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Questionnaire For SAP- HCM

OM- Organizational Management

1) Please, provide details about your company’s organizational structure (Reporting Hierarchy).
2) Are all organizational units assumed to be departments or are there regions in their org chart?
3) Please, provide a list of your company’s organizational units (e.g. departments).
4) Does your company have different locations (e.g., individual departments are located
externally)? Alternatively, do any of your employees work on external work places? Then you
need address information for the correspondence.
5) Does each of your organizational unit represent a department or organizational units, which
represent departments with subordinated organizational units, which represent groups?
6) Are there any organizational units and positions within your organizational plan, which are not
part of the normal reporting hierarchy (staff) and which report directly to higher organizational
units or positions?
7) Organizational units and positions can relate to Cost Centers. Provide a list of the
8 Provide a list of your company’s jobs (e.g. secretary, manager). How many jobs exist?
9) Define and document job codes.
10) Do job descriptions already exist or do they need to be set up?
11) Provide a list of your company’s position (e.g. department secretary, HR manager).
12) Do Position descriptions already exist or do they need to be set up?
13) Do you automatically report your vacant positions to recruitment? If not, will you set up every
unoccupied position to vacant?
14) Do you maintain employee group and employee subgroup information on positions within
your organizational plan?
15) Organizational units and positions can relate to Cost Centers. Provide a list of the
16) Do tasks describing jobs and/or positions already exist or do they need to be set up?
17) Provide a list of your company’s tasks (e.g. administration tasks, HR tasks). In case you are
using tasks for your job descriptions.
18) If your organization plans to use tasks, identify any groups of tasks that are routinely
performed together, so that they can catalogued as a task group.
Questionnaire for SAP HCM
PA – Personnel Administration
1. What are info types?

2. Infotype numbers reserved for PD?

3. Infotype numbers reserved for Time?

4. Infotype numbers reserved for PA?

5. Infotype numbers from 4000 to 4999 are reserved for?

6. Custom infotypes numbers reserved?

7. How to create Custom Infotypes?

8. Transaction code to create Infotypes?

9. What are personnel actions?

10. What is the transaction for executing personnel actions?

11. How do you define Personnel actions?

12. What is an infogroup?

13. What is an infogroup modifier?

14. What is the Feature used to default Infogroup?

15. Is there a way to add an infotype into my Hiring action based on the users personnel area?

16. What are the important info types for a hiring action?

17. What are different structures in SAP HR?

18. What is an Enterprise Structure?

19. What is a Personnel Structure?

20. What is an Organization Structure?

21. What is the highest level of the enterprise structure?

22. What is a Company Code?

23. What are personnel areas and its functions?

24. What are personnel sub areas and its functions?

25. How is an employee in the HR Master data linked to a company to which he belongs?
26. Can a personnel area be assigned to many company codes?

27. How do you categorize the employee groups?

28. What are the indicators defined by personnel sub areas?

29. What are employee subgroups and what are the indicators set up using employee subgroups?

30. Employee groups are two character and employee subgroup are two character representations in the IMG.
Do you support this statement?

31. In the HR Master data where are planned working times for an employee seen?

32. Do I need to give country assignment to personnel sub areas in customizing? If true support the statement
and if not what’s true?

33. What are features? What is the transaction for features?

34. What are the features to default and in which info type?

35. Feature to default Work schedule Rule?

36. Feature to default Pay Scale Data?

37. Feature to default Wage Type Model?

38. Feature to default Administrators Group?

39. Feature for defining Pay Scale Area?

40. Feature for defining Number Range Interval?

41. What is the infotype to store personal data of an employee?

42. Where are the default values for working hours per period taken from in IT 0008?

43. What are the info type attributes?

44. What is an infotype view? How to create it?

45. Where are the info types relevant to retroactive accounting for payroll and time management defined?

46. What are the significance of field triggers in retroactive accounting?

47. What do you need to do in the IMG to specify certain info types for certain countries only?

48. Where can you store a passport photo of an employee? Where do you do the settings in the IMG?

49. What is TCLAS = A and TCLAS = B?

50. What are infotype menus or info menus? Are they user group dependable?.

51. What setting do i need to make for a SAP user to see that he has the relevant infotype menus?
52. What are dynamic actions and how to configure it?

