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Original Article

Investigating nurses’ quality of life and work-

life balance statuses in Singapore
Y. Kowitlawkul1 RN, PhD, S.F. Yap2 MN, APN, S. Makabe3 RN, PhD,
S. Chan4 RN, PhD, FAAN, J. Takagai5 RN, MSN, W.W.S. Tam6 PhD, MPhil &
M.S. Nurumal7 RN, PhD
1 Associate Professor, 6 Assistant Professor, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies/Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National
University of Singapore, 2 Advanced Practice Nurse, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, 3 Associate Professor, 5 Assistant Professor,
Department of Clinical Nursing, Akita University, Akita, Japan, 4 Professor/Dean of Nursing, Head of School, School of Nursing
and Midwifery, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW, Australia, 7 Asst. Professor/Dean Kulliyyah of Nursing, International
Islamic University Malaysia, Kuantan, Malaysia

M.S. (2018) Investigating nurses’ quality of life and work-life balance statuses in Singapore.
International Nursing Review 00, 1–9

Aims: To investigate the key determinants of nurses’ quality of life and work-life balance statuses in a
tertiary hospital in Singapore.
Background: Nurses’ quality of life can directly and indirectly impact patients’ safety and quality of care.
Therefore, identifying key factors that influence nurses’ quality of life is essential in the healthcare delivery system.
Methods: A descriptive quantitative study design was adopted, and validated questionnaires were used.
Data were collected in a period of 3 months (March to May 2014) at a 600-bed tertiary hospital in
Singapore. One thousand and forty nurses participated in the study.
Results: Social support and sense of coherence were found to be significant predictors for high quality of
life in all domains. Most nurses in this study spent more time on work than their private lives. However,
there was no significant difference in job satisfaction among the four groups of nurses’ proportions of
percentages of actual time spent on work and private life.
Conclusions: Cultivating social support from family, friends/colleagues and supervisors can help an
individual cope with stress and enhance a nurse’s quality of life.
Implications for nursing policy and practice: Even though nurses who spent more time at work were still
satisfied with their job, they might need to be aware of their physical health and work environment.
Nursing policy related to nurses’ physical health and environment should be established. Health promotion
programmes such as physical exercise and mindfulness interventions should be conducted to promote
nurses’ well-being and healthy workplace environments to enhance nurses’ quality of life.

Keywords: nurses, quality of life, sense of coherence, social support, stress, work-life balance

Correspondence address: Yanika Kowitlawakul, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies/Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Block MD 11,
Level 2, 10 Medical Drive, Singapore 117597, Singapore; Tel: 65-6601-176; Fax: 65-6776-7135; E-mail:

Conflict of interest
The authors have declared no conflict of interest.

