GMAW Welding - Max
GMAW Welding - Max
GMAW Welding - Max
A-3 This chart shows the difference in heat input into the metal between A-4 Because of its simplicity and controllability, it takes very little instruc-
GMA (MIG) welding and oxyacetylene welding. tion to make quality welds with a GMA (MIG) welding machine.
Advantages of GMA (MIG) welding include it: Additional advantages of GMA (MIG) welding
include its:
■ produces a small heat-affected zone. The heat-
affected zone is much smaller when compared ■ simplicity. GMA (MIG) welding is relatively easy
to oxyacetylene welding. Low current output to learn when compared to some of the other
can be used to weld thin metals, and the small welding methods. A welder can generally make
area of metal being welded is heated for only a quality welds with only a few hours of instruction
short period of time. This is a consideration when and practice.
welding high-strength steel (HSS). ■ controllability. With enough practice, the arc can
■ can be used to weld all commercial metals and be made smoother and the weld puddle kept
alloys. With the proper electrode wire and shield- smaller so it is easily controlled.
ing gas, GMA (MIG) welding can typically weld ■ speed. GMA (MIG) welding is a faster process
any metal found on a vehicle. than many other types of welding.
■ works well in all welding positions, including
horizontal, vertical, and overhead.
■ does not produce a heavy welding slag and
requires minimal post-weld cleaning.
B-5 This illustration shows the difference in arc length and width for higher
(left) and lower (right) voltage settings.
■ important because any changes in resistance will ■ are plugged into an AC power supply.
result in a change in the amperage output of the ■ convert AC to DC in the welding machine. The
welder. incoming or primary alternating current is con-
■ affected by the amount of electrode extension, verted into a direct current, secondary output
which may be called stick out. Stick-out is the that is used to make the weld.
distance from the welding gun tip to the base ■ can be set to reverse or straight polarity.
metal, or how long the wire is from the contact
tip to the base metal. Increasing stick-out increases
the resistance in the circuit. Decreasing stick-out
results in less resistance.
■ when the electrode is positive and the workpiece ■ is when the electrode is negative.
is negative. Current flows from the workpiece to ■ is when the workpiece (through the work clamp)
the electrode. is positive.
■ called direct current electrode positive (DCEP) ■ is called direct current electrode negative (DCEN)
by the AWS. by the AWS.
■ applies most of the heat to the workpiece rather
Reverse polarity with solid wire is used most often than to the electrode. This is because the current
for collision repair, because it provides: flows from the electrode to the workpiece.
■ is recommended for all positions when welding
■ the best fusion, leaving less weld on the surface with flux-cored wire.
to grind off.
■ a more stable arc. Methods of changing the polarity of a welding
machine include:
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B-10 There are three main types of transfer used for GMA (MIG)
welding steel. B-12 Short-circuit transfer is the preferred method for welding on sheet
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C-1 GMA (MIG) welders all have the same basic parts regardless of their
Just as the name implies, the electrode touches, type or size.
or short circuits, the metal. There is a continuing
sequence: Regardless of the type of GMA (MIG) welder used,
the basic parts are the same. Each type will have a:
1. The wire touches or “short circuits” the base
metal. ■ power source.
2. The wire begins to break off. ■ spool of electrode wire.
3. The wire separates, transferring metal to the weld ■ wire feeder.
puddle, and an arc is ignited between the end of ■ supply of shielding gas.
the electrode wire and the base metal. ■ regulator/flow meter.
4. The heat of the arc heats and flattens the weld ■ welding gun at the end of the cable.
puddle and the end of the electrode wire. ■ work clamp at the end of a cable.
5. The wire speed overcomes the heat of the arc and
the wire contacts the base metal, short circuit-
ing and turning off the arc, starting the process
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C-2 The transformer and electronic parts that make up the welding machine C-3 This chart can be used to determine the required amperage for weld-
power source can be seen when the cover is removed. ing different thicknesses of metal.
Electrode wires for steel vary with the amount of AWS ER70S-5:
deoxidizers added. This is represented by the last
digit. ■ contains aluminum, allowing higher heat settings
(when using straight CO2).
AWS ER70S-3: ■ is not good for overhead or vertical welds because
the weld puddle stays fluid too long.
