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Appendix: © Sap Ag TAMM10 4.0B 40-1

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© SAP AG TAMM10 4.0B 40-1

Menu paths for LO020
Display Stock/requirements list
Logistics  Materials management  Materials planning  MRP
Evaluations  Stock/reqmts list
Carry out single-item planning run
Logistics  Materials management  Materials planning  MRP
MRP  sng-item, sng-level
Display stock/requirements list
Logistics  Materials management  Inventory management
Environment  Stock  Stock/reqmts list
Display material document
Logistics  Materials management  Inventory management
Material document  Display
Display material stocks for a material
Logistics  Materials management  Inventory management
Environment  Stock  Stock overview
Release quality inspection stock
Logistics  Materials management  Inventory management
Goods movement  Transfer posting
Movement type  Transfer posting  Stock to stock  QI to unrestricted
Post goods receipt
Logistics  Materials management  Inventory management
Goods movement  Goods receipt  For purchase order  PO number known
Goods movement  Goods receipt  For purchase order  PO number unknown
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
RFQ/quotation  RFQ  Create|Change|Display
RFQ/quotation  Quotation  Maintain|Display
Output RFQ as a message
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
RFQ/quotation  RFQ  Messages  Print/transmit
Carry out comparison of quotations
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
RFQ/quotation  Quotation  Price comparison

© SAP AG TAMM10 4.0B 40-2

Purchase requisition
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Requisition  Create|Change|Display
Requisition  Follow-on functions  Assign|Assign and process
List displays for purchase requisition
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Requisition  List displays  General
Purchase order
Create purchase order
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Purchase order  Create  Vendor known
Purchase order  Create with reference  To RFQ
Purchase order  Create with reference  To purchase req.
Change/display purchase order
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Purchase order  Change|display
Output purchase order as a message
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Purchase order  Messages  Print/transmit
Create purchase order automatically
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Purchase order  Create  Automat. via Preqs
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Requistion  Follow-on functions  Create purchase order  Automat. via Preqs
List displays for purchase order
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Purchase order  List displays  Various criteria
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Outline agreement  Contract  Create|Change|Display
Shipping notification
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Purchase order  Shipping notif.  Create| Change|Display

© SAP AG TAMM10 4.0B 40-3

Logistics Invoice Verification
Enter vendor invoice
Logistics  Materials management  Invoice verification  Logistics inv.verif.
Document entry  Enter invoice
Display invoice verification document
Logistics  Materials management  Invoice verification  Logistics inv.verif.
Document entry  Display invoice doc.
Evaluated receipt settlement
Logistics  Materials management  Invoice verification  Logistics inv.verif
Further processing  Execute ERS
Conventional Invoice Verification
Enter vendor invoice
Logistics  Materials management  Invoice verification  Invoice verification
Document entry  Enter invoice
Display invoice verification document
Logistics  Materials management  Invoice verification  Invoice verification
Further processing  Display
Display vendor line items
Logistics  Materials management  Invoice verification  Invoice verification
Environment  Vendor line items
Material master record
Logistics  Materials management  Material master
Material  Create (general)  Immediately
Material  Change  Immediately
Material  Display  Display current
Collective entry of storage location data
Logistics  Materials management  Material master
Other  Enter stor. locations
Vendor master record
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Master data  Vendor  Central  Create|Change|Display
Master data  Vendor  Purchasing  Create|Change (current)|Display (current)
Purchasing info record
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Master data  Info record  Create|Change|Display
List displays for info record

© SAP AG TAMM10 4.0B 40-4

Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Master data  Info record  List displays  By vendor|By material
Create vendor discount
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Master data  Conditions  Discounts/surcharges  By vendor
Source list
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Master data  Source list  Maintain|Display
Reporting and Analysis in the LIS
Logistics Information Systems
Information systems  Logistics  Inventory Management|Purchasing|Flexible analyses

© SAP AG TAMM10 4.0B 40-5

Menu paths for LO510

Goods movement Goods receipt / Goods issue / Stock transfer /

Transfer posting

0 Documents Reservation / Purchase order / Invoice /

Material document

Pipeline Goods issue from pipeline / Pipeline liabilities

1 Consignment Transfer posting consignment to own /

Goods issue from consignment stores / Consignment
liabilities / Display vendor consignment stock / Display
vendor consignment liabilities

2 Subcontracting Transfer posting to stock with

subcontractor / SC stocks per vendor / Subsequent

Master data Info record / Material master record / Bill of material

3 Reports Stock overview / Material documents for

material / Current stock/requirements list / Material
document for posting date / Consumption statistics /
Warehouse material / Reservations for material / Reason
for movement

Goods movement

Goods receipt Logistics  Materials management  Inventory management 

Goods movement  Goods receipt

Purchase order For Purchase order  PO number known

(movement type 101) (transaction MB01)

For purchase order  PO number unknown

(movement type 101) (transaction MB0A)

GR blocked stock For Purchase Order  PO number known

(movement type 103)

© SAP AG TAMM10 4.0B 40-6

Blocked stock For Purchase order  PO number known (movement type 101).
To post the material to blocked stock, choose “S” in the field
marked T (stock type).

