplasmin
- haptoglobin
- α2-macroglobulin
The acute phase proteins include:
C-reactive protein,
serum amyloid A,
haptoglobin-glycoprotein, which is 25% of alpha-2-
globulin fraction, a transport protein. The main function
is plasma binding of free hemoglobin, a hemoglobin-
haptoglobin complex with a high molecular weight is
formed, this complex does not pass through the renal
filter (like free HB) and iron is not allowed to pass
through the kidneys. Haptoglobin increases with all
reactions of the acute phase - the active form of
tuberculosis, pneumonia, collagenosis, GI disease,
lymphogranulomatosis, osteomyelitis, AMI, sepsis,
purulent processes
α2-macroglobulin-α2 - Macroglobulin is a high
molecular weight zinc protein, contains 4 identical
subunits and includes a carbohydrate component.
Protein is synthesized in the liver and in
immunocompetent cells. An increase in its level is
detected in cirrhosis of the liver, acute and chronic
hepatitis, endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus,
myxedema), during pregnancy and treatment with
estrogens, and nephrotic syndrome.
ceruloplasmin-the main copper-containing blood
protein, which plays an important role in the
metabolism of iron and is related to alpha-2-
globulins.An increased amount of ceruloplasmin is
formed during the acute stage of infectious
pathologies. It is necessary to combat pathogens.
Hence the name - acute phase protein.
α1-glycoprotein-is one of the main proteins of the
"acute phase". Serum concentration can increase by 3-
4 times in inflammatory processes, infections,
malignant tumors.
α1-antitrypsin-liver protein, the main role of which is to
inactivate protease enzymes that break down
connective tissue in the body.Increased due to acute
inflammatory diseases, chronic inflammatory diseases,
acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, alcoholic cirrhosis
and others
orosomucoid-it is a substance that belongs to the
“slow” proteins of the acute phase of inflammation. Its
content in the blood is rarely determined, since there
are more reliable markers of inflammation. Increased
rates are characteristic of acute phase of inflammation
(infection, tissue damage), extensive malignant
neoplasms, the risk of cardiovascular disease in
patients with type 2 diabetes,connective tissue
Complement components C1-C4, C9-proteins of the
complement system, belong to BOP, during
inflammation their activation - lysis of foreign cells,
however, their content can often decrease, because
together with other proteins the complement is spent
on opsonization and lysis of cells (RA, rheumatism,
cardiovascular disease), Enteropathies,
transplantations are secondary insufficiency of SC
proteins, thus the inflammatory reaction causes a
significant increase in the whole class of glycoprotein
proteins, being inhibitors and deactivators of those
substances that are released during damage.
Transferrin is also referred to as the acute phase proteins, but its
concentration during inflammation decreases - it is called the
negative protein of the acute phase.
Task №38
The patient complains of recurrent and shingles abdominal pain,
especially severe in the left hypochondrium. Recently appeared
frequent and loose stools, especially after taking fatty foods. In
feces the presence of fat. The doctor assumes the defeat of the
pancreas. What is this assumption based on?
Algorithm of the decision:
1. What specific enzyme rises in the blood in acute lesions of
the pancreas. What class and subclass is it?
2. Why, after taking fatty foods in this case, is there a frequent
liquid stool and there is a lot of fat in it?
3. What substances are needed to activate the pancreatic
enzyme that hydrolyzes food triglycerides, where they are
produced, their role?
The main symptoms of acute pancreatitis (inflammation of
pancreatic tissue) are: loose stools; severe pain in left
hypochondrium, nausea and vomiting.
1. lipase is an enzyme that is synthesized in the pancreas, is
released into the lumen of the 12th finger and small intestine,
where it breaks down food fats (TAG → into glycerol and
fatty acids). When pancreatitis rises and remains at this level
for 12 days.
- hydrolase - esterase - lipase
2) lack of LIPOFIL enzymes affects the digestion of fat -
feces become fatty and plentiful.
3) pancreatic lipase is displayed in the 12th peristhirk in the
form of inactive proenzyme - prolipase. The activation of
prolipase in active lipase occurs under the action of bile
acids (phosphatidylcholine, cholesterol) and the enzyme
pancreatic iron-lipocolipase.
