Investigation of The Use of The Binding Medium
Investigation of The Use of The Binding Medium
Investigation of The Use of The Binding Medium
Paintings in the laboratory: scientific examination for art history and conservation
dr. Groen, C.M.
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Karin Groen
ChemicalAnalysisand Rheology
As early as the seventeenthcentury,peoplewere alreadyfas- attachesto the prepared canvasor panel. It was thought that
cinated by Rembrandt's painting technique. Marshall Smith, the question, mentioned above, of how Rembrandt realized
an English author writing about this question in 1693, says the variety of his paint effects might perhaps be answered by
uRembrandt had a Bold Free way, colours laid with great this approach.
Body, and many times in old Men's Heads extraordinary deep Previously, such chemical analyticai research as had been
Shaddows,very difficult to Copy, the colours being layd on conducted had led to the conclusion that the pigments and
Rough and in full touches, though sometimes neatly fin- binding medium Rembrandt used to create his illusions did
ished".r Smith must have had Rembrandt'slate work particu- not significantly differ from what other painters of the time
larly in mind. In his essayin the catalogueof the 7997/2Rem- had at their disposal.sThis, however,left open the question of
brandt exhibition, Ernst van \fletering explores this manner of those aspectsin which Rembrandt's paintings were different.
working which was kno.wn in the seventeenthcentury as 'the Since it appearedthat the problem would need to be tackled
rough manner..2For anyone alert to it, the technicalaspectsof from several different angles, both students of the written
this rough manner are to be found even in Rembrandt'sear- sources and those who reconstruct the paint on the basis of
Iiest work, and according to Van de 'Wetering, the reason for the results of scientific analyseswere brought together in a
this was that Rembrandt, from the outset, was concernedwith singlecooperativeresearchproject.6
manipulations of the paint surface for expressivepurpose. \flith the restoration of the Rembrandts in the Rijksmu-
Smooth, shining passagesalternatedwith impasto where the seum, a unique situation presenteditself where a group of the
paint can be seen in clots and ridges. The choice depended late paintings could be scientificallyinvestigatedby the same
both on the material to be represented- stone, leather,skin, people within a limited period and under identicalconditions.T
metal- and on the placingsof objectsin the light. For the Rembrandt ResearchProject, there was one aspectof
Throughout the Rembrandt ResearchProject, one of the highest priority - the question as to the nature and working
aims has been to gain insight into the materials Rembrandt properties of Rembrandt'spaint, and with particular concern
usedand the working methods he applied.aAlthough the orig- for the binding medium used, the siccatives(driers) and the ap-
inal purpose was to gather data that would help to answer plication of glazing and other effects.Paint samples,usually
questionsof authenticitn the broader aspectof the Rembrandt taken to answer questions raised by the restoration, were
investigationquickly assumeda significanceof its own: the sometimeshighiy informative. For the purposes of restora-
data turned out to provide a useful framework within which tion, an identical chemicalanalysisof all the paintingswas un-
both to understandphenomenaobservedin Rembrandt'spaint- necessary.In relation to the 'binding medium questioq' too,
rngsand to deepenour insight into the techniqueof painting much greater attention has been paid to particular paintings
and studio practice in the seventeenthcentury in general. than to others, for instancerc the Jeuish Bride and The ,Staal-
Following the scientific investigation of Rembrandt's pa- meesters<(The Syndics).Further comparativedata were also
neis,the grounds and underpainting and the working method obained from researchon samplesfrom other paintings.s
o{ the first part of Rembrandt's career,4it was decided to turn The question of how easythe paint was to work, or of the
our attention to the binding medium that Rembrandt used. impasto characterof the dried paint, also raisesthe question of
The binding medium is the material in which pigment par- whether and, if so, how that might be quantified. This ques-
ttciesare imbedded and which ensuresthat the painr dries and tion has to be translated into physical measurementsand
PAINTINGS IN THE LABORATORY: Scientific Examination for Art History and Conservation
chemicalanalysesof both dry and wet paint. The investigation white paint and other examples of paint surfaces obtained
of the nature and working propertiesof Rembrandt'spaintsbe- using this paint is demonstrated in Van de \fetering's 'Tech-
came known as the work progressedas >thebinding medium nique in the Serviceof Illusion., both in the tableclothin The
research..since considerationof the influence of marerialson ,Staalrneesters. and in the skirt of the JeutishBride.In the lat-
the picrorial style of an artist normally lead us to think of the ter, clots of white paint can be seen under the thin pink and
binding medium.e red in the skirt and threads of white paint in the transparent
\flhen it comesto the working properties of the paint, how- materialof the woman'ssleeve.12 (Plate1)'
ever, the pigments, and in particular the size of the pigment In the Bulletin of the Riiksmuseum,where our researchon
particles,are just as important as the binding medium in deter- the painting technique in The Nigbtzaatch was reported, there
mining the paint's deformation and flow behaviour. This rheo- was speculationover the binding medium used for the white
logy of rhe paint is also influencedby the quantity and the dis- paint in the under layers that was responsiblefor the impasto
tribution of the pigments and eventual driers and other addi- characterof the surface Iayer. According to the restorersof
tives. Rheologistsand geologistswere therefore also consulted Tbe Nightraatch, akhough lead white forms a Particularly
and measurementstaken of fresh and artificially aged paint tough and flexible film, the white paint in Tbe Nightwatch
samplespreparedaccordingto prescription. was softer than one would expect with paint that contained
In the investigation of The Nightwatch (1642) it had already lead white as pigment: for example,the underpaintingin the
been shown that the highest impasto was obtained with a cloak of Van Ruytenburch, which is almost entirely done in
white paint that was widely used in the underpainting.toWhile white. A sample of the white plume of Van Ruytenburch's hat
taking stock of paint effects in other paintings of Rembrandt, revealeds-loyo chalk mixed with the lead white, which ex-
it seemedsensibleto give particular attention to a) white or pressedin terms of volume is 257" of the dry pigment in the
light coloured pasteuze(impasto)paint, and b) thickly col- paint. Testswith such a chalk-leadwhite paint showedthat in-
oured layers of paint used in a glazing manner. deed such an addition of chalk makes the paint more viscous
\(rith the analytic techniques available, particular attention (pasteuze)yet without making it difficult to work. In the thick
'wastherefore given to the following: white underpaintingof Kemp's collar and in the helmet of the
1) the binding medium of the paint; ensign bearer on the right, however, only lead white was
2) particle size of the pigments; found. The particular, viscous characterof the paint was at the
3) additives- minor constiruentsof other organic materials time attributed to the addition of chalk and not to the binding
- fillers medium.l: Further explanation of Rembrandt's use of pig-
- drier ments and binding media in achieving his spectacularresults
- dispersants; would seemto require more research.
4) solvents; Sampleswere availableof:
5) substances addedto purify the - the high impasto of the sleeve of the man in the Jeraish
This article reports on the analysesthat have been carried out Brideta
to date in the investigation of a) white or light coloured pas- - the white paint of the exposedpentiment of a hand in The
teuze paint and b) transparent layers of paint. In addition, ,Staalmeestersrl5
other aspectsof the painting technique have been investigated - the shroud in Deyman, the right-hand edgeof the picture
where possible. A description is given of the analytical tech- - the boot of Van Ruytenburch in Tbe Nightzaatcb
niquesused. - the tablecloth in Claudius Clzilis (National Museum,
- and for comparison, Ferdinand Bol's Abrabam receiving
White, impasto (pasteuze) paint the three angels(Njksmuseum),the cloak.te
That the highest impasto was obtained with a white paint can
be demonstrated in Tbe ,staalrneesters<. The thick red paint
on the corner of the table cloth is clearly outlined on the The pigments of the white, thick paint
X-radiograph, with coarsebrush strokes that do not entirely
correspondwith the paint of the surfacelayer. Sinceboth mer- The paint cross-sectionsestablishedthat under the yellowish
cury and lead are heavy elements and therefore produce an and brown brush strokes of the man's sleeve in the Jeoish
imageon the X-radiograph, we may be looking here at a mer- Bride there was in fact a hidden layer of pure white paint
cury containing red paint (vermilion, mercuric sulphide) or a (Plates2, 3). This paint is strongly outlined in X-radiographs,
white underpaintingin leadwhite (basiclead carbonate). just like the impasto in The 'Staalmeesters,.InThe ,staalmees-
To find out which of these'pigmentswas in fact used for the rcrs<the paint investigated turned out to consist of two layers,
impasto,however, it was unnecessaryto take a sample of the the uppermost rather more yellowy white, and with a thin,
paint from this fantastic passage,since it was clearly visible dark brush stroke betweenthem.17From the samplingof The
under a stereomicroscope that the plasticity of the paint of the Nigbtzaatch it was found that some coloured pigments had
table cloth was due to a white underlayer. The effect of this been added to the underpainting for Van Ruytenburch's boot
PAINTINGS IN THE LABORATORY: Scientific Examination for Art History and Conservation
Plate I Detail of the rug on the table in fhe rStoolmeestersr Plate 2 Detail of the sleeve of the man in the lewishBride.
Plate 3 Paint cross-section of sample 4014bf rom the sleeve of the man in Plate 4 Paint sample 924148from the boot of Van Ruytenburch in The
theJewish Bride.The sample is incomplete. Pure lead white can be seen Nightwotch.The sample is shown with the whitish underlayer facing
underneath a transparent brown paint and varnish. Magnification200x. upwaros.
