Dr P K Jain
IAHE Faculty
Head( Retired) ,Flexible Pavements
• It is a mixture of
• Coarse Aggregates
• Fine aggregates
• Mineral Filler and
• Bitumen/Modified Bitumen
Causes Effects
Causes Effects
High voids content in design Water and air can easily enter
mix pavement causing oxidation and
Inadequate compaction Will result in high voids in pavement
leading to water infiltration and low
Properties considered in mix design …Contd.
It is the ease with which paving mixture can be placed and
Workability can be improved by changing mix design
parameters, aggregate source and / or gradation.
Harsh mixtures (mixtures containing a high percentage of
coarse aggregates) have a tendency to segregate during
handling and also may be difficult to compact.
Too high a filler content can also affect workability. It can
cause the mix to become gummy, making it difficult to
As the temperature of the mix affects the viscosity of the
asphalt, too low a temperature will make a mix
unworkable, too high a temperature may make it tender.
Asphalt grade may also affect workability, as may the
percentage of the asphalt in the mix.
Causes and Effects of Workability Problems
Causes Effects
It is the ability of an asphalt pavement to adjust
to gradual settlements and movements in the
subgrade without cracking.
An open-graded mix with high asphalt content is
generally more flexible than a dense-graded,
low asphalt content mix.
Sometimes, the need for flexibility conflicts with
stability requirements, so the trade-offs have to
be made.
Properties Considered in Mix Design …contd.
Fatigue Resistance
It is the resistance to repeated loading under wheel loads.
Air voids and asphalt viscosity have a significant effect on
fatigue resistance.
As the percentage of air voids increases, pavement fatigue
life is drastically shortened.
A pavement containing asphalt that has aged and hardened
significantly has reduced resistance to fatigue.
Thick, well supported pavements do not bend as much
under loading as thin or poorly supported pavements do.
So, they have longer fatigue lives.
Causes and Effects of Poor Fatigue Resistance
Causes Effects
Skid Resistance
It is the ability of an asphalt surface to minimize skidding
or slipping of vehicle tires, particularly when wet.
For good skid resistance, tire tread must be able to
maintain contact with the aggregate particles instead of
riding on a film of water on the pavement surface
Best skid resistance is obtained with rough-textured
aggregate in a relatively open-graded mixture.
Besides, having a rough surface the aggregates must resist
polishing (smoothing) under traffic.
Unstable mixtures that tend to rut or bleed present serious
skid resistance problems.
Causes and Effects of Poor Skid Resistance
Causes Effects
Selection of aggregates
Selection of aggregate gradation
Proportioning of aggregates to meet the required gradation
Selection of bitumen
Preparation of Marshall specimens
Testing of the specimens (Density, Stability and Flow)
Density - Voids Analysis
Determination of Optimum Bitumen Content (OBC)
45 100 -
37.5 90 – 100 -
19 - 90 – 100
13.2 35 – 61 56 – 88
4.75 13 – 22 16 – 36
2.36 4 – 19 4 – 19
0.3 2 – 10 2 – 10
45 100 -
26.5 63 – 93 90 – 100
19 - 71 – 95
13.2 55 – 75 56 – 80
4.75 38 – 54 38 – 54
2.36 28 – 42 28 – 42
0.3 7 – 21 7 – 21
Layer Thickness 35 – 40 mm 25 – 30 mm
19 100 -
9.5 70 – 90 90 – 100
4.75 35 – 51 35 – 51
2.36 24 – 39 24 – 39
1.18 15 – 30 15 – 30
0.3 9 – 19 9 – 19
Sample Extraction
The compacted specimens
are extracted using a
Sample Extractor after the
curing time
Sample extractor is
designed for fast
extrusion of samples from
compaction moulds
Vv Voids 0
Vb Bitumen Pb Gb
Vca Pca Gca
Vfa Pfa Gfa
Vmf Pmf Gmf
% Volumes % Weights Specific
Density void analysis
The following quantities are worked out by
carrying out density voids analysis
• Bulk Specific gravity of compacted mixture
• Bulk specific gravity of aggregate (Ga)
• Theoretical maximum specific gravity (Gt)
• Percent air voids in the final mix (Vv)
• Percent air voids in mineral aggregates
• Percent aggregate voids filled with
bitumen (VFB)
Bulk specific gravity of compacted mixture
By weighing in air and water : if the specimen has
impermeable surface (ASTM D 2726)
Gmb = W/(W–Ww)
Where, W & Ww = weight of the specimen in air and
By weighing paraffin coated specimen in air and
water : if the specimen has open impermeable
surface (ASTM D 1188)
W Ww
' ' W '
W ' GP
Pca Pfa Pmf Pb
Gca G fa Gmf Gb
Vv , VMA and VFB
Vv 100
Gt Gmb
VFB 100
Marshall Stability and Flow
The specimens to be tested are kept immersed in
water in a thermostatically controlled water bath at
60 ± 1 °C for 30 to 40 minutes.
Marshall Stability and Flow …Contd.
• It is a product of SHRP
• It is a new system for design of HMA based
upon mechanistic concepts.
• SuperPave is an acronym for “Superior
Performing Asphalt Pavements”
• It is supposed to be the best available at
this time
Asphalt binder grading system
Consensus properties
• Coarse Aggregate Angularity
• Fine Aggregate Angularity
• Flat, Elongated Particles, and
• Clay Content
Source Properties
• Toughness (by LA Abrasion)
• Soundness (by Sodium/Magnesium
sulphate solution)
• Deleterious Materials
• It uses the 0.45 power gradation chart with control limits
and a restricted zone to develop a design aggregate
• A Superpave design aggregate structure must pass between
the control points while avoiding the restricted zone.
• The restricted zone is used by Superpave to avoid mixtures
that have a high proportion of fine sand relative to total
sand and gradations that follow the 0.45 power line, which
do not normally have adequate VMA.
• The design aggregate structure approach ensures that the
aggregate will develop a strong, stone skeleton to enhance
resistance to permanent deformation while achieving
sufficient void space for mixture durability.
Asphalt mixtures
Laboratory compaction – done by SGC
Performance Testing – Two tests have been developed
• Superpave Shear Tester (SST)
• Indirect Tensile Tester (IDT)
• The results of SST and IDT are input into pavement
performance prediction models.
• Using these models, mix design engineers can estimate
the combined effect of asphalt binders, aggregates,
and mixture properties.
• The output of models is mm of rutting, % area of
fatigue cracking, and spacing (in meters) of low
temperature cracks.
• By using this approach, the Superpave system
accomplishes what no previous design procedure has,
i.e., it joins material properties with pavement
structural properties to predict actual pavement