Philippine Electrical Code (PEC)

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Philippine Electrical Code (PEC)

1. The maximum electrical trade size of intermediate conduit ?

A. 100 mm C. 300 mm
B. 200 mm D. 400 mm
2. is a type of permit needed before starti ng any installati on work, alternati on, repair
or extension on any electrical system.
A. Mayor’s Permit C. President’s Permit
B. Electrical Permit D. Electronic’s Permit
3. The PEC is intended for applications by government bodies exercising legal
jurisdicti on over electrical installati on.
A. Exclusive C. Safety
B. Judicial D. Mandatory
4. Which of the following size of single-phase transformer is NOT standard?
A. 30 kV C. 75 KVA
B. 37 ½ kVA D. 20 KVA
5. A building or other structure serve shall be supplied by only one service drop EXCEPT for:
A. Multiple occupancy building C. Emergency electrical system
B. Fire pumps D. All of these
6. is so constructed or protected that exposure to a beating rain will not result in the
entrance of water.
A. Rain Proof C. Rain Tight
B. Weather Proof D. Water Tight
7. hazardous locati ons in which easily ignitable fi bers or material producing
combusti ble flyings are handled, manufactured or used.
A. Class III Division 2 C. Class II Division 1
B. Class III Division 1 D. Class II Division 2
8. The rati ng of the over-current device shall NOT be less than the non-continuous load plus
a percentage of the conti nuous load .
A. 115% C. 125%
B. 145% D. 135%
9. is a point in a wiring system at which current is taken to be used in some
A. Receptacle C. Cord
B. Switch D. Outlet
10. Branch circuit larger than shall supply only non-lighting outlet loads.
A. 50 A C. 60 A
B. 60 A D. 70 A
Electrical Engineering Law

1. There are situations where deviations from the code requirements are necessary. Before
such deviations are made, there must be a written permission from
A. President C. Board of Electrical Engineering
B. Commissioner D. DOE
2. The powers of the Board are vested in them by whose authority?
A. RA 9136 C. RA 1234
B. RA 7920 D. RA 7136
3. What is otherwise known as “PRC MOdernizati on Law”?
A. RA 8981 C. RA 9891
B. RA 8189 D. RA 9198
4. Republic Act 7920 contains how many secti ons?
A. 46 C. 47
B. 48 D. 45
5. To qualify for registered Master Electrician’s Examinati on, the applicant must be at least
A. 18 C. 20
B. 19 D. 21
6. The members of the Board of Electrical Engineering are appointed by the:
A. IIEE C. Commissioner of PRC
B. President of the Philippines D. Commission on Appoinment
7. When was RA 7920 approved by President Fidel V. Ramos?
A. February 21, 1995 C. February 24, 1995
B. February 24, 1996 D. February 21, 1996
8. The Repealing clause of RA 7920 is provided in what secti on of Arti cle VI?
A. Secti on 45 C. Sectrion 46
B. Secti on 44 D. Secti on 43
9. The Board of Electrical Engineering is composed of a chairman and members.
A. 1 C. 3
B. 2 D. 4
10. Who authorized to nominate an individual to the Board of Electrical Engineering?
A. President of the Philippines C. Congressman
B. Senate D. Accredited of Electrical Engineers

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