PAINTINGS IN THE LABORATORY: Scientific Examination for Art History and Conservation
fig I Backscatteredelectron image of sample 40/4b, lead white from the fig 2 Backscatteredelectron image of sample 924148,uPPermost layer of
man's sleeve in theJewish Bride' Elements with a high atomic number lead white in the boot of Van Ruytenburch on The Nightwotch.
show up light. The binding medium shows up dark.
fig 3 Backscatteredelectron image of sample 924148,underlayer in the fig 4 Backscatteredelectron image of sample 4i I of thee Iead white in
the exposed pentiment of a hand in The rStooJmeesters(' upPer layer'
lead white of the boot of Van Ruytenburch in The Nightwotch.
fig 5 Backscatteredelectron image of sample 4il of the lead white in the fi g 5 B ackscatteredel ectron i mage of pai nacross-secti on,samp l e5/ I of
exposed pentiment of a hand in The tStoalmeestersr,underlayer. the shroud i n D eymcn.The darker show i ng l i ne i n the l ead w hi te s ampl e
i s a cal ci umcompound, probabl y chal k.
PAINTINGS IN THE LABORATORY: Scientific Examination for Art History and Conservation
of the bindingmediumusedby Rembrandt
lead white chalk SEM-EDX
basic lead carbonate neutral lead carbonate calcium carbonate
* Estimated amounts of lead white, lead carbonate and chalk in weight% relative to the total amount of pigment.
(\ = =l v o l %
without looking into the matter further. As can be seen from chalk in the lead white is quite possibly that Rembrandt added
the table, the result of XRD analysiscannot be confirmed in a little to his pure lead white on the palette in order to get the
any of the Rembrandts investigated or in the Bol with SEM- consistencyhe wanted.
EDX. Under the electron microscope,where elementsof high X-ray diftraction analysis was also carried out on three
atomic number scatter more electrons and thus show up light samplesof lead white recently made accordingto the 'Dutch
in the electronback-scatteredimage, one can seelight, coarse process<, in which thin, rolled-up strips of lead are placedover
clumps and lighq finer granules in the greyish matrix of or- vinegar in earthenwarepots. The three sampieswere made
ganic material (binding medium, figure 1). There is a striking under differing conditions of temperature, duration and acetic
similarity between the SEM imagesof the lead white samples acid concentration.It emergedfrom the analysisthat beside
of Tbe Nightzaatchfrom 7642 ar'd The ,Staalrneesters,of 1662. lead white (basic lead carbonate)neutral lead carbonate.was
Certainly there is no indication of the twenty year interval be- also formed in the process.Some3.5 to 1,07:o neutral lead car-
tween the making of thesetwo paintings (figures2 - 5). In the bonatewas found, the lowest percentagein the sampleconsist-
underlayersof both paintings, the lead white appearsto be ing of soft lumps and powder, the highestin the samplecon-
rather more finely ground than in the topmost layer. sisting of hard lumps and crystalline powder, corresponding
Analysis demonstrates that it is not only the areas which with what was found in the samplesfrom Rembrandt's paint-
show up light that contain lead, but also the grey matrix. A ings. This lafter correspondenceemerged from microscopic
single,darker looking and somewhat coarserParticle consists examination of the referencematerials: elongated,angular gra-
o{ a calcium compound. The much greater sensitivity of the nules up to 20 pm long and crystals of less than 1 pm
SEM-EDX technique for lead than for calcium and the similar diameter.2lThe influence of the particle size on the viscosity
sensitivity of XRD for lead white and chalk do not seem o{ the paint will be discussedlater in the sectionon rheology.
enoughto explain the discrepancyin the analysisresults.If it
were, in fact, a malter of a cheaper mixture of lead white and
chalk, one would expect this to be easily demonstrablewith fig 7 Secondary electron image of the lead white sample from the sleeve
SEM-EDX. A possible explanation presented itself when it of the man in the_/ewish8ride. This scanningelectron micrograph,
was then discovered that a darker row o{ granules hilfway showing the surface topography of a fracture plane in the sample, reveals
through the white layer in Deyman consistednot of carbona- the thread-like structure of the paint.
ceouspigment but of a calcium compound, possibly chalk
({igure 6). This line, which shows up darker under the scan-
ning electronmicroscope,is visible with light microscopy as a
semi-transparent,yellowy line. It appearsthat lead white and
chalkhave been set besideeach other in a singlestroke of the
The explanation for the higher percentagesof chalk shown
by XRD must lie in an uneven mixing, a bit of chalk being in-
cludedby chancein the sample analyzed,whereasthe piece se-
lectedfor SEM-EDX containedonly pure lead white. I/here a
mixture of lead white and chalk - what was in fact known as
'leadwhite. in the seventeenthcentury - was used, the mixture
of chalk and lead white would be more homogeneous.In the
late Rembrandts, apparently pure lead white - known in the
seventeenth century as ,shell white. - was used in both surface
andunderlayers.2o The explanationfor the presenceof a bit of
PAINTINGS IN THE LABORATORY: Scientific Examination for Art History and Conservation
carbonate).Boon found no wax, though there was a trace of a
diterpenoid resin, which could have derived from an old varn-
ish or from the transparent,yellowy-brown resinous paint
that lies abovethe white impastopaint (Plate3).
The analysis of the impasto of the Jewish Bride utrned out
to be of specialinterest.The identification in Boon's analysis
of the original binding medium in paint samplestaken from
coloured passages(i.e. other than the white paint of the im-
pasto) was complicated by elementsused during later treat-
ment. In particular, the waxlresin re-linings of the canvashave
introduced large quantities of palmitic acid which can create
the impressionthat walnut oil has been used.To prevent dis-
tortion of the analysisas a result of contamination by re-lining
materials,a comparablesamplefrom a painting on panel must
also be analyzed. So far, only the white paint in the sample
ligS Se/ndary electron image of the sample from the Deymon shroud. taken from the man's sleeve in the Jeutish Bride has been
/foaaz->c-- found to be uncontaminated. The obvious explanation for this
is the high pigment volume/concentration of the paint layer
The binding medium of the white, posteuze
paint - oil containing lead white and its thickness. The reJining mixture
has apparently not permeated through to the top of the im-
If an electronmicroscsopeis used to study a paint sample,one Pasto.
can get an impressionof the nature of the binding medium by Linseedoil was also found in the yellowy-white top layer of
studying the secondary electron image. In addition, one can Van Ruytenburch's boot in The Nightruatch (P/S ratio 2.2)
tell whether or not a solvent has been used to thin the paint2z, and the white of the tablecloth in Claud'iusCivilis in the Stock-
for the scanningelectron microscopeallows one to seethe to- holm National Museum (P/S = 1.7, PYMS). The ratios of
pography of the surface studied. In figure 7 of the sample of C9/CB di-acids indicate in all casesan oil that has not been
the white viscous paint of the sleeve of the JezuishBride an pre-treated (not subjected to pre-polymerisation, accelerated
uneven,yet smooth surfacecan be seensuggestingthat the pig- oxidation and thickening).
ment clumps in the sampleare surrounded by a binding me- The discovery of linseed oil in Rembrandt's paint layers is
dium. Small cavitiesare visible, sparselyscatteredand possibly not new. Raymond White, in his lecture at the Rembrandt
left by an evaporatingsolvent.More sriking are the elongated Technical Symposium at the National Gallery in London in
structures,as though lumps of pigment of similar size have ad- 1992, mentioned seriesof Rembrandt samplesin which linseed
hered to each other, giving rise to a thread-like structure be- oil was consistentlyidentified as the binding medium, and oc-
tween the lumps. These threads or rodlets seem to be con- casionallywalnut oil. The latter yellows less than linseed oil
structed from segments.They have the same fatty apPearance with age.It would be logical thereforeto expectwalnut oil to
as the pigment lumps embeddedin binding medium. Some- be used for light colours, but this turns out not to be the case.
times an entire rodlet is curled up. The white sample from Dey- \(hite did find indications that the linseed oil was pre-poly-
man gives an apparently dried out, crumbly image that has merised, especiallywhere white imPasto Passages were con-
none of the oily, thread-like structure of the Jeaisb Bride cerned, as in the Portrait of Frederih Rihel on Horsebach and
(figure 8). The fact that Deyman has been exposedto high tem- in the Belsbazzar'sFeast in the National Gallery in London.
peraturesduring the fire of 1723could vrell accountfor this. At temperaturesof.270 - 300'C the oil thickens and forms a
In order to find out more about the binding medium, an- stand oil - if oxygen is excluded,zawhich is more viscous than
other bit of the sample sho'wn on the SE micrograph, taken the untreated oil. According to \[hite, a non-heatedoil was
from the white impasto of the man's sleeve in the Jerttisb used for yellow impasto paint. Small additions of diterpenoid
Bride, was analyzedby laap Boon using Pyrolysis-masssPec- resin .weresometimesfound. In their most recentpublication,
trometry (PYMS) and gaschromatography-mass sPectrometry however,White and Kirby proposethat the impastocan be ob-
(GCMS) methods. Investigationusing PYMS revealsthat the tained either by the use of thickened "heat-bodied" oil or by
binding medium is a polymerisedpure linseed oil with a pal- thickening the paint with pigment or both.t: They suggestthat
mitic/stearicratio of 2.3.There is a relatively high proportion an oil may well have been boiled, in order to allow mixing
of the di-acid C9 (azelarc) and the ratio C9lC8 is 6.6 with a siccative (a lead compound), at a more moderate tem-
(C8/C9IC10 = 5/33/2, GCMS;.zaThis would indicate an oil peratureof 100- 150"C.
that has not been pre-polymerisedby the action of heat. The From the recent test with lead white/linseedoil paint it has
PYMS analysis further showed that palmitic and stearic acid been found that made with un-treated (uncooked), cold
arepresentas free acidsand scarcelyor not at all bound to the pressedoil, the paint is a rather'short', buttery paste whereas
polymer oil network. Hydrolysis must have occurred, prob- with a heat treated oil a paint results with stringy threads.The
ably becauseof the alkalinity due to the lead white (basiclead stringy characterwasnot reducedby the addition of more pig-
PAINTINGS IN THE LABORATORY: Scientific Examination for Art History and Conservation
materialsgelatinand eggyolk, paintsamplesl-9.
