Udl Lesson For Sarah Schuller

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Lesson Planning Template Teacher: Sarah Schuller

Lesson Overview
Subject: Math 6 Unit: 1- Numbers Date: November 29, 2017- December 1, 2017
Lesson: 1D- Rational Numbers
Subject Standard: List the learning standard for the unit addressed by today’s lesson.
6.NS.C.6- Understand a rational number as a point on the number line. Extend number line diagrams and coordinate axes familiar from previous
grades to represent points on the line and in the plane with negative number coordinates.
Learning Objective: As a result of class today, students will be able to… I Can Statements:
 I can understand a rational number as a point on the number line,
o Understand that rational numbers are distinct points on a number extending the number line to represent points on the number line
line. and in the coordinate plane. (Knowledge, 6.NS.C.6)
o Find and position rational numbers on a horizontal or vertical  I can find and position integers and other rational numbers on a
number line. horizontal or vertical number line. (Skill, 6.NS.C.6)
o Compare and order a set of rational numbers in mathematical or real-
world contexts.

Connection: (How does this lesson connect to yesterday’s lesson?)

In grade 5 (5.G.A.1) the students use a pair of perpendicular number lines to define the coordinate system. They use ordered pairs to locate points in
quadrant I. Teachers are encouraged to stress that the origin is the ordered pair (0, 0), not just zero. In grade 6 plotting points in the coordinate plane is in
Unit 5. This unit stresses plotting points on both horizontal and vertical number lines in preparation. Although negative integers are used as initial
examples of negative numbers, the standards do not introduce the integers separately from the entire system of rational numbers. On a standardized test,
the set of rational numbers will include positive and negative integers, fractions, and decimals. Immediately prior to this lesson students have compared
and ordered integers and classified rational numbers and identified their absolute value.

Formative assessment process:

How will students demonstrate learning of the objective?
 Students will demonstrate learning of the objective through at least one daily activity that is formatively assessed. Site areas throughout the plan
that detail the formative assessments.

How will teacher provide feedback to students?

 Feedback will be provided written and verbally through comments and scores on the activities.

What action will students take on that feedback?

 Students may make revisions on written work and should adjust their choices and/ or methods to ordering and comparing fractions when given
verbal feedback.

Summative assessment: How will students be expected to demonstrate mastery of the learning objective?
Students will be summatively assessed through a learning check of choice questions.
How will you scaffold instruction for students that are stuck or don’t have How will you further learning for students that are ready to advance beyond
the pre-requisite skills? the standard?

