Application of A Sugarcane Harvester For Harvesting of Willow Trees Aimed at Short Rotation Forestry: An Experimental Case Study in Japan
Application of A Sugarcane Harvester For Harvesting of Willow Trees Aimed at Short Rotation Forestry: An Experimental Case Study in Japan
Application of A Sugarcane Harvester For Harvesting of Willow Trees Aimed at Short Rotation Forestry: An Experimental Case Study in Japan
Abstract – Nacrtak
An experiment on the growing and harvesting of willow trees aimed at short rotation fores-
try was conducted in northern Japan. Willows were harvested using a sugarcane harvester
from southern Japan during its agricultural off-season. The growing experiment showed the
high potential of willow plantations to produce woody biomass of more than 10 dry-t/ha/y.
The harvesting experiment showed that space for turning around, one line in one row as a
planting method, a growing cycle of three years, and an extractor fan in the harvester are
necessary for mechanical harvesting. Mechanical harvesting was considered to have little
influence on willow regeneration provided that the machine cut reasonably well-grown
trees. The system performance of harvesting and collecting willow billets in a hypothetical
model field was calculated as 22.4 m3/h, suggesting the feasibility of supplying low-cost
wood chips.
Keywords: harvesting, Japan, short rotation forestry, sugarcane harvester, willow
butt lift roller; (2) the butt lift roller lifts the cut sugar- Three years after planting, which was the grow-
cane stalks and guides them into the machine feed ing period in the project, the average annual incre-
rollers; (3) the feed rollers transport and horizontally ment for two years was calculated in the compart-
feed the cane stalks to the chopper drums; (4) the ment where cut-back was performed, while the aver-
chopper drums cut the sugarcane and send the billets age annual increment for three years was calculated
to the extractor chamber; (5) the primary extractor in the compartment where cut-back was not per-
cleans the billets by removing vegetable and mineral formed, and the two increments were compared. As
impurities; and (6) the removable net container rece- 0.5 × 0.5 m and 1.0 × 0.5 m indicate the spacing
ives the sugarcane billets from the chopper. Regard- between rooted cuttings, the planting density was
ing the use of a sugarcane harvester for other crops 40,000 and 20,000 stumps per hectare, respectively.
in Japan, Kobayashi et al. (2003) made machine mo-
difications for harvesting kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) 2.3 Harvesting experiment – Pridobivanje
and examined its performance, and Iwasaki et al. energijskoga drva
(2007) conducted tests for harvesting wood species. The experiment was carried out using a crawler-
The main purpose of this study was to examine -type sugarcane harvester (Fig. 1, UT-100K, Uotani-
the feasibility of applying a sugarcane harvester to -tekkou, Inc., Japan). Its engine output was 78 kW/
harvest willow trees aimed at SRF. In the growing 2,200 rpm and the cubic capacity of its removable net
experiments, growth increments of willows under container (Fig. 2) was 2.5 m3. The basecutter of the
boreal conditions and cultivation methods to increa- harvester consisted of two rotary discs with four
se the increment were investigated, while methods chopper blades attached to each disc. The machine
of land reclamation, planting, and cultivation appro- was used to harvest willow trees in the manner
priate for mechanical harvesting were discussed described above, and then was moved to a landing
through the harvesting experiments. Operational ef- for unloading when the container was filled with
ficiency and fuel consumption of the harvester were willow billets. A time study was conducted during
measured, and the influence of mechanical harvesting the experiment with the following work elements:
on willow regeneration by sprouting was evaluated. moving with no load, cutting, turning around, mov-
ing fully-loaded, unloading, hooking up a container,
and others. The cutting length of the willow billet
2. Material and Methods – Materijal was set to 25 cm, and so the harvested willows
i metode required secondary chipping in order to be used as
fuel for direct combustion equipment such as a boiler.
2.1 Experimental site – Mjesto istra`ivanja
The growing experiments were carried out at two
sites in northern Hokkaido (NH) and eastern Hok-
kaido (EH). Three other sites were established for
harvesting experiments; two in NH and one in
northeastern Hokkaido (NEH), where indigenous
willows grow naturally and a site was prepared by
leaving rows of willow trees and cutting other ones
(see the NEH site in Fig. 3).