Concentrationof the aminoacidsin mass%.Reference
gelatineggl2345678 9
AsP 8.0 12.2 0.7 8.6 9.7 0.0 t3.6 9.8 9.9 t3.8 t5 ,6
utu I J.J t5. 5 J-) t 9. 3 19.3 zz.a 20.0 t6.t t9.l 19.9 23,1
Ser. 3.0 t4. l t 2. 5 9. 1 t0.9 44 6.5 4.4 9.4 4.0 eq
Glv 38.8 1-/ t 5. 8 il. 1 45.I 9.9 8.6 t 6 .I t0.3 | 5,3
Arg |.4 t 0. 8 9.3 8. 1 t0.6 5-4 5.t 7.4 5.5 3.9 ?q
Ala t2.0 A9 12.6 6.3 5.9 6.7 5.0 6.| 6.8 4.9 6,0
6.0 1.2 al 7.6 4.8 6.1
Ty, 0.8 5.3 6.0 o. t ?g
Val 3.3 o.o t 0.I LO 7.0 3.2 7.1 8.5 6.4 6.2- EE
Phe J. I 5-t 6.0 5.8 ) .1 3.6 6.9 8.2 6.9 8.5 5,7
lle t.8 6.5 7.4 5. 6 4.9 2.4 5.6 7.5 5.5 4,4
Leu 4.4 12.0 t 5.I | 1. 7 t0.9 5.6 I t.) t5.7 9.s t3. I c?
s ampf e I D e y m o n5 / l w h ite p a in t
sample 2 Stoolmeesters 4ll white paint and little of the black layer
sampfe 3 Stoolmeesters413, paint containing a high proportion of smalt
sampfe 4 Stoolmeesters 416, paint containing a high proportion of smalt
The binding medium of the white, thick paint: proteins
sampfe 5 The Nightwotch924148,top layer, yellowish white paint
sampfe 6 The Nightwotch924148,bottom layer, yellowish white paint
sample 7 JewishBride 4014b,white paint of sleeve All white paint samplesinvestigatedfor the addition of chalk
samofe I Cloudius6vilis. white tabelcloth to the lead white (Rembrandt's The ,Staalrneesters,, Deynzan,
sample 9 F. 8ol, Abraham receiving three angels,78/l white paint the Jewish Bride, the Nightu.,atch, Clawd.iwsCivilis, and Ferdi-
nand Bol's Abraharn receioing tbree angels)were also scru-
tinized for possibleaddition of proteinaceousmaterialsin the
ment. So although the oil is thicker as a result of the pre-poly- binding medium which, for the most part, consistedof linseed
merization (oxidation) due to the heat treatment, the paint oil. Contrary to the results of eadier analysesby Mills &
made with such an oil is actually found to be less solid. Tests \(hite and by Boon, which had demonstratedonly oil present,
conductedby Hayo de Boer demonstratethat the higher the high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) revealed that
temperatureused, and the longer the heat treatment, the more protein could be identified in the white pasteuze paint of all
stringy the paint becomes. thesepaintings(figures9a - gk,Table 2).zt
Pre-polymerizing o1l by heat treatment excluding air is a For the interpretation of this finding, reference materiais
later invention. In the seventeenthcentury in The Netherlands such as animal glue, gelatin, egg,purified and non-purified lin-
oil was sometimesthickenedwhile having it bleachedby plac- seedoil, masticand red dyes of aniriralorigin such as cochineal
ing it in the sun. Painters saw a disadvantagein the use of. a and kermes were analyzed. In mastic only traces of protein
sun-bleachedoil becausesuch oil suffered from aiso being were found, in quantities which, compared with those found
thicker.A higher value was attachedto a thin, good drying oil in the binding medium, were so small as to be negligible.In all
than to a colourlessoil, sinceafter painting the oil darkenedin the other referencematarials,not oniy the stable amino acids
any case,whether it had been sun-bleachedor nat.26Lead oil but also glutamine(GLU), asparagine(ASP), serine(SER) and
would thus have been used for colours other than lead white. threonine (THR) could be demonstrated.On the basisof the
while leadwhite would have been madewith untreatedoil and pattern of amino acids, a clear distinction could be made be-
without siccatives.2T According to written sources, various tween protein of animal and plant origin. Glycine (GLY), for
dryers were used, some of which were suitable only for cer- example, is clearly evident in material of animal origin, es-
tain colours. Besides,colours were specifiedwhich neededno pecially in aminal glue, and almost absent in unpurified and
dryer becausethey themselveshad a siccative action: lead purified linseed oil. In cold-pressed,unpurified linseed oii,
white, massicot,red lead and verdigris.2s valine (VAL), phenylalanine(PHE), isoleucine(iLE) and leu-
Not all treatmentsto which oil might have been subjected cine (LEU) were clearly demonstrable.
are detectableby chernicalanalysis.For instance,the effect of After the oil had been washed with water, HPLC demon-
the warming at moderatetemperatures(necessaryfor the lead strated that the amounts of amino acid presentin the oil was
dryer to mix properly throughout) is no longer detectedin ana- reduced.
Iysisof old paints. It is also pointlessto look for a lead dryer Apart from GLY, tyrosine (TYR), VAL, PHE, ISO and
in paint containing lead white, since the lead oxide used as a LEU were used as indicators. In animal glue, the concentra-
siccativecannot be distinguishedfrom the lead carbonateused tion of GLY is high and TYR low; whereasin egg the concen-
aspigment. Other elementsthat act as catalys* in the drying tration of GLY is found to be lower and TYR higher than in
of the oil, such as manganese,cobalt or copper, were not animal glue. The concentrationsof the later eluting, essential
found in the lead white-containing paints, exceprfor a small amino acidsVAL, PHE, ILE and LEU are also lower in ani-
addition of cobalt-conrainingsmalt found in the underpaint- mal glue than in egg (yolk). In particular,LEU is presentto a
ing in Van Ruytenburch. greaterdegreein egg.
PAINTINGS IN THE LABORATORY: Scientific Examination for Art History and Conservation
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figs 9a-9k High pressure liquid chromatograms of:a) Selatin, b) egg yotk c) High GLY in proportion to GLU and SER indicates the presence of an
linseed oil, not washed d) white impaso paint in the./ewishBride e) white animal glue in the binding medium of the smalt containing Paint.
Paint in F.Bol f) the top layer in the lead white containing paint in The Since it was not possible to weigh the Paint samplesand since the Paint
Nightwatch g) bottom layer in the same sample in fhe Nrght Watch h) samplescontain a high proportion of pigment, the amounts of Proteins
sampfe of white paintin CtoudiusCivilisi) white impasto paintin Deymant) Dresent in the reference materials and in the samples can not be
white impasto paint in lhe StoolmeestersAll white paint samples,except comD areo-
Deyman,show high GLU and low GLY, indicating egg. k) sample 416from
the smalt-containing,grey area of the tablecloth in lhe rStoolmeesters<.
PAINTINGS IN THE LABORATORY: Scientific Examination for Art History and Conservation
?!,0c lo!!
PAINTINGS IN THE LABORATORY: Scientific Examination for Art History and Conservation
Plate 6 Detail ofthe yellow-grey areas in the tablecloth of Ihe Plate 7 Micrograph showing the surface of the deteriorated passage
rStoolmeestersr. behind the right shoulder of the kneeling soldier, left, in The Deniol.
Plate 8 Micrograph showing the surface of a sample of a white, Plate 9 Cross-section of paint sample 412, from a grey, degradedarea in
deteriorated passagein the tablecloth in The $toalmeesters<.Smalt On the brown ground there occur in
the tablecloth of The tStoalmeesters(.
particles show up darker between the brown and the white deteriorating sequencea red, a black and againa red paint layer. Above this the remains
bindingm e d i u m . M a g n i f i c a t i on2 0 0 x of a layer which contains mainly smalt. The surface of this paint layer is rui-
ned, smalt particles project from the paint. This is probably the result of
previous treatments to which the painting has been subjected.Magnifica-
tion 500x
Plate | 0 Paint cross-section of a piece of the greyish, degraded surface Plate | | Cross-section a of paint sample 4 I /6 from the light area with
la/er in the tablecloth o{ The$toalmeestersr.The same layer as rne rough cracki ngbehi ndthe ri ght shoul der of the kneel i ngsol di er i n The
upPermost layer in Plate l2 from a different place. The uppermost layer, Deniol.A 70 - 150 pm thick layer of smalt (faded blue and colourless)
up t o 90 pm , c o n t a i n ss m a l t in a d e g r a d e db in d in gm e d iu m wh ich appears can be seen i n the brow n(ed) bi ndi ngmedi um. B eneathi s the b row n
white becauseof the scattering of the light. Magnification200x quartz ground. Magnification 200x
PAINTINGS IN THE LABORATORY: Scientific Examination for Art History and Conservation
fig | | Backscatteredelectron image of a cross-section of a paint sample
Plate l2 Cross-section of a paint sample from the fringe of the tablecloth
from the fringe of the tablecloth in lhe rStoolmeesters('Scattered
ofThe $toalmeesters(,close to the bottom edge ofthe painting' On the
oarticles of smalt lie in a brown layer which serves as a glaze.
brown ground containing lead white and umber are seParatebrown'
black and red layers. The uppermost, rather transParent layer could have
been mistaken for a coloured varnish. The cross-section shows that it is
in fact an original Paint layer, in which smalt has been used in a glazing
manner. Magnification 200x
P lat e l3 C r o s s - s e c t i o no fa p a in t sa m p le4 ll1 0 b e n e a thth e r ig ht hand of fig l2 Electron micrograph of a detail in the cross-section of Paint samPle
412 lrom the tablecloth in fhe r-Stoolmeesters('ln the dark binding medium
the soldier in fhe Deniol.The sample is taken in a Passagewith wrinkled
oaint. The cross-section and its analysisshow that above a fast-drying' round the smalt particles lead is demonstrated.
lead white-containing underlayer, there is a non-fast drying layer which
contains much ochreous pigment and bone black. A little smalt has been fig | 0 The secondary electron image of the surface of sample 4/2 from
added to this layer, probably to Promote drying. Magnification200x showing degraded paint layer.
the tablecfoth of The $toalmeesters<,
PAINTINGS IN THE LABORATORY: Scientific Examination for Art History and Conservation
under the high speed(shearrate) with which a painter works The measurementssubsequently carried out on the lead
his brush. white paint gave results indicating paint systemswhose rheo-
Subsequently,paints were made up with a composition that logical behaviours varied from viscous fluids to rather strong
could be inferred from the analysisand the historical sources. elastic materials which also showed thixotropic behaviour.
