Greek and Latin Roots Week 3
Greek and Latin Roots Week 3
Greek and Latin Roots Week 3
Continue to Study the Grade Level specific Greek and Latin Roots (study the yellow paper and the hot
pink paper)
1. Im, non, un, dis, mis, in Negative, not, no Unimpressed= not impressed
2. Re again Revisit= visit again
3. -ty, -ity Actof, process of, done with Sincerity, longevity
4. Pre, ex, fore, under Shows position Before, underneath
5. Uni, bi, tri Shows amount or size Unicorn= one corn
6. -ly, -ily How something is happily
7. -er, -est Used to compare 2 things happier
8. -y, -ful, -less Shows quantity Beautiful= having beauty
9. -ness condition Illness=shows you are ill
10. -en action Driven=you have drive
Add these NEW Greek and Latin Roots to your List of Words to Know for the Quiz Nov.2.2018.
Also, continue to study the green sheet titled “common idioms/adages”. These will also be on the test!