Bile acids are formed in the liver from cholesterol. Role:
1. Strengthens intestinal perepalhtiku
2. Provides fat digestion: - emulsification, - formation of
3. Excretion of excess cholesterol, bile pigments,
creatinine, metals, drugs.
Task №39
A 40 years old man came to the doctor with complaints of severe
sweating, the wife of the patient noticed that his features were
blunt, recently he had to buy shoes of bigger size. The doctor
found moderate hypertension and glucosuria. A patient was sent to
the endocrinology department for examination. What hormonal
violation can be assumed in the patient and what are the listed
signs related to?
Algorithm of the decision:
1) What hormones should be detected in the blood of a given
patient? Why? What kind of changes are expected?
2) Explain the molecular mechanisms of glycosuria in this case.
3) Describe the physiological effects of the hormone to which the
data is associated.
1)It is necessary to determine the hormone GH (STH) in the blood.
Because with an increase in the blood of this hormone may be
excessive sweating.
2)STH with a long-term exposure in large doses shows a
diabetogenic effect, that is, growth hormone increases glucose
production by the liver and reduces the uptake of glucose by the
tissues. As a result, an excess amount of glucose appears in the
blood, as a result, glucose reabsorption is disturbed and glycosuria
is observed.
3)Mechanism of action. St increases synthesis of somatomedins in
liver and other organs, they posses insulin similar action, their
mechanism action II: -I (cAMP), +I (cGMP), permeability of
membranes for glucose, amino acids, purine and pyrimidine
Target cells – all tissues.
Physiological action:
1. Oxidation of glucose increases;
2. Lipolysis oxidation increase synthesis of ketones increase;
3. division of cartilage cells , increase;
4. synthesis of proteins increase;
5. rate of growth of bones Increase,
cartilage and their mineralization growth (somatomedin A,C);
6. Ca++ and P in the blood inc;
7. cAMP in pancreasglucagon inc inc;
8.synthesis of somatomedins inc. There are 7 somatomedins: A
(2), B (4), C. A and C:
1) division of cartilage cells inc;
2) synthesis of DNA, RNA inc;
3) synthesis of protein, especially of proteoglycans inc; C – acts
as insulin .; B - synthesis of DNA and protein in brain inc.
In the finish of pregnancy the synthesis of somatotropin
increases®temporary acromegalia. Hyperproduction of St in
childhood evokes the development of gigantism, in adult –
acromegalia. Hypoproduction of St in childhood evokes the
development of dwarfs. The treatment of dwarfs – 10 mg St/kg – 3
times in day causes the increasing of growth on 10-20sm/year.
Task №40
The girl went to the doctor with complaints of excessive sweating,
protrusion of the eyes and weight loss, although the appetite didn’t
suffer. On examination, an enlarged thyroid gland was observed.
What hormonal disorder can be assumed in this patient? What are
the reasons of listed signs? Explain the answer.
Algorithm of the decision:
1. What hormones should be detected in the blood of this
patient? Why? What changes should be expected?
2. Indicate the physiological effects of the hormones involved in
the pathological process in this case.
3. Show schematically the process that is disturbed in this
patient and which one is the reason of sweating?
The diagnosis of this patient is hyperthyroidism (Graves’ disease)
The excessive sweating is explained by the fact, that an increase
in the amount of thyroxine causes an increase in permeability and
a decrease in the electrical resistance of the mitochondrial
membranes and, therefore, a disconnection of biological oxidation
and oxidative phosphorylation occurs. As a result, ATP synthesis
is reduced. Oxidation energy not used for oxidative
phosphorylation is released in the form of heat, because of this, in
such patients, the body temperature increases by 0.5-1°C and the
process of sweating intensifies.
Protrusion of the eyes (Exophthalmia) occurs due to edema of
retrobulbar cellulose (endogenous water) and dysfunction of the
oculomotor muscles due to changes in the tone of the vegetative
nervous system.
Weight loss occurs due to a sharp increase in the breakdown of
lipids and proteins. The same can explain the preservation of the
patient's appetite.