'When these paints were smeared out, after a certain time they
The testswith HPLC which revealedthe presenceof the egg
component had at that time not yet been completed,so that did not spreadany more becauseof drying effects.Vhen extra
no account could be taken of proteinaceoussubstancesin the pigment was added,the paint becamerather crumbly and no
reconstructionsand measurements.Measurementsof viscosity longer properly workable. After thinning, as probably aiso
were madeon the reconstructedpaint to seewhether thesepro- happenedon the palette,it handledbetter onceagain.
duced a flow curve comparable with that hypothesized for
Rembrandt'spaint.:: The reconstructedpaint ought then to Transparent paint layers
have the sameproperties as Rembrandt'spaint and should not
flow at all when applied to canvas.Apart from the rheological Smaltond lead compounds
measurementscarried out, paint was also smearedout to see
whether it did indeedremain standing. In the late Rembrandts,passagesoccur which, before restora-
Measurementswere made on paint preparedwith 1) linseed tion, appearedto be deterioratingbadly, such as the tablecloth
oil with 0.5%olead siccative(lead oxide), 2) linseed oil with in Tbe ,Staalrneesters.(Plate 612s,the foliage in the flowerpot
lO% by weight lead white, 3) linseedoil with 0.5% lead oxide on the right in the Jewish Brid'e and ill-defined passagesbe-
and 45"/oby weight finely ground yellow ochre. The linseed hind the right shoulder of the soldier on the left in The Denial
oil was (cold) pressedby Hayo de Boer and washed twice (Plate7). The paint Iayer in thesepassages turns out to contain
with distilled water, drained and filtered' Lead oxide was smalt that was almost completelycolourlessasthe main consti-
blendedwith the oil at 120'C. A concentrationof c. 0.5"h lead tuent. Smalt,i.e. finely ground cobalt-colouredglass,hasa iow
was used on the assumption that a higher concentration would refractive index and together with the binding medium pro-
have no further drying e{fect.3a duces a Iayer of paint with rather poor covering properties
The lead white, prepared accordingto the seventeenthcen- (Plates 8 - 11, figure 10).36The disintegration of the paint
tury Dutch method, was washedwith distilled water in order to layer must be the result of an interaction betweenthe smalt
remove any soluble lead acetatepresent and pulverised using a and the binding medium. The now indeterminate colour of the
muller on a glassplate with a little water until the size of the paint layer must originally have been transparent and have had
particlesmatched those in the paintings. It was then dried at somethingof a blue tint. In fact, cobalt could still be demon-
50"C. For its match with seventeenthcentury lead white, the strated.The fact that, in Rembrandt'spaintings,layersrich in
presenceof coarseand fine particles of the required size was binding medium often contain large quantitiesof glasssuch as
checkedunder a microscopeand the composition of the prod- smalt,hasbeenpreviously shown.37
uct was testedusing XRD. The size of particlesof the yellow There are various reasons to assume that, in employing
ochredid match the bright yellow ochre of the paintings. smalt, Rembrandt's main concern was not primarily the
In the measurements, it was found that the linseedoil, with- (pale) blue colour. In the yellow of the leavesin the right-
out addition of any pigment, showed a simple rheologicalbe- hand background o{ A young Monh (Titws), the small
haviour, as would be expectedof a fluid. (If a fluid shows amount of smalt added to the strong yellow can still be ex-
Newtonian behaviour, the rate of deformation is directly pro- plained as a means of getting a green from yellow and blue,
portional to the shear rate, in contrast to non-Newtonian the usual practice of Rembrandt and other painters of the
fluids. The higher the shear rate, the higher the force exerted seventeenthcentury. In differently coloured passages, on the
on the material).The Newtonian viscosity - the viscosity of other hand, the colour effect of the smalt must have been
water is 1 milliPascalsecond(1 mPas) = 1 centipoise - minimal, as for example in the brown glazing layer of the
amounted to 47 mPas after one day and 50 mPas after a week. fringe of the tablecloth in The ,Staalmeesters, (Plate 12,
A sampleof linseedoil to which a large amount of ochre was figure 11), in a comparablebrown layer that is found on the
added showed a strictly non-Newtonian behaviour' There was deep red of the tablecloth (sample 4/7, abovethe signature)
a high yield value and the material was highly deformable but and in the transparent brown paint on the thick, impasto
reversibly so, with the material later recovering its original layer beneath the right hand of the soldier in Tbe
form. Blending ochre with oil produced a thixotroPic paint, a (Plate 13). The particles also appeared in brown and red
paint with a structure which tears during application but paint layers that seem to be intended as underlayersfor fur-
which recovers again (either rapidly or slowly) when allowed ther layers of paint, as can be ascertainedin the bald patch be-
to stand.All concentrateddispersionswith fine particlesshow hind the soldier's neck in The Denial (sample 41/7) and in
thixotropic behaviour.The paints measuredin this experiment the tablecloth of The ,Staalnteester5.,where the remains
recoveredvery rapidly. It is true that they did not run and the could be found on the smalt layer of an aPParentlylargely
brush stroke remainedvisible, but it was a very ,short. paint to disappeared,transparent red layer of paint. The smalt-con-
work with, quite unlike the long threadsthat could apparently taining paint layer is often thick (up to 150 pm). Such alayer
be drawn out with Rembrandt'spaint. must have been intended as an underlayer to give volume to
PAINTINGS IN THE LABORATORY: Scientific Examination for Art History and Conservation
non-covering glazing layers. Sometimes, it seems, such a To allow the paint film to dry properly throughout, combi-
paint was also used as a finally applied glaze. nations of lead and cobalt are used nowadays.SEM-EDX ana-
Indications that smalt was used in underlayerscan also be iysis of Rembrandt'spaints showed that lead was absentfrom
found in the sources.It turns out that as a result of washing the smalt or glassparticles,which is of course only to be ex-
the smalt,prior to drying and blending with binding medium, pected when one considersthat lead glassonly came into use
different qualities were obtained, the lesser of which were in about 1670. In a paint layer containing no lead pigment,
found adequate for underpainting in certain passages:'The therefore, one can look for any Iead dryer that might be pres-
first, second and also the third washings of the Smalt are suit- ent in the oil binding medium betweenthe particlesao; and in-
able for laying the dead colouring for landscapes..38 Some- deed,using SEM-EDX, Ieadwas demonstratedin the binding
times it was recommended to mix fresh (i.e.finer) ground medium in Tbe ,Staalmeesters. (sample4/2, figure l2), The De-
smalt into the smalt to get faster drying.3r The cataiytic action nial (sample 41/6) and the Jeroish Bride (sample 4Q/7, figure
of cobalt that occursin smalt at the interfacebetweenthe pig- 13).The use of oil with lead siccativewas establishedusing the
ment particlesand the oil binding medium is greaterthe iarger same technique in a comparablesample fuom Esther before
the surface area, hence with smaller particles. !7ith coarser Haman from Bucharest.The concentrationof lead in the oil
smalt particles the interface area is apparently insufficient for in thesesamplesmust be greaterthan Q.5%".a1 There is also evi-
rapid drying. dencefor Rembrandt'suse of oil siccativisedwith lead in other
Apart from their greyish, deteriorating appearance,these coloured passages than the smalt layers.Lead was found in the
passages also often show a pattern of coarsecrackling,which deepestblack layer of paint (bone black) in the cloak of,{
in principle would suggesta too rapid drying of the smalt young Monk, (Titus) (sample2/3 (4)) and in the red glazeof the
layer.In the tableclothof The ,Staalmeesters., the red paint of woman's cloak in theJeuish Bride (PIates14,15).
an underlyinglayer has reachedthe surfacethrough the cracks Lead was also found in the qtartz ground of Tbe Night-
of the already dried smait layer. Cobalt compounds are still watcb, and in the ground of the Self-portrait as the apostle
consideredthe best siccatives.They promote surface drying Pawl, which for the most part consists of chalk. Since lead
and if used as the sole dryer, it can happen that the paintlayer white never seemsto be involved, the presenceof lead indi-
remainssoft beneatha tough skin of hardenedpaint. catesa drying oil preparedwith leadoxide.
Provisionally,it looks as though uncooked linseed oil was
used for rapid-drying pigmentslike lead white, while for non-
fig l3 Bacl<scatteredelectron image of a cross-section of paint sample drying pigments a lead dryer was cooked with the oil. In this
4017 from the whitish deteriorating passagein the background of the
*r""0, the cooking temperaturewas kept moderately
JewishBride. i:;:r
ln Esther before Haman, not only was lead found in the
binding medium bef,weenthe particles,but also copper.Cop-
per compounds are sometimesrecommendedin the sources
for drying. The presenceof copper in the binding medium,
however, could also be explainedas deriving from the copper
container in which the oil was normally placed in the sun as
part of the preparationprocedure.a2
IJnder long-wave UV irradiation, the layers rich in binding
medium, and containing smalt, show a yellow fluorescence
round the smalt particleswhich is visibie in the paint cross-sec-
tion under the light microscope,while the rest of the binding
medium remains dark. This indicates that the main constituent
of the binding medium is oil (dark under UV). The presence
fig l4 FT-IR spectrum of sample 416 of a smalt-containing , greyish of fatty acids was establishedby microscopic Fourier Trans-
deteriorating passagein the tablecloth in The sStoolmeestersr.The form Infrared Spectrometry(FTIR), In addition, the presence
spectrum shows inter olio the presence of sugars.
of sugars was demonstrated,probably derived from a gum
r- (-OH and C-O absorption bands occurring together,sample
4/6, figure 1a). The gum constituentof the binding medium is
probably the fluorescent material round the smalt particles.
