Ultrasonic Blind Walking Stick1

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Allan Galopo#1, John Roland L. Garcia#1, Ivy Shynette L. Humarang#1, Daryl M. Malolos#1
Gerald Paolo Dar Santos, ECE#3
Electrical Engineering Department
Computer Engineering Department
Electronics and Computer Engineering Department
Lyceum of the Philippines University- Laguna (LPU-L)

Abstract---- This paper describes the ultrasonic blind walking 1.2 Problem Statement
stick using arduino. This walking stick for blind people has  A
multiple sensors, with the help of which it has been possible to  B
enhance more features to the walking stick. The features are to  C
detect the obstacle for collision avoidance, it detects the object
in directions left, right and front side. The other sensor placed
near bottom tip of the walking cane to find the pits on the 1.3 Objectives of the Study
ground. The system is designed to act like an artificial vision
and alarm unit in able for the person to walk more confidently. General Objectives
This stick detects the object in different direction and give
response to the user by either vibrating or through buzzer. This The main objective is to help visually challenged people to
walking stick is useful especially for blind people to overcome navigate with ease using advance technology. In this technology
their difficulties in walking. controlled world, where people strive to live independently, this
project proposes an ultrasonic stick for blind people to help
Keywords— Arduino, Ultrasonic Sensor, Walking Stick them gain personal independence. Since this is economical and
not bulky, one can make use of it easily.
Specific Objectives
1.1 Background of the Study
 To design and develop a portable walking stick for
Blindness is a state of lacking the visual perception due to them for easy usage and navigation in public.
physiological or neurological factors. The partial blindness
 To detect the presence of obstacles in different
represents the lack of integration in the growth of the optic
nerve or visual center of the eye and total blindness is the full
 To detect the presence of water.
absence of the visual light perception.[1] According to World
Health Organization (WHO) there are 285 billion people in
world with visual impairment. Among these individuals, there
are 39 million who are totally blind and 246 with low vision.[2]
Physical movement is a challenge for visually impaired
persons, because it can become tricky to distinguish where S. Gangwar (2011) designed a smart stick for blind which can
he/she is, and how to get where he/she wants to go from one give early warning of an obstacle using Infrared (IR) sensors.
place to another.[3] The blind stick is integrated with ultrasonic After identifying the obstacles, the stick alerts the visually
sensor along with water sensing. Our proposed project first uses impaired people using vibration signals. However the smart
ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles ahead using ultrasonic stick focused only for obstacle detection but it is not assisting
waves.On sensing obstacles the sensor passes this data to the for emergency purposes needed by the blind. And also the IR
micro controller. The micro controller then processes this data sensors are not really efficient enough because it can detect only
and calculates if the obstacle is close enough. If the obstacle is the nearest obstacle in short distance.
not that close the circuit does nothing. If the obstacle is close the
micro controller sends a signal to sound a buzzer. It also detects T. Chew (2012) proposed the smart white cane, called Blind
and sounds a different buzzer if it detects water and alerts the spot that combines GPS technology, social networking and
blind. ultrasonic sensors to help visually impaired people to navigate
public spaces.The GPS detects the location of the obstacle and navigation for the blind people. The system detects the presence
alerts the blind to avoid them hitting the obstacle using ultra- of obstacle and water.
sonic sensors. But GPS did not show the efficiency in tracing INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT
the location of the obstacles since ultra-sonic tells the distance Ultrasonic Sensor Arduino Micro- Buzzer
of the obstacle. Water Sensor controller Vibrator
Table 1: IPO Chart
Benjamin etal (2011) had developed a smart stick using laser
sensors to detect the obstacles and down curbs . Obstacle Table 1: IPO Chart which shows the input, process and output
detection was signalized by a high pitch ―BEEP‖ using a of this system
microphone. The design of the laser cane is very simple and
intuitive.The stick can only detects obstacle, but can not provide Block Diagram
cognitive and psychological support. There exists only beep
sound that triggers any obstacle and there is no any assistance to The main component of this system is Arduino micro-
direct them.[4] controller. The components are consists of ultrasonic sensor,
water sensor, buzzer, vibrator and battery. In this system the
Central Michigan University (2009) developed an electronic ultrasonic sensor is used to sense the obstacle. The sensor output
cane for blind people that would provide contextual information is used to operate vibrator and buzzer. Water sensor is designed
on the environment around the user. They used RFID chips to detect the presence of water and provide an alert to avoid
which are implanted into street signs, store fronts, similar water damage. When the water is detected, buzzer is activated.
locations, and the cane reads those and feeds the information Vibrator also provided to indicate the obstacles.
back to the user . The device also features an ultrasound sensor
to help to detect objects ahead of the cane tip.

Joao José, Miguel Farrajota, Joao M.F. Rodrigues (2011)

designed a smart stick prototype. It was small in size, cheap and
easily wearable navigation aid. This blind stick functions by
addressing the global navigation for guiding the user to some
destiny and local navigation for negotiating paths, sidewalks and
corridors, even with avoidance of static as well as moving

Shruti Dambhare and A.Sakhare (2011) designed an artificial

vision and object detection with real-time assistance via GPS to
provide a low cost and efficient navigation aid for blind which
gives a sense of artificial vision by providing information about
the environmental scenario of static and dynamic objects around

Mohd Helmyabd Wahab and Amirul A. Talibetal (2011)

developed a cane could communicate with users through voice
alert and vibration signal) . Ultrasonic sensors are used to detect
obstacle in front, since ultrasonic sensors are good in detecting
obstacle in few meters range and this information will be sent in
the form of voice signal. This voice signal is send via speaker
to the user. Here blind people might find it difficult in travelling
without any emergency alert rather than having only ultrasonic

Walking stick has been developed to provide a support for the
visually impaired person.Our system aims to provide an easy

Figure 1. System Block Diagram When the switch is ON the system starts working. It
continuously monitors the presence of obstacle and water, and if
Circuit Diagram detected then provide an alert by using buzzer and vibrator.

