METAR Decode PDF 03/04/2006
Met Office: Aviation: METAR decode Page 2 of 2
FEW005 'few at five SKC=Sky clear (0 oktas), FEW='few' (1-2 oktas), SCT='Scattered' (3-4
BKN025 hundred feet, oktas), BKN='Broken' (5-7 oktas), OVC='Overcast'. There are only two
SCT010CB scattered cloud types reported; TCU=towering cumulus and CB=cumulonimbus.
cumulonimbus at VV///='state of sky obscured' (cloud base not discernable): Figures in
one thousand lieu of '///' give vertical visibility in hundreds of feet. Up to three, but
feet, broken at occasionally more, cloud groups may be reported.
two thousand five
hundred feet'
Cloud heights are given in feet above airfield height
CAVOK 'cav-oh-kay' Visibility greater or equal to 10 km, no cumulonimbus, no cloud below
5000 ft or highest MSA (greater) and no weather significant to
8 Temp and dew point
10/03 'temperature ten If dew point is missing, example would be reported as 10///.
degrees Celsius,
dew point three
M indicates a negative value
degrees Celsius'
Q0995 'nine nine five' Q indicates the sea level pressure millibars. If the letter A is used QNH
is in inches and hundredths.
10 Recent weather
RETS 'recent RE = Recent, weather codes given above. Up to three groups may be
thunderstorm' present.
11 Wind shear
WS RWY24 'wind shear Will not be reported at present for UK aerodromes.
runway two four'
12 Colour states
Military reports also display a colour state BLU, WHT, GRN, YLO, AMB
or RED, coded according to cloud and visibility.
BLACK may also be reported when the runway is unusable.
13 Trend
BECMG 'becoming from BECMG=Becoming TEMPO=Temporarily NOSIG=No sig
FM1100 1100, 230 change
23035G50KT degrees 35 KT ,
NSW=No sig weather AT=At FM=From
TEMPO max 50 KT,
FM0630 TL temporarily from TL=Until NSC=No sig cloud
0830 3000 0630 until 0830, Any of the wind forecast, visibility, weather or cloud groups may be
SHRA 3000 metres, used, and CAVOK. Multiple groups may be present.
Moderate rain
EGLY 24015KT 200V280 8000 —RA FEW010 BKN025 OVC080 18/15
Q0983 TEMPO 3000 RA BKN008 OVC020=
An example of the above METAR for 1220 UTC on the 30th of the month, in plain language:
EGLY: Surface wind: mean 240 deg true, 15 kn; varying between 200 and 280 deg; prevailing vis 8 km; light rain; cloud; 1-2 oktas base
1000 ft , 5-7 oktas 2500 ft, 8 oktas 8000 ft; temperature +18 °C, dew point +15°C; QNH 983 mb; Trend: temporarily 3000 m in moderate
rain with 5-7 oktas 800 ft, 8 oktas 2000 ft.
EGPZ 30025G37KT 270V360 6000 1200NE +SHSN SCT005 BKN010CB
03/M01 Q0999 RETS BECMG AT1300 NSW SCT015 BKN100=
An example of the above METAR for 1220 UTC on the 30th of the month, in plain language:
EGPZ: Surface wind: mean 300 deg true, 25 kn; maximum 37 kn, varying between 270 and 360 deg; prevailing vis 6 km, minimum vis
1200 m (to north-east); heavy shower of snow, Cloud; 3-4 oktas base 500 ft , 5-7 oktas CB base 1000 ft, temperature +3°C, dew point -
1°C; QNH 999 mb; Thunderstorm since the previous report; Trend: improving at 1300 Zulu to 10 km or more, nil weather, 3-4 oktas 1500
ft, 5-7 oktas 10,000 ft. 03/04/2006