© 2018 International Council of Nurses 1

2 Y. Kowitlawkul et al.

Introduction which was conducted on nurses from nine hospitals in

In the past two decades, health-related studies have been Sweden, found that SoC, or the ability to cope with stress,
heavily focused on patients’ quality of life (QoL) as one of was a predictor of QoL (Malinauskiene et al. 2011). Malin-
the patient outcome measures. QoL has been defined as ‘indi- auskiene and his colleagues (2011) also suggested that
viduals’ perception of their position in life in the context of research studies should focus on identifying critical factors
the culture and value systems in which they live and in rela- that cause occupational stress and focus on solving workplace
tion to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns’ issues. Even though relationships among the WLB, job satis-
(World Health Organization, 1997, p. 1). However, patient faction, SoC and QoL of nurses have been investigated, infor-
outcomes depend not only on clinical treatments and inter- mation on the impact of these factors on QoL is very limited.
ventions but also on the work-life balance (WLB) and QoL of Nowadays, nurses are looking for a workplace that has high
healthcare workers (Lee et al. 2013; Mosadeghrad et al. 2011). job satisfaction and a culture that supports them in having a
Based on review literature, age, gender, shift work, workplace good WLB. Healthcare organizations worldwide have tried to
environment, job satisfaction and WLB impact nurses’ QoL be ‘Magnet’ hospitals as it is recognized as having the best
(Lee et al. 2013; Makabe et al. 2015). Wu et al. (2011) also patient outcomes and the best workplace environment
addressed that nurses’ QoL may directly or indirectly affect (American Nurses Credentialing Center 2017). Hence, identi-
patient safety and health outcomes. As such, healthcare orga- fying factors related to nurses’ QoL will help healthcare poli-
nizations need to pay close attention to nurses’ QoL as it cymakers to create a culture that involves nurses in
affects the status of the nursing workforce, and, in turn, con- determining good support, work environment, WLB and job
tributes to the quality of care delivered to patients (Vaghar- satisfaction, which will in turn increase nurses’ QoL. This
seyyedin et al. 2011). Hence, assessing nurses’ QoL can study is part of an international collaboration from Japan,
provide a source of data that serves as a reference for policy Malaysia, Thailand, Bhutan and Singapore. Similar surveys
makers to make changes in organizations. were used to investigate nurses’ QoL in each country. How-
In the context of organizational studies, better QoL in ever, Japan and Malaysia have published their results regard-
employees and WLB are related to the absence of stress and ing nurses’ QoL (Makabe et al. 2015; Nurumal et al. 2017).
burnout (Ruzevicius & Valiukaite 2017). In several studies, The key determinates of nurses’ QoL in Singapore are
WLB refers to an employee’s satisfaction with their working described and discussed in this study.
life and the balance of time spent between work and one’s
private life (Makabe et al. 2015; Mullen 2015). Several studies Aim of the study
stated that nurses often experienced a lack of balance between The aim of the study was to investigate the key determinants of
work and their life outside work or private life (He et al. nurses’ QoL and to assess the balance of time spent on the work
2012; Mullen 2015). Time spent on work and on their private and private lives of nurses in a tertiary hospital in Singapore.
lives should be balanced in order for nurses to be happy and
healthy. This can be supported by the study that was con- Methods
ducted in Japan by Makabe et al. (2015), which found that
job satisfaction and QoL were unsatisfied in nurses who spent Design, setting and participants
more time on work than on their private lives. These results In this study, a descriptive quantitative study design was
are similar to other studies, which found that WLB has an adopted. The convenience sampling method was used for
impact on the QoL of nurses in hospitals (Abraham & recruiting participants. Data were collected from both inpa-
D’Silva 2013; Milosevic et al. 2011). Hence, maintaining the tient and outpatient departments at a 600-bed tertiary hospital
WLB of nurses is a crucial issue as it is the foundation for in Singapore. All registered nurses and enrolled nurses (nurse
the well-being of the healthcare workforce and job satisfaction assistants) who had been working in the hospital for at least
(Milosevic et al. 2011; Mullen 2015). 6 months were eligible to participate in the study. A total of
Occupational nursing stress is a common issue in the 1040 nurses participated in the study (79.1% return rate).
workplace that is caused by an undesirable working environ-
ment, which nurses have to face every day (Arsalani et al. Instruments
2012). This is related to the concept of sense of coherence The following questionnaires were utilized in this study:
(SoC). SoC is a stress coping mechanism in people and why 1 A demographic data consisting of 18 items that asked for
some can remain mentally healthy despite constant stressful background information and general job information such as
situations and hardships (Eriksson 2016). A review study, age, gender, working status and shift rotation.

