2nd Addenda National Highway Wing 2019 19022020

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Road Studs for better

road safety

Wire rope crash Barrier

White topping For less fatalities/ Greater
Road safety

Tri-axial Geo-grid Reinforcement


1 February 2020
NH schedule of rates 2019 -2020 was published with effect from 1st June 2019 based on the
input received from different Manufacturing houses/Organisations/ Related authorities.
Ministry’s Standard Data Book for analysing of rates (1st revision, 2003) as well as the
guideline of MoRTH’s Specification (5th revision, August 2013) were followed.
As mentioned in the prefacing report to the NH SOR 2019-20 some new items have been
framed by the NH Planning & Design Circle as an addenda to the NH SOR, 2019-20.
It is the Ministry’s strong endeavour to introduce new technologies in the construction and
maintenance of National Highways throughout for quite some time past. For this a good
number circulars have also been published by the Ministry time to time. But it is to be
appreciated that for not having any standardise norm for compilation of the rates for the new
items by framing of its narration and consumption of materials, Labour as well as T& P
involvement is highly complex and requires a lot of research works.
State PWD maintains a good number of steel bridges on different NHs. Since a long time back
it has been felt by the Engineer officers who are to maintain steel bridges that there are no
suitable item works in the NH SOR to help them. Due to want of standard data book support in
this specific sector state Engineers are of the practice of framing items related to
maintenance of structural steel bridges in a highly de-centralised manner and to get the item
rate approved by the concerned Superintending Engineer. This is for the first time provision
of items of works related to construction as well as maintenance of structural steel bridges
have been made in the NH SOR, which would be of great help to those engineers.
Apart from adoption of new technology, items with environment friendly mode of road
construction work have also been incorporated to protect our nature against pollution.
The new items are cost effective as well as economical. As an efficient mode of waste
management, new items like Waste Plastic Modified Dense Graded Hot Bituminous mix has
been framed. In order to avoid environment pollution item like Mechanised Mastic Asphalt as
been included.
To enhance the better safety to the NH users, several new items for road signage, markings
have been added in the SOR. For cost optimization in road construction and to achieve
greater load bearing capacities of the base and sub base layers as well as bituminous surfaces
different items with geo-grid and geo-textile materials have been formulated.
The finalisation of items of work was not possible without active co-operation of Engineers
working in NH Planning & Design Circle as well as Engineer Officers attached with this office.
Hope this new corrigendum items will major help all the construction wing working under
National Highway in West Bengal
All users of this Addenda are requested to feel free in suggesting anything for up gradation of
the documents in future.
Date-28th January’2020

(Saumitra Kumar Maiti)

KHADYA BHABAN Chief Engineer
(National Highways)
1STFloor,Block-A, Room No.-103 &
11A,Mirza Ghalib Street Chairman,
Kolkata-700 087 NH Schedule Review Committee
Phone: (033) 2252 0516 P.W. (Roads) Directorate
Fax: (033) 2252 0553 Government of West Bengal
E-mail: cenhwb@gmail.com

2nd Addenda to NH Schedule Of Rates_2019-20 Roads and Bridge Works

NH schedule of rates2019 -2020 was published with effect from 1st June 2019 based on
the input received from different Manufacturing houses/Organisations/ Related
authorities. Ministry’s Standard Data Book for analysing of rates(1st revision, 2003) as
well as the guideline of MORTH Specification (5th revision, August 2013) were followed.
In the prefacing report of the NH schedule of rates2019-2020, it was mentioned that
some new items are in the pipeline and would be introduced very soon as an
addendum to the NH SOR, 2019-20.
It is the Ministry’s strong endeavour to introduce new technologies in the construction
and maintenance of National Highways throughout for quite some time past. For this a
good number circulars have also been published by the Ministry time to time. But it is to
be appreciated that for not having any standardise norm for compilation of the rates for
the new items by framing of its narration and consumption of materials, Labour as well as
T& P involvement is highly complex and requires a lot of research works.
State PWD maintains a good number of steel bridges on different NHs. Since a long time
back it has been felt by the Engineer officers who are to maintain steel bridges that there
are no suitable item works in the NH SOR to help them. Due to want of standard data book
support in this specific sector state PWD also remained silent. As such state Engineers are
of the practice of framing items related to maintenance of structural steel bridges in a
highly de-centralised manner and to get the item rate approved by the concerned
Superintending Engineer.This is for the first time provision of items of works related to
construction as well as maintenance of structural steel bridges have been made in the
NH SOR. In this context, Indian Railways’ unified schedule of Rates available on portal
have been of much help.
Apart from adoption of new technology, items with environment friendly mode of road
construction work have also been incorporated to protect our nature against pollution.
The new items are cost effective as well as economical.

Following new items of works have been included in the chapter 17 as miscellaneous
items: -

A. Related to Bituminous Base and Surface Courses works (Chapter-5 of NHSOR 19-20)

A-1. Mechanised Mastic Asphalt

A-2. Waste Plastic Modified Dense Graded Hot Bituminous mix
A-3. Water proofing work with the provision of Asphalt Seal pad on concrete

B. Related to Cement Concrete Pavement works(Chapter-6 of NHSOR 19-20)

B-1. White Topping& Short Panel Concrete Pavement.

B-2. Concrete Sawing.
B-3. Concrete Paver Block.

2nd Addenda to NH Schedule Of Rates_2019-20 Roads and Bridge Works

C. Related to Geo-synthetics and Reinforced Earthworks (Chapter-7 of NHSOR 19-20)

C-1. Ground improvement with Prefabricated Vertical Drain.

C-2 & 3. Glass fibre reinforced Geo-grid.
C-4, 5 & 6. High Modulus Bi-axial Geo-grid.
C-7.High Modulus Tri-axial Geo-grid.
C-8. High Strength flexible Geo-grid.
C-9 & 10. Reinforced Geo-composite 3-dimensional Matrix(Woven).
C-11. WovenGeo-Textile.
C-12. Fiber glass geogrid from high quality glass fiber strands and coated with a
polymer modified bitumen.
C-13. Non-Woven Geotextile.
C-14 & 15. Non-Woven Drainage Composite.
C-16 to 42. Gabion Structure with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal
Shaped Wire Mesh Gabion Box.
C-43 to 45. Cylindrical/Sack Gabion.

D. Related to Traffic Signs, Markings and Other Road Appurtenances (Chapter-8 of SOR)

D-1. Raised Profile Edge Marking with Reflectorized Hot Applied Thermoplastic
Compound on Bituminous Road Surface.
D-2. Hybrid Solar-Retro Reflective Sign.
D-3. Solar Powered Road Studs.
D-4. Wire Rope Safety Cash Barrier.
D-5. RPM with Shank.
D-6. Median Marker.
D-7. Retro-Reflective Studs.
D-8. Rumble Marking.
D-9. Audible Vibratory Profile Marking.

E. Related to Bridge structure

E-1&2. Bridge Work Super Structure Steel.

2nd Addenda to NH Schedule Of Rates_2019-20 Roads and Bridge Works

E-3. Metalizing of Steel work.
E-4. Cleaning of Steelwork of Bridge.
E-5, 6, 7 &8. Painting on Bridge Structure.

The compilation/framing of 2nd Addenda was a robust task involving collection of data
from different Manufacturing Houses, Construction Agencies, and Specialised Firms to
fabricate the new items of work with consultation with Government officers working in NH
construction wing. Also verification of item of works &rates in consultation with different
expert Engineers and specialised agencies for finalising schedule items of work with cost
of works was not possible without active co-operation of Engineers working in Planning &
Design Circle(NH) as well as Engineer Officers attached with o/o the Chief Engineer (NH).
Hope this new corrigendum items will major help all the construction wing working under
National Highway in West Bengal. The contribution made by Sri Rajib Chattoraj,the then
Assistant Chief Engineer-I (NH), in framing the narrative of each and every new items is
praiseworthy. His subsequent contribution even after demitting that chair is being highly
acclaimed by NH Wing.
Date: 28th January 2020


2nd Floor, Block-A, Room No.-207

11A, MirzaGhalib Street
Kolkata-700 087
Phone & Fax: (033) 2252 1524
E-mail: sepwrdnh@gmail.com

(Sovan Kumar Mukhopadhyay)

(Parthasarathi De) (Samaresh Bhattacharyya)
Superintending Engineer,
Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer
NH Planning & Design Circle,
NH Planning & Design Division-II NH Circle-I
P.W(Roads).Directorate P.W(Roads).Directorate
Member Secretary & Convener,
Government of West Bengal Government of West Bengal
NH Schedule Review Committee
P.W. (Roads) Directorate
Government of West Bengal

(Prabir Kr. Sahu) (Saumitra Kumar Maiti)

Assistant Chief Engineer-I Chief Engineer (NH)
National Highways P.W(Roads).Directorate
P.W(Roads).Directorate Government of West Bengal
Government of West Bengal

2nd Addenda to NH Schedule Of Rates_2019-20 Roads and Bridge Works

Page No.
GENERAL Chapter -A
Approximate material requirements for different Items of
Chapter - A - 1-47

Chapter -17 - Miscellaneous

A. New Items related to base and surface courses ( Bituminous) 48
B. New Items related to Cement concrete Pavement 49-50
C. New Items related to Geo Synthetics and Reinforced Earth 51-63
D. New Items related to Traffic Signs, Markimg, and other Road
E. Steel Structure of Bridge 67-68
Table - I (Part-C) - Rate of Paver Block in Different District 69
Annexure - III Illustrative Examples 70-77

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates _2019-20 Roads and Bridge Works

Chapter - a


Items & materials
A. Consumption of Materials For New Items Related to Bases and Surface
courses ( Bituminous ) Chapter 5 of NH SOR 2019-20
Item No. A-1. Mechanized Mastic Asphalt (25mm thick)

Unit- cum

Materials Requirement

Follow as per Chapter ‘A’ Item No. 5.14.of NH SOR 2019-20.

Item No. A-2. Waste Plastic Modified Dense Graded Hot Bituminous Mix For Wearing

Unit- cum

Materials Requirement

Per cum of Waste Plastic Modified Dense Graded Hot Bituminous Mix For Wearing Course.

Grading – II, 13.2 mm nominal maxm

Size of crushed
aggregate size (layer thickness 30-40mm)
stone aggregates

20mm -
13.2mm 0.07
10mm 0.24
5.6mm 0.25
2.36mm 0.18
1.18mm 0.13
600 micron 0.13
300 micron 0.13
150 micron 0.10
75 micron 0.23
Bitumen content (%) by mass of total mix.
Bitumen may be VG 30 or VG 40 as per
5.4 % (min.)
design mix depending on location of site
and volume of traffic.
127 Kg (Min)
Bitumen content by mass

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates _2019-20 Roads and Bridge Works

Page 1
Items & materials

Waste Plastic content by mass @ 8% by wt of bitumen 10.16 kg

Filler(@ 2 % by total weight of aggregate)(Cement

/lime* / Rock dust ) 44.57 kg

Notes: -- Quantities are only for estimation. For execution, grading shall conform to table
500-17 of MoRT&H specification for road and bridge works (5th Revision ,2013)
* Lime as a filler material should be Hydrated Lime [ i.e. chemically known as Ca(OH)2 ]

Item No. A-3.Water proofing work with the provision of Asphalt Seal Pad for bridge deck,
Road Over Bridges, Parking Decks, Bridge Ramps, Elevated Roadways, Pedestrian
Subways (Concrete Surface)with 5mm thick Asphalt seal pad made of atactic
polypropylene polymer (APP) modified bituminous pad reinforced with nonwoven
polymer mat.

Unit- sqm

Materials Requirement

Heavy duty polymer modified bituminous Mastic Pad (APP) 5mm thick specially designed for
bridge deck Road Over Bridges, Parking Decks, Bridge Ramps, Elevated Roadways, Pedestrian
Subways,configured with high strength dimensionally stable heavy weight hybrid reinforcing
media at core and finished suitably on top with calibrated minerals for protecting and
enhancing durability. = 1.1 sqm per sqm

Single component modified bituminous primer with mixing 1:1 ratio = 0.25 kg per sqm

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates _2019-20 Roads and Bridge Works

Page 2
Items & materials
B. Consumption of Materials For New Items Related to Cement concrete
pavement chapter 6 of NH SOR 2019-20
Item No. B-1 White Topping

Unit- cum

Materials Requirement

Coarse Aggregate: The maximum size of coarse aggregate shall not exceed 31.5mm, 26.5 mm
& 11.2 mm nominal size(conforming to clause 602.2.6.2 & 602.2.6.4 of MoRT&H's 5th revision
2013) graded stone chips @ 0.9 cum / cum. of Compacted vol.

Fine Aggregate : Coarse Sand (conforming to clause 602.2.6.3 & 602.2.6.4 of MoRT&H's 5th
revision 2013): @ 0.45 cum / cum of Compacted vol.

Cement: As per mix design Ref : IRC : 44

Steel: 25 mm dia MS Dowel bars of Grade I conforming to IS: 432 @ 1.005 kg/cum. of
Compacted vol.

Steel: 10 mm dia Deformed steel Tie bars of Grade Fe 500 conforming to IS: 1786 @0.990 kg
/ cum. of Compacted vol.
Joint Sealant = 0.74 Kg / cum. For construction joint only.
Sealant Primer =0.10 Kg / cum. of Compacted vol.

Plastic sheath 0.5mm thick for Dowel bars =0.044 sqm. / cum. of Compacted vol.

Curing Compound: 1.76 lit. / cum. of Compacted vol.

Super Plasticizer Admixture IS Marked as per 9103 - 1999 @ 0.5 % by wt. of Cement = 1.97 kg
/ cum of Compacted vol.

Fibres if incorporated in Mixed design to be considered in estimate separately.

Water: @ 205.71 lit. / cum. of Compacted vol.

Note : 1) Add 1% of material for cost of miscellaneous materials.
2) Quantities are only for estimation. For execution, grading shall conforming totable 600-3
of MoRT&H's 5th revision 2013.

3) Fly-ash upto 20% by wt. of cementenious material to be used in replace of OPC,such that
OPC content shall not be less than 310 kg /cum. as per clause 602.3.2 of MoRT&H's 5th
revision 2013.

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates _2019-20 Roads and Bridge Works

Page 3
Items & materials

Item No. B-3 Concrete Block Pavement.


Materials Requirement

Consumption of materials per sq.m.

Materials Type-I Type-II Type-III Type-IV

Requirement Unit 120 mm 100mm 80mm 60mm
thickness thickness thickness thickness

(i)Paver Block (BIS sqm

1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05

(ii) Bedding Sand + cum 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06

Joint filling sand

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates _2019-20 Roads and Bridge Works

Page 4
Items & materials
C. Consumption of Materials For New Items Related to Geosynthetics and
reinforced earth Chapter 7 of NH SOR 2019-20

Item No. C-2 Geogrid for pavement reinforcement consisting of glass fiber strands
arranged in a grid shape with squared polymeric coated mesh having 50KN/sqm minimum
tensile strength.


Geogrid for pavement reinforcement consisting of glass fiber strands arranged in a grid shape
with squared polymeric coated mesh. The geogrid should have minimum tensile strength
upto 50KN/sqm in longitudinal and transverse direction having 25 x25 mm mesh opening. The
material should comply with the specifications of clause 708 of MoRT&H's 5th revision 2013.

Materials Requirement

Glass fiber reinforced geogrid = 1.0 sqm per sqm.

Add 10 per cent of the cost of reinforcing elements (Glass fiber geogrid) for accessories like
tie-strips, nuts and bolts and loops/lugs etc. for joining, lap length if required and

Fiber Glass Geogrid (25 mm x 25 mm) mesh (FOR EXAMPLE)

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Items & materials

Item No. C-3 Geogrid for pavement reinforcement consisting of glass fiber strands
arranged in a grid shape with squared polymeric coated mesh having 100KN/sqm
minimum tensile strength.


Geogrid for pavement reinforcement application consisting of glass fiber strands arranged in
a grid shape with squared polymeric coated mesh having upto 200kN/m minimum tensile
strength in longitudinal and transverse direction, and having 12.5 x 12.5 mm mesh opening.
The material should comply with specifications of clause 708 of MoRT&H's 5th revision

Materials Requirement

Glass Fiber reinforced Geogrid = 1.0 sqm per sqm.

