TR Photography NC II

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East Service Road, South Superhighway, Taguig, Metro Manila
Technical Education and Skills Development Act of 1994
(Republic Act No. 7796)

Section 22, “Establishment and Administration of the National

Trade Skills Standards” of the RA 7796 known as the TESDA Act
mandates TESDA to establish national occupational skill
standards. The Authority shall develop and implement a
certification and accreditation program in which private industry
group and trade associations are accredited to conduct approved
trade tests, and the local government units to promote such trade
testing activities in their respective areas in accordance with the
guidelines to be set by the Authority.
The Training Regulations (TR) serve as basis for the:

1. Competency assessment and certification;

2. Registration and delivery of training programs; and
3. Development of curriculum and assessment instruments.

Each TR has four sections:

Section 1 Definition of Qualification - refers to the group of competencies

that describes the different functions of the qualification.

Section 2 Competency Standards - gives the specifications of

competencies required for effective work performance.

Section 3 Training Standards - contains information and requirements in

designing training program for certain Qualification. It includes
curriculum design, training delivery; trainee entry requirements;
tools and requirements; tools and equipment; training facilities
and trainer’s qualification.

Section 4 National Assessment and Certification Arrangement - describes

the policies governing assessment and certification procedure



Page No.



 Basic Competencies 2-13
 Common Competencies 14-22
 Core Competencies 23-45


3.1 Curriculum Design

 Basic Competencies 46
 Common Competencies 47
 Core Competencies 48-50
3.2 Training Delivery 51
3.3 Trainee Entry Requirements 51
3.4 List of Tools, Equipment and Materials 52-54
3.5 Training Facilities 55
3.6 Trainers' Qualifications 55
3.7 Institutional Assessment 55







The PHOTOGRAPHY NC II Qualification consists of competencies that a

person must achieve to take pictures of people, places, objects, and events and
tries to artistically capture and evoke a mood, feeling, or drama surrounding a
particular subject using a camera. The work of a photographer is not only limited
to the actual use of the camera and proper lighting, but also includes all of the
steps in the development of the image up to the presentation of the final product.

This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of the Visual Arts
Sector as shown in Annex A.

The units of competency comprising this Qualification includes the following:


500311105 Participate in workplace communication
500311106 Work in a team environment
500311107 Practice career professionalism
500311108 Practice occupational health and safety procedures


TRS311201* Develop and update industry knowledge
TRS311203* Perform computer operations
TRS311205* Provide effective customer service
VSA313201 Develop self as an artist
VSA313202 Select and prepare work for exhibition


VSA313301 Operate camera and compose a subject
VSA313302 Set up studio lights, equipment and accessories
VSA313303 Perform post capture processing
VSA313304 Present finished products

A person who has achieved this Qualification is competent to be:

 Professional Photographer

Note : Common Competencies with asterisks (*) are imported from Tourism Sector

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TR – Photography NC II

These guidelines are set to provide the Technical Vocational Education and
Training (TVET) providers with information and other important requirements to
consider when designing training programs for PHOTOGRAPHY NC II.

UNIT CODE : 500311105
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to gather, interpret and convey information
in response to workplace requirements.
Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Obtain and convey 1.1 Specific and relevant information is accessed from
workplace appropriate sources
information 1.2 Effective questioning , active listening and speaking
skills are used to gather and convey information
1.3 Appropriate medium is used to transfer information
and ideas
1.4 Appropriate non- verbal communication is used
1.5 Appropriate lines of communication with supervisors
and colleagues are identified and followed
1.6 Defined workplace procedures for the location and
storage of information are used
1.7 Personal interaction is carried out clearly and
2. Participate in 2.1 Team meetings are attended on time
workplace meetings 2.2 Own opinions are clearly expressed and those of
and discussions others are listened to without interruption
2.3 Meeting inputs are consistent with the meeting
purpose and established protocols
2.4 Workplace interactions are conducted in a
courteous manner
2.5 Questions about simple routine workplace
procedures and matters concerning working
conditions of employment are tasked and responded
2.6 Meetings outcomes are interpreted and implemented
3. Complete relevant 3.1 Range of forms relating to conditions of employment
work related are completed accurately and legibly
documents 3.2 Workplace data are recorded on standard workplace
forms and documents
3.3 Basic mathematical processes are used for routine
3.4 Errors in recording information on forms/ documents
are identified and properly acted upon
3.5 Reporting requirements to supervisor are completed
according to organizational guidelines
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1. Appropriate sources 1.1 Team members
1.2 Suppliers
1.3 Trade personnel
1.4 Local government
1.5 Industry bodies
2. Medium 2.1 Memorandum
2.2 Circular
2.3 Notice
2.4 Information discussion
2.5 Follow-up or verbal instructions
2.6 Face-to-face communication
3. Storage 3.1 Manual filing system
3.2 Computer-based filing system
4. Forms 4.1 Personnel forms, telephone message forms, safety
5. Workplace 5.1 Face-to-face interactions
interactions 5.2 Telephone conversations
5.3 Electronic and two-way radio communication
5.4 Written communication including electronic mail,
memos, instruction and forms
5.5 Non-verbal communication including gestures,
signals, signs and diagrams
6. Protocols 6.1 Observing meeting
6.2 Compliance with meeting decisions
6.3 Obeying meeting instructions

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1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

competency 1.1 Prepared written communication following standard
format of the organization
1.2 Accessed information using communication
1.3 Made use of relevant terms as an aid to transfer
information effectively
1.4 Conveyed information effectively adopting the formal
or informal communication
2. Underpinning 2.1 Effective communication
knowledge 2.2 Different modes of communication
2.3 Written communication
2.4 Organizational policies
2.5 Communication procedures and systems
2.6 Technology relevant to the enterprise and the
individual’s work responsibilities
3. Underpinning skills 3.1 Follow simple spoken language
3.2 Perform routine workplace duties following simple
written notices
3.3 Participate in workplace meetings and discussions
3.4 Complete work related documents
3.5 Estimate, calculate and record routine workplace
3.6 Basic mathematical processes of addition,
subtraction, division and multiplication
3.7 Ability to relate to people of social range in the
3.8 Gather and provide information in response to
workplace Requirements
4. Resource The following resources MUST be provided:
implications 4.1 Fax machine
4.2 Telephone
4.3 Writing materials
4.4 Internet
5. Method of Competency must be assessed through:
assessment 5.1 Direct Observation
5.2 Oral interview and written test
6. Context for 6.1 Competency may be assessed individually in the
assessment actual workplace or through accredited institution

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UNIT CODE : 500311106

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes
to identify role and responsibility as a member of a

Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Describe team role 1.1 The role and objective of the team is identified from
and scope available sources of information
1.2 Team parameters, reporting relationships and
responsibilities are identified from team discussions
and appropriate external sources
2. Identify own role and 2.1 Individual role and responsibilities within the team
responsibility within environment are identified
2.2 Roles and responsibility of other team members are
identified and recognized
2.3 Reporting relationships within team and external to
team are identified
3. Work as a team 3.1 Effective and appropriate forms of communications
member used and interactions undertaken with team members
who contribute to known team activities and
3.2 Effective and appropriate contributions made to
complement team activities and objectives, based on
individual skills and competencies and workplace
3.3 Observed protocols in reporting using standard
operating procedures
3.4 Contribute to the development of team work plans
based on an understanding of team’s role and
objectives and individual competencies of the

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1. Appropriate sources 1.1 Team members
1.2 Suppliers
1.3 Trade personnel
1.4 Local government
1.5 Industry bodies
2. Medium 2.1 Memorandum
2.2 Circular
2.3 Notice
2.4 Information discussion
2.5 Follow-up or verbal instructions
2.6 Face-to-face communication
3. Storage 3.1 Manual filing system
3.2 Computer-based filing system
4. Forms 4.1 Personnel forms, telephone message forms, safety
5. Workplace 5.1 Face-to-face interactions
interactions 5.2 Telephone conversations
5.3 Electronic and two-way radio communication
5.4 Written communication including electronic mail,
memos, instruction and forms
5.5 Non-verbal communication including gestures,
signals, signs and diagrams
6. Protocols 6.1 Observing meeting
6.2 Compliance with meeting decisions
6.3 Obeying meeting instructions

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1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

1.1 Operated in a team to complete workplace activity
1.2 Worked effectively with others
1.3 Conveyed information in written or oral form
1.4 Selected and used appropriate workplace language
1.5 Followed designated work plan for the job
1.6 Reported outcomes
2. Underpinning 2.1 Communication process
2.2 Team structure
2.3 Team roles
2.4 Group planning and decision making
3. Underpinning skills 3.1 Communicate appropriately, consistent with the
culture of the workplace
4. Resource The following resources MUST be provided:
4.1 Access to relevant workplace or appropriately
simulated environment where assessment can take
4.2 Materials relevant to the proposed activity or tasks
5. Method of Competency must be assessed through:
5.1 Observation of the individual member in relation to
the work activities of the group
5.2 Observation of simulation and or role play involving
the participation of individual member to the
attainment of organizational goal
5.3. Case studies and scenarios as a basis for discussion
of issues and strategies in teamwork
6. Context for 6.1 Competency may be assessed in workplace or in a
assessment simulated workplace setting
6.2 Assessment shall be observed while task are being
undertaken whether individually or in group

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UNIT CODE : 500311107

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
in promoting career growth and advancement.

Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Integrate personal 1.1 Personal growth and work plans are pursued towards
objectives with improving the qualifications set for the profession
organizational goals 1.2 Intra and interpersonal relationships are maintained
in the course of managing oneself based on
performance evaluation
1.3 Commitment to the organization and its goal is
demonstrated in the performance of duties
2. Set and meet work 2.1 Competing demands are prioritized to achieve
priorities personal, team and organizational goals and
2.2 Resources are utilized efficiently and effectively to
manage work priorities and commitments
2.3 Practices along economic use and maintenance of
equipment and facilities are followed as per
established procedures
3. Maintain professional 3.1 Trainings and career opportunities are identified
growth and and availed of based on job requirements
development 3.2 Recognitions are sought/received and demonstrated
as proof of career advancement
3.3 Licenses and/or certifications relevant to job and
career are obtained and renewed

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1. Evaluation 1.1 Performance Appraisal
1.2 Psychological Profile
1.3 Aptitude Tests
2. Resources 2.1 Human
2.2 Financial
2.3 Technology
2.3.1 Hardware
2.3.2 Software
3. Trainings and career 3.1 Participation in training programs
opportunities 3.1.1 Technical
3.1.2 Supervisory
3.1.3 Managerial
3.1.4 Continuing Education
3.2 Serving as Resource Persons in conferences and
4. Recognitions 4.1 Recommendations
4.2 Citations
4.3 Certificate of Appreciations
4.4 Commendations
4.5 Awards
4.6 Tangible and Intangible Rewards
5. Licenses and/or 5.1 National Certificates
certifications 5.2 Certificate of Competency
5.3 Support Level Licenses
5.4 Professional Licenses

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1. Role and objective of 1.1 Work activities in a team environment with enterprise
team or specific sector
1.2 Limited discretion, initiative and judgment maybe
demonstrated on the job, either individually or in a
team environment
2. Sources of 2.1 Standard operating and/or other workplace
information procedures
2.2 Job procedures
2.3 Machine/equipment manufacturer’s specifications
and instructions
2.4 Organizational or external personnel
2.5 Client/supplier instructions
2.6 Quality standards
2.7 OHS and environmental standards
3. Workplace context 3.1 Work procedures and practices
3.2 Conditions of work environments
3.3 Legislation and industrial agreements
3.4 Standard work practice including the storage, safe
handling and disposal of chemicals
3.5 Safety, environmental, housekeeping and quality

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UNIT CODE : 500311108

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the outcomes required to comply

with regulatory and organizational requirements for
occupational health and safety.

Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Identify hazards and 1.1 Safety regulations and workplace safety and hazard
risks control practices and procedures are clarified and
explained based on organization procedures
1.2 Hazards/risks in the workplace and their
corresponding indicators are identified to minimize or
eliminate risk to co-workers, workplace and
environment in accordance with organization
1.3 Contingency measures during workplace accidents,
fire and other emergencies are recognized and
established in accordance with organization
2. Evaluate hazards 2.1 Terms of maximum tolerable limits which when
and risks exceeded will result in harm or damage are identified
based on threshold limit values (TLV)
2.2 Effects of the hazards are determined
2.3 OHS issues and/or concerns and identified safety
hazards are reported to designated personnel in
accordance with workplace requirements and
relevant workplace OHS legislation
3. Control hazards and 3.1 Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedures
risks for controlling hazards/risks in workplace are
consistently followed
3.2 Procedures for dealing with workplace accidents, fire
and emergencies are followed in accordance with
organization OHS policies
3.3 Personal protective equipment (PPE) is correctly
used in accordance with organization OHS
procedures and practices
3.4 Appropriate assistance is provided in the event of a
workplace emergency in accordance with established
organization protocol
4. Maintain OHS 4.1 Emergency-related drills and trainings are
awareness participated in as per established organization
guidelines and procedures
4.2 OHS personal records are completed and updated
in accordance with workplace requirements
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1. Safety regulations May include but are not limited to:
1.1 Clean Air Act
1.2 Building code
1.3 National Electrical and Fire Safety Codes
1.4 Waste management statutes and rules
1.5 Philippine Occupational Safety and Health Standards
1.6 DOLE regulations on safety legal requirements
1.7 ECC regulations
2. Hazards/Risks May include but are not limited to:
2.1 Physical hazards – impact, illumination, pressure,
noise, vibration, temperature, radiation
2.2 Biological hazards- bacteria, viruses, plants,
parasites, mites, molds, fungi, insects
2.3 Chemical hazards – dusts, fibers, mists, fumes,
smoke, gases, vapors
2.4 Ergonomics
 Psychological factors – over exertion/ excessive
force, awkward/static positions, fatigue, direct
pressure, varying metabolic cycles
 Physiological factors – monotony, personal
relationship, work out cycle
3. Contingency May include but are not limited to:
measures 3.1 Evacuation
3.2 Isolation
3.3 Decontamination
3.4 (Calling designed) emergency personnel
4. PPE May include but are not limited to:
4.1 Mask
4.2 Gloves
4.3 Goggles
4.4 Hair Net/cap/bonnet
4.5 Face mask/shield
4.6 Ear muffs
4.7 Apron/Gown/coverall/jump suit
4.8 Anti-static suits
5. Emergency-related 5.1 Fire drill
drills and training 5.2 Earthquake drill
5.3 Basic life support/CPR
5.4 First aid
5.5 Spillage control
5.6 Decontamination of chemical and toxic
5.7 Disaster preparedness/management
6. OHS personal 6.1 Medical/Health records
records 6.2 Incident reports
6.3 Accident reports
6.4 OHS-related training completed
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1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

competency 1.1 Explained clearly established workplace safety and
hazard control practices and procedures
1.2 Identified hazards/risks in the workplace and its
corresponding indicators in accordance with
company procedures
1.3 Recognized contingency measures during
workplace accidents, fire and other emergencies
1.4 Identified terms of maximum tolerable limits based
on threshold limit value (TLV).
1.5 Followed Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
procedures for controlling hazards/risks in
1.6 Used Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in
accordance with company OHS procedures and
1.7 Completed and updated OHS personal records in
accordance with workplace requirements
2. Underpinning 2.1 OHS procedures and practices and regulations
knowledge and 2.2 PPE types and uses
attitude 2.3 Personal hygiene practices
2.4 Hazards/risks identification and control
2.5 Threshold Limit Value (TLV)
2.6 OHS indicators
2.7 Organization safety and health protocol
2.8 Safety consciousness
2.9 Health consciousness
3. Underpinning skills 3.1 Practice of personal hygiene
3.2 Hazards/risks identification and control skills
3.3 Interpersonal skills
3.4 Communication skills
4. Resource The following resources MUST be provided:
implications 4.1 Workplace or assessment location
4.2 OHS personal records
4.3 PPE
4.4 Health records

5. Method of Competency must be assessed through:

assessment 5.1 Portfolio Assessment
5.2 Interview
5.3 Case Study/Situation
6. Context for 6.1 Competency may be assessed in the work place or
assessment in a simulated work place setting

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1. Evaluation 1.1 Performance Appraisal
1.2 Psychological Profile
1.3 Aptitude Tests
2. Resources 2.1 Human
2.2 Financial
2.3 Technology
2.3.1 Hardware
2.3.2 Software
3. Trainings and career 3.1 Participation in training programs
opportunities 3.1.1 Technical
3.1.2 Supervisory
3.1.3 Managerial
3.1.4 Continuing Education
3.2 Serving as Resource Persons in conferences and
4. Recognitions 4.1 Recommendations
4.2 Citations
4.3 Certificate of Appreciations
4.4 Commendations
4.5 Awards
4.6 Tangible and Intangible Rewards
5. Licenses and/or 5.1 National Certificates
certifications 5.2 Certificate of Competency
5.3 Support Level Licenses
5.4 Professional Licenses

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1. Information sources Information sources may include but are not limited to :
1.1 media
1.2 reference books
1.3 libraries
1.4 unions
1.5 industry associations
1.6 industry journals
1.7 internet
1.8 personal observation and experience
2. Information to assist 2.1 different sectors of the industry and the services
effective work available in each sector
performance 2.2 relationship between the industry and other
2.3 industry working conditions
2.4 legislation that affects the industry
2.4.1 health and safety
2.4.2 hygiene
2.4.3 workers compensation
2.4.4 consumer protection
2.4.5 welfare and benefits
2.5 trade unions, environmental issues and
2.6 industrial relations issues and major
2.7 career opportunities within the industry
2.8 work ethic required to work in the industry and
industry expectations of staff
2.9 quality assurance

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1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate/ trainee :

Competency 1.1 Knew key sources of information on the industry
1.2 Updated industry knowledge
1.3 Accessed and used industry information

2. Underpinning Skills 2.1 Time management

2.2 Ready skills needed to access industry information
2.3 Basic competency skills needed to access the internet

3. Underpinning 3.1 Overview of quality assurance in the industry

Knowledge and 3.2 Role of individual staff members
3.1 Industry information sources

4. Resource Implications The following resources MUST be provided:

4.1 Sources of information on the industry
4.2 Industry knowledge

5. Methods of Competency must be assessed through:

5.1 Interview/questions
5.2 Practical demonstration
5.3 Portfolio of industry information related to trainee’s work

6. Context for 6.1 Assessment may be done in the workplace or in a

Assessment simulated workplace setting (assessment centers)
6.2 Assessment activities are carried out through TESDA's
accredited assessment center

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UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
and values needed to perform computer operations
which includes inputting, accessing, producing and
transferring data using the appropriate hardware
and software
Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Plan and prepare for 1.1 Requirements of task are determined as per standard
task to be operating procedures
undertaken 1.2 Appropriate hardware and software is selected
according to task assigned and required outcome
1.3 Task is planned to ensure OH & S guidelines and
procedures are followed
2. Input data into 2.1 Data are entered into the computer using appropriate
computer program/application in accordance with company
2.2 Accuracy of information is checked and information is
saved in accordance with standard operating
2.3 Inputted data are stored in storage media according to
2.4 Work is performed within ergonomic guidelines

3. Access information 3.1 Correct program/application is selected based on job

using computer requirements
3.2 Program/application containing the information required
is accessed according to company procedures
3.3 Desktop icons are correctly selected, opened and
closed for navigation purposes
3.4 Keyboard techniques are carried out in line with OH & S
requirements for safe use of keyboards

