Preparing For Your Assessment

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Preparing for your Assessment

A key part of your learning will be preparation for your summative assessment. You
will be provided feedback on your formative assessments, and this will help you to
better understand what is required of you when you submit your summative
assessment. Please see below guidance on your formative assessment and how to
access your feedback.

Assessment Support

161 hours independent

Assessment Teaching Weeks Outline of Type Student How will
(insert below in which and Form of Preparation the Support
type of Assessment Assessment Required Prior Session to
assessment as Support Takes Support to be to or After the be
per the table Place (enter each Provided Support Delivered
above) week no. in a Session
new row)
A1 Week 7 Mock Test Students In-class
Written practice the discussio
Assignment (In- mock test n
class test)

A2 Week 12 – Week General in- Students read In-class

Written 13 class the Case Study discussio
Assignment discussions for any general ns
(Data analysis
case study)

Note 1: It is important that you do the (referring to the Reading

List) on related and relevant topics, which may not be necessarily covered during the
lessons, but all will still be assessed in the summative assessments.

Note 2: The support session for A2 cannot be used to answer specific questions/answers
on the assignment as it is a time-controlled assessment (aka take-home test). No draft
can be checked.

1 Summative Assessments

This assessment covers the following employability skills, which you could
demonstrate on your CV and at job interviews if you successfully pass the

• Communication o Writing o Comprehension o Presenting

• Problem solving
• Critical thinking
• Can work under pressure and to deadline

• Planning and organisation skills

• Numeracy
• Enterprising
• Industry/commercial aware
• Digitally literate
• Creativity/lateral thinking
• Time management
• Intellectual curiosity
• Leadership
• Perseverance
• Confidence
• Decision making

Summative Assessment 1 – In-class Test

Assessment title In-class Test
Submission date and Week 8 / 24th November
Word Count (or 60 minutes
Where to submit In-class Test (MCQ/Short Essay) – offline
Feedback date Within 15 working days
Assessment Weighting 40%
PSRB requirements N/A
(if applicable)
Submitting, feedback & grades online using Blackboard

Main objectives of the Assessment

The in-class test will cover various aspects of business operations such
as operation strategy, product design and process design. In addition to
that, the test covers queue management, inventory management and
capacity management.

No. Learning Outcome Marking Criteria

1 Explain the nature of operations See below
management within the
a. Explain the role and importance
of effective operations
b. Evaluate the operations
objectives of organisations.
2 Manage the design of systems See below
and operations in the
a. Design systems and operations to
meet the objectives of the
b. Explain the impact of supply
chain on systems and operations.

Marking criteria:

Accuracy of Response (for MCQs/TrueFalse): Demonstrates the ability to select

the correct answer or identify true/false statements accurately related to the
topics of operations management and systems and operations design.

Coverage of Content: Addresses the specific content areas comprehensively,

including the nature and role of operations management, its importance,
operations performance objectives, system and operations design, and the
impact of the supply chain.

Depth of Understanding (specifically for Short Answers): Demonstrates

depth in understanding the topics and provides comprehensive answers.

Use of Relevant Terminology (specifically for Short Answers): Utilizes appropriate

and accurate terminology related to operations management, systems design,
operations, and supply chain in responses.

Clarity and Coherence (specifically for Short Answers): Provides answers

that are clear, well-structured, and coherent.
Marking scheme:
100-80% 79-70% 69-60% 59-50% 49-40% 39-30% 29-
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