1. The unit of linear acceleration is
(a) kg-m (b) m/s (c) m/s2 (d) rad/s2
2. The angular velocity (in rad/s) of a body rotating at N r.p.m. is
(a) π N/60 (b) 2 π N/60 (c) π N/120 (d) π N/180
3. The linear velocity of a body rotating at ω rad/s along a circular path of radius
r is given by
(a) ω.r (b) ω/r (c) ω2.r (d) ω2/r
4. When a particle moves along a straight path, then the particle has
(a) tangential acceleration only (b) centripetal acceleration only
(c) both tangential and centripetal acceleration
5. When a particle moves with a uniform velocity along a circular path, then the
particle has
(a) tangential acceleration only (b) centripetal acceleration only
(c) both tangential and centripetal acceleration
6. The lead screw of a lathe with nut forms a
(a) sliding pair (b) rolling pair (c) screw pair (d) turning pair
7. When the elements of the pair are kept in contact by the action of external
forces, the pair is said to be a
(a) lower pair (b) higher pair
(c) self closed pair (d) force closed pair
8.Which of the following is a turning pair ?
(a) Piston and cylinder of a reciprocating steam engine
(b) Shaft with collars at both ends fitted in a circular hole
(c) Lead screw of a lathe with nut
(d) Ball and socket joint
9. A combination of kinematic pairs, joined in such a way that the relative
motion between the links is
completely constrained, is called a
(a) structure (b) mechanism
(c) kinematic chain (d) inversion
10. The relation between the number of pairs ( p ) forming a kinematic chain
and the number of links (l) is
(a) l = 2p – 2 (b) l = 2p – 3 (c) l = 2p – 4 (d) l = 2p – 5
11. In a reciprocating steam engine, which of the following forms a kinematic
link ?
(a) cylinder and piston (b) piston rod and connecting rod
(c) crank shaft and flywheel (d) flywheel and engine frame
12. In a kinematic chain, a quaternary joint is equivalent to
(a) one binary joint (b) two binary joints (c) three binary joints (d) four binary
13. If n links are connected at the same joint, the joint is equivalent to
(a) (n – 1) binary joints (b) (n – 2) binary joints (c) (2n – 1) binary joints (d)
none of these
14. In a 4 – bar linkage, if the lengths of shortest, longest and the other two links
are denoted by s, l, p and
q, then it would result in Grashof’s linkage provided that
(a) l + p < s + q (b) l + s < p + q (c) l + p = s + q (d) none of these
15. A kinematic chain is known as a mechanism when
(a) none of the links is fixed (b) one of the links is fixed
(c) two of the links are fixed (d) all of the links are fixed
16. The Grubler’s criterion for determining the degrees of freedom (n) of a
mechanism having plane motion
(a) n = (l – 1) – j (b) n = 2 (l – 1) – 2j (c) n = 3 (l – 1) – 2j (d) n = 4 (l – 1) – 3j
where l = Number of links, and j = Number of binary joints.
17. The mechanism forms a structure, when the number of degrees of freedom
(n) is equal to
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) – 1
18. In a four bar chain or quadric cycle chain
(a) each of the four pairs is a turning pair (b) one is a turning pair and three
are sliding pairs
(c) three are turning pairs and one is sliding pair (d) each of the four pairs is a
sliding pair.