Quality insp. stock For Purchase order  PO number known (Movement type 101).
To post the material to quality inspection stock, choose “X” in the
field marked T (stock type).

Init. entry of st. bals Choose Others. From the menu, choose movement type 
Receipt Init.stck entry (own)  To unrestricted (movement type
561) (transaction MB1C)

Choose Others. From the menu, choose movement type 

Receipt Init.stck entry (ext)  To unrestricted (movement type
561) (transaction MB1C)

Goods issue Logistics  Materials management  Inventory management 

Goods movement  Goods issue (transaction MB1A)

Goods issue to a cost center Movement type  Consumption  To cost center  From
warehouse (movement type 201)

Issue to sampling Movement type  Issue  To sampling  From

unrestricted (movement type 333)

Movement type  Issue  To sampling  From qual.

inspection (movement type 331)

Movement type  Issue  To sampling  From blocked

(movement type 335)

Issue to scrap Movement type  Issue  To scrap  From unrestricted

(movement type 551)

Movement type  Issue  To scrap  From qual.

inspection (movement type 553)

Movement type  Issue  To scrap  From blocked

(movement type 555)

© SAP AG TAMM10 4.0B 40-7

Stock transfer Logistics  Materials management  Inventory management 
Goods movement  Transfer posting (transaction MB1B)

Plant to plant Movement type  Transfer posting  Plant to plant

One-step procedure Rem. fm/pl. in storage (movement type 301)

Two-step proc. (step 1) Rem. fm stor. to plant (movement type 303)

Two-step proc. (step 2) Pl. in stor. in plant (movement type 305)

Stor. loc. to stor. loc. Movement type  Transfer posting  Stor. loc to stor. loc.

One-step procedure Unrestr. to unrestr. (movement type 311)

Two-step proc. (step 1) Rem. fm. storage SLoc (movement type 313)

Two-step proc. (step 2) Pl. in storage SLoc (movement type


Transfer posting

Material to material Movement type  Transfer posting Material to

material (movement type 309)

Stock to stock Movement type  Transfer posting  Stock to stock 

Blocked to unrestr. (movement type 343)

Movement type  Transfer posting  Stock to stock  QI

to unrestricted (movement type 321)

© SAP AG TAMM10 4.0B 40-8


Reservation Logistics  Materials management  Inventory

management  Reservation
Create Reservation  Create (transaction MB21)

Change Reservation  Change (transaction MB22)

Display Reservation  Display (transaction MB23)

Manage Reservation  Manage (transaction MBVR)

For material Reservation  For material (transaction MB24)

Purchase order Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing  Purchase order

Create Purchase order  Create  Stock transfer (transaction ME27)

Change Purchase order  Change (transaction ME22)
Display Purchase order  Display (transaction ME23)

PO statistics Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing  Purchase

order  Display. Then choose Item  Statistics  General

PO history Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing  Purchase

order  Display. Then choose Item  Statistics  PO history

Invoice Logistics  Materials management  Invoice verification  Invoice


Create Document entry  Enter invoice (transaction MRHR)

Display Further processing  Display (transaction MR03)

Mat. doc. Logistics  Materials management  Inventory management 

Material document

Display Material document  Display (transaction MR03)

Change Material document  Change (transaction MR02)

Cancel Material document  Cancel/reverse (transaction MBST)

© SAP AG TAMM10 4.0B 40-9


Goods issue from pipeline Movement type  Consumption To cost center From pipeline
(movement type 201) (transaction MB1A )

Pipeline liabilities Logistics  Materials management  Invoice verification 

Invoice verification  Further processing  Settle cons./pipe.
liabs (transaction MRKO)


Transfer of consignment stock Logistics  Materials management  Inventory

management  Goods movement  Transfer
posting. From the menu, choose movement type 
Transfer posting Vendor consignment  QI to
unrestricted (movement type 321) (transaction

Logistics  Materials management  Inventory

management  Goods movement  Transfer
posting. From the menu, choose movement type 
Transfer posting  Vendor consignment 
Consignment to own (movement type 403)
(transaction MB1B)