© 2018 International Council of Nurses

Nurses’ quality of life 3

2 A measurement of WLB was adopted from the WLB Charter In this study, the total Cronbach’s alpha of the scale is 0.92
by the Japanese Cabinet (Makabe et al. 2015). WLB in this and the Cronbach’s alpha of the subscales ranged from 0.70
study was determined by the balance between the actual to 0.82.
percentage of time spent on work and the percentage of time
spent on private life. The total of work proportion and private Data collection and ethical considerations
life proportion is 100%, with a unit of 10. The participants The ethics committee at the National Health Group approved
were asked to estimate their WLB proportions based on their the study (Ref: 2013/01197) before data collection. An invita-
perceptions at the time of filling out the questionnaires. tion email was sent out to the nurse managers of outpatient,
3 The Job Satisfaction Questionnaire was used to measure clinics, general wards and critical care units. The researcher of
nurses’ job satisfactions. It was developed by the National this study met each unit manager and staff nurse to explain
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the purposes of the study. The questionnaires and informa-
consists of four items (National Institute for Occupational tion sheet were given to potential participants. Potential par-
Safety and Health 2014). One example question is ‘How satis- ticipants who had agreed to participate in the study filled out
fied would you say you are with your job?’. The total score the questionnaires and placed their completed questionnaire
ranges from 4 to 13, with a higher score indicating greater in a data collection box at the nursing station. There was no
job satisfaction. In this study, the Cronbach’s alpha of the identifier in the completed questionnaires. The researcher col-
scale is 0.7. lected the completed questionnaires once a week. The data
4 The Social Support Questionnaire was used to measure were collected in a period of 3 months (March to May 2014),
nurses’ social support from their supervisors, bosses, co- and all data were kept in a locked drawer.
workers, family members and friends. It was developed by
the NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Data analysis
Health, 2014) and consists of 12 questions on a 5-point The IBM SPSS program (version 22.0) was used for data
Likert scale. One example question is ‘How easy is it to analysis. Descriptive statistics were carried out to analyse the
talk with each of the following people?’. The total score demographical data of the participants. The differences in the
ranges from 12 to 60. A higher score indicates higher overall participants’ QoL by various demographic variables
social support. In this study, the Cronbach’s alpha of the and the four groups of proportions percentage of time spent
scale is 0.89. on work and private life were examined using Independent t-
5 The SoC questionnaire was used to measure a nurse’s test and one-way ANOVA statistics. A multiple logistic regres-
ability to cope with stress. It was originally developed by sion analysis was conducted to examine the key determinants
Antonovsky in 1987 (Eriksson & Mittelmark 2016) and of each domain of the QoL scale to address research question
consists of 13 items on a 7-point Likert scale. One example number 4. Each domain score was categorized into two
question is ‘Do you feel that you don’t really care about groups (1 = score <68 and 2 = score ≥ 68). The chosen cut-
what goes on around you?’. The total score ranges from 13 off was based on a previous study (Abraham & D’Silva 2013)
to 91. A higher score indicates a greater ability to cope in which a score of less than 68 indicates poor to moderate
with stress. In this study, the Cronbach’s alpha of the scale QoL and a score of more than or equal to 68 indicates good
is 0.79. QoL. Only variables that achieved P < 0.1 in the univariate
6 The World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHO- analysis were included as explanatory variables in the logistic
QOL)-BREF 26 questionnaire was used to measure nurses’ regression.
QoL. The scale was developed by the WHOQOL Group
(1998). Two of the questions were set to answer the overall Results
QoL and general health of the participants, while the rest of
the 24 questions were categorized into four domains: physical, Demographic characteristics and differences for overall QoL
psychological, environmental and social relationships. One and general health
example question in the physical domain is ‘To what extent The participants’ demographic characteristics and differences
do you feel that physical pain prevents you from doing what for overall QoL and general health are presented in Table 1.
you need to do?’. The total score of each domain is converted The average age of all participants was 30 years old. Most of
to 0 to 100. According to Abraham & D’Silva (2013), the the participants were female and single, which includes being
QoL scores are interpreted as 0 to 33 = poor QoL, 34 to divorced, widowed and separated. The majority of the partici-
67 = moderate satisfactory QoL and 68 to 100 = good QoL. pants completed a bachelor’s degree, followed by a diploma

© 2018 International Council of Nurses

4 Y. Kowitlawkul et al.

Table 1 Demographic data and differences on general QoL and health (n = 1040)

Characteristics Number (%) Overall QoL

Mean (SD) Test statistic Significance (P)

Age (range = 19–68 years old) 30.6 (8.5)

Male 69 (6.6) 6.8 (1.7) t= 1.1 0.27
Female 955 (91.8) 6.9 (1.7)
Missing data 16 (1.5)
Marital status
Married 433 (41.6) 7.2 (1.4) t = 5.1 0.001**
Single (including never married, divorced, widowed and separated) 603 (58.0) 6.7 (1.6)
Missing data 4 (0.4)
Buddhism 221 (21.3) 6.4 (1.5)
Christianity 365 (35.1) 7.2 (1.5) F = 9.3 0.001**
Muslim 158 (15.2) 6.8 (1.4)
Hindu 64 (6.2) 7.2 (1.4)
Others 227 (21.8) 7.1 (1.4)
Missing data 5 (0.5)
Educational level
Certificate 105 (10.1) 6.9 (1.4)
Diploma 338 (32.5) 6.7 (1.5) F = 9.3 0.001**
Advanced diploma 78 (7.5) 6.7 (1.5)
Bachelor’s degree 495 (47.6) 7.1 (1.5)
Master’s degree 13 (1.3) 6.9 (1.5)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) 0
Missing data 11 (1.1)
Job title
Nurse manager 24 (2.3) 7.4 (1.4)
Senior staff nurse (includes clinician and APN) 234 (22.5) 6.8 (1.4) F = 3.0 0.03**
Staff nurse 594 (57.1) 6.9 (1.5)
Enrolled nurse 184 (17.7) 7.2 (1.3)
Missing data 4 (0.4)
Working status
Full time permanent 969 (93.2) 6.9 (1.5) F = 0.5 0.69
Full time temporary 34 (3.3) 7.1 (1.7)
Part-time 14 (1.3) 6.9 (1.7)
Others 18 (1.7) 7.3 (1.8)
Missing data 5 (0.5)
Shift rotation
Rotation eight hours 768 (73.8) 6.9 (1.5)
Permanent shift 67 (6.4) 7.2 (1.3) F = 1.0 0.39
Office hours 177 (17.0) 6.9 (1.4)
Others 26 (2.5) 7.2 (1.1)
Missing data 2 (0.2)
Fixed shift
Yes 349 (33.6) 6.9 (1.4) T = 0.03 0.37
No 649 (63.5) 6.9 (1.5)
Missing data 31 (3.0)