Using HPLC, an animal glue was also demonstratedin the
smalt layers o{ The ,Staalmeesters..a:Since tests show that it is
not really possible to make smalt into a workable paint with
oil alone, the gum constituent must have been incorporated
with the oil to ensurethat an emulsionlike oaint could be pro-
Itu .1lZ ducedusing smalt.aa
sgt, 2ita ?ZA: i6gg r?&t tAgz )2go tbgs
PAINTINGS IN THE LABORATORY: Scientific Examination for Art History and Conservation
fig l5 Seco,,Jary electrgn image of sample 40/10 from the red cloak of fig l6 Electron micrograph of sample 40/8 from the red glaze on the
the bride In theJewish Bride.The paint layers show cavities.The lewish Bride. The cavities in the paint layer suggestthe addition of an
yndermost layer is the quartz ground. aqueouscomponent to the oi l bi ndi ngmedi um.
Before beginning to remove the varnish from the Jewish Brid.e, paint layer containing resin would be in danger of being
the binding medium of the red of the bride's cloak was ana- removedtogetherwith the varnish if the painting were cleaned
lyzed. \flhile studying the brush stroke in the Portrait of Jan using an organic solvent. According to Doerner's ideas, the
Sir, Max Doerner had noticed that the paint had hardly use of resinous paints would apply particularly to superim-
flowed at all in application, and drew the conclusion that it posedglazinglayerssuchasthe bride'sred cloak.
must have congealedimmediately after being applied.Accord- In the paint cross-sectionit can be seenrhat the red passage
ing to him, this was a strong indication that Rembrandt'sme- was first sketchedin a thin red paint (Plates 14, 15), above
dium must have been of a resinous nature.45 He suggestedthat which darker undedayers,possibly modelled,were introduced
Rembrandthad used thick oils blended with Venetianturpen- before the cloak was painted in vermilion (mercuricsulphide).
tine. This pronouncement,ever since the publication of Doer- Above the orange-red vermilion was set a dark red glaze in
ner's book in 1921 has had huge consequencesfor the ap- which carmine,an extract from the cochinealinsect,was used
proach adopted by cleanersof Rembrandt's paintings. Any as the colouring element (identified by thin-layer chromato-
PAINTINGS IN THE LABORATORY: Scientific Examination for Art History and Conservation
f ig l7 M i c r o g r a p h ,u s i n ga co n fo ca l la se r m icr o sco p e ( DSM - Research),
of fi g l 8 S canni ngel ectron mi crographof a sampl eof the grou nd of the
a cross-section of a sample of the red glaze in theJewish Bride.This JewishEride.Theground contains a large quantity of pulverized quartz
photograph demonstrates that the cavities occur deep within the sample, particles.
well below the surface of the paint layer on the painting.
graphy). IJnder the light microscope, and even more clearly in 1600 and by Simon Eikelenbergin the last quarter of the
under the electron microscope,unusual and striking cavities seventeenthcentury.a8Other gums,such as gum arabicand tra-
can be seenin the red paint layers and most especiallyin the gacanthare mentioned in other sources,sometimesfor quite
red glaze.Under a confocallasermicroscopeit was possibleto different uses than in painting. Sometimesthe addition of
demonstratethat the cavitiesare not only to be found in the honey insteadof gum is mentioned,as in a recipeby Van Veen
surfaceof the preparation,but throughout the entire transpar- for making >'Dettenolij,:,take linseedoil and put in a clean,ear-
ent red paint layers.a6 There are round and oval spacesvarying thenwarevessel.Put a somegout schwym(gold scum)together
from a few microns to c. 2Q pm, sometimeswith encapsulated with some umber and a little honey under the oil, boil
substances, in a tight film (figures 15 - 17). It was shown by together and allow to stand quiedy, then strain off the oil,
EDX-analysisthat the inorganic constituentsboth within and (gowt scbuym is a dryer, probably lead monoxide).ar11 th.
outsidethe cavitieswere the same.The cavitiesdo not seemto gums, and possibly also the honey, were dissolvedin water,
be the result of the rigors of a former treatmentbut are rather this would produce together with the oil an emulsion-like
suggestiveof the original consistencyof the paint. It seemswe paint which would be highiy suitablefor making a glaze.A
may be dealing with a two-phase syslem, for examplewater glazing layer must be applied thickly in order to give sufficient
emulsifiedin oil. The paint seemsto have congealedbefore en- force of colour. Through the addition of water (with the dis-
closedair bubbles,or water dropletsor solvent,could escape. solved gum), the paint would have more volume than just an
De la Rie and Boon identified a drying oil, probably linseed
oil, in the red glaze and in its underlying layer of vermilion.aT
Plate | 6 Preparation of a finely rubbed sample of the ground of The
The wax and di- and tri-terpenoid resins also present should Nightwotchin transmitted, polarized light, in which the bright quartz
probably be attributed to a re-lining and not taken to be an particles are visible in transmitted light. Magnificationc. I l0x
original constituent of the binding medium of the red glaze.
Using SEM-EDX, lead was demonstratedin the red glaze,un-
doubtedly alead dryer of the type alreadydescribed.An inter-
estingdiscoveryis that of the presenceof sugars.According to
Boon (note 8) the complex polysaccharide,identified as cherry
gum and present in the red glaze,is likely to be an original
Rembrandtcontribution to the drying oil of the glaze.
The additon of gum could well be the explanationfor the ca-
vities seenin the paint layer. The light microscopic image of
the cavitiescertainly looks like water droplets emulsified in
oil. A water solution of the polysaccharideobtained as a gum
from cherry trees easily .*rrkifi.r oils and resins,sticks very
well to oii paint layersand dries ro a cleartranslucentiayer.
Cherry gum is mentioned in written sourcesin connecdon
with the manufactureof red ink, by Carel Baten,for instance,
PAINTINGS IN THE LABORATORY: Scientific Examination for Art History and Conservation
organic pigment in oil alone. And indeed, the red glaze on the
Jewish Brid.eis thick.
Although resins were identified in the red glaze, not as orig-
inal constituentsbut as material subsequentlyintroduced' this
had no significant consequencesfor the cleaning.The resin
was presentin a very low concentrationand not as a main ing-
redient as Doerner had suggested.The Presenceof gum in the
paint layer alters its solubility properties:the polar nature of
its constituentsugarmoleculesnotably increasesthe paint's so-
lubility in that most polar solvent,water.
PAINTINGS IN THE LABORATORY: Scientific Examination for Art History and Conservation
of a quartzparticlein a sample
fig22 EDX-spectrum fromthe./ewish fig 23 EDX-spectrum of a larger area in a sample from the ground of the
Bride. lewish Bride-
ticlesin the Rembrandtgrounds vary from c. 5 to 60 pm corre- cially depositedsand which has undergonethe shearingforces
sponding with silt grade sediment, which contains particles of the ice which transported it from its place of origin, not
from 4 - 63 pm diameter.Sinceonly silica occurs in thesepar- wind or water.
dcles,we are not dealingwith clay. A study of scanningelec- The difficulty is that nowadays, and in all probability in the
tron micrographs of a sample of the ground of the Jeaish seventeenthcentury too, only nattraT material from Antarc-
Bride (figures 18 - 21) shows thaq at least in the caseof the tica has this appearance.The material transported from Scandi-
Largerquartz grains, the surface of the grains is hardly curved. navia to the Netherlands at the end of the ice age has over the
The material, therefore,before being used in making ground courseof time been further abradedby wind and water trans-
paint, must originally have consistedof rather larger grains, port with consequentrounding of pardcles.
possibly up to 2 mm diameter.The surface of the particles The sand with its irregular grain size which served as the
shows V-shapedpitting and grooves,indicating subjection to starting point for the ground of some of Rembrandt'spaintings
mechanicalviolence.If one looks at the form of the particles must thereforehave been crackedin some other way to render
under SEM it can be seen that there are also particles with it fine enough to be worked in a ground material. It was appar-
very sharp points. The edgesof some particlesshow conchoi- entiy made fine enough by rubbing or grinding on a grindstone
dal fracture planes that could only have arisen through crack- or in a mill, where the force thus exerted on the grains would
ing. On the SE micrographsof thesepreparations,apart from comparewith that of a thick layer of ice. In fact, by being pul-
the sharp fragments of larger grains, there are also small gra- verized in this way, the sand that was to be used as filler in the
nules to be seenof only a few microns diameter which have no ground was subjectedto the sametreatment as the mineralsthat
sharp edges,but appear rounded by natural forces. It is im- wereusedascolour pigmentsin the paint layers.
plausibleto supposethat the mixed grades of the quafiz or Sandof this quality must have been easily accessible in Am-
sandparticlesin the bulk of the ground is the result of deliber- sterdam. It was used as the rav/ material in the building and
ate mixing by the grinder or painter of different grades of pottery industries.(In Amsterdam'sglass-makingindustry the
sand. Rather, it can be inferred that the starting material for raw materialwas glass).
the groundswas poorly (naturally) sorted sand. Chemical analysis of the quartz particles shovred that rhe
Pits and groovesin the surfaceof sand grains indicate their sand was extremely pure. Finely rubbed, it must have had a
collisionwith eachother as the result of wind or water trans- white colour. Since quartz has a low refractive index, mixed
port. If this occurs in the 'poorly sorted' sand where particles with oil it would have formed a colourless and transparent
also show sharp fractures,apparentlythe result of mechanical mass.Probably this was the reasonbrown ochre was addedin
force, then it must be supposedthat we are dealing with gla- order to get a brown painting ground.
