Lab 26-27

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The key takeaways are the concepts of series and parallel resonance in RLC circuits including how the resonance frequency, impedance, bandwidth and Q factor are defined and related.

In series resonance, the impedance is minimum at resonance while in parallel resonance the impedance is maximum. In series circuits, the current is maximum at resonance while in parallel circuits the voltage is maximum. The phase shift between voltage and current is 0 degrees for both at resonance.

The bandwidth is inversely proportional to the Q factor. A higher Q factor results in a narrower bandwidth. The equation relating resonance frequency (fr), bandwidth (BW) and Q factor is Q = fr/BW.


Spring 2017

Experiment 26&27

Series Resonance & Parallel Resonance

By: DR. Carols Beane

Team member:

Series Resonance:
The reactance of inductor increases with frequency according to the equation:
XL = 2πfL
On the other hand the reactance of the capacitor decreases with frequency according to
the equation:
XC = 1/2πfC
Consider the series LC circuit shown in 1(a). In any LC circuit there is a frequency at
which inductive reactance becomes equal to capacitive reactance. The point at which these two
are equal is called resonance. By setting XL = XC, substituting the above relation and solving for
frequency f, it is easy to show that the resonance frequency of an LC circuit is:
fr = = 2𝜋(𝐿𝐶)0.5

Where fr is the resonance frequency. At series resonance the phasor for inductor and capacitor
are added and cancel each other. This is illustrated in figure 1(b). The current in the circuit is
only limited by total resistance of the circuit. The current in this example is 5 mA. If each
impedance is multiply by this current the result will be phasor voltage and is shown in figure
1(c). At resonant frequency, the cancellation of inductive and capacitive phasors leave only the
resistive phasor to limit the current in circuit. Therefor at resonance, the impedance of the circuit
is minimum and the resistance is maximum and equal to VS/R. The phase angle between the
source voltage and current is zero.

Figure 1(a)
Figure 1(b)

Figure 1(c)
The bandwidth of the selective circuit is the frequency range at which the current is 70.7% of the
maximum current. A highly selective circuit thus have a narrow bandwidth. The sharpness of the
response to the frequencies is determined by the circuit Q. The bandwidth and the resonance
frequency of the circuit can be shown to be related to Q by the equation:
𝑄 = 𝐵𝑊

Figure 2 illustrate how the bandwidth can change with Q.

Figure (2)
A useful equation that relates the circuit capacitance, inductance and resistance with Q is:

Parallel Resonance:
In RLC parallel circuit the current in each branch is determined by the applied voltage and the
impedance of each branch. Since XL and XC are the function of frequency, it is apparent that the
current in each branch is also dependent on frequency. The resonance frequency in this
experiment can be found as the same relation that we used in series LC circuit.
fr = = 2𝜋(𝐿𝐶)0.5

The circuit and phasor diagram for an RLC circuit at resonance is illustrated in figure 3(a). The
current through each branch is shown in figure 3(b).
Figure 3(a)

Figure 3(b)
In practical two branch parallel circuit consisting of an inductor and capacitor, the only
significant resistance is the winding resistance of the inductor. Figure 4(a) illustrate the practical
LC circuit. By network theorem the parallel LC circuit can be converted to Parallel RLC circuit
as shown in figure 4(b).
The equation to convert the resistance and its inductance to an equivalent parallel circuit are:
Figure 4(a) Figure 4(b)

After performing these experiments you will be able to:
i. Compute the resonance frequency, Q and the bandwidth of the series LC circuit.
ii. Measure the parameters listed in Objective 1.
iii. Explain the factors affecting the selectivity of a series resonant circuit.
iv. Compute the resonance frequency, Q and the bandwidth of the parallel circuit LC circuit.
v. Measure the parameters listed in Objective 4.
vi. Use the frequency response to determine the bandwidth of the parallel RLC circuit.

i. One 100 Ω, one 47 Ω and one 1 k Ω resistor.
ii. One 0.01 u F and one 0.047 u F capacitor
iii. Two 100 m H inductors.


Series Resonance:
i. Measure the values of 100 m H inductor, 0.01 u F capacitor, 100 ohm and 47 ohm
resistors and write down in table 1.
ii. Measure the winding resistance Rw, and enter in table 1.
Table 1.
Listed Value Measured Value
C1 0.01 U F 0.01 U F
R1 100 Ω 100 Ω
Rs1 47 Ω 47 Ω
L1 100 m H 100 m H
Rw (L1 9.015kΩ

iii. Construct the circuit shown in figure 5. Compute the total resistance of equivalent
series circuit.
Figure 5.

iv. Enter the computed resistances in table 2.

