Lucy Cavendish College - Students
Lucy Cavendish College - Students
Lucy Cavendish College - Students
-- Students
This statement explains how Lucy Cavendish College handles and uses information we collect about those
applicants we make an offer of study to, and students once they join the College. In broad terms, we use your
personal information to manage the ongoing relationship between the College and you as part of our lifelong
community of scholars. This includes guiding and supporting your academic studies, maintaining and
reviewing your academic progress and pastoral welfare, reviewing your financial commitments to the College
and (if you live in College accommodation) managing our relationship with you as a resident.
When changes are made to this statement, we will publish the updated version on our website and notify
you by other communications channels as we deem appropriate or necessary.
The controller for your personal information is Lucy Cavendish College, Lady Margaret Road, Cambridge, CB3
0BU. The Data Protection Officer for the College is the Office of Intercollegiate Services Ltd [12B King’s Parade,
Cambridge; 01223 768745; ].
OIS Ltd. should be contacted if you have any concerns about how the College is managing your personal
information, or if you require advice on how to exercise your rights as outlined in this statement. The person
within the College otherwise responsible for data protection at the time of issue, and the person who is
responsible for monitoring compliance with relevant legislation in relation to the protection of personal data,
is the Bursar, Lesley Thompson (
The normal legal basis for processing your personal information is that it is necessary in the performance of
one or more contracts with us (including preparing to become a student and member of the College, the
expectations on both sides during your course of studies and any related accommodation contract). We have
commitments to other external bodies (particularly the University of Cambridge) as part of those contracts,
and we outline below (see “How we share your personal information) how and when we ordinarily will share
your personal information. For some specific purposes, we may rely on another legal basis, including where
we are required for compliance with a legal obligation (e.g. financial records, equal opportunities monitoring),
or where we believe it is in our legitimate interest to do so (e.g. to enable your access to external services).
You may ask us for further information on these matters at any time if you have specific concerns.
We collect and process your personal information, as specified below, for a number of purposes, including:
A. maintaining your personal details, including ensuring effective communications with you;
B. maintaining a formal record of your academic progress and achievements at the College, the University
of Cambridge and elsewhere;
C. maintaining a formal record of your other engagements with and achievements at the College, the
University of Cambridge and elsewhere
D. maintaining a record, where appropriate, of any particular personal needs you require to participate fully
in College and University life (including any support needs that are, or have been, provided by the College
or the University during your course of studies), as well as information about your general health and
E. maintaining financial records relating to your studies, your funding and other financial support
F. provision of references to third parties;
G. maintaining a record of your behaviour and in particular where there has been concerns or complaints
raised about you;
H. maintaining a record of any complaints you make to the College and their outcomes;
I. maintaining data to enable the College and the University to produce statistics and research for internal
and statutory reporting purposes.
Further details are provided in the Annex. If you have concerns or queries about any of these purposes,
please contact us at the address given below, or speak to the Admissions Office (offer holders) or your Tutor
(current students).
We also operate CCTV on our premises, which will capture footage. Our CCTV policy can be viewed at on our
Please note that if you engage with us for any other purpose (e.g. you work for us, or volunteer for us), there
are additional data protection statements that you will be provided with for those other purposes, usually at
the first point of engagement.
The Annex outlines specific retention periods for certain categories of information: most of these are
determined by legal requirements relating to that specific information.
Where no specific retention period is noted, two years post graduation (or when you go out of residence for
the final time), the College reduces your personal information to a subset of information so that the College
can retain a sufficient record of your academic achievements for references and other related purposes, and
your time at the College. The archived record would retain:
application form; transcripts; examinations entry confirmation forms; examinations results; college
prizes; supervision reports; references written by members of college; student contact details; College
We strongly encourage all of our students to remain in touch with the College after they leave and, for that
reason, we transfer a subset of this information to our alumnae office. You are encouraged to read our
separate statement about personal information for alumni, which covers your ongoing lifelong membership
of the College here .
We share the following information with relevant people within the College: USN, name, degree, subject,
Tutor, DoS, admission term, expected graduation date, CRSID, citizenship, residency, dietary requirements .
Again, this is considered necessary for the College to operate smoothly but you can request a greater level
of privacy by contacting the Admissions Office (offer holders) or your Tutor (current students).
The College also takes photographs of its students, either individually and/or as a group in a matriculation
and graduation photographs. These are widely used within the College and may be on public display. You
will be asked at those times to opt out if you do not wish your photograph to be used in College materials.