PAINTINGS IN THE LABORATORY: Scientific Examination for Art History and Conservation
SEM-EDX also revealedin several,mainly pointed particles According to Pacheco,dryers were also ranged on the pa-
the presenceof cobalt as well as silica,indicating a small addi- He says that materials which promote drying, for
tion of smalt to promote the drying of the oil (figures22,23). example lead pigments, glass, smalt or umber, were first
warmed up with linseed or walnut oil, cooled, and then in
small globs placed on the palette.Many colours not only had
Conclusions their own binding medium but aiso their own dryer.55 Even
during the washing of the pigments,the actualwashing agenr
The aim of rhis article was to reflect the state of affairs in used - pure rain water or acetic acid - would depend on the
the researchon the binding medium of the paint used by Rem- particularpigment.
brandt for the paintingsin his late period. The idea was not to In an investigation of the paint of Van Eyck, Brinkman,
make a definitive pronouncementon the subject;the extent of after a rather limited number of analyses,arrived at a similar
the resultsof analysisobtainableis too limited for that. It is in working hypothesis of an adaptationof the binding medium.56
fact self-evidentthat taking samples,asregardsboth their num- According to Brinkman, Van Eyck used a fatty emulsion for
ber and size,has to be restricted,in spite of the importance of his modelling layers,basedon a lead siccativisedoil emulsified
the analysis,whether for the purpose of this researchor for with egg.For the more superficial glaze,a )pure<lead oil was
the restorationof the paintings. In the course of the research, used, except with blue. For blue glazes,the binding medium
furthermore, it became evident that reaching conclusions 'wasegg white-tempera.Small detailswere executedwith lean
about Rembrandt's binding medium was complicated by the (egg white) binding medium, and for highlights a gelatinous
paintings themselvesfrom which the samples derived, since binding medium was sometimesused.57
thesewere paintings on canvaswhich had a whole history of The present researchin Rembrandt'spaint has revealedthe
restorationbehind them. The results of analysisthat were ob- use of more ingredients than were found with Van Eyck -
tained related both to (aged) original material and also ma- cherry gum is an example.One explanationfor the discoveryof
terial later forced into the paint layer. This too helps to make dif{erentorganicconstituentsin Rembrandt'spaint is that more
interpretation of the results more difficult. and more refined analytictechniqueshave been employed in the
Despite the limitations, we propose the following, cautious Rembrandt research.Alternatively, more ingredients were ac-
conclusions. The binding medium used by Rembrandt - as far tually added in the seventeenthcentury; but whether or not this
as we know in his late period - consistschiefly of a drying oil was actuallythe casecannotat the momentbe said.
with small additions of other organic ingredients.The results Brinkman suggeststhat the use of paint was simplified after
of analysisindicate that the binding medium was modified for Van Eyck. In the seventeenthcentury, for example,egg was no
the differently coloured passagesand for the different 'tex- longer addedto lead oil because,as a result of the evolution of
tureS<. oil painting, from painting in tempera,via tempera/oil in the
The existenceof recipesfor the rendering of different pas- time of Van Eyck to pure oil painting in Rembrandt's time,
'Wetering,53 when the point of adding egg to the oil binding medium was
sagesin a painting was earliersuggestedby Van de
on the basis of the palettesdepicted in srudio scenes.Van de no ionger understood. One reason,however, must certainly
'Weteringdemonstratedthat only those pigments and mixtures have been clear: without these additives lead oil quickly
of pigmentsthat were necessaryfor painting a particular pas- browned and cracked.s8 \Thether the addition of egg- indeed,
sagewere carriedon the palette.The chemicalanalysisof the we know in Rembrandt's case that this only happened with
paint layers that has now been carried out allows the conclu- lead white paint with untreated oil - changedthe coasistency
sion that eachpassageto be painted was not only preparedsep- is a matter that is now being investigatedfurther using rheo-
'Wehope, as a result, to strengthenour interpreta-
arately as far as the pigments were concerned, but that each logical tests.
such pigment mixture also had its own binding medium: the tion of the results.
oil binding medium was modified for each pigment. More
samplesof the different colours need to be investigatedusing
the sametechniquesfor pigment, binding medium ( the main Acknowledgements
constituent and organic additives)end dryer. The results ob-
tainedin this researchare set out in TABLE 3. The author gratefully acknowledgesthe provision of accessto
The reason for the existenceof individual recipes for the the pictures by the Rijksmuseumand by the other ovrnersof
mixing of pigments for different colours may have been an pictures.Specialthanks are due to the restorersof the Rijksmu-
economicone. \7here the binding medium used for a particu- seum,R. de la Rie of the National Gallery of Art in \(ashing-
lar pigment is concerned,there would have been a technical ton and J.J.Boonof the FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecu-
necessity,since some pigments cannot be worked into a suit- lar Physicsin Amsterdam.It was a greatteam.
able paste for the painter to use in oil alone. In such casesa I want to thank the colleguesat DSM Researchfor the ana-
little gum or honey was added in the mixing the oil binding lyses and for the SEM micrographs.Discussionswith
medium with the pigment. It is also possiblethat further ingre- Boer at the Central Laboratory- now NetherlandsInstitute for
dients,such as glue or egg,may havebeenadded on the paleme Cultural Heritage - in Amsterdam,were very much appreci-
during the actualpainting. ated. Thanks are due to P.Hallebeek, Kerizer, $fl.Roelofs
PAINTINGS IN THE LABORATORY: Scientific Examination for Art History and Conservation
and others of the Institute for analyses.I am especiallythankful Above all, I am deeply emdebtedto DSM in Fleerlen,who
to A.Ballestremfor sheltering- since 1995- the scientificexam- has given support to scientificresearchfor the RembrandtRe-
ination of Rembrandtpaintingsat her Institute. searchProjectsince1990.
Marshall Smith, Art of Painting, according to the theory and practice in the restoration reporrs in De Acht Rembrandts.
of tbe best ltalian, French and, German nd,sters, London 7693. Co- 8 The chemical concern DSM in Heerlen, The Netherlands, has given
pied from David Bomford, Christopher Brown, Ashok Roy, Rem- financial support to scientific research for the Rembrandt Research
brandt, Art in tbe Mabing, National Gallery London 1988, p 32. Project since September 7990 and has furthermore made the research
Ernst van de lVetering, ,Rembrandt's Manner: ,Technique in the Ser- facilities of DSM Research in Geleen available. Medium analyses
vice of Illusion., in Christopher Brown, Jan Kelch and Pieter van were done also by Prof.Dr JJ.Boon, FOM Institute for Atomic and
Thiel, Rembrand.t: the Mastel and, bis Worksbop, Amsterdam 1991, Molecular Physics and Dr R. de la Rie, National Gallery of Art,
pp 12-39. E. Van de !fletering, Rernbrand.t. Tbe Painter at Worh, Arn- \Tashington. The results of analysis will be published in JJ.Boon, ltt / . J.B.M.Pureveen and D.Rainford, ,Direct Temperature Resolved Mass
The Rembrandt Research Project has been cataloguing Rembrandt's Spectrometry of the Mobile and Chemically bound Organic Consti-
paintings since 1969. Three of the six cataiogues planned have abeady tuenrs in Rembrandt's ,Jewish Bride., and E.Rene de la fue, Karin
been published: J.Bruyn, B.Haak, S.H.Levie, PJJ.van Thiel, E.van de Groen, Manja Zeldenrust and Michael Palmer,
'An Investigation o{
I(etering, A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings l, 1625-1531, Den Haag some of the Paint Binding Media of Rembrandt's Bride, Ap-
1982, ldem 11,1631-1.634, 1984 en 111,1635- 1642, 79 89. plications of Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography and other Micro Analy-
As recorded in E.van de \Tetering in the Introduction, Chapter 11,in tical Techniques., both in Restauratie Jaarboeb, vol 7, De Acbt Rem-
Volume 11of J.Bruyn et a1.,A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings, op.cit., brand.ts (Amsterdam, Rif ksmus e:u;,ri^,
note 3. 9 Ernst van de Wetering, ,De paletten van Rembrandt en Jozef Israels,
John Mills and Raymond $7hite, ,Paint Media Analyses,, National een onderzoek naar de relade russen stijl en schilderrcchniek, Oud
Gallery Tecbnical Bulletin 13 (1989), pp 69-71. Raymond White and Holknd. 107 (1993) p 139.
Jennifer Pilc, ,Analyses of Paint Media<, National Ga,l.lery Technical 10 E. van de \Tetering, C.M. Groen & J. Mosk,
"Beknopt verslag van de
Bulletin 14 (1993) pp 86-94. The production of painter's materials resultaten van het technisch onderzoek van Rembrandt's Nach-
and their composition are described in Bomford et al., op.cit, note 1. rwacht.., Bulletin oan bet Rijksrnusewm, 24, nos. 7 and 2, (1976) pp.
See also Bomford pp 152,153: Select bibliography o{ scientific and 68-98.
technical examination of Rembrandt's paintings. 11 Raw oil pressed {rom linseed contains, in addition to glycerides and
Karin Steenbeck, in a research project under Prof. E. van de l(eter- their hydrolysis products, a number of other consrituenrs that have a
ing, has investigated the written sources on the use, purificarion and considerable influence on rhe properries of the oil. These include pro-
drying of oil. In the context of a subsidiary of his subject, chemistry, teins, carbohydrates, phospharides and small amounts of other sub-
G.G.A.Meiers has carried out a preliminary investigarion, under stances. To purify the oil it was washed in water. To accelerate the
Prof. E.van de \fletering, that resulted in,Esn 6p2., om de door Rem- purification, absorbent materials were added. In written sources, rhe
brandt bereide verven te reconsrrueren<, Amsterdam, 1989 (unpub- following are mentioned for this purpose: breadcrumbs, savrdusq
lished). Studies of the literature and sources were also conducted by burnt bone, pumice powder, 1ime, salt, sand, alum, urine.
