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Genetic diversity in chestnuts of Kashmir valley

Pak. J. Agri. Sci., Vol. 51(4), 827-834; 2014

ISSN (Print) 0552-9034, ISSN (Online) 2076-0906


Irfan Aziz1,*, Tariq Mahmood2 and Khandakar Rafiq Islam 3
Department of Agronomy, PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan; 2Department of
Environmental Sciences, PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan; 3Soil and Water Resources, Ohio
State University South Centers, Piketon, Ohio, USA, and Soil Drainage Research, USDA-ARS, Columbus, Ohio, USA
*Corresponding author's e-mail:irfaz15@yahoo.com

The soil management practices may pose intense effects on the nature and properties of soils. A field experiment was
conducted during 2002 to 2007 on a Vanmeter farm of the Ohio State University South Centers at Piketon Ohio, USA to
assess the long term influence of tillage practices and crop rotation on soil particulate organic matter allied with carbon and
nitrogen. Tillage treatments including conventional (CT) and No-till (NT) were factored into continuous corn (CC), corn-
soybean (CS) and corn–soybean-wheat-cowpea (CSW) rotations by following randomized complete block design with 6
replications. The results of long-term study showed that 12 percent of significant increase was observed in the particulate
organic matter (POM) in NT by the passage of time. The particulate organic carbon (POC) concentration under NT increased
(15 %) significantly when CT converted in to NT over five year. Furthermore, particulate organic nitrogen (PON) increased
(12%) significantly under NT than under CT. Crop rotation had significant effects on POM and the effects were more
prominent in the CSW rotation. The POM, POC concentration increased with time in CC (11%) and CSW (15%) rotations.
As soil depth increases, significant decrease was observed in POM, POC and PON concentrations regardless of tillage and
crop rotation treatments. Tillage and crop rotation had no significant influence on the physical parameters; however, with
time as a factor in the interaction significantly influenced the physical properties. Changes in the physical properties of the
soil by tillage practices and crop rotation are mainly due to soil disturbance, placement, amount and type of added biomass
crop in the soil ecosystem. Physical properties of soil facilitate microbial activities, support chemical functions, improve
protection C and improve the quality of soil.
Keywords: Tillage system, crop rotations, organic matter, soil management, soil texture.

INTRODUCTION extensive tillage treatment. Moldboard plowing accelerates

SOM decomposition and carbon (C) loss from the soil.
Particulate organic matter (POM) is characterized as a labile Furthermore, conventional plowed soil has low rate of
fraction of undecomposed plant residues that have formation of occluded POM than soil under NT due to the
recognizable cellular structures, along with seeds, spores, rapid breakdown of macro-aggregate (Cambardella and
fungal hyphae and skeletal fauna (Gregorich and Janzen, Elliott, 1992; Six et al., 2000). Moreover, plowing also has
1996). Changes in management practices such as tillage (CT) adverse influence on C and nitrogen (N) content in POM
to reduced tillage systems pose dramatic effects on POM pools. While the absence of disturbances of the soil (NT)
(Tiessen and Stewart, 1983; Cambardella and Elliott, 1992; results in altering of soil surface condition and reduce
Besnard et al., 1996; Hussain et al., 1999; Six et al., 2002; microbial activity with an increase in POM and aggregate
Wander, 2004; Pikul et al., 2007). Similarly, POM also stability (Mielke et al., 1986; Six et al., 2000). Similarly
shows a high sensitivity to changes in the management of POM has been found to accumulate in the depths of surface
perennial to annual cropping systems and from conventional when tillage frequency is reduced and rates of accrual appear
to minimum tillage systems (Tiessen and Stewart, 1983; to be greater in fine textured soils (Amado et al., 2006;
Besnard et al., 1996; Hussain et al., 1999). Extensive tillage Needelman et al., 1999).
and depletion of crop biomass can reduce soil organic matter In spite of this, Plante et al. (2006) found no effect of texture
(SOM) content, and consequently physical, chemical and on unprotected POM. In addition, some studies showed a
biological properties of the soil are affected (Eynard et al., higher POM content under NT than under CT (Liang et al.,
2004; Lal and Shukla, 2004; Li et al., 2007). Puget (1997), 2002; Wander and Bidart, 2000; Zotarelli et al., 2007). Six
Wander and Bidart, (2000) and Yang and Kay (2001) et al. (1999) examined approximately 51 percent decrease in
reported that less quantity of soil POM is mainly due to the content of fine POM C in soils under CT. Zotarelli et al.
Aziz, Mahmood & Islam

