Techn Info Citaro K en Low
Techn Info Citaro K en Low
Techn Info Citaro K en Low
Model variant
Citaro K (C 628.483)
Citaro K (C 628.490)
Turning circle
Euro V engine
Output (kW)
* Our buses achieve the EEV emission standard (optional), depending on model and power unit, with or without a diesel particulate filter.
Citaro K seating configurations
No. of seats 27
No. of seats 35
No. of seats 23
Standard/special equipment (selection)
Engine and chassis Citaro K, 2 Doors/3 Doors
Engine: Mercedes-Benz OM 906 hLA 210 kW (Euro V) l
Air-conditioning system
Turbo roof fan l
Driver's area Citaro K, 2 Doors/3 Doors
Driver's seat GRAMMER Linea MSG 90.6, air-sprung l
Steering column adjustable for height and angle, steering wheel lock l
Cruise control
Heated exterior mirrors approved for school buses l
City Star Eco (CSE) seats l
Wheelchair space
Wheelchair parking wall with integral folding seat
Stop request button l
Other Citaro K, 2 Doors/3 Doors
Halogen fog lamps integrated in the bumper
Heat-insulating side windows, grey-tinted
Double-glazed side windows
Hinged windows in side windows l
Information systems
Radio system with CD player
Multifunction aerial for radio, mobile phone and navigation
Interior bus-stop display, on transverse duct
LCD or LED destination display
Wheelchair pushbutton, interior/exterior
GPS digital clock on front flap/on transverse roof duct
l Standard equipment/no-cost Special equipment Technical changes may have been made to the product since this data sheet went to press. This data sheet presents only a selection of the possible equipment.
Some items of equipment are not available in all countries. The manufacturer reserves the right to make technical changes to the product. For current and more
specific information, please contact your Mercedes-Benz sales advisor.
Anti-lock braking system (ABS) Electronic level control system Cathodic dip priming (CDP)
The braking forces acting on each wheel are distributed Passengers and baggage are not always distributed evenly Cathodic dip priming (CDP) is an electrochemical process
by ABS in such a way that none of the wheels locks for a throughout the vehicle. This can cause variations in the in which the bodyshell is coated by immersion. It is well-
significant length of time, even during emergency braking. ride height at different wheels. The electronic level control suited to priming complex structures and large volumes.
Steering control of the bus is thus largely maintained. system automatically controls the ride height at each The water-based primer provides the bus with outstanding
wheel so that the boarding height is always the same. corrosion protection because the layer of paint is applied
Acceleration skid control (ASR) to every point of the body, covering them all to the same
ASR prevents the wheels from spinning when moving Electronic Braking System (EBS) thickness. Cathodic dip priming is demonstrably the best
off on a slippery surface. It only delivers as much power Developed from the conventional compressed-air brake, method of corrosion protection currently available in the
as the driven wheels can transmit to the road surface. the Electronic Braking System offers many benefits. Dur- vehicle manufacturing sector.
Spinning of individual wheels, on ice at the edge of the ing braking, the control unit first calls on the permanent
road, for example, is prevented by precisely metered brake brake (retarder). If greater deceleration is required, the
applications. control unit uses information from the data network to
calculate the optimum brake pressure for each axle. The
Electronic Braking System enables considerably shorter
stopping distances as well as significantly reduced wear
of brake discs and pads.
For further information, please contact your Mercedes-Benz bus/coach representative.
Or visit us at
The illustrations may show special equipment and accessories which are not part of standard specification.
The technical data in this document apply to Germany (Status: July 2010). The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to the product.
EvoBus GmbH, Mercedes-Benz Buses and Coaches, BUS/MPM-M 6098.2051.02.10/0810/08 Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany/Imprimé en République fédérale d’Allemagne
EvoBus GmbH, Mercedes-Benz Buses and Coaches, Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Str. 21-57, D-68301 Mannheim, Tel +49 (0)621/740-0, Fax: +49 (0)621/740-42 51