53. What is the integration switch between OM and PA?

54. What are different administrators of PA? Where are they stored?

55. What are different types of SAP Projects?

56. How do you change Hiring Date?

57. How to delete Personnel Records/HR Records?

58. Locking personal number for generating Payroll?

59. What is concurrent employment?

60. Reports used in PA OM intergration?

61. What is ASAP Methodology?

62. How Tcode maintain Number ranges in PA?

63. How many types of reports exist in SAP HR?

64. What are time constraints and what are different kinds of time constraints?

65. What are different logical databases used in PA?

66. What are different Authorizations checks which can be performed on SAP HCM?

67. What are structural Profiles?

68. What are the steps to maintain Structural Authorizations?

69. What is the BADI used for Authorization Check?

70. How is the Authorization check main switch stored?

Questionnaire For SAP HCM
TM- Time Management

1. What is a time management status infotype?

2. Where will you record Times?
3. How is Time Managment and payroll is integrated?
4. In TM, if group of employees get 10 days of annual leave, what will be the time evaluation status?
5. What is Attendance & Absences Quota?
6. What is Substitutions?
7. What is Availability?
8. What are Attendance & Absence Types?
9. How do we record a Overtime?
10. What is Attendance & Absences Counting Rule?
11. What is the difference among work schedule, daily work schedule and work schedule rule?
12. Daily Work Schedule: It defines the start and end of working time of the day.
13. What is counting rules?
14. What is time quotas?
15. Is absence/attendence quotas are part of time quotas?
16. What is TMW & what are its functions?
17. What is Rounding Rule?
18. What is Quota deduction?
19. What is Quota Compensation?
20. What is a time management status infotype?
21. Where will you record Times?
22. How is Time managment and payroll is integrated?
23. In TM, if group of employees get 10 days of annual leave, what will be the time evaluation status?
24. What is Attendance & Absences Quota?
25. What is the Feature to default Quota type?
26. Report to generate Absence Quota?
27. What is the infotype for absence Quota?
28. What is Absence Quota Type Group?
29. What is a Quota Correction Infotype and what is its significance?
30. What is a Time Quota Compensation infotype?
31. How do you configure Absence Quota?
32. What is a Time Recording?
33. How can you make changes to the time balances that have been calculated in the time evaluation?
34. How is an Overtime Infotype used?
35. What is Substitutions?
36. What is Availability?
37. What are Attendance & Absence Types?
38. How do we record a Overtime?
39. What is Attendance & Absences Counting Rule?
40. What is the difference among work schedule, daily work schedule and work schedule rule?
41. Daily Work Schedule: It defines the start and end of working time of the day.
42. What is counting rules?
43. What is time quotas?
44. Is absence/attendence quotas are part of time quotas?
45. What is TMW & what are its functions?
46. What is Rounding Rule?
47. What is Quota deduction?
48. What is Quota Compensation?
49. What is a shift group?
50. What is a shift planning Requirements?
51. What is a shift Planning? Steps involved in configuration of Shift Planning?
52. What is a time status?
53. What is the feature to default Time management Staus?
54. What are different time management statuses?
55. What are different Time Schemas used based on Time Management Statuses?
56. What is Personnel Time Events?
57. What is the time status for Positive time Management and negative time management?
58. What is Positive Time Recording?
59. What is Negative Time Recording ?
60. What is a Work Schedule?
61. What is a Day Type?
62. How do you generate Work Schedules?
63. What are Daily Work Schedules?
64. What is aPeriod Work Schedule?
65. How do you define work schedules?
66. What are Work Schedule Rules?
67. What is a Substitution in TM?
68. What is an Availability in time management?
69. What is a Rounding Rule?
70. What is a Quota Deduction ?
71. What is a Quota Compensation ?
72. What are collision checks?
73. What are different reaction indicators for Collitions?
74. Explain CATS?
75. What are the different user interfaces available in CATS?
76. What is the transaction code for entering cats?
77. Where does the time sheet data gets saved?
78. What are different processing statuses for time sheet data?
79. What are different interface tables used by CATS for HR?
80. What is the report used to transfer data from CATS interface tables to HR infotypes?
81. What is time Evaluation?
82. What are different Time Evaluation Schemas?
83. Which characteristics does a day with day type 1 have?
84. What are day types? How many day types exist? What are they? Where do you configure them?
85. Transaction code for personnel calculation rules?
86. What is the report used to check the results of Time Evaluation?
87. What is the report used to display Time Recording data?
88. What is the interface table which data from the time events are transferred?
89. Where are the time events stored?
90. What does a Time evaluation driver do?
91. Where is the time evaluation results stored?
Questionnaire for SAP HCM
PY - Payroll