(2007) conducted a study for 14 years and reported a through bio-physically mediated processes and properties
decrease in mineral-associated C in CT compared to NT (Oades, 1984; Hendrix et al., 1986; Wander and Bidart,
system; however, no significant effects were observed for 2000).
the conversion of tillage systems in four years. Greater It is universally recognized that the soil organic carbon
protection of both fine and coarse POM under NT than under especially POM plays a significant role in the formation of
CT results in the greater fraction of soil organic carbon soil aggregates which physically protect POC and vice-versa
(SOC) as POM C under NT (Dou and Hons, 2006; Fugen et (Tisdall and Oades, 1982; Elliott, 1986). The knowledge of
al., 2008). Gale et al. (2000a,b) found higher concentration the aggregate properties and associated carbon POM may be
of POM in NT due to the accumulation of root materials and important for understanding how changes in management
less decay of organic matter. practices contribute to variations in the dynamics of physical
In a long-term rotation experiment, greater pool of soil POM soil C. It is observed that use of traditional tillage and
was observed in continuous wheat and native grass plots monoculture have decreased organic matter content and
(Bremer et al., 1994). The decline in C decomposition with ultimately influencing its composition and quality (Wander
greater protection and increased residue inputs or both et al., 1994). Many studies showed that crop rotation had a
enhanced the amount of POM by different crop rotations significant impact on the quality of soil organic matter
(Paustian et al., 2000).Holland and Coleman (1987) found (McClure, 1982; Wood and Edwards, 1992). Wood and
that the biomass of crop and improving the expansion of Edwards, (1992) in a study with three crop rotations
fungal helped in the development and stabilization of the (continuous corn, continuous soybean and corn-soybean)
macro-aggregates. Layton et al. (1993) study revealed that and wheat as winter cover crop in all rotations reported that
the distribution of plant biomass in surface of soil reduces changes in the soil carbon quality were higher in continuous
erosion, decreases evaporation losses and increased stability corn than in corn-soybean which in turn, had higher SOC
of soil aggregates and improve the amount of carbon than continuous soybean. So, replacing conventional tillage
protected as POM (Sharma and Acharya, 2000). At 15-30 and monoculture systems with less disruptive NT can
cm, more POM under NT could be explained by more enhance C sequestration and improve the functional
anaerobic conditions in deeper soil layers and the properties of the soil.
contributions of crop roots (Franzluebbers and Stuedemann, Because of the close relationship between the physical,
2003). According to Doran et al. (1998) biochemical soil chemical properties and plant development, information on
environment under NT is less oxidative compared to CT, the effect of tillage and crop rotation on these properties is
especially at lower depths. However, Chan (1997) found an becoming essential for the development of sustainable
increase in POC under NT in surface soil but not at lower agriculture. There is a serious lack of knowledge that could
depths. In contrast, Cambardella and Elliott, (1992) address the impact of tillage and crop rotation on the
suggested that low POM under CT was due to faster concentration of POM, C and N at different depths. While
decomposition than under NT. differences in the carbon content in response to tillage
It is widely recognized that turnover of SOM is a biological practices or crop rotation have been recognized; however,
mechanism depends on the chemical composition of information on carbon sequestration in various chemically-
substrate and the nature of their links with the mineral dined C pools is limited. Thus, this study was designed with
particles of soil (Christensen, 2001).The differences in the objective to evaluate the impact of long term crop rotations
content of organic matter in response to tillage practices and on the concentration of soil particulate organic matter
crop rotation have been identified, but attention must now be associated carbon and nitrogen.
diverted to collect quantitative information about changes in
physical structures and associated C and N with respect to MATERIALS AND METHODS
soil physical carbon sequestration. The fractions of SOM,
including soil macro-aggregate associated POM, POC and The study was conducted from 2002 to 2007 at Vanmeter
PON etc are sensitive indicators of changes in response to farm located in State University South Centers at Piketon
management practices. According to Cambardella and Elliott (39°0230’’N, 83°0200’’W), South-central Ohio, USA. The
(1992) POM is an uncomposited fraction (>0.05 mm) of soil area is under temperate climate. Air temperature ranged
organic matter, composed primarily of partially decomposed between 0 to 24°C; relative humidity ranged between 79 to
decayed materials of crops and animals, plant seeds, root 93 per cent; soil temperature at 15 cm deep ranged between
parts of plants spores and fungal hyphae. This fraction lies in 3 to 30°C; solar radiation ranged between 9981 to 43037 kW
between fast turnover and slow turnover i.e. litter and m-2; and wind velocity ranged between 5 to 9 km/h. Mean
mineral associated organic matter respectively. These annual rainfall is 96+20 cm of which more than 50 per cent
fractions provide a substrate for microbial activity and act as occur in April and September. The site has 170 days without
binding agents for macro-aggregation to improve soil any frost (Nokes et al., 1997). The soil consists of 21% sand,
structural stability and facilitate soil carbon sequestration 55% silt and 24% clay (silt loam) with 19% content of