Fuel consumption was measured during the experi- lines in one row), planting density, and running or
ment, and the weight of each filled container was non-running of an extractor fan. The outline and
measured by truck scale and then converted to dry design of the three test sites are shown in Table 1 and
weight by estimating the water content of the billets. Fig. 3, respectively. There were two sites in NH:
In the experiment, the following elements were Ichi-no-hashi (NH-Ichi) and Sanru (NH-Sanru); three
examined: operational efficiency and fuel consump- compartments were made at the NH-Ichi site and
tion according to the presence or absence of space for two at the NH-Sanru site. Due to the wild willows
turning around, planting method (one line or two growing in the NEH site, the age of the trees varied
(3 to 5 years old, see Table 1) so there were some trees
with a diameter at ground level exceeding 10 cm. In
addition, since the density of stumps per unit area
differed for each row in the NEH site, the influence
of planting density on the machine cutting speed
was also examined throughout the experiment.
3. Results – Rezultati
3.1 Growing experiment – Uzgojni pokus
Table 2 lists the results: regardless of planting
Fig. 2 Removable net container density, willow species, or test site, the average an-
Slika 2. Odvojivi spremnik nual increment of the compartment where cut-back
was performed was higher than that where it was species and test site, respectively, but some of the
not performed. In order to introduce this cut-back data on S. schwerinii in the NH site was significantly
practice, however, a method for cutting 20,000 or low. Since the NH site was located in a water channel
40,000 shoots per hectare should be designed. More- area where gravelly soil was predominant, soil ferti-
over, since the first harvesting operation itself func- lity might have been very poor in places. However,
tions as cut-back, there is no need for cut-back during the overall average annual increment was more than
and after the second growing cycle. Taking cost-ef- 6 dry-t/ha/y, and more than 10 dry-t/ha/y in the EH
fectiveness into consideration, a decision must be site, showing the high potential of willow plantations
made on whether or not to perform cut-back. as woody biomass even in northern Japan.
In terms of planting density, the average annual
increment of the sparsely-planted compartment of S. 3.2 Harvesting experiment – Pridobivanje
schwerinii was higher than that of the densely-planted energijskoga drva
one, and vice versa in the case of S. sachalinensis, i.e., The results of the time study are shown in Fig. 4,
the densely-planted compartment produced a higher and the relationship between planting density and
yield than the sparsely-planted one. Salix sachalinen- cutting speed in Fig. 5. The stock of removable net
sis and EH showed better results in terms of willow containers prepared for the experiment ran out in
the NH-Sanru B compartment, so the operation was ficulty took twice as long as turning around smoothly,
continued without containers. As a result, the ope- suggesting the importance of space for turning
rating times for unloading and hooking up a net con- around when considering introducing mechanical
tainer in NH-Sanru B in Fig. 4 are short. harvesting.
The percentage of the operating time for turning The correlation coefficient between planting den-
around to the total observed time was low in the sity and cutting speed in Fig. 5 is calculated as –0.246,
NEH site, while that in the NH-Ichi and NH-Sanru so there is no clear correlation at the 0.05 significance
sites was higher; this difference was due to the pre- level. In terms of cutting speed in each test site, NEH
sence or absence of space for turning around (see (3- to 5-year-old trees) was 28.3 m/min (standard de-
Table 1). The average operating time of the work ele- viation (SD) = 5.25 m/min), NH-Ichi (2-year-old trees)
ments in Table 3 shows that turning around with dif- was 41.2 m/min (SD = 11.0 m/min), and NH-Sanru
(3-year-old trees) was 36.8 m/min (SD = 6.55 m/min),
showing a trend in which the cutting speed decrea-
ses roughly in proportion to the tree age (or diameter
at ground level). During the experiment, the operator
controlled the cutting speed of the harvester since
Fig. 4 Results of the time study Fig. 5 Relationship between planting density and cutting speed
Slika 4. Rezultati studija rada i vremena Slika 5. Odnos izme|u gusto}e sadnje i brzine sje~e
the machine often could not pick up and »swallow« Table 4 lists the fuel consumption and weight of
cut willows when the speed was raised. Concerning harvested willows per hour and the weight per con-
this cutting loss problem, the machine was found to tainer (the weight per hour in NH-Sanru B is not
have difficulty in swallowing willow branches that calculated due to the shortage of containers, as men-
jutted to the side. Especially in the NH-Ichi site where tioned above). In the NH-Sanru site, where the runn-
rooted cuttings were planted with two lines in one ing (NH-Sanru A) or non-running (NH-Sanru B) of
row (the width between the two lines was 0.6 m, see the extractor fan was examined, there was no diffe-
Fig. 3), the rows of the willow plantation were wider rence between the NH-Sanru A and B compartments
than the horizontal clearance of the »mouth« of the in terms of fuel consumption. However, the weight
harvester. Therefore, for mechanical harvesting, one of harvested willows per container in NH-Sanru B
line in one row appears to be a desirable planting was less than that in NH-Sanru A; many tops and
method. branches dropped into the net container in NH-Sanru
The operating times for »others« in Fig. 4 were as B because the extractor fan stopped during the ope-
follows. The operation stopped in the NEH site be- ration. In view of the importance of gathering wood
cause four willows, two of which were 9 cm in diame- fiber as well as returning minerals to the soil, the fan
ter at cutting height and the other two were >10 cm, should be operated.
were too thick for the machine to cut down. After the
experiment, the operator reported that the maxi- 3.3 Investigation on regeneration by sprouting
mum diameter of willow that the machine could cut Istra`ivanje vegetativne obnove
down was considered to be 7 cm, suggesting that a Fig. 6 shows the number of torn and intact stumps
growing cycle of three years is appropriate for me- and the rate of regeneration by sprouting according
chanical harvesting. On the other hand, one of the to the diameter at cutting height. Although tearing
basecutter blades had to be repaired because the of stumps was observed in every diameter class
machine »bit« stones in the gravelly soil in the NH- thicker than 15 mm, all of the torn stumps at the plots
-Sanru B compartment. Since the cutting height can sprouted. The rate of regeneration was proportional
be adjusted from the operator’s seat, the height was to the diameter, and all of the stumps with diameters
raised during the experiment in order to avoid thicker than 30 mm also sprouted. Therefore, provid-
breaking the blades. In NH-Sanru B, however, the
cutting height of the crawler-type harvester varied
due to the rough ground and the machine dug up
stones in the soil. Consequently, for harvesting wil-
low trees mechanically, land for cultivation should
be reclaimed. Furthermore, a sugarcane harvester is
designed to cut sugarcane at 5 cm below ground
level, so the basecutter must be improved for appli-
cation to willow harvesting.
4. Discussion – Rasprava
Regarding the operational efficiency of the sugar-
cane harvester, the weight of harvested willows per
hour listed in Table 4 is low and unsatisfactory, so
machine productivity in a hypothetical model field
is discussed. A model field of 270 m in length and
180 m in width is considered here (Fig. 7) and is a
typical agricultural compartment in Hokkaido. It is
assumed that a sugarcane harvester harvests willows
and a forwarder collects removable net containers
filled with willow billets. The following assump-
tions are also made:
Þ Four strip roads for the forwarder are set up in
the field, and the width of each road is 5 m. Data
on the cutting speed in NH-Sanru (36.8 m/min)
and the weight of harvested willows per con-
tainer in NH-Sanru A (0.324 dry-t/container, see
Table 4) are used here, while the operating times
for turning around smoothly (26.5 sec/cycle), un-
loading (49.7 sec/cycle), and hooking up a con-
tainer (93.7 sec/cycle) in Table 3 are also used;
Þ The growing stock of willows per hectare at the Fig. 7 Hypothetical model field
time of harvesting is 30 dry-t/ha when the grow- Slika 7. Teorijski model radnoga polja
ing cycle and the annual increment are three years
and 10 dry-t/ha/y, respectively, and the planting
area is 4.50 ha (= 180 × 250 m) in consideration of As a result, the operational efficiency of the su-
the right-of-way of the four 5-m-wide strip roads. garcane harvester and the system performance in the
Therefore, the growing stock in the field is cal- model field are calculated as follows:
culated as 135 dry-t; Þ In terms of harvesting, the operations of cutting
Þ The rows of willow trees are spaced at 1.8-m in- (36.8 m/min, i.e., 101.9 sec/cycle), unloading
tervals for mechanical harvesting and perpendi- (49.7 sec/cycle), and hooking up a container
cular to the strip roads, so there are 100 rows (93.7 sec/cycle) are carried out 400 times (98,120
(= 180/1.8) in the field; the growing stock in one row seconds in total), while the operation of turning
is thus calculated as 1.35 dry-t/row (= 135/100); around (26.5 sec/cycle) is carried out 100 times
Þ One cycle of the sugarcane harvester consists of (2,650 seconds in total). The total operation time
cutting, unloading on a strip road, and hooking is 100,770 seconds, so the operational efficiency
up a container. The harvester turns around once of the harvester is calculated as: 0.324 × 400 ×
every four cycles; (3,600 / 100,770) = 4.63 dry-t/h
Þ Although the weight of harvested willows per Þ Considering the running speed of 90 m/min, i.e.,
container of 0.324 dry-t/container is slightly less avg. 2 min/cycle and the operating times for
than that of the growing stock to be harvested in loading and unloading of 4 min/cycle in each,
one cycle (= 1.35/4), the cutting loss during ope- the one cycle of a forwarder takes 10 minutes, so
ration is considered; the operational efficiency of the forwarder is cal-
Þ The forwarder collects four containers in one cycle culated as: 0.324 × 4 × (60 / 10) = 7.78 dry-t/h
and unloads them alongside a public road on the When the forwarder operates in parallel with the
right side of the model field. The average running harvester, the system performance is calculated
distance per cycle is 180 m; the running speed is as: 4.63 × 7.78 / (4.63 + 7.78) = 2.90 dry-t/h
estimated as 90 m/min, and the operating time The system discussed here has the following four
for loading and unloading is each estimated as advantages: (1) capacity for handling narrow inter-
1 min/container, i.e., 4 min/cycle. rows; (2) tracked configuration allowing traversing
Nije zamije}eno pove}anje potro{nje goriva, ali je uo~eno da su spremnici u odjeljku B imali manju masu zbog
neodvajanja sitnih gran~ica pomo}u separatora. U obliku prikupljanja drva, ali i vra}anja dijela hraniva u tlo
separator bi trebao biti uklju~en.
Na slici 6 prikazan je stupanj vegetativne obnove istra`ivanih ploha nakon provedene mehanizirane sje~e, koji
pokazuje da mehanizirana sje~a nema nikakav negativni utjecaj na vegetativnu obnovu vrbovih sastojina kratkih
Kako su podaci iz tablice 4 o u~inku kombajna niski i nezadovoljavaju}i, rasprava se temelji na teorijskom
radnom polju prikazanom na slici 7, a koje predstavlja tipi~no radno polje na Hokkaidu. Za izra~un modela
kori{teni su podaci o brzini sje~e i masi punoga spremnika iz tablice 4, dok su vremena radnih sastavnica preuzeta
iz tablice 3. O~ekivana je zaliha na polju nakon ophodnje od 3 godine 135 tona suhe tvari po hektaru ili 1,35 tona u
jednom redu, koji su posa|eni na razmaku od 1,8 m. Forvarder u jednom ciklusu skuplja 4 spremnika i istovara ih
uz rub javne prometnice, a vrijeme ciklusa je 10 min. Na temelju teorijskoga modela dobivena je proizvodnost
kombajna od 4,63 tona suhe tvari po satu, dok je proizvodnost forvardera 7,78 tona suhe tvari po satu. Sustav
opisan ovdje posjeduje ~etiri prednosti: 1) mogu}nost rada u malom me|urednom razmaku; 2) gusjeni~ni kombajn
omogu}uje rad na nagnutom terenu; 3) mogu}nost pohrane proizvoda u vre}e, {to omogu}uje razdvajanje procesa
sje~e i izvo`enja i 4) bolja kakvo}a uskladi{tenih komada vrbe u usporedbi s iverjem.
U~inkovitost ovakva na~ina proizvodnje energijskoga drva od 22,4 m3/h upu}uje na mogu}nost pridobivanja
velikih koli~ina jeftinoga iverja.
Klju~ne rije~i: kulture kratkih ophodnji, vrba, kombajn za {e}ernu trsku, pridobivanje drva, Japan