The appearance of a sign of an enlarged thyroid gland is explained
by hypertrophy and hyperplasia, the need for large quantities of
iodine for the increasing synthesis of hormones during
hyperfunction of the gland. Iodine comes with blood in normal
doses, therefore, the mass of the gland rises compensatory in
order to take as much as possible iodine coming with blood.
1. a) Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
Mechanism of action: 1st trough cAMP
Target-cells: thyroid gland and fat tissues
In the blood test, a low level of TSH is expected, which indicates
the increased thyroid function that produces too many thyroid
b) Total and free T (Thyroxine)
In the blood test the high level (above normal) of T is expected.
2. Thyroid-stimulating hormone:
1) Participates in all stages of thyroid hormones synthesis:
· Promotes tyrosine iodization;
· Promotes the synthesis of thyroglobulin;
· Promotes the production of T and T ;
3 4
Task №41
The patient has frequent infectious diseases, poor wound healing.
In the study of protein fractions in the serum detected: albumin -
60%; alpha-1 globulins - 5%; alpha-2-globulins - 10%; beta
globulins - 12%; gamma globulins - 13%. What does the result of
electrophoretic blood serum in this case indicate?
Algorithm of the decision:
1. What are the normal indicators of serum protein fractions?
2. Show the normal chemical composition of blood plasma and
indicate the role of gamma globulins in the body.
3. What is the essence of the electrophoresis method? List the
chemical properties of globulins
Task №42
Irina K., 35 years old, on the advice of an acquaintance physician,
excluded all carbohydrates from her diet. She was prompted by the
problem of an increase in blood glucose, which began as a result of a
strong experience that lasted one week. After a week of such a diet,
she noticed a decrease in body weight (weight loss), but the glucose
level did not return to normal. She continued to exclude all
carbohydrates from the diet, and after a month of such a diet her weight
was 30% lower than the initial one, the smell of fruit essence appeared
from the mouth.
Additional complaints:
- frequent urination;
- burning of the tip of the tongue, hoarseness of the voice, appearing
after eating;
-black dots before eyes.
Task №44
The patient has a sharply increased blood pressure, basal metabolic
rate, sugar content, and the level of free fatty acids in the blood. The
amount of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the blood plasma
increased 500 times. Which organ pathology can you think of?
Algorithm of decision:
1. Name the place of production of adrenaline and
norepinephrine.Show schematically the formation of this hormones.
2. What mechanism do these hormones act on? What enzymes
are active under the influence of these hormones?
3. Explain the mechanism of the disease manifestations below.
An increase in the content of norepinephrine and adrenaline may be
associated with a tumor of the adrenal medulla. Catecholamines have a
powerful vasoconstrictor,hyperglycemic, lipid-mobilizing effect, which
explains the above-mentioned changes in the body.
1. Adrenaline is produced exclusively in the adrenal medulla,
because only they have a specific methyltransferase that
accelerates the methylation of norepinephrine to adrenaline. In turn,
the synthesis of methyltransferase in the medulla is controlled by
glucocorticosteroids and, before getting into the general circulation,
glucocorticoids in high concentration pass through the medulla.
Under the action of a nerve impulse, adrenaline is released from
these granules by exocytosis, which enters the extracellular
environment, then into the blood. Norepinephrine can be
synthesized in many organs, at the end of the sympathetic nervous
Catecholamines are synthesized from the amino acids
phenylalanine of tyrosine.
The mechanism of action -is the first. Receptors to which
catecholamines can join are of two types: a- (a1 and a2) and b- (b1, b2
and b3) -adrenoreceptors, their density on the surface of cells of
various organs and tissues is different. In particular, b-receptors in
large quantities are found on the cells of the blood vessels of the brain,
heart, liver, adipose tissue. There are many a-receptors in the intestinal
vessels, peripheral vessels, in the abdominal organs, with the
exception of the liver. Catecholamines, by binding to a1 receptors,
accelerate the accumulation of cGMP, activate phospholipase C, which
leads to an increase in IP3 and DAG.Catecholamines, binding to a2-
adrenoreceptors, help reduce the formation of cAMP, and interacting
with b-receptors, stimulate the formation of cAMP. Therefore, the same
hormone, acting through different receptors, can cause the opposite
effect: the formation of the hormone-a-receptor complex accelerates
the synthesis of glycogen and lipids, and the hormone-b-receptor
complex causes their breakdown. The physiological effect of hormones
on the walls of blood vessels, especially coronary and cerebral, is also
different: vasoconstriction causes the hormone associated with the a-
receptor, and expansion - associated with the b-receptor.
