Chemistry SampleSolvedArihant Chap 1 4 PDF
Chemistry SampleSolvedArihant Chap 1 4 PDF
Chemistry SampleSolvedArihant Chap 1 4 PDF
(a) 24 g of C (12) (b) 56 g of Fe (56) 20. 3.0 g of a salt of molecular weight 30 is dissolved in 250 g
(c) 27 g of Al (27) (d) 108 g of Ag (108) water. The molarity of the solution is . (1983, 1M)
9. How many moles of electron weighs 1 kg? 21. The total number of electrons present in 18 mL of water is
1 . . (1980, 1M)
(a) 6.023 1023 (b) 1031 (2002, 3M)
9.108 22. The modern atomic mass unit is based on the mass of
6.023 1 . . (1980, 1M)
(c) 1054 (d) 108
9.108 9.108 6.023
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 5
charcoal is added, which adsorbs acetic acid. It is found that 38. (a) 1.0 L of a mixture of CO and CO2 is taken. This mixture
the concentration of acetic acid becomes 0.49 M. If surface is passed through a tube containing red hot charcoal. The
area of charcoal is 3.01 102 m2 , calculate the area occupied volume now becomes 1.6 L. The volumes are measured
by single acetic acid molecule on surface of charcoal. (2003) under the same conditions. Find the composition of
mixture by volume.
27. Find the molarity of water. Given: r = 1000 kg/m3 (2003)
(b) A compound contains 28 per cent of nitrogen and
28. A plant virus is found to consist of uniform cylindrical 72 per cent of a metal by weight. 3 atoms of metal
particles of 150 in diameter and 5000 long. The specific combine with 2 atoms of nitrogen. Find the atomic
volume of the virus is 0.75 cm 3 /g. If the virus is considered to weight of metal. (1980, 5M)
be a single particle, find its molar mass. (1999, 3M) 39. 5.00 mL of a gas containing only carbon and hydrogen were
29. 8.0575 10-2 kg of Glaubers salt is dissolved in water to mixed with an excess of oxygen (30 mL) and the mixture
3 -3
obtain 1 dm of solution of density 1077.2 kg m . Calculate exploded by means of electric spark. After explosion, the
the molality, molarity and mole fraction of Na 2 SO4 in volume of the mixed gases remaining was 25 mL. On adding
solution. (1994, 3M) a concentrated solution of KOH, the volume further
diminished to 15 mL, the residual gas being pure oxygen. All
30. A is a binary compound of a univalent metal. 1.422 g of A volumes have been reduced to NTP. Calculate the molecular
reacts completely with 0.321 g of sulphur in an evacuated formula of the hydrocarbon gas. (1979, 3M)
and sealed tube to give 1.743 g of a white crystalline solid B,
that forms a hydrated double salt, C with Al 2 (SO4 )3 . Identify 40. In the analysis of 0.5 g sample of feldspar, a mixture of
A, B and C. (1994, 2M)
chlorides of sodium and potassium is obtained, which weighs
0.1180 g. Subsequent treatment of the mixed chlorides with
31. Upon mixing 45.0 mL 0.25 M lead nitrate solution with silver nitrate gives 0.2451 g of silver chloride. What is the
25.0 mL of a 0.10 M chromic sulphate solution, precipitation percentage of sodium oxide and potassium oxide in the
of lead sulphate takes place. How many moles of lead sample? (1979, 5M)
sulphate are formed? Also calculate the molar concentrations
of species left behind in the final solution. Assume that lead 41. The vapour density (hydrogen = 1) of a mixture consisting of
sulphate is completely insoluble. (1993, 3M) NO2 and N2 O4 is 38.3 at 26.7C. Calculate the number of
moles of NO2 in 100 g of the mixture. (1979, 5M)
32. Calculate the molality of 1.0 L solution of 93% H2 SO4 ,
(weight/volume). The density of the solution is 1.84 g/mL. 42. Accounts for the following. Limit your answer to two
(1990, 1M) sentences, Atomic weights of most of the elements are
33. A solid mixture (5.0 g) consisting of lead nitrate and sodium fractional. (1979, 1M)
nitrate was heated below 600C until the weight of the 43. Naturally occurring boron consists of two isotopes whose
residue was constant. If the loss in weight is 28.0 per cent, atomic weights are 10.01 and 11.01. The atomic weight of
find the amount of lead nitrate and sodium nitrate in the natural boron is 10.81. Calculate the percentage of each
mixture. (1990, 4M) isotope in natural boron. (1978, 2M)
6 Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Integer Answer Type Questions 27. A 5.0 cm 3 solution of H2 O2 liberates 0.508 g of iodine from
an acidified KI solution. Calculate the strength of H2 O2
17. The difference in the oxidation numbers of the two types of solution in terms of volume strength at STP. (1995, 3M)
sulphur atoms in Na 2 S4 O6 is (2011)
28. One gram of commercial AgNO3 is dissolved in 50 mL of
18. Among the following, the number of elements showing only water. It is treated with 50 mL of a KI solution. The silver
one non-zero oxidation state is O, Cl, F, N, P, Sn, Tl, Na, Ti iodide thus precipitated is filtered off. Excess of KI in the
filtrate is titrated with (M/10) KIO 3 solution in presence of
19. A student performs a titration with different burettes and 6 M HCl till all I- ions are converted into ICl. It requires
finds titrate values of 25.2 mL, 25.25 mL, and 25.0 mL. The 50 mL of (M/10) KIO 3 solution, 20 mL of the same stock
number of significant figures in the average titrate value is solution of KI requires 30 mL of (M/10) KIO3 under similar
(2010) conditions. Calculate the percentage of AgNO3 in the
Subjective Questions Reaction KIO3 + 2KI + 6HCl 3ICl + 3KCl + 3H2 O
20. Calculate the amount of calcium oxide required when it (1992, 4M)
reacts with 852 g of P4 O10 . (2005, 2M) 29. A 2.0 g sample of a mixture containing sodium carbonate,
21. Hydrogen peroxide solution (20 mL) reacts quantitatively sodium bicarbonate and sodium sulphate is gently heated till
with a solution of KMnO4 (20 mL) acidified with dilute the evolution of CO2 ceases. The volume of CO2 at 750 mm
H2 SO4 . The same volume of the KMnO4 solution is just Hg pressure and at 298 K is measured to be 123.9 mL. A 1.5 g
decolourised by 10 mL of MnSO4 in neutral medium of the same sample requires 150 mL of (M/10) HCl for
simultaneously forming a dark brown precipitate of hydrated complete neutralisation. Calculate the percentage
MnO2 . The brown precipitate is dissolved in 10 mL of 0.2 M composition of the components of the mixture. (1992, 5M)
sodium oxalate under boiling condition in the presence of 30. A 1.0 g sample of Fe2 O3 solid of 55.2% purity is dissolved in
dilute H2 SO4 . Write the balanced equations involved in the acid and reduced by heating the solution with zinc dust. The
reactions and calculate the molarity of H2 O2 . (2001) resultant solution is cooled and made up to 100.0 mL. An
22. How many millilitres of 0.5 M H2 SO4 are needed to dissolve aliquot of 25.0 mL of this solution requires for titration.
Calculate the number of electrons taken up by the oxidant in
0.5 g of copper (II) carbonate? (1999, 3M)
the reaction of the above titration. (1991, 4M)
23. An aqueous solution containing 0.10 g KIO3 (formula weight = 31. A solution of 0.2 g of a compound containing Cu 2+ and
214.0) was treated with an excess of KI solution. The solution
C2 O2-
4 ions on titration with 0.02 M KMnO4 in presence of
was acidified with HCl. The liberated I2 consumed 45.0 mL
H2 SO4 consumes 22.6 mL of the oxidant. The resultant
of thiosulphate solution decolourise the blue starch-iodine
solution is neutralised with Na 2 CO3 , acidified with dilute
complex. Calculate the molarity of the sodium thiosulphate
acetic acid and treated with excess KI. The liberated iodine
solution. (1998, 5M)
requires 11.3 mL of 0.05 M Na 2 S2 O3 solution for complete
24. To a 25 mL H2 O2 solution, excess of acidified solution of reduction. Find out the mole ratio of Cu 2+ to C2 O2- 4 in the
potassium iodide was added. The iodine liberated required compound. Write down the balanced redox reactions
20 mL of 0.3 N sodium thiosulphate solution. Calculate the involved in the above titrations. (1991, 5M)
volume strength of H2 O2 solution. (1997, 5M) 32. A mixture of H2 C2 O4 (oxalic acid) and NaHC2 O4 weighing
25. A 3.00 g sample containing Fe3 O4 , Fe2 O3 and an inert 2.02 g was dissolved in water and the solution made up to one
impure substance, is treated with excess of KI solution in litre. Ten millilitres of the solution required 3.0 mL of 0.1 N
presence of dilute H2 SO4 . The entire iron is converted into sodium hydroxide solution for complete neutralisation. In
Fe2+ along with the liberation of iodine. The resulting another experiment, 10.0 mL of the same solution, in hot
solution is diluted to 100 mL . A 20 mL of the diluted dilute sulphuric acid medium, required 4.0 mL of 0.1 N
solution requires 11.0 mL of 0.5 M Na 2 S2 O3 solution to potassium permanganate solution for complete reaction.
reduce the iodine present. A 50 mL of the dilute solution, Calculate the amount of H2 C2 O4 and NaHC2 O4 in the
after complete extraction of the iodine required 12.80 mL of mixture. (1990, 5M)
0.25 M KMnO4 solution in dilute H2 SO4 medium for the 33. An organic compound X on analysis gives 24.24 per cent
oxidation of Fe2+ . Calculate the percentage of Fe2 O3 and carbon and 4.04 per cent hydrogen. Further, sodium extract
Fe3 O4 in the original sample. (1996, 5M) of 1.0 g of X gives 2.90 g of silver chloride with acidified
26. A 20.0 cm 3 mixture of CO, CH4 and He gases is exploded by silver nitrate solution. The compound X may be represented
an electric discharge at room temperature with excess of by two isomeric structures Y and Z. Y on treatment with
oxygen. The volume contraction is found to be 13.0 cm 3 . A aqueous potassium hydroxide solution gives a dihydroxy
further contraction of 14.0 cm 3 occurs when the residual gas compound while Z on similar treatment gives ethanal. Find
is treated with KOH solution. Find out the composition of the out the molecular formula of X and gives the structure of Y
gaseous mixture in terms of volume percentage. (1995, 4M) and Z. (1989, 5M)
8 Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
34. An equal volume of a reducing agent is titrated separately with 36. 5 mL of 8 N nitric acid, 4.8 mL of 5 N hydrochloric acid
1 M KMnO4 in acid, neutral and alkaline medium. The volumes and a certain volume of 17 M sulphuric acid are mixed
of KMnO4 required are 20 mL in acid, 33.3 mL in neutral and 100 together and made up to 2 L. 30 mL of this acid mixture
mL in alkaline media. Find out the oxidation state of manganese exactly neutralise 42.9 mL of sodium carbonate solution
in each reduction product. Give the balanced equations for all the containing one gram of Na 2 CO3 10H2 O in 100 mL of
three half reaction. Find out the volume of 1M K 2 Cr2 O7 water. Calculate the amount in gram of the sulphate ions
consumed, if the same volume of the reducing agent is titrated in in solution. (1985, 4M)
acid medium. (1989, 5M) 37. 2.68 10-3 moles of a solution containing an ion A n+
35. A sample of hydrazine sulphate ( N2 H 6 SO4 ) was dissolved in 100 require 1.61 10-3 moles of MnO-4 for the oxidation of
mL of water, 10 mL of this solution was reacted with excess of
A n+ to A O-3 in acidic medium. What is the value of n ?
ferric chloride solution and warmed to complete the reaction.
(1984, 2M)
Ferrous ion formed was estimated and it, required 20 mL of M/50
potassium permanganate solution. Estimate the amount of 38. 4.08 g of a mixture of BaO and unknown carbonate
hydrazine sulphate in one litre of the solution. MCO3 was heated strongly. The residue weighed 3.64 g.
Reaction 4Fe3+ + N2 H4 N2 + 4Fe2+ + 4H+ This was dissolved in 100 mL of 1 N HCl. The excess
acid required 16 mL of 2.5 N NaOH solution for
MnO-4 + 5Fe2+ + 8H+ Mn 2+ + 5Fe3+ + 4H2 O complete neutralisation. Identify the metal M.
(1988, 3M) (1983, 4M)
Topic 1 Topic 2
1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (a) 1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (c)
5. (c) 6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (a) 5. (a) 6. (d) 7. (a) 8. (b)
9. (a) 10. (a) 11. (b) 12. (c)
9. (d) 10. (d) 11. (d) 12. (a)
13. (b) 14. (a, b, d) 15. (b) 16. 7/3
13. (d) 14. (a) 15. (a) 16. (a)
17. (5) 18. (2) 19. (3)
17. (a) 18. (c) 19. (4.14 g) 20. (0.4)
21. (6.02310 24 ) 22. C-12 isotope 23. (8)
24. (8)
Avogadros number (N A) 15. The balanced chemical reaction of zinc with sulphuric acid and
24 NaOH are
Number of atoms in 24 g C = NA = 2NA Zn + H2SO4 ZnSO4 + H2 (g )
56 Zn + 2NaOH + 2H2O Na 2[ Zn(OH)4 ] + H2 (g )
Number of atoms in 56 g of Fe = NA = NA
56 Since, one mole of H2 (g ) is produced per mole of zinc with both
27 sulphuric acid and NaOH respectively, hydrogen gas is produced in
Number of atoms in 27 g of Al = NA = NA the molar ratio of 1:1 in the above reactions.
108 36
Number of atoms in 108 g of Ag = NA = NA 16. Number of molecules present in 36 g of water = N A = 2N A
108 18
Hence, 24 g of carbon has the maximum number of atoms. 28
Number of molecules present in 28 g of CO = NA = NA
9. Mass of an electron = 9.108 10-31 kg 46
Number of molecules present in 46 g of C2H5OH = NA = NA
Q 9.108 10-31 kg = 1.0 electron 46
1 1031 1 54
\ 1 kg = electrons = Number of molecules present in 54 g of N2O5 = N A = 0.5 N A
9.108 10 -31
9.108 6.023 1023 108
Here, NA is Avogadros number. Hence, 36 g of water contain the
= 108 mole of electrons largest (2NA ) number of molecules.
9.108 6.023
10 Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
17. In a neutral atom, atomic number represents the number of 24. Mass of HCl in 1.0 mL stock solution
protons inside the nucleus and equal number of electrons around 29.2
it. Therefore, the number of total electrons in molecule of CO2 = 1.25 = 0.365 g
= electrons present in one carbon atom
Mass of HCl required for 200 mL 0.4 M HCl
+ 2 electrons present in one oxygen atom = 6 + 2 8 = 22. 200
Weight of a compound in gram (w) = 0.4 36.5 = 0.08 36.5 g
18. = Number of moles (n) 1000
Molar mass (M ) \ 0.365 g of HCl is present in 1.0 mL stock solution.