19. Which of the following is an inversion of single slider crank chain ?
(a) Beam engine (b) Watt’s indicator mechanism
(c) Elliptical trammels (d) Whitworth quick return motion mechanism
20. Which of the following is an inversion of double slider crank chain ?
(a) Coupling rod of a locomotive (b) Pendulum
(c) Elliptical trammels (d) Oscillating cylinder engine
21.The motion of a piston in the cylinder of a steam engine is an example of
(a) completely constrained motion (b) incompletely constrained motion
(c) successfully constrained motion (d) none of these
22.The motion transmitted between the teeth of gears in mesh is
(a) sliding (b) rolling
(c) may be rolling or sliding depending upon the shape of teeth
(d) partly sliding and partly rolling
23.The cam and follower without a spring forms a
(a) lower pair (b) higher pair
(c) self closed pair (d) force closed pair
24. A ball and a socket joint forms a
(a) turning pair (b) rolling pair (c) sliding pair (d) spherical pair
25. According to Aronhold Kennedy’s theorem, if three bodies move relatively
to each other, theirinstantaneous centres will lie on a
(a) straight line (b) parabolic curve
(c) ellipse (d) none of these
26. In a mechanism, the fixed instantaneous centres are those centres which
(a) remain in the same place for all configurations of the mechanism
(b) vary with the configuration of the mechanism
(c) moves as the mechanism moves, but joints are of permanent nature
(d) none of the above
27. The instantaneous centres which vary with the configuration of the
mechanism, are called
(a) permanent instantaneous centres
(b) fixed instantaneous centres
(c) neither fixed nor permanent instantaneous centres
(d) none of these
28. When a slider moves on a fixed link having curved surface, their
instantaneous centre lies
(a) on their point of contact (b) at the centre of curvature
(c) at the centre of circle (d) at the pin joint
29. The direction of linear velocity of any point on a link with respect to another
point on the same link is
(a) parallel to the link joining the points (b) perpendicular to the link joining
the points (c) at 45° to the link joining the points (d) none of these
30. The magnitude of linear velocity of a point B on a link AB relative to point
A is
(a) ω.AB (b) ω (AB)2 (c) ω2 . AB (d) (ω . AB)2
where ω = Angular velocity of the link AB.
31. The two links OA and OB are connected by a pin joint at O. If the link OA
turns with angular velocity ω1 rad/s in the clockwise direction and the link OB
turns with angular velocity ω2 rad/s in the anti-clockwise direction, then the
rubbing velocity at the pin joint O is
(a) ω1.ω2.r (b) (ω1 – ω2) r (c) (ω1 + ω2) r (d) (ω1 – ω2) 2 r
where r = Radius of the pin at O.