Tillage and crop rotation

antecedent soil moisture. Moreover, the soil has a pH of 6.2; PON (g 100-g sand-free/soil) = % N in sand associated
electrical conductivity 206.4 S/cm and 44.6% total porosity. POM*100) (100 – % sand)-1
Randomized block design was used with different tillage Statistical analysis: Simple effects of tillage and crop
treatments and crop rotations. Conventional tillage and No- rotation and their interaction were analyzed using PROC
till were factored into continuous corn (Zea mays L.), corn- ANOVA procedure of the SAS (Anonymous, 2008).
soybean (Glycine max L.) and corn–soybean-wheat Treatment means were separated by F-protected least
(Triticum aestivum L.) – Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) significant difference (LSD) at p<0.05.
system. In the 1st week of November, 2007 systematically
random ten soil core samples were taken up to 30 cm RESULTS
(segmented at 0-7.5, 7.5-15, 15-22.5 and 22.5-30 cm) from
each replicated plot via soil probe (1.9 cm internal diameter). Particulate organic matter and POC, and PON concentration
After sieving, composite field moist soil was placed in a varied significantly in response to tillage (Table 1). The
separate sample plastic bag. Then 2 mm sieve was used to POM under NT was increased (12%) significantly over time.
sieve the soil from each sample bag and then POM allied In contrast, POM under CT decreased non-significantly over
with C and N was examined. time. A significant increase (15%) in POC concentration in
Determination of Soil Physical Carbon Fractions: NT was observed when CT converted into NT over five year.
Particulate organic matter: Particulate organic matter was However, POC over total C (TC) was significantly lower (20
determined by taking 10 g oven dried equivalent (ODE) %) under NT than CT. The PON, on the other hand,
sample of 2 mm sieved field moist soil at 80% water filled increased (12%) significantly under NT than under CT.
porosity in 50 mL screw-top polypropylene tubes. Then There was no significant change in PON over total nitrogen
microwave eradiation (MW) done on polypropylene tubes (TN) in response to tillage. However, the POC/PON
enclosing soil in it. Moreover, for controlling accumulated significantly decreased over time. Irrespective of tillage
pressure puncture caps were used in polypropylene tubes. treatments, POM, POC and PON significantly decreased
The tubes were tapped for few times on bench for mixing except PON/TN and POC/PON with increasing soil depth.
and reheating as the initial MW has been completed. However, tillage and soil depth had significant interaction on
Afterwards soil samples were cooled down for half an hour POM, POC, PON/TN and POC/PON except PON.
at room temperature. Then samples were shaken at 250 rpm Crop rotation had significant effects on POM and the effects
for 1 hour with 20 mL of 0.5M K2SO4 (pH 7.0). Finally, were more prominent in CSW rotation (Table 2). The POM
after shaking, samples were centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 5 concentration in CC and CSW rotations had increased by 8%
min and then filtered to collect disperse and floated organic over time but the concentration of POM in CS did not
residues on filter paper as POM. The POM were transferred change significantly over time. Like POM, the POC
to a 53 μm sieve, and washed under running water then oven increased over time in CC (11%) and CSW (15%) rotations.
dried at 1050C for 15 min by using a forced air oven. The POC/TC did not change over time, while CC had
Ceramic crucibles were filled with known amount of sand significantly higher POC/TC than CC and CSW,