Number of molecules (N ) 0.08 36.5
= 0.08 36.5 g HCl will be present in = 8.0 mL
Avogadro number (NA ) 0.365
w (O2 ) N (O2 ) 25. Partial pressure of N2 = 0.001 atm,
= (i)
32 NA
T = 298 K, V = 2.46 dm 3.
w (N2 ) N (N2 )
And = (ii) From ideal gas law : pV = nRT
28 NA pV 0.001 2.46
n(N2 ) = = = 10-7
Dividing Eq. (i) by Eq. (ii) gives RT 0.082 298
N (O2 ) w (O2 ) 28 1 28 7
= = = Number of molecules of N2 = 6.023 1023 10-7
N (N2 ) w (N2 ) 32 4 32 32
= 6.023 1016
19. Molar mass of CuSO4 5H2O Now, total surface sites available
= 63.5 + 32 + 4 16 + 5 18 = 249.5 g = 6.023 1014 1000 = 6.023 1017
Also, molar mass represents mass of Avogadro number of 20
molecules in gram unit, therefore Surface sites used in adsorption = 6.023 1017
Q 6.023 1023 molecules of CuSO4 5H2O weigh 249.5 g
= 2 6.023 1016
\ 1022 molecules will weigh 1022 = 4.14 g Sites occupied per molecules
6.023 1023
Number of sites 2 6.023 1016
Number of moles of solute = = = 2
20. Molarity = Number of molecules 6.023 1016
Volume of solution in litre
Weight of solute 1000 26. Initial millimol of CH3COOH = 100 0.5 = 50
Molar mass Volume in mL millimol of CH3COOH remaining after adsorption
3 1000 = 100 0.49 = 49
= = 0.4 M
30 250
millimol of CH3COOH adsorbed = 50 49 = 1
21. Considering density of water to be 1.0 g/mL, 18 mL of water is number of molecules of CH3COOH adsorbed
18 g (1.0 mol) of water and it contain Avogadro number of 1
molecules. Also one molecule of water contain = 6.023 1023 = 6.023 1020
2 (one from each H-atom) + 8 (from oxygen atom)
3.01 102
= 10 electrons. Area covered up by one molecule =
6.02 1020
1.0 mole of H2O contain = 10 6.023 1023
= 5 10-19 m 2
= 6.023 1024 electrons.
27. Mass of 1.0 L water = 1000 g
22. Carbon-12 isotope. According to modern atomic mass unit, one 1000
atomic mass unit (amu) is defined as one-twelfth of mass of an Molarity = = 55.56 mol L-1
atom of C-12 isotope, i.e.
1 28. Volume of one cylinderical plant virus = pr2l
1 amu (u) = weight of an atom of C-12 isotope.
12 = 3.14 (75 10-8 )2 5000 10-8 cm 3 = 8.83 10-17 cm 3
23. PLAN This problem can be solved by using concept of conversion of Volume of a virus
molarity into molality. Mass of one virus =
Specific volume
Molarity = 3.2 M
Let volume of solution = 1000 mL = Volume of solvent 8.83 10-17 cm 3
= = 1.1773 10-16 g
Mass of solvent = 1000 0.4 = 400 g 0.75 cm 3 g-1
Since, molarity of solution is 3.2 molar Molar mass of virus
\ n solute = 3.2 mol = Mass of one virus Avogadros number
3.2 = 1.1773 10-16 6.023 1023 g
Molality (m) = =8
400 / 1000
= 70.91 106 g
Hence, correct integer is (8).
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 11
29. Molar mass of Glaubers salt (Na 2SO4 10H2O) Also, millimol of Cr(NO3 )2 formed
= 23 2 + 32 + 64 + 10 18 = 322g = 2 millimol of Cr2 (SO4 )3 reacted
Mole of Na 2SO4 10H2O in 1.0 L solution =
= 0.25 Molarity of Cr(NO3 )2 = = 0.071 M
322 70
Molarity of solution = 0.25 M 32. 93% H2SO4 solution weight by volume indicates that there is
Also, weight of 1.0 L solution = 1077.2 g 93 g H2SO4 in 100 mL of solution.
weight of Na 2SO4 in 1.0 L solution = 0.25 142 = 35.5 g If we consider 100 mL solution, weight of solution = 184 g
Weight of water in 1.0 L solution = 1077.2 35.5 = 1041.7 g Weight of H2O in 100 mL solution = 184 93 = 91 g
0.25 Moles of solute
Molality = 1000 = 0.24 m Molality = 1000
1041.7 Weight of solvent (g)
Mole of Na 2SO4
Mole fraction of Na 2SO4 = =
93 1000
= 10.42
Mole of Na 2SO4 + Mole of water 98 91
= = 4.3 10-3. 33. Heating below 600C converts Pb(NO3 )2 into PbO but to
0.25 + NaNO3 into NaNO2 as
D 1
30. Compound B forms hydrated crystals with Al 2 (SO4 )3. Also, B is Pb(NO3 )2 PbO(s) + 2NO2 + O
2 2
formed with univalent metal on heating with sulphur. Hence, MW : 330 222
D 1
compound B must has the molecular formula M 2SO4 and NaNO3 NaNO2 (s) + O
compound A must be an oxide of M which reacts with sulphur to 2 2
MW : 85 69
give metal sulphate as 28
A + S M 2SO4 Weight loss = 5 = 1.4 g
Q 0.321 g sulphur gives 1.743 g of M 2SO4 Weight of residue left = 5 1.4 = 3.6 g
\ 32.1 g S (one mole) will give 174.3 g M 2SO4 Now, let the original mixture contain x g of Pb(NO3 )2.
Therefore, molar mass of M 2SO4 = 174.3 g Q 330 g Pb(NO3 )2 gives 222 g PbO
174.3 = 2 Atomic weight of M + 32.1 + 64 222 x
\ x g Pb(NO3 )2 will give g PbO
Atomic weight of M = 39, metal is potassium (K) 330
K2SO4 on treatment with aqueous Al 2 (SO4 )3 gives potash-alum. Similarly, 85 g NaNO3 gives 69 g NaNO2
K2SO4 + Al 2 (SO4)3 + 24H2O K2SO4Al 2 (SO4)3 24H2O 69 (5 - x )
(5 x) g NaNO3 will give g NaNO2
B C 85
If the metal oxide A has molecular formula MOx, two moles of it 222 x 69 (5 - x )
combine with one mole of sulphur to give one mole of metal Residue : + = 3.6 g
330 85
sulphate as
Solving for x gives, x = 3.3 g Pb(NO3 )2
2KOx + S K2SO4
NaNO3 =1.7 g.
x = 2, i.e. A is KO2.
34. Reactions involved are
31. The reaction involved is
C2H6 + Br2 C2H5Br + HBr
3Pb(NO3 )2 + Cr2 (SO4 )3 3PbSO4 (s) + 2Cr(NO3 )3
2C2H5Br + 2Na C4H10 + 2NaBr
millimol of Pb(NO3 )2 taken = 45 0.25 = 11.25 Actual yield of C4H10 = 55 g which is 85% of theoretical yield.
millimol of Cr2 (SO4 )3 taken = 2.5 55 100
Here, chromic sulphate is the limiting reagent, it will determine Theoretical yield of C4H10 = = 64.70 g
the amount of product.
Also, 2 moles (218 g) C2H5Br gives 58 g of butane.
Q 1 mole Cr2 (SO4 )3 produces 3 moles PbSO4.
64.70 g of butane would be obtained from
\ 2.5 millimol Cr2 (SO4 )3 will produce 7.5 millimol PbSO4. 2
Hence, mole of PbSO4 precipitate formed = 7.5 10-3 64.70 = 2.23 moles C2H5Br
Also, millimol of Pb(NO3 )2 remaining unreacted Also yield of bromination reaction is only 90%, in order to have
11.25 7.50 = 3.75 2.23 moles of C2H5Br, theoretically
Molarity of Pb(NO3 )2 in final solution 2.23 100
= 2.48 moles of C2H5Br required.
millimol of Pb(NO3 )2 3.75 90
= = = 0.054 M
Total volume 70 Therefore, moles of C2H6 required = 2.48
Volume of C2H6 (NTP) required = 2.48 22.4 = 55.55 L.
12 Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
34.2 38. (a) After passing through red-hot charcoal, following reaction
35. Moles of sugar = = 0.1
342 occurs
Moles of water in syrup = 214.2 34.2 C(s) + CO2 (g ) 2CO(g )
= 180 g If the 1.0 L original mixture contain x litre of CO2, after
Moles of solute passing from tube containing red-hot charcoal, the new
Therefore, (i) Molality = 1000 volumes would be :
Weight of Solvent (g)
0.1 2x (volume of CO obtained from CO2) + 1
= 1000 = 0.55 x(original CO) = 1 + x =1.6 (given)
Mole of sugar x = 0.6
(ii) Mole fraction of sugar = Hence, original 1.0 L mixture has 0.4 L CO and 0.6 L of CO2 ,
Mole of sugar + Mole of water
0.1 i.e. 40% CO and 60% CO2 by volume.
= = 9.9 10-3 (b) According to the given information, molecular formula of
0.1 + 10
the compound is M 3N2. Also, 1.0 mole of compound has 28 g
36. From the given elemental composition, empirical formula can of nitrogen. If X is the molar mass of compound, then :
be derived as : 28
X = 28
O 100
Element C H
X = 100 = 3 Atomic weight of M + 28
Weight % 69.77 11.63 18.60
Mole % 5.81 11.63 1.1625 (obtained by
Atomic weight of M = = 24
dividing from M )
39. In the present case, V n (Qall the volumes are measured under
Simple ratio 5 10 1
identical conditions of temperature and pressure) Hence, the
Hence, empirical formula is C5H10O and empirical formula reaction stoichiometry can be solved using volumes as :
weight is 86.
y y
CxH y (g ) + x + O2 (g ) x CO2 (g ) + H2O (l )
Since, empirical formula weight and molecular weight both are 4 2
(86), empirical formula is the molecular formula also.
volume of CO2 (g ) + O2 (g ) (remaining unreacted) = 25
Also, the compound does not reduce Fehlings solution, Volume of CO2 (g ) produced
therefore it is not an aldehyde, but it forms bisulphite, it must be = 10 mL (15 mL O2 remaining)
a ketone.
Q 1 mL CxH y produces x mL of CO2
Also, it gives positive iodoform test, it must be a methyl ketone. \ 5 mL CxH y will produce 5 xmL of CO2= 10 mL
O x=2
C3H7 C CH3 Also, 1 mL CxH y combines with x + mL of O2
Based on the above information, the compound may be one of
the following : 5 mL CxH y will combine with 5 x + mL of O2
O CH3 O 4
CH3CH2CH2 C CH3 or CH3 CH C CH3 5 x + = 15 (15 mL of O2 out of 30 mL)
2-pentanone 3-methyl -2-butanone
(remaining unreacted)
37. (a) Let us consider 1.0 L solution for all the calculation. y = 4, hence hydrocarbon is C2H4.
(i) Weight of 1 L solution = 1250 g
40. Oxides of sodium and potassium are converted into chlorides
Weight of Na 2S2O3 = 3 158 = 474 g according to following reactions :
474 Na 2O + 2HCl 2NaCl + H2O
Weight percentage of Na 2S2O3= 100 = 37.92
1250 K2O + 2HCl 2KCl + H2O
(ii) Weight of H2O in 1 L solution = 1250 - 474 = 776 g
Finally all the chlorides of NaCl and KCl are converted into
Mole fraction of Na 2S2O3 = = 0.065 AgCl, hence
3+ moles of (NaCl + KCl) = moles of AgCl
3 2 (one mole of either NaCl or KCl gives one mole of AgCl)
(iii) Molality of Na = 100 = 7.73 m
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 13
10. The balanced redox reaction is : 17. Na2S4O6 is a salt of H2S4O6 which has the following structure
2MnO4- + 5C2O24- + 16H + 2Mn 2+ + 10CO2 + 16H2O O O
Hence, the coefficients of reactants in balanced reaction are 2, 5 (0) (v)
and 16 respectively. HO S S S S OH
12. In Ba(H2PO2 )2, oxidation number of Ba is +2. Therefore, Difference in oxidation number of two types of sulphur = 5
H2PO2- : 2 (+1) + x + 2 (-2) = - 1 18. Only F and Na show only one non-zero oxidation state.
x=+1 O = O- , O2 - , O2 + ;
Cl = - 1to + 7
13. Equivalent weight in redox system is defined as :
N = - 3 to + 5
Molar mass
E= P = - 3 to + 5
Sn = + 2, + 4
Here n-factor is the net change in oxidation number per formula Tl = + 1, + 3 (rare but does exist)
unit of oxidising or reducing agent. In the present case, n-factor
Ti = + 2, + 3, + 4
is 2 because equivalent weight is half of molecular weight. Also,
1 19. Average titrate value is 25.15, but the number of significant
n-factor MnSO4 Mn 2O3 1 (+ 2 + 3)
2 figure cannot be greater than the same in either of them being
MnSO4 MnO2 2 (+ 2 + 4) manipulated.
MnSO4 MnO4- 5 (+ 2 + 7) 20. The balanced reaction is
MnSO4 MnO42- 4 (+ 2 + 6)
6CaO + P4O10 2Ca 3 (PO4 )2
Therefore, MnSO4 converts to MnO2. 852
Moles of P4O10 = =3
14. PLAN This problem includes concept of redox reaction. A redox 284
reaction consists of oxidation half-cell reaction and reduction Moles of CaO required = 3 6 = 18
half-cell reaction. Write both half-cell reactions, i.e. oxidation
half-cell reaction and reduction half-cell reaction.Then balance
Mass of CaO required = 18 56 = 1008 g
both the equations. 21. Meq of oxalate = 10 0.2 2 = 4
Now determine the correct value of stoichiometry of H2SO4.
Meq of MnO2 formed = Meq of oxalate = 4
Oxidation half-reaction, 2 I - I 2 + 2 e - (i)
- Meq of KMnO4 in 20 mL = 4
Here, I is converted into I 2. Oxidation number of I is increasing
Normality of H2O2 20 = 4
from 1 to 0 hence, this is a type of oxidation reaction.
Normality of H2O2 = 0.20 N
Reduction half-reaction 0.20
Molarity of H2O2 = = 0.10 M
6H+ + ClO-3 + 6e- Cl - + 3H2O (ii)
The balanced reactions are
Here, H2 O releases as a product. Hence, option (d) is
2KMnO4 + 5H2O2 + 3H2SO4 2MnSO4 + 5O2
+ K2SO4 + 8H2O
Multiplying equation (i) by 3 and adding in equation (ii)
MnO2 + Na 2C2O4 + 2H2SO4 MnSO4 + Na 2SO4
6I- + ClO-3 + 6H+ Cl - + 3I2 + 3H2O + 2CO2 + 2H2O
6I- + ClO-3 + 6H2SO4 Cl - + 3I2 + 3H2O + 6HSO4- 22. The balanced chemical reaction is
CuCO3 + H2SO4 CuSO4 + H2O + CO2
Stoichiometric coefficient of HSO-4 is 6.