Otherwise, the College restricts the sharing of your personal information within the College in line with its
confidentiality policy (
By being a member of a College and registering for a course of study, you are automatically a member of the
University of Cambridge. The academic and student support arrangements between the College and the
University of Cambridge are complex and varied depending on your course and level of study. Information
relating to you (and particularly your academic studies) is shared routinely and often with the University, and
the University and its partners (including the College) have a data sharing agreement to govern such
interactions and information transfers in both directions, as well as a shared student record system and
The personal information shared with the University will include only that which is necessary for you to
undertake and complete your studies and your examinations, and in addition will include any information
necessary for the College to fulfill its obligations and agreements with the University about the shared
University community (including sufficient information for the University to record and collate instances of
student behavior or complaints across all of the Colleges and the University). Where possible, the College
will notify you of its intention to share such data in advance.
The University is a separate legal entity to the College and has its own statement about your personal
information and its procedures, which you can view here. It in turns shares information with the affiliated
student unions and a number of other bodies for statutory and other purposes.
The College routinely shares information with, and receives information from, where appropriate:
the Cambridge City Council and other local authorities (to provide evidence of any rights to or exemptions
from local services and taxes, including electoral registration and council tax);
your funding providers or sponsors, as agreed with them and/or you, including the Student Loans
Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (in relation to your application, offer and requirements to
meet any offer of study).
We may also be subject to a legal requirement (with or without your consent) to share your personal
information with some government agencies under special circumstances (e.g. relating to crime or health
and safety), such as the police or security services or other statutory authorities with investigatory powers.
Where possible, the College will notify you of its intention to share such information in advance.
We will normally provide confirmation of your qualifications and other academic references to a prospective
employer or financial sponsor only if you have contacted us and given us permission to do so.
We may also provide personal information to agencies and trusted advisers in order to receive professional
advice or guidance in relation to a number of matters (examples of such advice include legal and audit
services, fee status verification services, intercollegiate agreement services) or to provide services to you
through a third party on our behalf. In such circumstances, data sharing agreements are in place to ensure
your personal information is not retained by them for longer than necessary or otherwise shared more
The College may share information with organisations overseas as part of arrangements related to your
membership of the College (e.g. field trip, student exchange programme, an overseas funding provider). In
most cases, this will be related to the operation of a contract.
We would not normally make your personal information publicly available without your consent.
We would encourage you to be careful when sharing personal information about other students in public
social media sites and other similar environments.
Please also note the University’s people search function may also be widened to be accessible to the general
public by changing the settings at its default setting is otherwise access
to all members of the University and all Colleges: we share this because we believe it helps significantly in
building community relations and networks and helps others get in touch with you easily.
Your rights
You have the right: to ask us for access to, rectification or erasure of your personal information; to restrict
processing (pending correction or deletion); to object to communications; and to ask for the transfer of your
personal information electronically to a third party (data portability).
Some of these rights are not automatic, and we reserve the right to discuss with you why we might not comply
with a request from you to exercise them.
If you have questions or concerns about your personal information, or how it used, please speak to the
relevant College staff in the first instance. If you need further guidance, please contact the Bursar in College.
If you remain unhappy with the way your information is being handled, or with the response received from
us, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office at Wycliffe House,
Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF (
We collect and process your personal information, as specified below, for a number of purposes, including:
A. maintaining your personal details, including ensuring effective communications with you;
We retain personal information (provided by you or by the University of Cambridge, or created by us), including:
i) your current name and any previous names you have had;
ii) unique personal identifiers (e.g. student number, CRSID, date of birth, photograph);
iii) your current and previous contact details;
iv) next-of-kin or emergency contacts.
We will assume that you have obtained permission from your next-of-kin or emergency contact for us to hold their
information for that purpose.
B. maintaining a formal record of your academic progress and achievements at the College, the University
of Cambridge and elsewhere:
We retain personal information (provided by you or by the University of Cambridge, or created by us), including:
i) your application details, our assessment of your application and the details of any offer(s) of study
we have made;
ii) records of your academic provision from the College (including supervisions, College examinations
and other academic support);
iii) matriculation and graduation details and records of your academic qualifications (including those
prior to becoming a member of the College);
iv) other details of your academic progress or achievements (e.g. College or University awards or prizes).
Where an award or prize is provided by an external sponsor, we will normally share details about you and your
academic performance with them and your achievements may be publicised on our website (external) or in the
College Messenger (internal).