Add 10 per cent of the cost of reinforcing elements (Glass Fiber Geogrid) for accessories like
tie-strips, nuts and bolts and loops/lugs etc. for joining, lap length if required and

Fiber Glass Geogrid (12.5mm x 12.5mm) mesh (FOR EXAMPLE)

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates _2019-20 Roads and Bridge Works

Page 6
Items & materials

Item No. C-4 High modulus polypropylene bi-axial extruded geogrid for base/sub-base
reinforcement in pavements of Minimum ultimate tensile strength of 15 KN/m (Ref to
MoRT&H’s 5th Revision 2013 Specification 708).


High modulus polypropylene bi-axial extruded geogrid for Item No. C-4, C-5 and C-6 (FOR

High modulus polypropylene bi-axial extruded geogrid conforming to Section 700 of

MoRT&H's 5th revision 2013 specifications for base/sub-base reinforcement in pavements
Minimum LCR/MIF value of 1.2 for subgrade CBR≤3%,
Minimum ultimate tensile strength of 15 KN/m in both cross machine and machine direction,
with Minimum 5KN/m & 7KN/m tensile strength at 2% and 5% strain respectively in both
machine and cross-machine direction,
Junction efficiency not less than 90% of rib ultimate tensile strength and with 38mm X 38mm
mesh opening.

Materials Requirement
High modulus polypropylene bi-axial Geogrids = 1.0 sqm per sqm.
Add 10 per cent of the cost of reinforcing elements (High modulus polypropylene bi-axial
Geogrid) for accessories like tie-strips, nuts and bolts and loops/lugs etc. for joining, lap
length if required and transportation.

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates _2019-20 Roads and Bridge Works

Page 7
Items & materials

Item No. C-5 High modulus polypropylene bi-axial extruded geogrid for base/sub-base
reinforcement in pavements of Minimum ultimate tensile strength of 20 KN/m. (Ref to
MoRT&H’s 5th Revision 2013, Spec 708).


High modulus polypropylene bi-axial extruded geogrid confirming to Section 700 of

MoRT&H's 5th revision 2013 specifications for base/sub-base reinforcement in pavements

Minimum LCR/MIF value of 1.2 for subgrade CBR≤3%,

Minimum ultimate tensile strength of 20 KN/m in both cross machine and machine direction,
with minimum 7kN/m & 14kN/m tensile strength at 2% and 5% strain respectively in both
machine and cross-machine direction,

Junction efficiency not less than 90% of rib ultimate tensile strength and with 38mm X 38mm
mesh opening.

Materials Requirement

High modulus polypropylene bi-axial Geogrids = 1.0 sqm per sqm.

Add 10 per cent of the cost of reinforcing elements (High modulus polypropylene bi-axial
Geogrid) for accessories like tie-strips, nuts and bolts and loops/lugs etc. for joining, lap
length if required and transportation.
Item No. C-6 High modulus polypropylene bi-axial extruded geogrid for base/sub-base
reinforcement in pavements of Minimum ultimate tensile strength of 30 KN/m, (Ref to
MoRT&H’s5thRevision2013, Spec 708).


High modulus polypropylene bi-axial extruded geogrid confirming to Section 700 of

MoRT&H's 5th revision 2013 specifications for base/sub-base reinforcement in pavements
having minimum LCR/MIF value of 1.2 for subgrade CBR≤3%,

Minimum ultimate tensile strength of 30 kN/m in both cross machine and machine direction,
with minimum 10kN/m & 21kN/m tensile strength at 2% and 5% strain respectively in both
machine and cross-machine direction, Junction efficiency not less than 90% of rib ultimate
tensile strength and with 38mm X 38mm mesh opening.

Materials Requirement

High modulus polypropylene bi-axial Geogrids = 1.0 sqm per sqm.

Add 10 per cent of the cost of reinforcing elements (High modulus polypropylene bi-axial
Geogrid) for accessories like tie-strips, nuts and bolts and loops/lugs etc. for joining, lap
length if required and transportation.

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates _2019-20 Roads and Bridge Works

Page 8
Items & materials

Item No. C-7. High radial stiffness and radial stiffness ratio polypropylene tri-axial
punched and stretched geogrid with triangular aperture and hexagonal geometry
confirming to ISO 10319/EOTA TR41 and with IRC accreditation for base/sub base
stabilization in pavements with MIF value greater than 1.8 (IRC SP 59-2019-3.1.3 along
with IRC : 37, 2018, clause no 7.2) for sub grade CBR≤3% with radial secant stiffness of
390 KN/m (tolerance 75 KN/m) at 5% strength , ( MoRT&H's 5thRevision 2013,Table 700-7)
and radial secant stiffness ratio of 0.7 to 0.8, junction efficiency greater than 90% with
distance between alternate parallel ribs as 80mm.


Materials Requirement

Tri axial polypropylene geogrids as per approved design and specifications. = 1 sqm per sqm.

Add 10 per cent of the cost of reinforcing elements (High modulus polypropylene Tri-axial
geogrids) for accessories like tie-strips, nuts and bolts and loops/lugs for joining reinforcing
elements with the facia pannels, overlaps and other protective elements for Tri-axial
polypropylene geogrid and all other activities required to complete the item in all respect
including taxes and transportation.

High modulus polypropylene Tri-axial geogrids(From Item No.7) (FOR EXAMPLE)

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates _2019-20 Roads and Bridge Works

Page 9
Items & materials

Item No. C-8 High strength flexible geogrids (HSFG) as soil reinforcement of different
ultimate tensile strength.(Ref to MoRT&H’s 5th Revision 2013, Spec 3100 & 703).


High strength Flexible geogrid of various Ultimate Tensile strength (From It. No. 8( i ) to 8 (iii)

Supplying and laying of High Strength Flexible geogrids (HSFG) as soil reinforcement / basal
reinforcement as per MoRT&H’s 5th Revision,2013,clause 3100 and IRC 113, made of high
tenacity polyester core with polyethylene coating with Minimum Long Term Design Strength
(LTDS) of more than 50% of ultimate tensile strength at 30 degree Celsius corresponding to 12
% strain.

i). High strength flexible geogrid of Ultimate Tensile strength of 500 kN/m

Materials Requirement

High strength flexible Geogrids = 1.0 sqm per sqm.

Add 10 per cent of the cost of reinforcing elements (High strength flexible Geogrid) for
accessories like tie-strips, nuts and bolts and loops/lugs etc. for joining, lap length if
required and transportation.

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Page 10
Items & materials

ii). High strength flexible geogrid of Ultimate Tensile strength of 900 kN/m

Materials Requirement

High strength flexible Geogrids = 1.0 sqm/sqm.

Add 10 per cent of the cost of reinforcing elements (High strength flexible Geogrid) for
accessories like tie-strips, nuts and bolts and loops/lugs etc. for joining, lap length if
required and transportation.

iii). High strength geogrid of Ultimate Tensile strength of 1200 kN/m

Materials Requirement

High strength flexible Geogrids = 1.0 sqm per sqm.

Add 10 per cent of the cost of reinforcing elements (High strength flexible Geogrid) for
accessories like tie-strips, nuts and bolts and loops/lugs etc. for joining, lap length if
required and transportation.

Item No. C- 9 Reinforced Geo composite made of Polypropylene Polymer made three
dimensional matrix (Ref to MoRT&H’s5th Revision Specification 706, 2013).


Reinforced Geocomposite made of Polypropylene Polymer made three dimensional matrix of

different mass per unit area. (From Item No.9 and 10 (FOR EXAMPLE)

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates _2019-20 Roads and Bridge Works

Page 11
Items & materials

Reinforced Geo composite made of Polypropylene Polymer made three dimensional matrix of
minimum mass per unit area 450 grams/sq.m. extruded onto a mechanically woven double
twisted hexagonal shaped steel wire Mesh and Mesh Type 6X8 having Zn coating.

The composite have a combined mass per unit and nominal thickness of 12mm; including
fixing of U pins of 8mm diameter of depth 500mm at 1m c/c spacing.

i) Double twisted hexagonal shaped steel wire Mesh having dia 2.2mm and the
composite shall have a combined mass per unit area more than 1630 Grams /

Materials Requirement

3D geo mat including wastages due to overlaps = 1 sqm per sqm.

Steel for U pins - 8mm dia. And 500mm depth and spaced at 1m x 1m including wastage of 3%
= 1 no per sq m.

ii) Double twisted hexagonal shaped steel wire Mesh having dia 2.2/3.2mm and
the composite shall have a combined mass per unit area more than 1920
Grams / Sq.m.

Materials Requirement

3D geomat including wastages due to overlaps = 1 sqm per sqm.

Steel for U pins - 8mm dia. And 500mm depth and spaced at 1m x 1m including wastage of 3%
= 1 no per sq m.

Item No. C-10 Reinforced Geo composite made of Polypropylene Polymer made three
dimensional matrix (Ref to MoRT&H’s5th Revision Spec 706, 2013).


Supplying and laying of Reinforced Geo composite made of Polypropylene Polymer made
three dimensional matrix of minimum mass per unit area 450 grams/sqm extruded onto a
mechanically woven double twisted hexagonal shaped steel wire Mesh and Mesh Type 8X10
having Zn coating .

The composite shall have a combined mass per unit area and nominal thickness of 12mm;
including fixing of U pins of 8mm diameter of depth 500mm at 1m c/c spacing, at easily
accessible location including top and bottom, with all leads and lifts,

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates _2019-20 Roads and Bridge Works

Page 12
Items & materials

i) Double twisted hexagonal shaped steel wire Mesh having dia 2.7mm and the
composite shall have a combined mass per unit area more than 1850 Grams /

Materials Requirement
3D geomat including wastages due to overlaps = 1 sqm per sqm.

Steel for U pins - 8mm dia. And 500mm depth and spaced at 1m x 1m including wastage of 3%
= 1 no per sq.m.

ii) Double twisted hexagonal shaped steel wire Mesh having dia 2.7/3.7mm and
the composite shall have a combined mass per unit area more than 2130
Grams / Sqm.

Materials Requirement

3D geomat including wastages due to overlaps = 1 sqm. per sqm.

Steel for U pins - 8mm dia. And 500mm depth and spaced at 1m x 1m including wastage of 3%
= 1 no per sq m.

Item No.C-11. Woven Geotextile as per Clause No. 702 on the prepared subgrade as the
separator cum reinforcement with necessary overlap as per drawing. (Ref to MoRT&H’s
5th Revision Spec 700, 2500, 2013).


Woven Geotextile of Item No C-11(FOR EXAMPLE)

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates _2019-20 Roads and Bridge Works

Page 13
Items & materials

Materials Requirement

i) For Type-I (160gsm) woven Geotextile

Woven Geotextile as per approved design and specifications. = 1 sq.m. per sq.m.

ii) For Type-II (240gsm) woven Geotextile

Woven Geotextile as per approved design and specifications. = 1 sq.m. per sq.m.

iii) For Type-III (450gsm) woven Geotextile

Woven Geotextile as per approved design and specifications. = 1 sq.m. per sq.m.

Item No. C-12 Providing and laying a fibre glass geogrid manufactured from high quality
glass fibre strands and coated with a polymer modified bitumen as reinforcement to
Asphalt overlay flexible pavements and Asphalt over distressed rigid P.C.C (Ref to
MoRT&H’s 5th revision 2013 Spec 708).


Fiber glass geogrid manufactured from high quality glass fiber strands and coated with a polymer
modified bitumen (From Item No.12 (i) and (ii) )


2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates _2019-20 Roads and Bridge Works

Page 14
Items & materials

Materials Requirement

i) For Tensile stength-50 kN/m

Fiber Glass Geogrids as per approved design and specifications = 1 sqm per sqm.

ii) For Tensile stength-100 kN/m

Fiber Glass Geogrids as per approved design and specifications = 1 sqm per sqm.

Item No. C-13 Providing and laying Needle Punched and mechanically bonded non-woven
Geotextile indigenously manufactured from high quality fibers on the prepared subgrade
for Separation.(Ref to MoRT&H’s 5th Revision 2013, Spec- 702).


Punched and mechanically bonded non-woven Geotextile for the Item No C-13


2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates _2019-20 Roads and Bridge Works

Page 15
Items & materials

Materials Requirement

i) For Type-I (150gsm) non woven Geotextile

Non -woven Geotextile as per approved design and specifications. = 1 sq.m per sq.m.

ii) For Type-II (200gsm) non woven Geotextile

Non-woven Geotextile as per approved design and specifications. = 1 sq.m per sq.m.

iii) For Type-III (450gsm) non-woven Geotextile

Non-woven Geotextile as per approved design and specifications. = 1 sq.m per sq.m.

Item No.C-14 One filtering UV stabilized polypropylene nonwoven geotextile. (Ref to

CPWD SOR 2016, Sub Head 26 for New Technologies and Materials Code No 8960).


One filtering UV stabilized polypropylene nonwoven geotextile. (Item No. 14 & 15)


Drainage composite for use behind walls having three dimensional composite with thermo
bonding a draining core having “W” configuration in extruded monofilaments of minimum
thickness 6.9 mm with one filtering UV stabilized polypropylene nonwoven geotextile of
minimum thickness of 0.75mm.

Tensile strength of 8.0 KN/m that will be working as separation or protecting layer, geo
composite having in plane flow capacity of 2.60 L / (m.s) at hydraulic gradient of 1.0 at 20 k
pa pressure and tensile strength of 12 KN/m.

Mass per unit area of 540 gsm supplied in the form of roll for easy transportation to site of
work as per detailed specification all complete as per directions of Engineer in charge.

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Items & materials

Materials Requirement

Polypropylene nonwoven geotextile drainage Composite as per approved design and

specifications = 1 sqm per sqm .

Add 10 per cent of the cost of Polypropylene nonwoven geotextile drainage composites for
accessories for joining seats with the facia panels, overlaps and other protective elements
for Polypropylene nonwoven geotextile Drainage composites and other miscellaneous
activities required to complete the item in all respect including transportation and takes.

Note: Lower gsm may be used in RE structure.

Item No. C-15. Two filtering UV stabilized polypropylene nonwoven geotextile. (Ref to
CPWD SOR 2016, Sub Head 26 for New Technologies and Materials Code No 8960).


Drainage composite for use behind walls, between two different fills, alongside drains of
road, below concrete lining of canals etc. having three dimensional composite with thermo
bonding a draining core having “W” configuration in extruded monofilaments of minimum
thickness 7.2mm, with two filtering UV stabilized polypropylene nonwoven geotextile of
minimum thickness of 0.75mm.

Tensile strength of 8.0 KN/m that will be working as separation or protecting layer, geo
composite having in plane flow capacity of 2.3 L / (m.s) at hydraulic gradient of 1.0 & 20 kPa

Tensile strength of 18 KN/m , with mass per unit area of 740 gsm, at easily accessible
location including top and bottom, with all leads and lifts, manpower and machinery,
materials, labour etc. complete and as directed by Engineer - In - Charge.

Materials Requirement

Polypropylene nonwoven geotextile Composite Drainage as per approved design and

specifications = 1 sqm per sqm.

Add 10 per cent of the cost of Polypropylene nonwoven geotextile drainage Composite for
accessories for joining seats with the facia panels, overlaps and other protective elements
for Polypropylene nonwoven geotextile drainage composites and other miscellaneous
activities required to complete the item in all respect including transportation and takes.

Note: Higher gsm may be used in drainage composite at the time of pavement construction.

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Items & materials

Item No C-16. Providing & making BIS certified Gabion fascia box.


Providing & making of BIS certified Gabion fascia box with 2m integrated tail of Size
3m(Length of Tail)x3m(Length of Box)x1m(Height of unit) with Mechanically Woven Double
Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012,MoRTH’s 5th revision
2013, clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12 (D=100 mm with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn +
10% Al alloy +Polymer coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.70/3.70 mm (ID/OD), mechanically
edged/selvedge with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of
openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter 2.2
/3.2 mm (ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least
dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

Materials Requirement

Stone boulder with least dimension 200mm. = 1 cum per cum

BIS certified Gabion fascia box of different height (Item No. C-16 to C- 24)


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Items & materials

Item No. C-17. Providing & making BIS certified Gabion fascia box.


Providing & making BIS certified Gabion fascia box with 2m integrated tail of Size
3m(Length of Tail)x3m(Length of Box)x0.5m(Height of unit)with Mechanically Woven
Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012,MoRTH’s
5threvision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12 (D=100 mm with tolerance of ± 2%)
Zn + 10% Al alloy +Polymer coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.70/3.70 mm (ID/OD), mechanically
edged/selvedge with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of
openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter 2.2
mm, supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least dimension of
200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

Materials Requirement

Stone boulder with least dimension 200mm = 1 cum per cum.

