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FETCH/WRITE service in an S7-300/400

CPU via the integrated Ethernet interface
Fetch/Write function block FB210/220

Application description y October 2009

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Fetch/Write function block FB210/220

2 V2.1, Beitrags-ID: 23592043

Objective of the application
In today’s automation technology old systems are upgraded step by step from
SIMATIC S5 to SIMATIC S7. However, the interfaces for the data exchange on the
peer (for example, existing HMI systems) are to be kept. The FETCH/WRITE
service is still very frequently used for the communication via Industrial Ethernet.
The communication processors (CP343-1/CP443-1) of SIMATIC S7 support the
services FETCH and WRITE for data exchange on the following protocols:
• ISO-on-TCP
• ISO transport
However, CPUs with integrated Industrial Ethernet interface are increasingly used
in S7-300 and S7-400 stations to connect these to the Industrial Ethernet network
and to exchange data with other nodes in the network. The FETCH/WRITE
services have not been implemented here.
This application shows how any FETCH/WRITE client can access the process data
via the integrated Industrial Ethernet interface of an CPU of the SIMATIC S7.

Main contents of this application

The following main points are discussed in this application:
• Implementing the FETCH and WRITE services in a SIMATIC S7 CPU with
integrated Industrial Ethernet interface for the open communication via
Industrial Ethernet with TCP and ISO-on-TCP protocol.
• Configuring the communication connections using the FETCH and WRITE
services for the SIMATIC NET OPC server in the PC station.
This application does not include a description of how the FETCH and WRITE
services are used with the SIMATIC S7 Industrial Ethernet CPs via S5-compatible
communication connections.
Basic knowledge of this topic is required.

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V2.1, Item-ID: 23592043 3

Structure of the document

The documentation of this application is divided into the following main parts.
Part Description
Application Description You are provided with a general overview of the
contents. You are informed on the used components
(standard hardware and software components and the
specially created user software).
Principles of Operation and This part describes the detailed functional sequences of
Program Structures the involved hardware and software components, the
solution structures and – where useful – the specific
implementation of this application. It is only required to
read this part if you want to familiarize with the interaction
of the solution components to use these components e.g.
as a basis for own developments.
Structure, Configuration and This part takes you step by step through structure,
Operation of the Application important configuration steps, startup and operation of
the application.
Appendix This part of the documentation includes further
information, e.g. bibliographic references, glossaries, etc.

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Fetch/Write function block FB210/220

4 V2.1, Beitrags-ID: 23592043
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Application Description............................................................................................... 7
1 Automation Task .................................................................................. 7
1.1 Overview .............................................................................................. 7
1.2 Description of the automation problem ................................................ 8
1.3 Requirements ....................................................................................... 8
Requirements to the PC station ........................................................... 8
2 Automation Solution ............................................................................. 9
2.1 Overview of the overall solution ........................................................... 9
2.2 Automation solution............................................................................ 10
2.3 Required hardware and software components .................................. 11
2.4 Performance Data .............................................................................. 12
2.5 Alternative solutions ........................................................................... 12
2.5.1 Hardware alternatives in the S7 station ............................................. 12
2.5.2 Hardware alternatives in the PC station............................................. 13
2.5.3 Software alternatives.......................................................................... 13
Principles of Operation and Program Structures ................................................... 14
3 FETCH/WRITE communication services ........................................... 14
3.1 Principle of the communication services FETCH and WRITE ........... 14
3.2 Structure FETCH/WRITE Header telegram ....................................... 16
3.2.1 Write job ............................................................................................. 16
Request telegram ............................................................................... 16
Response telegram ............................................................................ 16
3.2.2 FETCH job.......................................................................................... 18
Request telegram ............................................................................... 18
Response telegram ............................................................................ 18
3.2.3 Length of the Source / Destination data field ..................................... 19
3.2.4 Start address ...................................................................................... 20
3.2.5 Error number response telegram ....................................................... 20
4 Structure and Flow of the S7 Program of the Application .................. 21
4.1 Overview of the S7 program structure ............................................... 21
4.2 Explanations of the S7 program structure of the application ............. 21
4.3 Execution of FB210 “FW_TCP”.......................................................... 23
Overview 23
Description ......................................................................................... 23
Input and output parameters .............................................................. 26
4.4 Execution of FB220 “FW_IOT”........................................................... 28
Overview 28
Description ......................................................................................... 28
Input and output parameters .............................................................. 31
5 Explanation of the Configuration ........................................................ 33
5.1 Programming the communication connections in the controller ........ 33
5.1.1 Creating the connection parameters for the TCP connections .......... 34
Installing the Open Communication Wizard ....................................... 34
Starting the Open Communication Wizard......................................... 34
Selecting the connection type ............................................................ 36
Configuring the communication partners ........................................... 36
Defining the properties of the communication partners ..................... 37
Defining the ports of the TCP connections......................................... 38
Defining the name of the data structure ............................................. 39
5.1.2 Creating the connection parameters for the ISO-on-TCP
connections ........................................................................................ 41
Installing the Open Communication Wizard ....................................... 41

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Table of Contents

Starting the Open Communication Wizard......................................... 41

Selecting the connection type ............................................................ 43
Configuring the communication partners ........................................... 43
Defining the properties of the communication partners ..................... 44
Defining the TSAPs of the ISO-on-TCP connection .......................... 44
Defining the name of the data structure ............................................. 45
5.1.3 Structure of DB211 “Connect_Param” ............................................... 46
5.2 Configuring the communication connections in the PC station.......... 46
Specifying the connection name ........................................................ 47
Defining the connection parameters .................................................. 48
Configuring the FETCH and WRITE service...................................... 49
Structure, Configuration and Operation of the Application .................................. 51
6 Installation and Commissioning ......................................................... 51
6.1 Installation of the application software ............................................... 51
6.2 Startup of the S7 program.................................................................. 51
Configuring the S7 station .................................................................. 51
Adjust connection parameters............................................................ 52
6.3 Commissioning the PC station (FETCH/WRITE client) ..................... 53
Determining the IP address of the PC station .................................... 53
Configuring the PC station in STEP 7 / NCM PC............................... 53
Downloading the configuration to the PC station ............................... 56
7 Operating the Application................................................................... 58
7.1 Initiating the terminating the communication connections in the S7
controller............................................................................................. 58
7.2 Starting OPC Scout ............................................................................ 58
8 Diagnostics......................................................................................... 61
8.1 Structure of the STATUS output parameter ....................................... 61
FETCH or WRITE job or user data is received .................................. 62
Acknowledgement message or user data are sent............................ 62
Communication connection could not be established........................ 62
Incorrect connection type ................................................................... 62
Invalid FETCH/WRITE Header telegram ........................................... 63
8.2 Error status of connection establishment and clearing as well as the
error status of the send and receive job............................................. 63
Status value connection establishment.............................................. 63
Status value connection clearing ....................................................... 64
Status value send job ......................................................................... 64
Status value of receive job ................................................................. 66
8.3 Negative response of the FETCH or WRITE job ............................... 66
8.4 Connection clearing............................................................................ 66
Appendix and List of Further Literature .................................................................. 68
9 Bibliography........................................................................................ 68
9.1 Internet Links...................................................................................... 68
10 History ................................................................................................ 69

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6 V2.1, Beitrags-ID: 23592043
Application Description
Automation Task

Fetch/Write function block FB210/220 Entry ID: 23592043

Application Description
You are provided with an overview of how a PC station can access the process
data of an SIMATIC S7 CPU with integrated Industrial Ethernet interface using the
FETCH and WRITE services. You are informed on the used components (standard
hardware and software components and the function blocks that have been
created especially for the FETCH and WRITE services).
The performance data displayed illustrate the performance capability of this

1 Automation Task
1.1 Overview
The following figure illustrates the automation task.
Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved

Figure 1-1 Automation task

PC station (Central Station)


Fetch / Write




Industrial Ethernet

S7-300 with CPU 319-3PN/DP

CP1430 TCP CP1430 TCP
Automation Level

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1.2 Description of the automation problem

In the automation level of an already existing plant S5 stations are used with
CP1430 TCP. The communication between S5 stations and central station occurs
via the ISO-on-TCP protocol using the FETCH and WRITE services. The S5
stations are only replaced by S7. A CPU with integrated Industrial Ethernet
interface is used in the S7 station. Since the control station is to be kept, the
FETCH/WRITE service has to be implemented in the S7 station. The control
station actively establishes the communication connection to the S7 station for the
bi-directional data exchange.