Goods issue from consignment stock Logistics  Materials management  Inventory

management  Goods movement  Goods issue.
From the menu, choose movement type 
Consumption To cost center From consgt.
stores (movement type 201) (transaction MB1A)

Settle consignment liabilities Logistics  Materials management  Invoice

verification  Invoice verification  Further
processing  Settle cons./pipe. liabilities
(transaction MRKO)

Display vendor consignment stock Inventory Management  Environment 

Consignment  Consgnmt from vendor  Stock
(transaction MB54)

© SAP AG TAMM10 4.0B 40-10

Display consignment liabilities Inventory management  Environment 
Consignment  Consgnmt from vendor 
Liability (transaction MRKO)


Transfer posting to subcontractor Logistics  Materials management  Inventory

management  Goods movement  Transfer posting
Movement type  Transfer posting Stck w. subcontract.
 From unrestricted (movement type 541) (transaction

SC stocks per vendor Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing 

Purchase order  Reporting SC stocks per vendor
(transaction ME20)

Subsequent adjustment Logistics  Materials management  Inventory

management  Goods movement  Subsequent
adjustment  Subcontracting (transaction MB04)

4 Master data

5 Info records Logistics  Materials management 

Purchasing  Master data Info record

Create Info record  Create (transaction ME11)

Display Info record  Create (transaction ME12)

Change Info record  Change (transaction ME13)

Material master Logistics  Materials management Material master 


Create Create (general)  Immediately (transaction MMR1)

Change Change  Immediately (transaction MM02)

Display Display  Display current (transaction MM03)

Bill of material Logistics  Production  Master data  Bills of material  Bill of

material  Material BOM Display (transaction CS03)

© SAP AG TAMM10 4.0B 40-11

Reports Logistics  Materials management  Inventory
management  Environment

Stock overview Stock  Stock overview (transaction MMBE)


Material documents for material List displays Mat. doc. for material (transaction

Reason for movement List displays  Reason for movement

(transaction MBGR)
8 Stock/requirements list Stock  Stock/rqmts. list
(transaction MD04)

Material documents for posting date List displays  Mat. doc. f. postg. date (transaction

9 Warehouse stock Environment  Stock 

Warehouse stock (transaction MD52)

10 Consumption statistics from stock overview:

Create a stock overview and place the cursor on the plant line. Then choose Extras
 Display material  Choose the Extras pushbutton, (then click on the right arrow
to scroll along to the Consumption option)  Consumption (transaction MMBE)

11 Consumption statistics from plant stock availability:

Call up the plant stock availability for a material and a plant. Choose DD in the
“scope of list” box. Place the cursor on the plant line and choose the “ consumption
values” pushbutton (transaction CO09).

© SAP AG TAMM10 4.0B 40-12

Menu Paths for LO520

Documents: Purchase requisition | Purchase order | Contract | Scheduling agreement

Master Data: Material master record | Vendor master record | Purchasing info record | Source
list | Quota arrangement | Vendor evaluation | Classification | HR organizational
Reports/Analyses: List displays in Purchasing
Customizing: Scheduling agreement | Release procedure | Invoicing plan | Vendor evaluation |
MPN profiles | Partner roles | Lot-sizing procedure


Purchase Requisition
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Requisition  Create|Change|Display
Requisition  Follow-on functions  Assign|Assign+process

Release (Approval) of Purchase Requisitions

Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Requisition  Release  Individual|collective release

Purchase Order
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Purchase order  Create  Vendor known
Purchase order  Create  Via requisition assignment list
Purchase order  Release
Purchase order  Follow-on functions  Goods receipt|Logistics Invoice Verification
Purchase order  Messages  Print/transmit

Purchase Order with Source Determination

Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Purchase order  Create  Vendor unknown

Automatic Generation of Purchase Orders

Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Purchase order  Create  Autom. via requisitions

© SAP AG TAMM10 4.0B 40-13

Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Requisition  Follow-on functions  Create purchase order  Autom. via requisitions
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Outline agreement  Contract  Create|Change|Display
Outline agreement  Contract  Messages  Print/transmit

Scheduling Agreement
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Outline agreement  Scheduling agreement  Create|Change|Display
Outline agreement  Scheduling agreement  Generate release
Outline agreement  Scheduling agreement  Messages  Print/transmit

Delivery Schedule (Created under a Scheduling Agreement)

Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Outline agreement  Scheduling agreement  Delivery schedule  Maintain|Display|

Invoicing Plan: Automatic Invoicing/Settlement

Logistics  Materials management  Invoice verification  Logistics Invoice Verification
Further processing  Invoicing plan