It is also known that norepinephrine has a high affinity for a1 and β1
receptors, and adrenaline - for α2 and b2 receptors. In this regard, their
effect on organs and tissues is different. It is also known that at high
concentrations adrenaline can interact with a-receptors.
Target cells- are the liver, skeletal and cardiac muscles, adipose tissue,
the central nervous system, the muscles of the vessels, bronchi,
intestines, urinary tract.
Physiological action: since adrenaline promotes the formation of cAMP
AMP, glycogenolysis increases in target cells. Glucose-6-phosphate
molecules formed in the liver are dephosphorylated and glucose enters
the blood. In the muscles, glucose-6-phosphate (due to the absence of
the enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase) undergoes glycolysis and is used
as an energy source; more often, glucose in the muscles breaks down
to lactic acid, which enters the liver and is used for
gluconeogenesis.Under the action of adrenaline, the absorption of
glucose by muscles and other organs and tissues is reduced due to a
decrease in insulin secretion, which prevents the consumption of
glucose by the tissues, saving it for the brain.
Task №45
During the examination of the workers of the “Dry Cleaning”
association, one of the workers had an increase in ALT activity in
the blood of 5.7, and AST by 1.5 times. What is the presumptive
diagnosis you can make this patient? How does the color of urine
and feces change in a patient?
Algorithm of the decision:
1. What types of jaundice are there? The reasons for their
2. A picture of blood, urine and feces in this pathology.
3. What additional tests should be assigned and what possible
deviations can be expected in them?
According to the examination results, the presumptive diagnosis in
this patient: Acute toxic hepatitis. As a result of this disease, the
level of ALT and AST in the blood increases, while the level of ALT
increases more than AST. This is due to the fact that the enzyme
ALT has a specific organ localization in the liver and when cells
break down, it enters the bloodstream, where its activity increases
sharply, which is observed in the patient.
1. There are several types of jaundice:
1. Mechanical (Obstructive), subhepatic jaundice
Associated with the termination of the flow of bile into the intestine.
Causes: any processes that impede the outflow of bile:
- cholelithiasis
- pancreatic head tumor
- inflammatory process in the bile ducts
Result: Increase in blood of total bilirubin due to direct.
2. Hemolytic (subhepatic) jaundice
Occurs with increased erythrocyte hemolysis.
Causes: - incompatible blood transfusion
- infectious diseases
- chemical intoxication
Result: Increase in blood total bilirubin due to indirect, which does
not have time to be neutralized in the liver.
3. Parenchymal (hepatic) jaundice
Occurs when liver cells are damaged and is accompanied by
increased permeability of hepatocyte membranes.
Causes: - viral diseases
- toxic drugs
Result: Increase in blood total bilirubin due to both direct and
4. Physiological jaundice
It occurs in newborns, the intensity of which normally begins to
decrease on the second day, and after two weeks passes.
Causes: - increased disintegration of fetal hemoglobin (HbF), when
changing to adult hemoglobin (HbA).
- insufficiency of formation of glucuronyltransferase,
bilirubin neutralizing enzyme.
2. In this pathology, urobilinogen is increased in the urine
because hepatic damage decreases the enterohepatic
circulation of this compound, allowing more to enter the
blood, from which it is filtered into the urine. The urine
consequently darkens, whereas stools may be a pale, clay
color, depending on the damage level of the liver.
Blood serum becomes darker due to an increase in the level of
direct and indirect bilirubin in the blood.
3. - Study on the activity of ALT, AST (increases)
- Study on the amount of bilirubin (increases)
- Abnormal protein-sediment samples
- Impaired liver production of fibrinogen, prothrombin, VII, V
coagulation factors.
Task №46
In patients with severe viral hepatitis, hepatic coma may develop,
due, in particular, to the toxic effect of ammonia on brain cells.
What is the reason for such a significant accumulation of ammonia
in the blood? How will the urea concentration change in the blood
of these patients? What biochemical parameters should be
determined in patients with hepatitis to prevent and early detection
of this complication?