Note If the communication between the S5 station and the central station occurred via
ISO transport protocol, this program example can be used if the configuration of
the central station is adjusted.

1.3 Requirements
Controller requirements
In this application, a CPU 319-3PN/DP is used in the S7 station. It supports open
communication via Industrial Ethernet. Consequently, the following data
transmission protocols can be used:
• TCP native
• ISO-on-TCP
The FETCH and WRITE services have to be implemented in the S7 program of the
CPU 319-3PN/DP. In this application they are realized via the TCP native and
ISO-on-TCP protocol, since for open communication via Industrial Ethernet the
data transfer via the ISO transfer protocol is not supported.
Here the CPU 319-3PN/DP acts as a FETCH/WRITE server, i.e. it is passively
involved in establishing the communication connections with the FETCH / WRITE
In this program example 8176 bytes = 4088 words of net data are transmitted
with the FETCH and WRITE services.

Note The SIMATIC S7 supports the FETCH and WRITE services only passive via the
TCP native and ISO-on-TCP protocol. Furthermore, the SIMATIC S7 CPUs with
integrated Industrial Ethernet interface do not support the S5 compatible

Requirements to the PC station

The PC station must support the communication via the TCP native or the ISO-on-
TCP protocol.
The PC station acts as a FETCH/WRITE client, i.e. it actively establishes the
communication connections with the FETCH and WRITE services.
In this application the SIMATIC NET OPC Scout is used as OPC client.

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8 V2.1, Beitrags-ID: 23592043
Application Description
Automation Solution

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2 Automation Solution
2.1 Overview of the overall solution
The following figure displays the most important components of the solution:

Table 2-1 Automation solution

PC station
(FETCH/WRITE client)
CPU 319-3PN/DP
OPC client: OPC Scout (FETCH/WRITE server)
S7 program with function blocks
TCP native
ISO-on-TCP TCP native
Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved

Industrial Ethernet

IP address:
IP address: Subnet mask:
Subnet mask:

The CPU 319-3PN/DP and the PC station including the communication
connections are configured and programmed with STEP 7. The CPU 319-3PN/DP
and the PC station are located in the same IP subnet. In this example, S7 station
and PC station are located in Class B IP subnet (see Table 2-1
Automation solution).
The SIMATIC NET PC software is installed on the PC station. The scope of
delivery of the SIMATIC NET PC software includes the SIMATIC NET OPC server.
It is used to access the process data of the CPU 319-3PN/DP via the TCP or ISO-
on-TCP connections using the FETCH and WRITE services.
Furthermore, the SIMATIC NET PC software includes OPC Scout as an OPC
client. It is used for testing the S7 program.

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Table of Contents

2.2 Automation solution

This application shows how a PC station can access the process data of a CPU
319-3PN/DP via the integrated Industrial Ethernet interface of this CPU using the
FETCH and WRITE services.
The data between FETCH/WRITE server (CPU 319-3PN/DP) and FETCH/WRITE
client (PC station) are exchanged via four unspecified communication connections,
i.e.: via two TCP respectively and two ISO-on-TCP connections. Since the FETCH
and WRITE services are used, separate TCP and ISO-on-TCP connections are
required for sending and receiving the data.
Via the first communication connection, the PC station reads out the data of the
CPU 319-3PN/DP (FETCH job).
Via the second communication connection, the PC station writes the data to the
CPU 319-3PN/DP (WRITE job).
The communication connections are actively established by the FETCH/WRITE

Fetch/Write function block FB210/220

10 V2.1, Beitrags-ID: 23592043
Application Description
Automation Solution

Fetch/Write function block FB210/220 Entry ID: 23592043

2.3 Required hardware and software components

Hardware components
Table 2-1 Hardware components
Component Qty. MLFB / order number Hinweis
CPU 319-3PN/DP 1 6ES7 318-2EL00-0AB0 FW V2.7
SCALANCE X208 1 6GK5208-0BA10-2AA3

Standard software components

Table 2-2 Software components
Component Qty. MLFB / order number Note
SOFTNET S7 Lean 1 6GK1704-1LW71-3AA0 V7.1 (Edition 2008)
STEP7 V5.4 SP4 1 6ES7810-4CC08-0YA5

Example files and projects

Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved

The following list contains all files and projects used in this example.
Table 2-3 Files and projects
Component Note
23592043_FetchWrite_PNCPU_v21.zip This zip file contains the STEP 7
project for configuring the
CPU319-3PN/DP and PC station
and the OPC Scout test project.
23592043_FetchWrite_PNCPU_v21_e.pdf This document describes the
functionality and the startup of the
STEP 7 project.

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Table of Contents

2.4 Performance Data

Following table shows the size of the function blocks FB210 „FW_TCP“ and FB220
„FW_IOT“ as well as the size of the corresponding instance data blocks.
Table 2-4 Performance Data
Block Symbolic name Size in the work memory of the CPU
FB210 FW_TCP 6778 byte
FB220 FW_IOT 7346 byte
DB210 Instance data block of the 8384 byte
DB220 Instance data block of the 16580 byte

2.5 Alternative solutions

2.5.1 Hardware alternatives in the S7 station

Furthermore, the following hardware components can be used to connect an S7

station to any FETCH/WRITE client.
Table 2-5 Alternative hardware components
Component Qty. MLFB / order number Hinweis
CPU 317-2PN/DP 1 6ES7 317-2EK13-0AB0 Firmware V2.5 and
CPU 317F-2PN/DP 1 6ES7 317-2FK13-0AB0 Firmware V2.5 and
CPU 319F-2PN/DP 1 6ES7 318-3FL00-0AB0
CPU 414-3PN/DP 1 6ES7 414-3EM05-0AB0
CPU 414-3PN/DP 1 6ES7 416-3ER05-0AB0
CPU 416F-3PN/DP 1 6ES7 416-3FR05-0AB0
CP443-1 Advanced 1 6GK7 443-1EX40-0XE0
CP443-1 Advanced 1 6GK7 443-1EX41-0XE0

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Application Description
Automation Solution

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2.5.2 Hardware alternatives in the PC station

In the PC station you can alternatively use a CP1613 (A2), CP1623, CP1612 or
CP1512 instead of the normal standard Ethernet network card.

Note If the PC station only supports the communication via the ISO transfer protocol
or in the S5 station a communication processor (e.g. CP143, CP1430 TF or
CP535) was used, which only supports the ISO transport protocol, then you must
employ a communication processor in the SIMATIC S7 (CP343-1/CP443-1). It
supports the ISO transport protocol including the FETCH and WRITE services.

2.5.3 Software alternatives

Table 2-6 Alternative software components

Component Qty. MLFB / order number Note
SOFTNET S7 IE 1 6GK1704-1CW71-3AA0 When using the following
hardware component:
• Standard Ethernet
Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved

network card
• CP1612
• CP1615
S7-1613 1 6GK1716-1CB71-3AA0 When using the following
hardware component:
• CP1613
• CP1613 A2
• CP1623

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Table of Contents

Principles of Operation and Program Structures

This part describes the detailed function processes of the involved hardware and
software components, the solution structures and – where useful – the specific
implementation of this application.
It is only required to read this part if you want to know how the individual solution
components interact.

3 FETCH/WRITE communication services

3.1 Principle of the communication services FETCH and
The FETCH and WRITE services are used for the data exchange by means of the
following protocols:
• ISO-on-TCP (TCP with RFC1006) and
• ISO Transport protocol

Note The SIMATIC S7 CPUs with integrated Industrial Ethernet interface do not
support the ISO transport protocol. Here the FETCH and WRITE services for the
data exchange are only supported via TCP and ISO-on-TCP protocol.

Consequently, this communication service corresponds to “Transport Layer” 4 of

the ISO/OSI reference model.
Figure 3-1 ISO/OSI reference model


The communication of the FETCH and WRITE communication services is a server-

client communication.

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14 V2.1, Beitrags-ID: 23592043
Principles of Operation and Program Structures
FETCH/WRITE communication services

Fetch/Write function block FB210/220 Entry ID: 23592043

The FETCH/WRITE client actively establishes the communication connection.

