Agriculture Production As A Major Driver of The Earth System Exceeding Planetary Boundaries

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Copyright © 2017 by the author(s). Published here under license by the Resilience Alliance.

Campbell, B. M., D. J. Beare, E. M. Bennett, J. M. Hall-Spencer, J. S. I. Ingram, F. Jaramillo, R. Ortiz, N. Ramankutty, J. A. Sayer, and
D. Shindell. 2017. Agriculture production as a major driver of the Earth system exceeding planetary boundaries. Ecology and Society 22


Agriculture production as a major driver of the Earth system exceeding

planetary boundaries
Bruce M. Campbell 1, Douglas J. Beare 1, Elena M. Bennett 2, Jason M. Hall-Spencer 3,4, John S. I. Ingram 5, Fernando Jaramillo 6,7,
Rodomiro Ortiz 8, Navin Ramankutty 9, Jeffrey A. Sayer 10 and Drew Shindell 11

ABSTRACT. We explore the role of agriculture in destabilizing the Earth system at the planetary scale, through examining nine planetary
boundaries, or “safe limits”: land-system change, freshwater use, biogeochemical flows, biosphere integrity, climate change, ocean
acidification, stratospheric ozone depletion, atmospheric aerosol loading, and introduction of novel entities. Two planetary boundaries
have been fully transgressed, i.e., are at high risk, biosphere integrity and biogeochemical flows, and agriculture has been the major driver
of the transgression. Three are in a zone of uncertainty i.e., at increasing risk, with agriculture the major driver of two of those, land-
system change and freshwater use, and a significant contributor to the third, climate change. Agriculture is also a significant or major
contributor to change for many of those planetary boundaries still in the safe zone. To reduce the role of agriculture in transgressing
planetary boundaries, many interventions will be needed, including those in broader food systems.
Key Words: aerosol loading; biogeochemical flows; biosphere integrity; chemical pollution; climate change; diversity; freshwater; land-system
change; nitrogen; ocean acidification; ozone depletion; phosphorous

INTRODUCTION There are many ways that agricultural production, essential for
Some scholars suggest that the world has now entered the human survival, is pushing the Earth system, or regions within it,
“Anthropocene” an era in which human activities significantly over one boundary or another. We examine the extent to which
impact Earth system functioning (Crutzen and Stoermer 2000). global agricultural production is responsible for shifting the Earth
The profound, and almost omnipresent, impact of agriculture on system toward, or over, the boundary of a safe operating space for
the environment is well documented (Foley et al. 2005, Beddington humanity (Rockström et al. 2009a,b).
et al. 2012) and manifests itself via multiple interacting pathways,
Quantification of PBs is the subject of ongoing research and debate.
e.g., land-cover change, greenhouse gas emissions, excessive water
Steffen et al. (2015) suggest that at least four PBs have already been
use, and biodiversity impacts.
exceeded or are in a zone of uncertainty, i.e., high or increasing
In 2009 Rockström et al. (2009a,b) introduced the concepts of risk: climate change, land-system change, biogeochemical flows,
“planetary boundaries” (PBs) and a “safe operating space for and biosphere integrity. There is also considerable debate as to
humanity,” which have recently been revised by Steffen et al. (2015). whether or not the freshwater use PB has been exceeded (Gerten et
The PBs are intended to represent Earth system processes, which, al. 2015). Although many of the numerical values set for PBs will
if crossed, could generate unacceptable environmental change be revised, we believe nonetheless that the concept provides a useful
potentially endangering human existence. The nine PBs currently basis for assessing the effects of agriculture on the Earth system,
recognized (Steffen et al. 2015) are the following: and can be used to stimulate urgent transformation of the food and
agriculture sector.
1. Land-system change;
2. Freshwater use; LAND-SYSTEM CHANGE
The link between land-system change and agriculture is clear and
3. Biogeochemical flows - nitrogen and phosphorous cycles; consistent. According to Foley et al. (2005), croplands and pastures
4. Biosphere integrity; are one of the largest terrestrial biomes on the planet, occupying
~40% of land surface. This makes agricultural production the
5. Climate change; planet’s single most extensive form of land use. In the tropics, new
6. Ocean acidification; agricultural land has come at the expense of rainforests, savanna,
and other ecosystems, and future expansion will clear ever more
7. Stratospheric ozone depletion; (Gibbs et al. 2010). There is also a feedback in which emissions of
8. Atmospheric aerosol loading; and methane and nitrous oxide from agriculture lead to crop yield
reductions, so that agricultural expansion can require further
9. Introduction of novel entities. expansion (Shindell 2016).

CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security (CCAFS), International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), c/o
University of Copenhagen, 2McGill School of Environment and Department of Natural Resource Sciences, McGill University, 3Marine Biology and
Ecology Research Centre, University of Plymouth, UK, 4Shimoda Marine Research Centre, University of Tsukuba, Japan, 5Food Systems Research
Programme, Environmental Change Institute, The University of Oxford, UK, 6Stockholm Resilience Center, Stockholm University, Sweden,
Department of Physical Geography and Bolin Centre for Climate Research, Stockholm University, Sweden., 8Department of Plant Breeding, Swedish
University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden, 9UBC School of Public Policy and Global Affairs and Institute for Resources, Environment, and
Sustainability, University of British Columbia, 10Centre for Tropical Environmental and Sustainability Science, College of Marine & Environmental
Sciences, James Cook University, Cairns, Australia, 11Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA
Ecology and Society 22(4): 8

Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) is

increasingly suggested as a key component for meeting climate Fig. 1. The status of the nine planetary boundaries (PBs; green,
targets. But this has the potential of increasing competition with yellow, red) overlaid with our estimate of agriculture’s role in
food production and inducing large-scale land-use changes. Thus that status. PBs based on Steffen et al. (2015), with
recent studies suggest that BECCS may only be feasible on more modification for freshwater from below boundary (safe) into a
modest scales as a “supporting actor” for strong mitigation zone of uncertainty (Gerten et al. 2013, Jaramillo and Destouni
actions (Boysen et al. 2017, Smith et al. 2016). Even with 2015a), and an estimate for functional diversity based on
substantial yield increases and intensification, if humanity is to Newbold et al. (2016).
meet future demand for food and biofuels, net area under
agriculture will have to expand, putting further pressure on
important biomes.
Rockström et al. (2009a) suggested that no more than 15% of the
Earth’s ice-free surface should be converted to cropland. Steffen
et al. (2015) changed the control variable from the amount of
cropland to the amount of forest cover remaining, because the
major forest biomes play a stronger role in land surface-climate
coupling than other biomes. They set the boundary at 75% (a
weighted average of the boundaries for tropical, temperate, and
boreal forests) with a zone of uncertainty at 54–75% (forest
remaining as a percentage of original area), and they calculate
the current value as 62%.
In 2000, there were ~15 million km² of cropland and 28 million
km² of pasture on Earth corresponding to ~12% and 28% of its
ice-free land surface, respectively (Ramankutty et al. 2008). Past
trends imply that ~10 million km² of land will be cleared by 2050
to meet demand. This will bring another ~8% of the Earth’s ice-
free land surface under agriculture, crossing the PB set by
Rockström et al. (2009a).
We have followed the Steffen et al. (2015) framing of the boundary.
Although agriculture has undoubtedly contributed substantially
to forest loss, it is no simple matter to calculate the exact FRESHWATER USE
contribution. The expansion of land under agriculture has caused Of all human activities, agriculture, and specifically crop
a net loss of ~7 to 11 million km² of forest in the past 300 years production, consumes the largest amount of water, mainly via
(Foley et al. 2005). Between 1980 and 2000, more than 55% of transpiration from crop plants and evaporation from soils and
new land for agriculture replaced pristine forests, while 28% came irrigation structures. Agriculture accounts for ~70% of global
from degraded forests (Gibbs et al. 2010). On a global scale, freshwater withdrawals. The amount varies regionally: ~44% of
roughly 30% of temperate deciduous forests have been converted total water withdrawal in OECD countries, ~87% in African
to cropland. On a positive note, forest gain is now occurring at countries, ~80% in Asia, and more than 90% in some Arab
higher latitudes and in richer countries, though loss continues in countries (World Water Assessment Programme 2012a,b,c). A
poor countries in the tropics (Sloan and Sayer 2015). One of the distinction can be made between “blue water” consumption
few studies to estimate the role of different factors in forest loss (withdrawal of water from rivers, reservoirs, lakes, and aquifers)
is that of Blaser and Robledo (2007). Using their figures it is and “green water” consumption (the direct use of rainwater).
estimated that agriculture has caused 75% of deforestation in In order to determine the “safe space” for humanity in relation
areas experiencing deforestation in the period 1990–2005. to freshwater use, Rockström et al. (2009a) originally suggested
Kissinger et al. (2012) and Hosonuma et al. (2012), using FAO a freshwater PB of 4000 km3 yr-1 with a zone of uncertainty of
data, estimate that agriculture is the driver for around 80% of 4000–6000 km3 yr-1, and global consumptive use of blue water to
deforestation worldwide in the period 2000–2010. We thus use be used as a control variable for its monitoring. The monitoring
80% in Figure 1. and quantification of the freshwater PB is becoming increasingly
Rockström et al. (2009a) recommend implementation at multiple contentious. Although it was suggested that the original PB
scales, including reserving space most suited to agriculture, should be compared against consumptive blue water use,
maintaining high conservation-value forests, and keeping carbon- Jaramillo and Destouni (2015a) state that because of the
rich soils and ecosystems in either a totally undisturbed or at least complementarity of blue and green water suggested by
carefully managed condition. Sustainable intensification of Rockström et al. (2009a), total consumption from blue and green
agriculture to limit the area under cultivation is crucial. water should be used to monitor the PB of freshwater instead of
only blue water. From this perspective, the increase in human
global consumption of freshwater during the 20th century and
Ecology and Society 22(4): 8

