Week 12 Newsletter

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Year 3/4, Week 12 News

What’s Happening This Week

• Monday 19th November DAY 2 Mother Tongue, P.E.
• Tuesday 20th November DAY 3 Art , Montenegrin, WORLD CHILDREN’S DAY
• Wednesday 21st November DAY 4 Montenegrin, Music, P.E. (Early Dismal)
• Thursday 22nd November DAY 5 Montenegrin, Art
• Friday 23rd November DAY 6. Montenegrin, Music

Final Week of Buildings & Structures!

Already it is our final week of our 2nd Unit of Inquiry, Buildings and Structures,
so we will be beginning our summative projects in class. Each student will be
given an image of a structure and its location. They will then use class time to
identify the structural features (materials, size, shape, colours, etc) and
research the location and purpose to be able to explain these architectural
choices (purpose, climate, availability of resources, cultural beliefs, etc). To
demonstrate their knowledge of procedural writing, they will also build a small
model of their structure and compose an instructional text, “How to Build……’.

In Maths, we will continue to work with numbers to improve our addition,

subtraction and multiplication number facts. We will also begin to explore length
and measurement.

Kind regards, Miss Katrina.

Home Learning

• Spelling (10-15 minutes daily):

MUST DO: All ‘spelling’ activities in homework folder.

OPTIONAL EXTRA: Spelling City - Week 12 Spelling assignment tasks.

Spelling test will be on MONDAYS.

• Reading (20 minutes daily):

1. Read at least 5 times a week for approximately 20 minutes.
2. Record reading in Reading Log, write a reflection sentence and ask adult to sign.

Week 12 *Complete 2 or more assignments on Raz Kids (read book + quiz).

• Maths (10-15minutes daily):

1. Study Ladder: All activities in ‘Set Tasks’ under the sub-heading “HOMEWORK”.

• Unit of Inquiry:
Final projects will be completed during class time.

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