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Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver Installation Guide: Software License Agreement

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Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver

Installation Guide


1. GRANT OF LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT • Data received by means of the SOFTWARE may not be used
Yamaha hereby grants you the right to use one copy of the soft- for any commercial purposes without permission of the copy-
ware program(s) and data (“SOFTWARE”) accompanying this right owner.
Agreement. The term SOFTWARE shall encompass any updates • Data received by means of the SOFTWARE may not be dupli-
to the accompanying software and data. The SOFTWARE is cated, transferred, or distributed, or played back or performed
owned by Yamaha and/or Yamaha’s licensor(s), and is protected for listeners in public without permission of the copyright
by relevant copyright laws and all applicable treaty provisions. owner.
While you are entitled to claim ownership of the data created with
• The encryption of data received by means of the SOFTWARE
the use of SOFTWARE, the SOFTWARE will continue to be pro-
may not be removed nor may the electronic watermark be
tected under relevant copyrights.
modiofied without permission of the copyright owner.
• You may use the SOFTWARE on a single computer.
• You may make one copy of the SOFTWARE in machine-read-
This Agreement becomes effective on the day that you receive
able form for backup purposes only, if the SOFTWARE is on
the SOFTWARE and remains effective until terminated. If any
media where such backup copy is permitted. On the backup
copyright law or provisions of this Agreement is violated, the
copy, you must reproduce Yamaha’s copyright notice and any
Agreement shall terminate automatically and immediately without
other proprietary legends that were on the original copy of the
notice from Yamaha. Upon such termination, you must immedi-
ately destroy the licensed SOFTWARE, any accompanying writ-
• You may permanently transfer to a third party all your rights in ten documents and all copies thereof.
the SOFTWARE, provided that you do not retain any copies
and the recipient reads and agrees to the terms of this Agree- 4. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY ON SOFTWARE
ment. You expressly acknowledge and agree that use of the SOFT-
WARE is at your sole risk. The SOFTWARE and related documen-
2. RESTRICTIONS tation are provided “AS IS” and without warranty of any kind.
• You may not engage in reverse engineering, disassembly, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION OF THIS AGREE-
decompilation or otherwise deriving a source code form of the MENT, YAMAHA EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AS
• You may not reproduce, modify, change, rent, lease, or distrib-
ute the SOFTWARE in whole or in part, or create derivative
• You may not electronically transmit the SOFTWARE from one WARRANT THAT THE SOFTWARE WILL MEET YOUR REQUIRE-
computer to another or share the SOFTWARE in a network with MENTS, THAT THE OPERATION OF THE SOFTWARE WILL BE
• You may not use the SOFTWARE to distribute illegal data or SOFTWARE WILL BE CORRECTED.
data that violates public policy.
• You may not initiate services based on the use of the SOFT-
WARE without permission by Yamaha Corporation.
• Copyrighted data, including but not limited to MIDI data for
songs, obtained by means of the SOFTWARE, are subject to
the following restrictions which you must observe.

Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver Installation Guide 1

5. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY • Yamaha shall not provide you with any service or maintenance
PERMIT USE OF THE SOFTWARE UNDER THE TERMS HEREOF. • Yamaha is not liable to you or any other person for any dam-
IN NO EVENT SHALL YAMAHA BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY ages, including, without limitation, any direct, indirect, inciden-
OTHER PERSON FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT tal or consequential damages, expenses, lost profits, lost data
LIMITATION, ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSE- or other damages arising out of the use, misuse or inability to
AUTHORIZED DEALER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBIL- This Agreement shall be interpreted according to and governed
ITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. In no event shall Yamaha’s total liability by Japanese law without reference to principles of conflict of
to you for all damages, losses and causes of action (whether in laws. Any dispute or procedure shall be heard before the Tokyo
contract, tort or otherwise) exceed the amount paid for the SOFT- District Court in Japan. If for any reason a court of competent
WARE. jurisdiction finds any portion of this Agreement to be unenforce-
able, the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force
Third party software and data (“THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE”) may
be attached to the SOFTWARE. If, in the written materials or the 8. COMPLETE AGREEMENT
electronic data accompanying the Software, Yamaha identifies This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the
any software and data as THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE, you parties with respect to use of the SOFTWARE and any accompa-
acknowledge and agree that you must abide by the provisions of nying written materials and supersedes all prior or contempora-
any Agreement provided with the THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE and neous understandings or agreements, written or oral, regarding
that the party providing the THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE is respon- the subject matter of this Agreement. No amendment or revision
sible for any warranty or liability related to or arising from the of this Agreement will be binding unless in writing and signed by
THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE. Yamaha is not responsible in any way a fully authorized representative of Yamaha.
for the THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE or your use thereof.
• Yamaha provides no express warranties as to the THIRD

