Environmental Challenges and Current Practices in China-A Thorough Analysis
Environmental Challenges and Current Practices in China-A Thorough Analysis
Environmental Challenges and Current Practices in China-A Thorough Analysis
Environmental Challenges and Current Practices in
China—A Thorough Analysis
Mehran Idris Khan 1 and Yen-Chiang Chang 2, *
1 School of Law, Shandong University, Qingdao 266237, China; lfomd@hotmail.com
2 School of Law, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, China
* Correspondence: ycchang@sdu.edu.cn; Tel.: +86-152-7519-7632
Received: 14 June 2018; Accepted: 17 July 2018; Published: 20 July 2018
Abstract: This study presents a critical analysis of the environmental challenges regarding global
environmental policies and current practices in China. The study provides imperative evidence
about the current emission control strategies, environmental planning, legislation, policy instruments,
and measures to provide a sustainable environment for the present and future generations. The study
followed a well-defined analytical methodology to analyse the measures adopted to control emissions
as a trade-balancing tool for the environment. The findings indicated that domestic as well as
the international collaborations were effective in controlling the present problem of environmental
pollution, and suggested a need for collaborative agreements to amend the Environmental Protection
Law (EPL). The analytical findings determined that the proposed EPL considered SO2 or NO2
emissions while neglecting an important source of environmental pollution, i.e., CO2 emissions. The
research findings also suggested a need for to accelerate efforts in a more professional, practical,
and result-oriented manner to analyse the diverse nature of environmental issues. The research
highlighted some of the obstacles to the successful implementation of EPL for current and future
environmental challenges.
1. Introduction
Global environmental pollution offers the greatest challenge to sustainable industrial development
and the need to meet the requirements of ever increased world population. The major sources of
pollution primarily affect three components of our ecological system: air, soil, and water. An increasing
number of consumers demand more industrial production units with improved technology to fulfil
the requirements of society. It is very clear that socio-economic development depends on industrial
capabilities or capacities; however, it is also a fact that industrial development is linked with many
environmental sustainability challenges. Thisis the case in many countries with a large population,
where better industries to cater the global needs for fertilisers, cosmetics, clothes, home appliances
etc. are sought after. In this scenario, it is interesting to analyse how we can maintain a balance
between meeting global needs and environmental challenges. In this regards, different States have
adopted numerous strategies to meet these basic challenges. In China, various industries legally
produce a certain amount of greenhouse gases. However, if an industrial unit manages to reduce
air pollution, it can trade or sell the extra pollution allowance to another industry [1]. At present,
nearly one-fourth of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, or almost 50% of annual emissions growth
in China, requires evaluation of the environmental protection mechanism or laws for sustainable
economic development [2].
The International Energy Agency (IEA) performed critical assessments of the total outcomes of
energy-oriented carbon dioxide (CO2 ) emissions worldwide. The results presented economic growth
as a leading domestic priority for China. Fossil fuels-based energy and climate security challenges
were identified as serious problems affecting sustainable economic development [3]. The assessment’s
findings suggested that China has applied regulatory, administrative, and political measures to
control the problem of greenhouse gas emissions. Environmental protection measures are set at
national, provincial, and lower district levels to meet the challenges of asustainable environment [4].
The IEA assessments indicated regulatory measures against non-compliant industries or power plants,
to maintain the desired quality environment across the country.
Analysis of various Five-Years Plans (FYPs) indicates continued Chinese government efforts to
minimise the impact of industrial development on environmental sustainability. Economic development
and a sustainable environment may be regarded as the key components of the development strategy
of the State. The National Climate Change Programme (NCCP) was launched in 2007 to maintain
sustainable economic development and environmental conditions of the country. Similar findings were
presented in the white paper, such as the ‘China’s Policies and Actions for Addressing Climate Change’
in 2008 [5]. The supreme lawmaking body, the Chinese Legislature, approved a draft resolution on
climate change within the context of environmental challenges in 2009 [6].
Practical efforts produce exemplary achievements in the form of shutting down inefficient thermal
power plants with an approximate capacity generation of 34.21 GWs from 2006 to 2008 [7]. Analysis of
energy reforms indicates national planning for green renewable energy resources, e.g., solar, wind,
ocean, and thermal energies. The Chinese Government’s efforts contributed regulatory measures to
overcome environmental challenges. In fact, China is now leading the world in wind power generation,
with the biggest installed capacity compared to any state, and with constantly growing, new wind
facilities. The FYPs for green energy indicates a forecasted amount of 250 GWs of wind power capacity
by 2020 [8]. In this regard, 19.3 GWs of wind power generation capacity were added to the existing
national capacity, to reach a total capacity of 149 GWs by the end of 2017 [9]. Green wind energy
investments can be seen as an achievement in the collective national efforts to overcome existing
challenges of environmental pollution. Analytical trends indicate a positive slope showing an upward
trend in the environmental improvement graph. However, China has neither well documented its CO2
emissions, norpublished emission reports officially on a regular basis. There are only three published
reports by the government of China regarding national CO2 emission inventories: for the years of
1994, 2005, and 2012. Therefore, CO2 emissions are being calculated by the environmental scholars
and research institutes based on the logical assumptions and previously available data form different
sources [10].