It requests the data from the FETCH/WRITE server by means of a FETCH request.
The server responds with a positive acknowledgement of the FETCH request and
sends the requested data. Otherwise, the acknowledgement of the FETCH
response is negative.
The FETCH/WRITE client sends a WRITE request with the data required in the
FETCH/WRITE server. If the data has been successfully transmitted, the
FETCH/WRITE server responds with a positive acknowledgement. Otherwise, the
acknowledgement of the WRITE request is negative.
Figure 3-2 FETCH/WRITE message structure

TCP connection with FETCH service

FETCH/WRITE Sever FETCH job for requesting the data FETCH/WRITE Client

FETCH response: positive acknowledgement with

requested data or negative acknowledgement

TCP connection with WRITE service

WRITE job for sending data

Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved

passive connection WRITE response: pos. or neg. acknowledg.

active connection

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3.2 Structure FETCH/WRITE Header telegram

3.2.1 Write job

In Table 3-1 the structure of the request telegram for the WRITE job is described.

Request telegram
Table 3-1 Request telegram for WRITE job
Byte Data type Description Value
0 WORD System ID „S5“ W#16#5335
2 BYTE Length of the Request W#16#10
3 BYTE OP-Code ID W#16#01
4 BYTE Length of the OP-Code W#16#03
5 BYTE OP-Code W#16#03
6 BYTE ORG field W#16#03
7 BYTE Length of the ORG field W#16#08
8 BYTE ORG ID Valid memory area:
• W#16#01 = DB
• W#16#02 = bit memory
address area
• W#16#03 = PII (process
image of the inputs)
• W#16#04 = PIQ
(process image of the
9 BYTE DB, from which the source 0 bis 255 (dez.)
data are taken or to which the
destination data are
10 INT Start address: see chapter 3.2.4 „Start
Number of data word, address“
memory byte or output / input
byte in process image of the
inputs / outputs (PII / PIQ)
from which the data are taken
or written to
12 INT Length of the source / see chapter 3.2.3 “Length of
destination data field the Source / Destination data
14 BYTE Empty field W#16#FF
15 BYTE Length of the empty field W#16#2
16… User data

Response telegram
In Table 3-2 the structure of the response telegram for the WRITE job is described.

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16 V2.1, Beitrags-ID: 23592043
Principles of Operation and Program Structures
FETCH/WRITE communication services

Fetch/Write function block FB210/220 Entry ID: 23592043

Table 3-2 Response telegram for WRITE job

Byte Data type Description Value
0 WORD System ID „S5“ W#16#5335
2 BYTE Length of the Response W#16#10
telegram (acknowledgement)
3 BYTE OP-Code ID W#16#01
4 BYTE Length of the OP-Code W#16#03
5 BYTE OP-Code W#16#04
6 BYTE Acknowledgement block W#16#0F
7 BYTE Length of the W#16#03
acknowledgement block
8 BYTE Error number see 3.2.5 „Error number
response telegram“
9 BYTE Empty field W#16#FF
10 BYTE Length of the empty field W#16#7
11 BYTE Free
12 BYTE Free
Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved

13 BYTE Free

14 BYTE Free
15 BYTE Free

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3.2.2 FETCH job

In Table 3-3 the structure of the request telegram for the FETCH job is described.

Request telegram
Table 3-3 Request telegram for FETCH job
Byte Data type Description Value
0 WORD System ID „S5“ W#16#5335
2 BYTE Length the of Request W#16#10
3 BYTE OP-Code ID W#16#01
4 BYTE Length of the OP-Code W#16#03
5 BYTE OP-Code W#16#05
6 BYTE ORG field W#16#03
7 BYTE Length of the ORG field W#16#08
8 BYTE ORG ID Valid memory area::
• W#16#01 = DB
• W#16#02 = bit memory
address area
• W#16#03 = PII (process
image of the inputs)
• W#16#04 = PIQ
(process image of the
9 BYTE DB, from which the source 0 bis 255 (dez.)
data are taken or to which the
destination data are
10 INT Start address: see chapter 3.2.4 „Start
Number of data word, address“
memory byte or output / input
byte in process image of the
inputs / outputs (PII / PIQ)
from which the data are taken
or written to
12 INT Length of the source / see chapter 3.2.3 “Length of
destination data field the Source / Destination data
14 BYTE Empty field W#16#FF
15 BYTE Length of the empty field W#16#2

Response telegram
In Table 3-4 the structure of the response telegram for the FETCH job is described.
Table 3-4 Response telegram for FETCH job
Byte Data type Description Value
0 WORD System ID „S5“ W#16#5335
2 BYTE Length of the Response W#16#10
telegram (acknowledgement)
3 BYTE OP-Code ID W#16#01

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18 V2.1, Beitrags-ID: 23592043
Principles of Operation and Program Structures
FETCH/WRITE communication services

Fetch/Write function block FB210/220 Entry ID: 23592043

Byte Data type Description Value

4 BYTE Length of the OP-Code W#16#03
5 BYTE OP-Code W#16#06
6 BYTE Acknowledgement block W#16#0F
7 BYTE Length of the W#16#03
Acknowledgement block
8 BYTE Error number see 3.2.5 „Error number
response telegram“
9 BYTE Empty field W#16#FF
10 BYTE Length of the empty field W#16#7
11 BYTE Free
12 BYTE Free
13 BYTE Free
14 BYTE Free
15 BYTE Free
Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved

3.2.3 Length of the Source / Destination data field

CPU 319-3PN/DP
Table 3-5 max length of source / destination data field for CPU 319-3PN/DP
ORG-ID max length of the source / destination
data field
W#16#01 = 8176 Bytes (4088 Words)
W#16#02 = 8176 Bytes (4088 Words)
W#16#03 = 4080 Bytes (2040 Words)
W#16#04 = 4080 Bytes (2040 Words)

CPU 317-2PN/DP
Table 3-6 max length of source / destination data field for CPU 317-2PN/DP
ORG ID max length of the source / destination
data field
W#16#01 = 8176 Bytes (4088 Words)
W#16#02 = 4080 Byte (2040 Worte)
W#16#03 = 2032 Byte (1016 Worte)
W#16#04 = 2032 Byte (1016 Worte)

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Table of Contents

CPU 315-2PN/DP
Table 3-7 max length of source / destination data field for CPU 317-2PN/DP
ORG ID max length of the source / destination
data field
W#16#01 = 8176 Bytes (4088 Words)
W#16#02 = 2032 Bytes (1016 Words)
W#16#03 = 2032 Bytes (1016 Words)
W#16#04 = 2032 Bytes (1016 Words)

3.2.4 Start address

The max start address depends on:

• ORG ID, i.e. the memory area of the CPU from which the data are read and to
which the data are written
• Length of the source / destination data field
ORG ID max start address
W#16#01 = 64 KByte − Length of the source /
destination data field − 16 Byte Header
W#16#02 = max Length of the source / destination
data block − Length of the source /
destination data block
W#16#03 = max Length of the source / destination
data block − Length of the source /
destination data block
W#16#04 = max Length of the source / destination
data block − Length of the source /
destination data block

3.2.5 Error number response telegram

Table 3-8 error numbers in response telegram

Error number Description
0 positive acknowledgement, i.e. valid
FETCH or WRITE request telegram is
2 Requested block does not exist
3 Requested block is to small
6 No valid ORG ID

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20 V2.1, Beitrags-ID: 23592043
Principles of Operation and Program Structures
Structure and Flow of the S7 Program of the Application

Fetch/Write function block FB210/220 Entry ID: 23592043

4 Structure and Flow of the S7 Program of

the Application
4.1 Overview of the S7 program structure
The following Figure 4-1 is a diagrammatic representation of the S7 program
structure of the application.
Figure 4-1 Overview of the S7 program structure

DB 210
OB 1 FB210


DB 310
Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved






4.2 Explanations of the S7 program structure of the

In the S7 program of the CPU 319-3PN/DP, the FETCH and WRITE services are
implemented in the following function blocks.
• FB210 "FW_TCP"
• FB220 „FW_IOT“
You have to call these function blocks in OB1 cyclically.