• The software and this Installation Guide are the exclusive copyrights of Yamaha Corporation.
• Please read carefully the Software Licensing Agreement at the front of this Installation Guide before installing the software.
• Copying of the software or reproduction of this Installation Guide in whole or in part by any means is expressly forbidden without the writ-
ten consent of the manufacturer.
• Yamaha makes no representations or warranties with regard to the use of the software and documentation and cannot be held responsi-
ble for the results of the use of this Installation Guide and the software.
• Future upgrades of application and system software and any changes in specifications and functions will be announced at the following
• The screen displays as illustrated in this Installation Guide are for instructional purposes, and may appear somewhat different from the
screens which appear on your computer.
• Copying of the commercially available musical data including but not limited to MIDI data and/or audio data is strictly prohibited except
for your personal use.
• Windows is the registered trademark of Microsoft® Corporation.
• Apple, Mac and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
• FireWire and the FireWire symbol are trademarks of Apple Inc.
• The company names and product names in this Installation Guide are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective com-

Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver Installation Guide 2

SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT ........................... 1 Changing Settings After Installation........................... 7
Information .................................................................... 2 Using Multiple Devices Compatible with Yamaha
What is Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver? ....................... 3 Steinberg FW Driver ................................................... 10
How This Guide is Organized ...................................... 3 Hints for Using Audio Data (Windows) ..................... 11
Installing/Uninstalling the Software ............................ 4 Troubleshooting.......................................................... 12
Selecting the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver................ 7 Error Messages........................................................... 14

What is Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver?

Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver enables audio/MIDI signals to be transferred between a computer and devices compatible with the
Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver via IEEE1394 cables.

Devices compatible with the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver include the following. (September 2013)
- Steinberg MR816 CSX/MR816 X
- Yamaha FW16E/mLAN16E/n8/n12

• The MOTIF XS8 is equipped with the mLAN16E2 as standard.
• Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver requires following software components when using with the FW16E/mLAN16E2/n8/n12.
- IEEE1394 Firmware V1.07 or later
*V1.08 or later (When using mLAN16E2 on the MOTIF XF)
*V1.08 or later has already been applied to the FW16E. You do not need to update the IEEE1394 Firmware.
- MOTIF XS V1.10 or later (When using MOTIF XS)
- n8/n12 V1.03 or later (When using n8/n12)
- Sweet Spot Data Manager V2.0.0 (When using n8/n12)
You can download the latest version of the software at the following website
• Regarding the latest information about devices compatible with the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver, refer to the “Downloads” page
for Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver.

How This Guide is Organized

Installing/Uninstalling the software (page 4)
Explains how to install/uninstall Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver for the first time.

Selecting the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver (page 7)

Explains how to select devices compatible with the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver in DAW software.

Changing settings after installing (page 7)

Explains how to determine the general settings for devices compatible with the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver by using the Control
Panel Window of the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver.

Using multiple devices compatible with Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver (page 10)
Explains how to set up the driver when connecting multiple devices compatible with the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver.

Hints for using audio data (Windows) (page 11)

Explains how to set up the configuration of Windows to use the audio functions correctly.

Troubleshooting (page 12)

Explains how to solve problems that you may encounter while you are using devices compatible with the Yamaha Steinberg FW
Driver along with your computer.

Error Messages (page 14).

Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver Installation Guide 3

Installing/Uninstalling the Software
This software enables you to connect devices compatible with the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver to a computer and transfer audio/
MIDI signals via an IEEE1394 (FireWire) cable.
• Keep in mind that noise may be generated when installing or uninstalling AI Driver. Before performing either of these operations, make sure to
lower the output level of each device.

• If you have already installed Yamaha Steinberg FW driver in your computer, you can update the driver software with the same
procedure of installation.
• For explanations of the error messages, see page 14.