beginning of the 21st century may have already transgressed the per unit of food produced has almost halved since 1961 (World
PB of 4000 km3 yr-1 (Destouni et al. 2013, Jaramillo and Destouni Water Assessment Programme 2012a), the potential to increase
2015a,b,). water-use efficiency in agriculture remains substantial. Water
management, policy reforms, and infrastructure investments can
Besides these latter hydroclimatic observation-based studies,
all contribute to increasing efficiency and lowering consumption.
others have used global hydrological modeling to estimate human
Water use for irrigation can be lowered by increasing conveyance
water consumption. For instance, Siebert and Döll (2010) used a
efficiency (taking water from the source to the farm), distribution
crop model to estimate that rain fed crops consume 4586 km3 yr-1
efficiency (farm to field), and application efficiency (application
of green water worldwide, and irrigated crops 2099 km3 yr-1 (1180
to crops; Rosegrant et al. 2009).
km3 yr-1 of blue water and around 919 km3 yr-1 of green water).
There is, however, still no real consensus on the amount of blue BIOGEOCHEMICAL FLOWS
and green water that is consumed by agriculture. Although Steffen et al. (2015) suggest that PBs need to be
Molden (2009:117) argues that the water boundary suggested by calculated for multiple elements, we follow their pragmatic
Rockström et al. (2009a) may be too high because “the concept approach of limiting the analysis to nitrogen (N) and phosphorus
of a global limit overlooks the importance of local conditions (P). Nitrogen (N) is an essential macronutrient and the limiting
and the role of management in magnifying or ameliorating element for plant growth in many terrestrial and aquatic
problems.” For this reason, Steffen et al. (2015) introduced ecosystems. Human activities have profoundly transformed the
subglobal freshwater boundaries that are specific to each basin global N cycle (Swaney et al. 2012), with the main drivers being
in order to monitor the sustainability of freshwater consumption the increased use of fossil fuels, agriculture, and industry’s
at more local and regional scales. A further re-evaluation of the growing demand for N, and low use-efficiencies. Anthropogenic
freshwater PB by Gerten et al. (2013) has reduced the global N sources now contribute more N to the Earth system than all
freshwater PB value to ~2800 km3 yr-1, with corresponding natural terrestrial processes combined (Rockström et al. 2009a,
uncertainty range of 1100–4500 km3 yr-1, meaning that the current Canfield et al. 2010). The excessive amount of N leads to soil and
status of freshwater use is already in the zone of uncertainty air pollution, drives biodiversity loss, pollutes coastal marine
(increasing risk). waters and watersheds (Howarth et al. 2011, Swaney et al. 2012),
and increases the level of N2O and reactive N gases in the
For simplicity, we follow Steffen et al. (2015) in their setting of troposphere (Robertson and Vitousek 2009, Canfield et al. 2010,
the global freshwater planetary boundary at 4000 km3/yr and their Bodirsky et al. 2012). The environmental costs of N losses in
use of blue water consumption as the control variable, but modify Europe have been estimated to outweigh the entire direct
the boundary, following Gerten et al. (2013) and Jaramillo and economic benefits of N in agriculture combined (Sutton et al.
Destouni (2015b). We put agriculture’s role in the status of this 2011).
PB at the 84% level (Fig. 1), following Shiklomanov and Rodda
(2003) who estimated that blue water consumption by irrigated The Steffen et al. (2015) global boundary for N is taken from the
agriculture makes up 84% of all human blue water consumption. analysis of de Vries et al. (2013), which proposed a PB of 62 Tg
N yr-1 from industrial and intentional biological N fixation, set
The amount of water needed to produce food depends on what to avert eutrophication of aquatic ecosystems. Steffen et al. (2015)
is being cultured and the production method. With a growing introduce regional boundaries for N, and it is specific regions
human population and a shift in dietary preferences toward more where transgression has occurred, particularly North America,
meat, ever more water will be required. The growth in livestock Europe, South Asia, and China.
production, in particular, increases water consumption owing to
the extra demand for water to grow crops used to feed livestock. Large amounts of N required for plant and livestock production
Increased biofuel production will further increase pressures on results in agricultural activities being the main driver of the N
water resources. Additionally, according to Jaramillo and cycle (Galloway et al. 2008, Liu et al. 2010, Bodirsky et al. 2012).
Destouni (2015b), many dams constructed worldwide to impound According to Fixen and West (2002) the use of N fertilizer in
and store water for crop irrigation may be consuming considerable agriculture increased by approximately 800% from 1960 to 2000
amounts of blue and green water that have been currently although estimates vary. Liu et al. (2010), for example, found total
disregarded in crop model estimates. N input to croplands in 2000 to be about 137 Mt N yr-1, whereas
Bouwman et al. (2009) estimated total agricultural N input at 249
Agriculture is, and will continue to be, the largest consumer of Mt N yr-1. Agricultures’ share of total global anthropogenic N
freshwater globally. In addition to the absolute amount, ground use (187 Mt N yr-1) has been estimated at 86.1% (Galloway et al.
water depletion in some regions is also a major concern with levels 2008), and so we use ~85% as the level in Figure 1.
dropping by over 300 mm yr-1 in the Indo-Gangetic Plain (Wada
et al. 2010). It should then be a priority to reduce the level of Several studies also reveal low N use efficiency in crops; only
uncertainty of freshwater consumption from agriculture and approximately half of the N applied to croplands is incorporated
related human activities in order to estimate forthcoming water into plant biomass, while the remains are lost through leaching
scarcity and its management (Jaramillo and Destouni 2015b). (16%), soil erosion (15%), and gaseous emission (14%; Liu et al.
Although water availability is projected to decrease in many 2010, Bodirsky et al. 2012). According to Robertson and Vitousek
regions, “future global agricultural water consumption alone (2009) crop rotation, improved prediction of crop fertilizer N
(including both rainfed and irrigated agriculture) is estimated to requirements, timing and placement, along with strategies to
increase by about 19% by 2050” (World Water Assessment recoup N losses, are all currently available practices that can
Programme 2012a,b,c:269). Although the quantity of water used substantially reduce N loss.
Ecology and Society 22(4): 8