Table 2.
Computed Measured
RT 9.179 k Ω N/A
Fr 5.04kHz N/A
Q 3.5 N/A
VRs1 N/A 0.995 Vp-p
f2 N/A 5.0621kHz
f1 N/A 4.012kHz
BW 1.54 kHz 1.05 kHz

v. Using the measured value from table 1, find the resonant frequency by this

vi. Compute Q from this formula

vii. Compute bandwidth from the equation:

Vc(max)=49 Vp-p
VL(max)=46.46 Vp-p

Parallel Resonance:

viii. Measure the values of 100 m H inductor, 0.047 u F capacitor and 1 k ohm resistor
and write it in table 3.

ix. Measure the inductance of the inductor and enter the value in table 3.
Table 3.
Listed Value Measured Value
C1 0.047 u F 0.047 u F
Rs1 1kΩ 1kΩ
L1 100 m H 100 m H
Rw (L1 9.015kΩ

x. Construct the circuit shown in figure 6. Compute the resonance frequency by the

Figure 6.
xi. Enter the computed resonant frequency in table 4. Set generator to fr 1.0 V output,
as measured with your oscilloscope.
xii. Compute approximate Q of the parallel LC circuit from:

Enter this value in table 4.

xiii. Compute the value of bandwidth from the equation:

Enter this value in table 4.

xiv. Compute the frequency increment (fi) by dividing the Computed bandwidth by 4.
Enter this value in table 4.

Table 4.
Computed Measured
Fr 2.322 kHz 2.27 KHz
Q 1.56 N/A
fi= BW/4 0.37211 kHz N/A
BW 1.48846 kHz 2.31 kHZ

xv. Use measured frequency and increment frequency from table 4 and compute 11
frequencies in column 1 of table 5.
Computed frequency VRS1 I Z

fr-5fi=0.4615 kHz 678.679mV 678.738µA 1.473kΩ

fr-4fi=0.83326kHz 622.593mV 622.593 µA 1.606kΩ

fr-3fi=1.2057kHZ 551.084mV 551.084µA 1.814.6kΩ

fr-2fi=1.5778kHz 475.847mV 475.847µA 2.101kΩ
fr-fi=1.9499kHz 402.919mV 402.919µA 2.481kΩ
fr=2.322kHz 335.62mV 335.63µA 2.979kΩ
fr+fi=2.6941 kHz 274.51mV 274.51µA 3.642kΩ
fr+2fi=3.0662kHz 219.863mV 219.863µA 4.548kΩ
fr+3fi=3.4383kHz 169.32mV 169.32µA 5.905kΩ
fr+4fi=3.8104kHz 123.954mV 123.9µA 8.071kΩ
fr+5fi=4.1825kHZ 82.531 82.52µA 12.12kΩ

Series Resonance:
(a) Compute the percent difference between the computed and measured values of

The difference is 31.81%.

(b) What factors accounts the difference between computed and measured bandwidth.
The factors are the losses associated with capacitive and inductive circuits such as the
effect of back-emf and capacitive leakage losses.
(a) What is the impedance of the experimental circuit at resonance?
The impedance is Z=R=1k ohm.

(b) What is the phase shift between the total current and voltage?

The phase shift between total current and voltage at resonance is 0o

(a) What happens to the resonance frequency, if the inductor is twice and capacitor is half as
If we double the value of inductor and reduce the value of capacitor to half then resonant
frequency will remain unchanged.
(b) What happens to bandwidth?
Bandwidth will be decrease by half if L is double and C is half.
Q4: Compute the resonance frequency with 50 u H inductor series with 1000 p F capacitor?
Resonant freq = 1/2π*(50u H * 1000p F)^0.5
= 711.76 k Hz
(a) Compare the impedance as the function of frequency for series and parallel resonance.
(b) The impedance of series resonance circuit at resonance is 47Ω and for parallel it is 3kΩ.

Q6: What was the phase shift between the current and voltage at resonance?
At resonance, voltage and current are in phase as the network becomes pure resistive.

Q7: What factor affect Q of a parallel resonant circuit?

The factor effect Q are the inductance and the resistance. While XL=Xc. That mean capacitive
reactance also effect Q.

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