The emissions policy attempts to strike a balance between the industrial or public emissions and
sustainable economic development. A zero tolerance policy was adopted to address environmental
issues and challenges. In this regard, national efforts were made to clarify the matter; by taking rational
steps, workable and result-oriented strategies to gather and implement the national environmental
policies were achieved. Global concerns regarding air pollution that affects various ecosystems of
the planet, e.g., smog issues in late 2016 to Jan-2017, had been affecting some provinces and cities
in China, and may have affected neighbouring states. Japan and South Korea have shown their
concerns regarding potentially hazardous air pollution from northern China in recent years [11].
Environmental researchers have warned about the future challenges of environmental pollution,
which may give rise to public discontent, or create ‘social conflicts’ across the globe [12]. The efforts to
meet environmental challenges can be traced back to the late 1990s, when the Chinese government
devastated its interests by applying the instruments of emissions trading. The central government
realised the consequences of a huge volume of emissions from inefficient power plants or factories
in its FYPs and emphasised environmental protection strategies to reduce public or industrial
greenhouse gases emissions. The FYPs were developed to welcome environmental sustainability
as a top priority by the government, environmental researchers, and practitioners, for emissions
Sustainability 2018, 10, 2547 3 of 20
trading in China [7]. The EPL in China governs the national emission trading system; it considers
environmental challenges, policy instruments, and measures, legislation, environmental planning,
and institutional settings in the environmental governance system of China. The EPL is designed
to cope with environmental challenges, highlighting the shortcomings in the present environmental
protection system, and proposes better remedies for the sustainable environment.
In this research, a thoroughanalysis is presentedconcerning the emissions trading system,
regulations, pilot programmes, the role of environmental organisations, e.g., environmental NGOs,
as well as environmental courts and ministries, and the amendments in the environmental law at
different times. The study discusses the limitations or shortcomings of China’s current environmental
protection system. Critical analysis also concludes the recent developments in environmental
laws, offering suitable solutions with global perspectives. It is suggested that the environmental
tax net should be strengthened, and CO2 emissions beincluded in the tax net under newly
framed Environmental Protection Tax Law. The implementation, public interest and participation,
transparency, efficiency, and compatibilities of the environmental laws with thoroughly analysed
results should be given more importance for sustainable future perspectives.
change in environmental policy and effective implementation will require a review of the relationship
between the state, society, government markets and the Chinese bureaucratic power structure [20].
but was finally approved in the fourth round [34]. At each stage, the proposed changes which led to a
delay in the formation of a unified draft resolution [35] were controversial. The procedural delay in
the EPL caused environmental damage to China particularly, and to the world at large.
pilots if not approved by the NDRC in each pilot ETS. All pilots will be allowed the CCER offsets in
their perspective systems, but the limits on offset usage in many pilots are still not clear [47].
the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) mutually promulgated ‘The Guiding Opinions on Pilot
Scheme for Compulsory Environmental Pollution Liability Insurance’. It is also called the ‘green insurance’,
which demands that all the companies dealing with the extraordinary environmental risks process
should necessarily purchase pollution liability insurance [53]. It also puts the moral responsibility
on the government for rendering ample services to facilitate and encourage the polluters for the
environmental insurance.
the Ministry of Agriculture, marine protection, currentlyunder the State Oceanic Administration,
environmental protection amid project execution, currentlyunder the State Council’s South-to-North
Water Diversion Project Construction Committee [56].
legislative apparatus to discipline the polluters by suggesting penalties. However, it is still a long
way away from a response to a key problem, i.e., how to get local officials to implement the rules
efficiently and to hold them accountable for their failure? [34] Environmental protection officers
Sustainability 2018, 10, 2547 11 of 20
have also been granted greater powers to supervise as well as sanction polluters more efficiently.