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1. Safety regulations May include but are not limited to:
1.1 Clean Air Act
1.2 Building code
1.3 National Electrical and Fire Safety Codes
1.4 Waste management statutes and rules
1.5 Philippine Occupational Safety and Health Standards
1.6 DOLE regulations on safety legal requirements
1.7 ECC regulations
2. Hazards/Risks May include but are not limited to:
2.1 Physical hazards – impact, illumination, pressure,
noise, vibration, temperature, radiation
2.2 Biological hazards- bacteria, viruses, plants,
parasites, mites, molds, fungi, insects
2.3 Chemical hazards – dusts, fibers, mists, fumes,
smoke, gases, vapors
2.4 Ergonomics
 Psychological factors – over exertion/ excessive
force, awkward/static positions, fatigue, direct
pressure, varying metabolic cycles
 Physiological factors – monotony, personal
relationship, work out cycle
3. Contingency May include but are not limited to:
measures 3.1 Evacuation
3.2 Isolation
3.3 Decontamination
3.4 (Calling designed) emergency personnel
4. PPE May include but are not limited to:
4.1 Mask
4.2 Gloves
4.3 Goggles
4.4 Hair Net/cap/bonnet
4.5 Face mask/shield
4.6 Ear muffs
4.7 Apron/Gown/coverall/jump suit
4.8 Anti-static suits
5. Emergency-related 5.1 Fire drill
drills and training 5.2 Earthquake drill
5.3 Basic life support/CPR
5.4 First aid
5.5 Spillage control
5.6 Decontamination of chemical and toxic
5.7 Disaster preparedness/management
6. OHS personal 6.1 Medical/Health records
records 6.2 Incident reports
6.3 Accident reports
6.4 OHS-related training completed
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1. Hardware and 1.1 Personal computers
peripheral devices 1.2 Networked systems
1.3 Communication equipment
1.4 Printers
1.5 Scanners
1.6 Keyboard
1.7 Mouse
2. Software Software includes the following but not limited to:
2.1 Word processing packages
2.2 Data base packages
2.3 Internet
2.4 Spreadsheets
3. OH & S guidelines 3.1 OHS guidelines
3.2 Enterprise procedures
4. Storage media Storage media include the following but not limited to:
4.1 diskettes
4.2 CDs
4.3 zip disks
4.4 hard disk drives, local and remote
5. Ergonomic guidelines 5.1 Types of equipment used
5.2 Appropriate furniture
5.3 Seating posture
5.4 Lifting posture
5.5 Visual display unit screen brightness
6. Desktop icons Icons include the following but not limited to:
6.1 directories/folders
6.2 files
6.3 network devices
6.4 recycle bin
7. Maintenance 7.1 Creating more space in the hard disk
7.2 Reviewing programs
7.3 Deleting unwanted files
7.4 Backing up files
7.5 Checking hard drive for errors
7.6 Using up to date anti-virus programs
7.7 Cleaning dust from internal and external surfaces

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1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidences that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Selected and used hardware components correctly
and according to the task requirement
1.2 Identified and explain the functions of both hardware
and software used, their general features and
1.3 Produced accurate and complete data in
accordance with the requirements
1.4 Used appropriate devices and procedures to
transfer files/data accurately
1.5 Maintained computer system

2. Underpinning 2.1 Basic ergonomics of keyboard and computer use

Knowledge 2.2 Main types of computers and basic features of
different operating systems
2.3 Main parts of a computer
2.4 Storage devices and basic categories of memory
2.5 Relevant types of software
2.6 General security
2.7 Viruses
2.8 OH & S principles and responsibilities
2.9 Calculating computer capacity
3. Underpinning Skills 3.1 Reading skills required to interpret work instruction
3.2 Communication skills

4 Resource The following resources MUST be provided:

implications 4.1 Computer hardware with peripherals
4.2 Appropriate software

5. Methods of Competency must be assessed through:

Assessment 4.1 Observation
4.2 Questioning
4.3 Practical demonstration

6. Context for 6.1 Assessment may be conducted in the workplace or

Assessment in a simulated environment

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UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit of competency deals with the knowledge,

skills and attitudes in providing effective customer
service. It includes greeting customer, identifying
customer needs, delivering service to customer,
handling queries through telephone, fax machine,
internet and email and handling complaints,
evaluation and recommendation.

Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Greet customer 1.1 Guests are greeted in line with enterprise procedure
1.2 Verbal and non-verbal communications are appropriate
to the given situation
1.3 Non verbal communication of customer is observed
responding to customer
1.4 Sensitivity to cultural and social differences is
2. Identify customer 2.1 Appropriate interpersonal skills are used to ensure
needs that customer needs are accurately identified
2.2 Customer needs are assessed for urgency so that
priority for service delivery can be identified
2.3 Customers are provided with information
2.4 Personal limitation in addressing customer needs is
identified and where appropriate, assistance is sought
from supervisor

3. Deliver service to 3.1 Customer needs are promptly attended to in line with
customer enterprise procedure
3.2 Appropriate rapport is maintained with customer to
enable high quality service delivery
3.3 Opportunity to enhance the quality of service and
products are taken wherever possible

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1. Information sources Information sources may include but are not limited to :
1.1 media
1.2 reference books
1.3 libraries
1.4 unions
1.5 industry associations
1.6 industry journals
1.7 internet
1.8 personal observation and experience
2. Information to assist 2.1 different sectors of the industry and the services
effective work available in each sector
performance 2.2 relationship between the industry and other
2.3 industry working conditions
2.4 legislation that affects the industry
2.4.1 health and safety
2.4.2 hygiene
2.4.3 workers compensation
2.4.4 consumer protection
2.4.5 welfare and benefits
2.5 trade unions, environmental issues and
2.6 industrial relations issues and major
2.7 career opportunities within the industry
2.8 work ethic required to work in the industry and
industry expectations of staff
2.9 quality assurance

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1. Non-verbal 1.1 body language

communication 1.2 dress and accessories
1.3 gestures and mannerisms
1.4 voice tonality and volume
1.5 use of space
1.6 culturally specific communication customs and
2. Cultural and social Includes but are not limited to :
differences 2.1 modes of greeting, farewelling and conversation
2.2 body language/ use of body gestures
2.3 formality of language
3. Interpersonal skills 3.1 interactive communication
3.2 public relation
3.3 good working attitude
3.4 sincerity
3.5 pleasant disposition
3.6 effective communication skills
4. Customer needs Customer with specific needs may include :
4.1 those with a disability
4.2 those with special cultural or language needs
4.3 unaccompanied children
4.4 parents with young children
4.5 pregnant women
4.6 single women
5. Enterprise procedure Protocol and enterprise procedures may include :
5.1 modes of greeting and farewell
5.2 addressing the person by name
5.3 time-lapse before a response
5.4 style manual requirements
5.5 standard letters and proforma

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1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate :
Competency 1.1 Complied with industry practices and procedures
1.2 Used interactive communication with others
1.3 Complied with occupational, health and safety
1.4 Promoted public relation among others
1.5 Demonstrated familiarity with company facilities,
products and services
1.6 Applied company rules and standards
1.7 Applied telephone ethics
1.8 Applied correct procedure in using telephone, fax
machine, internet
1.9 Handled customer complaints
2. Underpinning 2.1 Communication
Knowledge and 2.1.1 Interactive communication with others
Attitude 2.1.2 Interpersonal skills/ social graces with sincerity
2.2 Safety Practices
2.2.1 Safe work practices
2.2.2 Personal hygiene
2.3 Attitude
2.3.1 Attentive, patient and cordial
2.3.2 Eye-to-eye contact
2.3.3 Maintain teamwork and cooperation
2.4 Theory
2.4.1 Selling/upselling techniques
2.4.2 Interview techniques
2.4.3 Conflict resolution
2.4.4 Communication process and barriers
3. Underpinning Skills 3.1 Effective communication skills
3.2 Non-verbal communication - body language
3.3 Ability to work calmly and unobtrusively effectively
3.4 Ability to handle telephone inquiries and
3.5 Correct procedure in handling telephone inquiries
3.6 Proper way of handling complaints
4. Resource The following resources MUST be provided:
Implications 4.1 telephone, fax machine, internet, etc.
4.3 data on projects and services; tariff and rates,
promotional activities in place etc.
4.3 office supplies
5. Methods of Competency must be assessed through:
Assessment 5.1 Written examination
5.2 Practical demonstration
6. Context for 6.1 Assessment may be done in the workplace or in a
Assessment simulated workplace setting (assessment centers)
6.2. Assessment activities are carried out through
TESDA's accredited assessment center
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TR – Photography NC II
For Visual Arts Sector



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to exhibit professional practice that
describes development of technical and conceptual
skills required to work as a practicing artist. It also
deals with communicating effectively and working
strategically to achieve planned outcomes as an
Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Acquire and develop 1.1 Strategies for developing self are identified and
technical skills planned to ensure the development of appropriate
technical skills
1.2 Relevant journals, magazines, catalogues and other
media are used to stimulate technical and
professional development
1.3 Capabilities of materials, tools and equipment are
tested to develop technical skills
1.4 Feedback, discussion and evaluation opportunities to
continuously improve technical skills are identified
and used.
2. Develop conceptual 2.1 Work experiences and ideas are discussed with
skills and ideas others to improve own practice.
2.2 Work of others are studied to stimulate conceptual
and technical skills development
2.3 Opportunities to develop skills are identified and
have participated.
3. Develop own style 3.1 New ideas in making and / or interpreting work are
explored and experimented.
3.2 Technology, where appropriate to expand own
practice is explored and used.

4. Evaluate own work 4.1 Constructive criticism is sought and applied to

improve own work
4.2 Work is evaluated against planned strategy and in the
context of work of others in order to improve own
4.3 Work processes and practice are adjusted as
necessary to improve technical, conceptual and
commercial outcomes.
5. Research work 5.1 Networks and sources of information relating to
opportunities work opportunities are correctly identified.
5.2 Promotional opportunities that may helpful in
developing career opportunities are identified.