Item No. C-18. Providing & making BIS certified Gabion fascia box.


Providing & making BIS certified Gabion fascia box with 2m integrated tail of Size
3m(Length of Tail)x3m(Length of Box)x0.8m(Height of unit)with Mechanically Woven
Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012,MoRTH’s 5th
revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12 (D=100 mm with tolerance of ± 2%)
Zn + 10% Al alloy +Polymer coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.70/3.70 mm (ID/OD), mechanically
edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of
openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter 2.2
mm, supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least dimension of
200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

Materials Requirement

Stone boulder with least dimension 200mm = 1 cum per cum.

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Items & materials

Item No. C-19 Providing & making BIS certified Gabion fascia box.


Providing & making BIS certified Gabion fascia box with 2m integrated tail of Size
3m(Length of Tail)x3m(Length of Box)x1m(Height of unit)with Mechanically Woven Double
Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012,MoRT&H’s 5th
revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12 (D=100 mm with tolerance of ± 2%)
Zn +Polymer coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.70/3.70 mm (ID/OD), mechanically
edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of
openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter 2.2
/3.2 mm (ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least
dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

Materials Requirement

Stone boulder with least dimension 200mm= 1 cum per cum.

Item No. C-20. Providing & making BIS certified Gabion fascia box.


Providing & making BIS certified Gabion fascia box with 2m integrated tail of Size
3m(Length of Tail)x3m(Length of Box)x0.5m(Height of unit) with Mechanically Woven
Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012,MoRT&H’s
5th revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12 (D=100 mm with tolerance of ±
2%) Zn +Polymer coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.70/3.70 mm (ID/OD), mechanically
edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of
openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter 2.2
mm, supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least dimension of
200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

Materials Requirement

Stone boulder with least dimension 200mm= 1 cum per cum.

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Items & materials

Item No. C-21. Providing & making BIS certified Gabion fascia box.


Providing & making BIS certified Gabion fascia box with 2m integrated tail of Size
3m(Length of Tail)x3m(Length of Box)x0.8m(Height of unit) with Mechanically Woven
Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012,MoRT&H’s
5th revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12 (D=100 mm with tolerance of ±
2%) Zn + 10% Al alloy +Polymer coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.70/3.70 mm (ID/OD),
mechanically edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum
10 numbers of openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of
diameter 2.2 mm, supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least
dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

Materials Requirement

Stone boulder with least dimension 200mm= 1 cum per cum.

Item No. C-22. Providing & making BIS certified Gabion fascia box.


Providing & making BIS certified Gabion fascia box with 2m integrated tail of Size
3m(Length of Tail)x3m(Length of Box)x1m(Height of unit) with Mechanically Woven
Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012,,MoRT&H’s
5th revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12 (D=100 mm with tolerance of ±
2%) Zn +Polymer coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.70/3.70 mm (ID/OD), mechanically
edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of
openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter 2.2
/3.2 mm (ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least
dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

Materials Requirement

Stone boulder with least dimension 200mm=1 cum per cum.

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Items & materials

Item No. C-23 Providing & making BIS certified Gabion fascia box.


Providing & making BIS certified Gabion fascia box with 2m integrated tail of Size
3m(Length of Tail)x3m(Length of Box)x0.5m(Height of unit) with Mechanically Woven
Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012,MoRT&H’s
5th revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12 (D=100 mm with tolerance of ±
2%) Zn +Polymer coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.70/3.70 mm (ID/OD), mechanically
edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of
openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter 2.2
mm, supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least dimension of
200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

Materials Requirement

Stone boulder with least dimension 200mm= 1cum per cum.

Item No. C-24. Providing & making BIS certified Gabion fascia box.


Providing & making BIS certified Gabion fascia box with 2m integrated tail of Size
3m(Length of Tail)x3m(Length of Box)x0.8m(Height of unit) with Mechanically Woven
Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012,MoRT&H’s
5th revision clause 2500,of required size, Mesh Type 10x12 (D=100 mm with tolerance of ± 2%)
Zn + 10% Al alloy +Polymer coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.70/3.70 mm (ID/OD), mechanically
edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of
openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter 2.2
mm, supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least dimension of
200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

Materials Requirement

Stone boulder with least dimension 200mm= 1 cum per cum.

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Items & materials

Item No. C-25 Providing & making BIS certified Gabion fascia box


Providing & making Gabion structure of size (2x1x1)m with Mechanically Woven Double
Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012,MoRT&H’s 5th
revision clause 2500 of required size, Mesh Type 10x12(D=100 mm with tolerance of ±2%),
Zinc+10% Al alloy+Polymer coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.7/3.7mm (ID/OD), mechanically
edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of
openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter
2.2/3.2mm(ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least
dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.

Materials Requirement

Stone boulder with least dimension 200mm= 1 cum per cum.

BIS certified Gabion fascia box of different height (Item No.C-25 to C-33)


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Items & materials

Item No. C-26.Gabion structure with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MoRT&H’s 5th revision 2013 clause


Providing & making Gabion structure of size (2x0.5x1)m with Mechanically Woven Double
Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012,MoRT&H’s 5th
revision clause 2500 of required size, Mesh Type 10x12(D=100 mm with tolerance of ±2%),
Zinc+10% Al alloy+Polymer coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.7/3.7mm (ID/OD), mechanically
edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of
openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter
2.2/3.2mm(ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least
dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.

Materials Requirement

Stone boulder with least dimension 200mm= 1.0 cum per cum.

Item No. C-27.Gabion structure with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MoRT&H’s 5th revision 2013 clause


Providing & making Gabion structure of size (2x0.8x1)m with Mechanically Woven Double
Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012,MoRT&H’s 5th
revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12(D=100 mm with tolerance of ±2%),
Zinc+10% Al alloy+Polymer coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.7/3.7mm (ID/OD), mechanically
edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of
openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter
2.2/3.2mm(ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least
dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.

Materials Requirement

Stone boulder with least dimension 200mm= 1 cum per cum.

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Items & materials

Item No. C-28.Gabion structure with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MoRT&H’s 5th revision 2013 clause


Providing & making Gabion structure of size (2x1x1)m with Mechanically Woven Double
Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012,MoRT&H’s 5th
revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12(D=100 mm with tolerance of ±2%),
Zinc+Polymer coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.7/3.7mm (ID/OD), mechanically
edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of
openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter
2.2/3.2mm(ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least
dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.

Materials Requirement

Stone boulder with least dimension 200mm= 1 cum per cum.

Item No. C-29.Gabion structure with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MoRT&H’s 5th revision clause


Providing & making Gabion structure of size (2x0.5x1)m with Mechanically Woven Double
Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012,MoRT&H’s 5th
revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12(D=100 mm with tolerance of ±2%),
Zinc+Polymer coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.7/3.7mm (ID/OD), mechanically
edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of
openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter
2.2/3.2mm(ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least
dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.

Materials Requirement

Stone boulder with least dimension 200mm=1.0 cum per cum.

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Items & materials

Item No. C-30. Gabion structure with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MoRT&H’s 5threvision 2013 clause


Providing & making Gabion structure of size (2x0.8x1)m with Mechanically Woven Double
Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012,MoRT&H’s 5th
revision clause 2500.of required size, Mesh Type 10x12(D=100 mm with tolerance of ±2%),
Zinc+Polymer coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.7/3.7mm (ID/OD), mechanically
edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of
openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter
2.2/3.2mm(ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least
dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.

Materials Requirement

Stone boulder with least dimension 200mm= 1cum per cum.

Item No. C-31.Gabion structure with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MoRT&H’s 5th revision 2013 clause


Providing & making Gabion structure of size (2x1x1)m with Mechanically Woven Double
Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012,MoRT&H’s 5th
revision clause 2500.of required size, Mesh Type 10x12(D=100 mm with tolerance of ±2%),
Zinc coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.7/3.7mm (ID/OD), mechanically edged/selvedged with
partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of openings per meter of
mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter 2.2/3.2mm(ID/OD), supplied
@3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as per
drawing, all complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.

Materials Requirement

Stone boulder with least dimension 200mm= 1 cum per cum.

Item No. C-32.Gabion structure with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MoRT&H’s 5th revision 2013 clause


Providing & making Gabion structure of size (2x0.5x1)m with Mechanically Woven Double
Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012,MoRT&H’s 5th
revision clause 2500.of required size, Mesh Type 10x12(D=100 mm with tolerance of ±2%),
Zinc coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.7/3.7mm (ID/OD), mechanically edged/selvedged with

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates _2019-20 Roads and Bridge Works

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Items & materials

partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of openings per meter of
mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter 2.2/3.2mm(ID/OD), supplied
@3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as per
drawing, all complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.

Materials Requirement

Stone boulder with least dimension 200mm= 1.0 cum per cum.

Item No. C-33.Gabion structure with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MoRT&H’s 5th revision 2013
clause 2500


Providing & making Gabion structure of size (2x0.8x1)m with Mechanically Woven Double
Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012,MoRT&H’s 5th
revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12(D=100 mm with tolerance of ±2%),
Zinc coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.7/3.7mm (ID/OD), mechanically edged/selvedged with
partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of openings per meter of
mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter 2.2/3.2mm(ID/OD), supplied
@3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as per
drawing, all complete as per directions of Engineer-in- charge.

Materials Requirement

Stone boulder with least dimension 200mm=1 cum per cum.

Item No. C-34.Gabion structure with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MoRT&H’s 5th revision 2013
clause 2500.


Providing & making BIS certified Gabion structure of size (2x0.17x1)m with Mechanically
Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion mattress Boxes as per IS
16014:2012,MoRT&H’s 5th revision clause 2500.of required size, Mesh Type 6x8 (D=60 mm
with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn + 10% Al alloy +Polymer coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.20/3.20
mm (ID/OD), mechanically edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall
have minimum 10 numbers of openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with
lacing wire of diameter 2.2 /3.2 mm (ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled
with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per direction
of Engineer-in-charge.

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Items & materials

Materials Requirement

Stone boulder with least dimension 200mm=1 cum per cum.

BIS certified Gabion fascia box of different height (Item No. C-34 to C-36)


Item No. C-35.Gabion structure with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MoRT&H’s 5th revision 2013
clause 2500.


Providing & making BIS certified Gabion structure of size (2x0.23x1)m with Mechanically
Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion mattress Boxes as per IS
16014:2012,MoRT&H’s 5th revision clause 2500.of required size, Mesh Type 6x8 (D=60 mm
with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn + 10% Al alloy +Polymer coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.20/3.20
mm (ID/OD), mechanically edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall
have minimum 10 numbers of openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with
lacing wire of diameter 2.2 /3.2 mm (ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled
with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per direction
of Engineer-in-charge.

Materials Requirement.

Stone boulder with least dimension 90-120mm= 1 cum per cum

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Items & materials

Item No. C-36.Gabion structure with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MoRT&H’s 5th revision 2013
clause 2500.


Providing & making BIS certified Gabion structure of size (2x0.3x1)m with Mechanically
Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion mattress Boxes as per IS
16014:2012,MoRT&H’s 5th revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 6x8 (D=60 mm
with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn + 10% Al alloy +Polymer coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.20/3.20
mm (ID/OD), mechanically edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall
have minimum 10 numbers of openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with
lacing wire of diameter 2.2 /3.2 mm (ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled
with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per direction
of Engineer-in-charge.

Materials Requirement

Stone boulder with least dimension 90-120mm=1 cum per cum.

Item No. C-37.Gabion structure with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MoRT&H’s 5th revision 2013
clause 2500.


Providing & making BIS certified Gabion structure of size (2x0.17x1)m with Mechanically
Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion mattress Boxes as per IS
16014:2012,MoRT&H’s 5th revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 6x8 (D=60 mm
with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn +Polymer coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.20/3.20 mm (ID/OD),
mechanically edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum
10 numbers of openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of
diameter 2.2 /3.2 mm (ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders
with least dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-

Materials Requirement

Stone boulder with least dimension 90-120mm=1 cum per box cum.

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Items & materials

BIS certified Gabion fascia box of different height (Item No. C-37 to C-39)


Item No. C-38.Gabion structure with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MoRT&H’s 5th revision 2013
clause 2500.


Providing & making BIS certified Gabion structure of size (2x0.23x1)m with Mechanically
Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion mattress Boxes as per IS
16014:2012,MoRT&H’s 5th revision clause 2500.of required size, Mesh Type 6x8 (D=60 mm
with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn +Polymer coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.20/3.20 mm (ID/OD),
mechanically edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum
10 numbers of openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of
diameter 2.2 /3.2 mm (ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders
with least dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-

Materials Requirement

Stone boulder with least dimension 90-120mm=1 cum per cum.

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Items & materials

Item No. C-39.Gabion structure with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MoRT&H’s 5th revision 2013
clause 2500.


Providing & making BIS certified Gabion structure of size (2x0.3x1)m with Mechanically
Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion mattress Boxes as per IS
16014:2012,MoRT&H’s 5th revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 6x8 (D=60 mm
with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn +Polymer coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.20/3.20 mm (ID/OD),
mechanically edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum
10 numbers of openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of
diameter 2.2 /3.2 mm (ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders
with least dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-

Materials Requirement

Stone boulder with least dimension 90-120mm=1cum per cum.

Item No. C-40.Gabion structure with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MoRT&H’s 5th revision 2013
clause 2500.


Providing & making BIS certified Gabion structure w of size (2x0.17x1)m with
Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion mattress Boxes
as per IS 16014:2012,MoRT&H’s 5th revision clause 2500.of required size, Mesh Type 6x8
(D=60 mm with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.20 mm, mechanically
edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of
openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter 2.2
/3.2 mm (ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least
dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

Materials Requirement

Stone boulder with least dimension 90-120mm=1 cum per cum.

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Items & materials

BIS certified Gabion fascia box of different height (Item No. C-40 to C-42)


Item No. C-41. Gabion structure with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MoRT&H’s 5th revision 2013
clause 2500.


Providing & making BIS certified Gabion structure of size (2x0.23x1)m e with
Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion mattress Boxes
as per IS 16014:2012,MoRT&H’s 5th revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 6x8
(D=60 mm with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.20 mm, mechanically
edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of
openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter 2.2
/3.2 mm (ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least
dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

Materials Requirement

Stone boulder with least dimension 90-120mm=1 cum per cum.

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Items & materials

Item No. C-42 Gabion structure with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MoRT&H’s 5th revision 2013
clause 2500.


Providing & making BIS certified Gabion structure of size (2x0.3x1)m with Mechanically
Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion mattress Boxes as per IS
16014:2012,MoRT&H’s 5th revision 2013 clause 2500.of required size, Mesh Type 6x8 (D=60
mm with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn coated, Mesh. wire diameter 2.20 mm, mechanically
edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of
openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter 2.2
/3.2 mm (ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least
dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

Materials Requirement

Stone boulder with least dimension 90-120mm =1 cum per cum.

Item No C-43.Cylindrical Gabions /Sack Gabions structure with Mechanically Woven

Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh.


Supply of Cylindrical Gabions /Sack Gabions of size 2 m in length and 0.96 m diameter.
The Sack Gabions shall be made of the mechanically woven hexagonal double twisted Zn +
10% Al alloy +Polymer Coated wire mesh, Mesh Size10x12. The approximate minimum
weight of the sack gabion would be 1350 kg when filled as per detailed technical

Materials Requirement

Quantity of sand required = 1 cum. Per cum.

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Items & materials

Cylindrical Gabions /Sack Gabions structure with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal
Shaped of different coated Wire mesh (Item No. C-43to C-45) (FOR EXAMPLE)

Item No. C-44.Cylindrical Gabions /Sack Gabions structure with Mechanically Woven
Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh.

Unit – cum.

Supply of Cylindrical Gabions /Sack Gabions of size 2 m in length and 0.96 m diameter.
The Sack Gabions shall be made of the mechanically woven hexagonal double twisted Zn
+Polymer Coated wire mesh, Mesh Size10x12. The approximate minimum weight of the
sack gabion would be 1350 kg when filled as per detailed technical specification.

Materials Requirement

Quantity of sand required = 1 cum. Per cum.

Item No. C-45.Cylindrical Gabions /Sack Gabions structure with Mechanically Woven
Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh.

Unit – cum.

Supply of Cylindrical Gabions /Sack Gabions of size 2 m in length and 0.96 m diameter.
The Sack Gabions shall be made of the mechanically woven hexagonal double twisted Zn
Coated wire mesh, Mesh Size10x12. The approximate minimum weight of the sack gabion
would be 1350 kg when filled as per detailed technical specification.