associated POM and burned at 480°C for 4 hours in a Muffle respectively. As the time passed no change was observed in
furnace and then analyzed for organic matter by loss on PON/TN and PON concentration. On contrary the
ignition as follows: POC/PON changed over time, and the effect was significant
POM (g 100-g/soil) = (A – B) (B – C)-1 on CS and CSW than CC. The POM, POC, PON, POC/TC,
Where: and PON/TN decreased with increasing soil depth except
A = weight of oven dried weight of ceramic crucible and POC/PON. However, the POM, POC, and PON were
sand associated POM influenced by crop rotation and soil depth interaction.
B = weight of ceramic crucible and sand after POM loss on Tillage and crop rotation had non-significant interaction on
ignition, and POM, POC and PON concentration, POC/TC, PON/TN and
C = oven dried weight of ceramic crucible POC/PON (Table 3). However, inclusion of time as a factor
Particulate organic carbon and nitrogen: Another sample with tillage and crop rotation interaction significantly
of 15 to 20 mg finely ground (200  m) oven dried sand influenced the POM, POC and PON concentration. All the
associated POM was taken, then placed in zinc capsules. soils under NT crop rotations had 2 to 15% accumulation of
Total organic carbon (POC) and total organic nitrogen (PON) POM over time as compared to CS rotation. In contrast, the
content were determined by dry combustion method using POM in all crop rotations under CT decreased or remained
CNS Elementar  analyzer. The results of sand free POC and same over time. The POC and PON increased in CC and
PON contents as follows: CSW rotations under NT. The POC/TC decreased under NT-
POC (g 100-g sand-free/soil) = % C in sand associated CS and NT-CSW rotations but increased significantly in CT-
POM*100) (100 – % sand)-1 CS under CT. The POC/PON decreased in all crop rotations

Genetic diversity in chestnuts of Kashmir valley

Table 1. Tillage impacts on particulate organic matter associated carbon and nitrogen concentration at different soil
depths (Averaged across crop rotation)
Tillage Trts. Depth of soil (cm) POM (g/kg) POC (g/kg) POC/TC (%) PON (g/kg) PON/TN (%) POC/PON
Initial(2002) 8.3Y* 2.7Y 21Y 0.16Y 14.0Xns 23.5X
CT2007 8.2Yb** 2.7Yb 24Xa 0.16Yb 13.2Xns 19.0Ya
NT2007 9.3Xa 3.1Xa 20Yb 0.19Xa 12.2Xns 17.9Ya
Tillage and soil depth interaction
Initial 0-7.5 12.3*** 3.6*** 21.9ns 0.26ns 16.4*** 14.4***
(2002) 7.5-15 8.1 2.7 21.5 0.15 11.2 18.9
15-22.5 7.1 2.4 21.2 0.11 11.9 29.3
22.5-30 5.8 2.2 19.8 0.07 16.4 31.6
CT2007 0-7.5 10.6 3.2 21.9 0.24 15.8 13.8
7.5-15 8.6 2.9 23.9 0.17 13.3 17.2
15-22.5 7.3 2.5 24.4 0.12 11.3 20.5
22.5-30 6.1 2.3 24.6 0.10 12.5 24.7
NT2007 0-7.5 14.4 4.6 20.9 0.31 14.0 14.9
7.5-15 9.7 3.3 20.9 0.18 11.2 17.8
15-22.5 7.4 2.5 19.6 0.15 10.8 17.2
22.5-30 5.8 2.1 18.2 0.10 12.8 21.6
Initial=Data collected from conventionally tilled (CT) continuous corn (CC) plots in 2002, CT2007=Data collected from conventionally
tilled plots in 2007, NT2007=Data collected from no-till plots in 2007, POM=Sand free particulate organic matter, POC=Sand free
particulate organic carbon, PON=Sand free particulate organic nitrogen, TC=Total carbon, TN=Total nitrogen, and ns=Non-significant.
*Means followed by same upper case (X to Z) letter in the column were not significantly different at p<0.05 over time (2002 vs. 2007).
**Means followed by same lower case (a to c) letter in the column were not significantly different at p<0.05 between tillage treatments in
2007. *** indicates significant tillage and soil depth interaction.