Installation (Windows)

Preparing to Install 9 After the downloaded compressed file is properly

extracted, double-click the file “setup.exe.”
A “Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for Yamaha
1 Make sure that the power to the device compatible
Steinberg FW Driver” window appears.
with the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver is turned off.

2 Using an IEEE1394 cable, connect the device com-

patible with the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver directly
to the computer (without using a hub), and discon-
nect all other IEEE1394 devices from the computer.

3 Start the computer and log on to the Administrator


4 Select [Control Panel].

5 Click the “Hardware and Sound”  “Device


• If the “User Account Control” window appears, click NOTE
[Continue]. A dialog box appears.
• If the “User Account Control” window appears, click
6 Check that no “!” or “x” marks appear next to
[Continue]. A dialog box appears.
“IEEE1394 Bus host controllers.”
10 Click [Next].
If one of these marks is shown, the IEEE1394/i.LINK
The installation starts.
connection cannot be used. Refer to the owner’s man-
ual of your computer for details.
7 Click the Close button ([x]) at the top right of the • If the “Windows Security” window appears, confirm
Device Manager window, then click the Close button that the publisher is “Yamaha Corporation,” then click
([x]) at the top right of the Control Panel window to [Install].
close it.

8 Exit any open applications and close all open win-


Software Installation
The installer will install the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver to
your computer.

• Use the Cancel button or Close button to quit the installa-
tion. Quitting by using the [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Delete] buttons or
by turning off the power while installation is in process can
result in problems since the installation is terminated with-
out performing a proper uninstall.

Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver Installation Guide 4

11 When installation is complete, a message indicating 3 Click on the [+] mark next to “Sound, Video and
so appears. If restarting of the computer is neces- game controllers” and confirm that the name of the
sary following successful completion of the installa- device compatible with the Yamaha Steinberg FW
tion, make sure that the radio button to the left of Driver, “Yamaha Steinberg FW Bus,” “Yamaha Stein-
“Yes, I want to restart my computer now” is berg FW WDM Audio” and “Yamaha Steinberg FW
selected, then click [Finish] to restart the computer. WDM MIDI” are listed.
If restarting the computer is unnecessary, click [Fin-
ish] to exit the installation process.

When canceling the installation

If you’ve cancelled an installation before it is complete, the
software may not have been installed properly. To install
the software properly, resume the procedure from Step 9.

Initial Settings of Driver

After you’ve installed Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver, perform
the initial settings of the driver.

• If the “User Account Control” window appears, click [Con-

12 Turn on the power to the device compatible with the

Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver.
Initial setup of Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver is automati-
cally started.

• If the “User Account Control” window appears when
you install a new IEEE1394 interface to the computer, NOTE
click [Continue]. • The available devices compatible with the Yamaha
Steinberg FW Driver are shown as follows;
Confirming the Installation device shown name
MR816 CSX/MR816 X Steinberg MR816 Series
1 Select [Control Panel]. n8/n12 Yamaha n series FW

2 Click the “Hardware and Sound”  “Device Man- mLAN16E2 Yamaha mLAN16E2
ager.” FW16E Yamaha FW16E

• “Yamaha Steinberg FW WDM MIDI” appears when
connecting a device compatible with the Yamaha
• If the “User Account Control” window appears, click Steinberg FW Driver which has MIDI terminals.
[Continue]. A dialog box appears.

Uninstalling the Software

Follow the instruction below to uninstall the Yamaha Steinberg
FW Driver.

1 Make sure that the power to the device compatible

with the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver is turned off.
Exit any open applications and close all open win-

2 Select [Control Panel]  [Uninstall a Program] to

display the Uninstall or change a program panel.

3 Select “Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver” from the list.

4 To uninstall the software, click [Uninstall/Change].

If the “User Account Control” window appears, click
[Continue]. A dialog box appears. Follow the instruc-
tions to remove the software.

Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver Installation Guide 5

Installation (Mac)

Preparing to Install Confirming the Installation

1 Make sure that the power to the device compatible 1 From the hard disk to which the OS is installed, click
with the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver is turned off. [Applications]  [Utilities], then double-click [Audio
MIDI Setup].
2 Using an IEEE1394 (FireWire) cable, connect the The “Audio Devices” window appears.
device compatible with the Yamaha Steinberg FW
Driver directly to the computer (without using a 2 Select “Yamaha Steinberg FW” from the list of audio
hub), and disconnect all other IEEE1394 devices devices.
from the computer. The current audio settings are shown in the right side of
the window.
3 Start the computer and log in to the Administrator
4 Exit any open applications and close all open win- • By selecting “using this devices for sound output” in
dows. the Action menu at the left bottom of the window, you
can output audio signals of the audio player software
(e.g., iTunes, etc.) from the device compatible with
Software Installation the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver.

