Update: A Step-By-Step Approach To Due Diligence
Update: A Step-By-Step Approach To Due Diligence
Update: A Step-By-Step Approach To Due Diligence
Edition 1
SRK Update
Since 1998, Centaur Nickel Pty Ltd has been exploiting dry The clients had expressed the wish that the work be carried
laterite nickel-cobalt deposits at Cawse, located approximately out in a step-by-step approach and that after each step a clear
70 km north-east of Kalgoorlie. Cawse was the first plant to decision point would be reached. This worked out well and
successfully use a new High Pressure Acid Leach process to decisions for additional detailed work were taken very cost-
treat the ores in an autoclave. The process has since, with effectively. During the course of the project it became clear
variations, also been installed at Bulong and Murrin Murrin. that considerable expenditure had been avoided in this way.
SRK was requested to carry out a Due Diligence on behalf of a clay profile in a thick weathering profile overlying the ultra-
consortium of Australian, European and US organisations. The mafic Walter Williams Formation. Mineralisation is continuous
project was completed in record time during a period when air along strike for a distance of more than 50 km. Cawse Central
travel in Australia was greatly restricted after the sudden contained the rich Bunyip Dam and Pegasus deposits which
demise of Ansett. Andrew Vigar from Brisbane was Project now have been virtually mined out. The stratigraphy is
Manager of a small multi-disciplinary team from the Brisbane, defined by a series of regolith zones that are laterally
Perth and Sydney offices. Mike Warren from the Sydney office consistent and occur draped like an undulating ‘blanket’ over
looked after mining and the financial model, Louis Voortman the underlying formations. The topography varies from
from the Perth office assessed the in-situ and upgrade undulating laterite ridges to flat-lying alluvial sediments cut by
resource potential. John Reid and Keith Leather, both associate local palaeo-channels.
plant, the nickel refinery and looked at the scope for further
The Cawse plant consists of a scrubbing section to produce the predictions and test the sensitivity of the operation to future
upgraded feedstock for the autoclave unit, a portion of the metal price and ore feed grade.
plant that produces an intermediary product and an efficient
nickel refinery. Nearby resources are currently being The SRK team drew up a list of critical issues that included
developed to deliver additional feed to the plant. To assess the realistic resource grades, plant upgrade capacity, plant
potential for additional in-situ and upgrade resources, SRK expansion potential and related capital costs, and provided a
used standard 3-dimensional as well as 2-dimensional realistic judgment on the sensitivity of the project to future
resource models. The latter models automatically take the metal prices. The SRK study showed the sensitivity of the
undulating behaviour of the ore-bearing regolith zones into project to a combination of plant grade and metal price, and
account. In addition to the classic due diligence approach to the clients were in a position to make a pragmatic decision on
arrive at a opinion on the current operation, SRK used a future potential within a very tight timeframe.
2 detailed financial model to generate a series of cash flow
SRK Update
However, the structure of the attribute table does not explain If you would like more details about the Structural Toolkit for
how to prevent double handling in the data capture process. To Mapinfo, please contact Paul Gardner (GIS Consultant) in the
solve this problem it was necessary to make the GIS simpler for Perth office, email: pgardner@srk.com.au.
Course and Products for 2002
Applied Mining Geostatistics for Geologists decision-making, and links the course material to
the day-to-day operations of the site. The course
and Mining Engineers is highly relevant, “concepts easily transportable
SRK is continuing to run this popular and essential course to mine and regional scale work - hope I can
during 2002. Planning for courses in Kalgoorlie (May) and Perth remember it all though” commented one course
(September) are well underway, and a number of single-client participant. Designed to be run at your site, the
in-house courses are already planned. The course covers the
Cam McCuaig
course includes a review of your data and
basic concepts of the application of best practice estimation to development of field exercises at the your site, be
your resource, and concentrates on ensuring fundamental that mine-based or an exploration-based program.
mistakes are avoided. The course covers all the principal
modern techniques, including kriging in its various forms, MIK, For further information contact
Uniform Conditioning and simulations. However the course Cam McCuaig at cmccuaig@srk.com.au.
focuses on making sure the basics are understood and the right
methods chosen. Software training (integrated with
geostatistics training) and support for the advanced
geostatistical package Isatis are also offered as part of our The Eastern Goldfields maps now covers 30 map sheets between Laverton in the
training package, and this has now been successfully run for a north and Erayinia in the east, and between Norseman and Menzies in the west.
number of minesites. These maps are available as ArcView and MapInfo files in digital format, and all
include details of the structural evolution not found on any other series of
Register your interest with Michael Humphreys at Yilgarn maps.
Archaean Provinces provide a huge proportion of the gold produced in the world.
SRK has a consistent database of geological map information, linked to a variety
Structural Geology in Mining and Exploration
SRK Update
blocks that are of a similar volume to the selective mining unit to be processed as ore or waste will be made.
(SMU). By estimating blocks that are too small, we risk
conditionally biasing the estimates which could lead to the To achieve this it is recommended that a non-linear estimator
underestimation of high grades and also result in marginal ore be used. It is common knowledge that all linear estimators such
being classified as waste. In particular, the true variability of as inverse distance weighting, ordinary kriging etc. introduce
small blocks, which is a key parameter for selectivity, could be smoothing to a model, which is fine for global estimation but
distorted (over-smoothed). In effect, kriging of small blocks from unwanted for local estimation. Basically, with a non-linear
sparse data will always over-estimate the recoverable tonnage estimator such as Uniform Conditioning, ordinary kriging is
for a cut-off below the mean and underestimate this tonnage for used to estimate the parent panel, which in our example is the
a cut-off higher than the mean. The method will also always 20m x 20mx 6m block. There are several non-linear estimators
under-estimate the recovered mean grade, whatever the cut-off which should first be tested for suitability to a given
grade. mineralisation style.