0.5 1000
Hence, option (a), (b) and (d) are correct. millimol of CuCO3 = = 4.048
15. Both assertion and reason are factually true but the reason does Millimol of H2SO4 required = 4.048
not exactly explain the assertion. The correct explanation is, Q Millimol = Molarity Volume (in mL)
methyl orange and phenolphthalein changes their colour at 4.048
different pH. Volume = = 8.096 mL
16. If x is the oxidation state of Cu then :
3 + 2 2 + 3x + 7 (- 2) = 0 x =
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 15
23. The redox reaction involved are : Now, solving equations (i) and (ii),
IO-3 -
+ 5I + 6H +
3I2 + 3H2O x = 10 mL, y = 4 mL and volume of He = 20 14 = 6 mL
I2 + 2S2O32-
2I- + S4O62- Vol % of CO = 100 = 50%
0.1 4
millimol of KIO3 used = 1000 = 0.467 Vol % of CH4 = 100= 20%
214 20
millimol of I2 formed = 3 0.467 = 1.4 Vol % of He = 30%
millimol of Na 2S2O3 consumed = 2 1.4 = 2.8
2.8 27. The redox reaction involved is :
Molarity of Na 2S2O3 = = 0.062 M
45 H2O2 + 2I- + 2H+ 2H2O + I2
24. Meq of H2O2 = Meq of I2 = Meq of Na 2S2O3 If M is molarity of H2O2 solution, then
0.508 1000
If N is normality of H2O2, then 5M = (Q 1 mole H2O2 1 mole I2)
N 25 = 0.3 20 N = 0.24 M = 0.4
Volume strength = N 5.6 = 1.334 V Also, n-factor of H2O2 is 2, therefore normality of H2O2 solution
25. Let the original sample contains x millimol of Fe3O4 and is 0.8 N.
y millimol of Fe2O3. In the first phase of reaction, Volume strength = Normality 5.6 = 0.8 5.6 = 4.48 V
Fe3O4 + I- 3Fe2+ + I2 (n-factor of Fe3O4 = 2) 28. The reaction is
Fe2O3 + I 2Fe 2+
+ I2 (n-factor of Fe2O3 = 2) KIO3 + 2KI + 6HCl 3ICl + 3KCl + 3H2O
KIO3 required for 20 mL original KI solution = 3 millimol.
Meq of I2 formed = Meq (Fe3O4 + Fe2O3 )
= Meq of hypo required 7.5 millimol KIO3 would be required for original 50 mL KI.
2x + 2 y = 11 0.5 5 = 27.5 (i) Original 50 mL KI solution contain 15 millimol of KI.
Now, total millimol of Fe2+ formed = 3x + 2 y. In the reaction
After AgNO3 treatment.
Fe2+ + MnO-4 + H+ Fe3+ + Mn 2+ 5 millimol of KIO3 is required, i.e. 10 millimol KI is remaining.
n-factor of Fe2+ = 1 5 millimol KI reacted with 5 millimol of AgNO3.
Meq of MnO-4 = Meq of Fe 2+ 5
Mass of AgNO3 = 170 = 0.85 g
3x + 2 y = 12.8 0.25 5 2 = 32 (ii)
Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get Mass percentage of AgNO3 = 85%
x = 4.5 29. CO2 is evolved due to following reaction :
and y = 9.25 2NaHCO3 Na 2CO3 + H2O + CO2
4.5 pV
Mass of Fe3O4 = 232 = 1.044 g Moles of CO2 produced =
1000 RT
% mass of Fe3O4 = 100 = 34.80% =
750 123.9
3 760 1000 0.082 298
Mass of Fe2O3 = 160 = 1.48 g = 5 10-3
1.48 Moles of NaHCO3 in 2 g sample = 2 5 10-3 = 0.01
% mass of Fe2O3 = 100 = 49.33%
3 millimol of NaHCO3 in 1.5 g sample
26. The reaction involved in the explosion process is = 1.5 1000= 7.5
1 2
CO(g ) + O (g ) CO2 (g )
2 x2 Let the 1.5 g sample contain x millimol Na 2CO3, then
x mL mL x mL
2 2x + 7.5 = millimol of HCl = 15
CH4 (g ) + 2 O2 (g ) CO2 (g ) + 2H2O(l ) x = 3.75
y mL 2 y mL y mL 7.5 84
Mass of NaHCO3 = = 0.63 g
The first step volume contraction can be calculated as : 1000
x 3.75 106
x + + y + 2 y - (x + y) = 13 Mass of Na 2CO3 = = 0.3975 g
2 1000
x + 4 y = 26 (i) 0.63
% mass of NaHCO3 = 100 = 42 %
The second volume contraction is due to absorption of CO2. 1.50
Hence, x + y = 14 (ii) 0.3975
% mass of Na 2CO3 = 100 = 26.5%
16 Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
and I2 + 2S2O32- 2I + -
S4O62- 34. Let the n-factor of KMnO4 in acid, neutral and alkaline media
Let there be x millimol of Cu 2+ . are N 1, N 2 and N 3 respectively. Also, same volumes of reducing
agent is used everytime, same number of equivalents of KMnO4
Meq of Cu 2+ = Meq of I2 = meq of hypo
would be required every time.
x = 11.3 0.05 = 0.565 100 5
20N 1 = N 2 = 100N 3 N 1 = N 2 = 5N 3
Moles of Cu 2+ : moles of C2O42- = 0.565 : 1.13 = 1 : 2 3 3
Also, n-factors are all integer and greater than or equal to one but
32. Let us consider 10 mL of the stock solution contain x millimol less than six, N 3 must be 1.
oxalic acid H2C2O4 and y millimol of NaHC2O4. N 1 = 5, N 2 = 3
When titrated against NaOH, basicity of oxalic acid is 2 while \ In acid medium MnO-4 Mn 2+
that of NaHC2O4 is 1. In neutral medium MnO-4 Mn 4+
2x + y = 3 0.1 = 0.3 (i) In alkaline medium MnO-4 Mn6+
When titrated against acidic KMnO4, n-factors of both oxalic
meq of K2Cr2O7 required = 100
acid and NaHC2O4 would be 2.
100 = 1 6 V (n-factor = 6)
2x + 2 y = 4 0.1 = 0.4 (ii)
V = 100/ 6 = 16.67 mL
Solving equations (i) and (ii) gives
y = 0.1, x = 0.1 35. Meq of MnO-4 required = 20 5 = 2
0.1 50
In 1.0 L solution, mole of H2C2O4 = 100 = 0.01 Meq of Fe2+ present in solution = 2
0.1 millimol of Fe2+ present in solution = 2 (n-factor = 1)
Mole of NaHC2O4 = 100 = 0.01 Also,
Q 4 millimol of Fe2+ are formed from 1 millimol N2H4
Mass of H2C2O4 = 90 0.01 = 0.9 g 1 1
Mass of NaHC2O4 = 112 0.01= 1.12 g \ 2 millimol Fe2+ from 2 = millimol N2H4
4 2
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 17
Therefore, molarity of hydrazine sulphate solution 38. During heating MCO3 is converted into MO liberating CO2
1 1 1 while BaO is remaining unreacted :
= =
2 10 20 Heat
1 MCO3 (s) MO(s) + CO2 (g ) 0.44 g = 0.01 mol
In 1 L solution mol N2H6SO4 is present.
20 BaO(s) BaO(s)
1 4.08 g 3.64 g
Amount of N2H6SO4 = 130 = 6.5 gL-1
20 From the decomposition information, it can be deduced that the
36. Molecular weight of Na 2CO3 10H2O = 286 original mixture contained 0.01 mole of MCO3 and the solid
residue, obtained after heating, contain 0.01 mole (10 millimol)
1 1000
Molarity of carbonate solution = = 0.035 of MO.
286 100
Also, millimol of HCl taken initially = 100
Normality of carbonate solution = 2 0.035 = 0.07 N
85 millimol of NaOH used in back-titration = 16 2.5 = 40
In acid solution : Normality of HNO3 = = 0.02
2000 millimol of HCl reacted with oxide residue = 60
5 4.8 HCl reacts with oxides as :
Normality of HCl = = 0.012
2000 MO + 2HCl MCl 2 + H2O
Let normality of H2SO4 in final solution be N. 10 millimol 20 millimol
1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (a, b, c, d) 6. (a, c, d) 7. (d) 8. (b) 9. (a) 10. (a)
11. (b) 12. (a) 13. (b, c) 14. (a, b, d ) 15. (d) 16. (c) 17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (b)
20. A s; B p; C q; D r 21. (8) 22. (5)
Atomic Structure
Atomic number (Z ) Equals to the number of protons (or electrons) in a neutral atom.
Mass number (A) Number of protons (Z) + number of neutrons (N)
Isotopes Atoms of same element having different mass number, e.g. 6C12, 6C14.
Isobars Atoms of different elements having same mass number, e.g. 6C14, 7 N14.
Isosters Species having same number of atoms and electrons are isosters, e.g. N 2, CO.
The Details About Some of the Important Subatomic Particles are given in the Table Below:
Particles and Absolute Relative Mass Mass Discoverer
symbol charge (C) charge (gram) (MeV/C 2)
Rutherfords Nuclear Model of Atom Rutherford performed an alpha particle ( He2+ ) scattering experiment on a thin gold foil and
presented that :
(i) most part of atom is empty.
(ii) every atom possesses a highly dense, positively charged centre called nucleus.
(iii) entire mass of atom is concentrated inside the nucleus.
(iv) later Rutherford model was abandoned due to its failure to comply with classical theory of electromagnetic radiation. This theory
also failed to explain the line spectrum of H-atom.
Atomic Structure 21
Plancks Equation l
Potential Energy
E = hn =
hc - Ze2 2kZ 2
Ep = =- 2
l 4 pe 0 r n
(where, h = 6.625 10-34 Js) l
Speed of Electron in th Bohr Orbit
Black Body Radiation Radiation by a black body (an 2.18 106 Z
ideal body that emits and absorbs radiations of all ms -1 .
frequencies) can be explained by Plancks quantum theory.
Number of revolutions made by an electron in nth Bohrs orbit is
Photoelectric Effect When a light of frequency more v
than threshold frequency (n 0 ) strikes a metal surfaces it Revolution/second = n ; (vn = Speed in nth orbit)
2p rn
ejects electron. This phenomenon is called photoelectric
effect. Advanced Concept
Hence, men 2 = hn - hn 0 (Quantum Mechanical Theory)
= h (n - n 0 ) Electronic Configuration and
...(i) Quantum Number
where, n = Frequency of light, l
Emission Spectrum of H-atom The frequency, wavelengths
n 0 = Threshold frequency or wave-number of a spectral line in any of the series in the emission
h = Plancks constant = 6.625 10 -34
Js spectrum of hydrogen atom can be calculated using the following
Rydbergs equation :
1 1 1
men 2 = hc - 1 1 1
2 l l0 = n = RH Z 2 2 - 2 ; RH = 1.09678 107 m - 1
l n1 n2
(i) For Lyman series : n1 = 1, n2 = 2, 3
Bohrs Model Bohr proposed an idea of stationary orbits
in which electron revolves. According to Bohrs model, (occur in UV region)
electron does not lose energy as long as it stays in an (ii) For Balmer series : n1 = 2, n2 = 3, 4
stationary orbit. When an electron jumps to lower stationary (occur in visible region)
orbit, energy is lost in the form of electromagnetic radiation. (iii) For Paschen series : n1 = 3, n2 = 4 , 5
Conversely when energy is supplied, electron jumps to
(occur in IR region)
higher stationary orbit. According to Bohrs model,
(iv) For Brackett series : n1 = 4, n2 = 5, 6
(i) Angular momentum of an electron is quantised :
nh (occur in IR region)
Angular momentum ( mvr ) = (v) For Pfund series : n1 = 5, n2 = 6, 7
(i) (occur in IR region)
where, n = 1, 2, 3, , l
Wave-Particle Duality (de-Broglie Relationship)
(orbit number) h
l= ; ( p = momentum ( mv ))
(ii) Centrifugal force of orbiting electron is exactly balanced p
by the electrostatic attraction between nucleus and
Bohrs de-Broglie Relationship 2p r = n l, i.e. in a given
mv 2
Ze 2 stationary orbit, the number of de-Broglie wavelengths is equal to
= (ii) orbit number. If an electron at rest is accelerated by a potential
r 4 pe 0 r2
difference of V volt, then de-Broglie wavelength is :
Bohrs Radius Using the above relationships (i and ii), h
radius of a stationary orbit is l=
rn = a0 , l
Heisenbergs Uncertainty Principle According to this
principle, simultaneous and accurate measurement of both position
where, a0 = 0.529 (First Bohr and momentum of an electron in an atom is impossible.
Energy of Stationary Orbit (E n ) Dx Dp
- kZ 2
En = , (Q k = 13.6 eV = 2.18 10-18 J) Here, (Dx is uncertainty in position and Dp is uncertainty in
n2 momentum.)
22 Atomic Structure
Quantum Numbers To describe an electron completely l
Electronic Configuration Electrons are filled in atomic
inside the atom, four sets of quantum numbers are required. They orbitals in increasing order of their energy according to Aufbau
are as : principle :
(i) Principal Quantum Number ( n ) This specify position 1s
and energy of an electron in the atom. Possible values of n 2s 2p
are 0, 1, 2, 3, , . 3s 3p 3d
(ii) Angular Momentum (Azimuthal or Subsidiary) 4s 4p 4d 4f
Quantum Number ( l) This is used to specify subshell 5s 5p 5d 5f
(orbital). Possible values of l are 0, 1, 2, ( n - 1). Orbitals
6s 6p 6d
with different values of l are denoted as :
l = 0, for s-orbital spherical 7s 7p
l = 1, for p-orbital dumb-bell shape l
During filling up of electrons in atomic orbitals. Paulis
l = 2, for d-orbital double dump-bell shape
exclusion principle must be obeyed, i.e. no two electrons in an
l = 3, for f-orbital etc.
atom can have all four sets of quantum numbers same. This limits
The value of l also determine shape of orbital as mentioned the number of electrons in an orbital to two.
The value of l determines orbital angular momentum (L)
Hunds rule of maximum multiplicity is obeyed, i.e. orbitals of
same energies (degenerate atomic orbitals) are first singly
as :
occupied, then pairing starts. Exception occurs in case of Cr (24)
L = l ( l + 1) and Cu (29).
Cr =1s2 , 2s2 2 p 6 , 3s2 3 p 6 3d 5 , 4 s1 (not 3d 4 4 s2 )
The value of l also determine the magnitude of magnetic
moment as : Cu =1s2 , 2s2 2 p 6 , 3s2 3 p 6 3d 10 , 4 s1 (not 3d 9 4 s2 ).
eh eh Quantum Mechanical Model
= 9.27 10-14 J
mL = l ( l + 1) where,
4 p mC 4p mC (The Schrodingers Equation)
(iii) Magnetic Quantum Number ( m ) It determine the 2y 2y 2y 8 p2 m
+ 2
+ 2
+ (E - V ) y = 0
preferred orientation of orbitals in three dimensional space. x y z h2
Its possible values are : y = Wave function, represents an orbital
m = - l , ...., 0, ...., + l E = Total energy of an electron
e.g. for l = 2, m = - 2, 1, 0, +1, +2. V = Potential energy associated with electron
Total values of m for a given value of l = ( 2l + 1) = total
Solution of the second order differential equation
number of orbitals in a given orbital. (Schrodinger equation) gives the normalised wave functions
Splitting of spectral lines occur when placed in a magnetic
( y ). Normalised wave-function for some of the orbitals are :
field (Zeeman effect) or in an electric field (Stark effect). 3/ 2
Total lines from a single line in the normal spectrum 1 1
for s-orbital y1 s = e- r / a 0
= ( 2l + 1). p a0
Total number of orbitals in nth orbit = n 2 1
3/ 2
r - r / 2a 0
y 2s = 2 - a e
Total number of electrons in nth orbit = 2n 2 4 2p a0 0
(iv) Spin Quantum Number ( s ) Electrons spin on its own 4
1 1
axis like a top, in clockwise and anti-clockwise directions. for px -orbital y 2 px = r sin q cos f e- r / 2 a 0
4 2p a0
The two directions of spinning is denoted by spin quantum
number as : Radial Wave Functions and Number of Nodes As y
1 1 is plotted against distance from nucleus ( r ), ( n - l - 1) radial
s = + and -
2 2 nodes are obtained. At nodes, y changes its sign.