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TR – Photography NC II
4. Produce/output data 4.1 Entered data are processed using appropriate software
using computer commands
system 4.2 Data are printed out as required using computer
hardware/peripheral devices in accordance with
standard operating procedures
4.3 Files and data are transferred between compatible
systems using computer software, hardware/ peripheral
devices in accordance with standard operating

5. Maintain computer 5.1 Systems for cleaning, minor maintenance and

equipment and replacement of consumables are implemented
systems 5.2 Procedures for ensuring security of data, including
regular back-ups and virus checks are implemented in
accordance with standard operating procedures
5.3 Basic file maintenance procedures are implemented in
line with the standard operating procedures

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TR – Photography NC II

1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

competency 1.1 Applied strategies to develop appropriate skills in art
1.2 Used discussion and evaluation opportunities to
develop technical and conceptual skills
1.3 Demonstrated work practice that develops own style
through exploring and experimenting with new ideas
in making and / or interpreing work
2. Underpinning 2.1 Knowledge about theoretical and historical contexts
knowledge relevant to the area(s) of specialization(s)
2.2 Elements and principles of design
2.3 Physical properties and capabilities of material, tools
and equipment and their application
2.4 Awareness of copyright, moral rights and intellectual
property issues related to the development of self as
2.5 Sources of information relating to work opportunities
and career planning
2.6 Visual arts and contemporary craft
3. Underpinning skills 3.1 Literacy skills sufficient to interpret information and
communicate ideas
3.2 Discerning and listening to advice from colleagues,
experts and audiences
4. Resource The following resources MUST be provided:
implications 4.1. Specialized materials, tools and equipment required
for each area of specialization and used to develop
technical and conceptual skills relevant to art making
4.2. Information about relevant artist, their work, ideas
and techniques
5. Method of Competency must be assessed through:
assessment 4.1 Observation / Demonstration with oral questioning
4.2 Portfolio
4.3 Third party report
6. Context for 6.1. Competency may be assessed in the work place or in
assessment a simulated work place setting.

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TR – Photography NC II


UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit describes the skills and knowledge

required to select and prepare work for display or
exhibition. The skills and knowledge are not
restricted to a particular specialization but apply
across all specialization depending on the work

Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Select work to 1.1 Relevant information on the criteria is accessed which
submit for exhibition informs the selection of work for exhibition
1.2 information on criteria for display of work is interpreted
1.3 Issues surrounding criteria with relevant
individuals/organizations is identified and clarified
1.4 Work is selected in accordance with established criteria
2 Organize selected 2.1 Completeness of work to be displayed is checked and
work for exhibition action is taken when required
2.2 Any specific requirements for display of selected work
is determined and taken action in consultation with
relevant individuals or organizations
2.3 Relevant steps and processes required to prepare
selected work for display is identified
2.4 Work is prepared using appropriate techniques or
engage the services of others as required
2.5 Accurate information on work is provided to relevant
individuals/organizations in accordance with
2.6 Work is submitted to exhibition curator or display
organizer within agreed timeframe and in accordance
with other agreed requirements
2.7 Assistance for exhibition is provided with installation or
hanging as required and in accordance with instructions

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1. Exhibition Exhibition of work occurs in a variety of contexts,

1.1 Studio spaces
1.2 Local community spaces
1.3 Web sites
1.4 Artist run spaces
1.5 Group exhibition at regional venues
1.6 Retail display
1.7 Contribution to an exhibition via submission to a
2. Criteria Criteria for selection of work for exhibition may include:
2.1 Criteria provided by organizer of exhibition
2.2 Criteria decided by artist, designer or performer
2.3 Size, dimension, theme, medium, number of pieces
2.4 Quality of completed work
2.5 Personal preferences
2.6. Physical characteristics of display area, eg light,
ventilation and access
3. Completeness Completeness of work may involve
3.1 Tidiness/cleanliness
3.2 All elements present
3.3 Touch up requirements satisfied
3.4 Resolution requirements for web presentation
4. Requirements for Requirements for display may include:
4.1 Framing
4.2 Cleaning the work
4.3 Attaching fixtures for hanging or mounting
4.4 Selecting and painting plinths
4.4 The display environment, e.g. light, humidity,
temperature, power sources
4.5 Accompanying documentation, e.g. consignment
notes, artist's statement
4.7 Web site information
5. Assistance for the Assistance for the exhibition may involve
exhibition 5.1 Planning the exhibition space
5.2 Planning the location of work within the space
5.3 Contributing to safely hanging, installing and
dismantling work
5.4 Labeling work
5.5 Wrapping/storage of works at the conclusion of the
display or exhibition

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UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit of competency deals with the knowledge,

skills and attitudes in providing effective customer
service. It includes greeting customer, identifying
customer needs, delivering service to customer,
handling queries through telephone, fax machine,
internet and email and handling complaints,
evaluation and recommendation.

Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Greet customer 1.1 Guests are greeted in line with enterprise procedure
1.2 Verbal and non-verbal communications are appropriate
to the given situation
1.3 Non verbal communication of customer is observed
responding to customer
1.4 Sensitivity to cultural and social differences is
2. Identify customer 2.1 Appropriate interpersonal skills are used to ensure
needs that customer needs are accurately identified
2.2 Customer needs are assessed for urgency so that
priority for service delivery can be identified
2.3 Customers are provided with information
2.4 Personal limitation in addressing customer needs is
identified and where appropriate, assistance is sought
from supervisor

3. Deliver service to 3.1 Customer needs are promptly attended to in line with
customer enterprise procedure
3.2 Appropriate rapport is maintained with customer to
enable high quality service delivery
3.3 Opportunity to enhance the quality of service and
products are taken wherever possible

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TR – Photography NC II


UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to operate camera, position the camera,
select appropriate lens and compose the shots to
achieve the required image.

Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range Statement
1. Operate the camera 1.1. Camera is identified and selected appropriately for
specific purpose
1.2. Camera is operated safely in accordance with
manufacturer’s instruction
2. Select and use lens 2.1. Lenses are selected according to technical and
subject requirement.
2.2. Focusing techniques of lens are applied.

3. Address lighting 3.1. Quality and quantity of available lights are assessed
and exposure to determine appropriate exposure and lighting effect.
3.2. Corrective actions are taken to address changing or
inadequate lighting conditions.
4. Compose a subject 4.1. Subject is identified and visualized according to
graphic elements and rules of composition
4.2. Subject is composed to meet aesthetic requirements
and provided the correct visual interpretation of work

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TR – Photography NC II
5. Experiment with 5.1. Techniques are appropriately identified and selected
techniques to for the photographic subject matter
capture 5.2. Controls are selected and use to effect image
photographic capture and to ensure correct exposure
5.3. Techniques are tested to achieve changes to subject
appearance as required
5.4. Corrective filters are selected and used to meet the
creative and technical requirements of the shots
5.5. Corrective filters are used to ensure that color
balance and light conditions are attained
6. Review images 6.1. Images are viewed from the camera LCD, computer
or TV monitor.
6.2. Results are evaluated to ensure correct exposure and
the desired outcome for the subject matter.
6.3. Images are stored in the storage media.
7. Restore equipment 7.1. Equipment is cleaned after use as per manufacturers’
7.2. Equipment and materials are stored in accordance
with workplace procedures

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TR – Photography NC II

1. Shots 1.1 Extreme close up
1.2 Close up
1.3 Mid shot
1.4 Long shot
1.5 Wide shot
1.6 High angle
1.7 Eye level shot
1.8 Low angle
1.9 Establishing or master shot
1.10 Point of view shot
1.11 Camera Panning
2. Lenses 2.1 Standard lens
2.2 Telephoto lens
2.3 Wide Angle lens
2.4 Variable focal length
2.5 Fixed focal length
2.6 Macro / Micro lens
2.7 Shift lens
2.8 Fisheye lens

Performance characteristics of lenses may include :

2.9 Resolution
2.10 Contrast
2.11 Image shift
2.12 Sharpness
2.13 Zoom
2.14 Mechanical Operation
2.15 Focal Length
2.16 Maximum Aperture

3. Graphic elements 3.1 Lines

3.2 Shapes
3.3 Texture
3.4 Color
3.5 Tones
4. Operation of camera 4.1 Hand held operation
4.2 Fixed / supported camera
5. Filters 5.1 Color correction
5.2 Contrast filters for black and white
5.3 Graduated, neutral density
5.4 Ultraviolet or skylight
5.5 Polarizing
5.6 Special effects
5.7 Enhancers
5.8 Color balancing filters

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TR – Photography NC II
1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate :
Competency 1.1 Complied with industry practices and procedures
1.2 Used interactive communication with others
1.3 Complied with occupational, health and safety
1.4 Promoted public relation among others
1.5 Demonstrated familiarity with company facilities,
products and services
1.6 Applied company rules and standards
1.7 Applied telephone ethics
1.8 Applied correct procedure in using telephone, fax
machine, internet
1.9 Handled customer complaints
2. Underpinning 2.1 Communication
Knowledge and 2.1.1 Interactive communication with others
Attitude 2.1.2 Interpersonal skills/ social graces with sincerity
2.2 Safety Practices
2.2.1 Safe work practices
2.2.2 Personal hygiene
2.3 Attitude
2.3.1 Attentive, patient and cordial
2.3.2 Eye-to-eye contact
2.3.3 Maintain teamwork and cooperation
2.4 Theory
2.4.1 Selling/upselling techniques
2.4.2 Interview techniques
2.4.3 Conflict resolution
2.4.4 Communication process and barriers
3. Underpinning Skills 3.1 Effective communication skills
3.2 Non-verbal communication - body language
3.3 Ability to work calmly and unobtrusively effectively
3.4 Ability to handle telephone inquiries and
3.5 Correct procedure in handling telephone inquiries
3.6 Proper way of handling complaints
4. Resource The following resources MUST be provided:
Implications 4.1 telephone, fax machine, internet, etc.
4.3 data on projects and services; tariff and rates,
promotional activities in place etc.
4.3 office supplies
5. Methods of Competency must be assessed through:
Assessment 5.1 Written examination
5.2 Practical demonstration
6. Context for 6.1 Assessment may be done in the workplace or in a
Assessment simulated workplace setting (assessment centers)
6.2. Assessment activities are carried out through
TESDA's accredited assessment center
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TR – Photography NC II

1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate :

competency 1.1 Interpreted creative and technical requirements and
provided additional ideas in order to produce the
desired style of captured images
1.2 Applied knowledge of photographic principles
1.3 Demonstrated technical knowledge in the use of range
of cameras
1.4 Restored equipment and materials safely
2. Underpinning 2.1 Interpretation of creative requirements to technical
knowledge and operation
attitudes 2.2 Range of cameras and operational functions
2.3 Framing techniques and methods of composition
2.4 Lens theory and application
2.5 Shutter speeds and Aperture settings
2.6 Handling customers relationship

3. Underpinning skills 3.1 Using depth of field tables and methods of calculation
involved in determining correct f/stop
3.2 Using different types of light measuring devices
4. Resource implications The following resources MUST be provided:
4.1 Range of cameras
4.2 Studio with lighting systems
4.3 Subject
5. Method of Competency must be assessed through:
assessment 5.1 Demonstration with oral questioning
5.2 Interview
5.3. Portfolio
6. Context for 6.1 Competency maybe assessed on the job due to the
assessment specific workplace environment requirements.
However, it can be undertaken in a closely simulated
workplace environment that reproduces all the required

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UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to employ lighting techniques to a wide
range of subjects in different situations.

Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range Statement
1. Plan lighting 1.1 Required lighting characteristics for the subject and
requirements purpose of image are correctly identified.
1.2 Lighting equipment for the purpose are selected
2. Prepare specific work 2.1 Work Environment that meets requirements for the
environment production of work is selected appropriately
2.2 Relevant camera systems and accessories for the
work are selected and used.
2.3 Lighting system is correctly assembled in accordance
with work requirements
2.4 Required safety aspects of the lighting set up and
cabling are implemented.
3. Light the subject 3.1 Lighting techniques are tested to suit the purpose of
3.2 Qualities of light is adjusted, modified and
calibrated to suit subject.
3.3 Exposure is calculated to determine subject
consistency with the purpose of photography
4. Capture image 4.1 Images are captured using film or digital
4.2 Captured images based on work requirements are
reviewed and appropriate actions are taken, if
5. Restore work 5.1. Work environment is restored after use as per
environment and established practice
equipment 5.2. Equipment is cleaned and maintained in accordance
with manufacturers’ instructions
5.3. Equipment and materials are stored safely as per
workplace procedures.

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TR – Photography NC II

1. Work environment 1.1. Electricity
1.2. Natural and artificial lights
1.3. Ventilation
1.4. Dust free environment
1.5. Work tables and storage areas and facilities
1.6. Portable generator
1.7. Other portable equipment and materials, e.g.
background, tripods and reflectors
1.8. Chairs, stools, posing tables
1.9. Changing room / Make-up room
1.10. Running water
1.11. Kitchen equipment set-up

2. Subject 2.1 Nature, e.g. landscape, seascape, flowers,

2.2 Still life, e.g. glassware
2.3 Scientific / medical / technical
2.4 Photo-documentary, e.g. social and corporate
2.5 Portraiture
2.6 Product and Food
3. Camera systems 3.1. 35 mm SLR camera
and accessories 3.2. 120 camera, view camera
3.3. Digital SLR cameras and digital back
3.4. Film and media
3.5. Range of lenses
3.6. Cable release
3.7. Tripods and lightstands
3.8. Light meter
3.9. Filters and color gels
3.10. Batteries, chargers and flashlights
3.11. Laptop, compact drives and card readers
4. Lighting equipment 4.1 Light sources
and techniques 4.1.1 Natural light, e.g. sunlight, moonlight
4.1.2 Candle light and other ambient low light
4.1.3 Incandescent, tungsten, photoflood
4.1.4 Fluorescent lighting
4.1.5 Halogen and quartz
4.1.6 Ultraviolet and infra-red
4.1.7 Mercury vapor light
4.1.8 Electron 16 flash

4.2 Equipment
4.2.1 Portable photoflood and tungsten light systems
4.2.2 Portable electronic flash
4.2.3 Portable monobloc type system
4.2.4 Floor pack electronic flash system
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TR – Photography NC II

1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

competency 1.1 Applied strategies to develop appropriate skills in art
1.2 Used discussion and evaluation opportunities to
develop technical and conceptual skills
1.3 Demonstrated work practice that develops own style
through exploring and experimenting with new ideas
in making and / or interpreing work
2. Underpinning 2.1 Knowledge about theoretical and historical contexts
knowledge relevant to the area(s) of specialization(s)
2.2 Elements and principles of design
2.3 Physical properties and capabilities of material, tools
and equipment and their application
2.4 Awareness of copyright, moral rights and intellectual
property issues related to the development of self as
2.5 Sources of information relating to work opportunities
and career planning
2.6 Visual arts and contemporary craft
3. Underpinning skills 3.1 Literacy skills sufficient to interpret information and
communicate ideas
3.2 Discerning and listening to advice from colleagues,
experts and audiences
4. Resource The following resources MUST be provided:
implications 4.1. Specialized materials, tools and equipment required
for each area of specialization and used to develop
technical and conceptual skills relevant to art making
4.2. Information about relevant artist, their work, ideas
and techniques
5. Method of Competency must be assessed through:
assessment 4.1 Observation / Demonstration with oral questioning
4.2 Portfolio
4.3 Third party report
6. Context for 6.1. Competency may be assessed in the work place or in
assessment a simulated work place setting.

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TR – Photography NC II

1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

competency 1.1 Selected appropriate camera and lighting
equipment and associated accessories for specified
1.2 Applied range of lighting techniques for the
specified subjects
2. Underpinning 2.1 Knowledge of the ways in which a typical photo
knowledge and imaging studio is organized and practiced
attitudes 2.2 Knowledge of electromagnetic spectrum, color
temperature and color synthesis
2.3 Knowledge of photo imaging, lighting, including
terminology and identification
2.4 Knowledge of the ways in which light sensitive
materials, including films and digital sensors,
respond to light
2.5 knowledge of the implications of light on exposure
or light sensitive media
2.6 Knowledge of physical properties and capabilities of
the camera systems and lighting equipment used in
the exposure of photographic film and digital
2.7 Occupational health and safety issues and
procedures associated with lighting
2.8 Knowledge of elements and principles of design
2.9 Knowledge of other photographers, their work,
ideas and techniques specially pertaining to lighting

3 Underpinning skills 3.1 Literacy skills sufficient to read and interpret written
instructions, safety labels and procedures
3.2 Numeracy skills sufficient to interpret technical
charts and diagrams pertaining to a range of lighting
procedures and techniques
4 Resource The following resources MUST be provided
implications 4.1. Studio with complete lighting system
4.2. Materials, resources and equipment needed to
select, set up, adjust and apply camera and lighting
5. Method of Competency must be assessed through:
assessment 5.1. Demonstration with oral questioning
5.2. Interview
5.3. Portfolio
6. Context for 6.1 The assessment must provide for project or work
assessment activities that would allow the candidate to select
and apply a range of lighting techniques for
specified subjects

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TR – Photography NC II


UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to use techniques for image processing
and focuses on technical aspects including
chemical and electronic processes. This unit refers
to the use of specific equipment and techniques for
making photo images.

Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range Statement
1. Prepare work 1.1. Work environment is selected in order to meet
environment for post requirements for specific processing tasks
capture processing 1.2. Work environment is cleaned and maintained to
remain safe during the production of work
1.3. Equipment and materials / software for processing
work are correctly set up
1.4. Codes of practices are followed based on safety
requirements of the workplace
2. Process images by 2.1. Digital files are downloaded in accordance with
analog or digital manufacturers’ instructions
means 2.2. Negatives or files are organized into appropriate
folders as per established practice
2.3. Work progress is accurately documented in
accordance with workplace procedures
3. Test techniques to 3.1. Files or negatives are appropriately selected
produce proof according to established practice
sheet(s) 3.2. Appropriate techniques are applied to produce
analog or digital proof sheets
4. Test techniques to 4.1. Images from the proof sheets are selected that match
make work-print(s) the concept / required outcome
and screen images
4.2. Enhancement and printing techniques are utilized
to output work-print(s) or display and save on screen

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TR – Photography NC II
Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range Statement
5. Store photo images 5.1. Storage media are identified and selected based on
work requirements
5.2. Stored photo images are catalogued, organized and
backed up as per established practice
6. Restore work 6.1. Work area is safely dismantled after use based on
environment and standard operating procedures
equipment 6.2. Waste is minimized and disposed off in accordance
with safety and health requirements
6.3. Equipment is cleaned and maintained in accordance
with manufacturer’s instructions
6.4. Equipment is stored in accordance with workplace

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TR – Photography NC II
1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate :
Competency 1.1 Selected work to submit for exhibition
1.2 Organized selected work for exhibition
2. Underpinning 2.1 Exhibition, display or presentation contexts relevant
knowledge and to the area of work
attitude 2.2 General knowledge about techniques for display or
exhibition relevant to the area of work, eg hanging,
2.3 General knowledge of ways in which space is
planned for display or exhibition purposes relevant
to area of work
2.4 General knowledge of the elements and principles
of design and their specific application to the layout
of an exhibition or display
2.5 Awareness of copyright, moral rights and
intellectual property issues relevant to exhibitions
and display
2.6 Organizational and legislative occupational health
and safety issues relating to exhibitions and
displays of work and their safe hanging/installing
and dismantling
2.7 Literacy skills sufficient to interpret exhibition or
display requirements
3. Underpinning Skills 3.1
Effective communication skills especially in dealing
with other artists, event organizers and staff
3. 2 Ability to select work for submission which is
consistent with the criteria for the exhibition or
3.3 Planning and organizing work and materials for
3.3 Practice of good time management
3.5 Ability to handle telephone or face to face inquiries
and conversations regarding work for exhibition
4. Resource Implications The following resources MUST be provided:
4.1 Telephone, fax machine, internet, etc.
4.2 Access to the materials, resources and equipment
needed to prepare work for exhibition and to assist
to safely hang and/or install and dismantle an
exhibition or display
4.3 Work samples for exhibition
5. Method of Assessment Competency must be assessed through:
5.1 Demonstration with questioning
5.2 Portfolio
5.3 Third party report
6. Context for 6.1 Assessment may be done in the workplace or in a
Assessment simulated workplace setting (assessment centers)
6.2 Assessment activities are carried out through
TESDA's accredited assessment center

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TR – Photography NC II
3. Materials 3.1. Materials for film photography
3.1.1. Chemicals for darkroom film processing and
3.1.2. Black and white films
3.1.3. Color transparencies and negatives
3.1.4. Storage folders
3.1.5. Photographic paper

3.2. Materials for digital photography

3.2.1. Memory card
3.2.2. Inkjet paper
3.2.3. Ink
3.2.4. Compact disc
3.2.5. Batteries and other power sources

4. Storage Media 4.1 Negative sleeves / jackets / folders

4.2 Desktop folders, electronic media transfer / storage
devices / CD and DVD

5. Documenting the 5.1 Visual diary

work progress 5.2 Diagrams
5.3 Recording procedures
5.3.1 Incident report
5.3.2 Job completion report
5.3.3 Equipment report
5.3.4 Materials report
6. Printing 6.1. Dodging
Techniques 6.2. Burning
6.3. Density
6.4. Contrast
6.5. Color correction
6.6. Spotting and basic retouching
6.7. Using digital tool box functions
6.8. Using photo relevant menu

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1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

competency 1.1 Printed proof sheets / work prints / digital files
1.2 Demonstrated the application of selected techniques
consistent with concept / brief.