© 2018 International Council of Nurses

Nurses’ quality of life 5

Table 1 Continued

Characteristics Number (%) Overall QoL

Mean (SD) Test statistic Significance (P)

General ward 564 (54.2) 6.8 (1.5)

OPD 78 (7.5) 7.0 (1.4) F = 1.0 0.11
Critical care (e.g. ICU, OR) 243 (23.4) 7.1 (1.5)
Others (e.g. clinic) 155 (14.9) 7.0 (1.6)
Missing data 0

QoL, quality of life; SD, standard deviation; APN, advanced practice nurse; OPD, outpatient department; ICU, intensive care unit; OR, operative room.
**= p<0.01

in a nursing programme. More than 90% of the participants hours per week. On average, 91% of the participants’ annual
worked full time and 73.8% were on eight-hour rotation leaves were taken by the participants in 2013. This indicates
shifts. According to the differences in demographic character- that most of the participants did not take their full annual
istics, the results showed that there were statistically signifi- leave. The average overall QoL of the participants was 6.94
cant differences in marital status, religion, educational level (1.5). This indicates that the participants had an above
and job title (P < 0.05) on overall QoL and general health. average overall QoL. According to all domains in the QoL
There was no statistically significant difference in gender, scale, the psychological domain had the highest score
working status, shift rotation, type of working shift and units/ (61.4  14.6) and the environment domain had the lowest
department where nurses worked. score (59.6  13.6). Physical and social relationships were
According to time spent on break, number of working 59.9 (13.6) and 60.0 (19.5), respectively. This indicates
hours and QoL scores, most of the participants (n = 769) that the participants perceived moderate satisfaction on all
had an average of 43 (range = 10–60) minutes of break dur- domains of the WHOQOL-BREF scale.
ing the day shift and 45.6 (range = 0–120) minutes of break
during the night shift (n = 495). The normal working hours Proportions of percentages of time spent on work and private
(including overtime) per week were 43.3 (ranges = 7–84) life
hours, and the average overtime was 5.1 (range = 0–48) The actual proportions of percentages of time spent on
work and private life in this study were divided into four
groups, as presented in Fig. 1. The majority of the partici-
31.60% pants spent more than 80% of their time on work and only
30% 20% on their private lives. Participants who spent 70% of
their time on work and 30% of their time on their private
lives accounted for 26.7% of the participants. The least
20% 18.20%
16.80% number of participants (16.8%) spent their time on work
15% 60% and 40% on their private lives. Participants who could
balance their work time and private life accounted for
18.2% of the participants.
Table 2 represents the comparison of proportions of per-
0% centages of time spent on work and private life on social sup-
50/50 & lower 60/40 70/30 80/20 & above
group group port, job satisfaction, SoC and QoL. Among the four groups
of proportions of percentages of time spent on work and pri-
50/50 and below = Spent time on work 50% and private life 50% or less than 50/50
60/40 = Spent time on work 60% and private life 40% vate life, there were statistically significant differences in SoC,
70/30 = Spent time on work 70% and private life 30%
80/20 and above = Spent time on work 80% and private life 20% or above 80/20
overall QoL and general health, QoL physical domain and
QoL environment domain. In terms of SoC, the participants
Fig. 1 Proportions of percentages of time spent on work and private
in the 50/50 and below and 60/40 groups had higher scores
life (n = 971).

