Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory
Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory
Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory
Abstract: The aim of this study is introducing a technique to illuminate composite issue, aspects or system factors,
the complicated problems need to be structured with graphical illustration and analyzed casual interdependence and
influences throughout the organization. Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL)
methodology is proposed to for researching and solving complex and intertwined problem groups because of its
capability in verifying interdependence between variables and try to improve them by offering a specific chart to
reflect interrelationships between variables. In this technique experts plays complementary and approval role in all
steps and sections. , key factors will be clarified by using the direct-influenced matrix and then it specifies priorities
of each factor. The end product of the DEMATEL process is a visual demonstration-the Impact-Relations Map
(IRM)-by which respondents organize their own actions in the world. First In this study, DEMATEL methodology
in explained and then kind of different problems which can be solved by DEMATEL, will discussed and finally the
method of DEMATEL is detailed completely.
Keywords: Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL), MCDM, Hybrid model
importance of factors instead of considering only Evaluating Sustainable Supplier (Chiou et al., 2011),
specific factors (Fontela and Gabus, 1976). prioritizing distribution centers in supply chain (Amiri
The main objective of this study is nominating a et al., 2011) Besides the results from final step of
MCDM method for solving complicated issues and for DEMATEL (IRM) could be used in fuzzy approach to
evaluating, comparing and improving the effectiveness evaluate the super additive efficiency rate After
of every system factors by dividing all factors into determining the interrelations between criteria and also
cause and effect group. Actually, DEMATEL technique it could be combined with another multi criteria
is able to visualize interdependencies among the decision making methods like Analytic Hierarchy
unpredictable aspects by representing direct Process (AHP), Analytic Network Process method
relationship map (Fig. 1) (Elham et al., 2012). Also the (ANP) (Saaty, 1996; Tsai and Chou, 2009) to quantify
strange of influence of each factor is demonstrated as dependence and feedback relationships between certain
numerical and it manages to find that which factors criteria, VIKOR and Technique for Order Performance
have more effects on other factor. Therefore, by by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). in these cases
improving the case group, effect group will be the final decision will be effected by DEMATEL result
improved easily. In fact, aspects in effect group are tend while it is applied as a part of hybrid MCDM model.
to be simply influenced by others features in cause
group. As a result, this methodology enables business The DEMATEL method:
managers to reach a high performance regarding to the
effect group criteria in all fields. For applying DEMATEL, there are 5 main step:
0 = no influence
1 = low influence
2 = high influence
3 = very high influence
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