A more appropriate method is to estimate blocks of at least half The methodology described above has been successfully
the drilling grid and to determine the grade-tonnage curves for employed by SRK at a number of sites and mineralisation styles
the mining units within these panels using the appropriate and results in better exploitation of the resource as
geostatistical methods. misclassification of ore as waste, and vice versa, is largely avoided.
SRK’s Approach
Assume that the nominal spacing of the drillhole intercepts
along the orebody is of the order of 40m x 40m. This raises the
issue of how large an estimation block needs to be to achieve
confident estimates from this grid. A general rule of thumb is
that the estimation block needs to be at least half the size of the
drilling grid along the x and y-axes, however this can be
established from the variogram model and the drilling geometry.
Mike Warren
aspects of mining, including technical, supervisory, financial and head office head up the due diligence business
roles. Beginning with 8 years at Broken Hill with CRA, Mike went into the coal sector in Australia. In the last two years
mining industry where the “toys were bigger”. Mike worked for Goonyella Coal or so Mike has consulted on or lead
Mine in the Bowen Basin of Queensland for 5 years, initially for Utah teams in due diligence for;
Development Company who were later taken over by BHP.
• Yanzhou Coal, Jining III Coal Mine, China
for Rothschild.
• Mt Cuthbert Copper SXEW mine in Queensland for Summo Minerals Inc.
forward in 2002
Aluminium Corporation of China Limited (Chalco) on the New York and
Hong Kong stock exchanges.
• A review and valuation (with Ernst & Young ) of the My Leyshon assets
for Normandy.
• Consulted on WMC Gold reserves for Gold Fields.
• A review of the Cawse nickel mine for Rothschild and potential
SRK Consulting’s strategic focus for 2002 will continue to be on
providing highly professional advice and products to mining operations,
mineral and oil exploration companies both in Australia and overseas.
Contact Mike at Level 9, 1 York Street, Sydney NSW 2000.
Our strengths in the specialised large scale mining methods of the
Ph: +612 9250 0130 Fax: +612 9250 0131 e-mail: mwarren@srk.com
future, and the complex geotechnical and engineering challenges that
these present, are continuing to grow, and will lead the growth that we
are predicting into 2002. SRK provides critical input into almost all
underground mining projects in Australia, and these are maintaining a
strong focus on mining development projects in 2002.
well placed to provide both resource geology and engineering expertise Expanded Environmental Services
into those operations, to help companies make the best planning Working towards providing our clients with a wider spectrum of
decisions possible based on the best technical and economic outcomes. services, SRK has formed an alliance with Martinick McNulty
Along with the mining and engineering aspects, SRK’s resources and based in Perth. Martinick McNulty, established in 1979 has been
geology groups are working with a number of companies to optimise active in providing baseline studies, environmental monitoring
resource development projects. This includes applying best-practice and EIS/EIA studies. This will supplement the geochemistry and
structural geology to advanced resource estimation procedures. This mine closure services already provided by our GeoEnvironmental
approach delivers much improved domain definition, based on practical engineering group in Brisbane. The alliance with Martinique
mining considerations such as the mining method, controlling McNulty will also increase the scope of SRK’s environmental
structures, and alteration pattern. services on the western seaboard.
In our exploration division, our focus for 2002 will be on advanced Another Successful Mine Closure
modelling of ore bodies, based on ensuring 3D data are captured and John Chapman of our Brisbane office recently completed a review
displayed in the most appropriate format to the problem at hand. New of the 2001 monitoring data for the closed Flambeau Mine located
methods of treating data are being developed, to add to the range of in Wisconsin (USA), a Kennecott operation. At the Flambeau Mine
possibilities already provided by the major software packages. The core SRK assisted the operator in the development of a limestone
SRK strengths in structural geology, geological interpretation and ore amendment control program to neutralise acidic waste rock prior
body geometry are still being applied to generate regional and local to backfilling the waste rock open pit. The monitoring results
geological models for exploration. Increasingly, the new methodologies have shown that complete neutralisation of the backfill pore
of risk management and exploration accountability are being worked water has been achieved and dissolved metal concentrations are
into these products, to ensure exploration initiatives meet the increased within the limits estimated for the equilibrated groundwater.
accountability demanded by senior managers.
SRK’s major initiative into oil and gas exploration will become an even
larger part of the SRK business focus in 2002, with the division
generating major projects and successes in 2001, and with strong
demand for these products looking set to continue into 2002. The
initiatives of the SEEBASE technology developed for oil basins can also
Stop Press
To keep our clients informed of recent activities in China, the next
be applied to projects in mineral sands, water and particularly red-bed SRK Sundowner will focus on mining in the People's Republic of
copper and SEDEX mineral environments. China. Several high-level guest speakers have been contacted,
among them the Consul-General in Perth. The event will take place
SRK is also developing a new set of advanced courses for 2002. These at the end of March & invitations will be sent out shortly.
include new ways of interpreting aeromagnetic data (with ENCOM
Technologies), an updated and revised structural geology course, and a
new course in Geostatistics.
Peter Williams
Managing Director
25 Richardson Street, West Perth, WA, 6005
Ph: +61 8 9322 2993 Fax: +61 8 9322 2994