Algorithm of the decision:
1. Name the ways of formation and neutralization of ammonia.
2. What are the main mechanisms of the toxic effect of
ammonia on brain cells?
3. What liver tests are carried out to study abnormal liver
In the large intestine a significant amount of ammonia is formed,
which is a product of decay with the action of intestinal bacteria on
nitrogenous substrates. Ammonia is absorbed into the portal
blood, but under normal conditions in the liver, some of the
ammonia formed is converted into urea and is quickly removed
from the body. In liver diseases, the function of hepatocytes
(antitoxic function of the liver) may be impaired, the synthesis of
urea is inhibited, and in this case, the concentration of ammonia in
the peripheral blood rises to toxic levels.
Required tests to identify hepatic coma:
viral hepatitis markers
blood bilirubin concentration (hyperbilirubinemia)
determination of the amount of serum transaminases
determination of prothrombin index and thrombocyte count in
the blood (decreases)
determination of the amount of ammonia in arterial blood and
cerebrospinal fluid (increases)
1. Ways of ammonia formation:
the disintegration of pyrimidine bases
deamination of amino acids
hydrolytic deamination of purine bases
deamidation of amides
deamidating of hexosamines
neutralization of biogenic amines
Ways of ammonia neutralization:
Amidation (in all tissues except liver)
In the human body, the process of amidation occurs with
glutamic and, less commonly with aspartic acids, which,
when released into the liver, undergo deamidation.
Consequently, the formation of amides is a temporary
neutralization of ammonia and its transport form:
α-ketoglutaric α-iminoglutaric
Urea biosynthesis (in the liver)
The formation of urea in the liver cells is carried out
according to the Krebs theory (ornithine cycle).
NН + СО + ЗН О + Asp
3 2 2 urea + fumarate+
3 4
Task №47
A patient with kidney disease, despite a balanced diet, renal
osteodystrophy has developed - a rickets-like disease,
accompanied by intensive bone demineralization. Why damage
kidney disease in this patient led to demineralization? What are the
blood and urine indicators should be determined in a patient to
clarify the diagnosis and correction of therapy? What kind
hormones can be recommended to determine the patient?
Algorithm of the decision:
1) What is the connection between the development of rickets and
kidney disease?
2) What biochemical indices are determined in blood and urine
rickets and kidney disease?
3) What hormone levels will increase or decrease with bone
1. The main factors for the development of Renal
osteodystrophy(ROD) are a violation of Ca-P homeostasis, the
metabolism of vitamin D and Parathyroid hormone, as well as
changes in the somatotropic axis. In recent years, the ROD
spectrum has been recognized to include conditions with “high”
and “low” bone metabolism. As a result of the Chronic renal failure
itself, and as a result of the treatment of ROD, a high plasma level
of phosphorus is formed and the product of Ca´P increases. Both
of these indicators are important risk factors for the development of
vascular calcification, cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in
young people who have been in childhood Renal replacement
therapy (RRT) since childhood.
In the kidneys, the process of hydroxylation proceeds in the first
position of 1,25-deoxycholecalciferol, one of the active metabolites
of vitamin D (calciferol). This metabolite is involved in the
homeostatic regulation of calcium metabolism and osteogenesis.
Namely: regulates the processes of absorption of Ca and P in the
renal tubules, bone resorption and reabsorption of Ca and P in the
renal tubules.
The progression of nephrosclerosis with chronic kidney disease
deepens the violation of the hydroxylation of calcidiol, resulting in
reduced or completely suppressed production of the effective form
of vitamin D3 - dihydroxycholecalciferol. This leads to a decrease
in calcium absorption in the small intestine and reabsorption in the
kidney according to hypocalcemia, which is a powerful stimulator
of PTH secretion, and consequently, the development of
2. Biochemical examination of urine:
-study of excretion of amino acids in the urine - increased
excretion (hyperaminoaciduria) - one of the early laboratory signs
of rickets
-study of urinary calcium excretion - it is known that vitamin D
deficiency leads to suppression of urinary calcium excretion
-urine sample according to Sulkovich
-Quantitative determination of calcium in a single (first or second
morning portion) or daily urine
-determination and calculation of calcium-creatinine ratio - the ratio
of calcium to creatinine in the analyzed (usually in the first or
second morning, perhaps in the daily) urine
Biochemical study of blood.
