MODULE 4.5 Quantum Physics

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By Suhayl Patel – SP RESOURCES

1. Electromagnetic energy is emitted, transmitted and absorbed in discrete packets or quanta. A
quantum of electromagnetic radiation is known as a photon. Photons have no charge – they
are neutral.
2. Explain what is meant by a photon?
a. a quantum of (e-m) energy/light

3. The energy of a photon, E, is proportional to its frequency f, and is expressed as:

a. 𝐸 = ℎ𝑓 =
b. Where E is the energy of a photon measured in Joules(J)
c. Where h is the Planck Constant: 6.63 x 10-34 Js
d. Where f is the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation measured in Hz
e. Where c is the speed of light in a vacuum: 3.0 x 108 ms-1
f. Where λ is the wavelength of the EM radiation in metres (m)

4. 𝐸 ∝ 𝜆
a. From the above equation we can see the energy of a photon is inversely proportional
to its wavelength.
b. Short-wavelength photons, like X-rays, have much more energy than long-wavelength
radio waves.

5. A photon of light enters a block of glass after traveling through a vacuum. The energy of the
photon on entering the glass block, stays the same because the frequency of the radiation
does not change.

6. Photon energies are usually given in electronvolts:

a. The energies involved when you’re talking about photons are so tiny that it makes
sense to use a more appropriate unit than the joule.
b. We often use another unit when measuring energies at the quantum scale, the
electronvolt (eV).
c. Electronvolt (eV): the energy of 1 eV is defined as the kinetic energy gained by an
electron when it is accelerated through a potential difference of 1V.
d. Therefore 𝑊 = 𝑚𝑣 2 = 𝑉𝑄 = 𝑒𝑉
e. As 1 electron volt = 𝑒 × 𝑉 = 1.6 × 10−19 𝐶 × 1 𝐽𝐶 −1 = 1.6 × 10−19 𝐽
f. 1 𝑒𝑉 = 1.6 × 10−19 𝐽

7. How to convert between Joules and electronvolts:

a. To convert from J to eV, divide by 1.6 x 10-19
b. To convert from eV to J, multiply by 1.6 x 10-19

Suhayl Patel
8. LEDS and the Planck constant: 6.63 x 10-34 Js
a. The Planck constant comes up in many aspects of physics. You can finds its value by
doing a simple experiment with light-emitting diodes (LED’s).
b. LED’s convert electrical energy into light energy. They emit visible photons when the
p.d. across them is above a critical value. This is called the threshold voltage, V0.
c. When the p.d. reaches V0 the LED lights up and starts emitting photons of a specific
d. At this V0 the work done is given by W = VQ
e. The energy of an electron equals the energy of the (emitted) photon.
f. Therefore 𝐸 = 𝑒𝑉0 = ℎ
(𝑒𝑉0 )𝜆
g. Rearranging the above for Planck’s constant gives ℎ =
h. So by finding the threshold voltage for a particular wavelength LED, you can estimate
the Planck constant. We can use a voltmeter to measure the threshold voltage. A black
tube places over the LED helps to show exactly when the LED lights up.

9. Describe the experiment used to estimate the Planck constant.

a. In order to obtain an accurate value for the Planck constant, we will use a number of
different monochromatic LED’s. The threshold voltage dictates the colour of the LED.
b. Describe the experiment:
i. The wavelength λ of the emitted photons is
determined during the manufacturing
ii. Adjust the potential divider to zero voltage.
iii. Place the first LED into the circuit as drawn,
and record its wavelength.
iv. Increase voltage until LED just lights/strikes.
Shield the LED inside an opaque tube to
judge strike more accurately.
v. Repeat 3 times and average to find V0. Record the average minimum voltage.
vi. Repeat for each colour LED.

c. How to calculate the Planck constant:

i. With your results, plot a graph of threshold voltages (V0) against 1/ λ (where
λ is the wavelength of light emitted by the LED in metres).
ii. After plotting your results, draw the line of best fit. It should be a straight line
that passes through the origin.
iii. As the graph shows a line with equation y=mx +c, and
the y axis = V0 , x axis = 1/ λ , and c (the y intercept) is
zero, the gradient of the line = V0λ
iv. As V0 and λ are related by the equation: 𝑒𝑉0 = ℎ𝜆 ,
𝑒(𝑉0 𝜆)
rearranging for h gives ℎ= .
v. Therefore, the Planck constant is the gradient
multiplied by e/c
1. h = (Vλ) x (e/c)

Suhayl Patel
The photoelectric effect
1. The photoelectric effect: emission of electron(s) from a metal (surface) when EM radiation is
incident on the surface.
a. The emitted electrons are sometimes
called photoelectrons. They are normal
electrons, but their name describe their
origin – emitted through the
photoelectric effect.