Most agricultural production is dependent on P in the form of are likely to be ~5±3 million species on Earth and some current
phosphate (PO43- ) from fertilizers or manures, which improve soil models predict extinction rates of less than 5% per decade,
and replenish what is removed when crops are harvested (Cordell although the impact of climate change on extinctions is
and White 2013). Human activities have profoundly changed the particularly uncertain (Costello et al. 2013). Although 5% per
global P cycle, primarily through mining rock phosphate to decade does not sound catastrophic, Steffen et al. (2015) suggest
produce P fertilizers for agricultural uses. The P cycle is an “aspirational” PB of 1 E/MSY and a more realistic one of 10
accelerated two to three times over background rates (Smil 2000), E/MSY. As a point of reference, past average extinction rates for
leading to eutrophication of freshwater and estuarine systems marine organisms in the fossil record are comparatively well
(Diaz and Rosenberg 2008) in addition to the intended increase known, and estimated to be in the order of 0.1 to 1 E/MSY. The
in agricultural production. current rate, however, is thought to be in excess of 100 E/MSY,
with future projections of loss in the order of 1000–10,000 E/
Steffen et al. (2015) also propose a two-level approach for the P
component of the biogeochemical flows boundary, based on the
analysis of Carpenter and Bennett (2011). The global boundary Functional diversity describes the overall role of the biosphere in
is set at 11 Tg P yr-1 from freshwater systems into the ocean to Earth system functioning. A BII of 90% was suggested as a PB
avoid large-scale ocean anoxic events, which potentially explain by Steffen et al. (2015) with a large interval of uncertainty (90–
past mass extinctions of marine life (Handoh and Lenton 2003). 30%). Newbold et al. (2016) estimate that land use and related
Regional boundaries are set to prevent eutrophication of pressures have already reduced local biodiversity intactness
freshwater, and as for the N component, it is particular regions beyond the PB across 58% of the world’s land surface. The BII is
where these boundaries are transgressed. probably in the zone of uncertainty, and this is where we place it
on Fig. 1.
Smil (2000) indicates that 90% of global phosphate production
(around 148 Mt of phosphate rock per year) is used to make In the absence of better information, we suggest 80% as the role
fertilizers for agriculture. More recent research suggests that as of agriculture in the status of the biosphere integrity PB (Fig. 1),
much as 96% of mined P is used for fertilizer production (22.6 i.e., the same value as that for land-system change given that losses
Mt yr-1 out of a total anthropogenic production of 23.5 Mt yr-1), of both genetic and functional diversity loss are driven by land-
and nearly all of this P is added to terrestrial soil (Carpenter and system change. Thus agriculture has shifted biosphere integrity
Bennett 2011). With increased global demand for food due to beyond the PB, at least for one of the components of this PB.
rising population numbers and changing diets, demand for P Biodiversity loss is not only a function of habitat area, and
could increase by 50–100% by 2050 (Cordell and White 2013), biosphere integrity may have more to do with functional diversity
leading to even greater impact of agriculture on this already than genetic diversity (Steffen et al. 2015). The world’s forests are
surpassed boundary. We estimate agriculture’s role in the PB as rapidly being fragmented by a huge expansion of investments in
being greater than 90% (Fig. 1). infrastructure, with agriculture a key constituent of the new
landscapes (Sloan and Sayer 2015). Development corridors are
Several options exist to reduce agricultures’ contribution to the
seen as a way of transforming agriculture in developing countries
current transgression of this PB (Elser and Bennett 2011, Cordell
to higher levels of productivity. These development corridors risk
and White 2013). The most systemic options revolve around using
major fragmentation and occupation of existing forests, especially
less new P. For this, one option is to balance P budgets on
in the tropics, with potentially disastrous consequences for
agricultural soils and another is to increase use of recycled P from
biosphere integrity (Laurance et al. 2015). Climate change and
manure, human excreta, and food residues to reduce reliance on
habitat fragmentation are facilitating the spread of exotic invasive
new, mined P. A somewhat less systemic, but still important
species into natural habitats at an unprecedented level with
solution is to reduce P losses from farms to aquatic systems. This
alarming consequences for biodiversity and ecosystem function.
type of P runoff could be minimized through: (i) using better
tillage practices; (ii) establishing and maintaining riparian buffers; CLIMATE CHANGE
or (iii) restoring wetland areas. Finally, reducing food waste, in Agricultural activities emit large amounts of important non-CO2
storage or in after-market waste, so that less has to be produced greenhouse gases, while deforestation, to create more space for
in the first place is an urgent consideration. agriculture, releases significant amounts of CO2. The entire food
chain and its related activities, from production of fertilizer to
distribution of food commodities, also emit significant amounts
In their original paper Rockström et al. (2009a) included “rate of
of CO2. All combined, this places agriculture as one of the most
biodiversity loss” as one of the nine PBs but this was altered by
important anthropogenic activities contributing to climate
Steffen et al. (2015) to “change in biosphere integrity” with the
change. Furthermore, climate change will itself influence the
intention of better reflecting the more general impact of human
conditions for agriculture and will have significant ramifications
activities on the biosphere by encompassing both genetic and
for the entire agricultural system.
functional diversity. The authors suggest that genetic diversity
can be measured by extinction rates and functional diversity by Rockström et al. (2009a) proposed a dual approach for climate
the biodiversity intactness index (BII). change using both atmospheric CO2 concentration and top-of-
atmosphere radiative forcing as global scale control variables,
Steffen et al. (2015) retain the average number of extinctions per
suggesting 350 ppm CO2 and 1 W m-2 above preindustrial level as
million species-years (E/MSY) as a proxy for measuring genetic
the two boundaries (US EPA 2011). This was based on (i) an
diversity loss, although it is criticized for being difficult to measure
analysis of the equilibrium sensitivity of the climate system to
and inevitably has a time-lag. Recent estimates suggest that there
greenhouse gas forcing; (ii) the behavior of the large polar ice
Ecology and Society 22(4): 8