32. In the above question, if both the links OA and OB turn in clockwise
direction, then the rubbing velocity at the pin joint O is
(a) ω1.ω2.r (b) (ω1 – ω2) r (c) (ω1 + ω2) r (d) (ω1 – ω2) 2 r
33. The component of the acceleration, parallel to the velocity of the particle, at
the given instant is called
(a) radial component (b) tangential component (c) coriolis component (d) none
of these
34. A point B on a rigid link AB moves with respect to A with angular velocity
ω rad/s. The radial component of the acceleration of B with respect to A,
(a) vBA × AB (b) v2BA × AB (c) vBA/AB (d) v2BA/AB
where vBA = Linear velocity of B with respect to A = ω × AB
35. A point B on a rigid link AB moves with respect to A with angular velocity
ω rad/s. The total acceleration of B with respect to A will be equal to
(a) vector sum of radial component and coriolis component
(b) vector sum of tangential component and coriolis component
(c) vector sum of radial component and tangential component
(d) vector difference of radial component and tangential component
36. The coriolis component of acceleration is taken into account for
(a) slider crank mechanism (b) four bar chain mechanism
(c) quick return motion mechanism (d) none of these
1. The two parallel and coplanar shafts are connected by gears having teeth
parallel to the axis of theshaft. This arrangement is called
(a) spur gearing (b) helical gearing (c) bevel gearing (d) spiral gearing
2. The type of gears used to connect two non-parallel non-intersecting shafts are
(a) spur gears (b) helical gears (c) spiral gears (d) none of these
3. An imaginary circle which by pure rolling action, gives the same motion as
the actual gear, is called
(a) addendum circle (b) dedendum circle (c) pitch circle (d) clearance circle
4. The size of a gear is usually specified by
(a) pressure angle (b) circular pitch (c) diametral pitch (d) pitch circle
5. The radial distance of a tooth from the pitch circle to the bottom of the tooth,
is called
(a) dedendum (b) addendum (c) clearance (d) working depth
6. The product of the diametral pitch and circular pitch is equal to
(a) 1 (b) 1/π (c) π (d) 2π
7. The module is the reciprocal of
(a) diametral pitch (b) circular pitch (c) pitch diameter (d) none of these
8. Which is the incorrect relationship of gears?
(a) Circular pitch × Diametral pitch = π (b) Module = P.C.D/No.of teeth
(c) Dedendum = 1.157 module (d) Addendum = 2.157 module
9. If the module of a gear be m, the number of teeth T and pitch circle diameter
D, then
(a) m = D/T (b) D = T/m (c) m = D/2T (d) none of these
10. Mitre gears are used for
(a) great speed reduction (b) equal speed
(c) minimum axial thrust (d) minimum backlash
11. The condition of correct gearing is
(a) pitch line velocities of teeth be same
(b) radius of curvature of two profiles be same
(c) common normal to the pitch surface cuts the line of centres at a fixed
(d) none of the above
12. Law of gearing is satisfied if
(a) two surfaces slide smoothly
(b) common normal at the point of contact passes through the pitch point
on the line joining the centres of rotation
(c) number of teeth = P.C.D. / module
(d) addendum is greater than dedendum
13. Involute profile is preferred to cyloidal because
(a) the profile is easy to cut
(b) only one curve is required to cut
(c) the rack has straight line profile and hence can be cut accurately
(d) none of the above
14. The contact ratio for gears is
(a) zero (b) less than one (c) greater than one
15. The maximum length of arc of contact for two mating gears, in order to
avoid interference, is
(a) (r + R) sin φ (b) (r + R) cos φ (c) (r + R) tan φ (d) none of these
where r = Pitch circle radius of pinion,
R = Pitch circle radius of driver, and
φ = Pressure angle.
16. Interference can be avoided in involute gears with 20° pressure angle by
(a) cutting involute correctly
(b) using as small number of teeth as possible
(c) using more than 20 teeth
(d) using more than 8 teeth
17. The ratio of face width to transverse pitch of a helical gear with α as the
helix angle is normally
(a) more than 1.15/tan α (b) more than 1.05/tan α
(c) more than 1/tan α (d) none of these
18. For a speed ratio of 100, smallest gear box is obtained by using
(a) a pair of spur gears
(b) a pair of helical and a pair of spur gear compounded
(c) a pair of bevel and a pair of spur gear compounded
(d) a pair of helical and a pair of worm gear compounded
19. In a simple gear train, if the number of idle gears is odd, then the motion of
driven gear will
(a) be same as that of driving gear
(b) be opposite as that of driving gear
(c) depend upon the number of teeth on the driving gear
(d) none of the above
20. The train value of a gear train is
(a) equal to velocity ratio of a gear train (b) reciprocal of velocity ratio of a
gear train (c) always greater than unity (d) always less than unity
21. When the axes of first and last gear are co-axial, then gear train is known as
(a) simple gear train (b) compound gear train (c) reverted gear train (d)
epicyclic gear train
22. In a clock mechanism, the gear train used to connect minute hand to hour
hand, is
(a) epicyclic gear train (b) reverted gear train (c) compound gear train (d)
simple gear train
23. In a gear train, when the axes of the shafts, over which the gears are
mounted, move relative to a fixed axis, is called
(a) simple gear train (b) compound gear train (c) reverted gear train (d)
epicyclic gear train
24. A differential gear in an automobile is a
(a) simple gear train (b) epicyclic gear train (c) compound gear train (d) none
of these
25. A differential gear in automobilies is used to
(a) reduce speed (b) assist in changing speed
(c) provide jerk-free movement of vehicle (d) help in turning
26. The size of a cam depends upon
(a) base circle (b) pitch circle (c) prime circle (d) pitch curve
27. The angle between the direction of the follower motion and a normal to the
pitch curve is called
(a) pitch angle (b) prime angle (c) base angle (d) pressure angle
28. A circle drawn with centre as the cam centre and radius equal to the distance
between the cam centre and the point on the pitch curve at which the pressure
angle is maximum, is called
(a) base circle (b) pitch circle (c) prime circle (d) none of these
29. The cam follower generally used in automobile engines is
(a) knife edge follower (b) flat faced follower
(c) spherical faced follower (d) roller follower
30. The cam follower extensively used in air-craft engines is
(a) knife edge follower (b) flat faced follower
(c) spherical faced follower (d) roller follower
31. In a radial cam, the follower moves
(a) in a direction perpendicular to the cam axis
(b) in a direction parallel to the cam axis
(c) in any direction irrespective of the cam axis
(d) along the cam axis
32. A radial follower is one
(a) that reciprocates in the guides (b) that oscillates
(c) in which the follower translates along an axis passing through the cam centre
of rotation.