Table 2. Crop rotation impacts on particulate organic matter associated carbon and nitrogen concentration at
different soil depths (Averaged across tillage)
Tillage Trts. Depth of soil cm) POM (g/kg) POC (g/kg) POC/TC (%) PON (g/kg) PON/TN (%) POC/PON
Initial(2002) 8.3Yb* 2.7Y 21.1X 0.15X 10.7X 22.1X
CC2007 9.0Xa** 3.0Xa 23.8Xa 0.17Xa 12.1Xa 19.6Xa
CS2007 8.2Yb 2.6Yb 21.4Xb 0.17Xa 11.7Xa 17.7Ya
CSW2007 9.0Xa 3.1Xa 20.8Yb 0.16Xa 11.5Xa 18.0Ya
Tillage and soil depth interaction
Initial(2002) 0-7.5 12.3*** 3.6*** 21.9*** 0.26*** 16.4*** 14.4***
7.5-15 8.1 2.7 21.5 0.15 11.2 18.9
15-22.5 7.1 2.4 21.2 0.11 9.1 23.5
22.5-30 5.8 2.2 19.8 0.07 6.1 31.6
CC2007 0-7.5 13.3 4.1 23.8 0.28 15.7 15.1
7.5-15 9.6 3.2 25.6 0.18 13.4 18.2
15-22.5 7.2 2.5 22.4 0.12 10.1 20.7
22.5-30 6.0 2.2 23.3 0.10 9.1 24.4
CS2007 0-7.5 11.3 3.5 22.0 0.25 15.0 14.6
7.5-15 8.7 2.8 21.3 0.18 12.5 16.4
15-22.5 7.1 2.2 23.2 0.13 11.0 17.3
22.5-30 5.9 2.1 19.3 0.10 8.5 22.6
CSW2007 0-7.5 12.9 4.0 18.3 0.30 14.0 13.3
7.5-15 9.3 3.2 20.4 0.15 10.8 18.0
15-22.5 7.7 2.7 22.9 0.11 12.1 18.6
22.5-30 6.1 2.3 21.6 0.07 9.0 22.3
Initial=Data collected from conventionally tilled (CT) continuous corn (CC) plots in 2002, CC2007=Data collected from continuous corn
plots in 2007, CS2007=Data collected from corn-soybean rotation plots in 2007, CSW2007=Data collected from corn-soybean-wheat rotation
plots in 2007, POM=Sand free particulate organic matter, POC=Sand free particulate organic carbon, PON=Sand free particulate organic
nitrogen, TC=Total carbon, and TN=Total nitrogen.
*Means followed by same upper case (X to Z) letter in the column were not significantly different at p<0.05 over time (2002 vs. 2007).
**Means followed by same lower case (a to c) letters in the column were not significantly different at p<0.05 among crop rotation
treatments in 2007. ***indicates significant crop rotation and soil depth interaction.
Tillage and crop rotation