-total protein content - dysproteinemia, hypoproteinemia;
-total alkaline phosphatase activity (its bone isoenzyme)
-calcium content - normal content or decrease in total calcium
concentration (up to 2 mmol / l and below), ionized calcium (up to
1 mmol / l and less) is observed
3. The balance of calcium and phosphorus in the body is a
complex process that is regulated by such biologically active
compounds as vitamin D, parathyroid hormone (PTH) of the
parathyroid glands and calcitonin C-cells of the thyroid gland, and
also depends on the state of the digestive tract, liver and kidneys.
One of the important regulator of calcium-phosphorus metabolism
is parathyroid hormone (PG). The production of this hormone by
parathyroid glands increases with hypocalcemia, and, especially,
with a decrease in plasma and extracellular fluid concentrations of
ionized calcium. Main target organs for parathyroid hormone are
the kidneys, bones and to a lesser extent gastrointestinal tract.
The effect of parathyroid hormone on the kidneys is manifested by
an increase in calcium reabsorption and magnesium. At the same
time, the reabsorption of phosphorus is reduced, which leads to
hyperphosphaturia and hypophosphatemia. It is also believed that
parathyroid hormone increases the ability of the formation of
calcitriol in the kidneys, thereby enhancing the absorption calcium
in the intestine.
In bone tissue, under the influence of parathyroid hormone, bone
apatite calcium goes into soluble form, thanks to which it is
mobilized and released into the bloodstream, which accompanied
by the development of osteomalacia and even osteoporosis. In this
way, parathyroid hormone is the main calcium-saving hormone. He
carries rapid regulation of calcium homeostasis, constant
regulation of calcium metabolism - function of vitamin D and its
metabolites. PG production is stimulated hypocalcemia, with a high
level of calcium in the blood, its production decreases.
The second regulator of calcium metabolism is calcitonin (CT) - a
hormone produced by the C-cells of the parafollicular thyroid
apparatus. By action on calcium homeostasis, he is an antagonist
of parathyroid hormone. Its secretion increases with increasing
levels of calcium in the blood and decreases with decreasing. A
diet high in calcium also stimulates secretion of calcitonin. This
effect is mediated by glucagon, which is thus biochemical activator
of the production of CT. Calcitonin protects the body from
hypercalcemic conditions, reduces the number and activity of
osteoclasts, reducing bone resorption, increases calcium
deposition in the bone, preventing development of osteomalacia
and osteoporosis, activates its excretion in the urine.
Task №48
At the examination, the dentist diagnosed the patient with
periodontal disease in the initial stage. During examination, an
increased concentration of calcium, osteocalcin protein,
parathyroid hormone was found in the patient's blood. The
phosphate content is below normal. What disease can correspond
to these data?
Algorithm of the decision:
1. Describe the effect on the target tissue of a hormone, the
content of which is increased in the patient's blood;
2. Explain the structure of osteocalcin protein and its function in
bone tissue;
3. Name other specific proteins of bone tissue, describe the
features of their structure;
4. Specify other markers of bone metabolism, the content of
which should be increased in the blood and urine of the patient.
The data obtained during the examination indicate osteoporosis
due to hyperproduction of parathyroid hormone
Osteoporosis (OP) is a systemic skeletal disease characterized by
a decrease in bone mass and impaired microarchitecture of bone
tissue, resulting in bone fragility leading to an increase in the
frequency of fractures.
1. Parathyroid hormone - a peptide of 84 amino acids. It is
excreted by the parathyroid glands with a decrease in calcium in
the blood.
Target tissues of parathyroid hormone:
bone tissue
small intestine mucosa
Effect on bone tissue: in bone tissue there are 3 types of cells:
osteoblasts, osteocytes and osteoclasts. Under the influence of
parathyroid hormone, the activity of osteoclasts and osteocytes is
stimulated. Due to the increased disintegration (resorption) of the
organic basis of bone tissue, and then there is demineralization.
Collagen, breaks down to individual amino acids, this leads to the
release of hydroxyapatite molecules from the bond with collagen.