2. Underpinning 1.1 Characteristics of different materials (chemicals)

knowledge and under different treatment and the potential of these
attitudes characteristics to achieve different effects
1.2 Knowledge on work space requirement for photo
imaging, including set up of work space for particular
types of work
1.3 Knowledge on capabilities of digital and darkroom
equipment and their applications
1.4 Copyright, moral rights and intellectual property
issues and legislation associated with photo imaging
1.5 Environmental issues associated with the equipment
and materials used in photo imaging work
1.6 Organizational and legislative occupational health
and safety procedures in relation to photo imaging
1.7 Elements and principles of design and how these
may be used, adapted for image processing
1.8 Traditional or modern practices to improve one’s style
in photography
1.9 Self improvement through reading and research

2 Underpinning skills 1.1 Literacy skills sufficient to read and interpret written
instructions, safety labels and procedures
1.2 Numeracy skills sufficient to interpret technical charts
/diagrams / graphs
2 Resource The following resources MUST be provided
implications 4.1. Dark room (Analog)
4.2. Computer with software (Digital)
4.3. Materials, resources and equipment needed to
process safely, enhance analog or digital photo-
images and to store these images
5. Method of Competency in this unit must be assessed through:
assessment 5.1. Demonstration with oral questioning
5.2. Interview
5.3. Portfolio
7. Context for 6.1 The assessment must provide for practical
assessment demonstration of skills using required equipment and
materials for the production of proof sheets / work
prints / digital files (s)

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TR – Photography NC II


UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to prepare finished images / prints based
on specifications.

Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range Statement
1. Prepare photo 1.1 Photo images and materials are prepared
images and material according to customers’ requirements and
for final packaging specifications

1.2 Editing software is used to convert images for print

and other requirements

2. Select appropriate 2.1. Printing equipment is selected in accordance with

printing equipment work requirements

2.2. Printing equipment is maintained as per

manufacturer’s instruction

3. Apply finishing 3.1. Finished products are assessed for imperfections

touches and applied finishing touches as per established

3.2. Imperfections are corrected using retouching

materials or appropriate editing software

4. Package finished 4.1. Finished products are properly labeled and

products packaged as per established practice

4.2. Finished products are delivered to customers on


________________________________________________ 45
TR – Photography NC II

1. Shots 1.1 Extreme close up
1.2 Close up
1.3 Mid shot
1.4 Long shot
1.5 Wide shot
1.6 High angle
1.7 Eye level shot
1.8 Low angle
1.9 Establishing or master shot
1.10 Point of view shot
1.11 Camera Panning
2. Lenses 2.1 Standard lens
2.2 Telephoto lens
2.3 Wide Angle lens
2.4 Variable focal length
2.5 Fixed focal length
2.6 Macro / Micro lens
2.7 Shift lens
2.8 Fisheye lens

Performance characteristics of lenses may include :

2.9 Resolution
2.10 Contrast
2.11 Image shift
2.12 Sharpness
2.13 Zoom
2.14 Mechanical Operation
2.15 Focal Length
2.16 Maximum Aperture

3. Graphic elements 3.1 Lines

3.2 Shapes
3.3 Texture
3.4 Color
3.5 Tones
4. Operation of camera 4.1 Hand held operation
4.2 Fixed / supported camera
5. Filters 5.1 Color correction
5.2 Contrast filters for black and white
5.3 Graduated, neutral density
5.4 Ultraviolet or skylight
5.5 Polarizing
5.6 Special effects
5.7 Enhancers
5.8 Color balancing filters

________________________________________________ 33
TR – Photography NC II

1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

competency 1.1 Prepared photo images and needed materials for
final packaging
1.2 Applied finishing touches and packaged finished
1.3 Handled properly finished products

2. Underpinning 2.1. Knowledge on different packaging materials and their

knowledge and characteristics
attitudes 2.2. Sources of these packaging materials
2.3. Process of documentation, e.g. pricing and deadlines
2.4. Customer service
2.5. Knowledge on available software and other
multimedia tools
3. Underpinning skills 3.1. Communication and negotiation skills
3.2. Interpersonal skills
4. Resource The following resources MUST be provided
implications 4.1. Finished Product
4.2. Software
4.3. Packaging Materials
5. Method of Competency must be assessed through:
assessment 5.1. Demonstration with oral questioning
5.2. Interview
5.3. Portfolio
6. Context for 6.1. The assessment must provide for practical
assessment demonstration of skills in presenting finished products
using available software and packaging materials

________________________________________________ 47
TR – Photography NC II

These guidelines are set to provide technical and vocational education and
training (TVET) providers with information and other important requirements to
consider when designing training program for PHOTOGRAPHY NC II


Course Title: PHOTOGRAPHY NC Level: NC II

Nominal Duration:
18-hours (Basic)
18-hours (Common)
96-hours (Core)

Course Description:

This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, desirable attitudes and

skills in operating camera and composing a subject, setting up studio lights,
equipment and accessories, performing post-production stages, and presenting
finished products in accordance with industry standards.

To obtain this, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved:


Unit of Learning Outcomes Methodology Assessment

Competency Approach
1. Participate in 1.1 Obtain and convey workplace  Group  Demonstration
workplace information discussion  Observation
communication 1.2 Complete relevant work  Interaction  Interviews/
related documents Questioning
1.3 Participate in workplace
2. Work in a 2.1 Describe and identify team  Group  Demonstration
team role and responsibility in a discussion  Observation
environment team  Interaction  Interviews/
2.2 Describe work as a team Questioning
3. Practice 3.1 Integrate personal objectives  Group  Demonstration
career with organizational goals discussion  Observation
professionalism 3.2 Set and meet work priorities  Interaction  Interviews/
3.3 Maintain professional growth Questioning
and development
4. Practice 4.1 Evaluate hazards and risks  Discussion  Observation
occupational 4.2 Control hazards and risks  Plant tour  Interview
health and 4.3 Maintain occupational health  Symposium
safety and safety awareness

________________________________________________ 48
TR – Photography NC II

Unit of Learning Outcomes Methodology Assessment

Competency Approach
1. Develop self 1.1 Identify and apply strategies  Lecture  Interviews/
as an Artist to develop appropriate skills  Group Questioning
in art practice discussion  Individual/
1.2 Use discussion and  Individual/ Group project or
evaluation opportunities to Group report
develop technical and assignment
conceptual skills
1.3 Develop own style through
exploring and experimenting
with new ideas in making and/
or interpreting work
2. Develop and 2.1 Identify and access key  Lecture  Interviews/
update industry sources of information on the  Group Questioning
knowledge industry discussion  Individual/
2.2 Access, apply and share  Individual/ Group project or
industry information Group report
2.3 Update continuously relevant assignment
industry knowledge
3. Perform 3.1 Identify and explain the  Lecture  Demonstration
computer functions, general features  Group  Observation
operation and capabilities of both discussion  Interviews/
hardware and software  Tutorial or Questioning
3.2 Prepare and use appropriate Self pace
hardware and software
according to task
3.3 Use appropriate devices and
procedures to transfer files/
3.4 Produce accurate and
complete data according to
the requirements
3.5 Maintain computer system
4. Provide 5.1 Apply effective verbal and  Lecture  Demonstration
effective non-verbal communication  Role play  Observation
customer skills to respond to customer  Simulation  Interviews/
service needs Questioning
5.2 Provide prompt and quality
service to customer
5.3 Handle queries promptly and
correctly in line with
enterprise procedures
5.4 Handle customer complaints,
evaluation and

________________________________________________ 49
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UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to employ lighting techniques to a wide
range of subjects in different situations.

Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range Statement
1. Plan lighting 1.1 Required lighting characteristics for the subject and
requirements purpose of image are correctly identified.
1.2 Lighting equipment for the purpose are selected
2. Prepare specific work 2.1 Work Environment that meets requirements for the
environment production of work is selected appropriately
2.2 Relevant camera systems and accessories for the
work are selected and used.
2.3 Lighting system is correctly assembled in accordance
with work requirements
2.4 Required safety aspects of the lighting set up and
cabling are implemented.
3. Light the subject 3.1 Lighting techniques are tested to suit the purpose of
3.2 Qualities of light is adjusted, modified and
calibrated to suit subject.
3.3 Exposure is calculated to determine subject
consistency with the purpose of photography
4. Capture image 4.1 Images are captured using film or digital
4.2 Captured images based on work requirements are
reviewed and appropriate actions are taken, if
5. Restore work 5.1. Work environment is restored after use as per
environment and established practice
equipment 5.2. Equipment is cleaned and maintained in accordance
with manufacturers’ instructions
5.3. Equipment and materials are stored safely as per
workplace procedures.

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TR – Photography NC II
4. Present 4.1. Identify and use appropriate  Lecture/  Observation of
finished materials and equipment discussion/ learner
products for packaging and delivery Demonstration performing
4.2. Perform quality check of  Modular/Self activity
finished product paced  Written test
 Peer teaching/  Oral
Mentoring Assessment of
 Project Based individual
Instruction presentation
 Distance  Demonstration


The delivery of training should adhere to the design of the curriculum.

