Liquid Permeability
Liquid Permeability
Liquid Permeability
Student’s Name
Instructor’s Name
This report assesses the absolute liquid permeability of a core sample and liquid brine.
Permeability is the linkage of the pore spaces within a rock and scales the capability to transmit
or flow fluids via a rock. It is determined by applying for Henry Darcy’s liquid permeability
research work. The permeability was ascertained using Liquid Permeameter instrument that uses
compressed air at firm conditions, Nitrogen gas and liquid Brine which flows via a rock
specimen. The Darcy’s Law of permeability calculations was undertaken using five distinct flow
rates utilizing brine volumes at discrete time intervals within the lab. The exercise highlighted
the efficiency of flow rate, applying the values noted from diameter, viscosity, length, the
pressure to achieve the core sample absolute permeability.
The lab objective measures the saturated brine liquid permeability through the application
of Darcy’s Law.
particular fluid when there is saturation in the medium. Both gases and liquids have been applied
in the determination of permeability. However, liquids in most instances alter the pore structure
thus causing permeability. For example, when water is injected with a sample containing clay, it
creates a decrease in permeability because of the swelling of clay soils. A core sample often has
oil and water; it is essential to prepare the samples for examination. Cores are extracted using
Soxhlet extractor and then dried up. The remaining fluids are eliminated, and the examples are
declared 100% saturated. In principle, a steady single flow rate allows routine calculation of
permeability from the law of Darcy.
Darcy empirically described the flow of fluid within the porous media as a correspondent
of the variation in pressure per unit length. The correlation was deduced from data that was
gathered via this lab where the fluid flows vertically via the brine. Because a core’s permeability
is constant, the lab instead utilized water as a liquid for the exercise. Darcy’s Law is expressed
Q= µ𝐿
The experiment uses PERL-200 tool which relies on the concept of Darcy’s Law. The
brine’s flow is regulated and achieved through pressurizing brine using air gas. The rate of flow
upstream is moderated using pressure gas regulator. According to the lab, the outcome of the
liquid flow rate via the core sample determines the time of collection during the lab exercise.
Additionally, the pressure gathering liquid meniscus is to flow between the lower and upper
mark of the calibrated tube for measurement. The lab applied minimum flow rates to avoid
turbulence in the flow and curb on brine migration within the core.
Surname 3
The timer is stopped when brine attains the lower calibration point. V3 should be initiated
to fill the position and halt the flow. Consequently, time should is recorded for 10cc of brine
passing via the sample. Also, upstream pressure is noted, and valve four should be opened to
facilitate the flowing of brine to fill tube for measurement to a level that surpasses the calibration
point (upper). Valve 4 is then closed, and valve 2 initiated simultaneously to enable flowing
position. Upstream pressure can be adjusted by a regulator to offer a better flow rate if needed.
Subsequently, turn the V3 in a flowing position, undertake a repeat of measurements from
procedure fifteen to twenty-two, and determine permeability. Repeat measurements until the
reservoir is empty. Initiate V3 and unload the sample for testing. Finally, flush the unit using
distilled water after use, and empty the water from the flow systems and dry via passing air
through the device.
During the lab, the procedures were conducted step by step and data gathered five times.
Consequently, the time taken for the receptacle to outlet the water and the capacity of pressure
used was recorded applying every individual trial. Each liquid permeability measurement was
calculated to attain the core’s average permeability of the gas.
Some small errors were occurring during the procedure. Firstly, the core sample might
not reflect the reservoir rock due to the heterogeneity of the reservoir. Secondly, the core
permeability might be altered when there is a cut or when cleaning is performed and drying
undertaken for preparation evaluation. The issue is possible to happen when the rock has reactive
clays. Also, the incompleteness of the core recovery could also lead to an error. Lastly, errors
from stopwatch timing and readings are part of the lab pitfalls.
Before the lab exercise, one could obtain the necessary permeability values for
calculation. These are core’s diameter, length and the area of the core sample. The data are
illustrated below.
V = 𝜋𝑟2𝐿 =𝜋 × 3.765: 18.93𝑐𝑐
𝑉 18.93𝑐𝑐
Q= 𝑡 = = 0.119cc/s
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𝑘𝐴 ∆𝑃
Q= ×
𝑚 𝐿
P2 = 0 m=1cp
π 2.53 2
Area of the core (A) 4 d2 =( ) = 5.027 cm2
𝑘(5.027) 1.861
0.119 = × 3.765
k = 0.0479 Darcy
𝑐𝑐 𝑘𝐴 ∆𝑃
tq =
𝑠𝑐𝑐 𝑀 𝐿
Place the sample in the core holder, and then pressurize the air using water. Note the
value of p and convert it to atm.
Flow rate = ( ) note the time it takes the fluid to flow via the sample. The volume is
fixed in cc.
P1= 27.35psi
P2= 0
The water viscosity value was used to determine the permeability regarding Darcy’s Law
(McCain, 180). Water viscosity also relies on the normal condition, where pressure stands at 14.7
and temperature reads 60 °F.
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The V equals ten 10ccs and time in seconds passing 10cc brine via the sample (core) is
represented by T. Permeability calculation for gas (k) for the readings are undertaken using the
equation below.
1400 ×𝑉𝜇𝐿
k = (𝑃1−𝑃2)𝐴𝑇
In attaining P1, the average pressure is applied; the pressures are added together and divided
by two to achieve the average pressure. Also, pisa is used in the calculation of the
permeability. The formula is illustrated as;
Pisa= pisg+14.
Pisa= pisg+14.7
For instance
P1= = 1.8654 pisg
The lab necessitates collection of both downstream and upstream pressures. The
downstream pressures should begin at zero. The data is illustrated in Table 1 below.
After listing the values, liquid permeability of the sample core is determined using
formula demonstrated below;
k = (𝑃1−𝑃2)𝐴𝑇
Where: k= (𝑃1−𝑃2)𝐴𝑇
= 131.3 md
(16.565−14.7𝑝𝑖𝑠𝑎)(5.027𝑐𝑚2)(415 sec )
The complete data for the liquid permeability is displayed in Table 2 below.
According to the data in Table 2 above, there are five liquid permeability values. Since
the liquid permeability is constant, the average permeability of the sample core is derived as
Surname 8
kaverage = = 112.24 md
In conclusion, the core sample liquid permeability calculated is 0.0479 Darcy while in
experiment 4 the value was 0.075 Darcy. The variance emerges from a probable leak within the
system or as a result of human error; when obtaining the actual time taken for the passing of the
liquid via the core hence affecting the determination of permeability. Subsequently, the
experiment is highlighting the application of Darcy’s Law in the determination of the core
sample’s liquid permeability. Lastly, from the lab it is clear that permeability measured using gas
is greater than that where a liquid is a flowing fluid involved.