5 After the downloaded compressed file is properly

extracted, double-click the file “Yamaha Steinberg
FW Driver V***.pkg.”
*** represents the version number.

6 The “Welcome to the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver

Installer” window appears.

7 Click [Continue].
The “Installation Type” window appears.

8 Click [Install].
An authentication window appears.

9 Enter the Administrator name and the password,

then click [OK] or [Install Software].
A message appears prompting you to restart the com- Uninstalling the Software
puter after the installation.

10 Click [Continue Installation]. 1 Disconnect all IEEE1394 devices from the computer.
The “Install” window appears indicating the installation
progress. When the installation is complete, the “sum-
2 Start the computer and log in to the Administrator
mary” window appears.
Exit any open applications and close all open windows.
3 After the downloaded compressed file is properly
• Installation cannot be canceled after clicking [Con- extracted, double-click on “Uninstall Yamaha
tinue Installation]. Steinberg FW Driver.”
11 Click [Restart] to restart the computer. 4 Click [Run] when the “Welcome to the Yamaha
12 Turn on the power to the device compatible with the
Steinberg FW Driver uninstaller.” window appears.
Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver. After that, follow the on-screen instructions to uninstall
the software.
When canceling the installation
If you’ve cancelled an installation before it is complete, the
5 After completing the uninstallation, an “Uninstalla-
tion completed” window appears. Click [Restart].
software may not have been installed properly. To install
the software properly, resume the procedure from Step 5.
6 When the message prompting you to restart your
computer appears, click [Restart].

Uninstallation of the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver is now com-


Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver Installation Guide 6

Selecting the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver
When using devices compatible with the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver with DAW software, set up the Audio/MIDI driver settings of
the DAW software as follows.

Audio Driver MIDI Driver

Windows WDM Driver: “Yamaha Steinberg FW WDM Audio” The port name of MIDI driver is shown as “xxx(Device name)
Windows ASIO Driver: “Yamaha Steinberg FW ASIO” xxx (Port name).”
Mac: “Yamaha Steinberg FW” For details on the difference in each port’s features for
devices, refer to the owner’s manual of your particular device.

Changing Settings After Installation

This Control Panel window lets you set basic devices compatible with the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver parameters when using
Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver. The Control Panel consists of the General window, device compatible with the Yamaha Steinberg FW
Driver window and About window which lets you set the parameters such as sampling rate and WORD CLOCK Source. The set-
tings here are immediately applied to the device compatible with the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver.

How to call up the Control Panel window

• Double-click the driver icon indicated on the Taskbar Notification area, or
Driver icon
right-click the icon, then select “Control Panel.”
• Select [Control Panel]  [Hardware and Sound]  [Yamaha Steinberg FW
• When using Cubase series, from the Device field on the Device Setup window (called up via [Device]. [Device Setup...])
of Cubase, select “Yamaha Steinberg FW ASIO” then select “Control Panel.” (When using ASIO compatible software, you
can open the control panel via to open the ASIO control panel of the DAW software. For details, refer to the owner’s man-
ual of the DAW software.)
• Select [System Preference...]  [Yamaha Steinberg FW]
• Select Application folder  Utility folder  Audio MIDI Setup  Select “Yamaha Steinberg FW” in the “Audio Devices”
window. Click Action menu at the left bottom of the window, then select [Configure device...].
• When using Cubase series, from the Device field on the Device Setup window (called up via [Device]  [Device Setup...])
of Cubase, select “Yamaha Steinberg FW” then click “Control Panel”  click [Open Config App] button in the “CoreAudio
Device Settings” window.

• The explanations below use Windows are an example, but the basic operation is the same for both Windows and Mac.

Parameter functions

Overall NOTE
• When two or three devices compatible with Yamaha Stein-
berg FW Driver are connected in daisy-chain fashion, the
corresponding tabs are indicated for each device. When
1 the same two or three devices are connected, the corre-
sponding tabs are indicated with numbers assigned to
1 Tab each device. For details, refer to page 10.
Calls up the corresponding window.
To close the Control Panel window, click the “X” at the top
right corner of the window on Windows, or click the “X” at the
top left corner of the window on Mac.

Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver Installation Guide 7

General window NOTE
• This parameter specifies which jacks accept the input sig-
nals sent to a computer and to which jacks the output sig-
nals from the computer are sent. The input channels are
stereo channels. The output channels are six consecutive
3 channels from the stereo channels set in the output port
4 8 Place Icon In the taskbar (Windows only)
5 When this checkmark is entered, the driver icon is indicated
6 on the Taskbar Notification area.
7 9 Reset Device Number
Clicking this resets the indication order of the devices on the
DAW software. For details, refer to page 10. This operation is
8 9
only effective when two or more devices compatible with
1 Sample Rate Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver are connected in daisy-chain
Specifies the sample rate of the device compatible with the fashion.
Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver from 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz
and 96 kHz.

• The internal sample rate of the MOTIF XF/XS series instru-
ment and MOTIF-RACK XS tone generator is set to only
44.1 kHz no matter what setting is made here. The setting
here affects to the audio signal transmission/reception
between the FW16E/mLAN16E2 and the computer.
Selects the master device of the Word Clock. This parameter
is available only when two or three devices compatible with
Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver are connected in daisy-chain
3 Clock Source
Selects the Word Clock source of the current device compati-
ble with the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver.

• For the n8/n12/mLAN16E2/FW16E, you can select “Inter-
nal” only.
For the other devices compatible with the Yamaha Stein-
berg FW Driver, refer to the owner’s manual of the device.
4 ASIO Buffer Size (Windows only)
Determines the buffer size for the ASIO driver.
5 Input Latency/Output Latency (Windows only)
Indicates the delay time for the audio input/output in millisec-
ond units. Audio latency differs depending on the value of the
ASIO Buffer Size. The lower the value of the ASIO Buffer Size,
the lower the value of Audio Latency.
6 Enable MMCSS (Windows only)
Determines whether the MMCSS (Multimedia Class Sched-
uler Service) is active or not. If you place a checkmark in the
checkbox, MMCSS will be enabled and driver performance
will be improved.
7 Audio Routing (Windows only)
Click this to call up the WDM Audio Routing window. From
this window, you can determine the input/output jack used for
the WDM Audio driver. In each section, the upper box selects
the device (only when two or three devices compatible with
Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver are connected in daisy-chain
fashion) and the lower box selects the input or output jacks.

Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver Installation Guide 8

Compatible Device window
Word Clock
In a typical digital audio system, the signal referred to as
“word clock” is used to synchronize the process timing of
audio signals between multiple devices. If the word clock
is not transferred correctly, click noise may occur or
recording may not be successful. Normally, one device
transmits a reference word clock signal, and the other
devices receive this word clock signal and synchronize to
it. The transmitting device is called the “word clock mas-
ter” and the receiving devices are called “word clock
slaves”. Some devices compatible with Yamaha Steinberg
FW Driver can function as the word clock slave. Select the
word clock source of the word clock signal in the Clock
Source parameter.

1 Firmware Version Setting the audio driver buffer size

Indicates the firmware version of the IEEE1394. Clicking Noise produced when using applications such as DAW
[Check for Updates] will call up the website from which you software can affect audio recording and/or playback. In
can download the latest firmware program. most cases, you can solve these problems by adjusting
the audio buffer size. The buffer size can usually be
2 Identify
adjusted via the audio driver setup window in the applica-
Clicking this will cause the response by the currently con-
tion. (When using ASIO compatible software for Windows,
trolled device compatible with the Yamaha Steinberg FW
the buffer size can be adjusted in the ASIO Buffer Size
Driver. The Cubase Ready indicator on the currently con-
parameter via the Control Panel of the Yamaha Steinberg
trolled n8/n12 will flash. A popup display on the currently con-
FW Driver.) While the higher buffer size reduces load to
trolled MOTIF XF/XS series or MOTIF-RACK XS will appear.
the computer CPU but produces latency (time lag) during
This operation lets you confirm which device is actually con-
recording/playback, the smaller buffer size may result in
trolled from a computer when two or more devices are daisy-
noise or the sound cutting off. Make sure to set the buffer
chain connected.
size to an appropriate value depending on the perfor-
NOTE mance of your computer, the number of audio/MIDI tracks
being recorded/played back on the DAW software, the
• For other devices compatible with the Yamaha Steinberg number of plug-in software, and so on.
FW Driver, refer to the owner’s manual of the device.