Delivery shall be guided by the 10 basic principles of competency-based TVET:

 The training is based on curriculum developed from the competency standards

 Learning is modular in its structure
 Training delivery is learner-centered and should accommodate individualized and self-
paced learning strategies\
 Training is based on work that must be performed
 Training materials are directly related to the competency standards and the curriculum
 Assessment is based in the collection of evidence of the performance of work to the
industry required standard
 Training is based both on and off-the-job components
 Training program allows for recognition of prior learning (RPL) or current
 Training allows for multiple entry and exit; and
 Training programs are registered with the UTPRAS.

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The competency-based TVET system recognizes various types of delivery
modes, both on and off-the-job as long as the learning is driven by the
competency standards specified by the industry. The following training modalities
may be adopted when designing training programs:

 The dualized mode of training delivery is preferred and recommended. Thus programs
would contain both in-school and in-industry training or fieldwork components. Details
can be referred to the Dual Training System (DTS) implementing Rules and Regulations

 Modular/self-paced is a competency-based training modality wherein the trainee is

allowed to progress at his own pace. The trainer facilitates the training delivery

 Peer teaching/mentoring is a training modality wherein fast learners are given the
opportunity to assist the slow learners

 Supervised Industry Training or On-the-Job Training is an approach in training designed

to enhance the knowledge and skills of the trainee through actual experience in the
workplace to acquire specific competencies prescribed in the training regulations

 Distance learning is a formal education process in which majority of the instruction

occurs when the students and instructor are not in the same place. Distance learning
may employ correspondence study, or audio, video, or computer technologies

 Project-based instruction is an authentic instructional model or strategy in which

students plan, implement and evaluate projects that have real world applications.


Trainees or students wishing to enroll in this course should satisfy the

following requirements:

 Be able to read, comprehend, and discuss printed information in English

 Be able to write simple statements, recognize numbers, and perform basic
numeric calculations
 Must bring a film or digital SLR camera

________________________________________________ 52
TR – Photography NC II

Recommended list of tools, equipment and materials for the training of 25 trainees
for Photography NC II.


QTY Description QTY Description QTY Description
(35 mm format)
1 set Hand tools 6 DSLR camera
of (Screw units 25 rolls B&W, color
each drivers, pliers, each negative and
hammer, 6 Zoom lenses, transparency
cutters, pcs wide-telephoto films
wrench) 1 pc Macro lens
3 35 mm film camera
1 120 camera * (120 format)
12 rolls B&W, color
1 pc Standard lens each negative and
1 pc Wide angle lens

1 pc Tele-photo lens

3 Tripods Chemicals for

pcs. 5 sets B&W processing
and printing
(Developers, stop
bath, fixer, hypo-
clearing agents,
photoflo, toners)*
1 pc Light meter 1 box B&W Photo
(50 papers*
8 X 10)
3 Cable release / 6 pcs. Memory card
pcs Remote control (1 GB)
6 Lens hood 6 sets Batteries,
pcs. chargers

________________________________________________ 53
TR – Photography NC II

1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

competency 1.1 Selected appropriate camera and lighting
equipment and associated accessories for specified
1.2 Applied range of lighting techniques for the
specified subjects
2. Underpinning 2.1 Knowledge of the ways in which a typical photo
knowledge and imaging studio is organized and practiced
attitudes 2.2 Knowledge of electromagnetic spectrum, color
temperature and color synthesis
2.3 Knowledge of photo imaging, lighting, including
terminology and identification
2.4 Knowledge of the ways in which light sensitive
materials, including films and digital sensors,
respond to light
2.5 knowledge of the implications of light on exposure
or light sensitive media
2.6 Knowledge of physical properties and capabilities of
the camera systems and lighting equipment used in
the exposure of photographic film and digital
2.7 Occupational health and safety issues and
procedures associated with lighting
2.8 Knowledge of elements and principles of design
2.9 Knowledge of other photographers, their work,
ideas and techniques specially pertaining to lighting

3 Underpinning skills 3.1 Literacy skills sufficient to read and interpret written
instructions, safety labels and procedures
3.2 Numeracy skills sufficient to interpret technical
charts and diagrams pertaining to a range of lighting
procedures and techniques
4 Resource The following resources MUST be provided
implications 4.1. Studio with complete lighting system
4.2. Materials, resources and equipment needed to
select, set up, adjust and apply camera and lighting
5. Method of Competency must be assessed through:
assessment 5.1. Demonstration with oral questioning
5.2. Interview
5.3. Portfolio
6. Context for 6.1 The assessment must provide for project or work
assessment activities that would allow the candidate to select
and apply a range of lighting techniques for
specified subjects

________________________________________________ 39
TR – Photography NC II

Space (m) Area Total

Facility (in sq. Area
meters) (in sq.


B. LEARNING RESOURCE 4.0 x 6.0 24.00 24.00
C. TOOLS/STORAGE AREA 4.0 x 4.0 16.00 16.00
D. WASH, TOILET AND 3.0 x 4.0 12.00 12.00
E. DARK ROOM * 3.0 X 3.0 9.00 9.00
F. ADMINISTRATIVE / RECEPTION 4.0 x 6.0 24.00 24.00
TOTAL 126.00

* Optional – facility for film processing



 Must have undergone training on Training Methodology II (TQ II)

 At least two (2) years in College Education
 Must be a holder of Photography NC II
 *Must be computer literate
 *Must have at least five (5) years job/industry experience

* Optional: Only when required by the hiring institution

Reference: TESDA Board Resolution No. 2004-03


Institutional assessment is undertaken by trainees to determine their

achievement of units of competency. A certificate of achievement is issued for
each unit of competency.

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TR – Photography NC II

4.1. To attain the National Qualification of PHOTOGRPAHY NC II, the

candidate must demonstrate competence in all the units listed in
Section 1. Successful candidates shall be awarded a National
Certificate signed by the TESDA Director General.

4.2. The qualification of PHOTOGRAPHY NC II may be attained through

accumulation of Certificates of Competency (COCs) in the following

4.2.1. Operate camera and compose a subject

4.2.2. Set up studio lights, equipment and accessories
4.2.3. Perform post capture processing
4.2.4. Present finished products

Successful candidates shall be awarded Certificates of Competency


4.3. Upon accumulation and submission of all COCs required for the
relevant units of competency comprising a qualification, an individual
shall be issued the corresponding National Certificate.
4.4. Assessment shall focus on the core units of competency. The basic
and common units shall be integrated or assessed concurrently with
the core units.

4.5. The following are qualified to apply for assessment and certification:

4.4.1 Graduates of formal, non-formal and informal including

enterprise-based training programs

4.4.2 Experienced Workers (wage employed or self-employed)

4.6. The guidelines on assessment and certification are discussed in

detail in the Procedures Manual on Assessment and Certification
and Guidelines on the Implementation of the Philippine TVET
Qualification and Certification System (PTQCS).

________________________________________________ 56
TR – Photography NC II


Operate camera and Set up technical / complicated Innovate new photography

Present finished products
compose a subjcet lighting system techniques

Set up studio lights,

Operate medium and large Update knowledge on camera Establish networks and markets
equipment and
format camera hardware and software in photography

Perform post capture

Use advance editing Manage operation of Train and supervise personnel
software photography business in photography


Develop and update industry Provide effective customer Select and prepare work for
Develop self as an artist Perform computer operations
knowledge service exhibition


Receive and Respond to

Participate in Workplace Use mathematical concepts and Develop Team and
Workplace Lead Workplace Communication
Communication techniques Individual

Work in a Team Solve Workplace Problems Apply Problem Solving

Work With Others Lead Small Team
Environment Related to Work Activities Techniques in the Workplace

Practice Career Practice Occupational Develop and practice negotiation

Use relevant technologies Plan and Organize Work
Professionalism Health and Safety skills

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TR – Photography NC II

1. Work environment 1.1. Darkroom equipped with enlarger(s), film processing
and developing requirements, appropriate lighting
with managed electrical cabling and plumbing system
safely installed, proper disposal of chemicals
1.2. Digital workplace equipped with computers,
scanners, printers, storage for software, electrical
cabling safely installed and managed, legitimate

2. Equipment 2.1 Darkroom equipment

2.1.1 Enlarger(s)
2.1.2 Timer(s)
2.1.3 Trays
2.1.4 Tanks
2.1.5 Print tongs
2.1.6 Thermometer
2.1.7 Chemical mixing equipment
2.1.8 Water bath
2.1.9 Film Dryer

2.2 Digital equipment

2.2.1 Computer
2.2.2 Calibrated monitor
2.2.3 Film and flat bed scanners
2.2.4 Output devices
2.2.5 Digital camera
2.2.6 Discs and digital media storage cards
2.2.7 Card readers
2.2.8 Legitimate software
2.2.9 External media drives
2.2.10 Image recovery software
2.2.11 Digital asset management or Database

________________________________________________ 42
TR – Photography NC II
 DENSITY - The relative opacity (blackness) of an area of a negative, a transparency or a
print. The greater the density, the less light can be transmitted through it. (Sometimes
density is also referred to as "Contrast.")

 DEPTH OF FIELD - The range of distance in a scene that appears to be in focus and will
be reproduced as being acceptably sharp in an image. Depth of field is controlled by the
lens aperture, and extends for a distance in front of and behind the point on which the lens
is focused.

 DEPTH OF FOCUS - A zone of focus in the camera. If an image is focused on a ground

glass screen in a camera, depth of focus makes it possible to move the screen slightly
backward or forward and still have the image in acceptable focus.

 DIFFUSED LIGHT or DIFFUSE LIGHTING - Light that is scattered and spread out as
opposed to specular light. Diffused light is softer than direct light, with shadows that are
less sharply-defined (lower contrast).

 DIGITAL CAMERA - A camera that takes pictures without film, but instead records the
image on an image sensor chip in a format that is readable by a computer.

 DIGITAL ZOOM - Zoom effect in some digital cameras that is not true (optical) zoom, but is
instead an enlargement of the information from the center of the CCD or CMOS (image

 ELECTRONIC FLASH - Artificial light source produced by an electrical discharge traveling

between two electrodes through a gas-filled tube. The light from electronic flash is
approximately the same color as daylight.

 ELEMENT - A single lens that is a component of a compound lens.