sheets under climates warmer than those of the Holocene; and Many marine taxa, e.g., corals and oysters, use aragonite or calcite
(iii) the observed behavior of the climate system at a current CO2 to build protective shells or skeletons that are easily corroded
concentration of about 387 ppm and +1.6 W m-2 (+0.8/-1.0 W when seawater CO2 levels build up (Rodolfo-Metalpa et al. 2011).
m-2) net radiative forcing. Rockström et al. (2009a) noted that Coral reefs are made out of aragonite and when the “aragonite
climate sensitivity to so-called “slow feedback,” e.g., decreased saturation state” (Ω arag) is below 1 then the reefs dissolve. Coral
ice sheet volume, and disappearance of the cooling effect of reefs form in waters that are supersaturated with aragonite (Ω arag
aerosols must be taken into account when setting the boundary. > 3), below this the reefs are weaker and easily eroded by borers,
There is another important interaction between the aerosol PB e.g., algae and sponges, and grazers, e.g., sea urchins and
and the climate change PB (Mahowald et al. 2017). It is estimated parrotfish.
that increases in nutrient subsidies from atmospheric deposition
Rockström et al. (2009b) proposed an ocean acidification
are causing an increase in carbon dioxide uptake. As aerosol
boundary where, “oceanic aragonite saturation state is
emissions from industrial sources are reduced to improve air
maintained at 80% or higher of the average global pre-industrial
quality, these enhancements in carbon uptake may be reduced.
surface seawater Ω arag of 3.44.” Currently, Ω arag is ~84% of the
Agriculture contributes ~5.0 to 5.8 Gt CO2e yr-1, based on the preindustrial value and falling rapidly (Gattuso et al. 2015).
100-year global warming potential, or ~11% of total
The agriculture sector directly contributes to ocean acidification
anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, not including
because it is a major source of CO2 emissions. There are also
agriculturally driven land use change (Smith et al. 2014).
indirect effects, for example through acidification of water
Developing countries collectively produce the majority of
catchment areas on arable land, as well as via nutrient input from
agriculture-related emissions globally and are where emissions
fertilizers to the seas and oceans. Production of reactive nitrogen
are expected to rise the fastest, given the potentials to increase
for fertilizers for agriculture is one of the hall-marks of the
agricultural production in developing countries (Smith et al.
Anthropocene; nitrate inputs to coastal waters stimulate algal
2014). Agricultural emissions are also significant at national
growth, which lowers dissolved oxygen levels as it rots. The CO2
levels, contributing an average of 35% of emissions in developing
produced during microbial respiration increases acidity and adds
countries and 12% in developed countries (Richards et al. 2015).
to the regional effects of ocean acidification (Ekstrom et al. 2015).
The inclusion of emissions from the entire food system, from
In the absence of additional information, we use 25% as the role
production to consumption, increases the contribution from 14–
of agriculture in driving change on this PB (Fig. 1), this being the
24% (with agriculturally driven land use change included) to 19–
proportion of CO2 emissions generated by agriculturally driven
29% of total greenhouse gas emissions (Vermeulen et al. 2012).
land-cover change relative to total CO2 emissions during the