Master Data
Material Master Record
Logistics  Materials management  Material master
Material  Create|Change|Display

Vendor Master Record

Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Master data  Vendor  Purchasing Create|Change|Display
Master data  Vendor  Centrally  Create|Change|Display

Purchasing Info Record

Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Master data  Info record Create|Change|Display

© SAP AG TAMM10 4.0B 40-14

Source List
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Master data  Source list  Maintain|Display
Master data  Source list  Follow-on functions  Generate
Quota Arrangement
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Master data  Quota arrangement  Maintain|Display

Vendor Evaluation
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Master data  Vendor evaluation  Maintain|Display|Autom. re-evaluation
Master data  Vendor evaluation  Autom. re-evaluation
Master data  Vendor evaluation  Evaluation comparison
Master data  Vendor evaluation  Follow-on functions  Evaluation in background

Logistics  Central functions  Classification system
Class  Create|Change|Display
Characteristic  Create|Change|Display

HR Organizational Unit
Tools  Business Workflow  Organizational plan
Simple maintenance  Basic data org. plan  Create|Change|Display


Purchase Order
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Purchase order  List displays  Various criteria

Purchase Requisition
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Requisition  List displays  General|and other criteria

Info Record
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Master data  Info record List displays  By vendor|by material

Vendor Evaluation

© SAP AG TAMM10 4.0B 40-15

Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Master data  Vendor evaluation  List displays  Ranking lists
Master data  Vendor evaluation  List displays  Evaluations for material/material group
Tools  Business Engineering  Customizing
Implementation projects  SAP Implementation Guide (IMG)

Release Creation Profile for Scheduling Agreement with Release Documentation

Materials management  Purchasing Scheduling agreement  Release creation profile for
scheduling agreement

User Parameters EVO/EFB

Materials management  Purchasing Environment  Default values for buyers
Materials management  Purchasing Authorization management  Function authorizations

Document Release Procedure

Materials management  Purchasing Purchase requisition  Release procedure  with and
without classification
Materials management  Purchasing Purchase order  Define release procedure
Materials management  Purchasing Contract  Define release procedure
Materials management  Purchasing Scheduling agreement  Define release procedure

Invoicing Plan
Materials management  Purchasing Purchase order  Invoicing plan

Vendor Evaluation
Materials management  Purchasing Vendor evaluation

Control Profile for Manufacturer Parts

Materials management  Purchasing Material master  Define manufacturer part profile

Partner Roles
Materials management  Purchasing Partner determination
Lot-Sizing Procedure
Materials management  Consumption-based planning Planning Lot-size calculation
Define lot-sizing procedure

© SAP AG TAMM10 4.0B 40-16

© SAP AG TAMM10 4.0B 40-17
Menu Paths for LO525

Material Requirements Planning

Single-Item, Single-Level Planning

Logistics  Materials management  Materials planning  MRP
MRP  Sng-item, sng-level

Single-Item, Multi-Level Planning

Logistics  Production  MRP
MRP  Sng-item, multi-lvl

Total Planning
Logistics  Materials management  Materials planning  MRP
MRP  Total planning  Online/As background job

Planning File Entry

Logistics  Materials management  Materials planning  MRP
MRP  Planning file entry  Display/Create
MRP  Planning file entry  Set up in background
MRP  Planning file entry  Consistency check

Planned Order
Logistics  Materials management  Materials planning  MRP
Planned order  Create/Change
Planned order  Display  Individual display/Collective display
Planned order  Convert to pur.req.  Individual conversion/Collect.conversion

Logistics  Materials management  Materials planning  MRP
Evaluations  MRP list - material/MRP list – coll. disp
Evaluations  Print MRP list
Evaluations  Stock/rqmts list/Stock rqmts list: coll.

© SAP AG TAMM10 4.0B 40-18


Individual Forecast
Logistics  Materials management  Materials planning  Materials forecast
Forecast  Individual forecast Execute/Change/Display

Total Forecast
Logistics  Materials management  Materials planning  Materials forecast
Forecast  Total forecast  Execute/Reproces/Print
Forecast  Total forecast Execute Background)/Print (background)

Master Data

Material Master Record

Logistics  Materials management  Material master
Material  Create/Change/Display

MRP Profile
Logistics  Materials management  Material master
Profile  MRP profile  Create/Change/Delete/Display
Profile  MRP profile  Usage

Quota Arrangement
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Master data  Quota arrangement  Maintain/Display

Source List
Logistics  Materials management  Purchasing
Master data Source list  Maintain/Display