(d) none of the above
33. Offet is provided to a cam follower mechanism to
(a) minimise the side thrust (b) accelerate
(c) avoid jerk (d) none of these
34. For low and moderate speed engines, the cam follower should move with
(a) uniform velocity (b) simple harmonic motion
(c) uniform acceleration and retardation (d) cycloidal motion
35. For high speed engines, the cam follower should move with
(a) uniform velocity (b) simple harmonic motion
(c) uniform acceleration and retardation (d) cycloidal motion
36. Which of the following displacement diagrams should be chosen for better
dynamic performance of a cam-follower mechanism ?
(a) simple hormonic motion (b) parabolic motion
(c) cycloidal motion (d) none of these
1. The angle of inclination of the plane, at which the body begins to move down
the plane, is called
(a) angle of friction (b) angle of repose (c) angle of projection
2. In a screw jack, the effort required to lift the load W is given by
(a) P = W tan (α – φ) (b) P = W tan (α + φ)
(c) P = W cos (α – φ) (d) P = W cos (α + φ)
where α = Helix angle, and
φ = Angle of friction.
3. The radius of a friction circle for a shaft of radius r rotating inside a bearing is
(a) r sin φ (b) r cos φ (c) r tan φ (d) r cot φ
4. The efficiency of a screw jack is maximum, when
(a) α = 45º + φ/2 (b) α =45º − φ/2 (c) α = 90º +φ (d) α = 90º −φ
5. The maximum efficiency of a screw jack is
(a) 1 − sin φ/1 + sin φ (b) 1 + sin φ/1 − sin φ
(c) 1 − tan φ/1 + tan φ (b) 1 + tan φ/1 − tan φ
6. The frictional torque transmitted in a flat pivot bearing, considering uniform
pressure, is
(a) 1/2× μW R (b) 2/3× μW R (c)3/4× μW R (d) μ.W.R
where μ = Coefficient of friction,
W = Load over the bearing, and
R = Radius of the bearing surface.
7. The frictional torque transmitted in a conical pivot bearing, considering
uniform wear, is
(a)1/2× μ W R cosec α (b) 2/3× μ W R cosec α (c) 3/4× μ W R cosec α (d) μ .
W.R cosec α
where R = Radius of the shaft, and
α = Semi-angle of the cone.