2. Describe an experiment to demonstrate the photoelectric effect. Describe how you would use
the apparatus and what would be observed.
a. The electroscope plate is initially negatively charged. Both the stem and the gold leaf
have the same charge, they repel each other, and the leaf lifts away from the stem.
b. A clean zinc plate is then mounted on the cap
of a gold-leaf electroscope.
c. shine UV lamp on plate
d. Whilst UV light is incident on zinc plate gold
leaf collapses as the charge leaks away from
the plate.
e. This shows that the electroscope has gradually
lost its negative charge, because the incident
UV radiation has caused free electrons to be
emitted from the zinc.
f. If the electroscope is initially positively
charged, the gold leaf does not move from its raised position: no
effect is observed. This occurs as any emitted electrons are
immediately attracted back to the plate as ‘unlike charges attract’.
So photoemission does occur, but the electroscope does not
g. When a glass sheet (which absorbs UV) is placed between the lamp
and the zinc, the gold leaf does not collapse, showing that it is the
UV which is causing the discharge.

Suhayl Patel
3. Threshold Frequency and Work function:
a. Threshold frequency, f0: The Threshold frequency (for a particular metal) is defined
as the minimum frequency of incident light which can cause photo electric emission.
b. Work Function, φ: the minimum energy required to release an electron from the
surface (of the metal).
c. A photon with less than the threshold frequency f0 cannot cause electron emission
so φ = hf0

2. Photoelectric Equation:
a. When a photon hits a surface electron it has a one-to-one interaction.
b. The photons either transfer all or none if its energy when interacting with an
electron. Energy is conserved.
c. The energy (E) transferred to an electron is hf
d. The kinetic energy it will be carrying when it leaves will be hf minus any energy it’s
lost on the way out. Therefore emitted electrons have a range of energies.
e. The minimum amount of energy an electron can lose is the work function energy, so
the maximum kinetic energy is given by Einstein’s photoelectric equation:
i. 𝐸 = ℎ𝑓 = φ + 𝐾𝐸𝑚𝑎𝑥
ii. Where 𝐾𝐸𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑚𝑣𝑚𝑎𝑥 2 and φ = h𝑓0

f. Einstein’s equation can be rearranged to

𝐾𝐸𝑚𝑎𝑥 = ℎ𝑓 − φ
i. This is in the same format as y = mx
+ c. so if you plot a graph of KEmax
against f for a specific metal, the
gradient of the line would be h and
the y-intercept would be the
negative of the work function of the
metal, −φ. The gradient will always
be h, the Planck constant for any
3. Why is the kinetic energy of a maximum value in Einstein’s equation:
a. Electrons in the metal are situated in different parts of the metal
lattice. Those near the surface, surface electrons, do not lose any
kinetic energy upon escape unlike those within the lattice.
Therefore it is KEmax. Non-surface electrons are slightly deeper
within the metal than surface electrons and so escape with
slightly less kinetic energy as they require slightly more energy
than the work function energy to escape.
b. If a photon strikes the surface of the metal with the work
function energy, then it will only have enough energy to free a
surface electron, with none left over to be transferred into
kinetic energy of the electron. In this case Einstein’s equation
become 𝐸 = φ = h𝑓0
4. The photoelectric effect – observations and explanations:

What is observed? What does the Wave Theory predict? What does the Particle Theory predict?
For a given metal, electrons are only emitted For a particular frequency of EM radiation, the Light consists of photons with energy E = hf
above a certain threshold frequency of the EM energy carried is proportional to the intensity The minimum energy required to release an
radiation, irrespective of its intensity. (amplitude2) of the beam. So a high enough electron is the work function (φ)
intensity should cause electrons to be emitted To release electrons, E> φ
regardless of the frequency. The frequency Threshold frequency (f0) occurs when E= φ; hf0 = φ
should have no effect here.
The photoelectrons are emitted with a variety of In the wave model, increasing the intensity KEmax = hf – Φ
kinetic energies ranging from zero to some delivers more energy to all electrons so the wave The maximum kinetic energy of the emitted
maximum value. The maximum KE of the model would expect the electrons to be released photoelectrons depends only on the energy of
emitted electrons depends only on frequency of with more K.E. incident photons and the work function energy of
the EM radiation and is unaffected by the the metal. It is independent of intensity as it is a
intensity of the radiation. one to one interaction.
Increasing the frequency of the incident light will
increase KEmax
The number of photoelectrons emitted per The intensity of the EM radiation relates to The number of photoelectrons emitted above the
second depends only on intensity of the EM energy, not the number of waves arriving per threshold frequency is directly proportional to the
radiation, for a single frequency second. So, the number of emitted electrons intensity of the incident radiation.
depends on the number of waves arriving (i.e. Intensity is proportional to number of photons
the frequency) and not the wave energy (i.e. incident on surface per second. One photon can
intensity). The intensity should have no effect release one electron (assuming 100% efficiency)
here. Thus the number of electrons emitted per second
depends on intensity and not the frequency.
Low intensity EM radiation (above the threshold Low intensity EM radiation has low energy. So it Intensity only relates to how many photons arrive
frequency) results in immediate emission of will take some time before enough energy builds per second, so few arrive per second for low
electrons. up on the metal surface to free one electron intensities
But, each photon has enough energy to release an
electron (f>f0) so immediate electron emission
occurs. Also, as it is a one-to-one interaction,
electrons cannot accumulate the energy.
5. Describe how the photoelectric effect can be explained in terms for the physics of quantum
a. Individual photons are absorbed by individual electrons in the metal surface
b. only photons with energies above the work function energy will cause emission of an
electron from the surface
c. Energy is conserved in the interaction
d. emission of photoelectron is instantaneous
e. rate at which electrons are emitted depends on light intensity
f. the energy of the photo electron is given by Einstein’s photoelectric equation
i. E = Φ + KEmax
ii. E = energy of photoelectron
iii. Φ = work function energy of metal
iv. KEmax = maximum possible kinetic energy of emitted photoelectron