Materials Requirement

Quantity of sand required = 1 cum. Per cum.

Note: - The photography are provided to give an idea about the product associated with the
particular item. It is necessarily not meant to use the product of a particular manufacturer but
the specification has mentioned in the item should be strictly followed.

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Items & materials

D)Consumption of Materials For New Items Related to Traffic signs, Marking and
other road appurtenances chapter 8 of NH SOR 2019-20

Item No. D-1Raised Profile Edge Markings with Reflectorized Hot Applied Thermoplastic
Compound on Bituminous Road surfaces.

Unit –sq. m.

Raised Profile Edge Markings with Hot Applied Thermoplastic Road Markings along with Drop
on Glass Beads as per the Provisions laid in IRC 35-2015.

The height of the rib should be 8 mm for normal roads and it may extend upto 11 mm in case
of expressway.
The general gap between each rib shall vary between 200-500 mm, as per the direction of
the Engineer in charge.

Raised Profile Edge Markings with Reflectorized Hot Applied Thermoplastic

Compound for Item no. D-1

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Items & materials

Specifications for Raised Profile Edge Line Material

Following are the specifications of the material to be adopted for the provision of Rib Line
Edge Marking as per the Australian Standard AS 4049.2-2005

Sl No. Property Value

1 Colour White: Equivalent to or whiter thanY35
off white (AS2700S).
Yellow: Equivalent to or whiter thanY14
golden yellow (AS2700S).
2 Luminance Not less than 75%
3 Softening Point 100-110 degree Celsius (AS 2314.18)
4 Initial Retro reflectivity Minimum 250 mod/lux/m2
5 Retro reflectivity after one month Minimum 150 mod/lux/m2
6 Skid Resistance Minimum 45 BPN
7 Binder 18-20% by weight
8 Glass Beads 20% by weight
9 Mineral Content 50-60% by weight ( including aggregate,
pigment & extender)

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Note: The rate of ribbed edge line marker is as per Ministry's Circular Ref. No.
RW/NH/12013/11/6/SP (B – 6)/EAP, Dated-3rd January 2019.

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Items & materials
Item No. D-2. Hybrid Solar-Retro Reflective Chevron Signs.

Unit – each
Solar Powered Retro Reflective LED Blinking Chevron Signs as per the following
specifications Solar panel: 450 MaH/9v/4 watts, Battery: Li-ion 6 Volt 4.5 AH.C-10,
Back up time: 108 hrs, Led: 112-130 nos.

Display thickness: ACP or Aluminum 2 mm thick, Powder coated body. The Unit shall be
self-sufficient and shall be mounted on a Circular Pole: 50 NB (medium) duly painted and
grouted into the soil using M15 concrete (45 cm x 45 cm x 60 cm) Size: 600 mm x 450 mm.
The Retro reflective sheeting shall be HIP, Type IV as per IRC 67.

Hybrid Solar-Retro Reflective Chevron Signs for D-2(FOR EXAMPLE)

Item No. D-3. Solar Powered Road Studs: -

Unit – each.

Solar powered road studs rectangular/circular shape (with super bright LEDs for long
visibility from distance greater than 800m) having twin shank and body made of aluminum
alloy or polycarbonate material which shall be absolutely weather resistant.

Strong enough to support a land of 13635 kg tested in accordance with ASTM-D 4280 and
water resistance as per IP65 in reference with IS 12063:1987, fixed to the road surface
using adhesives and the procedure recommended by manufacturer as per clause no 804.6
and 804.7of MoRT&H's 5th Revision 2013.

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Items & materials

Solar Powered Road Studs for Item No. D-3(FOR EXAMPLE)

Item No. D-4 Wire Rope Safety Crash Barrier

Unit – Running Metre.

Wire Rope Safety Barrier, meeting and conforming to IRC:119 :2015, Annexure II, Sec 4.
The barrier shall be supplied complete with steel posts (spacing 3.0m c/c), Post length
1200mm, Post Cross Section not less than 100 x 50 x 16 mm, thickness 4 mm, plastic cap
for post with retro-reflective sheet, plastic cable spacers, Stainless Steel Strap,
rectangular steel sections having thickness 3mm and length 420mm to be used as post
foundation sleeves, plastic top covers and bottom caps for steel sleeves, 3 galvanized wire
ropes running along the entire length, each wire rope 19mm diameter, (3x7)-pre-
stretched-16.7 Ton capacity, required steel fittings, steel turnbuckles, steel anchors and
M30 concrete complete.

All steel components of the barrier shall be hot dip galvanized, having an average zinc
coating thickness not less than 75 microns.

The installation shall include excavating in soft soil for post foundations (250 mm dia x 610
mm depth at 3m c/c), excavation in all kind of soil for end anchor foundations (1m x 1m
x1.5m each, 2 for each section), grouting of steel sleeves up to depth of 420 mm in each
post foundation with M30 concrete, grouting anchor plates in each end anchor foundation

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Items & materials
M30 concrete, placing of posts in the grouted steel sleeves ensuring that the posts and
barrier are in line and level.

Note:The bidder shall enclose all relevant papers in support of meeting the above
criteria, the bidder shall also enclose Authorization from the OEM.

Wire Rope Safety Crash Barrier Item No D-4(FOR EXAMPLE)

Item No. D-5 Reflective Pavement Marker with Shank

Unit – each.

Single mould twin shanked moulded road markers/ road studs made of poly carbonate or
ABS body and shall support a load of 13635 kg tested in accordance to ASTM D4280.

Complying with specifications as per clause 804 of MoRT&H5th revision 2013 and section5
of IRC-35:2015, the reflecting panels shall consist of number of lenses containing single or
dual prismatic cubes capable of providing total internal reflection of the light entering the
lenses face.

The slope of retro reflecting surface should be 25 +/-5 degree to base. The reflective
marker shall be fixed on the road surface using the epoxy/adhesive and the procedure
recommended by the manufacturer. No nails shall be used to affix the markers so that
they do not pose safety hazard on the road.

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Items & materials

Reflective Pavement Marker with Shank for D-5(FOR EXAMPLE)

Item No. D-6 Median Marker:

Unit – each.

Made up of tough, impact resistant thermoplastic body, reflectorized on both side using
apx. 85 x 85 mm (for square shape or equivalent in case of round shape Fluorescent yellow
prismatic sheeting (type-XI) reflective surface should be incline to approximate 20 degree
to vertical to provide maximum reflective. Height & width of median marker shall be
approximate by 110 mm complete with all fixing arrangements.

Median Marker for Item No D-6(FOR EXAMPLE)

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Items & materials

Item No. D-7 Retro-reflective studs

Unit – each.

Metal Road studs with shank, made of Die-cast Aluminium alloy moulded body with the
size 100x100x19.8 mm, shank size 50 mm, having reflective panels of 34 glass reflective
elements embedded in plastic and 19 degrees tilted to provide the highest reflectivity
having reflective panels in yellow, red and white plastic with yellow, red, white or green
glass elements. The weight of Aluminium stud should be not less than 370 grams.

The stud shall have a compressive strength test certificate of 40 tons in accordance with
ASTDM D 4280-04, clause no 806 of 5 th revision of MoRT&H’s of 2013 and successfully
passing retro reflectivity test as per EN 1463 part I & part II, from a reputed international

The fixing of road studs shall be done by using a recommended Two Component Epoxy
after drilling 60 mm hole on the road for the shank to go inside.

Materials Requirement

Die - cast Aluminium Alloy Road Stud having reflective glass element – 1 no each.

Retro-reflective studs for D-7(FOR EXAMPLE)

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Items & materials

Item No. D-8 Rumble marking using two component cold plastic

Unit – Sqm.

Rumble strips with two component cold plastic profiled material to give total width of
500 mm and height of 10 mm.

Ramp provided to give width of 145 mm, width of ribs to be 55mm laid at center to center
distance of 35 mm, with reflective glass beads @ 350 gm / sqm.

The finished surface to be levelled, uniform and free from streaks and holes, to be applied
on the edge lines, including secondary surface cleaning and cost of all materials etc.

Materials Requirement

Two Component Cold Plastic = 12 kg per sqm.

Hardener = 0.005 kg per sqm.
Thinner = 0.08 litre per sqm.

Rumble marking using two component cold plastic Item No D-8


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Items & materials
Item No. D-9 Audible Vibratory Profile Marking with Hot Applied Thermoplastic and
Reflectorizing Glass.

Unit – Square Metre.

Raised profile edge line marking (audible vibratory) with special thermoplastic road
marking compound 2 mm thick base coat layer above that ribs profile of 6 mm thick (Total
8 mm thick) at the distance of 250 mm between two ribs including reflectorizing glass
beads @ 250 gm. / sq. m. area.

The minimum and maximum width of raised profile should be 100 mm and 150 mm. The
thickness of 8 mm profile should be exclusive of surface applied glass beads. The finished
surface to be levelled, uniform and free from streaks and holes, to be applied on the edge
lines, including secondary surface cleaning and cost of all materials etc.
complete.According to IRC: 35-2015, Clause 7.7, Section 800, clause 803.7 of MOST 2013.

Materials Requirement

Hot applied thermoplastic compound =10 kg per sq.m.

Reflectorizing glass beads = 300 gm. per sq.m.

Audible Vibratory Profile Marking with Hot Applied Thermoplastic and Reflectorizing
Glass for D-9


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Items & materials

E) Consumption of Materials for New Items Related to Bridge Structure of NH

SOR 2019-20
Item No. E-1. Per MT of Supplying fitting and placing mild steel plate in bridge work
(Super structure – Supplying of all types of structural steel)

Materials Requirement

Plate Girder/ Semi through Girder

Mild steel plates (including wastage 5%) = 1.05 MT per MT

Rivets (including riveted connections @3%) = 0.0315 MT per MT

20mm dia holding down bolts = 0.000657 MT per MT

Item No. E-2per MT of Supplying fitting and placing mild steel plate in bridge work
(Super structure – Supplying of all types of structural steel)

Materials Requirement

Open Web Girder

Mild steel plates (including wastage 5%) = 1.05 MT per MT

Rivets (includingriveted connections @3%) = 0.0315 MT per MT

20mm dia holding down bolts = 0.000127 MT per MT

Item No. E-3. Metalizing of steel work of girder with grit blasting per sq. m.

Materials Requirement

One coat of primer (IS 5666) = 0.054 litre per sq. m.

One coat of Zinc chrome primer (IS 104) = 0.054 litre per sq. m.

Two coat of Aluminium paint as per IS 2339 = 0.090 litre per sq. m.

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Items & materials

Item No. E-4. Painting cleaned bridge plate girder including all scaffolding shuttering
strutting along with provision of jhoola / hanging scaffolding where required.

Materials Requirement

With one coat of ready mix red lead conforming to IS 102

a) Painting Work of Bridge Girder upto 30.5 m.

Red oxide Zinc chromate primer = 0.054 litre per sq. m.

b) Painting Work of Bridge Girder above 30.5 m

Red oxide Zinc chromate primer = 0.054 litre per sq. m.

Item No. E-5. Painting cleaned bridge plate girder including all scaffolding shuttering
strutting along with provision of jhoola / hanging scaffolding where required.

With one coat of ready mix Zinc Chromate conforming to IS 104 followed by one coat of
Zinc Chromate red oxide conforming to IS: 2074

Materials Requirement

a) Painting Work of Bridge Girder up to 30.5 m.

Red oxide primer in two coats

Red oxide Zinc chromate primer (for first coat) = 0.054 litre per sq. m.

Red oxide Zinc chromate primer (for second coat) = 0.036 litre per sq. m.

b) Painting Work of Bridge Girder above 30.5 m

Red oxide Zinc chromate primer (for first coat) = 0.054 litre per sq. m.

Red oxide Zinc chromate primer (for second coat) = 0.036 litre per sq. m.

Item No. E-6 Painting cleaned bridge plate girder including all scaffolding shuttering
strutting along with provision of jhoola / hanging scaffolding where required.

With two coats Aluminium paints in dual containers conforming to IS 2339

Materials Requirement

a) Painting Work of Bridge Girder upto 30.5 m

Aluminium Paint (for first coat) = 0.054 litre per sq. m.

Aluminium Paint(for second coat)= 0.036 litre per sq. m.

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Items & materials

b) Painting Work of Bridge Girder above 30.5 m

Aluminium Paint (for first coat) = 0.054 litre per sq. m.

Aluminium Paint (for second coat) = 0.036 litre per sq. m.

Item No E-7 Painting cleaned bridge plate girder including all scaffolding shuttering
strutting along with provision of jhoola / hanging scaffolding where required.

With two coats epoxy paint

a) Painting Work of Bridge Girder upto 30.5 m

Epoxy Paint (for first coat) = 0.054 litre per sq. m.

Epoxy Paint(for second coat)= 0.036 litre per sq. m.

b) Painting Work of Bridge Girder above 30.5 m

Epoxy Paint (for first coat) = 0.054 litre per sq. m.

Epoxy Paint(for second coat)= 0.036 litre per sq. m.

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Chapter - 17

Serial No.

Item Unit Remarks

1 2 3 4 5
A) New items related to bases and surface courses ( Bituminous) Chapter 5 of NH SOR 19-20

A-1 Mechanised Mastic Asphalt

Providing and laying mastic asphalt by mechanical means done in a sqm 200.00 Material cost to be added.
centralised batching plant with appropriate built- in pollution control Consumtion of materials
units with specified aggregates and lime stone powder (with Calcium to be followed as per
Carbonate content not less than 80%) and approved grade of industrial chapter - A
grade bitumen as per approved design mix, transporting the hot Sl. No. A-1.
mastic ashphalt to the worksite by thermocontainer with the
arrangement of maintaing specified temperature during transport,
laying with a paver finisher for spreading and floating the plastic mix
uniformly on the surface to the specified width and thickness at
correct grade and camber through its heated, distortion free steel
float and turning sword distributors, applying uniform size of bitumen
coated stonechips at a specified rate, on the laid surface through a
power driven chip spreader as per the procedure laid down in
Annexure - II of IRC : 107 (2013) all complete as per clause 516 along
with IRC : 107 for materials and design mix etc.

A-2 Waste Plastic Modified Dense Graded Hot Bituminous mix for
wearing coarse
Providing and laying waste plastic modified dense graded bituminous cum 1561.60 Material cost to be added.
mix for wearing coarse of a flexible pavement with HMP of capacity Consumtion of materials
not less than 60-90TPH with approved aggregate and specified grade to be followed as per
of bitumen, the bituminous mix be suitably modified with waste chapter - A
plastic as per table 2 of IRC : SP:98 shraded to a specified size, Sl. No. A-2.
making the waste plastic free from impurities, as per " Dry Process" ,
compacted to specified grade, level, camber and thickness to a
specified density including collection of waste plastic, cleaning and
shredding by shredding machine all complete as per IRC :SP: 98.

A-3 Water proofing work with the provision of Asphalt Seal pad for
bridge deck, Parking Decks , Bridge Ramps , Elevated Roadways,
Pedestrin Subways (concrete surface).
Providing and Laying 5mm thick Asphalt seal pad made of actatic sqm 367.31 Complete Rate.
polypropylene polymer APP modified bituminous pad reinforced with See the detailing of the
non woven polymer mat of high bear strength as a carrier confirming item on chapter-A, Sl no. A-
to ASTM - D6222 (S) specification along with the single component 3
with antiskid material grafted on the asphalt seal pad over concrete
surface bridge deck slab complete as per specifications.

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 48 Miscellenious

Serial No.