© 2018 International Council of Nurses

6 Y. Kowitlawkul et al.

Table 2 Comparison of proportions percentage of time spent on work and private life on social support, job satisfaction, SoC and QoL

Content Proportion percentage of time spent on work and private life F-Test ANOVA
50/50 & lower group 60/40 group 70/30 group 80/20 & higher group
(n = 179) (n = 181) (n = 283) (n = 286)

Social support (e.g. boss, peer, spouse. n = 954) 26.4 (8.4) 25.8 (8.5) 26.3 (8.0) 26.9 (8.1) 0.6 0.593
Job satisfaction (n = 982) 11.6 (1.5) 11.8 (1.4) 11.7 (1.4) 11.9 (1.3) 2.0 0.107
SoC (n = 913) 55.7 (9.5) 56.0 (9.6) 54.5 (9.2) 52.4 (10.8) 6.4 <0.001**
Quality of life (n = 1040)
Overall QoL and general health 7.2 (1.2) 7.0 (1.3) 6.9 (1.4) 6.7 (1.6) 4.0 0.008**
Physical health 53.5 (11.7) 52.2 (11.0) 50.9 (11.8) 49.3 (12.1) 5.2 0.001**
Psychological 58.5 (12.6) 59.0 (10.3) 58.1 (11.5) 57.2 (12.9) 0.9 0.444
Social relationship 65.6 (17.5) 65.5 (15.7) 62.2 (17.3) 62.3 (18.2) 2.3 0.075
Environment 61.2 (13.6) 61.4 (11.9) 59.1 (13.4) 57.3 (13.9) 4.7 0.003**

**P < 0.01.

SoC, sense of coherence; QoL, quality of life.

than the other two groups. The lowest SoC scores were found (OR = 1.20, CI = 1.02–1.42, P < 0.05). Being married was a
in the 80/20 and above group. For overall QoL and general significant predictor for high QoL in the social domain
health, participants in the 50/50 and below group had the (P < 0.01). It also indicated that married participants were
highest scores, and participants in the 80/20 and above group 3.14 times more likely to have high QoL in the social
had the lowest scores. Moreover, participants in the 80/20 domain than single participants (OR = 3.14, CI = 2.24–
and above group had the lowest scores in the physical health 4.40).
domain of the QoL questionnaire. For QoL in the environ-
ment domain, participants in the 50/50 and below and 60/40 Discussions and nursing implications
groups had higher scores than the other two groups, and par- The study aimed to investigate the key determinants of
ticipants in the 80/20 and above group had the lowest scores. nurses’ QoL and WLB statuses in a tertiary hospital in Singa-
Interestingly, there was no statistically significant difference pore. The key determinants of nurses’ high QoL were social
among the four groups in terms of social support, job satis- support and SoC. However, social support has influence on
faction, and the psychological and social relationship domains nurses’ QoL more than their ability to cope with stress. This
of the QoL questionnaire. result is similar with that of Sun et al.’s study (2016), which
found that social support from family members and people at
Key determinants of high QoL work influenced nurses’ QoL in China. In this study, social
Regarding the multiple logistic regression analysis, the results support from supervisors, bosses, co-workers, family members
showed that social support and SoC were found to be signif- and friends was a significant factor that influenced nurses’
icant predictors (P < 0.05) for all QoL domains. For social QoL. With regard to SoC, the results were similar to that of
support, the odds ratios (OR) were 0.97 (CI = 0.94–0.99), Malinauskiene et al. (2011), as SoC was a predictor of QoL.
0.97 (CI = 0.94–1.00), 0.98 (CI = 0.96–1.00) and 0.97 Nurses have to deal with different types of stressful situations
(CI = 0.95–1.00) in the physical, psychological, social rela- in healthcare working environments. Social support can act as
tionship and environment domains, respectively. However, a stress buffer to help an individual cope with stress by reduc-
the OR for the SoC (OR range 1.06–1.12) indicated that a ing the stress on his/her psychological and physical health,
unit increase in the ability to cope with stress would results which will, in turn, improve well-being and QoL (Sun et al.
6%–12% more likely of having high QoL for all domains. 2016). Hence, the ability to cope with stress might depend on
Age was a significant predictor for QoL in the physical social support. This can explain why the ability to cope with
domain (OR = 1.07, P < 0.01). Lastly, job satisfaction was a stress has less influence on QoL than social support in this
significant predictor for QoL in the psychological domain study.