8. The frictional torque transmitted by a disc or plate clutch is same as that of
(a) flat pivot bearing (b) flat collar bearing
(c) conical pivot bearing (d) trapezoidal pivot bearing
9. The frictional torque transmitted by a cone clutch is same as that of
(a) flat pivot bearing (b) flat collar bearing
(c) conical pivot bearing (d) trapezoidal pivot bearing
10. The brakes commonly used in railway trains is
(a) shoe brake (b) band brake (c) band and block brake (d) internal expanding
11. The brake commonly used in motor cars is
(a) shoe brake (b) band brake (c) band and block brake (d) internal expanding
12. When brakes are applied to all the four wheels of a moving car, the distance
travelled by the car before it is brought to rest, will be
(a) maximum (b) minimum
13. Which of the following is an absorption type dynamometer ?
(a) prony brake dynamometer (b) rope brake dynamometer
(c) epicyclic-train dynamometer (d) torsion dynamometer
14. The balancing of rotating and reciprocating parts of an engine is necessary
when it runs at
(a) slow speed (b) medium speed (c) high speed
15. A disturbing mass m1 attached to a rotating shaft may be balanced by a
single mass m2 attached in the same plane of rotation as that of m1 such that
(a) m1.r2 = m2.r1 (b) m1.r1 = m2.r2 (c) m1. m2 = r1.r2
16. For static balancing of a shaft,
(a) the net dynamic force acting on the shaft is equal to zero
(b) the net couple due to the dynamic forces acting on the shaft is equal to zero
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of the above
17. For dynamic balancing of a shaft,
(a) the net dynamic force acting on the shaft is equal to zero
(b) the net couple due to dynamic forces acting on the shaft is equal to zero
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of the above
18. In order to have a complete balance of the several revolving masses in
different planes
(a) the resultant force must be zero
(b) the resultant couple must be zero
(c) both the resultant force and couple must be zero
(d) none of the above
19. Due to slip of the belt, the velocity ratio of the belt drive
(a) decreases (b) increases (c) does not change
20. When two pulleys of different diameters are connected by means of an open
belt drive, then the angle of contact taken into consideration should be of the
(a) larger pulley (b) smaller pulley (c) average of two pulleys
21. The centrifugal tension in belts
(a) increases power transmitted
(b) decreases power transmitted
(c) have no effect on the power transmitted
(d) increases power transmitted upto a certain speed and then decreases
22. When the belt is stationary, it is subjected to some tension, known as initial
tension. The value of this tension is equal to the
(a) tension in the tight side of the belt
(b) tension in the slack side of the belt
(c) sum of the tensions in the tight side and slack side of the belt
(d) average tension of the tight side and slack side of the belt
23. The primary unbalanced force is maximum when the angle of inclination of
the crank with the line
of stroke is
(a) 0° (b) 90° (c) 180° (d) 360°
24. The partial balancing means
(a) balancing partially the revolving masses
(b) balancing partially the reciprocating masses
(c) best balancing of engines
(d) all of the above
25. In order to facilitate the starting of locomotive in any position, the cranks of
a locomotive, with two cylinders, are placed at . . . . . . to each other.
(a) 45° (b) 90° (c) 120° (d) 180°
26. In a locomotive, the ratio of the connecting rod length to the crank radius is
kept very large in order to
(a) minimise the effect of primary forces (b) minimise the effect of secondary
(c) have perfect balancing (d) start the locomotive quickly
27. The swaying couple is maximum or minimum when the angle of inclination
of the crank to the line of stroke ( θ ) is equal to
(a) 45° and 135° (b) 90° and 135°
(c) 135° and 225° (d) 45° and 225°
28. The tractive force is maximum or minimum when the angle of inclination of
the crank to the line of
stroke ( θ ) is equal to
(a) 90° and 225° (b) 135° and 180° (c) 180° and 225° (d) 135° and 315°
29. The swaying couple is due to the
(a) primary unbalanced force (b) secondary unbalanced force
(c) two cylinders of locomotive (d) partial balancing
30. In a locomotive, the maximum magnitude of the unbalanced force along the
perpendicular to the
line of stroke, is known as
(a ) tractive force (b) swaying couple (c) hammer blow (d) none of these
31. The effect of hammer blow in a locomotive can be reduced by
(a) decreasing the speed
(b) using two or three pairs of wheels coupled together
(c) balancing whole of the reciprocating parts
(d) both (a) and (b)
32. Multi-cylinder engines are desirable because
(a) only balancing problems are reduced (b) only flywheel size is reduced
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these
33. When the primary direct crank of a reciprocating engine makes an angle θ
with the line of stroke, then the secondary direct crank will make an angle of . . .
. . with the line of stroke.
(a) θ /2 (b) θ (c) 2 θ (d) 4 θ
34. Secondary forces in reciprocating mass on engine frame are
(a) of same frequency as of primary forces
(b) twice the frequency as of primary forces
(c) four times the frequency as of primary forces
(d) none of the above
35. The secondary unbalanced force produced by the reciprocating parts of a
certain cylinder of a given engine with crank radius r and connecting rod length
l can be considered as equal to primary unbalanced force produced by the same
weight having
(a) an equivalent crank radius r2/4l and rotating at twice the speed of the
(b) r2/4l as equivalent crank radius and rotating at engine speed
(c) equivalent crank length of r2/4l and rotating at engine speed
(d) none of the above
36. Which of the following statement is correct?
(a) In any engine, 100% of the reciprocating masses can be balanced
(b) In the case of balancing of multicylinder engine, the value of secondary
force is higher than the value of the primary force
(c) In the case of balancing of multimass rotating systems, dynamic
balancing can be directly started without static balancing done to the
(d) none of the above.
