What it is?
Psychographics divides the market into groups based on opinions, beliefs, values and interests. It is based on
the assumptions that the types of products and brands an individual purchases will reflect that persons
characteristics and patterns of living.
Resigned – Rigid, strict and authoritarian. Orientated to the past and resigned roles. Tends to be
older people. Seek survival. A magazine the resigned profile would like is a practical
magazine or newspaper.
Struggler – Alienated struggler. Disorganised – with mainly mechanical and physical skills.
Tend to be heavy consumers of alcohol, junk food etc. Seeks escape. A magazine the
struggler profile would like is a celebrity gossip magazine to allow them to escape.
Mainstreamer – Domestic, conformist, conventional, habitual and part of the mass. Follow
the latest trends. Seeks security.
Aspirer - Materialistic, acquisitive, affiliation and place importance on brands and identity.
Usually young people. Seeks status
Reformer - Socially aware and free from restrictions and make independent decisions. Anti -
materialistic, inquisitive and support growth of new products. Seek enlightenment.
What is it?
Demographic data information is used in media marketing to classify an audience by age, gender, race and other
categories. In media demographics are used to pinpoint potential audience growth and to spot under
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