About window

This window indicates the version of the Yamaha Steinberg

FW Driver.

Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver Installation Guide 9

Using Multiple Devices Compatible with
Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver
Up to three devices compatible with Yamaha Steinberg FW When connecting two or three devices compatible with
Driver can be used simultaneously. By connecting them in Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver to a computer, the order of
daisy-chain fashion to a computer via IEEE1394 cables, you devices displayed in the DAW (Cubase etc.) will be main-
can upgrade your music production system simply by adding tained even if the power is turned off. The order of devices
other devices. will be reproduced when turning on the power of the con-
nected devices. When the same two or three devices are
connected, a unique number (indicated at the end of the
device name) is automatically assigned to each of the
devices, in the order with which the devices are connected.
IEEE1394 terminal
The number once assigned to a device will be maintained
even if it is disconnected or the power is turned off. If you
want to reset the order of devices displayed in DAW or the
number assignment, follow the instructions below.

1 Turn off the power of all the connected devices com-

patible with Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver then dis-
connect all the IEEE1394 cables.

2 Call up the Control Panel of the Yamaha Steinberg

FW Driver window then click the [General] tab.


3 Click the [Reset Device Number] button at the bot-

tom right corner of this window.

MOTIF XS series
• The [Reset Device Number] button is available only
when all the connected devices are turned off. When
any device is turned on, this button is dimmed and
cannot be clicked.

4 Daisy-chain connect two or three devices compati-

MOTIF-RACK XS ble with Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver to the com-
puter in the desired order.

5 Turn on the power of the first device connected
directly to the computer.
• Keep in mind that up to two devices can be connected Wait until the tab corresponding to the first device
when the Sample Rate is set to 88.2 kHz or 96 kHz. Even if appears on the Control Panel of the Yamaha Steinberg
you connect an additional third device, the last recognized FW Driver window, indicating that the computer has
device (other than the device specified as the Word Clock actually recognized the first device.
master) connected to the computer will not be available.
• Up to two MOTIF XF/XS series and MOTIF-RACK XS instru-
6 Turn on the power of the second device that is
daisy-chain connected to the first device.
ments can be connected regardless of the Sample Rate
settings. The tab corresponding to the second device appears
on the Control Panel of the Yamaha Steinberg FW
• Even if multiple IEEE1394 interfaces are installed on the Driver window, indicating that the computer has recog-
computer, make sure to daisy-chain connect all devices to nized the second device. If a third device has been
the jacks of a single interface. This is necessary since the connected to this second device, turn the power on in
computer can only recognize devices connected to a spe- the same manner. As necessary, set the “WORD
cific, single IEEE1394 interface jack, and cannot recognize CLOCK Master” to the desired device.
devices connected to different jacks of different IEEE1394
interfaces even though they are installed on the same com-

Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver Installation Guide 10

Hints for Using Audio Data (Windows)
For optimum use of the audio functions, we recommend you make the following settings. These settings minimize possible audio
problems, such as drop outs, glitches and noise.

Set the DMA mode (high-speed Set Remote Assistance to off

transfer mode) of the hard disk to on Select [Control Panel]  [System and Security]  [System]
Select [Control Panel]  [Hardware and Sound]  [Device  [Advanced system settings] in the upper left of the window
Manager]  “IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers,” then double -click  [Remote] and uncheck “Allow Remote Assistance connec-
“ATA Channel 0” and open [Advanced Settings]. Check tions....”
(enable) “Enable DMA” in the “Device Properties” section.
Disable transition effects
Set Processor Scheduling to Select [Control Panel]  [Ease of Access]  [Ease of
“Background services” Access Center]  “Mace it easier to focus on tasks,” then
check (enable) “Turn off all unnecessary animations (when
Select [Control Panel]  [System and Security]  [System]
possible)” in the “Adjust time limits and flashing visuals” sec-
 [Advanced system settings] in the upper left of the window
 [Advanced]  [Settings] in the Performance section
 [Advanced] and select the radio button to the left of “Back-
ground services” in the “Processor scheduling” section. Disable SpeedStepTM
Refer to “Troubleshooting.”
Set the Visual Effects options to “best
performance” Disconnect your computer from the
Select [Control Panel]  [System and Security]  [System] Internet
 [Advanced system settings] in the upper left of the window Select [Control Panel]  [Network and Sharing Center]/[Man-
 [Advanced]  [Settings] in the “Performance” section age network connections] and right-click “Disable.”
 [Visual Effects] and select the radio button to the left of
“Adjust for best performance.”

Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver Installation Guide 11

 If an error message appears: • Make sure that the sample rate is appropriate. A high sam-
• Refer to the Error Message List on page 14. ple rate may be the cause of noise, depending on the com-
puter’s capacity and speed.
 No sound is heard, or the sound is too faint. • If your computer’s hard disk is slow, problems may occur
Settings on the device compatible with Yamaha during recording and playback.
Steinberg FW Driver and connections • Try increasing the computer’s memory capacity.
• The connection cable from the external device may be bro- • Quit all applications that are running in the background
ken. when you use the devices compatible with the Yamaha
• Make sure that the speakers or headphones are connected Steinberg FW Driver (Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver) with the
correctly. computer. If such software is running, driver operation may
• Make sure that the power to your amplifier and other exter- become unstable and create noise. If you do not plan to
nal devices is turned on. use the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver, you can turn these
• Make sure that the volume between monitor speakers is applications on again.
well-balanced. • (For Windows) Mobile computers with Intel EISTTM (CPU
• Is the Word Clock setting correct for both the device com- SpeedStepTM) technology is applied for some CPU’s (for
patible with the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver and the exter- notebook PC). If you are using the devices compatible with
nal device(s)? the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver (Yamaha Steinberg FW
Settings on a computer Driver) along with such a computer, disable the EISTTM
• Make sure to set the volume settings within your applica- (CPUSpeedStepTM) technology function. Most computers
tion to appropriate levels. allow you to disable/enable this in the BIOS. Please refer to
• Confirm whether or not the settings in the Yamaha Stein- the PC’s operating manual, or consult the PC manufacturer.
berg FW Driver are appropriate. For details, refer to “Audio • (For Windows) Some network adaptors can cause noise. In
and MIDI signals fail to transfer between computer and the such a case, use the Device Manager to disable the sus-
devices compatible with the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver.” pected network adaptor to remove the noise.
 The sound is distorted.  The computer processing speed is too slow.
Settings on the devices compatible with the Yamaha  The computer’s CPU meter indicates a heavy
Steinberg FW Driver and connections processing load.
• The connection cable from the external device may be bro-
 Playback response is delayed.
• Make sure that audio was recorded at an appropriate level.  Insufficient tracks for recording or playback.
• The EQ gain may be set excessively high. Set this control Connection with a computer
to an appropriate level. • Make sure that the appropriate number of devices is con-
• Confirm whether or not the Word Clock settings for both the nected to the computer. Try reducing the number of
devices compatible with the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver devices connected to the computer.
and the external device(s) are correct. Settings on a computer
Settings on a computer • Make sure that your computer satisfies the system require-
• Make sure that audio was recorded at an appropriate level. ments.
• Try increasing the latency value of the Yamaha Steinberg
 Noise is generated. FW Driver.
Settings on the devices compatible with the Yamaha • (For Windows) Refer to “Hints for Using Audio Data (Win-
Steinberg FW Driver and connections dows)” on page 11.
• There may be a noise-inducing device (such as a device
containing a power inverter, etc.) near the cables. Move all  Incorrect pitch.
cables away from any possible sources of noise. Settings on the devices compatible with the Yamaha
• Confirm whether or not the Word Clock settings on the Steinberg FW Driver and connections
devices compatible with the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver • Confirm whether or not the master device of the word clock
and the connected devices are correct. works in a stable way.
Connection with a computer • Make sure to set the Sample Rate of the devices compati-
• The IEEE1394 cable may be damaged. Cables that do not ble with the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver to the same value
satisfy IEEE1394 (S400) standards may cause noise. as that of the synchronized external audio device.
• There may be a noise-inducing device (such as a device  The device name cannot be recognized from the
containing a power inverter, etc.) near the IEEE1394 DAW software.
cables. Move all cables away from any possible sources of
 Audio and MIDI signals fail to transfer between
noise. computer and the devices compatible with the
• Make sure that the appropriate number of devices is con- Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver.
nected to the computer. Connection of too many devices
Connection with a computer
may cause noise, depending on the capacity of the com-
• Make sure that the IEEE1394 cable is connected properly,
and that the power to the devices compatible with the
Settings on a computer Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver has been turned on. Discon-
• Make sure that your computer satisfies the system require- nect the IEEE1394 cable once, then insert it again.
• Make sure that the latency setting of the Yamaha Steinberg
FW Driver is appropriate.

Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver Installation Guide 12

• There may be a loop connection. Check the cabling to  Unable to transfer MIDI data or Program Changes.
make sure that none of the devices are connected in a (When using a device which is compatible with the
loop. Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver and features MIDI ports)
Example of loop connection Settings on the device, external device and computer
Device compatible
Computer Computer with the Yamaha • Confirm whether or not the appropriate MIDI port is
Steinberg FW Driver selected in the application software (DAW, etc.).
• Make sure the transmission and receive channels match
Device compati-
ble with the between both the source device and destination device
Yamaha Stein- including the DAW software.
berg FW Driver • Confirm whether or not the MIDI settings have been prop-
erly made in the connected devices including the DAW.
IEEE1394-equipped device • Confirm whether the power of all connected devices has
• Confirm whether or not four or more devices compatible been are turned on or not.
with the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver are connected.  Cannot use other connected IEEE1394 devices
Up to three devices compatible with the Yamaha Steinberg correctly.
FW Driver can be used simultaneously when the Sample • Disconnect the IEEE1394 device compatible with the
Rate is set to 44.1 kHz/48 kHz. Up to two devices can be Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver from the computer.
connected when the Sample Rate is set to 88.2 kHz or 96
kHz. In this case, make sure to turn the power of the
unused devices to off, or disconnect the IEEE1394 cable
from the computer. • For details of the issues, also refer to the “Troubleshooting”
• Confirm whether or not other IEEE1394 devices are con- section in the owner’s manual of the device compatible with
nected to the computer. the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver.
The limit of the IEEE1394 BUS bandwidth may have been
exceeded. Make sure to turn the power of the unused
devices to off, or disconnect the IEEE1394 cable from the
• If any IEEE1394 devices which are not compatible with
Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver are connected directly to a
computer, disconnect them from the computer and make
sure to connect only a device which is compatible with the
Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver.
• There may be multiple IEEE1394 interfaces installed on the
computer and each of the multiple IEEE1394 devices may
be connected to different interfaces. When using multiple
devices compatible with the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver
and connecting them to the computer peer-to-peer individ-
ually (i.e., star-connection), make sure to connect them all
to the jacks of a single interface.
Settings on a computer
• Confirm whether or not “Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver” has
been installed correctly.
• Restart the computer.
• (Mac) If the new IEEE1394 interface (PC card, etc.) is con-
nected to the computer (with the power turned on), restart
the computer. The IEEE1394 device compatible with the
Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver will be recognized by the
computer after restarting.

Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver Installation Guide 13

Error Messages

Error message Cause Solution

Initialization of Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver
Failed to initialize. Restart the computer.
has failed.
(Windows only)
(Software name) (Version) is
The version of n Driver, AI Driver and mLAN
installed. Yamaha Steinberg FW Uninstall n Driver, AI Driver or mLAN Driver/
Driver/mLAN Tools installed to your computer
Driver cannot work with this version. mLAN Tools.
may not be compatible with the Yamaha Stein-
Please update it to V1.6.3 or later.
berg FW Driver.
Try the following operations.
The Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver does not · Restart the computer.
Failed to open Control Panel.
work properly. · Uninstall then install Yamaha Steinberg FW
The settings on the Control Panel cannot be
Failed to change driver setting due accepted because another program is now
Perform the settings again after a while.
to another processing. changing the settings of the Yamaha Stein-
berg FW Driver.
· Disconnect the IEEE1394 cable from the
device compatible with the Yamaha Stein-
berg FW Driver then connect again or turn
Failed due to a cause other than the above.
off the power to that device then turn on the
Failed to change driver setting. power again.
· Restart the computer.
Exit all unnecessary applications and uninstall
Insufficient memory space.
the unnecessary drivers.

C.S.G., PA Development Division

© 2009-2013 Yamaha Corporation

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