© 2018 International Council of Nurses

Nurses’ quality of life 7

Married nurses in this study had higher QoL than single Singapore. To enhance QoL, physical health and the working
nurses in the social domain. This might be related to social environment, the hospital has several staff welfare benefits,
support from their family members and spouses, which influ- schemes and activities, such as flexible working hours and job
enced their QoL in this study. However, the majority of the redesigning, to maintain and sustain a healthy workforce.
nurses in this study were single, with a mean age of Easily accessible gym facilities and in-house events such as fit-
30.63 years, which is younger compared to the national mean ness challenges, sport tournaments, lunchtime and after work
age of 37 and 34 years for registered nurses and enrolled yoga, and dancing are available to encourage the staff to
nurses, respectively (Singapore Nursing Board 2013). The engage in regular exercises. The staff are also encouraged to
median age for marriage has increased nationwide. Lee et al. embrace a healthy lifestyle, including eating right and attend-
(2013) found that being single was a predictor of nurses’ ing relaxation courses.
intentions to leave their healthcare organizations. Hence,
receiving support from supervisors, co-workers and friends Limitations
for single nurses is important in enhancing their QoL to pre- Even though this study had a large sample size and almost
vent them from leaving the hospital. In addition, the ‘non- 80% of the nurses in the hospital participated in the study,
full-time’ working status is a significant predictor of high the results only represent nurses who worked at an acute
QoL in the psychological domain. Similar to Oyama et al.’s care hospital setting. Mental health hospitals have different
literature review study (Oyama & Fukahori 2015), this study patient populations and settings. Hence, the key determi-
found that there was a significant relationship between longer nants of nurses’ QoL in mental health hospitals might be
working hours and worse physical and mental health. Hence, different. Another limitation was that the proportions of
to enhance QoL in the psychological domain, the number of percentages of actual time spent on work and private life
working hours should be considered. were from the participants’ perceptions. Hence, these per-
According to WLB, the majority of the nurses spent more centages might be underestimated or overestimated. Further-
time on work than on their private lives. However, these more, the data were collected during the preparation for an
nurses were still satisfied with their jobs. During the period of external audit. Therefore, the result might be different after
data collection, the hospital was preparing for a major exter- the audit.
nal audit. As part of the process, there was a series of internal
audits and preparation work that could have imposed addi- Conclusion and recommendations
tional workload to the staff. However, good teamwork and Nurses play a significant role in providing direct care to
motivating nursing staff can enhance job satisfaction (Opollo patients. To provide quality of patient care, nurses’ QoL and
et al. 2014). In this study, the nursing staff had good team WLB are crucial factors. Our study found that the key deter-
spirit, staff sense of loyalty, accountability, and wanting to minants for nurses’ high QoL in the physical, psychological,
contribute to make sure the hospital passed the audit, might social and environment domains were social support and the
have accounted for their job satisfaction despite their long ability to cope with stress. Social support was the strongest
working hours. Similar to Thein et al.’s study (2010), they factor that influences nurses’ QoL. Cultivating social support
found that Singaporean professional women spent most of from family, friends, colleagues and supervisors can help an
their time in paid work and had little time for leisure activi- individual cope with stress and enhance nurses’ QoL. Further
ties. However, those participants perceived no WLB issues investigation on the factors that affect nurses’ physical health
because they needed to provide for financial and material and healthy workplace environments is highly recommended.
needs to their family members. This was one of the cultural Moreover, the implementation of health promotion pro-
forces for professional women to engage with their work and grammes for nurses in the hospitals and studying its effective-
make themselves feel satisfied (Thein et al. 2010). In this ness is recommended for future studies.
study, the same finding was recognized. However, further
exploration on the cultural forces and WLB of healthcare pro- Implications for nursing policy and practice
fessionals is highly recommended for a more in-depth under- In this study, the results showed that nurses who spent more
standing. than 60% of their time on work were still satisfied with their
According to the workplace environment, despite having job. Nurses are required to work a maximum of 40 hours per
green and calming spaces around the hospital, nurses still week per hospital policy. However, nurses in the study were
rarely spent time outdoors for leisure-physical activities. This willing to stay at work overtime to get their work done. This
might be because of the humidity and hot weather in was one of the work cultures that made professional women

© 2018 International Council of Nurses

8 Y. Kowitlawkul et al.

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