Hayo Menso de Boer (under intern supervisors Prof. E. van de \(reter- 72 Van de rVetering, op.cit. note 2, see illustrarions on pages 74, 75,34
ing and Dr. EJ. Sluiter), who also began to reconsrruct the paints ano JJ.
used. (Unpublished report, 1989). See also the pioneering work on 13 Van de rffetering, op.cir. note 10, pp 83-91.
drying oils by Renate Keller, als Malmittelu, Maltechnik, 2 14 Paint samples, depending on rhe question and rhe relevanr rechnique
pp 74-10s. of anaiysis, consist of a small scraping of the surface of the paint or of
The following paintings were resrored: A young Monh (Titas), 1660, a section taken through all the layers. The surface of a sample is
Still Life utith tuo dead. Peacochs and a Girl, c. 1.639,Self-Portrdit as about 0.25 mm2. Cross-sections of paint and other samoie material
the apostle Pdul, 1,661.,The Syndics (Tbe ,Staabneesterx) 1,662, The are being kept in the Central ResearchLaboratory for Objects of Art
Denial, 1560, The Jezoish Brid.e, c.1665, The anatomy lesson of Dr. and Science in Amsterdam.
Joban Deyman, 7656, Wttenbogaert, 1.633. Restoraiion reports will 15 Van de l(etering, op.cit. note 2, site of sample on p.35, figs 52 and 53.
appear in the Restaaratie Jaarboek, voI 1. De Acbt Rembrandts (Am- 76 The sample from The Nightzoatch has been kept in the Central Re-
sterdam: Rijksmuseum, 1997). The analysis o{ varnish layers and search Laboratory since the restoration of the painting in 1976. The
other surface layers - for the purpose of restoration -.was carried out sample from Clawd.iwsCfuiilis was senr to us during treatment and in-
by the Central Laboratorv for Research of Obiects of Art and vestigation of the painting in Stockholm in 1,993.Ferdinand Bol's Ab-
Sciencein Amsterdam, since April 1997 the Netheriands Insriture for raham receiving the tbree angels was restored by the Limburg Resto-
Cultural Heritage. Thin-layer chromatography was by \{4Roelofs, ration Studio Foundation in Rolduc.
Fourier Transform Infra-red Spectrophotomerry was by R.Karre- L7 The build-up of the layers corresponds closely with that in the
man, microscopy and staining rechniques by M. de Keijzer. The re- sample from the yellowish boots o{ Van Ruyrenburch tn Tbe.Nigbt-
sults of these and other analyses have been assimilated and discussed
watch. (sample 924/48), from which it may be concluded that the
PAINTINGS IN THE LABORATORY: Scientific Examination for Art History and Conservation
underlying hand in Tbe ,Staalmeesters<was aheady * the stage of Chemistry of Museurn Objects, London 1987,p 143.
being worked up when Rembrandt decided to paint it out, Ernst van The term ,stand oil. is these days used for oil inspissated (thickened)
de !0etering, ,De jonge Rembrandt aan het werk., Oud. Holland,97, by heating without oxygen present. In the seventeenth century how-
Nr 1/2, 1977, pp 46-60. E.van de \Tetering, ,Painting materials and ever, the term was used for oil that inspissated through precipitation
working methods<in: J.Bruyn et al note 3, vol l, pp 11-33. and the uptake of oxygen, by allowing it to stand in the sun.
t6 X-ray diffraction was carried out by P Hallebeek, Central Research 25 John Mills and Raymond W'hite, 'Paint Media Analyses,, National
Lzboratory for Objects o{ Art and Science. The proportions of com- Gallery Tecbnical Bulletin 13, 1989, pp 69-71. Raymond $fhite and
ponents present were subsequently estimated and expressed in per- Jo Kirby, 'Rembrandt and his Circle: Seventeenth-Century Dutch
centageby weight. The apparatus consists of a Philips generator, type Paint Media Re-examined., National Gallery Technical Bulletin 15,
PlJf 1011/oO with a copper anode diffraction tube. The monochro- 1,994,pp64-78.
matic CuK radiation is the sole wavelength transmitted by a Ni filter. Stand oil has certain advantages compared with raw linseed oil that
A small Debeye-Scherrer c^mer^ was used (R= 5.729). SEM-EDX has not been pre-polymerized. The presence in it of large molecules
recordings and analyses were carried out by Mrs A.Bronnenberg, makes for better spreading, which gives rise to a high gloss film.
DSM Research, using a Philips SEM 515, EDAX PV 9800. For the T. de Mayerne, Pictoria Sculptoria et qua subahernarum artiwnr,
scanning electron micrographs, samples were coated with Au/Pd for 1620, in E. Berger, Quellen fAr Mahechnik, Renaissance und deren
the secondary elecron image and vrith carbon for the back-scattered Folgezeit, Miinchen 1901.,p 312.,Voyez si le vaisseauestant mis au So-
image. The secondary electron image shows the topography of the leil en este l'huyle ne blanchira pas plustost. Toutes{ois elle saispes-
surface of the sample, the back-scattered image gives information on sira par ce moyen et sera bien plus siccatiue,mais moings bonne pour
the atomic weights of the elements present. peindre et appliquer les couleurs..
19 \fl. Beurs, De Groote.Waereld in 't kleen gescbilderd...,Amsterdam, 2 7 J.A. van de Grn[, Het De Mayerne manuscript als bron eoor de schil-
7692, p.9: "'T Goede ongemalen Lootwit bereid men op dezelfde derte chniek tt an de B aro h, Mijdrecht 1958, p 7 1.
wijze als het Schulpwit, dog 't is gemakkelijker om vrijven, en alzoo 2 8 De Mayerne, op.cit, note 26, for instance p 255. FrancescoPacheco,
het mede onkostelijker is, daarom is 't meest in gebruik, en wel in Arte de la Pintura, in Zahira Yeliz, Artist's Tecbniqaes in Golden Age
min keurige en in grootere schilderijen, zijnde anders in witheid en Spain, Cambridge 1985, p 3.
bestendigheid van verwe beneden het schulpwit zekerliik te stellen". 29 HPLC was carried out by Bea Munsters, DSM Research.HPLC con-
(One prepares well mixed lead white in the same way as shell white; ditions:
though it is easier to grind. It is also cheaper, and therefore more Hydrolysis 24 hours at 110" C;
widely used, particularly the less fine or larger paintings, being other- Hewlett-Packard type 1090 liquid delivery system;
wise in whiteness and in durability of the paint certainly inferior to Column: Macherey & Nagel, 25" 0.4 cm ID nucleosil 720-5-C78;
shell white). flow rate 1 ml per min;
20 Truusje Goedings and Karin Groen, "Dutch pigment terminology I: temperature 40o C;
A seventeenth-century explanation of the word,schulpvrit.", The Ha- injection volume 20ml;
mibon Kerr Institwte Bulletin Nr 2, pp 85-87. detection by Hitachi spectro-fluorometer: rype F-1050:
27 Hans Laagland, painter, of Zichem, Belgium, was kind enough to pro- excitation wavelength 335nm, emission wavelength >37Onm;
vide us with three sampies of lead white made by him according to Gradient elution:
the seventeenth century Dutch recipes. The samples were washed elutent A: 50mM sodium acetate buffer pH 6.0, using acetic acid; elu-
with distilled water and subsequentiy finely ground with a iittle tent B: 66.60/" MeOH, 13.3"/" elutent A; elutent C: 9Qoh MeOH,
water using a muller on a glass plate. H.Kuhn, ,Bleiweiss und seine 1O7oelutent A.
Verwendung in der Malerei., Sonderdruck from Farbe und Lack.,73, 0 min 99%A 1%B 0%C
1967, pp 99-705, 209-213. R.J.Gettens, H.Kuhn, W.T.Chase, ,Lead / ) mln V-/oA 100%B 0%c
Jffhite,, Stadies in Conseruation, vol 72, nr 4, 1967, pp 125-739. b ./ ). I mln U-/o A 0%B 100%c Vlieger, ,Historische verfschetsenVll, De Oudhollandse meth- 85min 0%A 0%B 1 0 0 %c
ode om loodwit te maken., Verfkroniek, 62, nr 1, 1989, pp 21-26. 85.1 min 99%A 1o/"8 0%C Vlieger en E.Homburg, 'Technische vernieuwing in een oude Pre-column deriv *izrrion by o-phthalaldehyde (OPA)/f3-mercapto-
trafiek. De Nederlandse loodwitindustrie, 76Q0-1'870., Jaarboek voor proprionic acrd (MPZ). Manual derivatization is necessary becauseof
de geschiedenisvan bedrijf en techniek,9, 1992,9'68. the small amounts of sample available.
22 K.Groen, ,Scanning electron microscopy as an aid in the study of 8.3 ml of a 0.06 mmol OPA/MPZ in 1 ml MeOH:H,O = 1:1
blanching,, The Hamihon Kerr Institwte Bulletin, nr 1, 1988, pp 50 mi of a sample solution (made up in 0.4 M boric acid at pH 9.4, by
48-65. titrating NaOH), reaction time 5 minutes.
LJ Boon op.cit. note 8: ,Samples are investigated using temPerature re- Before injection, the reaction mixture was neutralized by addition of
solved pyrolysis mass spectrometric (PYMS) analysis, a direct mass 33 ml0.25 M phosphoric acid.
spectrometric technique vrhich elucidates the nature of the chemical Although the important amino acids proline and hydroxyproline,
constituents as well as the way in which the compounds are chemi- present in animal glue, cannot be demonstrated with this technique
vally bound. \flith this technique the weakly bonded molecules ad- as used by DSM Research, the method was employed nonetheless. It
sorbed onto mineral surfaces are released and volatilised at a low tem- was a technique already in operation at DSM Research and required
perature, whereas molecules chemically bound in polymers require little modification. Only the manner of hydrolysis needed to be
bond dissociation at a higher temperature before they are released adapted for the analysis of minute amounts of sample. The modifica-
from the iample matrix.. tion was carried out following S. Halpine (seenote 30).