Item Unit Remarks

1 2 3 4 5
B) New items related to cement concrete pavement Chapter 6 of NH SOR 19-20

B-1 White Topping

Providing and laying conventional or thin white topping as per IRC:SP cum 1645.20 For consumption of materials
76 over bituminous surface( existing bituminous surface preparation to refer Chapter A, Sl. No. B-1.
be done if neccesary either by milling and cleanning or levelling Only cost of stone
course with bituminous mix or concrete mix as directed by E-I-C or as Aggeregate, Sand, Cement
shown in drawing to correct surface profile (and to be paid and Steel to be added. Fibres
seperately) or short panel concrete pavement over prepared base with if incorporated in Mixed
pavement quality concrete ( PQC) mixed in batching plant with weigh design to be considered in
batching facility as per approved mix design as per IRC: 44 to achieve estimate seperately (Dose -
As per manufacturer
minimum flextural strength of concrete of 4.50 Mpa at 28 days,
specification). Cost of
transported to site by transit mixer, laid with sensor paver
super plasticizer is included.
finisher,spread, vibrated, compacted and finished in continuous
For longituidinal joint (if
operation to the lines and grades with contraction joint and
provided, in case of more
longituidinal joint (including dowel bars and tie bars as per clause no
than single lane) and
602.2.8) as per drawing, texturing / tinning (as per clause no 602.9.11 contraction joint,provision of
of MoRT&Hss 5th revision) of surface, curing as per(clause no Tie bar and dowel bar has to
602.9.12), saw cutting to a depth of 1/3 to 1/4 of PQC slab, width 3 be made respectively. For Tie
mm - 4 mm and grid as per design and drawing within the specified bar 10mm dia HYSD bar
time (saw cutting to be paid seperately in RM) including cost of @750 mm c/c for and for
formwork, labour, plant and machineries etc complete as per Dowel bar 25 mm dia MS bar
specification. @ 300 mm c/c has to be
provided in estimate

B-2 Concrete Sawing

Concrete Sawing of the PQC slab upto the specified depth and width rm Complete rate
as per drawing and design, done strictly within the specified time as
mentioned in the drawing or as per direction of E- in -C .by concrete
sawing machine operated either by electric or by petrol/diesel fitted
with water tank with flexible hoss and pump and diamond edge sawing

a)For depth of cutting upto 100 mm th. 18.00

b) For depth of cutting above 100 mm th and upto 150 mm th. 27.00

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 49 Miscellenious

Serial No.

Item Unit Remarks

1 2 3 4 5
B-3 Concrete Block Pavement

Supplying and Laying in the particular pattern of cement concrete Cost of bedding and jointing
block pavements with BIS certification and spacer nib of size and sand is not included in the
shape with aspect ratio as per IS 15658 with cement concrete grade item. It will be paid
not less than M40 on the prepared base course of specified CBR as seperately
mentioned in design and drawing with a cushion of bedding sand of 30 as per chapter A, Item
to 50 mm thick (grading of the bedding sand as per clause 6.5.1 of IRC no. B-3.
SP-63) and filling up the gaps between two paver block with joint Edge protection should be
filling sand (the grading of the joint filling sand will be as per clause treated as separate item.
6.5.2) complete as per IRC SP - 63 with proper confinement of
bedding and joint filling sand, compaction,levelling and filling up of
the edge gaps with mortar. Type I, II,III, IV should be
as per design requeirment or instruction of E-I-C.

Note : The IRC SP 63 will prevail out of the two codes

a) Type - I (120 mm thickness) inter locking system sqm 151.00

b) Type - II (100 mm thickness) inter locking system sqm 145.00
c) Type - III (80 mm thickness) inter locking system sqm 139.00
d) Type - IV (60 mm thickness) inter locking system sqm 132.00

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 50 Miscellenious

Serial No.

Item Unit Remarks

1 2 3 4 5
C) New items related to geosynthetics and reinforced earth Chapter 7 of NH SOR 19-20

C-1 Installation of Pre fabricated Vertical Drain with drainage

composite wrapped in sand layer
rm 150.00 Rate of sand bed with
Installation of PVD of 100mm width with rod by the help of medium sand to be paid
mechanical rig. The pre fabricated vertical drain material shall be cut seperately
nearly at the upper end with 100 mm to 200 mm protruding above the
working surface minimum 100 mm sand blanket is provided wrapped in
a layer of drainage composite in accordance with clause 7, of IS -
15284 (Part - II, 2004)

Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) UV protected formed of

Polypropylene of core width as per MoRT&H's section - 704,Table -
700-11 and 314 of MoRT&Hs specification (5th Rivision)
C-2 Supplying and laying geogrid for pavement reinforcement sqm 79.50 Complete rate
application consisting of glass fiber strands arranged in a grid shape See the detailing of the
with squared polymeric coated mesh having upto 50kN/m minimum item on chapter-A, Sl no. C-
tensile strength in longitudinal and transverse direction having 25 X 2
25mm mesh opening, at easily accessible location including top and
bottom, with all leads and lifts, manpower and machinery, materials,
labour etc. complete and as directed by Engineer - In - Charge. (
Complying with specifications of clause 708 of MoRT&Hs 5th

C-3 Supplying and laying geogrid for pavement reinforcement sqm 109.20 Complete rate
application consisting of glass fiber strands arranged in a grid shape See the detailing of the
with squared polymeric coated mesh having upto 200kN/m minimum item on chapter-A, Sl no. C-
tensile strength in longitudinal and transverse direction, and having 3
12.5 x 12.5 mm mesh opening, at easily accessible location
including top and bottom, with all leads and lifts, manpower and
machinery, materials, labour etc. complete and as directed by
Engineer - In - Charge. (Complying with specifications of clause 708
of MoRT&H’s 5th Revision.)

C-4 Supplying and laying of high modulus polypropylene bi-axial extruded sqm 71.80 Complete rate
geogrid confirming to Section 700 of MoRT&Hs 5th Revision See the detailing of the
specifications for base/sub-base reinforcement in pavements having item on chapter-A, Sl no. C-
minimum LCR/MIF value of 1.2 for subgrade CBR≤3% %, minimum 4
ultimate tensile strength of 15 kN/m in both cross machine and
machine direction, with minimum 5kN/m & 7kN/m tensile strength at
2% and 5% strain respectively in both machine and cross-machine
direction, junction efficiency not less than 90% of rib ultimate tensile
strength and with 38mm X 38mm mesh opening.

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 51 Miscellenious

Serial No.

Item Unit Remarks

1 2 3 4 5
C-5 Supplying and laying of high modulus polypropylene bi-axial extruded sqm 71.80 Complete rate
geogrid confirming to Section 700 of MoRT&Hs 5th Revision See the detailing of the
specifications for base/sub-base reinforcement in pavements having item on chapter-A, Sl no. C-
minimum LCR/MIF value of 1.2 for subgrade CBR≤3%, minimum 5
ultimate tensile strength of 20 kN/m in both cross machine and
machine direction, with minimum 7kN/m & 14kN/m tensile strength
at 2% and 5% strain respectively in both machine and cross-machine
direction, junction efficiency not less than 90% of rib ultimate tensile
strength and with 38mm X 38mm mesh opening.

C-6 Supplying and laying of high modulus polypropylene bi-axial extruded sqm 97.00 Complete rate
geogrid confirming to Section 700 of MoRT&Hs specifications for See the detailing of the
base/sub-base reinforcement in pavements having minimum LCR/MIF item on chapter-A, Sl no. C-
value of 1.2 for subgrade CBR≤3%, minimum ultimate tensile strength 6
of 30 kN/m in both cross machine and machine direction, with
minimum 10kN/m & 21kN/m tensile strength at 2% and 5% strain
respectively in both machine and cross-machine direction, junction
efficiency not less than 90% of rib ultimate tensile strength and with
38mm X 38mm mesh opening.

C-7 Supplying and laying of high radial stiffness and radial stiffness ratio sqm 110.30 Complete rate
polypropylene tri-axial punched and stretched geogrid with triangular See the detailing of the
aperture and hexagonal geometry conforming to ISO 10319/EOTA TR41 item on chapter-A, Sl no. C-
and with IRC accreditation for base/sub base stabilization in 7
pavements with MIF value greater than 1.8 (IRC SP 59-2019-3.1.3
along with IRC : 37, 2018, clause no 7.2) for sub grade CBR≤3% with
radial secant stiffness of 390 KN/m (tollerence 75 KN/m) at 5%
strength , ( MoRT&H's 5th Revision Table 700-7 ) and radial secant
stiffness ratio of 0.7 to 0.8, junction efficiency greater than 90% with
distance between alternate parallal ribs as 80mm.

C-8 Supplying and laying of high strength flexible geogrids (HSFG) as soil Complete rate
reinforcement / basal reinforcement as per MoRT&Hs 3100, 5th See the detailing of the
Revision and IRC 113, made of high tenacity polyester core with item on chapter-A, Sl no. C-
polyethylene coating with Minimum Long Term Design Strength (LTDS) 8
of more than 50% of ultimate tensile strength at 30 degree Celcius
corresponding to 12 % strain.

i) High strength geogrid of Ultimate Tensile strength of 500 kN/m sqm 561.30

ii) High strength geogrid of Ultimate Tensile strength of 900 kN/m sqm 936.40

iii) High strength geogrid of Ultimate Tensile strength of 1200 kN/m sqm 1208.00

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 52 Miscellenious

Serial No.

Item Unit Remarks

1 2 3 4 5
C-9 Supplying and laying of Reinforced Geo composite made of sqm Complete rate
Polypropylene Polymer made three dimensional matrix of minimum See the detailing of the
mass per unit area 450 grams/sqm extruded onto a mechanically item on chapter-A, Sl no. C-
woven double twisted hexagonal shaped steel wire Mesh and Mesh 9
Type 6X8 having Zn coating , the composite have a combined mass
per unit area and nominal thickness of 12mm; including fixing of U
pins of 8mm diameter of depth 500mm at 1m c/c spacing, at easily
accessible location including top and bottom, with all leads and lifts,
manpower and machinery, materials,labour etc. complete and as
directed by Engineer - In - Charge.(Ref to MoRT&H’s 5 th Rivision
Specification 706)

i) Double twisted hexagonal shaped steel wire Mesh having dia 2.2mm sqm 919.30
and the composite shall have a combined mass per unit area more
than 1630 Grams / Sq.m. Note : Use for
slope erosion protection work.

ii) Double twisted hexagonal shaped steel wire Mesh having dia sqm 1029.30
2.2/3.2mm and the composite shall have a combined mass per unit
area more than 1920 Grams / Sq.m. Note : Use
for slope erosion protection work.

C-10 Supplying and laying of Reinforced Geocomposite made of Complete rate

Polypropylene Polymer made three dimensional matrix of minimum See the detailing of the
mass per unit area 450 grams/sqm extruded onto a mechanically item on chapter-A, Sl no. C-
woven double twisted hexagonal shaped steel wire Mesh and Mesh 10
Type 8X10 having Zn coating, the composite have a combined mass
per unit area and nominal thickness of 12mm; including fixing of U
pins of 8mm diameter of depth 500mm at 1m c/c spacing, at easily
accessible location including top and bottom, with all leads and lifts,
manpower and machinery, materials,labour etc. complete and as
directed by Engineer - In - Charge.(Ref to MoRT&H’s 5 th Revision
Specification 706)

i) Double twisted hexagonal shaped steel wire Mesh having dia 2.7mm sqm 854.30
and the composite shall have a combined mass per unit area more
than 1850 Grams / Sq.m.
ii) Double twisted hexagonal shaped steel wire Mesh having dia sqm 964.30
2.7/3.7mm and the composite shall have a combined mass per unit
area more than 2130 Grams / Sq.m.

C-11 Providing and laying of woven Geotextile on the prepared subgrade Complete Rate
as the separator cum reinforcement with necessary overlap as per See the detailing of the
drawing. .(Ref to MoRT&H’s 5 th Specification 700 & 2500) item on chapter-A, Sl no. C-

i) For Type-I (160gsm) woven Geotextile sqm 51.30

ii) For Type-II (240gsm) woven Geotextile sqm 56.30
iii) For Type-III (450gsm) woven Geotextile sqm 61.30

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 53 Miscellenious

Serial No.

Item Unit Remarks

1 2 3 4 5
C-12 Providing and laying of fibre glass geogrid manufactured from high Complete Rate
quality glass fibre strands and coated with a polymer modified See the detailing of the
bitumen as reinforcement to Asphalt overlay flexible pavements and item on chapter-A, Sl no. C-
Asphalt over distressed rigid P.C.C. .(Ref to MoRT&H’s 5 th 12
Specification 708 )

i) For Tensile stength-50 kN/m sqm 86.30

ii) For Tensile stength-100 kN/m sqm 116.30
C-13 Providing and laying of Needle Punched and mechanically bonded Complete Rate
non-woven Geotextile indigenously manufactured from high quality See the detailing of the
fibers on the prepared subgrade for Seperation. (Ref to MoRT&H’s 5 item on chapter-A, Sl no. C-
th Specification 702 ) 13

i) For Type-I (150gsm) non woven Geotextile sqm 39.30

ii) For Type-II (200gsm) non woven Geotextile sqm 48.30
iii) For Type-III (450gsm) non woven Geotextile sqm 56.30
C-14 Supplying and laying of drainage composite for use behind walls sqm 416.10 Complete Rate
having three dimensional composite with thermobonding a draining See the detailing of the
core having “W” configuration in extruded monofilaments of item on chapter-A, Sl no. C-
minimum thickness 6.9mm with one filtering UV stabilized 14 (Ref to
polypropylene nonwoven geotextile of minimum thickness of 0.75mm CPWD SOR 2016, Sub Head
and tensile strength of 8.0 kN/m that will be working as separation or 26 for New Technologies
protecting layer, geocomposite having in plane flow capacity of 2.60 L and Materials Code No
/ (m.s) at hydraulic gradient of 1.0 at 20 kpa pressure and tensile 8960).
strength of 12 kN/m with mass per unit area of 540 gsm supplied in
the form of roll for easy transportation to site of work as per detailed
specification all complete as per directions of Engineer in charge.
Note:Lower gsm may be used in RE structure.

C-15 Supplying and laying of drainage composite for use behind walls, sqm 565.70 Complete Rate
between two different fills, alongside drains of road, below See the detailing of the
concrete lining of canals etc. having three dimensional composite item on chapter-A, Sl no. C-
with thermobonding a draining core having “W” configuration in 15 (Ref to
extruded monofilaments of minimum thickness 7.2mm, with two CPWD SOR 2016, Sub Head
filtering UV stabilized polypropylene nonwoven geotextile of minimum 26 for New Technologies
thickness of 0.75mm and tensile strength of 8.0 kN/m that will be and Materials Code No
working as separation or protecting layer, geocomposite having in 8960).
plane flow capacity of 2.3 L / (m.s) at hydraulic gradient of 1.0 & 20
kPa pressure and tensile strength of 18 kN/m , with mass per unit area
of 740 gsm, at easily accessible location including top and bottom,
with all leads and lifts, manpower and machinery, materials, labour
etc. complete and as directed by Engineer - In - Charge.
Note: Higher gsm may be used in drainage composite at the time of
pavement construction

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 54 Miscellenious

Serial No.

Item Unit Remarks

1 2 3 4 5
C-16 Providing & making of BIS cerified Gabion fascia box with 2m cum 2414.17 Cost of material to be
integrated tail of Size 3m(Length of Tail)x3m(Length of added. Consumption of
Box)x1m(Height of unit) with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted material i.e. for boulder to
Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, be followed as per chapter A
MoRT&H's 5 th revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12 Sl No C-16
(D=100 mm with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn + 10% Al alloy +Polymer coated,
Mesh wire diameter 2.70/3.70 mm (ID/OD), mechanically
edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have
minimum 10 numbers of openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to
twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter 2.2 /3.2 mm (ID/OD),
supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with
least dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per
direction of Engineer-in-charge.

C-17 Providing & making of BIS cerified Gabion fascia box with 2m cum 3862.00 Cost of material to be
integrated tail of Size 3m(Length of Tail)x3m(Length of added. Consumption of
Box)x0.5m(Height of unit) with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted material i.e. for boulder to
Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, be followed as per chapter A
MoRT&H's 5 th clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12 (D=100 Sl No C-17
mm with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn + 10% Al alloy +Polymer coated, Mesh
wire diameter 2.70/3.70 mm (ID/OD), mechanically edged/selvedged
with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10
numbers of openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying
with lacing wire of diameter 2.2 mm , supplied @3% by weight of
Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as
per drawing, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

C-18 Providing & making of BIS cerified Gabion fascia box with 2m cum 2776.00 Cost of material to be
integrated tail of Size 3m(Length of Tail)x3m(Length of added. Consumption of
Box)x0.8m(Height of unit) with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted material i.e. for boulder to
Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, be followed as per chapter A
MoRT&H's 5 th clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12 (D=100 Sl No C-18
mm with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn + 10% Al alloy +Polymer coated, Mesh
wire diameter 2.70/3.70 mm (ID/OD), mechanically edged/selvedged
with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10
numbers of openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying
with lacing wire of diameter 2.2 mm , supplied @3% by weight of
Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as
per drawing, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 55 Miscellenious

Serial No.

