This document provides a material safety data sheet for a reference fill solution containing 4M potassium chloride and saturated silver chloride in water. The solution is a clear, odorless liquid that is non-flammable and presents minimal health hazards. It can cause irritation if it contacts skin or eyes or is ingested. Proper handling and disposal procedures are outlined.
This document provides a material safety data sheet for a reference fill solution containing 4M potassium chloride and saturated silver chloride in water. The solution is a clear, odorless liquid that is non-flammable and presents minimal health hazards. It can cause irritation if it contacts skin or eyes or is ingested. Proper handling and disposal procedures are outlined.
This document provides a material safety data sheet for a reference fill solution containing 4M potassium chloride and saturated silver chloride in water. The solution is a clear, odorless liquid that is non-flammable and presents minimal health hazards. It can cause irritation if it contacts skin or eyes or is ingested. Proper handling and disposal procedures are outlined.
This document provides a material safety data sheet for a reference fill solution containing 4M potassium chloride and saturated silver chloride in water. The solution is a clear, odorless liquid that is non-flammable and presents minimal health hazards. It can cause irritation if it contacts skin or eyes or is ingested. Proper handling and disposal procedures are outlined.
Product Name: Reference Fill Solution, 4M KCl & Saturated Ag+ Manufacturer’s Name: Van London pHoenix Company Distributed By: Van London pHoenix Company Address: 6103 Glenmont Dr. Houston, Texas 77081 Phone: 713/772-6641 Fax: 713/772-4671
Chemical Name: Potassium chloride / Silver chloride in Water
Chemical Family Salt solution DOT Shipping Info: N/A IATA Shipping Info: N/A
Section II: Ingredients
CAS No. % Chemical Name LD50 (mg/kg) OSHA/PEL oral-rat ACGIH TLV 7783-90-6 0.001% Silver chloride 330 None 7447-40-7 30% Potassium chloride 383 None 7732-18-5 69.999% Water None None
Section III: Physical Data
Boiling Point: 104°C Specific Gravity: 1.1 Vapor Pressure: N/A Freezing Point: -4°C Vapor Density: N/A pH: 5.5 – 8 Water Solubility: Soluble Appearance & Odor: Clear, odorless liquid Section IV: Fire & Explosion Hazard Data Flashpoint: Not Flammable Auto ignition Temperature: N/A Extinguishing Media: Water, CO2, dry chemical Special Fire Fighting Procedures: N/A Unusual Fire & Explosion Hazards: N/A
Section V: Health Hazard Data
Effects of Overexposure: Irritation of skin, irritation in an open wound. Irritation of eyes. Emergency & First Aid: Wash off contact area with water. Eyes & Skin: Wash off contact area with water. Ingestion/Inhalation: Consult physician.
Section VI: Reactivity Data
Stable: Yes Conditions to Avoid: N/A Incompatibility: None, Suitable for any general storage. Hazardous Decomposition Products: None Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur.
Section VII: Spill or Leak Procedures
Steps to be Taken: Clean up and set aside for waste disposal. Waste Disposal Method: Observe all federal, state, and local laws when disposing of this product. Section VIII: Special Protection Information Respiratory Protection: N/A Ventilation: N/A Protective Gloves: Any Eye Protection: Safety goggles Other Protective Equipment: N/A
Section IX: Special Precautions
Precautions to be taken SARA Title III: The chemicals in this product do not appear in Handling & Storage: on this listing. Other Precautions: Hazard rating (0-4): Health-0, Flammability-0, Reactivity-0, Specific-0.
Issue Date: September 14, 2010
Name: Peter F. Boyle, Quality Control Manager Signature: