Master RQs
Master RQs
Master RQs
2. 9-year-old lost Primary 2nd molars -With space maintainer- As permanent 1st is present Band and loop
3. Antibiotics and their side effect.
Miscellaneous metronidazole
nausea/vomiting, dizziness, headache, vaginal candidiasis, metallic taste avoid alcohol use during treatment
and for up to 3 days after, combined use may lead to cramps, nausea/vomiting, flushing, headache; may
discolour urine red-brown
40. What is meant by chief complaint of the patient? The same age old defiinition- to be explained in patient’s
own words
41. Prevalence and incidence- A washbasin is being filled with water, Water in the washbasin is prevalence and
the new water being added is incidence.
Already existing cases- Prevalence
New cases - Incidence
42. In paediatric patients
A. asthma has a decreasing prevalence.
B. asthma is an acute inflammatory disorder.
C. asthma leads to increased caries.
D. asthmatic attacks can be triggered by anxiety- D
43. Cross sectional study? Prevalence or Incidence- Prevalence-
44. Orange stain changes hue or Chroma? – Changes HUE, Increases CHROMA (FINAL ANSWER)
45. With age what increases?
o Hue
o Value
o Chroma – Chroma, value-decreases, chroma-increases, hue-unchanged
VD, CI – Value Decreases, Chroma Increases
46. When you have color index of 100, which of the following is effected? Value, Hue, Chroma - Hue
47. Most important when selecting shade? value, translucency, chroma, hue? – Value
48. Clinician can most easily change hue, chroma, value? - Hue
49. Which is not risk factors of oral cancer. HIV, smoking, alcohol, HPV? - HIV
50. If a patient has an adverse reaction to medication who do you report to CDC, FDA, OSHA, EPA? - FDA
51. Epstein-Barr virus associated with hairy leukoplakia, Burkitt's lymphoma and Nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
T\F- True
52. Non smoking pt, you can see all of these except.
Hyperkeratosis- Leukoplakia
105. In adult patients, EMS should be activated after- after establishing non-responsiveness.
in CHILDREN, EMS should be activated after- after1 minute or 5 cycles of cpr becos mostly respiratory arrest--
reference 127 deck in oral surgery
106. When an ADULT has a pulse BUT is breathless, the recommended rate of rescue breathing is ___ 10-12
For CHILDREN- ____ 18-20
107. How does external bevel gingivectomy heal?
Primary intention
Granular tissue formation
156. Multiple myeloma has a M spike. What’s the cause? Abnormal monoclonal immunoglobulin protein peak
known as an M spike. The immunoglobulin is usually the IgG or IgA class, with a monoclonal light chain
157. Due to the mesial concavity of the maxillary first premolar, prior to condensation of the amalgam, the
tooth is best prepared with
a. wedge only
b. matrix only
c. no wedge nor matrix needed
d. custom made wedge + matrix - D
158. Radiologic damage is less with
A. more oxygen
B. decreased are of exposure - A
159. Non fluoridated area. Child 10yr old. Supplement?
A. 1mg F per day
B. 1 mg F per week
C. 5 mg day
D. 5mg week- A
160. What is not a co factor of iatrogenic bone destruction
A. plaque
Whole body fatigue, lethargy, or feeling cold
Developmental delayed puberty or slow growth
Hair hair loss or dryness
Also common brittle nails, constipation, dry skin, enlarged thyroid, high cholesterol, irritability, sensitivity to
cold, sexual dysfunction, slow heart rate, sluggishness, weight gain, or irregular uterine bleeding
176. Which condition you should do RCT except – vertical root fracture
177. Which one has best prognosis of RCT
1) internal resorption with close to perforation 2) external resorption 3) Gutta percha expanding beyond
Apex 4) incompletely debride canal – Gutta percha expanding beyond apex
178. Crack tooth syndrome without any problems – extra coronal restoration (crown), MOD, inlay, onlay – Extra
coronal restoration
179. Purpose of Apexogenesis except
1) root formation 2) re-vascularize root 3) root lengthening 4) root thickening; 2, Revascularization