Item Unit Remarks

1 2 3 4 5
C-19 Providing & making of BIS cerified Gabion fascia box with 2m cum 1901.00 Cost of material to be
integrated tail of Size 3m(Length of Tail)x3m(Length of added. Consumption of
Box)x1m(Height of unit) with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted material i.e. for boulder to
Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, be followed as per chapter A
MoRT&H's 5th revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12 Sl No C-19
(D=100 mm with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn +Polymer coated, Mesh wire
diameter 2.70/3.70 mm (ID/OD), mechanically edged/selvedged with
partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of
openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing
wire of diameter 2.2 /3.2 mm (ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of
Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as
per drawing, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

C-20 Providing & making of BIS cerified Gabion fascia box with 2m cum 3068.00 Cost of material to be
integrated tail of Size 3m(Length of Tail)x3m(Length of added. Consumption of
Box)x0.5m(Height of unit) with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted material i.e. for boulder to
Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, be followed as per chapter A
MoRT&H's 5 th revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12 Sl No C-20
(D=100 mm with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn +Polymer coated, Mesh wire
diameter 2.70/3.70 mm (ID/OD), mechanically edged/selvedged with
partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of
openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing
wire of diameter 2.2 mm, supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes,
filled with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing,
all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

C-21 Providing & making of BIS cerified Gabion fascia box with 2m cum 2192.70 Cost of material to be
integrated tail of Size 3m(Length of Tail)x3m(Length of added. Consumption of
Box)x0.8m(Height of unit) with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted material i.e. for boulder to
Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, be followed as per chapter A
MoRT&H's 5 th revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12 Sl No C-21
(D=100 mm with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn + 10% Al alloy +Polymer coated,
Mesh wire diameter 2.70/3.70 mm (ID/OD), mechanically
edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have
minimum 10 numbers of openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to
twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter 2.2 mm , supplied @3% by
weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least dimension of
200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 56 Miscellenious

Serial No.

Item Unit Remarks

1 2 3 4 5
C-22 Providing & making of BIS cerified Gabion fascia box with 2m cum 1681.00 Cost of material to be
integrated tail of Size 3m(Length of Tail)x3m(Length of added. Consumption of
Box)x1m(Height of unit) with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted material i.e. for boulder to
Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, be followed as per chapter A
MoRT&H's 5 th revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12 Sl No C-22
(D=100 mm with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn +Polymer coated, Mesh wire
diameter 2.70/3.70 mm (ID/OD), mechanically edged/selvedged with
partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of
openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing
wire of diameter 2.2 /3.2 mm (ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of
Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as
per drawing, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

C-23 Providing & making of BIS cerified Gabion fascia box with 2m cum 2728.00 Cost of material to be
integrated tail of Size 3m(Length of Tail)x3m(Length of added. Consumption of
Box)x0.5m(Height of unit) with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted material i.e. for boulder to
Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS be followed as per chapter A
16014:2012,MoRT&H's 5 th revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Sl No C-23.
Type 10x12 (D=100 mm with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn +Polymer coated,
Mesh wire diameter 2.70/3.70 mm (ID/OD), mechanically
edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have
minimum 10 numbers of openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to
twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter 2.2 mm, supplied @3% by
weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least dimension of
200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-

C-24 Providing & making of BIS cerified Gabion fascia box with 2m cum 1943.00 Cost of material to be
integrated tail of Size 3m(Length of Tail)x3m(Length of added. Consumption of
Box)x0.8m(Height of unit) with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted material i.e. for boulder to
Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, be followed as per chapter A
MoRT&H's 5 th revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12 Sl No C-24.
(D=100 mm with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn + 10% Al alloy +Polymer coated,
Mesh wire diameter 2.70/3.70 mm (ID/OD), mechanically
edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have
minimum 10 numbers of openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to
twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter 2.2 mm , supplied @3% by
weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least dimension of
200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 57 Miscellenious

Serial No.

Item Unit Remarks

1 2 3 4 5
C-25 Providing & making of Gabion structure of size (2x1x1)m with cum 2026.25 Cost of material to be
Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh added. Consumption of
Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MoRT&H's 5 th revision clause material i.e. for boulder to
2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12(D=100 mm with tolerance of be followed as per chapter A
±2%), Zinc+10% Al alloy+Polymer coated, Mesh wire diameter Sl No C-25.
2.7/3.7mm (ID/OD), mechanically edged/selvedged with partitions at
every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of openings per
meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of
diameter 2.2/3.2mm(ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion
boxes, filled with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as per
drawing, all complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.

C-26 Providing & making of Gabion structure of size( 2x0.5x1)m with cum 3617.50 Cost of material to be
Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh added. Consumption of
Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MoRT&H's 5 th revision clause material i.e. for boulder to
2500 of required size, Mesh Type 10x12(D=100 mm with tolerance of be followed as per chapter A
±2%), Zinc+10% Al alloy+Polymer coated, Mesh wire diameter Sl No C-26.
2.7/3.7mm (ID/OD), mechanically edged/selvedged with partitions at
every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of openings per
meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of
diameter 2.2/3.2mm(ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion
boxes, filled with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as per
drawing, all complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.

C-27 Providing & making of Gabion structure of size (2x0.8x1)m with cum 2424 Cost of material to be
Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh added. Consumption of
Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MoRT&H's 5 th revision clause material i.e. for boulder to
2500 of required size, Mesh Type 10x12(D=100 mm with tolerance of be followed as per chapter A
±2%), Zinc+10% Al alloy+Polymer coated, Mesh wire diameter Sl No C-27.
2.7/3.7mm (ID/OD), mechanically edged/selvedged with partitions at
every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of openings per
meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of
diameter 2.2/3.2mm(ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion
boxes, filled with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as per
drawing, all complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.

C-28 Providing & making of Gabion structure of size (2x1x1)m with cum 1641.25 Cost of material to be
Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh added. Consumption of
Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MoRT&H's 5 th revision clause material i.e. for boulder to
2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12(D=100 mm with tolerance of be followed as per chapter A
±2%), Zinc+Polymer coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.7/3.7mm (ID/OD), Sl No C-28.
mechanically edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval
and shall have minimum 10 numbers of openings per meter of mesh
perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter
2.2/3.2mm(ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled
with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all
complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 58 Miscellenious

Serial No.

Item Unit Remarks

1 2 3 4 5
C-29 Providing & making of Gabion structure of size (2x0.5x1)m with cum 2952.50 Cost of material to be
Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh added. Consumption of
Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MoRT&H's 5 th revision clause material i.e. for boulder to
2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12(D=100 mm with tolerance of be followed as per chapter A
±2%), Zinc+Polymer coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.7/3.7mm (ID/OD), Sl No C-29.
mechanically edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval
and shall have minimum 10 numbers of openings per meter of mesh
perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter
2.2/3.2mm(ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled
with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all
complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.

C-30 Providing & making of Gabion structure of size (2x.8x1)m with cum 1969 Cost of material to be
Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh added. Consumption of
Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MoRT&H's 5 th revision clause material i.e. for boulder to
2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12(D=100 mm with tolerance of be followed as per chapter A
±2%), Zinc+Polymer coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.7/3.7mm (ID/OD), Sl No C-30.
mechanically edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval
and shall have minimum 10 numbers of openings per meter of mesh
perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter
2.2/3.2mm(ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled
with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all
complete as per directions ofEngineer-in-charge.

C-31 Providing & making of Gabion structure of size (2x1x1)m with cum 1476.25 Cost of material to be
Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh added. Consumption of
Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MoRT&H's 5 th revision clause material i.e. for boulder to
2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12(D=100 mm with tolerance of be followed as per chapter A
±2%), Zinc coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.7/3.7mm (ID/OD), Sl No C-31.
mechanically edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval
and shall have minimum 10 numbers of openings per meter of mesh
perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter
2.2/3.2mm(ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled
with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all
complete as per directions of

C-32 Providing & making of Gabion structure of size (2x0.5x1)m with cum 2667.50 Cost of material to be
Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh added. Consumption of
Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MoRT&H's 5 th revision clause material i.e. for boulder to
2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12(D=100 mm with tolerance of be followed as per chapter A
±2%), Zinc coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.7/3.7mm (ID/OD), Sl No C-32.
mechanically edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval
and shall have minimum 10 numbers of openings per meter of mesh
perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter
2.2/3.2mm(ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled
with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all
complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 59 Miscellenious

Serial No.

Item Unit Remarks

1 2 3 4 5
C-33 Providing & making of Gabion structure of size (2x0.8x1)m with cum 1774 Cost of material to be
Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh added. Consumption of
Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, MoRT&H's 5 th revision clause material i.e. for boulder to
2500, of required size, Mesh Type 10x12(D=100 mm with tolerance of be followed as per chapter A
±2%), Zinc coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.7/3.7mm (ID/OD), Sl No C-33.
mechanically edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval
and shall have minimum 10 numbers of openings per meter of mesh
perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter
2.2/3.2mm(ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled
with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all
complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.

C-34 Providing & making of BIS cerified Gabion structure of size cum 6964 Cost of material to be
(2x0.17x1)m with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal added. Consumption of
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion mattress Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, material i.e. for boulder to
MoRT&H's 5 th revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 6x8 be followed as per chapter A
(D=60 mm with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn + 10% Al alloy +Polymer coated, Sl No C-34.
Mesh wire diameter 2.20/3.20 mm (ID/OD), mechanically
edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have
minimum 10 numbers of openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to
twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter 2.2 /3.2 mm (ID/OD),
supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with
least dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per
direction of Engineer-in-charge.

C-35 Providing & making of BIS cerified Gabion structure of size cum 5412.00 Cost of material to be
(2x0.23x1)m with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal added. Consumption of
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion mattress Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, material i.e. for boulder to
MoRT&H's 5 th revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 6x8 be followed as per chapter A
(D=60 mm with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn + 10% Al alloy +Polymer coated, Sl No C-35.
Mesh wire diameter 2.20/3.20 mm (ID/OD), mechanically
edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have
minimum 10 numbers of openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to
twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter 2.2 /3.2 mm (ID/OD),
supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with
least dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per
direction of Engineer-in-charge.

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 60 Miscellenious

Serial No.

Item Unit Remarks

1 2 3 4 5
C-36 Providing & making of BIS cerified Gabion structure of size cum 5721 Cost of material to be
(2x0.3x1)m with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal added. Consumption of
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion mattress Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, material i.e. for boulder to
MoRT&H's 5 th revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 6x8 be followed as per chapter A
(D=60 mm with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn + 10% Al alloy +Polymer coated, Sl No C-36.
Mesh wire diameter 2.20/3.20 mm (ID/OD), mechanically
edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m interval and shall have
minimum 10 numbers of openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to
twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter 2.2 /3.2 mm (ID/OD),
supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with
least dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as per
direction of Engineer-in-charge.

C-37 Providing & making of BIS cerified Gabion structure of size cum 5895 Cost of material to be
(2x0.17x1)m with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal added. Consumption of
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion mattress Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, material i.e. for boulder to
MoRT&H's 5 th revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 6x8 be followed as per chapter A
(D=60 mm with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn +Polymer coated, Mesh wire Sl No C-37.
diameter 2.20/3.20 mm (ID/OD), mechanically edged/selvedged with
partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of
openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing
wire of diameter 2.2 /3.2 mm (ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of
Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as
per drawing, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

C-38 Providing & making BIS cerified Gabion structure of size cum 4558 Cost of material to be
(2x0.23x1)m with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal added. Consumption of
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion mattress Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, material i.e. for boulder to
MoRT&H's 5 th revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 6x8 be followed as per chapter A
(D=60 mm with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn +Polymer coated, Mesh wire Sl No C-38.
diameter 2.20/3.20 mm (ID/OD), mechanically edged/selvedged with
partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of
openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing
wire of diameter 2.2 /3.2 mm (ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of
Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as
per drawing, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 61 Miscellenious

Serial No.

Item Unit Remarks

1 2 3 4 5
C-39 Providing & making of BIS cerified Gabion structure of size cum 3674 Cost of material to be
(2x0.3x1)m with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal added. Consumption of
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion mattress Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, material i.e. for boulder to
MoRT&H's 5 th revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 6x8 be followed as per chapter A
(D=60 mm with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn +Polymer coated, Mesh wire Sl No C-39.
diameter 2.20/3.20 mm (ID/OD), mechanically edged/selvedged with
partitions at every 1m interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of
openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing
wire of diameter 2.2 /3.2 mm (ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of
Gabion boxes, filled with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as
per drawing, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

C-40 Providing & making of BIS cerified Gabion structure of size cum 5437 Cost of material to be
(2x0.17x1)m with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal added. Consumption of
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion mattress Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, material i.e. for boulder to
MoRT&H's 5 th revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 6x8 be followed as per chapter A
(D=60 mm with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn coated, Mesh wire diameter Sl No C-40.
2.20 mm , mechanically edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m
interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of openings per meter of
mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter 2.2
/3.2 mm (ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with
boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all
complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

C-41 Providing & making of BIS cerified Gabion structure of size cum 4192 Cost of material to be
(2x0.23x1)m with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal added. Consumption of
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion mattress Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, material i.e. for boulder to
MoRT&H's 5 th revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 6x8 be followed as per chapter A
(D=60 mm with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.20 Sl No C-41.
mm , mechanically edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m
interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of openings per meter of
mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter 2.2
/3.2 mm (ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with
boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all
complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

C-42 Providing & making of BIS cerified Gabion structure of size cum 3369 Cost of material to be
(2x0.3x1)m with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal added. Consumption of
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion mattress Boxes as per IS 16014:2012, material i.e. for boulder to
MoRT&H's 5 th revision clause 2500, of required size, Mesh Type 6x8 be followed as per chapter A
(D=60 mm with tolerance of ± 2%) Zn coated, Mesh wire diameter 2.20 Sl No C-42.
mm , mechanically edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m
interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of openings per meter of
mesh perpendicular to twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter 2.2
/3.2 mm (ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion boxes, filled with
boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all
complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 62 Miscellenious

Serial No.

Item Unit Remarks

1 2 3 4 5
C-43 Supply of Cylindrical Gabions /Sack Gabions of size 2 m in length cum 2102 Cost of material to be
and 0.96 m diameter. The Sack Gabions shall be made of the added. Consumption of
mechanically woven hexagonal double twisted Zn + 10% Al alloy material i.e. for sand to be
+Polymer Coated wire mesh, Mesh Size10x12. The approximate followed as per chapter A Sl
minimum weight of the sack gabion would be 1350 kgs when filled as No C-43.
per detailed technical specification.

C-44 Supply of Cylindrical Gabions /Sack Gabions of size 2 m in length cum 1738 Cost of material to be
and 0.96 m diameter. The Sack Gabions shall be made of the added. Consumption of
mechanically woven hexagonal double twisted Zn +Polymer Coated material i.e. for sand to be
wire mesh, Mesh Size10x12. The approximate minimum weight of the followed as per chapter A Sl
sack gabion would be 1350 kgs when filled as per detailed technical No C-44.

C-45 Supply of Cylindrical Gabions /Sack Gabions of size 2 m in length cum 1582.30 Cost of material to be
and 0.96 m diameter. The Sack Gabions shall be made of the added. Consumption of
mechanically woven hexagonal double twisted Zn Coated wire mesh, material i.e. for sand to be
Mesh Size10x12. The approximate minimum weight of the sack gabion followed as per chapter A Sl
would be 1350 kgs when filled as per detailed technical specification. No C-45.

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 63 Miscellenious

Serial No.

Item Unit Remarks

1 2 3 4 5
D) New items related to traffic signs, marking and other road appurtenances Chapter 8 of NH SOR 19-20

D-1 Raised Profile Edge Markings with Reflectorised Hot Applied sqm 1205.00 Complete Rate.
Thermoplastic Compound on Bituminous Road surfaces.
Providing a laying of Raised Profile Edge Markings with Hot Applied Ribbed edge line marker as
Thermoplastic Road Markings along with Drop on Glass Beads as per per Ministry's Circular.Ref
the Provisions laid in IRC 35-2015, the height of the rib should be 8 Chapter A, D-1.
mm for normal roads and it may extend upto 11 mm incase of
expressway, the general gap between each rib shall vary between 200-
500 mm, as per the direction of the Engineer in charge.

Note : For Application on Rigid pavement a Resin Based primer has to

be applied prior to the application of Thermoplastic Road Marking for
which an additional cost of Rs.150 per Sqm shall be paid extra.

