HMKT300 1 Jan Jun 2024 SA2 NM V2 24092023 1

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Academic Year 2024: January-June

Summative Assessment 2 (SA2): Marketing Management 3 (HMKT300-1)
NQF Level: 6
Credits: 16
Weighting: 10%
Assessment Type: Assignment (PowerPoint presentation)
Educator: Lee-Andra Bruwer
Examiner: Nomasonto Mbanga
Due Date: 10 June 2024
Total: 20 Marks


1. The PowerPoint presentation must consist of 8 – 10 slides that will guide your presentation

2. The PowerPoint presentation must be a minimum of 600 (six hundred) words and should

not exceed 750 (seven hundred and fifty) words.

1 HMKT300-1-Jan-Jun-2024-SA2-NM-V2-24092023
Guidelines for your Assignment (PowerPoint presentation):

Present your Summative Assessment 2 (Strategic Marketing Plan) in a PowerPoint

presentation. The PowerPoint presentation will be presented to the Senior Management of
Astoria Investment, the new owners of CNA.

The purpose of your PowerPoint presentation should be a summarised overview of the entire
strategic marketing plan for CNA.

1. CNA used in the SA1 will be filtered through for the SA2 task.

2. Provide a summary of CNA and corresponding product offerings.

3. Assess internal and external environment factors of CNA.

4. Discuss how CNA can use the factors you assessed to develop a business strategy.

5. Conclude your PowerPoint presentation by highlighting which strategy CNA can implement
to change their current situation.

6. The PowerPoint presentation must consist of 8 – 10 slides that will guide your presentation.

7. To ensure that you remain in the required 8 – 10 slide range, only include the information
you believe is most critical to the instructions above.

8. Your PowerPoint presentation must be uploaded in PDF format.

9. To obtain maximum results, please consult the rubric in this brief to ensure you adhere to
and meet all the criteria.

2 HMKT300-1-Jan-Jun-2024-SA2-NM-V2-24092023

Criteria 5 Marks 4 Marks 3 Marks 2-1 Marks 0 Marks

The student has The student has The student has The student has The student
provided an provided a good provided an adequate provided a poor has not
excellent introduction to CNA. introduction to CNA. introduction to CNA. attempted or
introduction to included this
Introduction of CNA. The student has clearly The student has The student has not section of
CNA stated the industry in clearly stated the clearly stated the the
The student has which CNA operates. industry in which CNA industry in which PowerPoint
clearly stated the operates. CNA operates. presentation.
industry in which The student has
CNA operates. included the products The student has not The student has not
that FlySafair is included the products included the products
The student has offering. that CNA is offering. that CNA is offering.
included the
products that CNA
is offering.

5 Marks 4 Marks 3 Marks 2-1 Marks 0 Marks

The student has The student has The student has The student has The student
demonstrated an demonstrated an demonstrated an demonstrated a poor has not
exceptional ability understanding of average ability ability to identify and attempted or
Develop to identify and identifying and evaluation in summarise CNA’s: included this
objectives, summarise summarising CNA’s identifying and • Objectives section of
mission and CNA’s: • Objectives summarising CNAs: • Mission the
vision • Objectives • Mission • Objectives • Vision PowerPoint
• Mission • Vision • Mission presentation.
• Vision • Vision

5 Marks 4 Marks 3 Marks 2-1 Marks 0 Marks

The student has The student has The student has The student has The student
demonstrated a demonstrated a good demonstrated a poor demonstrated a poor has not
sophisticated ability to discuss the discussion on the discussion on the attempted or
ability to discuss internal environmental internal internal included this
Internal and the internal analysis and the environmental environmental section of the
external environmental evaluation of the analysis and the analysis and the PowerPoint
environmental analysis and the external environment evaluation of the evaluation of the presentation.
analysis, evaluation of the application of the external environment external environment
performance external Performance and application of the application of the
and resource environment Resource analysis and Performance and Performance and
analysis and application of the choosing a strategy Resource analysis Resource analysis
choosing Performance and analysis was good. and choosing a and choosing a
strategy Resource analysis strategy analysis was strategy analysis
and choosing a satisfactory. were poor.
strategy analysis
were excellent.

3 HMKT300-1-Jan-Jun-2024-SA2-NM-V2-24092023
5 Marks 4 – 3 Marks 2 Marks 1 Marks 0 Marks
The student has The student has The student has The student has The student
provided a provided a well- provided a poor attempted the has not
detailed and thought-out conclusion. conclusion that is conclusion. However, attempted or
excellent poorly aligned with it is poor and has included this
conclusion. The conclusion links the body of their ZERO alignment with section of
which strategy
with the main findings, presentation. the body of the the
CNA can
The conclusion suggestions, and presentation. PowerPoint
implement to
links with the main recommendations. The conclusion links presentation.
change their
findings, However, the links with the main The student has NOT
suggestions, and created are slightly findings, suggestions, reiterated links with
recommendations. unclear. and the main findings,
recommendations. suggestions, and
The student has The student has However, the links recommendations.
clearly and highlighted the strategy created are unclear.
concisely that CNAs should The student has NOT
highlighted the follow. However, it is The student has NOT highlighted the
strategy that CNA irrelevant to the brand. highlighted the strategy CNA should
should follow to strategy CNA should apply to enhance the
enhance the The student’s creativity, follow to enhance the brand further.
marketing of its formatting, grammar, brand further.
product offering. and structure are of The student’s
good quality with very creativity, formatting,
The student’s few errors. The student’s grammar, and
creativity, creativity, formatting, structure are of poor
formatting, grammar, and quality, with lots of
grammar, and structure are of trivial errors.
structure are of satisfactory quality,
excellent quality reflecting minor
with no errors. errors.


•Analysis of the external marketing or business environment

•Internal environmental analysis

• Aspects of strategy formulation

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