DSR Book Vol 2 2016 (English Version) Final

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Test of G3

Percentage of Wt
IS Sieve Designation Wt of Sample Retained Retained (%)

63 mm 0 0
53 mm 168 0.5
45 mm 11464 34.5
22.4 mm 21928 66
11.2 mm 0 0

Test of G2

Percentage of Wt
IS Sieve Designation Wt of Sample Retained Retained (%)

75 mm 0 0
63 mm 3656 11
53 mm 4984 15
45 mm 20600 62
22.4 mm 2326 7
11.2 mm 1330 4

Test of GSB

Percentage of Wt
IS Sieve Designation Wt of Sample Retained Retained (%)

75 mm 0 0
26.5 mm 3656 11
4.75 mm 4984 15
75 micron 20600 62

Bitumen Extraction Test

Sr NO Discription Test-1

1 Wt of sample 500
2 Initial Wt of Filter Paper 8

3 Wt of aggregate after rising in Benzene 476

4 Wt of Filter paper after rising in Benzene 10

5 Wt of Material Stick to the filter paper 2

6 Total Wt of Agregate after Rising 478

7 Bitumen cotent 22

8 % bitumen content 4.4

Field density Test of Soil

Sr NO Discription Test-1
1 Wt of core cutter 942
2 Wt of core cutter+ soil 2802
3 Wt of Soil 1860
4 Vol of Core Cutter 1000
5 Bulk Density of Soil 1.86
6 Moisture Content 7
7 Dry Density 1.74
8 MDD 1.79
9 % compaction achived 97.21

Field density Test of Soil

Sr NO Discription Test-1

1 Wt of GSB from Hole 1000

Wt of sand + Cylinder before pouring into

2 8082

gs Wt of sand + Cylinder after pouring into hole 7114

4 Mean wt of sand in cone 344

5 Weight of sand in hole 624

6 Bulk Density of sand 1.44

7 Bulk Density of GSB 2.31

8 % moisture content 8

9 Dry density 2.14

10 MDD 2.12

11 % compaction 100.94
Wt of sample 33224

Cumulative Percentage Percentage Wt Passing Permissible Value

of Wt retained

0 100 100
0.5 99.5 95-100
35 65 65-90
99.5 0.5 0-10
99.5 0.5 0-5

Wt of sample 33224
Cumulative Percentage Percentage Wt Passing Permissible Value
of Wt retained

0 100 100
11 89 90-100
26 74 25-75
88 12 0-15
95 5 0-5
99 1

Wt of sample 33224
Cumulative Percentage Percentage Wt Passing Permissible Value
of Wt retained

0 100 100
11 89 55-75
26 74 10-30
88 12 0-10

ction Test
Test 2 Test-3 Test-4

510 514 550

8 8 8

486 490 526

10 10 10

2 2 2

488 492 528

22 22 22

4.1 4.2 4

est of Soil
Test 2 Test-3 Test-4
942 942 942
2802 2802 2802
1860 1860 1860
1000 1000 1000
1.86 1.86 1.86
7 7 7
1.74 1.74 1.74
1.79 1.79 1.79
97.21 97.21 97.21

est of Soil
Test 2 Test-3 Test-4

1000 1000 1000

8082 8082 8082

7114 7114 7114

344 344 344

624 624 624

1.44 1.44 1.44

2.31 2.31 2.31

8 8 8

2.14 2.14 2.14

2.12 2.12 2.12

100.94 100.94 100.94

Test of G3

Percentage of Wt
IS Sieve Designation Wt of Sample Retained Retained (%)

63 mm 0 0
53 mm 556 1.72
45 mm 10280 31.72
22.4 mm 19580 60.41
11.2 mm 1500 4.63
Total 31916

Test of G2

Percentage of Wt
IS Sieve Designation Wt of Sample Retained Retained (%)

75 mm 0 0
63 mm 556 1.67
53 mm 10280 30.94
45 mm 19580 58.93
22.4 mm 1500 4.51
11.2 mm 982 2.96
Total 32898

Test of GSB

Percentage of Wt
IS Sieve Designation Wt of Sample Retained Retained (%)

75 mm 0 0
26.5 mm 556 1.81
4.75 mm 10280 33.37
75 micron 19580 63.57
Wt of sample 32412

Cumulative Percentage Percentage Wt Passing Permissible Value

of Wt retained

0 100 100
1.72 98.28 95-100
33.44 66.56 65-90
93.85 6.15 0-10
98.48 1.52 0-5

Wt of sample 33224
Cumulative Percentage Percentage Wt Passing Permissible Value
of Wt retained

0 100 100
1.67 98.33 90-100
32.61 67.39 25-75
91.54 8.46 0-15
96.05 3.95 0-5

Wt of sample 30802
Cumulative Percentage Percentage Wt Passing Permissible Value
of Wt retained

0 100 100
1.81 98.19 55-75
35.18 64.82 10-30
98.75 1.25 0-10

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