D-2 Hybrid Solar-Retro Reflective Chevron Signs each 18000.00 Complete Rate.
Supplying and Fixing of Solar Powered Retro Reflective LED Blinking See the detailing of the
Chevron signs as per the following specifications : Solar panel: 450 item on chapter-A, Sl no. D-
MaH/9v/4 watts, Battery: Li-ion 6 Volt 4.5 AH.C-10, Back up time: 2
108 hrs, Led: 112-130 nos, Display thickness : ACP or Alluminium 2 mm
thick, Powder coated body. The Unit shall be self sufficient and shall
be mounted on a Circular Pole: 50 NB (medium) duly painted and
grouted into the soil using M15 concrete (45 cm x 45 cm x 60 cm) Size:
600 mm x 450 mm. The Retro reflective sheeting shall be HIP, Type IV
as per IRC 67.

D-3 Solar Powered Road Studs sqm 2159.00 Complete Rate.

See the detailing of the
Providing and fixing of solar powered road studs rectangular/circuler
item on chapter-A, Sl no. D-
shape (with super bright LEDs for long visibility from distance greater
than 800m) having twin shank and body made of alluminium alloy or
polycarbonate material which shall be absolutely weather resistant
and strong enough to support a land of 13635 kg tested in accordance
with ASTM-D 4280 and water resistance as per IP65 in reference with
IS 12063:1987,fixed to the road surface using addhesives and the
procedure recomended by manufacturer as per clause no 804.6 and
804.7 of MoRT&Hs's specification.

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 64 Miscellenious

Serial No.

Item Unit Remarks

1 2 3 4 5
D-4 Wire Rope Safety Crash Barrier rm 3500.00 Complete Rate.
Supply and Installation of Wire Rope Safety Barrier, meeting and conforming See the detailing of the
to IRC:119:2015, Annexure II, Sec 4. The barrier shall be supplied complete item on chapter-A, Sl no. D-
with steel posts (spacing 3.0m c/c), Post length 1200mm, Post Cross Section 4
not less than 100 x 50 x 16 mm, thickness 4 mm, plastic cap for post with
retro-reflective sheet, plastic cable spacers, Stainless Steel Strap, rectangular
steel sections having thickness 3mm and length 420mm to be used as post
foundation sleeves, plastic top covers and bottom caps for steel sleeves, 3
galvanized wire ropes running along the entire length, each wire rope 19mm
dia, (3x7)-pre-stretched-16.7 Ton capacity, required steel fittings, steel
turnbuckles, steel anchors and M30 concrete complete. All steel components
of the barrier shall be hot dip galvanized, having an average zinc coating
thickness not less than 75 microns. The installation shall include excavating in
soft soil for post foundations (250 mm dia x 610 mm depth at 3m c/c),
excavation in all kind of soil for end anchor foundations (1m x 1m x1.5m each,
2 for each section), grouting of steel sleeves up to depth of 420 mm in each
post foundation with M30 concrete , grouting anchor plates in each end anchor
foundation with M30 concrete, placing of posts in the grouted steel sleeves
ensuring that the posts and barrier are in line and level.
Note : The bidder shall enclose all relevant papers in support of meeting the
above criteria, the bidder shall also enclose Authorization from the OEM.

D-5 Reflective Pavement Marker with Shank each 355.00 Complete Rate.
Providing and fixing of single mould twin shanked moulded road See the detailing of the
markers/ road studs made of poly carbonate or ABS body and shall item on chapter-A, Sl no. D-
support a load of 13635 kg tested in accordance to ASTM D4280 and 5
complying with specifications as per clause 804 of MoRT&Hs 5th
revision and section 5 of IRC-35:2015, the reflecting panels shall
consist of number of lenses containing single or dual prismatic cubes
capable of providing total internal reflection of the light entering the
lenses face. The slope of retro reflecting surface should be 25 +/-5
degree to base. The reflective marker shall be fixed on the road
surface using the epoxy/adhesive and the procedure recommended by
the manufacturer. No nails shall be used to affix the markers so that
they do not pose safety hazard on the road.

D-6 Median Marker Made up each 435.00 Complete Rate

of tough, impact resistant thermoplastic body, reflectorized on both See the detailing of the
side using approximate. 85 x 85 mm (for square shape or equivalent in item on chapter-A, Sl no. D-
case of round shape Fluorescent yellow prismatic sheeting (type-XI) 6
reflective surface should be incline to approximate 20 degree to
vertical to provide maximum reflective. Height & width of median
marker shall be approximate by 110 mm complete with all fixing

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 65 Miscellenious

Serial No.

Item Unit Remarks

1 2 3 4 5
D-7 Retro-reflective studs each 485.00 Complete Rate See
Supplying and fixing of Metal Road studs with shank, made of Die-cast the detailing of the item on
Aluminium alloy molded body with the size 100x100x19.8 mm, shank chapter-A, Sl no. D-7
size 50 mm, having reflective panels of 34 glass reflective elements
embedded in plastic and 19 degrees tilted to provide the highest
reflectivity having reflective panels in yellow, red and white plastic
with yellow, red, white or green glass elements. The weight of
Aluminium stud should be not less than 370 grams. The stud shall have
a compressive strength test certificate of 40 tons in accordance with
ASTDM D 4280-04, clause no 806 of 5 th revision of MoRT&Hs’s and
successfully passing retro reflectivity test as per EN 1463 part 1 & part
2 , from a reputed international laboratory. The fixing of road studs
shall be done by using a recommended Two Component Epoxy after
drilling 60 mm hole on the road for the shank to go inside.

D-8 Rumble Marking using two component cold plastic sqm 3888.00 Complete Rate See
the detailing of the item on
chapter-A, Sl no. D-8
Providing and Laying of Rumble strips with 2 component cold plastic
profiled material to give total width of 500 mm and height of 10 mm.
Ramp provided to give width of 145 mm, width of ribs to be 55mm
laid at centre to centre distance of 35 mm, with reflective glass beads
@ 350 gm / sqm. The finished surface to be levelled, uniform and
free from streaks and holes, to be applied on the edge lines, including
secondary surface cleaning and cost of all materials etc. complete.
D-9 Audible Vibratory Profile Marking with Hot Applied Thermoplastic sqm 1012.00 Complete Rate See
and Reflectorizing Glass the detailing of the item on
Providing and laying of raised profile edge line marking (audible chapter-A, Sl no. D-9
vibratory) with special thermoplastic road marking compound 2 mm
thick base coat layer above that ribs profile of 6 mm thick (total 8
mm thick) at the distance of 250 mm between two ribs including
reflectorizing glass beads @ 250 gm / sq.m. area. The minium and
maximum width of raised profile should be 100mm and 150 mm. The
thickness of 8 mm profile should be exclusive of surface applied glass
beads. The finished surface to be levelled, uniform and free from
streaks and holes, to be applied on the edge lines, including secondary
surface cleaning and cost of all materials etc. complete.

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 66 Miscellenious

Serial No.

Item Unit Remarks

1 2 3 4 5
E) Steel Structure of Bridge
E-1 Plate Girder/Semi Through Girder MT 22581.54 Cost of material to be
Supplying of all types of structural steel conforming to Fe 410 B / Fe added. Consumption of
490 of IS 2062, fabrication, assembling, erection/slewing/end materials to be followed as
launching of steel girders (not requiring traffic block) upto 45.7m span per chapter A , Sl No.
on sub structure including provision of trolley refuges, if required E-1
complete as per approved drawing including one coat of zinc chrome
primer to IS:104& one coat Zinc Chrome Red Oxide to IS 2074 and
painting as per IRC-B- 1 on all members (detailed fabrication and
erection drawings & lunching methodology will be prepared and got
approved by the contractor from NH authority ). Rate includes
fabrication of all types of battens bracings, ties, stiffeners, packing
diaphragms, shop rivets/ welding, T&F bolts,drafts, shop welds
templates , jigs, fixtures, back up supports, accessories, transporting
various components from fabrication shop to site including loading,
unloading, lift and taxes complete, assembly of girders on
drifts/bolts. field riveting/welding, assembling of temporary support
for side slewing, raising of girders to the bed block level, providing
sliding arrangements and slewing the girder in position, lowering of
girder on bearings and bed plates grouting holes in the bed block for
fixing of HD bolts/anchor pins of bed plates. All tempporary
arrangements, load testing may be done. The bearing sets to be
provided with the girder will be paid separately .

E-2 Open WEB Girder MT 29745.00 Cost of material to be

Basic cost for fabrication,erection,leading, painting primer coats and added. Consumption of
final two coats of paint at site materials to be followed as
per chapter A ,
Take a Plate girder of 200 Feet length and 1955.3 Qtl weight and 4000
Sl No. E-2
Sqm of area to be painted.
Supplying and laying drainage composite wrapped in sand layer,having
three dimensional composite with thermobonding a draining core
having “W” configuration in extruded monofilaments of minimum
thickness 7.2mm, with two filtering UV stabilized polypropylene
nonwoven geotextile of minimum thickness of 0.75mm and tensile
strength of 8.0 kN/m that will be working as separation or protecting
layer, geocomposite having in plane flow capacity of 2.3 L / (m.s) at
hydraulic gradient of 1.0 & 20 kPa pressure and tensile strength of 18
kN/m , with mass per unit area of 740 gsm, at easily accessible
location including top and bottom, with all leads and lifts, manpower
and machinery, materials, labour etc. complete and as directed by
Engineer - In - Charge.

E-3 Metalizing of steel work of girder with grit blasting. sq.m 391.00 Complete rate
Metalizing of steel work of girder with grit blasting ,following by one See the detailing of the
coat of each primer (as per IS:5666) one coat of Zink Chrome primer item on chapter-A, Sl no. E-
(as per IS: 104) and two coats of Aluminium paint (as per IS:2339) with 3
all labour, T&P and material as a complete job

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 67 Miscellenious

Serial No.

Item Unit Remarks

1 2 3 4 5
E-4 Cleanning of steelwork of bridge girders with scrappers and / or Complete rate
ware brushes to remove all rust and loose or perished paint to proper See the detailing of the
perfectly clean and dry bare metal surface free from all dust/ foreign item on chapter-A, Sl no. E-
materials and ready for initial coat of paint. Rate includes cost of 4
labour, consumables, brushes, tools and plants, labours, scaffolding,
jhoola, hanging scaffolding stagging etc.

a) For bridge girders upto 30.5 m clearspan sq.m 31.00

b) For larger spans and heavier loads and extra height of scaffolding sq.m 46.00

E-5 Painting cleaned bridge plate girder including all scaffolding Complete rate
shuttering strutting along with provision of jhoola / hanging See the detailing of the
scaffolding where required. item on chapter-A, Sl no. E-
With one coat of ready mix red lead conforming to IS 102 5
a) Painting Work of Bridge Girder upto 30.5 m sq.m 33.40
b) Painting Work of Bridge Girder above 30.5 m sq.m 37.20
E-6 Painting cleaned bridge plate girder including all scaffolding Complete rate
shuttering strutting along with provision of jhoola / hanging See the detailing of the
scaffolding where required. item on chapter-A, Sl no. E-
With one coat of ready mix Zinc Chromate conforming to IS 104 6
followed by one coat of Zinc Chromate red oxide conforming to
a) Painting Work of Bridge Girder upto 30.5 m sq.m 52.20
b) Painting Work of Bridge Girder above 30.5 m sq.m 58.30
E-7 Painting cleaned bridge plate girder including all scaffolding Complete rate
shuttering strutting along with provision of jhoola / hanging See the detailing of the
scaffolding where required. item on chapter-A, Sl no. E-
With two coats Alluminium paints in dual containers conforming to IS 7
a) Painting Work of Bridge Girder upto 30.5 m sq.m 65.20
b) Painting Work of Bridge Girder above 30.5 m sq.m 71.20
E-8 Painting cleaned bridge plate girder including all scaffolding Complete rate
shuttering strutting along with provision of jhoola / hanging See the detailing of the
scaffolding where required. item on chapter-A, Sl no. E-
With two coats epoxy paint 8
a) Painting Work of Bridge Girder upto 30.5 m sq.m 92.50
b) Painting Work of Bridge Girder above 30.5 m sq.m 98.60

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 68 Miscellenious



Kolkata/ 24 Parganas
(N&S), Howrah, Hooghly, Coochbehar,
Serial No.

Nadia, Murshidabad, Jalpaiguri,

Darjeeling Hill
Description of Items Unit Malda, N&S Alipurduar, Remarks
Dinajpur,Burdwan,E&W Darjeeling
Midnapore,Bankura, Plains
Purulia, Birbhum,

1 Concrete Vibro Hydraulic

Paver Block (Not less than

Rate at site
(a) 120mm thick sqm 1500 1750 1900

(b) 100mm thick sqm 1250 1450 1575

(c) 80mm thick sqm 950 1100 1195

(d) 60mm thick sqm 800 935 1015

Note : The above rates are exclusive of contractor's profit & GST.

2nd Addenda to N Schedule of Rates_ 2019-20 Page 69 Miscellenious

Illustration for New Items related to Chapter 17 of NHSOR 2019-20

A) New Items related to Bases and Surface courses (Bituminous) Chapter 5

A-1. Illustration for analysis of rate for Mechanised Mastic Ashphalt (25mm thickness)

(Ref. Sr. No. A-1 of Chapter - 17, Page - 1 of 2nd Addenda of N.H. Schedule of Rates 2019-2020
For this illustration a site 15 km away from Chitpur railway stackyard (Kolkata) has been considered.

Distance from Chitpur (Kolkata) Railway Stackyard to worksite = 15 Km.

Lead by road = 15 Km.
i)Cost of carriage : (Plain Area) Unit : cum.
From Km. To Km. Rate @ (₹) Distance Amount (₹) Remarks
0 15 11.10 (Km.)
15 166.50 For Carriage cost analysis refer Chapter-I,
Page`-68, of N.H. Schedule of Rates, 2019-2020
(w.e.f 1st June' 2019).
Total carriage cost = ₹ 166.50 per cum.
Carriage cost = 166.5 per cum.

ii) Cost of Pakur variety stone aggregate at worksite :

Cost of Pakur
variety material
at Chitpur Loading Carriage Total
(Kolkata) & Unloading Cost Cost
Rly Yard per

(mm) (₹) (₹) (₹) (₹)

Ballast 75 1514 125 166.50 1805.5 1) For Cost of Pakur variety
Ballast 63 1714 125 166.50 2005.5 material at Chitpur (Kolkata) Rly
Ballast 53 1784 125 166.50 2075.5 Yard. refer Table-VI, page-280 of
Ballast 45 1784 125 166.50 2075.5 N.H. Schedule of Rates,2019-
Ballast 40 1844 125 166.50 2135.5 2020 (w.e.f 1st June ' 2019).
Ballast 37.5 1844 125 166.50 2135.5 This rate excludes contractor's
Chips 26.5 1804 125 166.50 2095.5
2) For loading/unloading cost
Chips 20/22.4 1894 125 166.50 2185.5
refer Chapter-I, Page- 68 of N.H.
Chips 13.2 1914 125 166.50 2205.5
Schedule of Rates,,2019-2020
Chips 10/11.2 1564 125 166.50 1855.5
(w.e.f 1st June '2019)
Chips 5.6 1234 125 166.50 1525.5 3) Material costs are in loose net
Dust - 1214 125 166.50 1505.5

iii) Cost of Bulk Bitumen 85/25 at site

Source of material :- Haldia Refinery
Lead from Haldia Refinery to Kolkata worksite = 120 Km.
COST OF ROAD CARRIAGE : (Plain Area) Unit : tn
From Km. To Km. Rate @ (₹) Distance Amount (₹) REMARKS
0 120 7 (Km.)
120 840.00 For Carriage cost analysis refer Chapter-I, Page-
69,of N.H. Schedule of Rates, 2019-2020 (w.e.f
1st June' 2019).
Total carriage cost = ₹ 840.00 per tonne
Carriage cost = ₹ 840 per tonne
Cost of Bitumen (85/25) at Source (Excluding all Taxes) ₹ 39,910.00
Loading and unloading ₹ 169.00
Carriage Cost ₹ 840.00
₹ 40,919.00 per tonne
iv) Cost of Bulk Bitumen VG 30 at site
Cost of Bitumen at worksite ₹ 32,910.00
Loading and unloading ₹ 169.00
Carriage Cost ₹ 840.00
Cost of Bitumen at worksite ₹ 33,919.00 per tonne
2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 70 Illustration for Miscellenious work
Rate for Mechanised Mastic Ashphalt (25mm thickness)
Unit : sq.m.
A. Labour, T & P, Machinery etc. 200.00
B. Materials 329.26
Item Unit Quantity Rate (₹) Total Cost(₹) REMARKS

Bitumen 85/25 kg 5.714 40.919 233.81

Coarse Aggregate Bitumen Price
5.6mm (50% of vol. of total cum 0.0079 1525.50 11.98 (85/25)=32910+7000=39910 per
13.2 mm (50% of vol. of total cum 0.0079 2205.50 17.31 MT, (VG 30 + 7000) is the
sand cum 0.011 1180.00 12.98 published rate of I.O.C on 1st
Lime stonedust with calcium kg 10.29 5.00 51.45 October ',2019 is considered,i.e.
13.2mm stone metal for cum 0.00057 2205.50 1.26 on the 4th quarter of the
Bitumen VG-30 kg 0.014 33.919 financial year 2019-2020
Material Cost 329.26
(A+B) ₹ 529.26
C. Cost of formwork/scaffolding etc.@ 0% of B ₹ 0.00
Cost of (A+B+C) ₹ 529.26
D. Add overhead charges @ 10 10% of (A+B+C) ₹ 52.93
E. Add contractor's profit @ 10% of (A+B+C+D) ₹ 58.22
TOTAL COST (A+B+C+D+E) ₹ 640.41
F. Add Labour welfare cess @ 1% of (A+B+C+D+E) ₹ 6.40
ITEM RATE ₹ 646.81

A-2. Illustration for analysis of rate for Waste plastic Modified Dense Graded Hot Bituminous Mix for Wearing Coarse.