180. Open apex tooth with necrotic pulp– apexification.
181. The most reliable pulp vital test on open apex tooth 1) cold 2) hot 3) EPT 4) percussion; - 1 (Least is EPT)
182. Traumatized tooth on response to EPT test – 1) nerve was interrupted, 2) blood vessel is interrupted - 1
183. SLOB rule – Same lingual, opposite buccal
184. What do you do when you use calcium hydroxide for pulp capping?
1) 1.5mm CaOH2 thickened bulk 2) add glass ionomer liner after CaOH2 - 2
185. Why do you make triangle access on Max central incisor?
1) obtain straight line access 2) to remove pulp chamber which is triangle shape 3) to follow the shape of
the crown - 2
186. Which is not purpose of sodium hypochlorite – chelating
187. Zinc Oxide Eugenol is used because – 1) it provides good biological seal 2) it seals against micro leakage - 1.
222. Tooth with mobility 3 with severe periodontitis, what do you do?
1) SRP and splint, 2) SRP and RCT; - SRP and Splint
223. When treating avulsed tooth (1hour), you would stabilize and perform pulpectomy and place CaOH, what
is the reasoning behind it?
1) CaOH is used to prevent cervical resorption 2) splint for 1-2 weeks and pulpectomy with CaOH - 2.
224. The most undesirable property with sodium hypochlorite – toxic to vital tissue
225. Which teeth show the most aggressive periodontitis
– 1) Max and Mand incisors 2) Max incisors and 1st molar 3) Mand incisor and molars; - maxillary incisors and
1st molar
226. Pt with Alzheimer disease, what would you do
– 1) definitive treatment, 2) continue to monitor 3) comprehensive treatment 4) surgical procedures; - 2
227. Periodontal instruments are angled at 1) 0-15 degrees 2) 20-45 3) 45-90; - 3.
228. You cemented a crown and it causes deflected occlusion, what complications can you have
– 1) crown fracture 2) TMJ problem 3) maxillofacial pain; Maxillofacial Pain ( much debated and
229. Pt has 1.5mm diastema, and you put elastic bands around central incisors, what will happen
– 1) more control over tooth movement with rotation 2) teeth will become necrotic 3) diastema closer; -
230. What is the reason for selective occlusion reduction? – to gain balanced group function
365. Squared vs Round Collimation what percent radiation dosage decrease?1) 10 2) 20 3)30 4)50 – 50 Percent
366. Object shortened in x-ray - excessive vertical and if elongated it’s too flat angulation
367. Most important thing during flap post op? - plaque control
368. Cracked tooth. Definitive diagnosis by? 1) Visual 2) local pressure on tooth 3) measure PD? – Local Pressure
369. Not visible by X-ray. When patient bite and detach painful -? Vertical fracture
370. Posterior composite restoration. What’s most crucial? 1)Resin type 2) Skill 3) area; - 2
371. What effects the most on crown retention? 1) taper 2) surface area 3. Texture - Taper
372. What crown is most vulnerable to fracture? All ceramic
373. When doing restoration prep, which bur type produces smoothest surface?1 )cross-sectional fissured bur
2) plain sectioned fissured bur 3) Diamond stone; - 3
374. Purpose of acid etch to enamel? 1)remove moisture 2) chemical bonding 3) remove collagen 4)Remove
inorganic material - 4
375. Thick cortical with dense trabecular bone. What type of the bone is this?
1) Type 1 2) Type 2 3) Type 3 4) Type 4 – Type 2
Bone quality
Type I thick cortical, dense cancellous. Anterior mandible
Type II thick cortical cancellous mostly dense.
494. The most common error associated with mylohyoid ridge removal:
A. IAN injury
Bisphosphonates are a class of drugs that prevent the loss of bone mass, used to treat osteoporosis and
Statins (or HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors) are a class of lipid-lowering medications that inhibit the enzyme
HMG-CoA reductase which plays a central role in the production of cholesterol. High cholesterol levels have
been associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD). Statins have been found to reduce cardiovascular disease
and mortality in those who are at high risk. The evidence is strong that statins are effective for treating CVD
in the early stages of a disease (secondary prevention) and in those at elevated risk but without CVD (primary
prevention). Side effects of statins include muscle pain, increased risk of diabetes mellitus, and abnormalities
in liver enzyme tests. Additionally, they have rare but severe adverse effects, particularly muscle damage.
Drugs in this class Atorvastatin, Simvastatin, Rosuvastatin , Pravastatin ,Lovastatin ,Fluvastatin ,Pitavastatin
,Ezetimibe/simvastatin Cerivastatin, Mevastatin , Niacin/simvastatin , Atorvastatin/amlodipine
,Niacin/lovastatin , Simvastatin/sitagliptin
An angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor (ACE inhibitor) is a pharmaceutical drug used primarily for the
treatment of hypertension (elevated blood pressure) and congestive heart failure.