■ contains a relatively low percentage of deoxidiz- ■ is not recommended for collision repairs.
ers compared to other electrode wires.
■ may produce welds of lower tensile and yield
strengths under certain conditions.
– straight CO2
– high welding currents
■ is recommended by some vehicle makers for full
frame sectioning procedures.
■ compared to other wires, has the highest amounts ■ has high amounts of manganese which adds to
of silicon and manganese. the weld quality when used on coated steels.
■ produces smooth, well-shaped welds. The high ■ has the same strength as ER70S-6.
silicon content increases the weld puddle fluidity ■ recommended for collision repairs, but availability
and helps to “wet out” the weld. may be limited.
■ is good for overhead and vertical welds because
the weld puddle turns solid quickly.
■ is recommended for collision repairs. One of the
reasons that ER70S-6 is the recommended wire
for most collision repairs is that it has the best
performance when welding over scale, rust, and
other contaminants. It also has one of the highest
weld bead strengths of all the carbon steel GMA
(MIG) welding electrode wires.
MGA Research Corporation conducted research for GMA (MIG) welders that are designed to be plugged
I-CAR on flux-cored electrode. This research confirms into a 110/120-volt power outlet are typically called
that flux-cored electrode: 115-volt welding machines. 115-volt GMA (MIG)
machines may:
■ burns too hot for galvanized metal thinner than
18 gauge. ■ be originally set up for flux-cored electrodes.
■ is especially suited to welding zinc-coated ■ have knurled drive rolls. If converting a GMA
steel. (MIG) machine from flux-cored to solid electrode
■ may result in welds of less-than-ideal appear- wire, it may be necessary to change the drive
ance. rolls.
■ creates a smoke problem due to the burning ■ require switching the polarity of the machine to
flux, especially in the overhead position. Proper weld with solid electrode wires.
ventilation can control this. A welding respirator ■ require a conversion kit to weld with solid elec-
must be worn. trode wires.
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C-14 Electrode wire diameter is selected based on the material thickness C-15 This chart shows the amperage range capabilities of different elec-
and amperage requirements. trode wire diameters.
Electrode wire diameters common for collision repair When the amperage range overlaps another diam-
include: eter wire:
Checking electrode wire cast and helix is a trouble- Cast and helix describe a length of spooled wire left
shooting step, and does not need to be done when- to uncoil naturally. To check cast and helix:
ever setting up a machine. Cast is the curvature of
a length of welding wire caused by winding it on 1. Cut off about 300 cm (10') of electrode wire
the spool. Helix is the pitch of a length of welding from a spool.
wire. A length of wire with no helix, laying on a flat 2. Loop the wire by hand, and toss it on the floor.
surface, would contact the surface along its entire 3. Measure the cast of the wire. The cast is the
length. Cast and helix are important because: diameter of the wire loop as it is laying loose on
the floor.
■ there must be some coil in the wire to allow the 4. Measure the helix of the wire. The helix is how high
wire to touch the contact tip and transfer the one end of the wire loop is above the floor.
■ the straighter the wire, the easier it will come off
the spool. A larger cast generally means the wire
will feed better.
■ a larger cast reduces wear on the liner and weld-
ing gun assembly.
■ a large helix will make the wire tend to wander
as it leaves the contact tip. The helix should be
C-18 This illustration shows what cast and helix are, and the AWS
recommendations for each on a spool of 0.8 mm (.030") or smaller
diameter wire.
The wire is pulled off the spool by drive rolls that are
powered by a drive motor and sent through the cable
to the welding gun. The pressure of the drive rolls
against the wire has to be correct because too:
The type of shielding gas used depends on the metal 75% argon/25% CO2:
being welded. For example:
■ improves mechanical weld strength properties.
■ a mix of 75% argon/25% CO2 is used for most col- – yield strength
lision repairs on mild and high-strength steels. – tensile strength
■ pure argon is used when welding aluminum or ■ produces a smooth and stable arc with less spat-
when using silicon bronze wire. Silicon bronze ter than pure CO2.
wire is used for some exterior joints, such as sail ■ produces a small weld puddle that sets up
panels. quickly. This is an advantage when welding out
■ there are tri-mix shielding gases available that can of position.
be used when welding steel. A common tri-mix
gas is 90% helium–7.5% argon–2.5% CO2. This
mix is typically used when welding stainless steel
with the short circuit transfer process.
Pure CO2 reduces the amperage required and pro- A regulator is attached to the gas cylinder. Regula-
vides deep weld penetration. Disadvantages of pure tors:
CO2 are that it:
■ reduce cylinder pressure to working pressure.
■ penetrates too deeply on thin-gauge metal. ■ must be matched to the type of shielding gas
■ makes an unstable arc and increases spatter. used.
■ measure flow rate in cubic feet per hour (cfh). ■ gun liner.
■ are generally adjusted to 25–30 cfh for collision ■ handle.
repair welding. Shielding gas flow rates may ■ neck.
need to be increased when there is a breeze ■ nozzle.
present in the area where welding will be done. ■ contact tip.
Welding stainless steel with tri-mix gas typically ■ trigger.
requires a higher gas flow rate of about 35 cfh.
Many welding machines will have gas type and
flow rate recommendations included in the set
up chart under the lid.
■ guides the electrode wire from the drive rolls to ■ transfers current to the electrode wire. The elec-
the contact tip. trode wire does not carry any current until it goes
■ inside diameter (I.D.) must be matched to the through the contact tip or tube.
diameter of the electrode wire used. ■ is usually made of copper or copper alloy.
■ must be properly installed to provide proper ■ inside diameter must match the diameter of the
feeding. electrode wire used. This is usually stamped on
■ should be cleaned to remove metal particles. the tip.
Copper-coated wire tends to leave copper par- ■ must be changed when the hole diameter
ticles that can build up and affect wire feeding. becomes enlarged with use. This reduces current
Liners can be cleaned by blowing compressed transfer efficiency.
air through them from both ends.
C-33 This work clamp completes the electrical circuit for the output of the
welding machine, but is not the electrical ground for the input side.
D-2 Be sure you know how to adjust the machine settings and change
parts that require maintenance before welding.
E-1 The immediate weld zone is being stripped of all paint and coatings
When first using a GMA (MIG) welder, learn how before welding.
Surfaces to be welded must be clean. Cleaning the
■ adjust the wire feeder and drive rolls for proper surface may include:
feeding of the electrode wire.
■ change the contact tip, insulator, and liner. ■ cleaning with wax and grease remover. Wax and
■ set the voltage and follow the equipment maker’s grease removers are flammable. DO NOT store
recommendations for different types and thick- wax and grease remover or cleaning cloths in
nesses of metal. the welding or repair area.
■ set the wire speed to achieve the correct output ■ removing the finish, undercoating, corrosion,
amperage for different types and thicknesses of dirt, oil, and grease. Do not remove galvanized
metal. coatings.
■ set the shielding gas flow rate. ■ using a plastic woven pad, sander, putty knife,
media blaster, or wire brush. A wire brush should
only be used on non-galvanized metal.
■ using a grinder only when absolutely necessary.
Refer to screen D-3v of your CD-ROM for a
If a grinder is used, do not reduce the thickness
video on setting up a GMA (MIG) welding
of the metal.
I-CAR conducted a test of weld-through primers. The F-1 The proper balance between the voltage and amperage, or wire speed,
test concluded that weld-through primer is effective for settings is critical to making a quality weld.
controlling corrosion on mating surfaces that are not
galvanized. I CAR recommends applying weld-through GMA (MIG) welding depends on a number of opera-
primer to mating surfaces where there is no zinc coat- tor variables, all of which must work together to make
ing or where the zinc coating has been removed. a good weld. These variables include:
While I-CAR and several vehicle makers recommend ■ NIOSH-approved welding respirator
the use of weld-through coatings, the paint makers ■ Welding helmet
may not. Failure to follow the recommendations of the ■ Safety glasses
paint maker may void the paint maker’s warranty. ■ Protective clothing
■ Leather gloves, sleeves, and apron
■ Ear protection
Select the Demonstration icon found on screen ■ Clothing and shoes free of flammables
E-4 of your CD-ROM for examples of weld- ■ No matches or lighters in pockets
through primer. ■ Fire extinguisher nearby
Travel speed:
A travel speed that is too:
■ is how fast the technician moves the welding gun
■ slow, with all other parameters being correct,
along the weld joint. Travel speed is a welding
can cause either poor weld bead penetration or
variable that is controlled by the technician.