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With FB210 the FETCH/WRITE services are provided via the TCP connection.
Since separate TCP connections are required for the FETCH/WRITE services,
FB210 is called twice in OB1.
The first call with the DB210 instance data block provides the FETCH service via
the TCP connections.
The second call with the DB310 instance data block provides the WRITE function
via the TCP connection.
With FB220 the FETCH/WRITE services are provided via the ISO-on-TCP
connection. Since separate ISO-on-TCP connections are required for the
FETCH/WRITE services, FB220 is called twice in OB1.
The first call with the DB220 instance data block provides the FETCH service via
the ISO-on-TCP connections.
The second call with the DB320 instance data block provides the WRITE service
via the ISO-on-TCP connection.
Internally the FB210 “FW_TCP” and FB220 “FW_IOT” blocks call system functions
for connecting and disconnecting and for sending and receiving data.
For further information on open communication via Industrial Ethernet, please refer
to the “System Software for S7-300/400 System and Standard Functions” manual.
Use the following link to download this manual from the internet:

Fetch/Write function block FB210/220

22 V2.1, Beitrags-ID: 23592043
Principles of Operation and Program Structures
Structure and Flow of the S7 Program of the Application

Fetch/Write function block FB210/220 Entry ID: 23592043

4.3 Execution of FB210 “FW_TCP”

The following Figure 4-2 is a diagrammatic representation of the execution of
FB210 that is called in OB1 and that realizes the FETCH/WRITE services via TCP

Figure 4-2 Execution of FB210 “FW_TCP”

Connection DB211
Establishment “ConnectParam”

Receiving the header

message = 16 Byte
Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved

16 bytes header


Prepare data Receive user data

Generate acknow- Write data to target

ledgement message area

Send acknowledge Generate acknowl.

message+ user data message

Sent acknowledgem.

max. user data = 8178 bytes

(8192 bytes 16bytes header message)

After a warm, hot or cold restart of the CPU as well as changing the connection
parameters the TCP connection is established automatically. The parameters for
establishing the connection are filed in DB211 “ConnectParam”.
With the input parameter “ENABLE” it’s possible to control the connection
establishment and the connection clearing manually.

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When the connection parameters are changed the connection is cleared and
established again automatically.
The following table shows the data structure of the connection parameters for a
TCP connection. This is 64 bytes long.
Table 4-1 Data structure of the connection parameters for TCP connections
Parameter Value Description
id W#16#1 Connection ID
The value of the parameter must lie in the
following value range:
id = W#16#0001 bis W#16#0FFF
connection_type B#16#11 Connection type
For TCP connection the following applies:
connection_type = B#16#11
(TCP native) or
connection_type = B#16#1
(TCP native compatibility mode)
active_est FALSE Passive connection establishment
local_device_id B#16#3 CPU 319-3PN/DP
local_tsap_id_len B#16#2 Data length of the local port in the S7-300 station
rem_subnet_id_len B#16#0 Not relevant
rem_staddr_len B#16#0 Unspecified connection
rem_tsap_id_len B#16#0 Data length of the port in the communication
next_staddr_len B#16#0 Used length of the next_staddr parameter
local_tsap_id B#16#7 Local port for the TCP
B#16#D0 connection in the S7-300 station:
B#16#0 The value of the parameter must lie in the
B#16#0 following value range:
B#16#0 local_tsap_id = 1 up to 49151 (dec.)
rem_subnet_id B#16#0 … Not relevant

Fetch/Write function block FB210/220

24 V2.1, Beitrags-ID: 23592043
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Fetch/Write function block FB210/220 Entry ID: 23592043

Parameter Value Description

rem_staddr B#16#0 … IP address of the communication partner:
- Not relevant for unspecified connections with
passive connection establishment
rem_tsap_id B#16#0 … Port of the communication partner:
- Not relevant for unspecified connections with
passive connection establishment
next_staddr B#16#0 … Rack and slot of the CP:
- Not relevant since no CP is used
spare W#16#0 Not relevant

The following connection parameters are checked prior to the established

• connection_type
• id
• local_tsap_id
The connection_type = B#16#11 connection parameter is used in this application.
Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved

If one of these parameters wasn’t defined correctly, the communication connection


wouldn’t establish. No data is sent or received.

After the communication connection has been established, a header message of
the FETCH/WRITE services with a length of 16 bytes is received. The header
message contains the information whether a FETCH or WRITE job is pending.
When there is a FETCH job, then the data requested by the communication partner
is prepared in instance data block DB210 and the acknowledgement message is
generated. The acknowledgement telegram is sent including the prepared data.
If there is a WRITE job, then the user data is received after evaluating the 16 bytes
header message and written to the target area. Subsequently, the
acknowledgement message is generated in the instance data block DB310 and

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Input and output parameters

FB210 has the following input and output parameters:
Figure 4-3 FB210 “FW_TCP”






Table 4-2 Input parameters

Input parameters Description
ENABLE This parameter is used to initialize the
connection establishment and connection
clearing respectively.
• 0 = connection clearing
• 1 = connection establishment
CONNECT ANY pointer to the data area of DB211 that
includes the parameters for establishing the
TCP connection. This data area must be at
least 64 bytes.
ADDMODE This parameter is used to define how the
data of FETCH and WRITE job respectively
has to be addressed (S7 or S5 addressing
• 0 = S7 addressing mode
(the start address of data is interpreted
as byte address)
• 1 = S5 addressing mode
(the start address of data is interpreted
as word address)

Fetch/Write function block FB210/220

26 V2.1, Beitrags-ID: 23592043
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Fetch/Write function block FB210/220 Entry ID: 23592043

Table 4-3 Output parameters

Output parameters Description
NDR (new data record) With this parameter it is indicated that the
data of the WRITE job have been adopted
successfully and the acknowledgement
telegram was generated and sent.
ERROR This parameter is set when:
• an error has occurred during
connection or disconnection
• an error has occurred during sending
or receiving the data
• an invalid FETCH/WRITE Header
telegram was received
MODE This parameter indicates whether a FETCH
or WRITE job is executed.
• 0 = no active job
• 1 = WRITE job
• 2 = FETCH job
STATUS Internal communication status bits are
Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved

output in the STATUS parameter (see


Table 8-1 Structure of the STATUS


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4.4 Execution of FB220 “FW_IOT”

The following figure is a diagrammatic representation of the execution of FB220
that is called in OB1 and that realizes the FETCH/WRITE services via connections.

Figure 4-4 Execution of FB220 “FW_IOT”
Connection DB211
Establishment “ConnectParam“

Receive header
message + user data
(max. 8192 bytes)

Evaluate 16
bytes header


Data are prepared Write data to target


Generate aknowl. Generate acknowl.

message message

Send acknowl. Send acknowledgm.

message+ user data message

After a warm, hot or cold restart of the CPU as well as changing the connection
parameters the ISO-on-TCP connection is established automatically. The
parameters for establishing the connection are filed in DB211 “ConnectParam”.
With the input parameter “ENABLE” it’s possible to control the connection
establishment and the connection clearing manually.
When the connection parameters are changed the connection is cleared and
established again automatically.
The following table shows the data structure of the connection parameters for an
ISO-on-TCP connection. It is 64 bytes long.

Fetch/Write function block FB210/220

28 V2.1, Beitrags-ID: 23592043
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Fetch/Write function block FB210/220 Entry ID: 23592043

Table 4-4 Data structure of the connection parameters for ISO-on-TCP connections
Parameter Value Description
Id W#16#1 Connection ID
The value of the parameter must lie in
the following value range:
id = W#16#0001 up to W#16#0FFF
connection_type B#16#12 Connection type
For ISO-on-TCP connection the
following applies:
connection_type = B#16#12
active_est FALSE Passive connection
local_device_id B#16#3 CPU 319-3PN/DP
local_tsap_id_len B#16#7 Data length of the local TSAP in the S7-
300 station
The value of the parameter must lie in
the following value range:
local_tsap_id_len = 2 up to 16
rem_subnet_id_len B#16#0 Not relevant
rem_staddr_len B#16#0 Unspecified connection
Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved

rem_tsap_id_len B#16#0 Data length of the TSAP in the

communication partner
next_staddr_len B#16#0 Used length of the next_staddr
local_tsap_id B#16#E0 Local TSAP for the
B#16#02 ISO-on-TCP connection in the S7-300
B#16#54 station:
B#16#43 The first byte of the parameter must
B#16#50 have the following value:
B#16#2D local_tsap_id[1]=W#16#E0 or
B#16#31 local_tsap_id[1] is an ASCII character
rem_subnet_id B#16#0 … Not relevant
rem_staddr B#16#0 … IP address of the communication
- Not relevant for unspecified
connections with passive connection
rem_tsap_id B#16#0 … TSAP of the communication partner:
- Not relevant for unspecified
connections with passive connection
next_staddr B#16#0 … Rack and slot of the CP:
- Not relevant since no CP is used
spare W#16#0 Not relevant

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The following connection parameters are checked prior to the established

• connection_type
• id
• local_tsap_id
• local_tsap_id_len
If one of these parameters wasn’t defined correctly, the communication connection
wouldn’t establish. No data is sent or received.
After the communication connection has been established, a header message of
the FETCH/WRITE services with a length of 16 bytes is received. The header
message contains the information whether a FETCH or WRITE job is pending.
When there is a FETCH job, then the data requested by the communication partner
is prepared in instance data block DB220 and the acknowledgement message is
generated. The acknowledgement telegram is sent including the prepared data.
During a WRITE job the user data are received together with the 16 Bytes Header
telegram and written to the target area. Subsequently, the acknowledgement
message is generated in the instance data block DB320 and sent.