The spin quantum numbers are also denoted by up-half Probability density ( y 2 ) and radial distribution function
arrow ( ) and down-half arrow ( ) but neither the +1/2 and | Rn , l |2 r2 . For an orbital, probability density, y 2 is
1/2 or the or are specific for any direction, they just
represent the two opposite directions of spinning of maximum at nucleus but, | Rn , l |2 r2 is minimum at nucleus.
electrons. Also, when any of these two functions are plotted against r,
( n - l - 1) nodes are obtained.
Atomic Structure 23
1. y y 2s
|Rnl| 2r 2
|Rnl| 2r 2
r r r r
y 3s y 4.
|Rnl| 2r 2
r r
model of the atom, used a beam of (2002, 3M) (a) electrons (b) protons
(a) b -particles, which impinged on a metal foil and got (c) nucleus (d) neutrons
(b) g-rays, which impinged on a metal foil and got scattered Objective Questions II
(c) helium atoms, which impinged on a metal foil and got (One or more than one correct option)
scattered 8. The energy of an electron in the first Bohr orbit of H-atom is
(d) helium nuclei, which impinged on a metal foil and got 13.6 eV. The possible energy value(s) of the excited state(s)
for electrons in Bohr orbits of hydrogen is (are) (1988)
2. Rutherfords alpha particle scattering experiment (a) - 3.4 eV (b) - 4.2 eV
eventually led to the conclusion that (1986, 1M) (c) - 6.8 eV (d) + 6.8 eV
(a) mass and energy are related
9. The atomic nucleus contains (1988, 1M)
(b) electrons occupy space around the nucleus
(a) protons (b) neutrons
(c) neutrons are burried deep in the nucleus
(c) electrons (d) photons
(d) the point of impact with matter can be precisely determined
10. The sum of the number of neutrons and proton in the isotope of
3. The radius of an atomic nucleus is of the order of
hydrogen is (1986, 1M)
(a) 10-10 cm (b) 10-13 cm (1985, 1M)
(a) 6 (b) 5
(c) 10-15 cm (d) 10-8 cm
(c) 4 (d) 3
4. Bohrs model can explain (1985, 1M)
11. When alpha particles are sent through a thin metal foil, most of
(a) the spectrum of hydrogen atom only
them go straight through the foil, because (1984, 1M)
(b) spectrum of an atom or ion containing one electron only
(a) alpha particles are much heavier than electrons
(c) the spectrum of hydrogen molecule
(b) alpha particles are positively charged
(d) the solar spectrum
(c) most part of the atom is empty space
5. The increasing order (lowest first) for the values of e/m (d) alpha particles move with high velocity
(charge/mass) for electron ( e ), proton (p), neutron (n) and
alpha particle (a) is (1984, 1M)
12. Many elements have non-integral atomic masses, because
(a) they have isotopes (1984, 1M)
(a) e, p, n, a (b) n, p, e, a (c) n, p, a , e
(d) n, a, p, e (b) their isotopes have non-integral masses
(c) their isotopes have different masses
6. Rutherfords scattering experiment is related to the size of (d) the constituents, neutrons, protons and electrons, combine to
the (1983, 1M) give fractional masses
(a) nucleus (b) atom (c) electron (d) neutron
24 Atomic Structure
If radius of nth orbit 17. Elements of the same mass number but of different atomic
B. q. 1 numbers are known as .
E nx , x = ? (1983, 1M)
5. The number of radial nodes in 3s and 2p respectively are 10. The number of nodal planes in a px orbital is (2001, 1M)
(a) 2 and 0 (b) 0 and 2 (2005, 1M) (a) one (b) two
(c) 1 and 2 (d) 2 and 1 (c) three (d) zero
Atomic Structure 25
11. The electronic configuration of an element is 23. The orbital diagram in which the Aufbau principle is violated
1s2 , 2s2 2 p 6 , 3s2 3 p 6 3d 5 , 4 s1 . This represents its (2000, 1M) (1988, 1M)
(a) excited state (b) ground state (a)
(c) cationic form (d) anionic form
12. The electrons, identified by quantum numbers n and l,
(i) n = 4, l = 1, (ii) n = 4, l = 0, (iii) n = 3, l = 2, (iv) n = 3, l = 1 (c)
can be placed in order of increasing energy, from the lowest
to highest, as (1999, 2M)
(a) (iv) < (ii) < (iii) < (i) (b) (ii) < (iv) < (i) < (iii)
(c) (i) < (iii) < (ii) < (iv) (d) (iii) < (i) < (iv) < (ii) 24. The wavelength of a spectral line for an electronic transition
13. The energy of an electron in the first Bohr orbit of H-atom is is inversely related to (1988, 1M)
13.6 eV. The possible energy value(s) of the excited state(s) (a) the number of electrons undergoing the transition
for electrons in Bohr orbits of hydrogen is (are) (1998, 2M) (b) the nuclear charge of the atom
(a) 3.4 eV (b) 4.2 eV (c) 6.8 eV (d) + 6.8 eV (c) the difference in the energy of the energy levels involved in
the transition
14. For a d-electron, the orbital angular momentum is(1997, 1M) (d) the velocity of the electron undergoing the transition
h h h h
(a) 6 (b) 2 (c) (d) 2 25. The ratio of the energy of a photon of 200 wavelength
2p 2p 2p 2p
radiation to that of 4000 radiation is (1986, 1M)
15. The first use of quantum theory to explain the structure of 1 1
atom was made by (1997, 1M)
(a) (b) 4 (c) (d) 2
4 2
(a) Heisenberg (b) Bohr
26. Which one of the following sets of quantum numbers
(c) Planck (d) Einstein
represents an impossible arrangement? (1986, 1M)
16. Which of the following has the maximum number of n l m s
unpaired electrons ? (1996, 1M) (a) 3 2 2 1/2
(a) Mg2+ (b) Ti 3+ (c) V3+ (d) Fe2+ (b) 4 0 0 1/2
17. The orbital angular momentum of an electron in 2s-orbital is (c) 3 2 3
(1996, 1M) 2
1 h h h 1
(a) + (b) zero (c) (d) 2 (d) 5 3 0 -
2 2p 2p 2p 2
18. Which of the following relates to photons both as wave 27. Electromagnetic radiation with maximum wavelength is
motion and as a stream of particles ? (1992, 1M) (a) ultraviolet (b) radio wave (1985, 1M)
(a) Interference (b) E = mc2 (c) X-ray (d) infrared
(c) Diffraction (d) E = hn 28. Which electronic level would allow the hydrogen atom to
19. Which of the following does not characterise X-rays ? absorb a photon but not to emit a photon? (1984, 1M)
(a) The radiation can ionise gases (1992, 1M) (a) 3s (b) 2p (c) 2s (d) 1s
(b) It causes ZnS to fluoresce 29. Correct set of four quantum numbers for the valence
(c) Deflected by electric and magnetic fields (outermost) electron of rubidium ( Z = 37 ) is (1984, 1M)
(d) Have wavelengths shorter than ultraviolet rays 1 1
(a) 5, 0, 0, + (b) 5, 1, 0 , +
20. The correct set of quantum numbers for the unpaired electron 2 2
of chlorine atom is (1989, 1M) 1 1
(c) 5, 1, 1, + (d) 6, 0, 0, +
n l m n l m 2 2
(a) 2 1 0 (b) 2 1 1 30. The principal quantum number of an atom is related to the
(c) 3 1 1 (d) 3 0 0 (a) size of the orbital (1983, 1M)
21. The correct ground state electronic configuration of (b) spin angular momentum
chromium atom is (1989, 1M) (c) orientation of the orbital in space
(a) [ Ar ] 3d 5 4 s1 (b) [ Ar ] 3d 4 4 s2 (d) orbital angular momentum
(c) [ Ar ] 3d 6 4 s0 (d) [ Ar ] 4 d 5 4 s1 31. Any p-orbital can accommodate upto (1983, 1M)
(a) four electrons
22. The outermost electronic configuration of the most
(b) six electrons
electronegative element is (1988, 90, 1M)
(c) two electrons with parallel spins
(a) ns2 np3 (b) ns2 np4 (c) ns2 np5 (d) ns2 np6
(d) two electrons with opposite spins
26 Atomic Structure
Objective Questions II 38. The orbital angular momentum quantum number of the
state S 2 is (2010)
(One or more than one correct option) (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
32. The ground state electronic configuration of nitrogen atom can
be represented by (1999, 3M) Match the Columns
(a) 39. Match the entries in Column I with the correctly related
quantum number(s) in Column II. (2008, 6M)
Column I Column II
(c) A. Orbital angular momentum of p. Principal
the electron in a quantum
(d) hydrogen-like atomic orbital. number
B. A hydrogen-like one-electron q. Azimuthal
33. Which of the following statement (s) is (are) correct ? wave function obeying Paulis quantum
(1998, 2M) principle. number
(a) The electronic configuration of Cr is [Ar] 3d 5 4 s1 (atomic
C. Shape, size and orientation of r. Magnetic
number of Cr = 24)
hydrogen-like atomic orbitals. quantum
(b) The magnetic quantum number may have a negative value number
(c) In silver atom, 23 electrons have a spin of one type and 24 of
D. Probability density of electron s. Electron spin
the opposite type. (atomic number of Ag = 47)
at the nucleus in quantum
(d) The oxidation state of nitrogen in HN3 is 3
hydrogen-like atom. number
34. An isotone of 32 Ge is (1984, 1M)
77 77
(a) 32 Ge (b) 33 As Fill in the Blanks
77 78
(c) 34 Se (d) 34 Se 40. The outermost electronic configuration of Cr is
.......................... . (1994, 1M)
Assertion and Reason 41. 8 g each of oxygen and hydrogen at 27C will have the total
Read the following questions and answer as per the direction kinetic energy in the ratio of .......... . (1989, 1M)
given below :
42. The uncertainty principle and the concept of wave nature of
(a) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct; Statement II matter were proposed by ............ and .............respectively.
is the correct explanation of Statement I (1988, 1M)
(b) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct; Statement II 43. Wave functions of electrons in atoms and molecules are
is not the correct explanation of Statement I called .............. . (1993, 1M)
(c) Statement I is correct; Statement II is incorrect
44. The 2 px, 2 p y and 2 p z orbitals of atom have identical
(d) Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is correct
shapes but differ in their ........... . (1993, 1M)
35. Statement I The first ionisation energy of Be is greater than
that of B. 45. When there are two electrons in the same orbital, they have
spins. (1983, 1M)
Statement II 2p-orbital is lower in energy than 2s. (2000)
Passage Based Problems
46. In a given electric field, b-particles are deflected more
The hydrogen-like species Li2+ is in a spherically symmetric
than a-particles in spite of a-particles having larger
state S 1 with one radial node. Upon absorbing light the ion
charge. (1993, 1M)
undergoes transition to a state S 2 . The state S 2 has one radial
node and its energy is equal to the ground state energy of the 47. The electron density in the XY-plane in 3d x 2 - y2
orbital is
hydrogen atom. zero. (1986, 1M)
36. The state S 1 is (2010) 48. The energy of the electron in the 3d-orbital is less than that
(a) 1s (b) 2s in the 4s-orbital in the hydrogen atom. (1983, 1M)
(c) 2p (d) 3s
49. Gamma rays are electromagnetic radiations of wavelengths
37. Energy of the state S 1 in units of the hydrogen atom ground of 10-6 to 10-5 cm. (1983, 1M)
state energy is (2010)
(a) 0.75 (b) 1.50 50. The outer electronic configuration of the ground state
(c) 2.25 (d) 4.50 chromium atom is 3d 4 4 s2 . (1982, 1M)
Atomic Structure 27
Integer Answer Type Questions 61. Calculate the wave number for the shortest wavelength
transition in the Balmer series of atomic hydrogen.
51. In an atom, the total number of electrons having quantum (1996, 1M)
numbers (2014 Adv.)
1 62. Iodine molecule dissociates into atoms after absorbing
n = 4, | ml | = 1and ms = - is light to 4500. If one quantum of radiation is absorbed by
each molecule, calculate the kinetic energy of iodine
52. The atomic masses of He and Ne are 4 and 20 amu, atoms.
respectively. The value of the de-Broglie wavelength of He gas
(Bond energy of I2 = 240 kJ mol 1 ) (1995, 2M)
at -73C is M times that of the de-Broglie wavelength of Ne
at 727C. M is (2013 Adv.) 63. Find out the number of waves made by a Bohrs electron in
53. The work function (f) of some metals is listed below. The one complete revolution in its 3rd orbit. (1994, 3M)
number of metals which will show photoelectric effect when 64. What transition in the hydrogen spectrum would have the
light of 300 nm wavelength falls on the metal is (2011) same wavelength as the Balmer transition n = 4 to n = 2 of
Metal Li Na K Mg Cu Ag Fe Pt W He+ spectrum? (1993, 3M)
F (eV) 2.4 2.3 2.2 3.7 4.8 4.3 4.7 6.3 4.75 65. Estimate the difference in energy between 1st and 2nd
Bohrs orbit for a hydrogen atom. At what minimum
54. The maximum number of electrons that can have principal
atomic number, a transition from n = 2 to n = 1energy level
quantum number, n = 3and spin quantum number, ms = -1 / 2 ,
would result in the emission of X-rays with
is (2011)
l = 3.0 108 m ? Which hydrogen atom-like species does
Subjective Questions this atomic number correspond to? (1993, 5M)
55. (a) Calculate velocity of electron in first Bohr orbit of hydrogen 66. According to Bohrs theory, the electronic energy of
atom (Given, r = a0 ). hydrogen atom in the nth Bohrs orbit is given by :
(b) Find de-Broglie wavelength of the electron in first Bohr orbit. -21.7 10-19
En = J
(c) Find the orbital angular momentum of 2p-orbital in terms of n2
h / 2p units. (2005, 2M) Calculate the longest wavelength of electron from the third
56. (a) The Schrodinger wave equation for hydrogen atom is Bohrs orbit of the He+ ion. (1990, 3M)
3/ 2
1 1 r 67. What is the maximum number of electrons that may be
y 2s = 2 - e-r / 2a 0
4 (2p )1/ 2 a0 a0 present in all the atomic orbitals with principal quantum
number 3 and azimuthal quantum number 2 ? (1985, 2M)
where, a0 is Bohrs radius. Let the radial node in 2s be at r0.
Then, find r in terms of a0. 68. Give reason why the ground state outermost electronic
(b) A base ball having mass 100 g moves with velocity configuration of silicon is (1985, 2M)
100 m/s. Find out the value of wavelength of base ball. 3s 3p 3s 3p
(2004, 2M) and not
57. The wavelength corresponding to maximum energy for
hydrogen is 91.2 nm. Find the corresponding wavelength for 69. The electron energy in hydrogen atom is given by
He+ ion. (2003, 2M) 21.7 10-12
En = - erg. Calculate the energy required to
58. Calculate the energy required to excite 1 L of hydrogen gas at n2
1 atm and 298 K to the first excited state of atomic hydrogen. remove an electron completely from the n = 2 orbit. What
The energy for the dissociation of HH bond is 436 kJ mol -1 . is the longest wavelength (in cm) of light that can be used to
(2000) cause this transition? (1984, 3M)
59. An electron beam can undergo diffraction by crystals. Through 70. Calculate the wavelength in Angstroms of the photon that
what potential should a beam of electrons be accelerated so is emitted when an electron in the Bohrs orbit, n = 2
that its wavelength becomes equal to 1.54 . (1997 (C), 2M) returns to the orbit, n = 1 in the hydrogen atom. The
ionisation potential of the ground state hydrogen atom is
60. Consider the hydrogen atom to be proton embedded in a cavity
2.17 10-11 erg per atom. (1982, 4M)
of radius a0 (Bohrs radius) whose charge is neutralised by the
addition of an electron to the cavity in vacuum, infinitely 71. The energy of the electron in the second and third Bohrs
slowly. Estimate the average total energy of an electron in its orbits of the hydrogen atom is - 5.42 10-12 erg and
ground state in a hydrogen atom as the work done in the above - 2.41 10-12 erg respectively. Calculate the wavelength
neutralisation process. Also, if the magnitude of the average
of the emitted light when the electron drops from the third
kinetic energy is half the magnitude of the average potential
to the second orbit. (1981, 3M)
energy, find the average potential energy. (1996, 2M)
28 Atomic Structure
Potential energy of this a-particle can be determined as Also, Bohrs radius for H-atom is, r = n 2 a0
Z1 Z2 e 2 Substituting r in Eq. (i) gives
PE = -
( 4 pe 0 ) r h2 h2
KE = 2 2 2 when n = 2 , KE =
8p n a0 m 32p2 a02 m
(Z1 = + 2, Z2 = + 29,
e 0 = 8.85 10-12 J-1 C2 m-1 , r =10-13 m) 5. The number of radial nodes is given by expression ( n - l -1).