Table 3. Tillage and crop rotation impact on particulate organic matter associated carbon and nitrogen concentration
in soil (Averaged across soil depth)
Tillage Trts. Crop rotation POM (g/kg) POC (g/kg) POC/TC (%) PON (g/kg) PON/TN (%) POC/PON
Initial(2002) 8.3Y* 2.7Y 21.1Y 0.15Y 10.7Y 22.1X
CT2007 CC2007 8.3Yn 2.8Yn 23.9Yns 0.15Yns 11.9Yns 20.5Xns
CS2007 7.9Z 2.6Y 26.3X 0.15Y 13.2X 18.1Y
CSW2007 8.2Y 2.8Y 23.1Y 0.16Y 12.4Y 18.5Y
NT2007 CC2007 9.7X 3.2X 23.7Y 0.18X 12.3Y 18.7Y
CS2007 8.5Y 2.8Y 17.5Z 0.17Y 10.3Y 17.3Y
CSW2007 9.8X 3.4X 18.5Z 0.20X 10.5Y 17.6Y
Initial=Data collected from conventionally tilled (CT) continuous corn (CC) plots in 2002, CT2007=Data collected from conventionally
tilled plots in 2007, NT2007=Data collected from no-till plots in 2007, CC2007=Data collected from continuous corn plots in 2007,
CS2007=Data collected from corn-soybean rotation plots in 2007, CSW2007=Data collected from corn-soybean-wheat rotation plots in 2007,
POM=Sand free particulate organic matter, POC=Sand free particulate organic carbon, PON=Sand free particulate organic nitrogen,
TC=Total carbon, TN=Total nitrogen, and ns= Non-significant.
*Means followed by same upper case (X to Z) letter in the column were not significantly different at p<0.05 over time (2002 vs. 2007).

under NT. A significant relationship of aggregate stability

with POM, POC and PON suggested that POM associated C 2
and N sequestration enhanced macro-aggregate formations y = -0.04 + 0.0065*X - 0.000026X
and vice-versa (Fig. 1-2). Aggregate stability significantly R = 0.56*
accounted for 52% (R2) of the variability in POM content of
soil (Fig. 1). Likewise, aggregate stability had a moderate
relationship (R2 =0. 46) with POC content of soil (Fig. 2). 0.3
Soil moisture content, type and amount of clay minerals, and
weather conditions were similar in this study with the main
differences are the five-year variations in the intensity of
tillage and crop rotation effects on POM, POC and PON.
PON (g/kg)


0 20 40 60 80 100
Aggregate stability (%)
POC (g/kg) Figure 2. Relationship between aggregate stability and
2 particulate organic nitrogen at different soil

y = 1.05 + 0.06X - 0.0002*X
R = 0.46* Significant temporal differences in POM among tillage and
0 crop rotation can be the consequences of degree of soil
0 20 40 60 80 100 disturbance, quality and placement of crop residues,
biological activity, and protection of C in soil aggregates
Aggregate stability (%) (Tisdall and Oades, 1982; Mikha and Rice, 2004).
Figure 1. Relationship between aggregate stability and Conventional tillage exposed macro-aggregate protected
particulate organic carbon at different soil POM for enhanced chemical oxidation and microbial
depths decomposition (Angers et al., 1992; Blevins and Frye, 1993;