Fetch/Write function block FB210/220

30 V2.1, Beitrags-ID: 23592043
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Fetch/Write function block FB210/220 Entry ID: 23592043

Input and output parameters

FB220 has the following input and output parameters:
Figure 4-5 FB220 “FW_IOT”





Table 4-5 Input parameters

Input parameters Description
ENABLE This parameter is used to initialize the
connection establishment and connection
clearing respectively.
• 0 = connection clearing
Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved

• 1 = connection establishment
CONNECT ANY pointer to the data area of DB211 that
includes the parameters for establishing the
ISO-on-TCP connection. This data area
must be at least 64 bytes.
ADDRMODE This parameter is used to define how the
data of FETCH and WRITE job respectively
has to be addressed (S7 or S5 addressing
• 0 = S7 addressing mode
(the start address of data is interpreted
as byte address)
• 1 = S5 addressing mode
(the start address of data is interpreted
as word address)

Table 4-6 Output parameters

Output parameters Description
NDR (new data record) With this parameter it is indicated that the
data of the WRITE job have been adopted
successfully and the acknowledgement
telegram was generated and sent.
ERROR This parameter is set when:
• an error has occurred during
connection or disconnection
• an error has occurred during sending
or receiving the data
• an invalid FETCH/WRITE Header
telegram was received
MODE This parameter indicates whether a FETCH
or WRITE job is executed.

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Output parameters Description

• 0 = no active job
• 1 = WRITE job
• 2 = FETCH job
STATUS Internal communication status bits are
output in the STATUS parameter (see
Table 8-1 Structure of the STATUS

Fetch/Write function block FB210/220

32 V2.1, Beitrags-ID: 23592043
Principles of Operation and Program Structures
Explanation of the Configuration

Fetch/Write function block FB210/220 Entry ID: 23592043

5 Explanation of the Configuration

5.1 Programming the communication connections in the
The parameters of the communication connections are stored in the CPU memory
as a data block.
The connection parameters can be generated with the “Open Communication
Wizard” tool and be stored in the data block of the STEP 7 project.
In this application the connection parameters are saved in the DB211
Use the following link to download the “Open Communication Wizard” from the
Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved

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Table of Contents

5.1.1 Creating the connection parameters for the TCP connections

When generating these connection parameters with the Open Communication

Wizard, please follow the instructions listed below:

Installing the Open Communication Wizard

Install the Open Communication Wizard on the PC on which you configure the S7
station. Please note that at least Microsoft .NET Framework V2.0 is required for the
installation of the Open Communication Wizard.

Starting the Open Communication Wizard

Start the Open Communication Wizard in the Windows START menu by selecting
SIMATIC Æ Open Communication Wizard. The following dialog box opens (see
Figure 5-1 starting the Open Communication Wizard). Click the button “Next” to
continue with setting the connection parameters.
Figure 5-1 starting the Open Communication Wizard

In the following dialog you select the STEP 7 project and the block folder in which
the connection parameters are saved. Subsequently you click the button “Next” to
go to the next dialog.

Fetch/Write function block FB210/220

34 V2.1, Beitrags-ID: 23592043
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Fetch/Write function block FB210/220 Entry ID: 23592043

Figure 5-2 select STEP 7 project and block folder

Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved

Select the “New” function to generate a new connection. Subsequently you click
the button “Next” to go to the next dialog, where you select the connection type.
Figure 5-3 generate a new connection

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Selecting the connection type

To configure the TCP connection, select the “TCP native” connection type.
Figure 5-4 selecting the connection type

Configuring the communication partners

Now the communication partner is configured. In this application, only the S7-300
station (FETCH/WRITE server) is configured since the communication partner is a
PC station (FETCH/WRITE client).
If you use two S7 controllers as communication partners, the parameters, which
you have to configure here, will change.
Click the button “Next” to go to the next dialog, where you define the properties of
the communication partners.

Fetch/Write function block FB210/220

36 V2.1, Beitrags-ID: 23592043
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Figure 5-5 configuring the communication partners

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Defining the properties of the communication partners

In this application, the following properties are defined for the TCP connection in
the CPU 319-3PN/DP:
Table 5-1 Properties of the communication partners
Property TCP connection with the TCP connection with the
FETCH service WRITE service
Connection ID W#16#0003 W#16#0004
Connection establishment Passive Passive
Connection Unspecified Unspecified
Interface CPU 319-3PN/DP CPU 319-3PN/DP

Define the TCP connections for the FETCH and WRITE services with different
connection ID and different connection name.
The TCP connections are unspecified since only an unspecified configuration of
TCP connections is possible in NetPro for the data exchange between PC station
and CPU with integrated Industrial Ethernet interface (see chapter 5.2 “Configuring
the communication connections in the PC station”).
Select the interface according to the hardware you are using. A CPU 319-3PN/DP
is used in this application. The integrated Industrial Ethernet interface of the CPU
319-3PN/DP is thus defined in the Open Communication Wizard. Click the button
“Next” to go to the next dialog, where you define the local port for the TCP
connection in the CPU.

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Figure 5-6 defining the properties of the communication partners

Defining the ports of the TCP connections

In this application, the following ports are defined in the S7-300 station for the TCP
Table 5-2 Ports of the TCP connections
Communication connection Port
TCP connection for FETCH job 2000 (dec) = 7D0 (hex)
TCP connection for WRITE job 2001 (dec) = 7D1 (hex)

Figure 5-7 ports of the TCP connections

Fetch/Write function block FB210/220

38 V2.1, Beitrags-ID: 23592043
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Fetch/Write function block FB210/220 Entry ID: 23592043

Note With this parameterization of the S7-300 station, any station supporting the TCP
native communication service can access the data in the controller via the
configured port.

Defining the name of the data structure

In the following dialog of the Open Communication Wizard you specify the data
block in which you wish to save the connection parameters. Furthermore the
already selected STEP 7 project and the already selected block folder is displayed
by generating the data block with the connection parameters. If you have not yet
selected a STEP 7 project and block folder (see Figure 5-2 select STEP 7 project
and block folder), then you can do this in the following dialog.
Figure 5-8 generate data block with connection parameters
Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved

According to the configuration of the connection parameters with the Open

Communication Wizard the specified data block is generated with the correct
connection parameters (see Table 4-1 Data structure of the connection parameters
for TCP connections).

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Table of Contents

If the given data block already exists in the STEP 7 project, the connection
parameters are attached to the already existing data in the data block. In this case
you acknowledge the following message with “OK”.
Figure 5-9 Data block already exists

Fetch/Write function block FB210/220

40 V2.1, Beitrags-ID: 23592043
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Explanation of the Configuration

Fetch/Write function block FB210/220 Entry ID: 23592043

5.1.2 Creating the connection parameters for the ISO-on-TCP connections

When generating these connection parameters with the Open Communication

Wizard, please follow the instructions listed below:

Installing the Open Communication Wizard

Install the Open Communication Wizard on the PC on which you configure the S7
station. Please note that at least Microsoft .NET Framework V2.0 is required for the
installation of the Open Communication Wizard.