6. Use the particle theory of light to explain why red light does not have the same effect as ultra-
violet light:
a. Light consists of packets (quanta) called photons
b. The energy of each photon depends on its frequency, by E = hf
c. As red light has a lower frequency than UV light, it has less energy.
d. One photon gives its energy to one electron.
e. In order to release an electron, the photon energy must be greater than or equal to
the metal work function:
f. Red light photons have less energy than this and so do not provide enough energy to
free an electron.
g. Therefore, it only causes the surface to heat up
Wave–particle duality:
1. Electromagnetic radiation can show characteristics of both particles and waves.
2. Light produces interference patterns and diffraction patterns – alternating fringes of dark and
3. These can only be explained using waves interfering destructively or interfering destructively.
4. The photoelectric effect provides evidence for particulate nature of electromagnetic

5. The De Broglie Wave Equation

a. Louis de Broglie made a bold suggestion in his PhD thesis: If ‘wave-like’ light showed
particle properties (photons), ‘particles’ like electrons should be expected to show
wave-like properties.
b. The de Broglie equation relates a wave property (wavelength, λ) to a moving particle
property (momentum, p, in kgms-1). h is the Planck constant = 6.63 x 10-34 Js

ℎ ℎ
c. λ = 𝑝 = 𝑚𝑣

6. Explain what is meant by the de Broglie wavelength of an electron.

a. Electrons are observed to behave as waves/show wavelike properties
b. Where an electrons wavelength depends on its speed/momentum.

7. Electron diffraction: observations

a. Diffraction patterns are observed when accelerated
electrons in a vacuum tube interact with the spaces in
polycrystalline graphite.
b. This confirms electrons show wave-like behaviour
c. The spread of the lines increases if the wavelength is
greater according to wave theory
d. In electron diffraction experiments, a smaller accelerating
voltage i.e. slower electrons gives widely spaced rings.
e. Increase the electron speed and the diffraction pattern
circles squash together towards the middle. This fits with
the de Broglie equation – if the velocity is greater, the
wavelength is smaller and so spread of the lines is smaller
as less diffraction occurs.

8. Explain why a beam of electrons passing through a thin sheet of graphite in a vacuum
produces a pattern of rings on a fluorescent sheet placed after the graphite
a. Electrons behave as waves and have a wavelength.
b. The regular pattern of atoms acts as a diffraction grating.
c. diffraction observable because gaps between atoms are similar to wavelength of
d. maximum intensity when constructive interference, path difference = nλ
e. minimum intensity when destructive interference
f. rings occur because atomic ‘crystals’ at all possible orientations to beam

Suhayl Patel
9. Both electrons and photons can be considered as particles. State two differences between
their properties.
a. electrons have mass, photons have zero mass electrons have charge, photons are
uncharged and photons travel at speed of light

10. Electron diffraction set-up:

11. State one experiment for each case which provides evidence that electromagnetic radiation
can behave like,
a. a stream of particles, called photons:
i. photoelectric effect (experiment)
b. waves:
i. Young’s slits (experiment)

12. State one experiment for each case which provides evidence that particles can behave like
a. Electron gun and polycrystalline graphite experiment

13. All objects have a de Broglie wavelength. But for diffraction patterns to occur, gaps have to
be of a similar size to the wavelength of the particle. Ordinary day objects have extremely
small de Broglie wavelengths and so we don’t observe their diffraction.

14. State the condition necessary for electrons to produce observable diffraction when passing
through matter, e.g. a thin sheet of graphite in an evacuated chamber.
h. wavelength of electrons
i. must be comparable to the atomic spacing

15. A shorter wavelength gives less diffraction effects. This fact is used in the electron microscope.
Diffraction effects blur detail on an image. If you want to resolve tiny detail in an image, you
need a shorter wavelength. Light blurs out detail more than ‘electron-waves’ do, so an
electron microscope can resolve finer detail than a light microscope.

Suhayl Patel

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