,Main peaks in the spectrum of the white in sample 40/3a are mlz 206 30 'Ve are not aware of any research by others involving the use of
and 208 from lead and m/z 44 from CO2 released from carbonates HPLC to identi{y proteins in samples of Rembrandt's paint. The
and carboxylic groups. Other main peaks arc mlz 256 and 284 from amounts present are probably too small to be identified in the
palmitic and stearic acid (ratio 2.3). Palmitic and stearic acid appear GC-MS analysis for oil and with FT-IR, the methods usually em-
to be entirely free or very weakly bonded because they show up ployed for medium analysis.
eariy in the temperature profile. There is a substantial polymeric Boon has evidence for a protein marker with PYMS in sample 40/4a
phase, however, which is obviously responsible {or the relative o[ rhe Jeutisb Bride. Boon op. cit. note 8: ,Mass spectrographic profil-
strength of the paint.. ing of the data set in search for protein additives, for example m/z
For P/S ratio's see: John S. Mills and Raymond rVhite, The Organic 117 indicative of tryptophane, and other protein indicators at m/z 67,
PAINTINGS IN THE LABORATORY: Scientific Examination for Art History and Conservation
108, 131 and 186 proved positive and suggest that protein is part of wen mede te leggen.. Smalt, either mixed vzith lead white or not, is
the polymer network.< also encountered in paintings as an underlayer in blue passages;for
I am most grateful to Susan Halpine for her critical comments on the example, in Van Dyck under ultramarine. Pacheco mentions the use
results. Halpine recommended also running a reference sample of ca- of smalt for the (underpainting).
seinein connection with high GLU. She also pointed out inconsisten- 39 Veiiz, op.cit. note 28.
cies in the proportions of amino acids which can arise through inter- 40 P. Brinkman had earlier used the demonstration of lead in oaint
ference by pigments in the analysis. Copper pigments, in particuiar, layers that contain no lead pigments in order to demonstrate the use
can strongly influence the amino acid pattern. Copper was noq how- of a lead dryer. P. Brinkman, op. cit., note 32,p.216.
evet present in the samples analysed. 41 Anne van Grevenstein, Karin Groen en Ernst van de l7etering, ,Es-
Amino acid ratio's were compared with those found in: S. Halpine, ther voor Haman, toegeschreven aan Rembrandt,, Bulletin oan bet
,Aminoacid analysis of proteinaceous media from Cosimo Tura's Rijksrnaseum 39 (1991) 56-83. SEM-EDX analyses of grounds
,The annuciation with Saint Francis and Saint Louis o{ Toulouse., showed that lead was also used for quartz grounds, for example on
Studiesin Consentation 37,1993, pp 22-38. R.\frhite, 'The characteri- Floraand in the Auctioneer in the Metrooolitan Museum in Nevi
sation of proteinaceous binders in art objects., National Gallery Tech- York (sample codes ZL6 and YL5 respecti;ely). Traces of lead rrere
nicaLBulletin8, 1,984,pp 5-14. E.Kenndler, K.Schmidt-Beiwl, F.Mair- found in the chalk ground in the Self-Portrair in the MET, perhaps
inger and M.Pohm, ,Identification of proteinaceous binding media of for the samereason (sample YLZ).
easel paintings by gas-chromatography of the amino acid derivatives 42 Yrn de Graaf , op. cit. note 27, p. 69. catalytic hydrolysis by a protonated cation exchanger,, Fre- 43 HPLC analysis at DSM-Research showed high concentrations of
seniusJ.Anal.Cbem. 7992,342: 135-141. GLY, low TYR, later eluting amino acids present in low concentra-
il Elizabeth Martin, ,Some improvements in techniques of analysis of tions.
paint media., Stad.iesin Conseroation, 22, 7977, pp 63-67. Amido- 44 Tests show that it is not really possible to make a good, workable
black, in the solution Ms Martin has termed Amidobiack 11,was used paint out of smalt and oi1 alone. The paint does not have the right vis-
for the two Rembrandt samples. cosity, the grains appear to sink. (Oral communication, Margriet van
)t Egg white is cited in sources concerning materials used in painting, Eikema Hommes). Although the sources give no indication for the
for example, in Jacoba van Veen's unpublished manuscript (Dienst addition of egg (white) to oil, there was a tradition of preparing blue
Stadsontwikkeling, Maastricht) under the chapter "S7it van een ei pigments with an aqueous binding medium. See, for example, no. 86
bereiden". of De Mayerne in Van de Graaf, op. cit. note 27.
See also P. Brinkman, Het geheirn van Van Eyck, Zwo\\e 1993,p 276. 45 Max Doerner, Malrnaterial und. seine Verzaendungim Bilde,7949.
According to Brinkman, in practice there turns out to be no notice- 46 Biorad MRC 600 Confocal iaser microscope with argon ion laser,
able difference between lead oil-whole egg and lead oil-egg yolk light beam 488 nm. The surface and a plane 45 pm below the surface
emulsions. Van Eyck would have used egg white for biue, glazing were studied. \flith thanl<s to J. Koen, DSM-Research.
rayers. 47 E. Rene de la Rie a.o, op cit. note 8. Py-GCMS was used for the ana-
JJ I am grateful rc Dr H.C. Booij, Dr M. van Gurp and J. Palmen, of lysis. No sample preparation was necessary. Pyrolysis was done in
DSM-Research {or rheologicai measurements, for advice and interpre- the presence of tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH).
tation of the results. 48 Carel Baten, Secreet-Boech,Dordrecht 1550 - 1600. quotation from
Measurements were carried out by J. Palmen with a B6hlin VOR rhe- 1600. Simon Eikelenberg, Aanteheningen ooer schilderhunst,16T9 -
ometer and with a RM5 800 mech spectrometer. 1704, p.25: To prepare red ink. Take 3 pints of rainwater with a half....
34 A.R.H.Tawn, Hon.Ed., ,Solvents, Oils, Resins 4a! |fisvs,, Paint unslaked iime and leave to stand to obtain lye. The next day strain
Technology Manuals, Oil and Colour Chemist's Association, London through a cloth and put in rwo loot oI brazilwood and let it reduce
p.42. by half. The braziiwood must be crushed a little when it is hal{ re-
35 Karin Groen, 'Het verdwenen blauw in een schilderii van Rem- d.uced,.(Crossed out: one loot of the best gum of the resin tree and .t)
brandt.,hM 1, 1992,pp 23-25. a loot oI crushed alum, a loot of gum arabic, 2 loot of the best cherry
36 Sometimes only the edges of the particles of the splintered glass were gum, put this in and leave to cook together, and then you should
discoloured and sometimes the entire splinters were discoioured. The strain off the brazil and it will be good and genuine.
glass contains a high concentration of potassium, higher than due to 49 Unpublished article by Margriet van Eikema Hommes: An "extra
the additions of sodium and potassium oxides that were earlier necess- 'fat.
oil., is a cooked oil with a siccative. Rembrandt seems to have
ary, for technological reasons, to reduce the melting temperature of used a {at oil for red lake. Seefor example Le Brun.
sand, the raw material for giass. In Northern Europe, potassium glass 50 Dr Hermann Kuhn, ,Zwischenergebnis der R6ntgenfeinstrukturana-
began to replace sodium glass around the year 1000 AD. (Venice lyse von Grundierungen<, Pantheon Sonderdruck, Der Stuttgarter
glass is sodium glass.)Too high a concentration of potassium or so- Rembrandt, 2,7963, pp. 99, 100. Bomford et al, op. cit note 1, p. 31.
dium reduces the durability o{ the glass by increasing its solubility in See note 10 for the quartz ground in The Nightuatcb, thottgh it is
water. See Roy Newton and Sandra Davison, Consereation of glass, not clearly stated.
Cambridge 1989, pp 54-57. The discolouration of the blue particles 51 Op.cit. note 3, E. van de rVetering, in A Corpus of Rembrandt Paint-
in the paint layers began when the potassium was leached out. ings ll, p.43.
SEM-EDX analysescould be carried out on areas with a cross-sec- 52 Dr L. Krook, formerly scientific officer at the Vrije Universiteit, Am-
tion of c.2 pm, where it was possible to an:'lyze both the middle of sterdarn, identified the shapes of the particles. Ms. Saskia Kars put
the smalt pardcles and the coloured edge. Just as much cobalt was her time and the electron microscope at our disposal.
demonstratedin the coloured edge as in the middle. See also: R. Gio- 53 Van de \fletering, op.cit. nore9,p.745.
vanoli & B. Miihlethaler, ,Investigations of discoloured smalt., 54 Veliz, op. cit. note 28, p.157.
Studies in Conserrsation, 15 (1970), pp 37-44, in which the basis o{ the 55 Van Veen, op. cit., note 32. The ingredients for making the dryer
change in colouring in smalt is identified as the aitered coiirdination could be bought in shops where the pigments were also sold.
of smalt with regard to its surrounding ligands. 56 Brinkman, op. cit. note 32.
J/ Maryan Vynn Ainsworth, Art and Aatorad.iograph!, Insigbts into 57 Brinkman, op. cit, note 32.
the Genesis of Paintings by Renbrandt, Van Dyck, and, Verrneer,The 58 Brinkman, op.cit., note 32, p.218. From tests that Brinkman carried
Metropolitan Musem of Art, New York 1982. out, it is evident that an emulsion-binding medium does not have
38 Van Veen, op. cit. note 32: ,De eerste,tweede en oock de derde wass- these negative properties.
inge van den Smalt is goet om metselarije Landtschappen dootver-
PAINTINGS IN THE LABORATORY: Scientific Examination for Art History and Conservation