Hydroxyapatites break down to Ca and P0 , which enter the
bloodstream, and hypercalcemia occurs. The increase in blood
phosphate does not occur, because they are excreted with urine.
Effect on kidneys : under the influence of parathyroid hormone in
the renal tubules, reabsorption (reabsorption) of calcium and
magnesium from primary urine into the blood increases. Excretion
of phosphates, potassium and bicarbonates with urine increases,
and the excretion of ammonium, protons and magnesium is
Effect on intestinal mucosa: parathyroid hormone enhances
absorption of Ca from the intestine to the blood.
Task №49
To the dentist, a woman came with complaints of loosening of the
teeth of her teenage daughter. After the examination, the doctor
sent the patient to analyze the level of parathyroid hormone and
estrogen in the blood. Why, the change in the concentration of
these hormones, from the point of view of the doctor, could be the
cause of this phenomenon in a girl? ANSWER the question :
Why the concentration of parathyroid hormone and estrogen can
cause teeth loosening ?!
Task №50
Fluorides are one of the most well-known anticarious agents.
They can enter the enamel with drinking water or directly on the
tooth surface.
when using fluoride toothpastes. Having information about high
demand for fluoride toothpastes, manufacturers of chewing gum
We also decided to include fluorides in our products. However, in
consultation with
dentists, they were forced to abandon the idea. Why dentists
banned fluoride from chewing gum? To answer the question
1) the mechanism of the anti-caries action of fluorides;
The amount of fluoride deposited in mineralized tissues directly
depends on its entry into the body from various sources, primarily
from drinking water.
The receipt of optimal doses of fluoride in the child’s body before
teething contributes to:
l increase the size of hydroxyapatite crystals;
l replacing hydroxyl groups (OH) in hydroxyapatite with fluorine
ions to form fluorapatite crystals;
l reducing carbonate content in enamel;
l increase the strength and reduce the solubility of enamel;
l Formation of deeper and wider fissures.
The mechanism of the anti-caries action of fluoride after teething: l
inhibits the process of demineralization and accelerates the
remineralization of enamel;
l impaired metabolism of cariogenic bacteria.
Task №51
Task №52
According to scientists, the use of hisstatins may become a new
trend in the prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases.
Explain why these proteins attracted the attention of scientists
developing new methods of treatment. For this:
1) name the unique proteins of the salivary glands and indicate the
features of their structure;
2) describe the functions of these proteins and suppose which of
them has aroused the interest of scientists.
1) Histatins (histidine-rich proteins). From the secrets of the human
parotid and submandibular salivary glands, a family of major oligo-
and polypeptides distinguished by a high content of histidine has
been isolated. The study of the primary structure of histatin
showed that they consist of 7-38 amino acid residues and have a
greater degree of similarity between themselves. The hisstatin
family is represented by 12 peptides of different molecular weights.
Individual peptides of this family are believed to form in reactions
of limited proteolysis, either in secretory vesicles or during the
passage of proteins through the glandular ducts.
Task №54
In the experiment on tissue sections, it was shown that, when the
suspension of dental plaque was injected into the incubation
medium, the cells and the intercellular matrix of the sections were
damaged. Explain the cytotoxic effect of the plaque suspension.
For this:
1) name low-molecular substances and proteins synthesized by
microorganisms of dental plaque;
2) describe the mechanism of the damaging action, provide
diagrams of each of these substances on the cells and
components of the intercellular matrix of tissue sections
1. Ammonia (NH3) is formed by microorganisms during the
catabolism of amino acids, as well as from urea under the action of
bacterial urease. NH3 passes into the gingival epithelium, where,
by binding a proton, it is converted into NH4 +, as a result of which
the pH rises in these cells. Maintaining the optimum pH in the cells
provides two reactions: the synthesis of glutamine and the
reductive amination of α - ketoglutarate. An increase in the rate of
these reactions leads to a decrease in the content of NADH, α-
ketoglutarate and impaired energy metabolism (DIC) in epithelial
Task №56
Task №57
Recently, dentists have noted the emergence of a new disease - a
chewing disease. Due to improper use of chewing gum in patients
with atrophy of the salivary glands. How will saliva secretion
change with this disease? To answer the question: