MOLLISON 1976 The Tasmanian Aborigines Report
MOLLISON 1976 The Tasmanian Aborigines Report
MOLLISON 1976 The Tasmanian Aborigines Report
Compiled by
B. C. Mollison
Address: Psychology Depart ment, Univer s ity of Ta smania
"Wooraddy rel at ed bis st ory of t he creation. Tom said he would not
Over oblivionlf.
(Belof f , 1962)
(and this may well be true of genealogie s - B.M. )
"Proud scions 01: First Fleeters sh ould reflect upon t heir status in
families, excepting the Briggs family which has been published seperately
(see Vol.), Part II). They have been compiled from a diverse source of
records. The journals of George Augustus Robinson are the basis for much
past by N.B. Tindale, A.L. Maston, E.W. Stephens, J.B. Bladon and, more
have been consulted and to a large extent used with caution. Tindale's
records are the most reliable but have been amended where necessary and,
like the other researchers, his data is very much restricted to the Cape
update and extend these earlier studies. Much material has been gathered
from Church Records, family documents and interviews and correspondence with
families have not been traced to origin and therefore not included in this
families. I would greatly appreciate more accurate birth and death data,
Abbreviations used:
ML Mitchell Library
MS Manuscript
Bladon Papers and papers of Edward stephens are deposited in the Royal
Society of Tasmania Archives (University of Tasmania Library), 8/RS/190/D34.
Meston, A.L. (1947) refers to: "The halfcastss of the F'urneaux Group".
"Records of Queen Victoria Museum Launceston, Vol. 2, pp.h7-52.
Littlewood, R.A. MS of field notes and research notes for Ph.D. Thesis on
Bass Strait Hybrids. (Held by South Australian Museum, Adelaide).
Plomley, N.J.B. (ed.). Plomley (1966) refers to: Friendly Mission: The
Tasmanian Journals and Pa ers of Geor e Au ustus Robinson 1829-183h.
Tasmanian Historical Research Association, Hobart 19