 EXPOSURE - (1) Exposure occurs when light is permitted to strike film - i.e. when the film
is exposed to light. (2) Exposure is the total amount of light striking the film or other
photographic material. (3) Also refers to a combination of shutter speed and aperture used
in exposing the film in a camera, as in “My light meter shows an exposure of 1/125 second
at ƒ/11.” A particular aperture and shutter speed combinations are often referred to as
“exposure settings.” “Proper exposure” refers to exposure that produces an image
satisfactory to the photographer.

 EXPOSURE METER - An instrument containing a light-sensitive cell used to measure the

amount of light reflected from or falling on a subject. The measurement is usually
expressed in shutter speed and aperture combinations that will render an acceptable
exposure. (Also known as a light meter.)

 EXPOSURE SETTING - The aperture and shutter speed combination used to expose the
film in a camera.

 f-NUMBER - (ƒ-number) A number that expresses a lens’ light-transmitting ability - i.e. the
size of the lens opening. Usually found on the barrel of a lens, f-numbers indicate the size
of the aperture in relation to the focal length of the lens. A smaller number indicates a

________________________________________________ 59
TR – Photography NC II
larger lens diameter. ƒ/1.4 signifies that the focal length of the lens is 1.4 times as great as
the diameter. All lenses set at the same f-number transmit the same amount of light.

 ƒ-stop - (f-stop) A lens aperture setting calibrated to an f-number.

 FIELD CAMERA - A type of camera known as the"field" or "baseboard" camera is

essentially a portable view camera, because it functions in much the same way and with
similar controls and features.

 FILTER - Tinted glass, gelatin or plastic discs, squares or rectangles that modify the light
passing through them. Filters are used in photography to change the appearance of a
scene by emphasizing, eliminating or changing color or density, generally so that the scene
can be recorded with a more natural look, on a particular film.

 FISHEYE - Describes an extreme wide-angle lens that has an angle of view exceeding
100° - sometimes more than 180° - and that renders a scene as highly distorted.

 FIXED FOCAL LENGTH - Descriptive of the lens in a camera that has one lens only that
cannot be interchanged for another lens and that cannot be zoomed.

 FLASH - (1) A brief, sudden burst of bright light from a flashbulb or an electronic flash unit;
(2) An artificial light source that provides brief, bright illumination of a subject in order to
properly expose photographic film; (3) Often used in reference to the actual unit that
produces the flash, as in "My flash is built into my camera."

 FLASH METER - Exposure meter designed to measure the light from electronic flash.

 FOCAL LENGTH - Focal length is the distance between the focal point of a lens and the
film plane when the lens is focused at infinity. It is used to designate the relative size and
angle of view of a lens, expressed in millimeters (mm). A particular lens' focal length can
generally be found engraved or printed on the front of the lens.

 FOCUS - (1) A point at which rays of light meet after being refracted or reflected. (2) Focal
point of a lens. (3) The clear and sharply-defined condition of an image, as in “This image
is in focus,” meaning it is sharp and well-defined. (4) Adjustment of the distance setting on
a lens to obtain a sharply-defined image.

 GELATIN - A nearly transparent substance, obtained by boiling animal tissue in water,

used as (1) the medium for suspending light-sensitive silver halide crystals on photographic
film, and (2) in the manufacture of gelatin filters.

 GOBO - A light-blocking device that falls under the general category of "Grip equipment."
Generally used in a studio to prevent illumination from a studio light striking a portion of a
scene. A "gobo" can be a simple piece of opaque cardboard or a sophisticated material in a
specific shape, often a rectangle or square. "Barn doors" are gobos.

 LATITUDE - Commonly “Exposure latitude” - The range of brightness, including shadow

detail, that a film can record in a single image before the highlights wash out or the
shadows become muddy. Fast films generally have greater exposure latitude than slow
films. Knowing a film’s latitude lets you know how much exposure can be varied and still
produce an acceptable image.
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 LENS - A true “lens” is a single piece of glass (or other transparent substance) having one
or more curved surfaces used in changing the convergence of light rays. What we
commonly call a photographic lens is more accurately and technically called an “objective,”
an optical device containing a combination of lenses that receive light rays from an object
and form an image on the focal plane. However, dictionaries have come to accept the
usage of the term “lens” to mean the entire photographic objective itself. A photographic
lens will always be called a lens, even though it is not a lens, but has a lot of lenses in it. A
camera lens collects and focuses rays of light to form an image on film.

 LENS SPEED - The widest aperture at which a lens can be set. A lens with a fast speed
has a very wide maximum aperture, such as ƒ/1.4, for example, and transmits more light
than a lens with a slow lens speed, such as ƒ/8.

 LIGHT METER - An instrument used to measure the amount of light reflected from or
falling on a subject. The measurement is usually expressed in shutter speed and aperture
combinations that will render an acceptable exposure. (Also known as an "Exposure

 LOCATION - A photography site that is outside of the studio. The often-heard term
"shooting on location" refers to taking pictures at such a site.

 MEMORY CARD - A removable device for storing images taken by a digital camera.

 OBJECTIVE - An objective (or object lens, object glass, objective lens or photographic
objective) is an optical system or device containing a combination of lenses that receive
light rays from an object and form an image on the focal plane. A photographic lens is an

 OVER-EXPOSE - Expose a photographic emulsion to more than light than is necessary for
proper exposure.

 PANNING - Technique that involves taking a picture while moving the camera at a
relatively slow shutter speed. It is almost always used when tracking a moving object, such
as a race car, as it travels across the film plane. When properly carried out, the object is
rendered relatively sharply while its surroundings are blurred.

 PERSPECTIVE - Technique of depicting volumes and spacial relationships (a scene in

three-dimensions) on a flat surface (an image having two dimensions).

 PHOTOGRAPHERS - are frequently categorized based on the subjects they photograph.

There are photographers of the subjects typical of paintings (landscape, still life, portrait,
etc.) as well as documentary photographers, fashion photographers, and commercial
photographers, etc. Some photographers specialize in a certain type of image, while others
are generalists. The distinction between artistic photography and photojournalism or other
types of photography and the associated techniques does not remove this personal aspect
from the work of the great photographers.

________________________________________________ 61
TR – Photography NC II


UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to prepare finished images / prints based
on specifications.

Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range Statement
1. Prepare photo 1.1 Photo images and materials are prepared
images and material according to customers’ requirements and
for final packaging specifications

1.2 Editing software is used to convert images for print

and other requirements

2. Select appropriate 2.1. Printing equipment is selected in accordance with

printing equipment work requirements

2.2. Printing equipment is maintained as per

manufacturer’s instruction

3. Apply finishing 3.1. Finished products are assessed for imperfections

touches and applied finishing touches as per established

3.2. Imperfections are corrected using retouching

materials or appropriate editing software

4. Package finished 4.1. Finished products are properly labeled and

products packaged as per established practice

4.2. Finished products are delivered to customers on


________________________________________________ 45
TR – Photography NC II

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) wishes to extend
gratitude and appreciation to the many representatives of business, industry, academe and
government agencies and labor groups who donated their time and expertise to the
development and validation of this Training Regulations.

The Federation of Philippine Photographers Foundation (FPPF)

The Technical and Industry Experts Panel


Chairperson Project Director
Federation of Philippine Photographers Federation of Philippine Photographers
Foundation Foundation
A. Soriano St., Intramuros, Manila A. Soriano St., Intramuros, Manila


Professor , Photography and other Fine Instructor, Multi-Media Department
Arts Subjects College of Saint Benilde, La Salle
Philippine Women’s University Manila
Taft Avenue, Manila


Advertising Photographer Cruise Ship Photographer
Commercial Imaging Specialist Shutterbug, Inc.
Makati City Juan Luna St., San Lorenzo Village, Makati


Free Lance Events Photographer
L-5C B37 Soldiers Hills Village
Muntinlupa City

The Participants in the Validation of this Training Regulations:


Owner / Senior Photographer General Manager
Bern Mejias Photography Adphoto Inc.
Project 4, Quezon City Palanan, Makati City


Owner / Photographer Chief Photographer
RF Photography Fotofabrik
Filinvest I, Quezon City Diliman, Quezon City


Owner / Photographer Program Coordinator- Photography Dept.
Anton Sheker Photography DE LA SALLE – College of St. Benilde
Salcedo Village, Makati City Taft Avenue, Manila

________________________________________________ 63
TR – Photography NC II
Freelance Photographer Freelance Photographer
Philippine Center for Federation of Philippine Photographer
PhotoJournalism Foundation
A Soriano St., Intramuros, Manila


President / Photographer Owner /Photographer
Threshold Photography and Creative Portfolio Studio
Imaging Makati City
Ortigas Center, Pasig City


Owner / Photographer Owner / Photographer
Mark Floro Photography Elford Professional Photography
Bel-Air 2, Makati City Taft Avenue, Manila


Owner / Photographer Instructor
AAA Imaging Studio Federation of Philippine Photographer
Marcos Highway, Antipolo, Rizal Foundation
A Soriano St., Intramuros, Manila

________________________________________________ 64
TR – Photography NC II
List of Published Training Regulations

 Animal Production NC II
 Aquaculture NC II
 Automotive Body Painting/Finishing NC II
 Automotive Body Repair NC II
 Automotive Engine Rebuilding NC II
 Automotive Servicing NC II
 Bartending NC II
 Building Wiring Installation NC II
 Carpentry NC II
 Commercial Cooking NC II
 Computer Hardware Servicing NC II
 Deck Seafaring NC II
 Dressmaking NC II
 Driving NC II
 Engine Seafaring NC II
 Food and Beverage Services NC II
 Footwear Making NC II
 Heavy Equipment Operation NC II
 Horticulture NC II
 Household Services NC II
 Housekeeping NC II
 Machining NC II
 Masonry NC II
 Motorcycle and Small Engine Servicing NC II
 Photography NC II
 Plumbing NC II
 Pyrotechnics NC II
 RAC Servicing NC I
 RAC Servicing NC II
 Security Services NC II
 Tailoring NC II
 Tour Guiding Services NC II
 Transport RAC Servicing NC II
 Travel Services NC II
 Welding NC II
These materials are available in both printed and electronic copies.
For more information please contact:
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)
Telephone Nos.: 893-8303, 893-2139; 817-4076 to 82 loc. 615 to 617
or visit our website:
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TR – Photography NC II

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