This figure includes the entire supply chain, fertilizer
industrial age (Ciais et al. 2013).
manufacture, agricultural production itself, processing,
transport, retail, household food management, and waste Local solutions to the global problem of ocean acidification can
disposal. We have used 25% as the role of agriculture (inclusive incorporate changes in agricultural practices. The IUCN Blue
of agriculturally driven land cover change) in the status of this Carbon initiative recognizes the ability of coastal vegetation
PB (Fig. 1). (algae, seagrass, mangroves) to prevent acid water run-off, capture
and store carbon, as well as raising the pH of coastal waters.
Wollenberg et al. (2016) estimate that agriculture must reduce its
Seaweed farming and the gradual restoration of mangroves in
emissions by 1 Gt CO2e yr-1 by 2030 if the world is to remain
areas that have been converted to shrimp farms are ways in which
within the 2 °C target, while at the same time feeding a growing
agriculture can operate more safely within our PBs (Siikamäki et
and more affluent human population. Using two different
al. 2013).
approaches and with prices of up to US$20 per t CO2e, they
estimate that only 21 to 40% of the needed mitigation can be STRATOSPHERIC OZONE DEPLETION
achieved; this includes widespread use of technical agronomic Rockström et al. (2009a) consider the PB for ozone levels to be a
practices and intensified production of crops and livestock with < 5% decrease in column ozone levels for any particular latitude
increases in efficiency. The large gap between desired mitigation with respect to 1964–1980 values. Ozone depletion to date is
outcomes and plausible outcomes indicates that more dominated by halogens released from historical chlorofluorocarbon
transformative technical and policy options will be needed, for emissions, with N2O playing a comparatively minor role.
example high-tech solutions such as livestock breeds that produce However, ozone depletion attributable to N2O is projected to grow
less methane and greater retention of soil organic matter in soils. in importance, as “N2O is currently the single most important
At the same time, reducing land use change due to clearing for ozone-depleting emission and is expected to remain the largest
agriculture, decreasing food loss and waste, and shifting dietary throughout the 21st century” (Ravishankara et al. 2009:123).
patterns will also be required.
N2O from soils is the main source of anthropogenic N2O, and is
OCEAN ACIDIFICATION mainly associated with N fertilizers and manure applied to soils.
Ocean acidification is caused by carbon dioxide emissions to the Increased nitrogen fertilizer use and increased animal manure
atmosphere, about 25% of which have been absorbed into production are projected to increase agricultural N2O emissions
seawater where it forms carbonic acid. This has already caused a by 35–60% up to 2030 (Smith et al. 2008). Crutzen et al. (2008)
34% increase in seawater acidity since 1800, and unless we reduce calculate an anthropogenic N2O source of 5.6-6.5 Mt N2O-N yr-1
CO2 emissions this will cause about a 150% increase in surface with agriculture contributing 4.3-5.8 Mt N2O-N yr-1. It then
ocean acidity by 2100 (Hönisch et al. 2012). This is the fastest rate follows that 66–90% of global anthropogenic N2O emissions can
of chemical ocean change for millions of years. be attributed to agricultural activities. Montzka et al. (2011)
Ecology and Society 22(4): 8

