HMEC5413 Assignment Q

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HMEC 5413_V2


1. This assignment contains question that is set in English.

2. Answer in English only.

3. Learners are to submit assignment only in MsWord format unless specified otherwise. Please
refrain from converting text/phrases into picture format such as .gif / .jpeg / print screen / etc.

4. Download the language version of the assignment template concerned from the myINSPIRE for
preparation and submission of your assignment. Your assignment should be typed using 12
point Times New Roman font and 1.5 line spacing.

5. Your assignment should be between 3000 to 5000 words excluding references. The number of
words should be shown at the end of your assignment. Do not copy the assignment question
and instructions to your answer. Only assignment answer developed within the approximate
word limit will be assessed. The number of words should be shown at the end of your

6. Submission of assignment:
a. Face-to-face Class Student:
You MUST submit a softcopy of your assignment online through myINSPIRE and a
hardcopy to your facilitator.
b. Online student:
You MUST submit a softcopy of your assignment via myINSPIRE and another softcopy to
the facilitator via e-mail.

7. You can submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file.

8. Your assignment must be submitted starting from 23rd November 2018 until 25th November
2018. Submission after 25th November 2018 will NOT be accepted.

9. Your assignment should be prepared individually. You should not copy another person’s
assignment. You should also not plagiarise another person’s work as your own.

10. Please take note that PENALTY will be imposed on late submission of assignment as specified in
the Registrar’s Office circular 6/2012 (Refer to Registrar’s Announcement in myINSPIRE).
11. Please ensure that you keep the RECEIPT issued upon submisson of your assignment as proof of
submission. Your assignment is considered as NOT submitted if you fail to produce the
submission receipt in any dispute arises concerning assignment submission.


This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course and shall be assessed based on
the Rubrics attached.

You would be given feedback on the assignment before the Final Semester Examination commences.


Warning: The submitted assignment will automatically undergo a similarity check. If plagiarism is
detected, marks would be deducted as follows:

No. % Similarity Group % Marks Deduction

1 0 – 30 0
2 30.01 – 50 5
3 50.01 – 70 10
4 70.01 – 100 100

Assignments found to have similarities under any of the categories above; will not be entitled to
apply for appeal. For learners who fall into the 70.01-100 similarities group, the access for online
appeal for assignment remarking of the subject will be disabled from the appeal options.


This assignment will enable learners to strengthen their knowledge on the role of families and
communities in children's education. It also addresses the understanding of family systems, family
stress, and the responsibilities of parenthood.


Create THREE activities for families-school partnerships and ONE activity for community-school
partnership for an early childhood and education setting for a period of one year. Develop a
working paper/proposal for the above activities. The contents of the working paper/proposal are
as follows:
 Background - Issues addressed, experiences and added-value.
 Rationale - Detail key features and challenges of the project.
 Objectives - Highlight the specific objectives that the project shall achieve at the end of its
 Description of activities you have created.
 Expected Results – Explain the quantifiable results at the end of the implementation of the
project and the impact for stakeholders.
 Description of each of the activities you have created.
 Management and Implementation – activities and work plan, duration and time line.
 Budget – Cost and expenses.


Based on the Task 1, prepare a power point presentation:

1- Number of slides: 15 slides
2- Duration of presentation: 10 minutes
3- Presentation date: Seminar 3
4- For face to face learners, present your slides at your respective learning centres.
For fully online learners, upload a simple recorded presentation of your findings in YouTube and
attached the link as Task 2 submission in myINSPIRE.


Criteria Exceed Standards Meets Standards Partially Meets Fail to Meet Standards
Information Total
Weightage Standards
4 3 2 1
Background 1 The background The background The background is The background is too There is no 4
discusses discusses simple and does not brief, not relevant and background
issues addressed, issues addressed, discuss issues not focused. provided.
experiences and experiences and addressed, experiences
added-value in detail added-value in a clear and added-value in a
and clear manner. manner. clear manner.
Important concepts are
also clearly explained.