(Ref. Sr. No. A-2,of Chapter - 17, Page - 1 of 2nd Addenda of N.H. Schedule of Rates 2019-2020
For this illustration a site has been considered at Burdwan District
Distance from Burdwan Railway Stackyard to worksite 15 Km.
Lead by road = 15 Km.
Cost of Road Carriage : (Plain Area) Unit : cum.
From Km. To Km. Rate @ (₹) Distance Amount (₹) REMARKS
0 15 11.10 15 166.50 For Carriage cost analysis refer Chapter-I,
Page`-68, of N.H. Schedule of Rates, 2019-2020
(w.e.f 1st June' 2019).
Total carriage cost = ₹ 166.50 per cum.

ii) Cost of Pakur variety stone aggregate at worksite :

Cost of Pakur
material at Loading Carriage Total
Item Size Remarks
Burdwan Jn. & Unloading Cost Cost
Rly Yard per

(mm) (₹) (₹) (₹) (₹)

Ballast 75 1257 125 166.50 1548.5 1) For Cost of Pakur variety
Ballast 63 1457 125 166.50 1748.5 material at Burdwan Jn. Rly
Ballast 53 1527 125 166.50 1818.5 Yard. refer Table-VI, page-280 of
Ballast 45 1527 125 166.50 1818.5 N.H. Schedule of Rates,2019-
Ballast 40 1587 125 166.50 1878.5 2020 (w.e.f 1st June ' 2019).
Ballast 37.5 1587 125 166.50 1878.5 This rate excludes contractor's
Chips 26.5 1547 125 166.50 1838.5 profit.
Chips 20/22.4 1637 125 166.50 1928.5 2) For loading/unloading cost
refer Chapter-I, Page- 68 of N.H.
Chips 13.2 1657 125 166.50 1948.5
Schedule of Rates,,2019-2020
Chips 10/11.2 1307 125 166.50 1598.5
(w.e.f 1st June '2019)
Chips 5.6 977 125 166.50 1268.5
3) Material costs are in loose net
Dust - 957 125 166.50 1248.5

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 71 Illustration for Miscellenious work

Unit : cu.m.
Source of material :- Haldia Refinery
Lead from Haldia Refinery to Burdwan worksite = 197 Km.
Cost of Road Carriage : (Plain Area) Unit : tn
From Km. To Km. Rate @ (₹) Distance Amount (₹) REMARKS
0 197 7 (Km.)
197 1379.00 For Carriage cost analysis refer Chapter-I, Page-
69,of N.H. Schedule of Rates, 2019-2020 (w.e.f
1st June' 2019).
Total carriage cost = ₹ 1379.00 per tonne

Cost of Bulk Bitumen VG 30 at site

Cost of Bitumen at worksite ₹ 32,910.00
Loading and unloading ₹ 169.00
Carriage Cost ₹ 1,379.00
Cost of Bitumen at worksite ₹ 34,458.00 per tonne
Rate of Waste Plastic
A. Labour, T & P, Machinery etc. 1561.60
B. Materials 6598.99
Item Unit Quantity Rate Total Remarks
(₹) (₹) Bitumen may be VG 30 or VG 40
Bitumen VG-30 kg 127 34.46 4376.42 as per design mix depending on
Coarse Aggregate location of site and volume of
13.2 mm cum 0.0700 1948.50 136.40 traffic. Bitumen Price VG
10.00 mm cum 0.2400 1598.50 383.64 30 per MT, is the published rate
of I.O.C on 1st October ',2019 is
5.6 mm cum 0.2500 1268.50 317.13
considered,i.e. on the 4th
Stone dust cum 0.9000 1248.50 1123.65
quarter of the financial year
cement as filler material kg 44.57 5.87 261.76
Material Cost 6598.99

(A+B) ₹ 8160.59
C. Cost of formwork/scaffolding etc.@ 0% of B ₹ 0.00
Cost of (A+B+C) ₹ 8160.59
D. Add overhead charges @ 10% of (A+B+C) ₹ 816.06
E. Add contractor's profit @ 10% of (A+B+C+D) ₹ 897.66
TOTAL COST (A+B+C+D+E) ₹ 9874.31
F. Add Labour welfare cess @ 1% of (A+B+C+D+E) ₹ 98.74
ITEM RATE ₹ 9973.06

B) New Items related to Cement Concrete Pavement Chapter 6

B-1. Illustration for analysis of rate for White Topping

(Ref. Sr. No.B-1 of Chapter - 17, Page - 2 of 2nd Addenda of N.H. Schedule of Rates 2019-2020
(For Midnapore District)
For this illustration a site 20 km away from Kharagpur railway stackyard has been considered.
Distance from Kharagpur Railway Stackyard to worksite 20 Km.
Lead by road = 20 Km.
Cost of Road Carriage : (Plain Area) Unit : cum.
From Km. To Km. Rate @ (₹) Distance Amount (₹) REMARKS
0 20 11.10 20 222.00 For Carriage cost analysis refer Chapter-I,
Page`-68, of N.H. Schedule of Rates, 2019-2020
(w.e.f 1st June' 2019).

Total carriage cost = ₹ 222.00 per cum.

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 72 Illustration for Miscellenious work

Cost of Pakur variety stone aggregate at worksite :
Cost of Pakur
variety material
Loading Carriage Total
Item Size (mm) at Kharagpur Jn. REMARKS
& Unloading (₹) Cost (₹) Cost (₹)
Rly Yard per

Boulder 225 to 150 1817 125 222.00 2164

Ballast 75 1767 125 222.00 2114.0 1) For Cost of Pakur variety material
Ballast 63 1967 125 222.00 2314.0 at Kharagpur Rly Yard. refer Table-
VI, page-280 of N.H. Schedule of
Ballast 53 2037 125 222.00 2384.0
Rates,2019-2020 (w.e.f 1st June '
Ballast 45 2037 125 222.00 2384.0 2019). This rate excludes
Ballast 40 2097 125 222.00 2444.0 contractor's profit.
Ballast 37.5 2097 125 222.00 2444.0 2) For loading/unloading cost refer
Chips 26.5 2057 125 222.00 2404.0 Chapter-I, Page- 68 of N.H.
Chips 20/22.4 2147 125 222.00 2494.0 Schedule of Rates,,2019-2020 (w.e.f
1st June '2019)
Chips 13.2 2167 125 222.00 2514.0
3) Material costs are in loose net
Chips 10/11.2 1817 125 222.00 2164.0 volume
Chips 5.6 1487 125 222.00 1834.0
Dust - 1467 125 222.00 1814.0

Unit : cu.m.
Item Rate for White Topping
A. Labour, T & P, Machinery etc. 1645.20
B. Materials 4984.20
Item Rate for
Unit Quantity Rate Total Cost REMARKS
White Topping
(₹) (₹)
Stone Aggregate
26.5mm 0.54 2404.00 1298.16
11.2mm 0.36 2164.00 779.04
cement tn 0.40 6056.00 2422.40
sand cum 0.45 798.00 359.10
Steel for Dowel tn 0.00220 57054.00 125.50
bar & Tie bar
Material Cost 4984.20
(A+B) ₹ 6629.40
C. Cost of formwork/scaffolding etc.@ 0% of B ₹ 0.00
Cost of (A+B+C) ₹ 6629.40
D. Add overhead charges @ 10 10% of (A+B+C) ₹ 662.94
E. Add contractor's profit @ 10% of (A+B+C+D) ₹ 729.23
TOTAL COST (A+B+C+D+E) ₹ 8021.58
F. Add Labour welfare cess @ 1% of (A+B+C+D+E) ₹ 80.22
ITEM RATE ₹ 8101.80

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 73 Illustration for Miscellenious work

B-3. Illustration for analysis of rate for Concrete Block Pavement

(Ref. Sr. No. B-3 of Chapter - 17, Page - 3 of 2nd Addenda of N.H. Schedule of Rates 2019-2020
For this illustration a site has been considered at Burdwan District
Unit : sq.m.
Type I - 120mm thickness
A. Labour, T & P, Machinery etc. 151.00
B. Materials 1620.85
(₹) (₹)
Cost of Paver Block sq.m 1.05 1500.000 1575.00
Bedding Sand (80% of 0.06 m3)
For the cost of paver block at
cum 0.05 798.00 39.90
the Burdwan Dist.Ref Table
Joint filling sand (20% of No.1, Part B
0.06m3) cum 0.01 595.00 5.95

Material Cost 1620.85

(A+B) ₹ 1771.85
C. Cost of formwork/scaffolding etc.@ 0% of B ₹ 0.00
Cost of (A+B+C) ₹ 1771.85
D. Add overhead charges @ 10 10% of (A+B+C) ₹ 177.19
E. Add contractor's profit @ 10% of (A+B+C+D) ₹ 194.90
TOTAL COST (A+B+C+D+E) ₹ 2143.94
F. Add Labour welfare cess @ 1% of (A+B+C+D+E) ₹ 21.44
ITEM RATE ₹ 2165.38

C) New Items related to Geosyntehtic and Reinforced earth Chapter 7

C-16. Illustration for Analysis of rate for BIS cerified Gabion fascia box with 2m integrated tail of Size 3m(Length of
Tail)x3m(Length of Box)x0.8m(Height of unit)

(Ref. Sr. No. C-16 of Chapter - 17, Page - 8 of 2nd Addenda of N.H. Schedule of Rates 2019-2020
Unit : cu.m.

A. Labour, T & P, Machinery etc. 2414.00

B. Materials 2164.00
Item Unit Quantity Rate (₹) Total Cost (₹) REMARKS

Consider the work site 15 km from

Boulder 200mm size cum 1.00 2164.000 2164.00 Kharagpur railway stackyard (Pakur
Material Cost 2164.00 Variety)
(A+B) ₹ 4578.00

C. Cost of formwork/scaffolding etc.@ 0% of B ₹ 0.00

Cost of (A+B+C) ₹ 4578.00
D. Add overhead charges @ 10 10% of (A+B+C) ₹ 457.80
E. Add contractor's profit @ 10% of (A+B+C+D) ₹ 503.58
TOTAL COST (A+B+C+D+E) ₹ 5539.38
F. Add Labour welfare cess @ 1% of (A+B+C+D+E) ₹ 55.39
ITEM RATE ₹ 5594.77

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 74 Illustration for Miscellenious work

C-45. Illustration for Analysis of rate for Cylindrical Gabions /Sack Gabions of size 2 m in length and 0.96 m diameter.
(Ref. Sr. No. C-45 of Chapter - 17, Page - 16 of 2nd Addenda of N.H. Schedule of Rates 2019-2020
Unit : cu.m.

A. Labour, T & P, Machinery etc. 1582.30

B. Materials 625.00

Item Unit Quantity Rate (₹) Total Cost (₹) Remarks

Sand cum 1.00 625.000 625.00

Consider the work site at
Midnapore District
Material Cost 625.00
(A+B) ₹ 2207.30

C. Cost of formwork/scaffolding etc.@ 0% of B ₹ 0.00

Cost of (A+B+C) ₹ 2207.30
D. Add overhead charges @ 10% of (A+B+C) ₹ 220.73
E. Add contractor's profit @ 10% of (A+B+C+D) ₹ 242.80
TOTAL COST (A+B+C+D+E) ₹ 2670.83
F. Add Labour welfare cess @ 1% of (A+B+C+D+E) ₹ 26.71
ITEM RATE ₹ 2697.54

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 75 Illustration for Miscellenious work

E) New Items related to Steel Structure of Bridge

E-1. Illustration for analysis of rate for Bridgework - Super structure - Steel Plate Girder/Semi Through Girder
(Ref. Sr. No. E-1,of Chapter - 17, Page - 20 of 2nd Addenda of N.H. Schedule of Rates 2019-2020 )
(For Burdwan District)
Unit : Tonne
Supply of HYSD reinforcement bars shall be from Market at Burdwan
Total Lead from Site 15 km
Cost of Road Carriage : (Plain Area) Unit : cum.
From Km. To Km. Rate @ (₹) Distance Amount (₹) REMARKS
0 15 7 15 105.00 For Carriage cost analysis refer Chapter-I, Page-
69, of N.H. Schedule of Rates, 2019-2020 (w.e.f
1st June ' 2019)..

Total carriage cost = ₹ 105.00 per tonne

Cost of Steel at worksite
Item Unit Basic Cost (₹) Loading Carriage Cost (₹) Total Cost (₹) REMARKS
& Unloading (₹)

Refer values in Annexure - I,

Mild steel plates tonne 49205 169.00 105.00 49479.00 page 283 of N.H. Schedule of
Rivets tonne 56888 169.00 105.00 57162.00 Rates 2019-2020 (w.e.f 1st June'
20mm dia holding tonne 56888 169.00 105.00 57162.00 2019)..
down bolts

A. Labour, T & P, Machinery etc. 22581.54

B. Materials 53791.11
Total Cost (₹) REMARKS
Item Unit Quantity Rate (₹)

Mild steel plates MT 1.05 49479.00 51952.95

Rivets MT 0.0315 57162.00 1800.60
20mm dia holding
down bolts MT 0.000657 57162.00 37.56

Material Cost 53791.11

(A+B) ₹ 76372.65
C. Add for sundries , mics, T & P, consumable etc.@ 3% of B ₹ 1613.73
Cost of (A+B+C) ₹ 77986.38
D. Add overhead charges @ 10 25% of (A+B+C) ₹ 19496.60
E. Add contractor's profit @ 10% of (A+B+C+D) ₹ 9748.30
TOTAL COST (A+B+C+D+E) ₹ 107231.27
F. Add Labour welfare cess @ 1% of (A+B+C+D+E) ₹ 1072.31
ITEM RATE ₹ 108303.59

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 76 Illustration for Miscellenious work

E-2 Illustration for analysis of rate for Open WEB Grider.
(Ref. Sr. No. E-2,of Chapter - 17, Page - 20 of 2nd Addenda of N.H. Schedule of Rates 2019-2020 )
A. Labour, T & P, Machinery etc. 29745.00
B. Materials 53760.81
Item Unit Quantity Rate (₹) Total Cost REMARKS

Mild steel plates MT 1.05 49479.00 51952.95

Rivets MT 0.0315 57162.00 1800.60
20mm dia holding
down bolts MT 0.000127 57162.00 7.26

Material Cost 53760.81

(A+B) ₹ 83505.81
C. Add for sundries , mics, T & P, consumable etc.@ 3% of B ₹ 1612.82
Cost of (A+B+C) ₹ 85118.64
D. Add overhead charges @ 10 25% of (A+B+C) ₹ 21279.66
E. Add contractor's profit @ 10% of (A+B+C+D) ₹ 10639.83
TOTAL COST (A+B+C+D+E) ₹ 117038.13
F. Add Labour welfare cess @ 1% of (A+B+C+D+E) ₹ 1170.38
ITEM RATE ₹ 118208.51

2nd Addenda to N H Schedule of Rates_2019-20 Page 77 Illustration for Miscellenious work

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