2 29 (1.6 10-19 )2 For 3s, number of nodes = 3 - 0 - 1 = 2
| PE | = J
4 3.14 8.85 10 -12
10-13 For 2 p, number of nodes = 2 - 1 -1 = 0
= 1.33 10 -13
J a0 n 2
6. Expression for Bohrs orbit is, rn = = a0
= kinetic energy of a-particle at t =0 when n = 2, Z = 4.
KE = mv2 = 1.33 10-13 7. 1s7 violate Pauli exclusion principle, according to which an
2 orbital cannot have more than two electrons.
2 1.33 10-13 1 1
v= = 6.3 106 ms -1 8. + and - just represents two quantum mechanical spin
4 1.66 10-27 2 2
states which have no classical analogue.
Topic 2 Advanced Concept 9. Using the de-Broglies relationship :
(Quantum Mechanical Theory) h 6.625 10-34
l= = = 2.3 10-30 m
Electronic Configuration and mv 0.2 5
Quantum Number 60 60
1. \ En = - eV where, n = 1, 2, 3 ... 10. Nodal plane is an imaginary plane on which probability of
n2 finding an electron is minimum. Every p-orbital has one
-13.6 nodal plane :
In excited states, E2 = = -3.4 eV
2. Given, atomic number of Rb, Z = 37 px
Thus, its electronic configuration is [ Kr ]5s1 . Since, the last
electron or valence electron enter in 5s subshell. YZ-plane, a nodal plane
So, the quantum numbers are n = 5, l = 0,(for s-orbital) m = 0
(Q m = + l to -l ), s = + 1 / 2 or - 1 / 2. 11. 1s2 2 s2 2 p 6 3s2 3 p 6 3d 5 4 s1 is ground state electronic
Z2 configuration of Cr.
3. Given, in the question E = - 2.178 10-18 J 2
n 12. (i) n = 4 , l = 1 4 p-orbital
(ii) n = 4 , l = 0 4s-orbital
For hydrogen Z = 1, (iii) n = 3, l = 2 3d-orbital
1 (iv) n = 3, l = 1 3d-orbital
So, E1 = - 2.178 10-18 J 2
1 According to Aufbau principle, energies of above mentioned
1 orbitals are in the order of
E2 = - 2.178 10-18 J 2
2 (iv) 3 p < (ii) 4s < (iii) 3d < (i) 4 p
Now, E1 - E2 13. The energy of an electron in a Bohr atom is expressed as
-18 1 1 hc
kZ 2 where, k = Constant,
i.e. DE = 2.178 10 2 - 2=
1 2 l En = - 2 Z = Atomic number,
1 6.62 10-34 3.0 108 n = Orbit number
2.178 10-18 2 - 2 = = - 13.6 eV for H ( n = 1)
1 2 l
- 13.6
\ l 1.21 10-7 m when n = 2 , E2 = eV = - 3.40 eV
4. According to Bohrs model, (n can have only integral value 1, 2, 3, )
nh n2h2 h
mvr = ( mv )2 = 14. The orbital angular momentum ( L ) = l ( l + 1)
2p 4 p2 r 2 2p
2 2
1 2 n h h
KE = mv = 2 2 (i) = 6 ( l = 2 for d -orbital )
2 8p r m 2p
30 Atomic Structure
15. Bohr first made use of quantum theory to explain the 29. The valence shell configuration of Rubidium (Rb) is
structure of atom and proposed that energy of electron in an 1 1
[ Kr ] 5s1 n = 5, l = 0, m = 0, s= + or -
atom is quantised. 2 2
16. Mg 2 + = 1s2 2s2 2 p 6 no unpaired electron 30. The principal quantum number n represents orbit number
Ti 3+ 2 2 6 2 6 1
= 1s 2 s 2 p 3s 3 p 3d one unpaired electron hence, determine the size of orbitals.
31. According to Pauli exclusion principle, an atomic orbital can
V3+ = 1s2 2 s2 2 p 6 3s2 3 p 6 3d 2 two unpaired electrons
accommodate at the most, two electrons, with opposite spins.
Fe2+ =1s2 2 s2 2 p 6 3s2 3 p 6 3d 6 four unpaired electrons 32. Both (a) and (d) are correct. The three electrons in the
17. Expression for orbital angular momentum (L) is 2 p-orbitals must have same spin, no matter up spin or down
h spin.
L = l ( l + 1) = 0 for 2s-electrons
2p 33. (a) Cr = [Ar] 3d 5 4 s1 , an exception to aufbau principle.
Q For s-orbital, l =0. (b) For a given value of l, m can have any value from
2 (-l to +l ), so can have negative value.
18. Diffraction is property of wave, E = mc determine energy of
(c) Ag is in copper group with d 10 s1 configuration,
particle and E = hn determine energy of photon. Interference
i.e. 46 electrons are spin paired.
phenomena is exhibited by both matter and waves.
34. Isotones have same number of neutrons.
19. X-rays is electrically neutral, not deflected in electric or 76
magnetic fields. 32 Ge , 33 As 77 and 34 Se78 have same number (44) of
20. Cl (17) =1s2 2 s2 2 p 6 3s2 3 p 5 neutrons, hence they are isotones.
35. Assertion is correct Be (1s2 , 2s2 ) has stable electronic
configuration, removing an electron require more energy
The last, unpaired electron has, n = 3, l = 1( p ) and m can than the same for B( 2 p1 ). Reason is incorrect
have any of the three value (-1, 0, + 1). (Aufbau principle).
21. Cr (24) =1s2 2 s2 2 p 6 3s2 3 p 6 3d 5 4 s1 36. S 1 is spherically symmetrical state, i.e. it correspond to a
Ar s-orbital. Also, it has one radial node.
The above configuration is exception to Aufbaus principle. Number of radial nodes = n - l - l
n - 0 -1=1
22. Fluorine, a halogen, is the most electronegative atom, has the
electronic configuration 2s2 2 p 5 (valence shell). n = 2 i.e. S 1 = 2s-orbital.
23. Option (b) is wrong representation according to aufbau 37. Ground state energy of electron in H-atom ( EH )
principle. A high energy atomic orbital ( 2 p ) cannot be filled kZ 2
unless the low energy orbital ( 2s ) is completely occupied. EH = = k ( Z = 1, n = 1)
1 1 hc
24. Transition energy ( DE ) = kZ 2 - = For S 1 state of Li 2+ ,
n12 n22 l
k ( 3 )2 9
1 E= = k = 2.25 k
i.e. DE 22 4
38. In S 2 state, E ( Li 2+ ) = K (given)
hc E l
25. E= 1 = 2 =2 qk
l E2 l1 K =
26. n l m s n=3
1 Since, S 2 has one radial node.
3 2 -3
2 3 - l -1 = 1
This is the wrong set of quantum number because | m | cannot l =1
be greater than l.
39. A. Orbital angular momentum
27. The wavelength order is h
( L ) = l ( l + 1)
X-ray < ultraviolet < infrared < radio wave 2p
28. When electron jumps to lower orbit photons are emitted i.e. L depends on azimuthal quantum number only.
while photons are absorbed when electron jumps to higher B. To describe a one electron wave function, three quantum
orbit. 1s-orbital is the lower most, electron in this orbital can numbers n, l and m are needed. Further to abide by Pauli
absorb photons but cannot emit. exclusion principle, spin quantum number(s) is also needed.
Atomic Structure 31
C. For shape, size and orientation, only n, l and m are needed. 53. Energy of photon
D. Probability density (y 2 ) can be determined if n, l and m are hc hc 6.625 1034 3 108
known. = J = eV = = 4 . 14 eV
l el 300 109 1.602 1019
40. Cr = [Ar] 3d 5 4 s1 For photoelectric effect to occur, energy of incident photons
41. 1 : 16 must be greater than work function of metal. Hence, only Li,
Na, K and Mg have work functions less than 4.14 V.
42. Heisenberg proposed uncertainty principle and de-Broglie
proposed wave nature of electron. 54. When n = 3, l = 0, 1, 2 i.e. there are 3s, 3p and 3d-orbitals. If
all these orbitals are completely occupied as
43. orbital
44. 2 px ,2 p y and 2 p z have different orientation in space.
45. Two electrons in same orbital must have opposite spin. 1
Total 18 electrons, 9 electrons with s = + and 9 with
46. Very large mass of alpha particles than beta particles is s= .
responsible for less deflection in former case. 2
Alternatively In any nth orbit, there can be a maximum of
47. 3d x 2 - y 2 orbital lies in XY -plane. 2n2 electrons. Hence, when n = 3, number of maximum
48. Aufbau principle. 1
electrons = 18. Out of these 18 electrons, 9 can have spin
49. This is the wavelength of infrared radiation. 1 2
and remaining nine with spin + .
50. Cr = 3d 5 4 s1 . 2
55. (a) mvr =
51. PLAN This problem is based on concept of quantum number. Follow 2p
the following steps to solve this problem.
Write all possible orbitals having combination of same principal, nh 6.625 10-34
v= =
azimuthal, magnetic and spin quantum number. 2pmr 2 3.14 9.1 10-31 0.529 10-10
Then count the all possible electrons having given set of
quantum numbers. = 2.18 106 ms - 1
For n = 4, the total number of possible orbitals are h 6.625 10-34
(b) l = = = 0.33 10-9 m
4s 4p 4d 4f
mv 9.1 10-31 2.18 106
0 1 0 +1 2 1 0 +1 +2 3 2 1 0 +1 +2 +3 (c) Orbital angular momentum
h h
According to question | m l | = 1, i.e. there are two possible ( L ) = l ( l + 1) = 2
values of m l , i.e. +1 and 1 and one orbital can contain
2p 2p
1 [Q For p-orbital, l = 1]
maximum two electrons one having s = + and other having
2 56. (a) At radial node, y 2 must vanishes, i.e.
s = -1 / 2 . 2 2 r0
So, total number of orbitals having {| m l | = 1} = 6 1 r0 - a 0
y 22 s = 0 = 2 - e
Total number of electrons having 4 2p a0
1 r0
{| m l | = 1and ms = - } = 6 2- = 0 r0 = 2a0
2 a0
52. PLAN KE = 1 mv 2 = 3 RT h 6.625 10-34
2 2 (b) l= = = 6.625 10-35 m
mv 100 10-3 100
\ m2 v2 = 2mKE \ mv = 2mKE
h h h = 6.625 10-25 (negligibly small)
l (wavelength) = =
mv 2mKE 2m(T ) 57. The general Rydbergs equation is
where, T = Temperature in Kelvin 1 1 1
n= = R ( Z )2 2 - 2
h l
l(He at -73 C = 200 K ) = n1 n2
2 4 200 1
h Z2
l (Ne at 727C = 1000 K ) = l
2 20 1000 l ( He+ ) Z ( H )2 1
= + 2
l( He ) 2 20 1000 l (H) Z ( He ) 4
\ =M = =5
l( Ne ) 2 4 200 l ( H ) 91.2
l ( He+ ) = = nm = 22.8 nm
Thus, M =5 4 4
32 Atomic Structure
For a H-like species, energy of stationary orbit is determined 68. The 2nd configuration is against Hunds rule of maximum
as multiplicity which states that the singly occupied degenerate
kZ 2 atomic orbitals must have electrons of like spins.
En = -
n2 69. The required transition is n1 = 2 to n2 = and corresponding
where, Z = atomic number transition energy is
1 1 1 1 21.7
DE = kZ 2 2 - 2 DE = 21.7 10-12 2 - 2 erg = 10-12 erg
n1 n2 n
1 n 2 4
1 DE k 2 1 1 3 = 5.425 10-12 erg
= = Z - = RH Z 2
l hc hc 1 4 4 The longest wavelength that can cause above transition can
2 4 4 be determined as :
Z = = = 4.05
3RH l 3 1.097 107 3 10-8
hc 6.625 10-34 3 108
+ l= =
Z = 2 (He ) DE 5.425 10-12 10-7
= 3.66 10-7 m = 3.66 10-5 cm
66. For H-like species, the energy of stationary orbit is expressed
as 70. Ionisation potential of H-like species
= E1 = 2.17 10-11 erg
E ( X ) = Z2 E (H )
For He+ ( Z = 2 ) DE = 2.17 10-11 1 - 2 10-7 J
4 21.7 10-19
E =- J -18 hc
n2 = 1.6275 10 J l =
For longest wavelength transition from 3rd orbit, electron
6.625 10-34 3 108
must jump to 4th orbit and the transition energy can be = m
determined as 1.6275 10-18
1 1 = 122 10-9 m = 1220
DE = + 4 21.7 10-19 - J = 4.22 10-19 J
9 16 71. Transition energy = [ - 2.41 - ( - 5.42 )] 10-12 erg
Also, Q DE = = 3.01 10-12 erg
hc 6.625 10-34 3 108 = 3.01 10-19 J [Q 1erg = 10-7 J ]
\ l= = m hc
DE 4.22 10-19 Also, DE =
= 471 10-9 m = 471 nm 6.625 10-34 3 108
l= m
67. Ten, the given value of n and l correspond to 3d-orbital 3.01 10-19
which has five fold degeneracy level.
= 660 10-9 m = 660 nm
1. Which of the following statements is incorrect? spectrum containing 15 bright lines. Out of these 15 lines,
(a) When hydrogen atoms were excited, a line spectrum 9 lines were found to have wavelengths smaller than
rather than a continuous spectrum was observed 121 nm while 5 lines have wavelengths greater than
(b) It was assumed that electrons in the hydrogen atoms 121 nm. Based on the above information, answer the
were allowed to have only discrete amounts of energy following three questions.
(c) In Balmer series, the emitted light falls in the visible 6. What is the value of ni ?
region of spectrum in which the electron's final energy
level is 2 (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
(d) Einstein postulated that light behaved as a particle
7. What is the ionisation energy of the given species in
called a photon, and the photoelectric effect was used
to support this postulation eV unit ?
(a) 13.6 (b) 54.4 (c)122.4 (d) 217.6
2. Which of the following is not a legal set of quantum
numbers for an electron in an atom? 8. Which electronic transition correspond to the
(a) n = 5, l = 3, ml = 2, m s = 1/2 emission of 2nd longest wavelength?