Starting the Open Communication Wizard

Start the Open Communication Wizard in the Windows START menu by selecting
SIMATIC Æ Open Communication Wizard. The following dialog box opens (see
Figure 5-10 starting the Open Communication Wizard). Click the button “Next” to
continue with setting the connection parameters.
Figure 5-10 starting the Open Communication Wizard
Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved

In the following dialog you select the STEP 7 project and the block folder in which
the connection parameters are saved. Subsequently you click the button “Next” to
go to the next dialog.

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Table of Contents

Figure 5-11 select STEP 7 project and block folder

Select the “New” function to generate a new connection. Subsequently you click
the button “Next” to go to the next dialog, where you select the connection type.
Figure 5-12 generate a new connection

Fetch/Write function block FB210/220

42 V2.1, Beitrags-ID: 23592043
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Explanation of the Configuration

Fetch/Write function block FB210/220 Entry ID: 23592043

Selecting the connection type

To configure the ISOonTCP connection, select the “ISO on TCP” connection type.
Figure 5-13 selecting the connection type
Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved

Configuring the communication partners

Now the communication partner is configured. In this application, only the S7-300
station (FETCH/WRITE server) is configured since the communication partner is a
PC station (FETCH/WRITE client).
If you use two S7 controllers as communication partners, the parameters, which
you have to configure here, will change.
Click the button “Next” to go to the next dialog, where you define the properties of
the communication partners.
Figure 5-14 configuring the communication partners

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Table of Contents

Defining the properties of the communication partners

In this application, the following properties are defined for the ISO-on-TCP
connection in the CPU 319-3PN/DP:
Table 5-3 Properties of the communication partners
Property ISO-on-TCP connection for ISO-on-TCP connection for
Connection ID W#16#0001 W#16#0002
Connection Passive Passive
Connection Unspecified Unspecified
Interface CPU 319-3PN/DP CPU 319-3PN/DP

Define the ISO-on-TCP connections for the FETCH and WRITE services with
different connection ID and different connection name.
The ISO-on-TCP connections are unspecified since only an unspecified
configuration of TCP connections is possible in NetPro for the data exchange
between PC station and CPU with integrated Industrial Ethernet interface (see
chapter 5.2 “Configuring the communication connections in the PC station”).
Select the interface according to the hardware you are using. A CPU 319-3PN/DP
is used in this application. The integrated Industrial Ethernet interface of the CPU
319-3PN/DP is thus defined in the Open Communication Wizard. Click the button
“Next” to go to the next dialog, where you define the local TSAP of the ISO-on-TCP
connection in the CPU.
Figure 5-15 defining the properties of the communication partners

Defining the TSAPs of the ISO-on-TCP connection

In this application, the following TSAPs are defined in the S7-300 station for the
ISO-on-TCP connections.

Fetch/Write function block FB210/220

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Table 5-4 TSAPs of the communication connections

Communication connection TSAP
ISO-on-TCP connection for FETCH job TCP-1 (ASC) =
E0. (hex)
ISO-on-TCP connection for WRITE job TCP-2 (ASC) =
E0. (hex)

The checkbox “CPU 3xx (FW<V2.7), CP4xx (FW<V5.2)” has been activated as a
standard. Only deactivate this checkbox if you are using a S7-300 CPU with FW ≥
V2.7 or an S7-400 with FW ≥ V5.2, since the application of ASCII-TSAPs is
supported from these firmware versions on.
Figure 5-16 TSAPs of the ISO-on-TCP connections
Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved

Note With this parameterization of the S7-300 station, any station supporting the ISO-
on-TCP communication service can access the data in the controller via the
configured TSAP.

Defining the name of the data structure

In the following dialog of the Open Communication Wizard you specify the data
block in which you wish to save the connection parameters. Furthermore the
already selected STEP 7 project and the already selected block folder is displayed
by generating the data block with the connection parameters. If you have not yet
selected a STEP 7 project and block folder (see Figure 5-11 select STEP 7 project
and block folder), then you can do this in the following dialog.

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Figure 5-17 generate data block with connection parameters

According to the configuration of the connection parameters with the Open

Communication Wizard the specified data block is generated with the correct
connection parameters (see Table 4-4 Data structure of the connection parameters
for ISO-on-TCP connections).
If the given data block already exists in the STEP 7 project, the connection
parameters are attached to the already existing data in the data block. In this case
you acknowledge the following message with “OK”.
Figure 5-18 Data block already exists

5.1.3 Structure of DB211 “Connect_Param”

The following table illustrates the structure of DB211 “ConnectParam”, in which the
connection parameters of the ISO-on-TCP and TCP connections are saved.
Table 5-5 Structure of DB211 “ConnectParam”
Byte Description
0-63 Parameter set of the ISO-on-TCP connection for the FETCH job
64-127 Parameter set of the ISO-on-TCP connection for the WRITE job
128-191 Parameter set of the TCP connection for the FETCH job
192-255 Parameter set of the TCP connection for the WRITE job

5.2 Configuring the communication connections in the PC

After programming the communication connections in the controller, these
connections have to be configured in the PC station.

Fetch/Write function block FB210/220

46 V2.1, Beitrags-ID: 23592043
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Explanation of the Configuration

Fetch/Write function block FB210/220 Entry ID: 23592043

For the PC station the communication connections are configured in STEP 7 or

NCM PC. In STEP 7 / NCM PC, open NetPro and insert two TCP connections and
two ISO-on-TCP connections in the PC station.
In the Properties window of the individual communication connections, the
following settings have to be made:

Specifying the connection name

The connection name is specified in the “General Information” tab of the Properties
window of the communication connection. This name can be freely selected.
Then click the button “Estab. Details...” So the dialog “Details of Connection
Establishment” is opened.
Figure 5-19 Properties dialog of the communication connection Æ “General Information” tab
Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved

In the dialog “Details of Connection Establishment” you select the function

“Maintain connection permanently”.
Accept the settings with “OK”.
Figure 5-20 dialog “Details of Connection Establishment”

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Defining the connection parameters

In the Properties dialog of the communication connection, select the “Addresses”
tab. In this tab, define the connection parameters. Specify the IP address of the
CPU 319-3PN/DP as remote IP address.
In addition, define the TSAPs or ports between which the communication
connection is to be established. The same ports or TSAPs are used locally and

Note The first two bytes “E0.02” of the remote TSAP have to be entered manually.

Figure 5-21 Properties dialog ISO-on-TCP connection Æ “Addresses” tab

The first two bytes „E0.02“ have to be entered


Fetch/Write function block FB210/220

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Figure 5-22 Properties dialog TCP connection Æ “Addresses” tab

IP address and port IP address and port

of the PC station of the S7-300 station
Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved

In the following table you find an overview of the local and remote TSAPs or ports,
which are used in this application.
Table 5-6 Overview of the local and remote TSAPs or ports
Connection ID Local TSAP / port Remote TSAP / port
in the PC station in the S7-300 station
W#16#1 TCP-1 (ASC) = TCP-1 (ASC) =
(hex) E0. (hex)
W#16#2 TCP-2 (ASC) = TCP-2 (ASC) =
(hex) E0. (hex)
W#16#3 2000 (dec) = 7D0 (hex) 2000 (dec) = 7D0 (hex)
W#16#4 2001 (dec) = 7D1 (hex) 2001 (dec) = 7D1 (hex)

Note The configuration of the TCP and ISO-on-TCP connections, as in this application
software, must be partially specified in the S7-300 station and fully specified in
the PC station.

Configuring the FETCH and WRITE service

In the Properties dialog Æ “Options” tab of the communication connection the
FETCH active or WRITE active service is defined for the TCP and ISO-on-TCP
connections. Since the PC station has to establish the communication connections,
the FETCH and WRITE service is active.

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Table of Contents

Figure 5-23 Properties dialog of the communication connection Æ “Options” tab

defining FETCH or WRITE


Fetch/Write function block FB210/220

50 V2.1, Beitrags-ID: 23592043
Structure, Configuration and Operation of the Application
Installation and Commissioning

Fetch/Write function block FB210/220 Entry ID: 23592043

Structure, Configuration and Operation of the

This part leads you step by step through the structure, important configuration
steps, commissioning and operation of the application.

6 Installation and Commissioning

6.1 Installation of the application software
The application software is a STEP 7 project that contains the complete hardware
configuration, including the user program of the S7-300 station and the
configuration of the PC station.
This STEP 7 project can be downloaded from the internet as a ZIP file.
Extract the “23592043_FetchWrite_PNCPU_V21.zip” file to a separate directory.
Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved

The STEP7 project is then automatically unzipped with all respective

subdirectories. Subsequently, you can open and edit the extracted STEP 7 project
with the SIMATIC Manager.

