Amy Hawkins Assignment 4 Feedback
Amy Hawkins Assignment 4 Feedback
Amy Hawkins Assignment 4 Feedback
High Distinction: Amy, your rationale and overview for the unit plan were outstanding, setting the context very well and clearly
articulating the purpose of the unit. Your extended writing explained in a meaningful and rigorous manner why you constructed the
unit the way you did. You showed outstanding understanding of the Australian Curriculum: HaSS and the inquiry pedagogy
involved. Your plan included a wide variety of creative learning activities to enhance the construction of student understanding and
skills in the subject. This was done to the highest standard, showing high creativity, very achievable planning and age-
appropriateness of activities. You supported the planned learning activities and assessment by referring to readings and theories
presented during the course in a well-considered and intelligent manner. Great to see the thorough understanding of TfEL and the
course materials. Overall, an excellent analysis of the thinking behind the construction of your unit of work. The presentation of your
assignment was well written, well organised, exhibiting clarity of thought with clear and appropriate referencing throughout.
Amy, this is an outstanding piece of work. Well done and congratulations on your hard work and involvement in the course this