5. Linear frequency is
11. The reciprocal of the interval of time taken by a vibrating body to complete a cycle is
(A) Periods (B) Frequency (C) Resonance (D) Amplitude
12. Resonance is a phenomenon when the frequency of the external exciting force is
(A)Twice the natural frequency of the system (B) Half the natural frequency of the
system (C) Same as the natural frequency of the system
13. Beats phenomenon occurs when a vibrating system is subject to two different frequencies
which are
(A) Quite different (B) Equal (C) Slightly different (D) Integral multiple of each
17. If the spring mass system is taken to very high altitude, the natural frequency of
longitudinal vibration
(A) Increase (B) Decrease
(C) Remains unchanged (D) May increase or decrease depending on mass
18. Trifilar suspension is used to find
(A) Moment of inertia of bar (B) M.I. of disc (C) Mass of the disc (D) Mass of the bar
19. In which of the following method the sum of kinetic and potential energy is assumed as
(A) Rayleigh's method (B) Energy method
(C) Equilibrium method (D) Newton's method
20. If all the basic components of a vibratory system behave non-linearly, the resulting
vibration is known as
(A) Non linear vibration (B) Deterministic vibration
(C) Linear vibration (D) Random vibration
22. A system is said to be over damped if damping if factor for the system
(A) More than one (B) Equal to one (C) Less than one (D) Equal to zero
23. The under damped vibrating system if X1 and X2 are successive value of the amplitude on
the same side of the mean position then the logarithmic decrement is equal to
(A) X1/X2 (B) log(X1/X2) (C) loge(X1/X2) (D) log (X1.X2 )
24. Advantage of critical damping is
(A) There is more vibration (B) There is no vibration
(C) Vibration comes to rest in shortest time (D) Amplitude remains
26. The damping force depends on the frequency of the applied force in the case of
(A) Viscous-damping (B) Coulomb damping (C) Hysteresis damping
27. A system is said to be critically damping if the damping factor for a vibrating system is
(A)More than one (B) Equal to one (C) zero (D) less than one
28. A system is said to be over damped if damping factor for the system is
(A) More than one (B) Equal to one (C) Less than one (D) Equal to zero
29. The ratio of the actual damping co-efficient to the critical damping co-efficient is known
(A) Damping factor (B) Magnification factor
(C) critical damping co- efficient (D) Logarithmic decrement
31. In Coulomb damping, the amplitude of motion is reduced in each cycle by:
(A) N/k (B) 2N/k (C) 4N/k
32. When the amplitude of vibration reduces in every cycle then the system is said to have
(A) Forced vibration (B) Free un-damped vibration
(C) Free damped vibration (D) Transient vibration
33. The damping force per unit velocity is known as
(A) Logarithmic decrement (B) Damping coefficient
(C) Critical damping coefficient (D) Coefficient factor
34. An over damped system is distributed from equilibrium position with some initial
velocity the system will
(A) Not cross the Equilibrium Position (B) Vibrate about Equilibrium Position
(C) Immediately return to the Equilibrium Position (D) Will Not Vibrate
35. Critical damping, Cc is
36. Ratio of actual damping coefficient to the critical damping coefficient is known as
(A) Damping factor (B) Magnification factor
(C) Critical damping coefficient (D) Logarithmic decrement
1. During Resonance
a) High amplitude of vibration occurs b) Low amplitude of vibration occurs
c) No vibration occurs d)Vibration remains unaffected
2. The factor which affects the critical speed of a shaft is
a) Eccentricity b) diameter of the disc c) Span of the shaft d) all the above
3. The angle between spring force and dmaping force
a) 90° b) 180° c) 0° d) none of the above
4. The angle between inertia force and spring force
a) 90° b) 180° c) 0° d) none of the above
5. Vibrometer is designed with
a) Low frequency b) High frequency c) Zero frequency (d ) None of the above
6. Accelerometer is designed with