Figure 2: Circuit Diagram

#define motor 12
#define buzzer 11

Figure 3: Flowchart

[stextbox id=’grey’ caption=’Defining which pins to

[stextbox id=’grey’ caption=’Defining the pins and
be used as Input or Output’]void setup()
variables in the program’]#define trig1 3
#define echo1 2
pinMode(trig1, OUTPUT);
#define trig2 4
pinMode(echo1, INPUT);
#define echo2 5
pinMode(trig2, OUTPUT);
#define trig3 7
pinMode(echo2, INPUT);
#define echo3 8
pinMode(trig3, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(trig3, HIGH);
pinMode(echo3, INPUT); delayMicroseconds(10);[/stextbox]
pinMode(motor, OUTPUT);
pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT); [stextbox id=’grey’ caption=’Calculate the distances

}[/stextbox] and save them to variables.’]distance1 =

[stextbox id=’grey’ caption=’Initialize ultrasonic distance2 = (duration2/2)/29.1;
waves via sensors and interfacing I/P ports to distance3 = (duration3/2)/29.1;[/stextbox]
corresponding variables:’]void loop()
{ [stextbox id=’grey’ caption=’Calculate the distances

//For sensor 1 and save them to variables.’]if ( distance1 < 120 ||

digitalWrite(trig1, LOW); distance2 < 120 || distance3 < 120 )

delayMicroseconds(2); {

digitalWrite(trig1, HIGH); if ( distance1 <= 60 || distance2 <= 60 || distance3 <=

delayMicroseconds(10); 60 )

duration1 = pulseIn(echo1, HIGH); {

//For sensor 2 digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);

digitalWrite(trig2, LOW); digitalWrite(motor,HIGH);

delayMicroseconds(2); delay(50);

digitalWrite(trig2, HIGH); digitalWrite(buzzer,LOW);

delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(motor,LOW);

duration2 = pulseIn(echo2, HIGH); delay(50);

//For sensor 3 }[/stextbox]

digitalWrite(trig3, LOW);
Following are the criteria to activate either the buzzer
or the motor or both.

Distance Operation
For distance > 1.4m No Buzzer
For 0.7m < distance < 1.4m Buzzer
Buzzer +
distance < 0.7m
For the convenience of the user, apart from the buzzer digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);
a vibrating motor informs the user of a nearby }
obstacle in the corresponding direction as well. }
[stextbox id=’grey’ caption=’apart from the buzzer a }[/stextbox]
vibrating motor informs the user of a nearby obstacle
in the corresponding direction ‘]else if ( distance1 >
This is the model of proposed system. It consists of an
60 && distance1 < distance2 && distance1 < Arduino interfaced with an ultrasonic sensor and water detector.
The stick is designed in such a way that it detects obstacle
distance3 ) within 40cm above and 20cm below. Also a buzzer and vibrator
will sends a signal whenever an obstacle or water puddle is
{ detected.

digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);
Interpretation of Results
else if ( distance2 > 60 && distance2 < distance1 &&
After numerous trials made by the researchers on this
distance2 < distance3 ) project, different complications are identified. For future
researchers, the following are some suggestions to improve this
{ project:

digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);  Add light sensor to detect the presence or absence of

delay(500);  Make use of a warning device through voice
digitalWrite(buzzer,LOW);  Add anti theft protection in order to locate the device
in case of lost.

else if ( distance3 > 60 && distance3 < distance2 && First and foremost, the proponents would like to thank the
Almighty God for giving them knowledge, wisdom, strength,
distance3 < distance2 ) patience, and guidance all throughout the development of this
The proponents would like to extend their sincerest
gratitude for the person who deeply gave assistance and support
in making this project possible: Engr. Gerald Dar Santos, who
eagerly shared his thoughts and insights about the theories and
principles relevant to the research work and

Their parents who have not stopped supporting them until

the end and to their loving professor who showed their support
and guidance; without them, this project would not be possible.


[1] Abhishek Bhokare, “Ultrasonic Blind Walking Stick”,

International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in
Computing and Communication, Volume 4, Issue 1 ,January
[2] Mohammad Hazzaz Mahmud, “ Smart walking stick - an
electronic approach to assist visually disabled persons”,
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research,
Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013
[3] Ankit Agarwal, “Ultrasonic Stick for Blind” ,
International Journal Of Engineering And Computer
Science , Volume 4, Issue 4 ,April 2015
[4] Rohit Sheth , “ Smart White Cane – An Elegant and
Economic Walking Aid ”, American Journal of Engineering
Research ,Volume-03, Issue10,2014
[5] https://maker.pro/arduino/projects/arduino-smart-cane-for-
[6] http://www.ijritcc.org/download/conferences/ICRTCEE_16/I

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