(b) n = 3, l = 2 , ml = 3, m s = - 1/2 (a) 6 5 (b) 6 4 (c) 5 4 (d) 4 3
(c) n = 1, l = 1, ml = 0, m s = - 1/2
(d) n = 6, l = 3, ml = - 3, m s = 1/2 Assertion-Reason Type
Following two questions have assertion followed by the
3. The first emission line in visible region in the emission reason. Answer them according to the following
spectrum of He+ ion would correspond to which of the options.
following electronic transition? (a) Both assertion and reason are correct and reason is
(a) 6 3 (b) 7 4 (c) 5 4 (d) 6 4 the correct explanation of the assertion
(b) Both assertion and reason are correct but reason is
4. Consider the following radial distribution function not the correct explanation of assertion
diagrams. Which of the following has the correct (c) Assertion is correct but reason is incorrect
matching of curve and orbital? (d) Assertion is incorrect but reason is correct
1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (a, c, d) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (c) 9. (d) 10. (b)
11. A q,r,s; B q,r,s; C p,q,s; D p 12. (6)
Periodic Classification and
Periodic Properties
History and Periodic Classification Periodic Properties
Mendeleef s Periodic Law According to Mendeleef, l
Metallic and Non-metallic Character
The physical and chemical properties of the elements are a (i) The tendency of an element to loose electrons and form
periodic function of their atomic weights. He arranged the positive ions is called electropositive character or
elements in increasing order of atomic weights into groups metallic character, e.g. alkali metals are the most
and periods. electropositive elements.
(ii) The tendency of an element to accept electrons to form an
Drawbacks of Mendeleef s Periodic Table anion is called non-metallic character or electronegative
Anomaly is found in three pair of elements. Tellurium (Te) character, e.g. chlorine, oxygen, nitrogen are all
and iodine (I), argon (Ar) and potassium (K), nickel (Ni) and electronegative elements and they are called non-metals.
cobalt (Co) which were not in accordance of their chemical (iii) In a period, metallic character of elements decreases from
behaviour. left to right, e.g. in 3rd period, Na on extreme left is most
Moseleys Law and Long-Form (Modern) Periodic metallic and Cl on extreme right is most electronegative.
Table From his X-ray diffraction experiments on a number (iv) In a group metallic character increases from top to
of elements, Moseley proposed that The physical and bottom, e.g. in group 14, element at the top (carbon) is
chemical properties of the elements are a periodic function of non-metal while element at the bottom (lead) is metal.
their atomic number or their electronic configuration. l
Atomic Size and Atomic Radii The distance from
Characteristic Features of Long Form of Periodic Table centre of the nucleus to the outermost shell is called radius of
an atom. Atomic radius, therefore, depends on two important
(i) The modern periodic table is divided into two main factors : (i) The orbit number of outermost shell and
categories known as (ii) On effective nuclear charge.
(a) vertical columnsgroups and (a) Effective nuclear charge increases from left to right
(b) horizontal rowsperiods. in a period and therefore, atomic radius decreases
(ii) There are 18 groups. These groups are further from left to right in a given period.
subdivided into A-groups and B-groups. (b) Orbit number in which the last electron enters
(iii) Members of the same group have same valence shell increases successively from top to bottom in a group,
configurations. hence atomic radius increases from top to bottom in a
(iv) Elements of group IA to VIIA (1, 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 group.
groups) are known as representative elements. Members l
Covalent Radius and van der Waals Radius
of group IB to VIIIB (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12) are Covalent radius is defined in covalently bonded molecules as :
known as transition elements. A A B
(v) Elements of group 18 (also known as zero group) are
noble gases.
(vi) There are seven horizontal rows in the periodic table,
known as periods.
(vii) In a period, number of valence shell remains the same, d d
however the number of electrons increases from left to Covalent rad =
d d = rA + rB
right. 2
36 Periodic Classification and Periodic Properties
neutral gaseous atom in the ground state. Electron affinity compound. The value of electronegativity of an element
of an element depends on : (a) Extent of nuclear charge, i.e. describes the ability of its atom to complete for electrons with
effective nuclear charge. (b) Size of the atom. (c) Stability the other atom to which it is bonded. Electronegativity is
of valence shell electronic configuration. however not the property of an isolated atom. In general,
If electron affinity is low, the electron is weakly bound (i) Electronegativity increases from left to right in a period,
to the nucleus and if the electron affinity is high, ending at group 17.
electron is strongly bound to the nucleus, e.g. electron (ii) In a group electronegativity decreases from top to bottom.
affinity of chlorine is 3.79 eV which is higher than that The following Scales are used to measured
of iodine, i.e. 3.28 eV. Periodic trend of electron electronegativity :
affinity is : (i) Pauling Scale The electronegativity value for other
(i) In a period, it increases from left to right. Exception element are calculated as follows for a covalent bond
occurs in case of C and N. Carbon has greater electron between A and B
affinity than nitrogen because later has stable valence c A - c B - 0.208 D
shell configuration :
where, c A and c B are electronegativities of A and B
, has less affinity for electron.
D = E A - B - A A - A EB - B
2p2 (ii) Mulliken Scale According to this scale :
, has greater affinity for electron Ionisation enthalpy + Electron gain enthalpy
than nitrogen. c=
(ii) In a group, electron affinity decreases from top to l
Inert Pair Effect It is an effect, observed mainly in groups
bottom. Exception occur between fluorine and 13, 14 and 15. According to this effect, as we descend down in
chlorine. Fluorine, due to smaller size and high a group, the two electrons of s-orbital of the valence shell
electron density, has slightly smaller electron affnity becomes inert, do not easily take part in bonding and the
than chlorine. element show its oxidation state two unit less than the group
(iii) Addition of 2nd electron is always an endothermic oxidation number. Let us take the case of group 13. Al has +3,
process. Ga has +3 as their stable oxidation state. In show both +1 and
(iv) Noble gases have positive electron gain enthalpy, i.e. +3 oxidation state but Tl has only +1 as their stable oxidation
energy is required to add an electron into their valence state, because the two s-electrons of ns2 np1 have become inert.
shell. Inert pair effect is the result of increase in effective nuclear
(v) Be, N also have positive electron gain enthalpy due to charge on moving down in a group. Similar, phenomena is
their stable electronic configuration. observed in group 14. Si, Ge show their usual oxidation state of
Electronegativity Electronegativity is the tendency of + 4, Sn has both + 2 and + 4 oxidation state but lead has + 2 as
an atom to attract electron towards itself in a molecule or their most stable oxidation state.
24. Sodium sulphate is soluble in water whereas barium Fill in the Blanks
sulphate is sparingly soluble because (1989, 1M)
(a) the hydration energy of sodium sulphate is more than its 30. Compounds that formally contain Pb 4+ are easily reduced to Pb 2+ .
lattice energy The stability of the lower oxidation state is due to .(1997, 1M)
(b) the lattice energy of barium sulphate is more than its 31. Ca 2+ has a smaller ionic radius than K + because it has ............
hydration energy (1993, 1M
(c) the lattice energy has no role to play in solubility 32. On Mulliken scale, the average of ionisation potential and electron
(d) the hydration energy of sodium sulphate is less than its affinity is known as ................ (1985, 1M)
lattice energy
33. The energy released when an electron is added to a neutral gaseous
Assertion and Reason atom is called . (1982, 1M)
10. (a) Correct statement In a period, element of 2nd group 20. Nitrogen has highest ionisation potential due to exceptional
has higher first ionisation potential than element of stability of its valence shell configuration mentioned in
group 13. question 21.
(b) Incorrect statement Mg + require less energy for
21. For second ionisation potential, electron will have to be
further ionisation than Na + because of noble gas removed from valence shell of the following ions:
configuration of Na + .
(c) Correct statement Ionisation energy increases from C+ (5e-) = 1s2 2s2
left to right in a period. 2p
(d) Correct statement Mg 2+ has noble gas configuration, N+ (6e-) = 1s2 2s2
require greater energy for further ionisation than Na 2+ . 2p
11. Mg 2+ =1s2 2 s2 2 p 6 = no unpaired electron O+ (7e-) = 1s2 2s2
3+ 2 2 6 2 6 1
Ti =1s 2 s 2 p 3s 3 p 3d = one unpaired electron 2p
V 3+ 2 2 6 2 6 2
=1s 2 s 2 p 3s 3 p 3d = two unpaired electrons F+ (8e-) = 1s2 2s2
Fe 2+ 2 2 6 2 6 6
=1s 2 s 2 p 3s 3 p 3d = four unpaired electrons 2p
12. Pb has most stable +2 oxidation state due to inert pair effect. In general, ionisation energy increases from left to right in a
2 3 period. However, exception occur between adjacent atoms in
13. [Ne] 3s 3 p has highest ionisation energy, periodic trend.
a period, greater amount energy is required for removal of
14. Among isoelectronic species, the relation in size is electron from completely half-filled or completely filled
cation < neutral < anion orbital than the same for adjacent atom with either less than
+ completely half-filled or less than completely filled orbital.
Hence, Na has smallest size.
Therefore, ionisation potential of O+ is greater than that of F+ .
15. Ionisation energy increases from left to right in a period. Also ionisation potential of N+ is greater than C+ but less than
However, exception occur between group 2 and group 13 both O+ and F+ (periodic trend). Hence, overall order is 2nd
elements on account of stability of electronic configuration IP : O > F > N > C.
of valence shell.
22. (a) Ti 4+ > Mn 7+ is the correct order of size due to lower
positive charge on Ti 4+ .
Group 2 = > Group 13 = (b) 37 Cl - = 37 Cl - : Isotopes with same charge have same size
ns2 ns2 np1 because isotopes differ in compositions of nuclei which
do not affect the atomic/ionic radius.
The desired order is Na < Mg > Al < Si
(c) K + < Cl - is the correct order. Among isoelectronic
16. Electronegativity increases from left to right in a period and species, anion has greater size than cation.
decreases from top to bottom in a group. Variation is more
(d) P3+ > P5+ is the correct order. For the same elements,
rapid in group than in a period, hence the desired order is
Electronegativity : Si < P < C < N lower the positive charge, larger the ions.
17. Atomic radius of noble gases are greater than halogens of 23. (a) and (b) are infact the same statements and both are
correct. N has slightly greater ionisation energy than
same period, hence (a) is the correct answer.
oxygen which is against periodic trend. This exception is
18. First ionisation energy of oxygen is less than that of nitrogen due to completely half-filled ( 2 p 3 ) orbital in nitrogen that
on the ground of stability of valence shell configuration, makes ionisation slightly difficult than oxygen.
hence (a) is the correct answer. (c) Also correct : Although N has greater first ionisation
19. Hydration energy depends on charge of ion and ionic radius. potential than oxygen, two values of ionisation potentials
Higher the charge, greater the hydration energy. On the are comparable since they are adjacent in a period, i.e.
other hand, smaller the size, greater the hydration energy. electrons are removed from same orbit during ionisation.
Charge is considered first for comparison. Hence, Mg 2+ has (d) Incorrect opposite to (c). of the bonded atoms which in
higher hydration energy than Na + . turn has periodic trend in long form of periodic table.
42 Periodic Classification and Periodic Properties
24. (a) Correct For greater solubility, hydration energy must be 38. Li + < Al 3+ < Mg 2+ < K +
greater than lattice energy.
Size decreases from left to right in a period and it increases
(b) Correct Greater lattice energy discourage dissolution of a from top to bottom in a group. Variation is more
pronounced in group than in period.
(c) Incorrect When a salt dissolve, energy is required to
break the lattice, which comes from hydration process. 39. Zn = 3d 10 4 s2 ,
(d) Incorrect Explained in (A). Cu = 3d 10 4 s1
25. Statement I and II are true and Statement II is the correct The first ionisation energy is greater for Zn but reverse is
explanation of statement I. true for 2nd ionisation energy.
26. Statement I is true. Stronger oxidising agent is one which itself 40. Ionic size
can easily be reduced. Pb 4+ is unstable, due to inert pair effect, Mg 2+ < Na + < F- < O2 - < N3 -
can easily be reduced to stable Pb 2+ , hence a stronger oxidising
Already explained in question 1 (i).
agent than Sn 4+ .
Statement II is false. Due to inert pair effect, the higher 41. The first ionisation energy of carbon is greater than the
oxidation states of group 14 elements becomes less stable for same of boron as predicted from periodic trend. However,
heavier member. for 2nd
27. Both statements I and II are true and Statement II is the correct B+ = 1s2 ; more stable than C+ =1s2 2s2
explanation of statement I. 2s2 2p1
28. Statement I is true Be has higher first ionisation energy than B ionisation trend is reversed due to stability of completely
which is against periodic trend. filled 2s-orbital of B+ :
Statement II is false 2s-orbital is lower in energy than 2 p, 42. Size Ca 2+ < Ar < Cl - < S2 -
Aufbaus principle. Explained in (i), question 6.
29. Statement I is true; Statement II is false. 43. (i) Mg2+ , O2- , Na + and F - are all isoelectronic, has
F atom has slightly lower affinity for the electron than chlorine. 10 electrons each. Among isoelectronic species,
It is due to the reason that additional electrons are repelled more the order of size is cation < neutral < anion.
effectively by 2 p-electrons in F than by 3 p-electrons in Also, between cations, higher the charge, smaller the
Cl-atom. size and between anions, greater the negative charge,
30. Inert pair effect-favours lower oxidation state. larger the size. Therefore, the decreasing order of
ionic radii : O2 - > F- > Na + > Mg 2 +
31. Higher effective nuclear charge due to greater p/e ratio.
IP + EA (ii) First ionisation energy increases from left to right in a
32. Electronegativity = (Mulliken formula) period. However, exception occur between group 2
and 13 and group 15 and 16 where trend is reversed on
33. Electron affinitydefinition. the grounds of stability of completely filled and
34. Basic nature of hydroxides increases down a group. completely half-filled orbitals. Therefore,
Ionisation energy (1st) : Na < Al < Mg < Si
35. Cl has maximum electron affinity, hence the correct order is
(iii) If the atoms are from same period, bond length is
Cl > F > Br inversely proportional to bond order. In a group, bond
36. Ionisation potential decreases down the group but this is not the length is related directly to atomic radius. Therefore,
only criteria of reducing power. bond length N2 < O2 < F2 < Cl 2
37. In a group, size increases from top to bottom.
N0 /2 atom of X (g) are converted into X + (g) by energy and anti-clockwise (2), while on pseudo earth there is an
E1. N0 / 2 atoms of X (g) are converted into X - (g ) by additional possible value of spin quantum number called
energy E2 . Hence, ionisation potential and electron neutral spin (3) in which 1 2 3
electron is believed to be
affinity of X (g) are
fluctuating harmonically
2 E 2 2 ( E1 - E 2 ) 2 E1 2 E 2 between clockwise and
(a) , (b) ,
N0 N0 N0 N0 anti-clockwise directions,
( E1 - E 2 ) 2 E 2 about its axis. Answer the
(c) , (d) None is correct
N0 N0 following three question cw cw
based on the above
The electron affinities of N, O, S and Cl are such that information.
(a) N < O < S < Cl (b) O < N < Cl < S
The first noble gas on pseudo earth would be
(c) O Cl < N S (d) N < S < O < Cl
(a) He (b) H (c) Li (d) Ne
If Aufbau and Hunds rule are not used, then incorrect
The long form of periodic table on this pseudo earth
statement is
+ will have how many groups?
(a) K would be coloured ion
(b) Na will be in same s-block (if these rules are true) (a) 18 (b) 24 (c) 27 (d) 36
(c) Cu would be s-block element On pseudo earth, atomic number of the first transition
(d) Magnetic moment of Cr(24) would be zero metal would be
The compound vanadium has magnetic moment of (a) 21 (b) 26 (c) 29 (d) 31
1.73 BM. The vanadium chloride has the formula
Assertion-Reason Type
(a) VCl2 (b) VCl3 (c) VCl4 (d) VCl5
Following two questions have Assertion followed by the
Which of the following can be acceptable electronic Reason. Answer them according to the following options.
configuration of carbon atom in the ground state? (a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is
the correct explanation of the Assertion.
