Also, thank you to so many volunteers! Not only are teachers willing to jump into
Fri. Sept. 28/29 HHS
one another's classrooms to support student learning, share ideas and the
Homecoming workload but parents are everywhere, integrated into the fabric of the school.
Parents are reading with kids, practicing math facts in the hallway, working in the
9AM PEP Assembly! Wear lunchroom, on the playground, in the office and putting in long hours to prepare
for the big Color the Park event. This is a place of teamwork, a place dedicated
Maize and Blue!
to each other and the success of every student. I am blessed to join such an
amazing place. I look forward to meeting everyone at Color the Park!
Wed. Oct. 3 COUNT DAY
Mrs. Dawn Heerema
Fri. Oct. 5 3rd Gr. to
Art Prize Principal
Welcome to a new year of music at Park Elementary. This month we are focusing on how we
can “BE” responsible with our bodies, the music room, and our musical instruments.
I will let you know when our new Park Music Website is finished! This Website will have
links to our performance songs and important links for recorders (4th grade) and Ukuleles
(5th grade). Students will even be able to use the website for practicing at home.
Finally a huge thank you to our Park Parent’s Club, Music to Benefit Music, the Hudsonville Education Foundation and
to all of our Park families for their continuous support of music at Park Elementary!
Please click here to see exactly what we’ve been working on in class!
Mr. Bouwman
Starting Monday, Sept. 24-28, Park School will be having a Can/Bottle Drive. All of the
proceeds raised will go to help reduce the cost of 5th grade camp. The winning K-4 class will
have a fun filled hour with the winning 5th grade class. The actual activity/prize will be
announced at a later date. Don’t forget to bring in your bottles and cans to school to help your
class win and to help out our 5th graders!!!
A copy of the registration form has also been attached to this email for your convenience.
MOBILE FOOD DISTRIBUTION Hager Park Church Saturday, September 22, 2018
10:00 am to Noon Hager Park Church is partnering with Feeding America West Michigan to provide a Mobile Food
Distribution. The food distribution will take place at Hager Park Church’s parking lot, located at 2635 Bauer
Road in Jenison. Sign-in is required, although the food is FREE to anyone that needs it. There will be a large-
assortment of food, consisting of fresh seasonal produce and other high-quality grocery items.
The Heritage Christian School Fall Children's Clothing and Toy Sale will be held on Saturday, October 6 from
9 am - 12:00 pm. Items for sale include infant to teen clothing, winter gear, snow boots outdoor/indoor toys, books,
games, shoes, baby equipment, maternity, and more. Delicious baked goods are also for sale! Located in the large
gym at Heritage Christian at 6340 Autumn Dr., Hudsonville. Hope to see you there!
HOLY CROSS KIDS FALL CONSIGNMENT SALE *Fri, Sept 28 9am-3pm *Sat, Sept 29 9am-1pm (half price
Holy Cross Lutheran Church1481 Baldwin St, Jenison
Hudsonville Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age height, weight, marital status, handicap, disability, or limited English proficiency in any of its programs or
activities. The following office has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Personnel Director, Hudsonville Public Schools 3886 VanBuren, Hudsonville, MI 49426 (616) 669-174