Instruction will be tailored to students’ need of pre-requisite stills based on a Students that perform significantly well on the pre-assessment will begin
pre-assessment (See day 1 plans). Furthermore, small groups will be pulled the lesson a day early on ordering and comparing rational numbers. In
two out of the three days of this lesson to address students that are stuck. addition, students will be challenged to author problems and order and
compare rational numbers within integers and numbers expressed in
absolute value.
Plan- Day 1
Materials: student devices, paper copy of drill, instructions for student tasks, calculators, multiplication charts, place value charts, Cornell note pages,
blank paper
How will you
What will the Teacher(s) be Questions and Formative
What will the Students be Doing? incorporate UDL for
Doing? (What activity will students be completing? Include Assessment
Part of (How will the teacher present differentiation? (What questions will the teacher
Time detailed description and strategies such as Notice & (What modifications will be made
Lesson information and monitor students? Note, Peer Assessment/ Self-Assessment etc., as well pose to enhance learning? How
How will co-teachers/paras etc. be to activities? What supports will will students’ learning be
as any Technology Integration) be provided for students? How
utilized?) formatively assessed?)
will students be grouped?)
5 minutes Warm-  Circulating to checking in on  Pg. 1 Labeling the parts of a fraction and  Options for Language, Why did you label that part of
up/Drill students decimal. Students may complete this in the Math Expressions, & the decimal/fraction with that
 Taking note of those posing following formats: Symbols- 2.1, 2.3 word?
difficulty and those that are - On paper, with word bank  Options for Physical
excelling. - On paper, without word bank Action- 4.1 Students will be assessed
 Handing out hoots for those - On devices, with word bank  Options for Recruiting informally by the teacher and
sustaining the mental effort of - On devices, without word bank Interest- 7.1 self-assessed by the student
this task.  After 3 minutes of work time, students will when making corrections
 A whole class review will be have the opportunity to share answers following whole class
facilitated by the teacher after 3 whole class by dragging words into discussion.
minutes of work time. matching areas of the diagrams on the
promethean board.
5 minutes Direct/Guided  Distribute personalized  Begin working on their personalized  Options for The teacher will ask questions
Instruction assignments based on pre- assignments on their devices when received. Comprehension- 3.1 to clarify the tasks, (ie. Where
assessment data. Choose an item. to find assignments, where to
 Information will arrive in a Choose an item. record information, etc.)
written and verbal form. If
needed, demonstrations to
navigate to assignments will be
25 minutes Independent  A small group will be held to  Students having been identified in the pre-  Options for Language, Questions will prompt students
Work instruct students on converting assessment not understanding how to Math Expressions, & throughout virtual lessons
decimals to fractions and convert fractions to decimals will relearn Symbols- 2.1, 2.2, 2.3,
fractions to decimals. this skill in a brainpop lesson. 2.5 Questions the teacher may ask
 The teacher will use calculators  Options for Expression the students in the small group
and multiplication tables to help  Students having been identified in the pre- & Communication- 5.2 may be about identifying the
students convert fractions to assessment not understanding how to  Options for Sustaining parts of a fraction or decimal to
decimals. convert decimals to fractions will relearn Effort & Persistence- 8.2 write the number as a fraction
 A place value chart will be used this skill in a Khan Academy lesson. or decimal, what to type into a
to help students convert calculator or what is the next
decimals to fractions.  Students having been identified in the pre- step.
assessment understanding how to convert
fractions to decimals and decimals to Data from online personalized
fractions will begin the ordering and programs and in small group
comparing lesson through the interactive will count toward informal
student lesson module 3.3 on HMH. assessment data.

 Students having been identified in the pre-

assessment not understanding how to
convert fractions to decimals and decimals
to fractions will work with the teacher in a
small group to relearn these skills. Students
will record notes and findings on Cornell
notes. They will have a choice of lined,
blank or grid paper. Students may also
choose to type their notes in a word
processor or one notebook. They will be
gradually released to wither the voice thread
or khan academy lessons depending on their
performance in the small group.
7 minutes Summary  Circulating to assess students  Pg. 2 Students will respond to the question: Can you support your thinking
understanding and offer “How do you…”  Options for Expression & with an example?
assistance  Students will select the topic in which they Communication- 5.1, 5.2
studied in their personalized lesson:  Options for Recruiting What vocabulary are you
- Convert fractions to decimals Interest- 7.1, 7.2 using? How are your using it?
- Convert decimals to fractions
- Order and compare rational numbers How does this apply to your
 Students may respond to this question on life? To the real world?
paper or via a BCPSone turn in in the
following formats: Students writing samples will
- Letter to a classmate/ friend/ teacher/ be reviewed as an informal
parent assessment and rated on a 3,2,1
- Demonstrate how to solve a problem scale.
- Directions/ List
- Story
- Poem
- Labeled diagram
7 minutes Summative  Operate Kahoot as students play.  Pg. 3 Engage in a Kahoot game with  Options for Language, Kahoot data will be used to
Assessment This will include advancing questions asking students to convert Math Expressions, & group students further and/ or
questions and reading questions. fractions to decimals and decimals to Symbols- 2.1, 2.2, 2,3 assign tasks for another day.
fractions.  Options for Sustaining
Effort & Persistence-
8.2, 8.4