Before the new amendments, environmental officials did not have the power to seize property;
for their failure?
however, now they [34]areEnvironmental
accredited to protection officers have also
impound instrumentation been
that granted
permits greater powers
amerceable discharge to
supervise as well as sanction polluters more efficiently. Before the new
of pollution. Earlier, environmental officials were provided with toothless fines to discourageamendments, environmental
production did from
not have the power
the illegal to seize
discharge property;[38].
of pollution however,
Undernow they law,
the new are accredited
they will be to capable
impound of
imposing fines on thatthepermits
firms amerceable
on a day-to-day discharge
pollution. the
Earlier, environmental
consequences officials
of poor were
and failure with toothless
to hold fines
officials to discourage
answerable production pollution
for widespread from the illegal
as welldischarge of pollution
as ecological damage [38]. still
Under the newChina
continue[73]. law, they will be its
published capable of imposing fines
first Environmental on the firms
Protection TaxonLawa day-to-day
in December basis. However,
2016, which
to fortify of thepoor execution
social control and offailure to hold officials
environmental answerable
regulations. for widespread
It imposes several pollution
taxes on
as well as ecological
production units thatdamage
emit airstill
andcontinue [73]. China
water pollution, noisepublished
waste. It was Protection
Tax Law in December
on January 1, 2018 [74]. 2016, which
Taxes aimedand
levied to fortify
collectedthe will
social control the
support of environmental
amount of theregulations.
It imposes several
discharged [75]. taxes on production units that emit air and water pollution, noise pollution, and solid
waste. It wasthe
China, enforced
world’s onleading
1 January 2018 [74]. gas
greenhouse Taxes levied[76],
emitter and felt
collected will support the to
shared-responsibility amount of
limit its
emissions discharged
for the first[75].time by the end of this decade. According to a prime government
China, the
consultant, world’s leading
an absolute greenhouse
cap on carbon gas emitter
emissions is going[76], feltintroduced
to be shared-responsibility
soon. For thisto limit its total
purpose, the
government forwill
the use
by the end of this decade.
to normalise According
the emissions to a prime
within the nextgovernment consultant,
five-year plan setup,
by absolute
intensitycap on carbon
associated emissions
degree and an is going to be
absolute capintroduced
[77]. The soon. For this
following is apurpose, thekey
list of the government
will use twoin
introduced methods
the newly to normalise
amendedthe EPL emissions
adding within
to morethe next five-year
systemised, plan setup,
controlled, andby intensity
environment: degree and an absolute cap [77]. The following is a list of the key measures introduced in
the newly amended EPL adding to more systemised, controlled, and sustainable environment:
Five Key Measures Introduced in the New EPL
Five Key Measures Introduced in the New EPL
i. Day to day fines imposition on the violators;
i. Day to day fines imposition on the violators;
ii. Authority to seize polluting equipment;
ii. Authority to seize polluting equipment;
iii. Power to make an order to limit or stop production in case of excessive pollution is found;
iii. Power to make an order to limit or stop production in case of excessive pollution is found;
iv. Administrative
iv. Administrative detention
detention forfor serious
serious violations;
v. Polluters
Polluters may also be transferred to judicialsanctions
may also be transferred to judicial sanctionsfound
environmental crimes
crimes [78].
In 2016
In 2016alone,
there were
were 22,730
22,730 casescases in total,
in total, reported
reported in the context
in the context of these
of these five five key
key measures
measures addressed
addressed in the new in the new Environmental
Environmental Protection
Protection Law. Law.
Details Details
of these of these
cases, cases, as in
as mentioned mentioned
Figure 1,
in Figure 1, may include: forty-fourpercent of the seizure of equipment or facilities accounted
may include: forty-fourpercent of the seizure of equipment or facilities accounted for, twenty-five for,
percent percentlimits
production production limits and
and stoppage, fourstoppage,
percent offour percent
daily of daily fines,
fines, eighteen percent eighteen percent of
of administrative
administrative detentions, and nine percent criminal
detentions, and nine percent criminal charges [79]. charges [79].
Figure 1. Breakdown
Figure 1. BreakdownofofEnvironmental
Casesin 2016. Source: China
in 2016.Source: Water
China riskrisk
Water basebase
on IERL report
on IERL [48].
5.3. Environmental Regulatory Framework
The main parts of the environmental legislation and the regulatory authorities may consist of
the laws which are promulgated by the National People’s Congress and its Standing Committee,
Sustainability 2018, 10, 2547 12 of 20
departmental rules framed by ministries and commissions beneath the State Council, local or territorial
regulations outlined by apiece province and municipality, and other administrative regulations
articulated by the State Council. In contrast, the major environmental laws include: Environmental
Protection Law, Cleaner Production Promotion Law, Circular Economy Promotion Law, and Law on
Environmental Impact Assessment. Various other Laws concerning the explicit areas of environmental
protection compromise: Atmospheric Pollution Prevention and Control Law, Water Pollution
Prevention and Control Law, Water Law, Marine Environment Protection Law, Forestry Law,
and Grassland Law. It is worth mentioning here that the Marine Environment Protection Law, and the
Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law have been amended by the National People’s Congress.
