Water Supply

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Water Privatization


Pre-Reading Warm Up Questions ☀

Water Privatization
1. Look at a world map and locate Cochabamba,
1. In recent years, private companies have taken over municipal Bolivia. Have you ever heard of this city?
water supplies in a number of poor countries. The World Bank
2. Have you heard of the World Bank and the
and the International Monetary Fund are accused of forcing
International Monetary Fund? Do you know what
countries with large debt loads to allow this in exchange for these organizations do?
3. Is the water supply in your community publicly
2. In late 1999, a company called Aquas del Tunaria, owned by
Bechtel, an American multinational corporation, was given a 40- 4. Do you know how much your monthly water bill is?
year contract to increase the water supplies and services of
5. How can citizens protest against government action
Cochabamba, Bolivia, a city of 600,000.
in non-violent ways?

3. Shortly after taking over in January 2000, the company raised 6. What is the meaning of globalization?
water rates substantially. Many people had to choose between
feeding their family and paying their water bill. To protest the
increase, residents took part in a four-day general strike, which
shut down the city. La Coordinador, an organization of
community activists and labor leaders, led the protest. The strike
ended when the government agreed to cancel the rate increases.

4. By mid-February, the government had not lived up to the

agreement. A peaceful protest march was organized, but riot
police used tear gas to stop the marchers, many of whom were
injured. The people did not give up though. In March, activists
demanded that the government cancel the privatization contract
and return the water system to public ownership. They also
released the Cochabamba Declaration, which called for the
protection of the water rights of people around the world. COMPREHENSION ✍
1. What has been happening in recent years to the
5. When the government once again refused their demands,
municipal water supplies in many poor countries?
residents shut down the city on April 4. Other Bolivians came to
support them. The government arrested the leaders of the 2. What happened in Cochabamba, Bolivia in late 1999?
protest and stopped the media from reporting on it. Police
attacked and injured many protesters and, on April 8, killed a 3. Why were the residents of Cochabamba so upset by
young protester. On April 10, however, the government backed this situation?

down and agreed to all of the protesters’ demands.

4. How did the residents protest?

6. The people of Cochabamba had won. They said no to the 5. Who won the fight over water rights in Cochabamba,
economics of globalization and gave hope to many others around Bolivia?
the world.

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Water Privatization

A. Match the words on the left with the correct meaning on the right.

_____ 1. take over a) legal agreement

_____ 2. municipal b) do what is expected
_____ 3. debt load c) take by the police and charge with a crime
_____ 4. contract d) take control
_____ 5. residents e) methods of communication; T.V., radio, press
_____ 6. strike f) relating to a city or town
_____ 7. protest g) give up
_____ 8. riot h) amount of money owing
_____ 9. arrest i) stopping work as a means of protest
_____ 10. media j) people living in a particular place
_____ 11. live up to k) noisy, uncontrolled, behavior of a group
_____ 12. back down l) demonstrate to show disagreement

B. Choose the right word(s) from the left column above to complete the
following sentences. Work with a partner or in small groups.
Discuss the following questions.
1. There will be a ________________________ election in our city next fall.
2. If the president dies, the vice-president will ________________________ 1. What do you think of the World Bank’s
for him. decision to force poor countries to privatize
3. When the bus drivers went on ________________________ , we had to their water supplies in exchange for loans?
walk to work.
2. Why do you think the residents of
4. Make sure to read the ________________________ very carefully before Cochabamba were able to make the
you sign it. government back down?
5. The ________________________ in that apartment building are very angry
about the increase in rent. 3. Do you think that general strikes are
effective ways to get governments to
respond to citizens’ complaints?
4. Why do peaceful demonstrations often turn
Below are two topics to debate in small groups or pairs. Your teacher will
tell you if you will be debating for or against the idea. You will have ten into rioting?
minutes to prepare your arguments.
5. What means can police use to stop rioting
Topic #1: without injuring demonstrators?
Water, the most important substance of life, should always remain a public
utility: in other words, water rights should never be privatized. WRITE IT ✍

Topic #2: Choose one of the questions above and write

If Bechtel had been allowed to continue its control of the water supply of a paragraph stating your own opinion.
Cochabamba, the lives of the residents would have improved.