6.2 Startup of the S7 program

Configuring the S7 station
In the application software, adjust the hardware configuration of the S7 station in
such a way that it corresponds to the hardware configuration in your plant.
Subsequently, open the Properties dialog of the PN IO interface of the configured
CPU in the hardware configuration of the S7 station.

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Figure 6-1 Properties dialog of the PN IO interface

Click the button “Properties”. Now enter the IP address and subnet mask for the
CPU in the “Properties – Ethernet interface PN-IO” dialog Æ “Parameters” tab.
Figure 6-2 “Properties – Ethernet interface PN-IO” dialog

Subsequently, save and compile the hardware configuration of the S7-300 station
and download it to your S7 CPU.

Adjust connection parameters

You have to adjust the connection parameter “local_device_id” according to your
used and configured hardware as follows.

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Table 6-1 “local_device_id” parameter

Module “local_device_id” parameter
CPU 315-2PN/DP B#16#02
CPU 317-2PN/DP B#16#02
CPU 319-3PN/DP B#16#03
CPU 41x B#16#05
Industrial Ethernet CP B#16#00

You can now download the S7 program to the CPU.

6.3 Commissioning the PC station (FETCH/WRITE client)

Determining the IP address of the PC station
First determine IP address and subnet mask of the PC station acting as a
FETCH/WRITE client. To do this, open the “Configuration Console” on this PC
station (Windows START menu Æ SIMATIC Æ SIMATIC NET Æ Configuration
Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved

In the Configuration Console Explorer you find the Industrial Ethernet PC CP that

you have connected in the PC station and that you are using for the
communication in “Modules”. In “Address”, you find the current IP address of the
Industrial Ethernet PC CP (see Figure 6-3 determining the IP address of the PC
Configure this IP address in STEP 7 / NCM PC for the PC station.
Figure 6-3 determining the IP address of the PC station

Configuring the PC station in STEP 7 / NCM PC

Among other things, the STEP 7 project of this application includes the
configuration of the PC station.

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The name of the PC station is “SIMATIC PC Station”.

Figure 6-4 specifying the name for the PC station

name of the PC station

Open the hardware configuration of the PC station.

Figure 6-5 Hardware configuration of the PC station

Note When you are using a CP1613 (A2), CP1623 or CP1512 in your PC station, you
have to configure the corresponding module in the hardware configuration.

In the hardware configuration you open the Properties window of the configured
Industrial Ethernet PC CP.
Figure 6-6 Properties window of the Industrial Ethernet PC CP

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Click the button “Properties”. Now enter IP address and subnet mask of your PC
station acting as a FETCH/WRITE client in the “Properties – Ethernet interface IE
General” dialog.
Figure 6-7 “Properties – Ethernet interface IE General” dialog
Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved

Note The IP address configured in STEP 7 for the PC station must correspond to the
IP address set in Windows. Furthermore, it has to be ensured that the IP
addresses of the PC station and of the S7 station are located in the same IP

Via the Windows taskbar, open the Station Configuration Editor.

Figure 6-8 Windows taskbar

Insert the modules, i.e. the OPC server and the Industrial Ethernet PC CP,
according to the hardware configuration of the PC station.
Subsequently, adapt the station name in the Station Configuration Editor. The PC
station name must be identical in STEP 7 / NCM PC and in the Station
Configuration Editor.

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Figure 6-9 Station Configuration Editor

name of the PC station

Downloading the configuration to the PC station

In the SIMATIC Manager in the “Options Æ Set PG/PC Interface” menu, select the
TCP/IP interface.
In NetPro, save and compile the configuration of the PC station. To do this, select
the “PC Station” object and click the button “Save and Compile”.
If the configuration has been successfully compiled, click the button “Download”.
You thus download the entire PC station configuration, including the configured
Figure 6-10 saving, compiling and downloading the PC station configuration

Save and compile

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After downloading the configuration, the commissioning of the PC station is

completed. It now acts as a FETCH/WRITE client.
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7 Operating the Application

7.1 Initiating the terminating the communication
connections in the S7 controller
A total of four communication connections are programmed for the data exchange
between CPU 319-3PN/DP and PC station.
The input parameter “ENABLE” of FB210 or FB220 is preassigned with “TRUE”.
This automatically initiates the setup of the communication connections in the
Figure 7-1 Call of the FB220 in OB1

If the connection parameters of a communication connection are changed, then the

establishment of the connection is automatically reinitiated.

7.2 Starting OPC Scout

Start OPC Scout in the Windows START menu by selecting “SIMATIC Æ SIMATIC
NET Æ OPC Scout”.
Open the “T_CON.opp” file that is attached to the application software.
Click the created “Group_1” OPC group. You now see the value and status of the
defined OPC items.
When OPC Scout is connected to the SIMATIC NET OPC server and when the
communication connections between PC station and CPU 319-3PN/DP have been

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Operating the Application

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established, the PC station (FETCH/WRITE client) can access the process data of
the CPU 319-3PN/DP by means of the FETCH and WRITE services. With this
application software, 8176 bytes = 4088 words of data are transmitted with the
FETCH and WRITE services.
Permissible memory areas are the following:
• data blocks
• memory bits
• process-image partition (part process image) for inputs and outputs
Figure 7-2 OPC Scout
Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved

In the “T_CON.opp” file, corresponding OPC items are defined to:

• Read out the status of the connections.
When the name of the OPC item SR:[connection name]&statepath() = UP, the
communication connection has been established.
• Write values to data blocks of the CPU 319-3PN/DP that are evaluated in the
S7 program, for example, to control processes. The quality of these items has
the value “bad” since these OPC items are only provided with write accesses.
By double-clicking the field of the value, you can write values.
• Read values from data blocks of the CPU 319-3PN/DP that are visualized in
the OPC client. If the “quality” of the value is good, your connection has been
established and the OPC items can be read.
In this application, the data that are sent from the PC station to the CPU 319-
3PN/DP via the WRITE job are written to DB2. In the S7 station, you can monitor
the values of this data via the variable table.

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In addition, the data stored in DB1 is read out of the CPU 319-3PN/DP via the
FETCH job. In the S7 station, you can set the values of the data via the variable
Figure 7-3 Variable table

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8 Diagnostics
8.1 Structure of the STATUS output parameter
The “STATUS” output parameter of FB210 and FB220 provides information on the
status of the communication between S7 station and PC station. The following
table shows the structure of this status word.
Table 8-1 Structure of the STATUS parameter
Bit Instance DB.FBStatus… comment
High Byte
0 NotConnected No connection established or interrupted
• FETCH/WRITE client hasn’t initialized the
connection establishment yet
• error during connection establishment
1 ErrorConnect Error during connection establishment (e.g.
incorrect data or structure in the connection
data block)
2 ErrorDisConnect Error during connection clearing
Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved

3 ErrorConType Incorrect connection type in the connection

data block
4 Not assigned
5 BusyConnect Connection establishment active
6 BusyDisConnect Connection clearing active
7 Not assigned
Low Byte
8 ErrorRec1 TCP connection
• Error during receive job
• FETCH/WRITE Header telegram isn’t
ISO-on-TCP connection
• Error during receive job
• FETCH/WRITE Header telegram inclusive
user data isn’t received
9 ErrorRec2 TCP connection
• Error during receive job
• User data isn’t received
10 ErrorSend TCP and ISO-on-TCP connection
• Error during send job
• FETCH/WRITE acknowledgement
inclusive user data isn’t sent
11 Not assigned
12 BusyRec1 receive job active
13 BusyRec2 receive job active
14 BusySend send job active
15 ErrorHeader invalid FETCH/WRITE Header telegram is

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FETCH or WRITE job or user data is received

As soon as the communication connection has been established and the FETCH or
WRITE job including user data is received in the S7 station, the status word has
the following value:
0001 0000 0000 0000 (bin) = 1000 (hex), i.e.
bit 0 = 0 communication connection has been established
bit 12 = 1 receive job active

Acknowledgement message or user data are sent

When the S7 station sends the acknowledgement message and the user data of
the FETCH job or the acknowledgement message of the WRITE job, the status
word has the following value:
0100 0000 0000 0000 (bin) = 4000 (hex), i.e.
bit 0 = 0 communication connection has been established
bit 14 = 1 send job active

Communication connection could not be established

If the communication connection could not be established the status word has the
following value:
0000 0000 0011 (bin) = 3 (hex), i.e.
bit 0 = 1 no connection established or interrupted
bit 1 = 1 error during connection establishment
The FETCH and WRITE jobs cannot be received in the S7 station if the
communication connection between S7 station and PC station has been cleared.
No data can be sent or received.