This group of drugs cause relaxation of blood vessels, as well as a decreased blood volume, which leads to
lower blood pressure and decreased oxygen demand from the heart. They inhibit the angiotensin-converting
enzyme, an important component of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
Frequently prescribed ACE inhibitors include perindopril, captopril, enalapril, lisinopril, and ramipril.
505. What's the Name of the space between maxillary molars and cheeks when smiling ? Buccal corridor space -
506. Which tooth has highest complication for endo – Tooth number 5 Maxillary First Premolar
507. Sinus perforation 2mm and 6mm wat do u do – 2mm is fine , leave it as such , 5mm – Figure 8 Suture, More
than 5mm - Flap
508. Tooth agenesis least likely seen in? Canine
509. Stridor- laryngospasm
510. Giant cell lesion is similar to hyperparathyroidism
511. Pontic touching ridge: Concave faciolingually, and convex all over mesiodistally.
512. What in pmma causes discoloration? Tertiary Amines not benzo
513. Patient has discoloration of margin of veneer 2 months after placement. What is the issue? Microleakage
514. Altered cast done for: Support
515. Varicose vein – Hypertension is the answer not ELDERLY - Tongue varicose veins, refers appear at the base of
the tongue purple varicose veins, the more a result of chronic pharyngitis, chronic tonsillitis, hypertension,
constipation, etc. caused by talking too much, generally middle-aged more common, the performance of the
pharynx foreign body sensation, base of the tongue infarction sense, irritating cough, etc., often
accompanied lingual tonsil hypertrophy, so there is a similar tongue tonsillitis symptoms, treatment should
begin removing the cause, if the symptoms of varicose veins can electrocautery.
516. Head and neck radiation therapy may cause all except
1. Hypersenstivity
2. Metallic taste
3. cervical caries
4. mucositis
5. trismus – Trismus ofc
517. Test in alcoholic patients – INR
518. Perio recall- 3mnths
519. What does etchant do? – Removes inorganic material
520. Vesicle seen in all except..
A) herpetic stomatitis
B) phemphigus
C) phemphigoid
D) apthous. – Apthous
for cohort study, we have retrospective and prospective. But here we determine the exposure like smoking
and see who developed lung cancer.
In retrospective cohort, we are in 2015 but we went to the charts in 2000 and see who were smoker and
then follow them from 2000 to 2010, and see who developed lung cancer
in prospective cohort, we are in 2015 and see who are smoker now and follow them from 2015 to 2025 and
see who will develop lung cancer in the future.
third type is experimental study which randomized clinical trials. It is the highest level of evidence for cause/
Descriptive studies give answers for "what", "when", "where" questions, while analytical studies give
answers for "why", "how" questions. Another thing... Cross-section studies are like a snap-shot in time. Like,
you find out the prevalence of dental caries in the school children in a particular county... on a particular day,
month and year. Also, clinical studies are broadly classified as 1. observational studies, and 2. interventional
studies. Observational studies include cross-sectional, case control, and cohort studies. Basically you do not
make any changes in happenings and just record what you observe. In interventional studies/ clinical trials,
you intervene in experimental group and don't intervene in control group. Clinical trials are of multiple types,
out of which randomized controlled trials are the most efficient and are also called "gold standard" but is
most expensive as well.
609. Multiple teeth extractions in a 2year old child - Give GA (General Anaesthesia)
610. DAY 1
U shape zygomatic arch or J shaped
611. Combination claps what is it 2 arms - it is rigid arm and wrought wire combined
Symptoms of Hypoglycemia
Whole body: excess sweating, excessive hunger, fainting, fatigue, lightheadedness, or shakiness
Gastrointestinal: nausea or vomiting
Mouth: dryness or tingling lips
Also common: anxiety, blurred vision, headache, irritability, mental confusion, pallor, sensation of an
abnormal heartbeat, sensation of pins and needles, sleepiness, slurred speech, stupor, tremor, or
Symptoms of Hypothyroidism
Whole body: fatigue, lethargy, or feeling cold
Developmental: delayed puberty or slow growth
Hair: hair loss or dryness
Also common: brittle nails, constipation, dry skin, enlarged thyroid, high cholesterol, irritability, sensitivity to
cold, sexual dysfunction, slow heart rate, sluggishness, weight gain, or irregular uterine bleeding
Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism
Whole body: excess sweating, excessive hunger, fatigue, heat intolerance, or restlessness
Mood: mood swings, nervousness, or panic attack
Heart: abnormal heart rhythm, fast heart rate, or sensation of an abnormal heartbeat
Sleep: difficulty falling asleep or insomnia
Menstrual: irregular menstruation or short and light menstruation
Behavioral: hyperactivity or irritability
Eyes: abnormal protrusion of eyes or puffy eyes
Also common: weight loss, diarrhea, hair loss, muscle weakness, tremor, or warm skin