© SAP AG TAMM10 4.0B 40-19


Tools  Business Engineer  Customizing

Implement. projects  SAP Reference IMG

Define Splitting of Forecast Requirements

Materials management  Consumption-Based Planning  Forecast Define splitting of
forecast rqmt for MRP

Define Exception Messages

Materials management  Consumption-Based Planning  Evaluation  Define and group
together exception messages

Activate MRP
Materials management  Consumption-Based Planning  Planning  Activate material
requirements planning

Define Screen Sequence for “Extended Header”

Materials management  Consumption-Based Planning  Evaluation  Screen sequence for
“extended header“ (MRP list + stck/reqs)

Define MRP Group Parameters

Materials management  Consumption-Based Planning  MRP Groups  Maintain all MRP

Check MRP Types

Materials management  Consumption-Based Planning  Master Data  Check MRP types

Define Scheduling Margin Key

Materials management  Consumption-Based Planning  Planning  Define floats
(scheduling margin key)

Define Lot-Sizing Procedures

Materials management  Consumption-Based Planning  Planning  Lot-Size Calculation
 Define lot-sizing procedures

© SAP AG TAMM10 4.0B 40-20

Define Material Status
Logistics - general  Logistics Basic Data: Material Master  Material  Control Data 
Define material statuses

Define Planning Horizon

Materials Management  Consumption-Based Planning  Planning  MRP Calculation
Define planning horizon

Assign Forecast Errors to Error Classes

Materials Management  Consumption-Based Planning  Forecast  Assign forecast errors
to error classes

Define Special Procurement Types

Materials Management  Consumption-Based Planning  Master Data  Define special
procurement types

Define Plant Parameters

Materials Management  Consumption-Based Planning  Plant Parameters Maintain all
plant parameters

© SAP AG TAMM10 4.0B 40-21

Menu Paths

 Customizing for the Material Master (Tools -> Business

Engineer -> Customizing, then pushbutton Enterprise IMG)
 Logistics - General -> Logistics Basic Data: Material Master
-> Material -> Control Data
 Define attributes of material types
 Define number ranges
 Define material statuses
Logistics - General -> Logistics Basic Data: Material Master -
> Material
 Field Selection
 Configure customized material master


© SAP AG TAMM10 4.0B 40-22

Technical Details for the Material Master
Development classes MG, MGA ..
Function group(s) M....
Logical database(s) None

Number range (NR) object(s) MATERIALNR

NR element 01 Internal
02 External
NR group table None
NR group(s) Group 1
NR transaction MMNR
Authorization class Material master
Authorization object(s) M_AENR_BGR
Authorization group for material master
Lock object(s) EMMAR* (several) EMVKE*
Change document object None
Matchcode object(s) MAT1, MAT2, MCH1
Message class(es) MM, M3, WE, MG
Archiving class
Archiving object R

Profile(s) MRP profile, forecasting profile


© SAP AG TAMM10 4.0B 40-23

Table Structure for the Material Master








 The individual tables contain the following data:

MARA General data
MAKT Descriptions/short texts
MARM Conversion factors
MVKE Sales data per sales organization
MLAN Sales data per country
MEAN EAN (European Article Number) data
MBEW Valuation data
MARC Material data per plant
MLGN Material data per WM warehouse
MLGT Material data per WM storage type
MARD Material data per storage location
MVER Consumption data
MAPR Forecast data (pointer)

© SAP AG TAMM10 4.0B 40-24

Material Master User Exits: Number Assignment
 Internal number assignment
Number assigned when you create material, not when you save it

 Customer enhancement MGA00001

Completes checks for customer-specific fields
Extends checks for existing fields
Can change material data (restricted)
Example: enter basic material, material group, and consecutive number
as material description


© SAP AG TAMM10 4.0B 40-25

Material Master User Exits: Number Assignment
 Customer enhancement MGA00002
(Exit: EXIT_SAPLMG02_001 for internal number assignment,
Influences internal material number assignment:
 Internal number changed by customer program.
Example: program takes internal material number from number
range, appends it to the material type, and saves the new number.
(Exit: EXIT_SAPLMG02_002 for external number assignment,
Influences external material number assignment:
 External number changed by customer program.
Example: program adds check digit to external material number.


© SAP AG TAMM10 4.0B 40-26

Material Master User Exits: Number Assignment
 Customer enhancement MGA00003
EXIT_SAPLOMCV_901 and EXIT_SAPLOMCV _902 , module:
Influences material number display format:
 Example: Converts the material number from #### to MAT-####
CAUTION: Problem finding via search help, for example, using
search term M*
Result 1: All materials starting with MAT-
Result 2: All materials starting with MAT- M


© SAP AG TAMM10 4.0B 40-27

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