burnthrough. Whether or not bead penetration
■ will depend on the thickness of the material being
is poor or excessive and results in burnthrough
welded, the type of joint, and the position the
depends on a number of variables. These include
weld is being made in. The correct travel speed
the degree of the travel speed problem and thick-
to use will be dependent on a number of factors
ness of material being welded. Too slow a travel
that are not controlled by the technician. speed can result in poor penetration because the
■ affects the weld bead penetration, size, and arc becomes concentrated on top of the weld
shape. puddle instead of on the base metal ahead of the
puddle. The weld bead will have more deposited
weld metal but very limited fusion and penetration.
This is more likely when welding on thicker gauge
metal, such as a full frame. Thinner gauge sheet
metal is more susceptible to burnthrough with
travel speeds that are too slow. Excesssively slow
travel speeds can result in burnthrough even on
thicker gauge metal. Too slow of a travel speed will
also result in a large, flat, and wide weld bead.
■ fast, with all other parameters being correct, will
result in poor weld bead penetration and fusion.
This is because of a reduction in heat input due
to the arc not staying in one place long enough
to create complete melting of the base metal. The
metal only melts near the surface so the bead
cannot penetrate the base metal. This also results
in a taller narrower bead, due to a lack of wetting
out of the weld puddle, and a reduction in the
amount of weld metal deposited.
Work Angle
F-4 Welding gun angle is viewed from two different planes, including the F-5 Travel angle is the angle between the gas nozzle and the workpiece
travel angle and the work angle. in relation to the direction of gun travel.
■ affects where the heat is directed to the joint. ■ is the angle that the welding gun is pointed either
■ includes the travel angle, which is the angle the towards or away from the direction of gun travel.
welding gun travels along a joint. The gun is pointed towards the direction of travel
■ includes the work angle, which is the angle the for the push technique, and away for the pull
welding gun is directed towards the joint. technique.
■ varies depending on the type of joint being ■ affects weld bead penetration, spatter, shielding
welded. gas coverage, and arc stability. Travel angles that
are too high, typically over 30o from perpendicu-
lar, may cause poor penetration, excessive spat-
ter, poor shielding gas coverage, and general arc
instability. Too much angle on the welding gun
directs the heat and shielding gas away from the
weld puddle which can cause a lack of penetra-
tion and spatter. It also effectively increases the
stick-out length which if too severe can cause
the arc to wander and become unstable.
F-6 Work angle affects where the electrode wire is aimed at the joint. F-7 The pull technique aims the electrode wire back towards the weld
puddle as the gun is dragged away from it.
Work angle:
Welding gun direction refers to either the:
■ can be described as the angle that the plane of
the welding gun has in relation to the joint being ■ pull technique.
welded. It affects where the electrode wire is ■ push technique.
aimed at the joint.
■ affects weld bead penetration and shape, shielding The pull technique:
gas coverage, and weld undercut. Incorrect work
angles may lead to poor penetration, undercut, ■ is when the welding gun is pointed at and dragged
poor shielding gas coverage, and a poorly shaped away from the weld.
weld bead. ■ may be called drag or backhand with a drag in
AWS manuals.
The work angle must be correct for the joint being ■ produces a higher, narrower bead.
welded. The electrode wire must be pointed where ■ increases penetration. This is because the pull
the weld bead is to be placed. technique directs the arc at the preheated base
■ positions the welding gun at a 70° travel angle
to the workpiece.
The push technique:
■ is the distance from the end of the contact tip to
■ is when the welding gun is pointed and pushed the end of the electrode wire.
away from the weld. ■ may also be called contact tip height.
■ may be called forehand or lead angle in AWS ■ should remain constant along the weld pass.
manuals. ■ for 0.6 mm (.023") wire should be 6–13 mm
■ produces a flatter, wider bead. (1⁄4–1⁄2").