Halli File
858. In a free gingival graft, what determines the type of epithelium that is going to be present Epithelium
of the donor site
859. Which one accurately describes Self-efficacy?
864. Pt gets to determine what they get to do and has confidentiality – Autonomy
871. Complete denture and RPD in same pt, for the wax rim, why would you bevel the anterior part of the
wax rim?
1. You always do that
2. There is not enough interocclusal space but enough for esthetics - B
3. There is not enough esthetics but enough for interocclusal space
4. There is enough space for both
872. An infection in the area of (upper lip) is dangerous because
1. Because the veins don’t have valves (thus can cause cavernous sinus thrombosis)
873. The first indication of cavernous sinus thrombosis is?
1. Periorbital edema
2. Blurred vision
3. Ophthalmic something – Periorbital Odema (Headache is first though)
874. The following make the drugs more easily absorbed form the gastric mucosa?
A) If it’s a protein
B)If it’s a weak acid
C)If it’s taken with food
875. Pt has a lot of pain in the middle of the night, what is the cause?
1. Reversible pulpitis
2. Necrotic Pulp
3. No cause Necrotic pulp- It is a consequence of irreversible pulpitis. Necrotic pulp can be symptomatic or
asymptomatic. its middle of night that means spontaneous pain and occurs in irreversible pulpitis so B
879. Failed implants have this kind of bacteria associated with them?
1. Gram neg facultative
2. Gram neg anaerobic - B
880. Which of the following has not been proven to have an effect on periodontal disease?
1. Diabetes Mellitus
2. Smoking
3. Plaque
4. Nutritional deficiency – D - Its natural to think that since Vitamin C is associated with immunity so less
Vitamin C is related with periodontal disease. But Answer shall be D as Vitamin C is just a very small part of
nutritional deficiencies.
881. Traumatic bone cyst pic – Refer MasterDay2 File
882. 7 yo girl getting 0.2 ppm, what supplement do you give - 1.0ppm
883. Topical steroids are most effective for
1. Apthous stomatitis
2. Recurrent herpetic lesions
3. Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis
4. Candidiasis - 1
884. Which is the least effective in removing plaque interproximally?
1. Toothpick
2. Toothbrush
946. If you have 3 implants for an implant supported denture, you take a radiograph and see that only two
of them are seated perfectly, what do you do?
1. Section the denture to make it fit
2. Take it out
3. Tighten the screw
4. Take another radiograph - Section the denture to make it fit
947. You are trying to decide which teeth to use for the retained roots for an overdenture, which factor is
least contributory?
1. Wide roots
2. Good coronal structure
Could also use Temazepam – because both Ox & Tem undergo conjugation without hepatic metabolism and
their clearance rate is, therefore, not affected)
949. What do you give for acute status epilepticus? (Diazepam not an option)
1. Phenytoin
2. Diphenhydramine – Phenytoin
950. Pregnant lady getting surgery…what do you give her for pain?
1. Tylenol with codeine you actually can give this
2. Ibuprofen not during 3rd trimester
Fluffy File
952. Fentanyl Overdose causing massive respiratory depression, what do you give them to get out of it?
1. Naloxone – might be this one
2. Epinephrine – Fentanyl is an opioid so what’s given to combat Opioid overdose ? Naloxone
which is an antagonist
953. How long do you keep an adult with mandible fracture in closed reduction? 6, 9 or 12 weeks – 6 weeks
954. What does Ginseng interact with?
1. Aspirin
2. Penicillin
3. Anticoagulants (warfarin or Coumadin) – C according to decks
960. Pt complaining of sensitivity with composite, Dentist makes prep within composite and sensitivity goes
away? The polymerization shrinkage or the C-factor is the cause and cutting the restoration releases the