1. What is a wage type?

2. What are its Wage Type characteristics?
3. What are the different Wage Types?
4. Transaction to create wage types?
5. Payroll process?
6. Difference between Offcycle payroll and retroactive account?
7. How does the system know when to trigger retroactive accounting for a particular employee?
8. How is the earliest retroactive accounting date determined for an employee?
9. What is the payroll control record used for?
10. What is the next payroll period for which regular payroll should be run?
11. Up to what date is retroactive accounting carried out?
12. What status does the payroll currently have? (for example, Released for Payroll or Check Payroll
13. Is the exact date of the payroll period for an employee determined by the payroll area or the payroll
control record?
14. What activities are possible when the payroll control record is set to “Released for Payroll”?
15. Is it possible to branch directly from the payroll log to master data and time data maintenance?
16. What is Match-code W used for?
17. What effect does grouping employee subgroups have on personnel calculation rules?
18. Can you evaluate payroll results using SAP Query/Ad Hoc Query?
19. What steps are required to post payroll results to Accounting?
20. Can a posting run be deleted?
21. Where do you specify whether an employee is paid in cash or whether the money is transferred to
a bank account?
22. Where are payroll results stored?
23. What is Match-code W?
24. Explain what ‘internal payroll process’ is.
25. Explain what ‘retroactive accounting period’ is in SAP.
26. Explain what payroll area is in SAP HR?
27. What is an off-cycle payroll? When do you perform it?
28. List the steps you would take to transfer employee's salary from HR to FI?
29. What problems are generally faced while posting results to FI?
30. What are the fields of wage type ?
31. Explain the following with examples:

A. Processing Class
B. Evaluation Class
C. Cumulation Class

32. What is a wage type split?

33. How are wage types valuated?
34. List the steps you would take to calculate over time.
35. What is the TCODE to display Payroll results?
36. What is the TCODE for payroll driver?
37. What is a payroll driver?
38. What is a payroll schema?
39. What does a payroll schema contains?
40. What are payroll relevant files?
41. What are different internal tables used for storing data during payroll run?
42. What is a payroll control record?
43. What is a payroll status?
44. What is a payroll Area?
45. What is a payroll date?
46. What is period parameter?
47. What is a date modifier?
48. Transaction code Pay role simulation?
49. T-Code for releasing Payroll?
50. What is exiting payroll? How do you do it?
51. What is deleting last payroll result?
52. What is the table for processing and evaluation classes?
53. What is the control record for a payroll to be run for 01.01.2007?
54. How do you pay revisions and in which infotype?
55. What do you mean by Model wage types?
56. How to valuate the time wage types
57. Derive the wage type with 50% & 25%
58. How to change the employee basic pay from wage type MM20 to 5231
59. What is the use of counting classes?
60. What is the use of Day Rules?
61. What are the partial period factors
62. In which tables Payroll constant will be stored & through which T-Code you are able to view the
63. Write the formula for partial period factor for /802
64. What is the use of factoring in Payroll.
65. Are you able to run a payroll for ex-employee?
66. What do you know about Averages in payroll?
67. Through which T-Code you are able to create a remuneration statement
68. Explain bank transfers & Check processing?
69. How does the system know when to trigger retroactive accounting for a particular employee?
70. Is the exact date of the payroll period for an employee determined by the payroll area or the payroll
control record?
71. What activities are possible when the payroll control record is set to “Released for Payroll”?
72. What steps are required to post payroll results to Accounting?
73. Where do you specify whether an employee is paid in cash or whether the money is transferred to
a bank account?
74. If wage type 1234 in IT is Rs. 1000 and i want another Wage Type 8888 getting calculated 5% of
WT 1234 and must get reflected in IT 0014, how its possible, please explain?
75. Salary statement?
76. End to end payroll processing will involve the following steps?
77. What is a symbolic Account?
78. What are the important elements in pay scale structure?
79. Difference between Off cycle payroll and retroactive account?
80. When you perform a Off-cycle payroll?
81. Difference between Regular payroll and Off Cycle payroll?
82. What are the advantages of off cycle payroll run?
83. What are the Configuration steps of Off Cycle payroll run?
84. How does the system know when to trigger retroactive accounting for a particular employee?
85. How Time management and payroll is integrated?
86. What is the connection between Planned Working Time (IT7) and Basic Pay (IT 8)?
87. How do your correct payroll?
88. How to Delete Payroll Results?
89. How to Delete multiple payroll results?
90. What are the importance of Payroll Status infotype (0003)?
91. Is it possible to configure a single payroll to pay an individual in multiple currencies?
92. How to Map Symbolic Account to G/L Account ?
93. How the payroll results of employees are transferred to SAP FICO module?
94. Explain the various TCODES used in SAP HR.

