Week 8 Newsletter

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Year 3/4, Week 8 News

What’s Happening This Week

• Monday 15th, Day 6 (Montenegrin, Music)
• Tuesday 16th, Day 1 (Montenegrin, Library) 12:10 Student Council Meeting
Wednesday 17th, Day 2 (P.E) *12.45pm ASSEMBLY *Early finish @ 1.30pm
• Thursday 18th, Day 3 (Art, Montenegrin)
• Friday 19th, Day 4 (Montenegrin, Music, PE)

A Peek At What We Have Been Learning

Last week we started tuning in to our new Unit of Inquiry, ‘Buildings and Structures’.
We pulled apart the central idea, “The design of buildings and structures is
dependent upon environmental factors, human ingenuity and available
materials,” to develop a deeper understanding of our unit and vocabulary. We also
reflected upon our previous unit to come up with ideas for our assembly, which the
children are excited to present this Wednesday.

In Maths, we continued to work on developing our knowledge and skills of

multiplication. We also integrated our unit of inquiry by exploring 2D and 3D shapes;
naming them and describing their attributes.

In English, many children put the final touches to their Role Model reports and
produced their unit reflections. As a class we also worked on improving our reading
stamina, which is a child's ability to focus and read independently for long-ish
periods of time without being distracted or without distracting others. Last week, we
increased our reading stamina by 4 minutes.

A friendly reminder about uniforms: It is wonderful to see that most students are
wearing the correct uniforms and bringing their P.E. kits on P.E. days. However,
inappropriate footwear in still occurring. School shoes must be a neutral colour
being black, brown or navy blue only. Other colours and boots are not approved
uniform. Thank you for your support.
Home Learning
Change to homework: Weekly homework will be given to students on
Mondays. Written tasks in homework folders must be completed by and
handed in for marking on Fridays.

Students can still access Raz Readers, Spelling City and StudyLadder on
weekends. However, apart from reading for enjoyment, I highly encourage
families to focus on school work during the week and to use weekends to
enjoy extra-curricular activities with friends and/or family.

• Spelling:
1. Complete written ‘spelling’ activities in blue homework folder.
2. Spelling City: Complete Week # spelling assignment tasks by using class time
during Daily 5 (English) and home time. Spelling test will be on Friday.

• Reading:
1. Read at least 5 times a week for approximately 20 minutes.
2. Record reading in Reading Log, write a reflection sentence and ask adult to sign.
3. Complete at least 2 Raz Kids (A to Z) assignments per week.

• Maths:
1. Study Ladder: Complete activities under heading “HOMEWORK”.

• Unit of Inquiry: How The World Works, ‘Buildings and Structures’ (Unit 2)

What are houses like in your home country? How are they made? Why?

(Shapes / Sizes / Building Materials / Locations / Changes over time / etc.)

Produce a poster or book to display in the classroom about houses in your home
country. Due: Monday 22nd October 2018

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