961. What are the symptoms of a cracked tooth? Pain on release
962. What situation would trans-illumination be useful diagnostically (i.e. show through the whole tooth)?
1. Cracked tooth
2. Crown root fracture
3. Broken tooth – cracked tooth
963. Just placed a deep composite and pt is complaining of sensitivity, what is the first thing you do?
1. Remove and place a sedative dressing
2. Perform endo immediately
3. Check occlusion***- Check occlusion
989. What is the most successful area to place an implant? Mand anterior
990. What is the 10-year success rate of an implant? 95% (it was the highest percentage)
991. How is articaine metabolized? In the plasma (basically in the blood) – NOT LIVER (EXCEPTION)
992. First pass metabolism is what? look up what it means Enterohepatic circulation
993. You give someone IV Abs and “immediately” they start shivering, hyperventilating etc. What is the
reaction? Anaphylaxis
994. IV Abs given and severe reaction happens (dyspnea, bradycardia) what do you do first?
1. Maintain airway…*- Maintain Airway
2. Give O2
3. Remove the IV
4. Some other option like give epi
995. Classical symptom of asthma is
1. Wheezing on inspiration
2. Wheezing on expiration -
3. Ronchi on inspiration Rhonchi are coarse rattling respiratory sounds, usually caused by
secretions in bronchial airways. "Rhonchi" is the plural form of the singular word "rhonchus".
4. Ronchi on expiration – Wheezing on expiration is the answer
996. What is the MOST important indicator of long term success with
1. Negative pressure
2. Peripheral seal
998. You have a Distal extension RPD and it rocks along the fulcrum, on both sides of the axis?
1. The denture base is not well adapted*
2. Indirect retainers are not that retentive
3. Something about the rests – ( If it rocks around the fulcrum: indirect retention
If it rocks on one side : denture base)
999. CCD which of the following are characteristic of CCD? (Cleidocranial Dysplasia)
1. All dental options
2. High susceptibility to periodontal disease
3. Retains primary teeth longer than normal - 3
1000. Café au lait spots, axillary freckling, and Lisch nodules are part of?
1. Neurofibromatosis ***
2. Peutz Jager Syndrome – 1
1001. What is the best method to confirm Coumadin is working?
1. INR***
2. PTT
3. Bleeding time - INR
1002. Epulis fissuratum is most histologically similar to? Irritation fibroma
1003. Ethics s – If you charge an insurance company with a copayment but don’t charge the patient it is
considered? Overbilling
1004. Read the ADA Code of Ethics and professional conduct – Scan it. Find online at ADA website
The Principles of Ethics are the aspirational goals of the profession. They provide guidance and offer
justification for the Code of Professional Conduct and the Advisory Opinions. There are five fundamental
principles that form the foundation of the ADA Code patient autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence,
justice and veracity. Principles can overlap each other as well as compete with each other for priority.
More than one principle can justify a given element of the Code of Professional Conduct. Principles may
The Code of Professional Conduct is an expression of specific types of conduct that are either required
or prohibited. The Code of Professional Conduct is a product of the ADA’s legislative system. All elements
of the Code of Professional Conduct result from resolutions that are adopted by the ADA’s House of
Delegates. The Code of Professional Conduct is binding on members of the ADA, and violations may result
in disciplinary action.
1005. Your obligation to go to CE courses and refer a pt to a specialist fall under the category? Non-
1006. Which of the following is not covered under the ADA code of ethics?
1. Licensure by credential***more technical not really dealing with ethics
2. Advertisement
3. General patient care
1007. If you ext a primary molar, what is the most predictable way to know when the succedaneous tooth is
going to erupt?
1. How much of the root has developed
2. How much of the primary molars root has resorbed
3. Age of kid - Age
1008. What is the worst cantilever bridge you can make?
1. Cantilevering a central to a lateral
2. Cantilevering a premolar to a molar
3. Cantilevering Lateral to central – Answer is not 3 , Its Premolar to Molar
1009. If you have an 8 yo with an anterior x-bite but recession on the F of mand incisors what is the worst
thing you can do? Observe – you would not let this kind of thing go on
1010. Pt fractured many FPDs you made her, why?
1. Bad metal framework design
2. Occlusion too high or something - Bad metal framework design
1011. Why is it so important to remove a non-working contact when you are prepping a crown?
1. Lateral interference***
2. You want adequate thickness for the restorative material
3. Because you want to ensure posterior disocclusion of that tooth – Lateral Interference
1012. What tooth is most prone to vertical root fracture? Maxillary Premolars (2nd Pre molar more apt)