(a) 1s2 2s2 (b) 1s2 2s2 (b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is
2p 2p not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(c) (d)
1s2 2s2 1s2 2s2 (d) Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct.
2p 2p Assertion Nitrogen has higher first ionisation energy
Which of the following statement is(are) correct than oxygen.
regarding periodic table? Reason Atomic radius of nitrogen is smaller than that
(a) In a period, ionisation energy increases monotonically of oxygen.
from left to right
(b) Electronegativity increases from left to right Assertion SnCl2 is a good reducing agent while
(c) Electron affinity decreases monotonically from top to PbCl2 is stable although both Sn and Pb belongs to
bottom in a group same group of periodic table.
(d) Transition elements starts only from fourth period of
the periodic table Reason Pb show inert pair effect.
1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (a,b,d) 6. (a,c) 7. (c) 8. (c) 9. (d) 10. (c)
11. (a) 12. A q,s; B p; C q,r,s; D p,r,s 13. (6)
Chemical Bonding
Preliminary Concepts of Electrovalent and (ii) If there is any unpaired electrons in the molecular orbitals,
Covalent Bonding Including Bonding system will be paramagnetic otherwise diamagnetic. For
paramagnetic system,
Chemical bonds are formed as a result of instability of
spin-only magnetic moment (m ) = n ( n + 2 ) BM
individual isolated atoms. Through chemical bonding, atoms
or ions associate and gain stability. There are three important where n = Number of unpaired electrons
types of chemical bonds by which atoms or ions connects to (iii) A system with zero bond order means that system does not
one another: exist.
(i) Covalent bond (ii) Ionic bond l
Ionic Bond This type of bond is formed by transfer of
(iii) Metallic bond electrons from a highly electropositive element to a highly
Covalent Bond This type of bond is formed by sharing of electronegative element, viz.
electrons of the valence shell. Sharing of electrons may e-
occur in following ways: Na + Cl Na + Cl -
+ l
Salient Features of Ionic Bonding
s-bond (i) In ionic bonding, the oppositely charged ions are held together
Sigma bond is formed by direct overlap of orbitals as shown. by very strong electrostatic force of attraction.
p (ii) In solid state, each cation surrounds itself with anions and each
anion with cations. These very large number of ions are
s arranged in an ordinary network called ionic crystals.
(iii) Ionic compounds are good conductors of electricity in fused
state or in aqueous solution.
(iv) Ionic compounds have very high melting and boiling points.
Pi ( p ) covalent bond is formed by sidewise (or lateral) overlapping (v) Ionic compounds develop some extent of covalency under the
of atomic p-orbitals as shown above in the diagram. following conditions:
(a) If the cation has very small size or high charge, e.g. Li + or
A + B A B Al 3+ .
(b) If the anion has very large size or high negative charge, e.g.
covalent bond I- or S2- .
Properties of covalent system are explained with the help of (c) If the cation has partially or fully filled d or f orbitals in
various theories of which the two most common are valence penultimate shell.
shell electron pair repulsion theory and molecular orbital The above factors lowers the ionic character and makes
theory. physical properties characteristic of ionic compounds inferior.
Metallic Bond Metallic bonding is a strong cohesive
Highlights of MOT
interaction developed between positively charged metal ions
(i) Bond order and the sea of free electrons existing in metals. These cohesive
No. of bonding electrons - No. of antibonding electrons
= force of attraction is responsible for all the special
2 characteristics of metals.
Chemical Bonding 45
sp 3 CH4 , SO2-
4 ,
4 4 0 Tetrahedral Tetrahedral Possible 109
Trigonal sp 3
4 3 1 Tetrahedral Always 109 SO2-
3 , NH3
Bent or
4 2 2 Tetrahedral Always sp 3 109 H2 O, OF2 , NH-2
5 3 2 Trigonal sp 3 d IF3
T-shaped Always 90
5 2 3 Linear Never sp 3 d 180 I-3 , IF2-
6 6 0 (square Octahedral Possible sp 3 d 2 90 SF6 , PF6-
Under distortion possible means that the bond angle will be distorted when the outer atoms are not identical, e.g. CH4 is tetrahedral with all other
atoms identical, no distortion, but in CH2F2 , tetrahedral geometry but outer atoms are different, bond angles will be distorted, i.e. some will be slightly
greater than 109 and some smaller than 109.
Note on Molecular Geometry The following types of molecules are non-polar:
46 Chemical Bonding
AB2 -linear, AB3 -trigonal planar, AB4 -tetrahedral, AB5 -trigonal bipyramidal, AB6 -octahedral, AB4 -square planar, AB2C 2 -symmetric
and square planar. Some examples of these categories:
Type Shape Examples
AB 2 Linear BeCl 2 , CO2 , CS2
AB 3 Trigonal planar BF3 , SO3 , GaF3
AB 4 Tetrahedral CH4 , CCl 4 , SiF4
AB 5 Pentagonal bipyramidal PCl 5 , AsF5
AB 6 Octahedral (Square bipyramidal) SF6 , SeF6
AB 4 Square planar XeF4
Any other molecule having a single central atom will be polar as long as the electronegativities of elements that make it up are not
same. This includes molecules that have the above mentioned geometries but dissimilar outer atoms, e.g. CH3 F, OCS, BeFCl, etc.
Li2 Be2 B2 N2 O2
s2p x
s2p x
s2p x p*2py, p* 2pz
s2px s2px p2py, p2pz
p2py, p2pz p2py, p2pz p2py, p2pz s2px
* * * * *
s2s s2s s2s s2s s2s
s2s s2s s2s s2s s2s
* * * * *
s1s s1s s1s s1s s1s
s1s s1s s1s s1s s1s
Topic 1 Preliminary Concepts of Electrovalent and Covalent
Bonding Including Bonding
Objective Questions I (Only one correct option) Objective Questions II
1. The intermolecular interaction that is dependent on the (One or more than one correct option)
inverse cube of distance between the molecules is (2015 Main)
11. Dipole moment is shown by (1986, 1M)
(a) ion-ion interaction (b) ion-dipole interaction
(c) London force (d) hydrogen bond
(a) 1, 4-dichlorobenzene (b) cis-1, 2-dichloroethene
(c) trans-1, 2-dichloroethene (d) trans-1, 2-dichloro-2- pentene
2. The nodal plane in the p-bond of ethene is located in
(a) the molecular plane (2002, 3M) Assertion and Reason
(b) a plane parallel to the molecular plane
(c) a plane perpendicular to the molecular plane which bisects the
Read the following questions and answer as per the direction
carbon-carbon s-bond at right angle given below:
(d) a plane perpendicular to the molecular plane which contains (a) Statement I is true; Statement II is true; Statement II is the
the carbon-carbon s-bond correct explanation of Statement I
3. Amongst H2 O, H2 S, H2 Se and H2 Te, the one with the (b) Statement I is true; Statement II is true; Statement II is
highest boiling point is (2000, 1M) not the correct explanation of Statement I
(a) H2O because of hydrogen bonding (c) Statement I is correct; Statement II is incorrect
(b) H2Te because of higher molecular weight (d) Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is correct
(c) H2S because of hydrogen bonding
12. Statement I LiCl is predominantly a covalent compound.
(d) H2Se because of lower molecular weight
Statement II Electronegativity difference between Li and Cl
4. Arrange the following compounds in order of increasing is too small. (1998, 2M)
dipole moment, toluene (I), m-dichlorobenzene (II),
o-dichlorobenzene (III), p-dichlorobenzene (IV) (1996, 1M) Fill in the Blanks
(a) I < IV < II < III (b) IV < I < II < III 13. There are p bonds in a nitrogen molecule. (1982, 1M)
(c) IV < I < III < II (d) IV < II < I < III
5. The number and type of bonds between two carbon atoms in True/False
CaC2 are (1996, 1M) 14. All molecules with polar bonds have dipole moment.
(a) one sigma (s) and one pi (p ) bonds (1985,
(b) one sigma (s) and two pi (p ) bonds 2
(c) one sigma (s) and one half pi (p ) bonds 15. Linear overlapping of two atomic p-orbitals leads to a sigma
(d) one sigma (s) bond bond. (1983, 1M)
6. The molecule which has zero dipole moment is (1989, 1M)
(a) CH2Cl 2 (b) BF3 Subjective Questions
(c) NF3 (d) ClO2 16. Arrange the following ions in order of their increasing radii:
7. Element X is strongly electropositive and element Y is Li + , Mg 2+ , K + , Al 3+ . (1997, 1M)
strongly electronegative. Both are univalent. The compound 17. Between Na + and Ag + , which is stronger Lewis acid and
formed would be (1980, 1M) why? (1997, 3M)
(a) X + Y - (b) X -Y + -
18. In the reaction, I + I2 I-3 , which is the Lewis acid?
(c) X -- Y (d) X Y
(1997, 1M)
8. Which of the following compound is covalent? (1980, 1M)
(a) H2 (b) CaO
19. Explain the difference in the nature of bonding in LiF and LiI.
(1996, 2M)
(c) KCl (d) Na 2S
9. The total number of electrons that take part in forming the 20. The dipole moment of KCl is 3.336 10 C-m which
bonds in N2 is (1980, 1M)
indicates that it is a highly polar molecule. The interatomic
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 10 distance between K + and Cl - in this molecule is
2.6 10-10 m. Calculate the dipole moment of KCl molecule
10. The compound which contains both ionic and covalent if there were opposite charges of one fundamental unit
bonds is (1979, 1M)
located at each nucleus. Calculate the percentage ionic
(a) CH4 (b) H2 (c) KCN (d) KCl character of KCl. (1993, 2M)
48 Chemical Bonding
21. Give reasons in two or three sentences only for the 22. State four major physical properties that can be used to
following : distinguish between covalent and ionic compounds. Mention
Hydrogen peroxide acts as an oxidising as well as a the distinguishing features in each case. (1978, 2M)
8. Which of the following are isoelectronic and isostructural ? 17. The geometry and the type of hybrid orbital present about the
NO3 , CO2 ClO3 , central atom in BF3 is (1998, 2M)
3 , SO3 (2003, 1M)
(a) linear, sp (b) trigonal planar, sp2
(a) NO3 , CO2- (b) SO3 , NO3
3 (c) tetrahedral, sp3 (d) pyramidal, sp3
(c) ClO3 , CO2
3 (d) CO2
3 , SO 3
18. Which one of the following compounds has
9. Among the following, the molecule with the highest dipole sp 2 - hybridisation? (1997, 1M)
moment is (2003, 1M) (a) CO2 (b) SO2 (c) N2 O (d) CO
(a) CH 3Cl (b) CH 2Cl 2
(c) CHCl 3 (d) CCl 4 19. Among KO2 , AlO-2 , BaO2 and NO+2 , unpaired electron is
present in (1997 C, 1M)
10. Which of the following molecular species has unpaired
(a) NO+2 and BaO2 (b) KO2 and AlO2-
electron (s)? (2002, 3M)
(a) N2 (b) F2 (c) O2 (d) O2 (c) Only KO2 (d) Only BaO2
11. Specify the coordination geometry around and hybridisation 20. The cyanide ion CN and N2 are isoelectronic, but in contrast
of N and B atoms in a 1 : 1 complex of BF3 and NH3 . to CN- , N2 is chemically inert because of (1997 C, 1M)
(a) N : tetrahedral, sp ; B: tetrahedral, sp 3
(2002, 3M)
(a) low bond energy
(b) N : pyramidal, sp3; B: pyramidal, sp3 (b) absence of bond polarity
(c) N: pyramidal, sp3; B: planar, sp2 (c) unsymmetrical electron distribution
(d) N: pyramidal, sp3; B: tetrahedral, sp3 (d) presence of more number of electron in bonding orbitals
Chemical Bonding 49
21. Among the following species, identify the isostructural pairs. (d) three orbitals in a plane
NF3 , NO3- , +
BF3 , H3 O , N3 H (1996, 1M) 34. Carbon tetrachloride has no net dipole moment because of
(a) its planar structure
(a) [NF3 ,NO-3 ] and [BF3 ,H3O+ ] (1983, 1M)
(b) [NF3 , N3H] and [NO-3 ,BF3 ] (b) its regular tetrahedral structure
(c) [ NF3 , H3O+ ] and [NO3 , BF3 ] (c) similar sizes of carbon and chlorine atoms
(d) [NF3 , H3O+ ] and [N3H, BF3 ] (d) similar electron affinities of carbon and chlorine
22. Which one of the following molecules is planar? (1996, 1M) 35. The ion that is isoelectronic with CO is (1982, 1M)
(a) NF3 (b) NCl 3 (c) PH3 (d) BF3 (a) CN- (b) O+2 (c) O-2 (d) N+2
23. The maximum possible number of hydrogen bonds a water 36. Among the following, the linear molecule is (1982, 1M)
molecule can form is (1992, 1M) (a) CO2 (b) NO2 (c) SO2 (d) ClO2
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 1 37. If a molecule MX 3 has zero dipole moment, the sigma
24. The type of hybrid orbitals used by the chlorine atom in ClO-2 bonding orbitals used by M (atomic number < 21) are
is (a) pure p (b) sp-hybridised (1981, 1M)
(1992, 1M)
3 2 (c) sp2-hybridised (d) sp3-hybridised
(a) sp (b) sp
(c) sp (d) None of these
Objective Questions II
25. The molecule which has pyramidal shape is (1989, 1M)
(a) PCl 3 (b) SO3 (c) CO2 (d) NO3
(One or more than one correct option)
38. The molecules that will have dipole moment are (1992, 1M)
26. Which of the following is paramagnetic? (1989, 1M)
(a) 2, 2-dimethyl propane (b) trans-2-pentene
(a) O2 (b) CN (c) cis-3-hexene (d) 2, 2, 3, 3-tetramethyl butane
(c) CO (d) NO+
39. Which of the following have identical bond order?
27. The ClCCl angle in 1, 1, 2, 2-tetrachloroethene and (a) CN (b) O2 (1992, 1M)
tetrachloromethane respectively will be about (1988, 1M) (c) NO+ (d) CN+
(a) 120 and 109.5 (b) 90 and 109.5 40. The linear structure assumed by (1991, 1M)
(c) 109 and 90 (d) 109.5 and 120
(a) SnCl 2 (b) CS2 (c) NO+2 (d) NCO
28. The molecule that has linear structure is (1988, 1M) (e) SO2
(a) CO2 (b) NO2
41. CO2 is isostructural with (1986, 1M)
(c) SO2 (d) SiO2
2 (a) HgCl 2 (b) C2H2 (c) SnCl 2 (d) NO2
29. The species in which the central atom uses sp -hybrid
orbitals in its bonding is (1988, 1M)
(a) PH3 (b) NH3 (c) CH+3 (d) SbH3 Match the Columns
42. Match the orbital overlap figures shown in Column I with the
30. Of the following compounds, which will have a zero dipole
description given in Column II and select the correct answer
moment ? (1987, 1M) using the codes given below the Columns. (2014 Adv.)