calculate numbers that suggest that 49–83% of the global include other new types of engineered materials or organisms, e.g.,
anthropogenic N2O emissions are from agricultural activities. transgenic organisms, though much of the discussion still relates
Given the historical emissions of chlorofluorocarbons, the to chemicals. Steffen et al. (2015:1259855-8) state that, “there is not
current influence of agriculture is quite low; we have used a value yet an aggregate, global-level analysis of chemical pollution on
of 5% in Figure 1, recognizing that agriculture’s share will increase which to base a control variable or a [planetary] boundary value.”
in future. This is because the myriad of chemicals being produced and
mobilized during the Anthropocene defy any straightforward
Numerous options to mitigate anthropogenic N2O emissions are
attempt at quantification (Conway and Pretty 2013). Nevertheless
currently available, and for agriculture the most effective include
the impact of anthropogenic chemicals on ecosystem functioning
more efficient use of fertilizer on cropland (Ravishankara et al.
has been described for many case studies (Milton et al. 2011, Pease
2009). Limiting future N2O emissions would enhance the recovery
2011) and agriculture is strongly implicated. Many pesticides, for
of the ozone layer from its depleted state. This would also reduce
example, are used widely in both agri- and aquaculture and are
the anthropogenic forcing of the climate system,
typically highly biologically active. In a review of the role of the
ATMOSPHERIC AEROSOL LOADING global impact of agricultural insecticides on freshwaters, Stehle and
Aerosol particles in the atmosphere are detrimental to human Schulz (2015) report that the concentrations of 50% of the
health and are well known to affect climate (Ramanathan et al. insecticides detected exceeded regulatory thresholds.
2007). Indeed emissions of the aerosol “black carbon” may be the It is not clear that broadening this PB to include genetically
second most important contributor to global warming after modified organisms (GMOs) is appropriate. There are
carbon dioxide emissions (Bond et al. 2013). Crop residue burning environmental (and other) concerns related to using GMOs in
is known to be a significant global source of atmospheric aerosols agriculture, though the field is marked by controversy (Trumbo and
(van der Werf et al. 2010) although there is little consensus on the Powell 2016). Unproven concerns include those related to supposed
exact figures. Assessment of the literature puts the share of allergernicity, food unsafety, transgene flow threatening
anthropogenic emissions of black and organic carbon at about biodiversity integrity, and spread of undesirable traits to weeds.
3–14% (Bond et al. 2013). There are also concerns about intellectual property rights (IPRs)
The PB for atmospheric aerosol loading uses “aerosol optical on seeds, though IPRs are not associated to the PB concept.
depth” (AOD) as the control variable. No global boundary has Abberton et al. (2016) give a summary on how to use and adapt
been set, since AOD is so variable over the surface of the Earth. genomic tools to speed the breeding of both major and minor crops
Instead a regional boundary over the Indian subcontinent was with the aim of boosting production, diversifying food supply, and
set by Steffen et al. (2015) because of its potential influence on enhancing adaptation to, or mitigating the effects of climate change.
the life-giving monsoon. The background AOD over the Indian A worldwide meta-analysis of transgenic maize and soybean
subcontinent is ~0.15 (Chin et al. 2014) and the boundary was set indicates that they yield more than their conventional counterparts
at 0.3 (Steffen et al. 2015). The AOD is, however, strongly seasonal while reducing production costs and increasing gross margins
and spatially inhomogeneous, with values over the Indo-Gangetic (Areal et al. 2013). Research also shows that transgenic crops
plain routinely near 1.0 in the dry season. reduced chemical pesticide use by 37% while increasing both yields