C. maintaining a formal record of your other engagements with and achievements at the College, the
University of Cambridge and elsewhere:
We retain personal information (provided by you or by the University of Cambridge, or created by us), including:
i) records of your membership of College committees, the Junior Common Room (JCR), Middle
Common Room (MCR) and College clubs and societies;
ii) awards, prizes and achievements in College or University-related activities (e.g music, arts, sports
D. maintaining a record, where appropriate, of any particular personal needs you require to participate fully
in College and University life (including any support needs that are, or have been, provided by the College
or the University during your course of studies), as well as information about your general health and
We retain personal information (provided by you or by the University of Cambridge, or created by us), including:
i) details of any disability, illness, and any consequent learning support, social support or other support
ii) details of any serious risks affecting you (e.g. severe allergies);
iii) arrangements agreed with you to manage your use of College and University facilities (e.g. computing
services, sports facilities, libraries, accommodation, learning spaces), including any special
requirements that may be linked to your health or religious beliefs;
iv) other information to support your health, safety and wellbeing.
We may also retain copies of statements from professional medical advisers, provided either by you or directly
to us.
All personal information will be managed in line with our confidentiality policy. We recognise that much of the
personal information outlined above is of a sensitive nature and requires a high level of discretion. Wherever
possible, we will discuss and agree with you in advance with whom and when we share this information, but
reserve the right to disclose information to others in matters relating to significant risks to your health and
safety or the health and safety of others.
This information is normally retained until one year after you complete your studies.
Please note that where you are referred to services not offered directly by the College (e.g. the College Nurse
or Counsellor, the University Counselling Centre and the University’s Disability Resource Centre), these support
services will have their own data protection statement (or privacy notice) and we advise you pay close attention
to these.
E. maintaining financial records relating to your studies, your funding and other financial support
We retain personal information (provided by you or by the University of Cambridge, or created by us), including:
i) records of your sources of funding support and tuition fee liabilities and, where relevant, records of
your accommodation liabilities and other related charges (e.g. [kitchen fixed charge]), as well as what
monies are to be, and have been, collected by the College on behalf of itself and the University;
ii) records of any financial support agreed by the University and/or the College (including Cambridge
Bursaries, other studentships or awards, additional discretionary funding, benefits or waivers
approved by the College);
iii) where you reside in accommodation owned or managed by the College, copies of any
accommodation contract(s);
iv) where appropriate, your banking details in order to conduct financial transactions, and records of
such transactions;
v) records of your College financial account, including balance and transactions;
vi) copies of any correspondence with you about any of the above matters.
Where this information includes the personal information of others (e.g. parental income evidence), we will
assume that you have their permission to provide it to us for our purposes. This information is normally
retained until seven years after you complete your studies.
In addition to the information above (and particularly your achievements in B and C above), we retain personal
information (provided by you or created by us), including:
i) records of your advisers, including where relevant your Tutor, Director of Studies and other
nominated College personnel who provided you with personal support.
G. maintaining a record of your behavior and in particular where there has been concerns or complaints
raised about you:
We retain personal information (provided by you or by others, or created by us), including:
i) details of any investigations undertaken by the College into your conduct or behavior (e.g.
disciplinary investigations, fitness to study investigations, complaints made against you);
ii) a record, including the final outcome, of any investigation of the University into your conduct or
The College has several complaints procedures, relating to different matters, which you are expected to
familiarise yourself with and, in all cases, personal information will be managed in line with our confidentiality
policy. We recognise that investigations may include information or statements of either a sensitive or disputed
nature, and that such records require a high level of confidentiality. Wherever possible, we will discuss and
agree with you in advance with whom and when we share this information, but reserve the right to disclose
information to others in matters relating to significant risks to your health and safety or the health and safety
of others.
This information is normally retained until one year after you complete your studies.
H. maintaining a record of any complaints you make to the College and their outcomes:
i) details of any complaints you have made to the College and their outcomes, where these have been
taken through the College complaints procedure.
This information is normally retained until three years after you complete your studies.
I. other purposes:
We retain personal information (provided by you or by the University of Cambridge, or created by us), including:
This information is normally retained until seven years after you complete your studies.
J. maintaining data to enable the College and the University to produce statistics and research for internal
and statutory reporting purposes.
It is difficult to provide a comprehensive list, but we retain personal information (provided by you), including:
i) information relating to “equal opportunities” (e.g. nationality, ethnicity, religious and other beliefs,
gender, sexuality, age) in order to fulfill legal requirements of the College or the University;
ii) information relating to known relationships with other members (past or present) of the University
of Cambridge or any of the Colleges;
iii) information relating to your rights to live, work and study in the United Kingdom;
iv) any criminal record that may affect your status as a student of the University or the College;
v) others
If you have concerns or queries about any of these purposes, please contact us, or speak to the Bursar.