a) Low frequency b) High frequency c) Zero frequency (d ) None of the above
7. The ratio of the maximum displacement of the forced vibration to the deflection due to
the static force , is known as
a) damping factor b) damping coefficient
c) logarthmic decrement d) magnification factor
8. In Vibration Isolation system, if ω/ ωn > 1, the phase difference between the trans mitted
force and disturbing force is
a) 0° b) 90° c) 180° d) 270°
9. In Vibration Isolation system if ω/ ωn is less than , then for all values of damping
factor, the transmissibility will be
a) less than unity b) equal to unity (c ) greater than unity (d )zero
10. When the frequency of external exciting force is equal tto the natural frequency of
vibration of the system
a) amplitude of vibration is zero b) amplitude of vibration is insignificantly
c) amplitude of vibration is very large d) amplitude of vibration is may be large or
small depending upon the magnitude of frequency
11. Rotating shaft tend to vibrate violenty in transverse direction at certain speed. This speed
is called
a) Critical speed b) Whirling speed c) Whipping speed d) all of the above
12. The whirling speed of a rotating shaft carrying a mass m at the centre is
a) more than the natural frequency of transverse vibration of the system
b) less than the natural frequency of transverse vibration of the system
c) is equal to natural frequency of transverse vibration of the system
d) is more or less depending upon the stiffness of the shaft.
13. For shaft speed less than the critical speed the phase difference between displacement
and centrifugal force is
a) 0° b) 45° c) 90° d) 180°
14. For shaft speed more than critical speed the phase difference between displacement
centrifugal force is
(a) 0° b) 45° c) 90° d) 180°
15. Natural frequency of transverse vibration of shaft carrying load at the centre of the span
a) fn = b) fn = c) fn = d) fn =
a) TR = ` b) TR = ` c) TR= ` d) TR = `
18. The transmissibility is same for all the values of damping factors at frequency ratio ω/ ωn
a) 1 b)2 c) d) none of the above
19. Damping is beneficial only when
a) b) c) d)
20. For forced damped vibration system, the vibration isotion is possible only when
a) b) c) d)
21. In rotating horizontal shafts, there are large vibrations when the shafts are rotaing at a
speed which is
a)one fourth of critical speed b) one- third of critical speed
c) one- half of critical speed d) two- third of critical spped
22. A node means a section where the amplitue of the vibration is
a) Maximum b) half of maximum c) zero d) One fouth of the maximum
23. Transmissibilty is defined as
a) The ratio of the force transmitted through the rigid support to the force transmissted
through elastic support
b) The ratio of the force transmitted through the elastic support to the force
transmissted through Rigid support
c) Product of force transmitted through the elastic support to the force transmissted
through rigid support
d) None of the above
24. In Vibration Isolation if ω/ωn is Infinity , then the phase difference between the
transmitted force and distrubing force
a) 0° b) 90° c) 180° d) 270°
25. Amplitude of steady state vibration response
a) Depends on the initial conditions b) Does not depends on intial conditions
c) Depends on initial conditions and excitation conditions
d) Depends on initial amplitude of excitation partially
26. Maximum value of magnification factor occurs when
a) r = b) c) (1-2G2)2 d)
27. For undamped forced vibration magnification factor is
a) b) c) d)
31. If the particles of a body vibrate along a circular arc, whose centre lies on the axis of the
shaft, then the body is said to have
(A) Transverse vibration (B) Longitudinal vibration (C) Torsion vibration (D)
32. In A spring mass system, if the mass is doubled and with spring stiffness is halved, the
natural frequency longitudinal vibration is
(A) Halved (B) Doubled (C) Unchanged (D) Quadrupled
36. The natural frequency of the free longitudinal vibration is the ____ of natural period of
(A) Two Times (B) Reciprocal (C) Half (D) same