(a) 1, 1-dichloroethylene
(b) cis-1, 2-dichloroethylene Column I Column II
(c) trans-1, 2-dichloroethylene
(d) None of the above A. 1. p-d p antibonding
31. The hybridisation of sulphur in sulphur dioxide is (1986, 1M)
(a) sp (b) sp3 (c) sp2 (d) dsp2
B. 2. d-d s bonding
32. The bond between two identical non-metal atoms has a pair
of electrons (1986, 1M)
(a) unequally shared between the two
(b) transferred fully from one atom to another C. 3. p-dp bonding
(c) with identical spins
(d) equally shared between them
33. On hybridisation of one s and one p-orbital we get D. 4. d-d s antibonding
(a) two mutually perpendicular orbitals (1984, 1M)
(b) two orbitals at 180 Codes
(c) four orbitals directed tetrahedrally A B C D A B C D
50 Chemical Bonding
(a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 1 2 3 4
(c) 2 3 1 4 (d) 4 1 2 3 58. SnCl 2 is a non-linear molecule. 1
(1985, M)
43. Match each of the diatomic molecules in Column I with its
property/properties in Column II. (2009) Integer Type Questions
Column I ColumnII 59. A list of species having the formula XZ4 is given below
A. B2 p. Paramagnetic (2014 Adv.)
XeF4 , SF4 , SiF4 , BF4- , BrF4- , [Cu(NH3 )4 ] 2+ , [FeCl 4 ] 2- ,
B. N2 q. Undergoes oxidation
[CoCl 4 ] 2- and [PtCl 4 ] 2-
C. O-2 r. Undergoes reduction Defining shape on the basis of the location of X and Z
D. O2 s. Bond order 2 atoms, the total number of species having a square planar
shape is
t. Mixing of s and p orbitals
60. The total number of lone-pair of electrons in melamine is
Codes (2013 Adv.)
A B C D 61. Based on VSEPR theory, the number of 90 FBrF
(a) q, r, s p, r, t, s q, r, t p, q, t angles in BrF5 is (2010)
(b) p, q, r, t q, r, s, t p, q, r, t p, r, s, t
(c) q, r, s, t p, q, r r, s, t p, q, r, t Subjective Questions
(d) p, q, s, t p, q, s p, t q, r, t
62. Predict whether the following molecules are isostructural
or not. Justify your answer.
Fill in the Blanks (i) NMe3 (ii) N(SiMe3 )3 (2005, 2M)
44. Among N2 O, SO2 , I3+ and I3 , the linear species are and 63. On the basis of ground state electronic configuration,
(1997 C, 1M) arrange the following molecules in increasing OO bond
length order. KO2 , O2 , O2 [AsF6 ] (2004, 2M)
45. When N2 goes to N+2 , the N N bond distance , and when
64. Draw the shape of XeF4 and OSF4 according to VSEPR
O2 goes to O+2 the O O bond distance (1996, 1M)
theory. Show the lone pair of electrons on the central atom.
46. The two types of bonds present in B2 H6 are covalent and (2004, Main, 2M)
(1994, 1M) 65. Using VSEPR theory, draw the shape of PCl 5 and BrF5 .
47. The kind of delocalisation involving sigma bond orbitals is (2003, 2M)
called................. (1994, 1M)
66. Draw the molecular structures of XeF 2 , XeF 4 and XeO2 F2 ,
48. The valence atomic orbitals on C in silver acetylide is indicating the location of lone pair(s) of electrons.
.............hybridised. (1990, 1M) (2000, 3M)
49. The shape of CH3 is . + 67. Interpret the non-linear shape of H2 S molecule and
(1990, 1M) non-planar shape of PCl 3 using valence shell electron pair
50. hybrid orbitals of nitrogen atom are involved in the repulsion (VSEPR) theory. (Atomic number : H = 1,
formation of ammonium ion. (1982, 1M)
P = 15, S = 16, Cl = 17) (1998, 4M)
51. Pair of molecules which forms strongest intermolecular 68. Using the VSEPR theory, identify the type of hybridisation
and draw the structure of OF2 . What are the oxidation states
hydrogen bonds is . (SiH4 and SiF4 , acetone and of O and F ? (1997, 3M)
CHCl 3 , formic acid and acetic acid) (1981, 1M)
69. Write the Lewis dot structural formula for each of
52. The angle between two covalent bonds is maximum in . the following. Give also, the formula of a neutral
(CH4 , H2 O, CO2 ) (1981, 1M) molecule, which has the same geometry and the same
arrangement of the bonding electrons as in each of the
True/False following. An example is given below in the case of H3 O+
53. The dipole moment of CH3 F is greater than that of CH3 Cl. and NH3 .
(1993, 1M) H H
54. H2 O molecule is linear.
(1993, 1M)
55. The presence of polar bonds in a polyatomic molecule suggests
that the molecule has non-zero dipole moment.
(1990, 1M) . .
Lewis dot Neutral molecule
56. sp hybrid orbitals have equal s and p character. (1987, 1M)
structure (1983, 4M)
57. In benzene, carbon uses all the three p-orbitals for (i) O2-
2 (ii) CO2-
Subjective Questions
15. Write the MO electron distribution of O2 . Specify its bond order and magnetic property. (2000, 3M)
Topic 1
1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (b)
5. (b) 6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (a) 41. (a, b) 42. A 2; B 3; C 1; D 4
9. (c) 10. (c) 11. (b, d) 12. (c) 43. A p, q, r, t; B q, r, s, t; C p, q, r, t; D p, r, s, t
13. (2) 14. F 15. T 44. N 2O, I 3- 45. increases, decreases
18. I2 is Lewis acid because I - coordinate its one lone pair to I2 . No unpaired electron-diamagnetic.
bonding electrons - antibonding electrons
19. Both LiF and LiI are expected to be ionic compounds. Bond order =
However , LiI is predominantly covalent because of small
size of Li + and large size of iodide ion. A smaller cation and a = =1
larger anion introduces covalency in ionic compound. 2
20. Dipole moment is calculated theoretically as 4. The bond order of CO = 3. NO+ , CN- and N2 are
isoelectronic with CO, have the same bond order as CO. NO-
m = qd
(16e- ) has bond order of 2.
Here, q = 1.6 10-19 C and d = 2.6 10-10 m 5. O-2 in KO2 has 17 electrons, species with odd electrons are
-19 -10 -29
m Theo = 1.6 10 2.6 10 = 4.16 10 cm always paramagnetic.
m obs 3.336 10-29
% ionic character = 100 = 100 6. ClO-3 : - O Cl == O one lone pair at Cl.
m Theo 4.16 10-29
= 80.2% O
21. In hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ), oxygen is in 1 oxidation
XeF4 : F Xe two lone pairs at Xe.
state, can be oxidised to O2 (zero oxidation state) or can be
reduced to H2 O (2 oxidation state of oxygen). Hence, H2 O2 F F
can act as both oxidising agent and reducing agent. With
strong oxidising agent like KMnO4 , H2 O2 acts as a reducing SF4 : F one lone pair at S.
agent while with strong reducing agent like H2 C2 O4 , it acts F
as an oxidising agent.
22. (i) Melting points Ionic compounds have higher melting F
points than covalent compounds. -
(ii) Boiling points Ionic compounds have higher boiling I3 : I I I three lone pairs at central iodine.
points than covalent compounds.
(iii) Solubility Ionic compounds have greater solubility in F F
water than a covalent compound.
7. Xe At central atom (Xe), there is one lone pair.
(iv) Conductivity in aqueous solution Ionic compounds
have greater electrical conductivity in aqueous solution
while covalent compounds are usually non-conducting. 8. NO-3 and CO2-
3 both have 32 electrons, central atom
sp 2 hybridised, triangular planar.
Topic 2 VBT, Hybridisation and
VSEPR Theory 9. CH3 Cl has the highest dipole moment.
1. I -3 -
is an ion made up of I 2 and I which has linear shape. 10. O-2 has odd number(17) of electrons, therefore it must
While Cs is an alkali metal cation. contain at least one unpaired electron.
2. F H
11. F B- N+ H Both B and N sp 3 tetrahedral.
S is sp3 hybridised Pyramidal
SO3 is planar (S is sp 2 hybridised), BrF3 is T-shaped and 12. NH3 = sp 3 ,[ PtCl 4 ]2 - = dsp 2 , PCl 5 = sp 3 d , BCl 3 = sp 2
SiO2- 2
3 is planar (Si is sp hybridised).
3. For molecules lighter than O2 , the increasing order of 13. All three have 14 electrons (iso electronic) with bond order
energies of molecular orbitals is of three.
* O H
p2 p y p 2 p y .....
s1s s
1s s 2s s
2s s 2 p s
2 p
p2 p z *
x x + +
p 2 p z O==N==O, ON==O, N
where, p2 p y and p2 p z are degenerate molecular orbitals, sp sp2 sp3 H
first singly occupied and then pairing starts if Hunds rule is 1 2 3 4 5 6
obeyed. If Hunds rule is violated in B2 , electronic 15. CH2 ==CH CH2 CH2 C CH
arrangement would be
p2 p 2y Hybridisation at C2 = sp 2 and at C3 = sp 3 .
s1 s2 s
1s2 s2s2 s
2s2 ...
p2 p z
Chemical Bonding 55
16. H2 S has sp 3 hybridised sulphur, therefore, angular in shape 22. BF3 has triangular planar arrangement.
with non-zero dipole moment. F
H FB 120
S sp2-hybridised
H There identical vectors acting in outward direction, at equal
angles in a plane, cancel each other giving zero resultant,
(Non-linear, polar molecule) hence non-polar.
23. A water molecule can form at the most four H-bonds.
17. FB
sp2 O
(Trigonal planar)
+ 31. In SO2 , the Lewis-dot structure is
+ O
NO3 : H 3O : H
O==N H O == S == O
Triangular planar Pyramidal Electron pairs at S = 2 (s-bonds) + 1 (lone-pair) = 3
(N-sp2) sp 2 hybridised.
N3 H N == N == N H
p-bonded electrons are not present in hybrid orbitals, therefore not
Central nitrogen is sp - hybridised counted in electron pairs. Rather p bonds are formed by lateral
overlapping of pure p-orbitals.
Therefore, NF3 , H3 O+ and BF3 , NO-3 pairs have same shape.
56 Chemical Bonding
32. Bonds between identical non-metal is purely covalent due to Any orbital has two phase +ve and ve. In the following
same electronegativities of the bonded atoms. Hence, the diagram, +ve phase is shown by darkening the lobes and ve by
bonded atoms have equal holds on the shared pair of without darkening the lobes.
33. Hybridisation of one s and one p orbitals gives two
sp hybrid orbitals oriented linearly at 180.
s + p 2 sp hybrid orbitals Bonding MO Antibonding MO
34. CCl 4 has a regular tetrahedral shape. When two same phase overlap with each other, it forms
Cl bonding molecular orbital otherwise antibonding.
m s-bond
C m Cl Net dipole = 0
35. CO has a total of 14 electrons and CN- also has 14 electrons. p-bond
- - - - -
C (6e ) + N (7e ) + e CN (14 e )
36. CO2 is a linear molecule because of sp-hybridisation On the basis of above two concepts, correct matching can be
around carbon atom. done as shown below:
37. For non-polar MX 3 , it must have triangular planar
arrangement, i.e. there should be sp 2 -hybridisation
around M. A. d-d s bonding
H3 C H
38. H3 C C CH3 C== C
CH3 Polar B. p-d p bonding
Symmetric, non-polar
CH3 H2 C CH2 CH3
C== C H3 C C C CH3 C. p-d p antibonding
Polar Symmetric, non-polar
- +
39. CN and NO are isoelectronic, have the same bond order
of 3.
+ D. d-d s antibonding
40. S== C==S O== N==O O C N
Linear Linear Linear
Sn S \ A 2, B 3, C 1, D 4
Cl Cl O O Hence, (c) is the correct option.
Bent Bent
p2 p1y
41. CO2 , HgCl 2 , C2 H2 are all linear. 43. (A) B2 : s1s2 s* 1s2 s2 s2 s* 2s2 paramagnetic.
p 2 p1z
42. PLAN This problem includes basic concept of bonding. It
can be solved by using the concept of molecular orbital 6-4
Bond order = =1
theory. 2
+ ve phase Bond is formed by mixing of s and p orbitals.
B2 undergoes both oxidation and reduction as
B2 + O2 B2 O3 (Oxidation)
ve phase B2 + H2 B2 H6 (Reduction)
Chemical Bonding 57
62. No, (i) NMe3 is pyramidal while (ii) N(SiMe3 )3 is planar. In Topic 3 Resonance, LCAO, MOT,
the latter case, pp - dp back bonding between N and Si makes
N sp 2 -hybridised.
Other Bonding Types
63. Bond order : O2 - = 1.5, O2 = 2, O+2 = 2.5 1. PLAN This problem can be solved by using the concept involved in
molecular orbital theory. Write the molecular orbital electronic
Bond length : O+2 < O2 < O2- configuration keeping in mind that there is no 2s-2p mixing,
then if highest occupied molecular orbital contain unpaired
F F electron then molecule is paramagnetic otherwise diamagnetic.
F F Assuming that no 2s-2p mixing takes place the molecular
64. orbital electronic configuration can be written in the
Xe O S
following sequence of energy levels of molecular orbitals
F * *
F s1s, s1s, s2s, s 2s, s2 p z , p2 px p2 p y ,
Square planar Trigonal bipyramidal
* * *
F p 2 px p 2 p y , s 2 p z
Cl Cl
* *
(a) Be2 s1s2 , s1s2 , s2s2 , s 2s2 (diamagnetic)
65. Cl P Br
* * p2 px0
(b) B2 s1s2 , s1s2 , s2s2 , s 2s2 , s2 p 2z ,
F F p2 p 0y
Trigonal bipyramidal Square pyramidal (diamagnetic)
(P is sp3d-hybridised) (Br is sp3d 2 -hybridised) * * p 2 p 1
Bond order = 0
(iii) CN - : C N and C O (CO) He2 ( 2 + 2 = 4 ) = s1s2 , s* 1s2
- N - Na 2 - 2
Bond order = b = =0
(iv) NCS- : S C N and Cl C N (ClCN) 2 2
So, both H2+
2 and He 2 do not exist.
Chemical Bonding 59
(c) NO +2 , NO 2, NO -2 (d) NO -2 , NO -3 , NO +2 10. Which of the following will have the atoms lying in the
same plane?
3. Which of the following could be the atom X in the (a) SO 2- (b) SO 3
following neutral (uncharged) molecule?
(c) SO 2-
4 (d) None of these
11. Which of the following will have the smallest value of
OSO bond angle?
(a) SO 2-
3 (b) SO 3
(c) SO 2-
4 (d) SO 2-
3 and SO 3
7. In the structure of H2CSF4 (S is the central atom), 13. Assertion H2 molecule is more stable than a He-H
which of the following statements is/are true?
(a) The two CH bonds are in the same plane of Reason The antibonding electron in He-H molecule
axial SF bonds decreases the bond order and therefore the stability.
(b) The two CH bonds are in the same plane of 14. Match Column I with Column II.
equatorial SF bonds
(c) Total six atoms are in the same plane Column I Column II
(d) Equatorial SF bonds are perpendicular to nodal A. XeO2F2 p. Polar
plane of p-bond
B. XeF4 q. Non-polar
8. The statement which is/are true regarding
C. AsF5 r. Planar
molecular structure of SOF4 (ignore bond angle
distortion) D. SOCl2 s. Non-planar
(a) It has three equivalent SF bonds which are
15. In the molecule SOF4, how many two fold axis of symmetry
longer than the fourth SF bond
is(are) present?
(b) The FSF bond angles are both 90 and 120
(c) The OSF bond angles are both 90 and 120 16. In the molecule COCl2, the maximum number of atomic
(d) It possesses a two fold axis of symmetry orbitals involved in hybridisation at any one atom is/are
1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5. (d) 6. (a,b,c,d) 7. (a,c,d) 8. (b,c,d) 9. (b) 10. (b)
11. (a) 12. (b) 13. (a) 14. A p,s; B q,r; C q,s; D p,s 15. (1) 16. (4)