Rationale 1 Provide Provide key Key features and Key features and There is no 4
comprehensive key features and challenges of the project challenges of the rationale
features and challenges of the are not clearly stated. project are too brief provided.
challenges of the project. and not clearly stated.

Objectives 1.5 Highlight the specific Stated the objectives Objectives are not Objectives are too brief There is no 6
and detail objectives that the project shall clearly stated. and not clearly stated. objective
that the project shall achieve at the end of provided.
achieve at the end of its implementation.
its implementation.
Expected Results 1.5 A clear and A clear result. Explain Results are not clearly Results are too brief There is no result 6
comprehensive results. the quantifiable results explained. and not clearly provided.
Explain clearly the at the end of the explained.
quantifiable results at implementation of the
the end of the project and the impact
implementation of the for stakeholders
project and the impact

for stakeholder.
Description of 1.5 A clear description. All All activities are well Some activities are not All activities are not There is no 6
each of the activities are well explained and clearly explained. clearly explained. activity provided.
activities. explained and supported with a
supported with a comprehensive
comprehensive working paper.
working paper.

Management 1.5 A comprehensive A good discussion but A brief discussion with A vague discussion with There is no 6
and discussion with good has limited literature no literature support. no literature support. discussion
Implementation. literature support. support. provided

Conclusion 1 The conclusion is The conclusion ties The conclusion is The conclusion is very There is no 4
strong. It ties up/ up/brings together the recognisable, but does brief, difficult to conclusion
brings together the introduction and not tie up introduction understand and does provided.
introduction and contents. Well and content. not tie up introduction
contents. Well summarised. and content.
References 1 All references are made Most references are Some references are Few references are There is no 4
based on APA. made based on APA made based on APA made based on APA reference
style. style. style. provided.

Total 10 40

Excellent Good Fair Low
Response Max
Criteria Weightage Marks
4 3 2 1 0
Presentation slides. 1 Are creative, Are creative and Not really interesting. Not interesting. No presentation 4
interesting, clear interesting. slides provided.
and enhance the
effectiveness of the

Introduction 0.5 Begin with self- Begin with self- Start with topic Does not clearly Does not introduce 2
introduction, introduction, followed introduction but no introduce the topic the topic or the
followed by topic by topic introduction explanation on the and the purpose of purpose of
introduction and and explain the purpose of presentation. presentation.
explain the purpose purpose of presentation.
of presentation in a presentation.
clear and capturing

Contents 1 All the information Most of the Information is valid Information is not Information is not 4
is relevant and information is relevant but not related to the related to the valid and not
appropriate to but some need purpose of the assignment. related to the
requirements of the elaboration. assignment. assignment at all.

Knowledge 1 Demonstrate full Demonstrate full Demonstrate full Does not demonstrate Knowledge 4
knowledge and able knowledge and able to knowledge but some full knowledge and presented is not
to explain and explain. of the explanation is knowledge presented relevant.
elaborate clearly. not clear. is not relevant.

Delivery Skills 0.5 Able to speak clearly Speaks with a Speaks in uneven Speaks with low The delivery and 2
with different satisfactory variation intonation and volume and a sentence structure
intonation and of intonation but still reading mostly from monotonous tone and are
maintain audience tend to look at notes. notes. entire report is read understandable.
interest and seldom from notes.
look at notes.

Enthusiasm 0.5 Demonstrate strong Show some Show little or mixed Demonstrate no Show no interest in 2
enthusiasm about enthusiastic feelings feelings about the enthusiasm about the the topic
the topic being about the topic being topic being presented. topic being presented. presented.
presented. presented.

Voice 0.5 Student’s voice is Student’s voice is Student’s voice is Student’s voice is Student’s voice is 2
very steady, generally weak. not clear at all and
confident, steady, strong and clear. steady, strong and too weak.
strong, clear.
and clear.
Total 5 20

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