Aziz, Mahmood & Islam

Paustian et al., 1997; Islam and Weil, 2000). The loss of soil earthworm contributions (Franzluebbers and Stuedemann,
C under CT after plowing occurred as a result of increased 2003). A higher concentration of POM in the NT soil can be
aeration and soil temperature and enhanced drying rewetting a result of accumulation of root materials and less organic
(Paustian et al., 1997). It is reported that more labile and matter decomposition (Gale et al., 2000a,b). The logics
readily mineralizable POM associated with macro- mostly discussed for improvement of C and N accumulation
aggregates and is major source of C loss in response to in soil under NT is enhanced aggregate stability (Hernandez-
cultivation (Puget et al., 1995). Hernandez and Lopez-Hernandez, 2002; Zotarelli et al.,
The soils under CT are continually exposed to weather 2007).
conditions with increasing aeration and soil temperature, The inclusion of wheat and Cowpea (cover crop) in CSW
wetting and drying, and freezing and thawing, causes rotation is most likely related to a significant increase in
continuous breakdown of macro-aggregates. When the POM, POC and PON content at different depths of soil or
macro-aggregates are disrupted, more POM is exposed, within soil profile, as compared with CS rotation.The
resulting in a flush of microbial activity for decomposing increase in organic C and N under CSW rotation is possibly
POM, and therefore cause a rapid decrease in the content of due to deeper and increased rooting volume of wheat in the
POC in the plowing depth CT (Cambardella and Elliott, soil and greater biomass N contribution from Cowpeas. The
1992; Kushwaha et al., 2001; Torbent et al., 2004; Zotarelli aggregation turnover is directly related with expansion of
et al., 2007). The macro-aggregate-breakdown is believed to plant root and development, C cycling, and stability of soil
be basic phenomena guiding to grater C (CO2 emission) and aggregates (Kay, 1998). In addition, POM and soil
N (soil erosion and leaching) loss conventional tilled soils aggregation are directly linked with each other. On one hand,
(Six et al., 2000). Moreover, the tillage has great influence POM is recognized as a main aggregate binding material,
on C and N contents of POM. Several previous studies while on other hand physically protection of POM from bio-
reported that the transient binding agents of macro- decomposition within macro-aggregates associated with
aggregates such as POM are disrupted by tillage-induced aggregate stability (Feller and Beare, 1997; Angers and
disturbance over time (Besnard et al., 1996; Six et al., 2000; Chenu, 1998).
Gabe et al., 2008).
Longer retention of residues on the undisturbed soil surface Conclusion: The temporal effects of different tillage and
results in the higher concentration of soil aggregate allied C crop rotations significantly influenced sand free POM, sand
and N under NT system, ultimately cause efficient microbial free POC and sand free PON of soil. The impact of tillage
decomposition of crop residues and greater the amount of was more pronounced than crop rotation on sand free POM,
POM in macro-aggregates (Oades 1984; Hendrix et al., 1986; suggesting a greater sensitivity of macro-aggregates in
Angers et al., 1997; Wander and Bidart, 2000). Since the response to tillage. Sustainable management practices such
organic matter is the main source of C, longer retention of as NT or CSW rotation significantly increased sand free
crop residues in physically undisturbed NT soil invariably POM over time. In contrast to CT, NT had greater sand free
leads to an increase in C concentration than in physically POM, sand free POC and sand free PON. The CSW rotation
disturbed CT soil. under no-till with diverse quality of organic matter inputs
It has been reported that crop residues as POM might be was likely to enhance microbial activities to facilitate the
protected from microbial decomposition through different formation of macro-aggregate, and resulting higher
physico-chemical enmeshing of micro-aggregates into aggregate formation to facilitate carbon sequestration as
macro-aggregates such as the action of fungal hyphae and sand free particulate organic matter.
plant roots, and feeding and casting activities of the
earthworms and soil fauna (Oades 1984; Hendrix et al., 1986; REFERENCES
Bossuyt et al., 2002). These mechanisms suggest that more
C and N as POC and PON were physically protected in the Amado, T.J., C. Bayer, P.C. Conceicao, S. Evandro, B.H.C.
macro-aggregates under NT. Furthermore, a predominance Campos and M. Veiga. 2006. Potential of C
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macro-aggregates play a significant role in POM protection soil structure: processes and feedbacks.
against losses (Ashman et al., 2003). Biogeochemistry 42: 55–72.
In undisturbed soils, POM is derived primarily from roots Angers, D.A., A. Pesant and J. Vigneux. 1992. Early
(Gale et al., 2000a,b).Greater POC and PON under NT even cropping-induced changes in soil aggregation, organic
at 15-30 cm depth could be explained by more anaerobic matter and microbial biomass. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 56:
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Tillage and crop rotation

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