Homework: Students will choose a leveled worksheet on converting fractions and decimals from HMH
AVID Integration: ☒ Writing ☐ Inquiry ☐ Collaboration ☐ Organization ☒ Reading
Plan- Day 2
Materials: Devises, paper copy of the drill, graphic aids, calculators, and numberlines, clip boards, seek and solve questions, tape, seek and solve answer page, seek and solve answer
key, 3,2,1 ticket
How will you
What will the Teacher(s) be incorporate UDL for Questions and Formative
What will the Students be Doing?
Doing? (What activity will students be completing? Include differentiation? Assessment
Part of (How will the teacher present (What questions will the teacher
Time detailed description and strategies such as Notice & (What modifications will be
Lesson information and monitor students? Note, Peer Assessment/ Self-Assessment etc., as well made to activities? What pose to enhance learning? How
How will co-teachers/paras etc. be as any Technology Integration) supports will be provided for will students’ learning be
utilized?) students? How will students be formatively assessed?)
5 minutes Warm-  Circulating to checking in on  Pg 4. Converting integers and decimals into How do you convert any
up/Drill students fractions. Students may complete this on  Options for Physical integers into a rational
 Taking note of those posing paper or on devices via BCPSone turn ins. Action- 4.1 number?
difficulty and those that are Choose an item.
excelling.  After 3 minutes of work time, students will How do you convert any
 Handing out hoots for those have the opportunity to share answers whole decimal into a fraction?
sustaining the mental effort of class by writing answers on the paper copy
this task. under the document camera. Students will be assessed
 A whole class review will be informally by the teacher and
facilitated by the teacher after 3 self-assessed by the student
minutes of work time. when making corrections
following whole class
5 minutes Inquiry Based  The teacher will conduct a poll  Pg. 4 The students will engage in the poll  Options for Recruiting How did you conclude which
Investigation everywhere posing the everywhere to identify the greatest value and Interest- 7.3 value was the greatest? The
questions: the least value least?

 Which of the six values from the Could we have made these
drill is the greatest? conclusions if they were not all
 Which of the values is the least? fractions? Why or why not?

How did we order and

compare these fractions/
17 minutes Direct/Guided  Facilitate the Nearpod lesson  Engage in a Nearpod lesson with  Options for Language, Use quiz data within the
Instruction while asking guiding questions multimedia instruction, assessment Math Expressions, & Nearpod lesson to support
to solidify understanding questions and whole group practice Symbols- 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, students in small groups and
2.4, 2.5 independent work
 Options for Sustaining
Effort & Persistence- 8.2
13 minutes Independent  Circulating to assess students  PPT. & pg. 5 Students will participate in a  Options for Perception- Why did you choose to order
Work understanding and offer seek and solve activity. 1.3 the values this way?
assistance on the seek and solve  Proficient students from the Nearpod  Options for Physical
assessment will move fluidly through the Action- 4.1 How can you justify that this
 Further instructing small groups questions possibly not using the answers on  Options for Recruiting value is greater? Less?
by performing practice problems the outside of the flaps to guide their Interest- 7.1
with students using scaffolding process.
techniques, graphic aids,  Students who are less proficient may use the How could you have turned
calculators, and numberlines answers to aid in their completion of the this question into a real world
tasks along with a buddy and graphic aids/ problem?
 Students may choose to walk around the
room to solve problems, work at a seat with
them in a packet, or complete the packet
online via a powerpoint slide presentation.