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Teachers’ Notes
Water Privatization


Please note: The reading for this topic is also available in full-page format at the end of the lesson.


1. In recent years, private companies have taken over municipal water supplies in a number of poor countries.

2. In late 1999, a company called Aquas del Tunaria, owned by Bechtel, an American multinational corporation,
was given a 40-year contract to increase the water supplies and services of Cochabamba, Bolivia, a city of
600,000. Shortly after taking over in January 2000, the company raised water rates substantially.

3. Many people had to choose between feeding their family and paying their water bill.

4. Residents took part in a four-day general strike, which shut down the city.

5. The people of Cochabamba had won.


A. Match the words

1. d 2. f 3. h 4. a 5. j 6. i 7. l 8. k 9. c
10. e 11. b 12. g

B. Choose the correct word

1. municipal 2. take over 3. strike 4. contract 5. residents

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Teachers’ Notes
Water Privatization

Useful Expressions and Transitions for Debating

Agreeing and Disagreeing Expressing an Opinion

•That doesn’t take away from the fact that... •In my honest opinion...
•That’s beside the point. •It is my belief that...
•With all due respect... •From my experience...
•I agree with you there. •From where I look at it...
•I agree with ---- (name). •From my point of view...
•I see your point, but...
•That may be true, but...
•We’re going to have to agree to disagree. Clarifying/Rephrasing
•I get/see where you’re coming from, but... •Let’s be clear here...
•I’m afraid I disagree entirely. •I think you misunderstood what I said.
•I’m afraid I’d have to disagree. What I said was... (repeat a point that
•I agree to some extent, but... was misunderstood or confused)
•I disagree with you there. •What I meant to say was... (rephrase
•Pardon me for disagreeing, but ... something in a way that is clearer)
•In other words...
•What I was trying to say before I was
Interrupting/Asking to Contribute interrupted is that...
•I hate to interrupt, but...
•If I may come in here...
•I’d like to add something. Summarizing/Concluding
•Would you like to contribute something? •So let me get this straight, you think...
•I’d like to raise a point. •To conclude...
•If I could speak for a moment... •I’d just like to summarize by saying...
•I’d like to cut in here. •Finally, I’d like to reiterate that...
•You haven’t answered my question. •It’s time to take stock of what we’ve heard today.
•Both sides have some valid points.
•The stronger argument/team today is...
•Can you see where I’m coming from?
•I challenge you to give this a try/chance.
•I want you to see it my way.
•Put yourself in my shoes.
•Am I getting through to you?

Copyright 2013, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of ESL-library.com in accordance with membership terms. 4
Water Privatization

Water Privatization

1.In recent years, private companies have taken over municipal water supplies in a number of poor countries. The
World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are accused of forcing countries with large debt loads to allow
this in exchange for loans.

2.In late 1999, a company called Aquas del Tunaria, owned by Bechtel, an American multinational corporation,
was given a 40-year contract to increase the water supplies and services of Cochabamba, Bolivia, a city of

3.Shortly after taking over in January 2000, the company raised water rates substantially. Many people had to
choose between feeding their family and paying their water bill. To protest the increase, residents took part in a
four-day general strike, which shut down the city. La Coordinador, an organization of community activists and
labor leaders, led the protest. The strike ended when the government agreed to cancel the rate increases.

4.By mid-February, the government had not lived up to the agreement. A peaceful protest march was organized,
but riot police used tear gas to stop the marchers, many of whom were injured. The people did not give up
though. In March, activists demanded that the government cancel the privatization contract and return the water
system to public ownership. They also released the Cochabamba Declaration, which called for the protection of
the water rights of people around the world.

5.When the government once again refused their demands, residents shut down the city on April 4. Other
Bolivians came to support them. The government arrested the leaders of the protest and stopped the media from
reporting on it. Police attacked and injured many protesters and, on April 8, killed a young protester. On April
10, however, the government backed down and agreed to all of the protesters’ demands.

6.The people of Cochabamba had won. They said no to the economics of globalization and gave hope to many
others around the world.

Copyright 2013, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of ESL-library.com in accordance with membership terms. 5

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