However, the Soil Pollution Prevention and Control Law is scheduled to be amended later [38].
laws, lack of supervision and weak law enforcement pushed the government in Beijing to consider
this kind of techniques to maintain and improve the overall environmental quality [86].
unit for sulphur dioxide, and also accumulates 350 to 11,200 RMB (50 to 1612 USD) per month for the
noise pollution [88].
i. Ongoing legislation procedure to elevate the legal system, focussing on the implementation
strategy of the EPL;
ii. An environmental database sharing system between different government departments should
be established to bring out the most efficient harmonisation followed by necessary measures,
and to establish an inter-regional environmental enforcement mechanism;
iii. Improve the environmental intelligence for pollution acknowledgement and better law enforcement;
iv. Sustainable and environment-friendly industries should be encouraged by the state’s economic
departments, eliminating backward approaches to production capabilities;
v. Environmental NGOs should be encouraged to play their unique critic role in environmental
protection. Special attention should be paid to their capacity building and to strengthen their
channels up to the maximum possible levels;
vi. Strict implementation should be ensured on the polluters to install the required environmental
monitoring instruments and to record emissions as they actually emit; and
vii. Public awareness campaigns regarding different aspects of environmental laws should be
fortified, and polluters should be encouraged to join hands to ensure ultimate environmental
protection standards;
viii. Take insurance to manage the inevitable carbon tax. A carbon tax will convey transformations
to the worldwide economy and reshape the universal exchange structure. It is essential for
the Chinese government to step up with regards to defining related strategies and measures,
and grab the open door for a universal low-carbon economy;
ix. Develop a low-carbon economy and construct a far-reaching low-carbon society. Since a carbon
duty is unavoidable, it is smarter to look for points of interest and stay away from drawbacks
Sustainability 2018, 10, 2547 15 of 20
at the beginning. Firstly, the administration should give more help to the innovative work of
low-carbon innovation and help partnerships to expand their production of energy consumption.
Secondly, continue reshaping and improving traditional industries and advance innovative
low-carbon environmental-friendly manufacturing. Thirdly, produce, develop and deliver
low-carbon goods which may support breaking trade hindrances, and improve the market
share as well as industry overall.
7. Conclusions
Although numerous efforts and vigorous schemes at district, provincial, and central government
levels have been launched at different times, China, being the world’s leading manufacturing industry,
still faces critical environmental challenges. An uncontrolled or unplanned giant of SO2 and CO2
are affecting Chinese society in particular and the world at large. Therefore, the formation of new,
updated, and neutral environmental policies is inevitable to cope with the matter before it istoo late.
The matter of emissions trading was picked up as a balancing tool to tackle pollution and smog
consequences in the country, and it has also brought an important agenda to the country’s five-year
plans. There is an acute need to bring an equitable assessment between the genuine environmental
problems and measures taken to meet them; environmental NGOs may be helpful in this regard.
The rapid growth of emissions contributed to environmental damage, which is relatively higher than
the formulation of the legal framework; the creation of environmental courts and ministriesplaces a
serious question mark over the efforts made by the Chinese Government. An efficiency gap between
the enforcement agencies was found during this study, even though government departments have
been given more discretion to take legal actions against environmental rules violators. It is suggested
that the environmental tax net should be strengthened and should include CO2 emissions in the tax
net under newly framed Environmental Protection Tax Law. A carbon duty is unavoidable. However,
the government should prioritise attaining a low-carbon economy and an environment-friendly society.
In addition, focus should also be given to ensure implementation with contrast to the analyses of
the outcomes, public interest and participation, transparency, efficiency suggesting penalties on the
responsible, and then to review compatibilities of the environmental laws with thoroughly analysed
results in order to achieve the ultimate environmental goals for a better environmentalfuture for China
and the world at large.
Author Contributions: M.I.K. deals with substantial writing up and revision; Professor Y.-C.C. provides general
guidance and proof reading.
Funding: The field work is supported by the following projects: Science and Technology Project of State Grid
Corporation of China, ‘Research on the Macro Strategy and the Key Issues of the Global Energy Network’
(Grant No. SGSDDK00KJJS1600067); National Social Science Fundamental Project, ‘Research on the Sea Power
Development Modes and the Strengthening of the Law of the Sea in China’ (Grant No. 17ZDA145).
Acknowledgments: This study was supported by the Chinese Government Scholarship under Chinese
Scholarship Council (CSC) No. 2017GXZ025750 for the PhD degree programme of Mehran Idris Khan.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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