Questionnaire For SAP – HCM


1. What Is Sap Ess ?

2. What Is Manager Self-service (mss)?

3. How Does The Business Package For Manager Self-service Fit Into The Sap Enterprise Portal
Product Offering ?

4. Does The Business Package For Sap Manager Self-service Cover All Mdt Functions?

5. What Are Phases Of Manager Self-service ?

6. How Do I Run Reports Within Mss ?

7. How Can I Authorize Multiple Tasks ?

8. How Do I Add Carryover To An Employee’s Leave Entitlement ?

10. A Part-time Member Of Staff Prefers To Work Another Day During The Week In
11. Which A Bank Holiday Falls ?

12. How Do I Get Access To Mss?

13. What Is The Definition Of A Line Manager ?

14. What Are The Components Available In Employee Self-service (ess) Applications?

15. Does The Business Package For Sap Manager Self-service Cover All Mdt Functions?

16. What Is The Difference Between The Manager’s Desktop (mdt) And The Business Package For
Sap Manager Self-service ?

17. What Is Manager Self-service Applications ?

Questionnaire for SAP – HCM

1. When is the employee record created in the system. (Is it on offer acceptance OR on the day the
employee joins the organization).
2. If the record is created before the date of joining, which identity (Employee/ Candidate/ Application/
Any other identity) is used to create the record.
3. If the record is created before the date of joining, do they create a
a) Hire action with an Active status on a future date
b) Hire action with any other status. If so, please specify the status.

Questionnaire for SAP – HCM


1. Can a delegate see all that a manager can see?

2. Can the EJR be completed then moved to the reporting manager? Ex: if Hasnat has 16 reports who
have the same EJR’s , can he fill them in attach them to the direct report then move 8 to Meloney
and those ejr’s will move with the employee.
3. Is there a final review process before the performance review is sent to HR?
4. If the performance evaluations for PRN employees are completed in SAP, how will the system
know not to give a merit raise?
5. Can there be a summary page for managers, instead of having to go thru each tab to do a final
6. Do you have to go to each tab to print?
7. Can there be an option that managers can’t finalize a performance review until they have really
reviewed it?
8. Are you required to fill in all the fields to proceed with the review?
9. Once you enter EJR information in SAP can everyone in the department access that information to
assign to their direct reports?
10. Can a manager of direct reports be a delegate?
11. If an employee has resigned do I need to send in a request to have them removed from SAP?
12. If a non-duke employee manages duke employees are their evaluations performed in SAP?
13. Do I have to use SAP Performance Management?
14. Will I be able to see my direct reports and those that report to them.

15. How do I have an employee added or removed from my list of direct reports?

16. Do I need the administrator to assist if a direct report leaves duke and someone else is hired into
the same position?

17. How do the Performance Management links work?

8. What do I do if the Manage Expected Job Results link is visible but grayed out?

19. Who can be a delegate?

20. How does a manager change the delegate assignment from one delegate to another?
21. Why is the Manage Expected Job Results link grayed out for the delegate user?

22. Why is Performance Reviews – Delegates link grayed out?

23. I want to assign an EJR to an direct report but they are not on the list. What do I do?

24. Can I change the order of expected job results in the document?

25. My employee’s review has no buttons for changing status or save button. What do I do?

26. Are attachments visible to my employee?

27. When are Manager Comments visible to the employee?

28. If a direct report leaves Duke during the year, what do I do?

Questionnaire for SAP-HCM

Travel Management

1) Because they are not using SAP HR, what would be the minimum effort required to configure and build
SAP Travel Management?
2) Are there any special licensing requirements they may need to purchase for SAP TM?
3) What is the level of effort to configure and build SAP TM?
4) Is there a robust approval workflow on expense reimbursements within SAP TM?
5) Is there integration between SAP TM and MM for purchase requisition or purchase order creation?

Questionnaire SAP – HCM

Training and Event Management

Q: 1) How do you plan your business event catalog? Do you determine demand?

Q: 2) Do you want to use Training and Event Management to manage internal and external business
Q: 3) Define the business event hierarchy for the business event catalog of the customer.

Q: 4) How are attendees registered for business events?

Q: 5) Do you want to use booking functions?

Q: 6) Do you charge cancellation fees?

Q: 7) Is there integration with Materials Management?

Q: 8) Which types of material need to be managed by Training and Event Management? Do these
materials already exist in Materials Management? The interface is only suitable for consumer goods
such as files and pencils. It is not suitable for managing PCs

Q: 9) Do you want to use billing functions?

Q: 10) Has customizing been maintained in your system for the customer master and billing?

Q: 11) Do you intend to transfer billing document data to FI and CO?

Q: 12) Are the business events attended by people other than your customers? Do you need
functions for one-time customers?

Q: 13) Is a discount offered on the price of the business event?

Q: 14) Do want to transfer costs to Cost Accounting?

Q: 15) Has customizing been maintained for the Controlling application component?

Q: 16) Should the cost center structure of your enterprise reflected in your system?

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