by 22% and farmer profits by 68% (Klümper and Qaim 2014). A
AOD is influenced by the full atmospheric column of aerosol, but recent review suggests that the transgenic cultivar pipeline appears
because nearly all emissions originate at the surface it is also to be very promising for developing more nutritious and input-
correlated with small surface particulate matter (PM). The annual efficient crops for the world’s farming systems under a changing
average population weighted PM exposure is ~38% from black climate (Ortiz et al. 2014). Engineered organisms may assist society
and organic carbon and ~11% from ammonia (Shindell 2015), in transforming agriculture in a positive direction, e.g., through
indicating that emissions related to agricultural burning reducing the use of other “novel entities” such as chemicals in
contributes about 3% and those related to fertilizer production pesticides. This is surely a very complex planetary boundary
and usage about 11% of global PM, though agriculture-related requiring thorough thinking for properly defining its components.
emissions are the dominant source of PM in some densely
populated areas (Bauer et al. 2016). Because the Global Burden CONCLUSIONS
of Disease estimates that about 3.2 million premature deaths are While adapting to climate change and reducing the impact of
attributable to small PM each year (Lim et al. 2012), this suggests agriculture, humanity will have to address the fact that at least a
that agriculture’s contribution to atmospheric aerosol loading billion people do not have access to sufficient calories (FAO 2014),
may be responsible for ~450,000–660,000 premature deaths and more than two billion people lack sufficient nutrients (WHO
annually based on this analysis and another study (Lelieveld et and FAO 2014), while, paradoxically, at the same time over two
al. 2015). In conclusion, agriculture contributes substantially to billion people consume too many calories (Ng et al. 2014). This
atmospheric aerosol loading and this PB is probably regularly under- and overconsumption has led to a growing “triple burden”
(seasonally) transgressed in polluted areas and has extremely of malnutrition (IFPRI 2015) and addressing this is a major societal
damaging effects on human health. Banning the open burning of challenge. Against this background is the fact that global human
agricultural wastes and using fertilizer more efficiently would lead population is anticipated to reach ~9 billion by 2050, and food
to substantial benefits. consumption patterns are changing rapidly as average wealth
increases leading to consumption of more food overall, and
INTRODUCTION OF NOVEL ENTITIES particularly more meat (Kearney 2010). Of particular concern
This PB was widened by Steffen et al. (2015) from the original regarding the PBs is the dietary change leading to overconsumption
“chemical pollution” described by Rockström et al. (2009a) to because this has a disproportionate impact per person. There is
Ecology and Society 22(4): 8

therefore an urgent need to manage, rather than meet, demand

(Ingram 2017). Acknowledgments:
Of the nine PBs, five are in the high risk or increasing risk zones, This work was implemented as part of the CGIAR Research
with agriculture the major driver of four of them and a significant Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
driver of the remaining one (Fig. 1). It is also a significant driver (CCAFS), which is carried out with support from CGIAR Fund
of many of the PBs still in the safe zone. There are numerous Donors and through bilateral funding agreements. For details please
possible intervention points to reduce the impact of agriculture visit The views
on PBs (Sayer and Cassman 2013). However, nothing less than a expressed in this document cannot be taken to reflect the official
radically transformed system will be required, with numerous opinions of these organizations.
changes made to all aspects of production, with more attention
to landscape-level management, and with changes made to all
aspects of the broader food system (Beddington et al. 2012, LITERATURE CITED
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