Incorrect connection type

If an incorrect connection is defined in the connection parameters the status word
has following value:
0000 0000 0000 1001 (bin) = 9 (hex), i.e.
bit 0 = 1 no connection established or interrupted
bit 3 = 1 incorrect connection type in the connection data block

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Invalid FETCH/WRITE Header telegram

If an invalid Header telegram is received for the FETCH and WRITE job
respectively the value of the status word changes cyclically.
• 1001 0000 0000 0000 (bin) = 9 (hex), i.e.
bit 12 = receive job active (FETCH/WRITE Header telegram is received)
bit 15 = invalid FETCH/WRITE Header telegram
• 1100 0000 0000 0000 (bin) = C000 (hex), i.e.
bit 14 = send job active (negative acknowledgment of the FETCH and WRITE job
bit 15 = invalid FETCH/WRITE Header telegram

8.2 Error status of connection establishment and clearing

as well as the error status of the send and receive job
The Instance data block of the FB210 „FW_TCP” includes 8348 Byte. The Instance
data block of the FB220 „FW_IOT” includes 16544 Byte.
Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved

The error status of the connection establishment and clearing as well as the error

status of the send and receive job is saved in the Instance data blocks FB210
„FW_TCP” and FB220 „FW_IOT”.
The following table shows an overview about the addresses and variables of the
Instance data block where the error status are saved.
Table 8-2 addresses and variables of Instance data block
Address Data type Variable Description
22.0 WORD DoneError.STATUS_Connect Status connection establishment
24.0 WORD DoneError.STATUS_REC_1 Status of the first receive job
26.0 WORD DoneError.STATUS_REC_2 Status of the second receive job
(only with TCP)
28.0 WORD DoneError.STATUS_SEND Status of the send job
30.0 WORD DoneError.STATUS_DisConnect Status connection clearing

Status value connection establishment

The following table shows an overview about the status value of the connection
Table 8-3 Status value of connection establishment
STATUS Description
0000 Connection was established successfully.
8086 The ID parameter is outside the permitted range.
8087 Maximal number of connections reached; no additional connection possible
8089 The parameter CONNECT does not point to a data block.
809A The parameter CONNECT points to a field that does not match the length
of the connection description.
809B The local_device_id in the connection description does not match the CPU.
80A1 Connection or port is already occupied by user.

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STATUS Description
80A2 Local or remote port is occupied by the system.
80A4 IP address of the remote connection end point is invalid, it may match the
local IP address
80B2 The parameter CONNECT parameter points to a data block that was
generated with the keyword UNLINKED.
80B3 Inconsistent parameter assignment.
80B4 When using the protocol variant ISO on TCP (connection_type = B#16#12)
for passive establishment of a connection (active_est = FALSE), you
violated one or both of the following conditions:
• local_tsap_id_len >= B#16#02
• local_tsap_id[1] = B#16#E0
80B6 Parameter assignment error relating to the connection_type parameter.
80B7 Error in connection description.
80C3 All connection resources are in use.
80C4 Temporary communications error:
• The connection cannot be established at this time.
• The interface is receiving new parameters.
• The configured connection is currently being removed by a TDISCON.
82xx General error information

Status value connection clearing

The following table shows an overview about the status value of connection
Table 8-4 Status value of connection clearing
STATUS Description
0000 Connection terminated successfully.
8086 The ID parameter is outside the permitted range.
80A3 Attempt being made to terminate a non-existent connection.
80C4 Temporary communications error: The interface is receiving new
parameters or the connection is currently being established.

Status value send job

The following table shows an overview about the status value of the send job.
Table 8-5 Status value of send job
STATUS Description
0000 Send job completed without error.
8086 The ID parameter is outside the permitted range.
80A1 Communications error:
• The specified connection was not yet established.
• The specified connection is currently being terminated. Transmission
over this connection is not possible.
• The interface is being reinitialized.
80C3 • A block with this ID is already being processed in a different priority

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STATUS Description
• Internal lack of resources
80C4 Temporary communications error:
• The connection to the communications partner cannot be established
at this time.
• The interface is receiving new parameters or the connection is
currently being established.
82xx General error information
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Status value of receive job

The following table shows an overview about the status value of the receive job.
STATUS Description
0000 New data were accepted.
8086 The ID parameter is outside the permitted range.
80A1 Communications error:
• The specified connection has not yet been established.
• The specified connection is currently being terminated. A receive job
over this connection is not possible.
• The interface is receiving new parameters.
80C3 • A block with this ID is already being processed in a different priority
• Internal lack of resources
80C4 Temporary communications error:
• The connection to the partner cannot be established at the moment.
• The interface is receiving new parameter settings or the connection is
currently being established.
82xx General error information

8.3 Negative response of the FETCH or WRITE job

In chapter 3.2.5 “Error number response telegram” you can find an overview about
the error numbers in the response telegram of the FETCH or WRITE job.
The FTECH or WRITE job is receipt with error number 2 “Requested block does
not exist” when:
• The data block, from which the data are read or to which the data are written,
isn’t loaded in the CPU.
The FETCH job is receipt with error number 3 “Requested block is to small” when:
• More than 8176 Bytes user data are requested.
• Area boundaries of the memory area are exceeded (start address +
FETCH/WRITE Header telegram + user data ≤ size of memory area)
Exception: When the area boundaries of the bit memory address area or
PII/PIQ are exceeded with a WRITE job on TCP connection the connection is
The FTECH or WRITE job is receipt with error number 6 “No valid ORG ID” when
the received ORG ID isn’t valid, i.e. access to an invalid memory area.
Valid memory areas are:
• Data blocks
• Bit memory address area
• Process image of the inputs or outputs (PII / PIQ)

8.4 Connection clearing

The TCP or ISO-on-TCP connection is cleared when
• More than 8176 bytes are written with the WRITE job.

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• An invalid FETCH/WRITE Header-Telegram is received, i.e. the values of the

following parameters do not correspond to the structure of the FETCH/WRITE
request telegram (see 3.2.1 “Write job”/ 3.2.2 “FETCH job”).
– System ID
– Length of the request telegram
– OP-Code ID
– Length of the OP-Code
– OP-Code
– ORG field
– Length of the ORG field
– Empty block
– Length of the empty block
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Table of Contents

Appendix and List of Further Literature

9 Bibliography
9.1 Internet Links
This list is not complete and only represents a selection of relevant literature.
Table 9-1 Internet links
Topic Title
\1\ Chapter 23 System Software for S7-300/400 System and Standard
\2\ Appendix F – S7-CPs for Industrial Ethernet Configuring and
FETCH/WRITE Commissioning
header 8777865
\3\ Configuring PC SIMATIC NET Commissioning PC Stations – Manual and
station Quick Start
\4\ Siemens I IA/DT http://support.automation.siemens.com
Customer Support

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68 V2.1, Beitrags-ID: 23592043
Appendix and List of Further Literature

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10 History
Table 10-1 History
Version Date Modification
V1.0 31.12.07 First issue
V1.4 28.11.08 Complete rework
V2.1 02.04.09 Addition in chapter 7.2
• 8176 bytes = 4088 words of data are transmitted with
the FETCH and WRITE services
• Permissible memory areas are data blocks, memory bits
and process-image partition (part process image) for
inputs and outputs
Addition in chapter 8.1
• New bit 15 “ErrorHeader” in STATUS output parameter
New chapter:
• 3.2 “Structure FETCH/WRITE Header telegram”
• 8.2 Error status of connection establishment and
clearing as well as the error status of send and receive
Copyright © Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved

• 8.3 “Negative response of the FETCH or WRITE job”


• 8.4 “Connection clearing”

V2.1 10.07.09 Only modifications in documentation,
New chapter:
• 2.4 “Performance Data”
V2.1 20.10.09 Change the name of the function blocks FB210 and FB220

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