■ decreases penetration when all other parameters ■ for larger diameter wire, such as 0.9 mm (.035"),
are kept the same. This is because the arc and should be 13–25 mm (1⁄2–1").
heat are directed away from the weld puddle and
the preheated base metal.
■ positions the welding gun at a 70° travel angle
to the workpiece.
F-11 Welding may be required in any one of four positions when doing
Stick-out affects: collision repairs.
■ the amperage output of the welder. Changes in GMA (MIG) welds can be performed in any position.
stick-out result in changes in resistance, which The position depends on the location of the repair.
causes the amperage output to change. Shorter Welding in the:
stick-out will have less resistance and therefore
more amperage, when compared to longer ■ flat position is usually easiest. Try to position the
stickout. weld flat as often as possible.
■ weld penetration. Because changing stick-out ■ horizontal position is usually easiest if the welding
changes amperage output, shortening stickout gun is angled upward.
will increase penetration. Lengthing stickout will ■ vertical position is usually easiest if the welding gun
decrease penetration. is angled upward and pulled down on thin-gauge
metal. This helps prevent too much penetration
Because changing stickout changes amperage, and and helps manage the weld puddle.
weld penetration, it should be kept consistent for the ■ overhead position requires lower heat settings
entire length of a weld. than other positions. Correct machine settings
and stick-out can reduce spatter falling into the
shielding gas nozzle or on the operator.
F-12 This joint is using both screws and tack welds to hold the parts
in position.
G-5 Turn off and unplug the welding machine before attempting
to fix a bird nest.
H-1 This coupon is severely distorted from excessive heat input during
To fix this problem: welding.
■ stitch welds.
■ skip welds.
■ alternating plug welds.
H-2 This stitch weld was made to reduce distortion of the metal H-3 A skip weld can be made in more than one way, either starting in the
while welding. center of the panel and working out alternately in opposite directions,
or randomly and then filling in the spaces.
I-1 The root gap on this joint was too small to allow adequate penetration
for the thickness of metal being welded.
Signs of good weld penetration on the backside If there is so much penetration that there is a large
are: bead or ripple on the backside, or a hole through
the metal, it is called burnthrough. Causes of burn
■ more than just a heat mark. through include:
■ a small ripple that can be felt, which is called
melt-through. ■ heat settings that are too high.
■ too slow of a travel speed. Burnthrough in plug
����������������� welds may be caused by not keeping the welding
gun moving in a circle around the base of the
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■ stick-out that is too short.
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■ an incorrect welding gun angle. This is especially
true in fillet welds. If the work angle directs the
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electrode at only the bottom piece, there may
be too much heat input for a single thickness.
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����� ■ a root gap that is too wide. This applies to butt
joint welds, both open and with a backing.
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I-3 This chart can be used as a quick-guide to help adjust a welding
machine for a specific criteria.
Select the Demonstration icon found on screen
I-4 of your CD-ROM for examples of welds that
On this chart, numbers indicate the order in which
have proper and improper penetration.
the variables should be adjusted.
J-2 The porosity holes in one end of this weld were the result of a
blocked shielding gas nozzle.
Cracks on the top or inside of the weld bead are Causes of distorted, or uneven beads include:
usually the result of:
■ a technician with an unsteady hand.
■ strains on the base metal. This is why heat manage- ■ a worn or recessed contact tip, or too much
ment and the control of distortion are important stick-out, causing the electrode to wander as it
factors. comes out.
■ too much heat input into the metal. This is typically ■ voltage that is set too high, causing the electrode
a result of the voltage and wire speed (current) to melt off in large drops with narrow areas of
setting being too high for the material thickness bead width in between.
being welded. ■ uneven travel speeds.
■ unbalanced voltage and amperage settings. If the
ratio of the weld bead depth-to-width is too high,
cracking may occur.
■ improper welding technique or settings when
welding on heavy gauge material. Collision repair
welding is typically not done on material thick
enough for weld cracking to be an issue.
■ an excess amount of weld metal deposited on ■ is applied after the welding process is com-
the top and either side of the weld bead. pleted.
■ caused by too high a wire speed, too low of a volt- ■ highlights cracks, skips, or porosity so they can
age setting, or a travel speed that is too slow. be easily found.