 Students who are the least proficient will be

working with the teacher and continue
performing practice problems by
scaffolding, graphic aids, calculators and
5 minutes Evaluation  Pg. 6 Provide seek and solve  Students who have completed the seek and  Options for Self- Student progress from the seek
answers to students who solve will self-evaluate by assessing their Regulation- 9.3 and solve and individual
participated in order to self own work. answers from students in the
assess through the front board  Students who were working with the small group will be used as
and copies of the answer keys teacher may work alone or with a partner on formative data.
on student desks. a choice of problems that the teacher will
 Progress will be recorded in the use to evaluate their progression to
gradebook. understanding.
5 minutes Summary  Distribute 3,2,1 tickets and  Pg. 7 Complete the 3,2,1 exit ticket and turn  Options for Perception- 3,2,1 tickets will be used as
monitor completion. in to be evaluated and displayed 1.3 informal data particularly the
 The ticket may be completed virtually and  Options for Self- entry for 1 in which students
turned in by BCPSone turn ins or on paper Regulation- 9.3 must ask a question. Student
 Question may be answered in writing, questions will assist in further
pictures, or text to speech grouping students and
assigning tasks.
Homework: None
AVID Integration: ☒ Writing ☒ Inquiry ☒ Collaboration ☐ Organization ☒ Reading
Plan- Day 3
Materials: Smartpals, markers, wipes, poster paper, tape, devises, drill on paper, video fill in the blank, Cornell note pages, learning check
What will the Teacher(s) be How will you incorporate Questions and Formative
What will the Students be Doing?
Doing? (What activity will students be completing? Include UDL for differentiation? Assessment
Part of (What modifications will be made (What questions will the teacher
Time (How will the teacher present detailed description and strategies such as Notice &
Lesson to activities? What supports will pose to enhance learning? How
information and monitor students? How Note, Peer Assessment/ Self-Assessment etc., as well
as any Technology Integration) be provided for students? How will students’ learning be
will co-teachers/paras etc. be utilized?)
will students be grouped?) formatively assessed?)
5 minutes Warm-  Circulating to checking in on  Pg. 8 Students will choose between three real How did you know how to
up/Drill students world questions to answer in which the task is  Options for Physical order both fractions and
 Taking note of those posing to order or compare the rational numbers. Action- 4.1 decimals?
difficulty and those that are  Students may answer these questions on  Options for Sustaining
excelling. paper or via BCPSone turn ins. Effort & Persistence- 8.2 What other situations are there
 Handing out hoots for those in the real world in which we
sustaining the mental effort of  After 3 minutes of work time, students will must order and compare
this task. have the opportunity to share answers whole rational numbers?
 A whole class review will be class by writing answers on the paper copy
facilitated by the teacher after 3 under the document camera. Students will be assessed
minutes of work time. informally by the teacher and
self-assessed by the student
when making corrections
following whole class
7 minutes Reteach  Show a video to reteach the  Pg. 9 While viewing the video, students will  Options for Language, What was your biggest take
process of ordering and be filling in the steps to the process as Math Expressions, & away from the video?
comparing rational numbers from outlined in a fill-in the blank matching to the Symbols- 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
HMH video or students may take Cornell notes.  Options for Expression & What questions do you still
Communication- 5.2 have from watching the video?
Choose an item.
25 minutes Independent  Circulate, checking in with Students will select their tasks based on their Final products will collected
Work students especially those in the comfort level and feedback from the previous  Options for Physical and reviewed for a formative
partially proficient grouping two days. The following are the options: Action- 4.1, 4.2 evaluation.
 Aid proficient students in the  Options for Recruiting
peer tutoring of developing Proficient Interest- 7.1, 7.3
students - Create a tutorial
High Tech Low Tech
Video Book
Screencast omatic Poster/ anchor chart
and paint
Emaze, prezi, or PPT Song/ poem/ rap
- Practice games A, B, C
- Peer tutoring
Partially Proficient
- Khan academy lessons
- Textbook questions with math on the
Spot videos for lesson 3.1
- Peer tutoring
- HMH interactive student edition 3.1
- Animated math on HMH 3.1
- Peer tutoring

5 minutes Summary  Circulating to checking in on  Students will choose a corner.  Options for Recruiting Did your group agree on an
students  Each corner has a different question. Interest- 7.1 answer? Why or why not?
 Posing questions to challenging  Students will turn and talk to the peers in  Provide options for
thinking and check that corner and respond to the question. sustaining effort and Was the question easy to
understanding  Pg. 10-13 Together students will devise persistence- 8.3 answer? Why or why not?
 Handing out hoots for those one answer which can be drawn, written or
sustaining the mental effort of spoken to the group when sharing out How does your question or
this task. whole class. The questions are: answer apply to a real world
 Providing feedback on their - Why must we order rational application?
product to be shared with class numbers?
- Why must we compare rational
- What are some challenges or
common mistakes when ordering
and comparing rational numbers?
- What is the process for ordering
and comparing rational numbers?

7 minutes Summative  Provide a learning check to  Pg. 14 Students will take the learning check Options for Perception- 1.1 This summative assessment
Assessment serve as the summative on paper or via BCPSone test and quizzes. will be scored out of nine
assessment  Students will be given the option of 4 totaling 3 points per question.
 Circulate to clarify any questions but will only have to respond to 3.
misunderstandings or

Homework: HMH Homework for 3.3

AVID Integration: ☒ Writing ☒ Inquiry ☒ Collaboration ☐ Organization ☒ Reading

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